The Church at Worship - The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Benjamin Duran
The Church at Worship - The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Church at Worship
                                The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                     January 30, 2022
                                                           11:15 AM

*indicates to stand if able
†Since the musical offerings are comparable to prayers, worshipers are encouraged to express their thanks for the music by
saying a hearty, "Amen."
The Church at Worship - The Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Words for Silent Meditation before Worship
                         Stir us, O Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture into wider seas
                                         where storms show Thy mastery,
                                 where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.
                        In the name of Him who pushed back the horizons of our hopes
                                          and invited the brave to follow.
                                                 ~Desmand Tutu~


Welcome and Announcements

†Prelude                                    “Sheep May Safely Graze”                           J.S. Bach

Call to Worship                                                  from Bearers of Grace and Justice, Year C
       One:   Today, the word of God comes to us, in faith,
       All:   inviting us to trust in the One who knows us, to place our hope in the One who saves us.
       One:   Today, the word of God comes to us, in hope,
       All:   inviting us to be gracious in our love and in our service to others.
       One:   Today, the word of God comes to us, in love,
       All:   inviting us to not be afraid, but to place our faith in God.

*Morning Hymn                               “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”                              #276

*Prayer for Gathering                                          from Call to Worship, Year C (Volume 49.1)
       All:   Holy God, you sent Jesus Christ to fulfill the promise of the Scripture.
              Help us to hear and believe the gift and the challenge of the gospel, so that we may
              accept and follow Jesus as our Savior and Lord. AMEN.

Morning Psalm                                                        based on Psalm 71: 1-6
       One:   In you, O LORD, I take refuge;
       All:   Let me never be put to shame.
       One:   In your righteousness, deliver me and rescue me;
       All:   Incline your ear to me and save me.
       One:   Be to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me,
       All:   for you are my rock and my fortress.
       One:   Rescue me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and cruel.
       All:   For you, O LORD, are my hope, my trust, my refuge even from my youth.
       One:   Upon you I have leaned from my birth;
       All:   it was you who delivered me from my mother’s womb.
       One:   In you, O LORD, I take refuge.
       All:   My praise is continually of you.

Invitation to Confession
       One:     God calls us to speak the truth, even when it is difficult, to others but also to ourselves.
       All:     Confessing our sin in prayer, we dare to speak the truth about ourselves to God,
                who desires to deliver us and to cast out fear.

Public Confession                                          from Prayers for the Seasons of God’s People, Year C
        All:    God of all places, forgive us if we are open only to the word of the strange prophet and closed
                to the truth when it comes from a familiar person. Excuse the pride that discounts what our
                neighbors and friends can do, assuming that only the distant expert could be wiser than
                ourselves. Pardon the doubt that prevents doing in our place what others have accomplished
                in other places but in similar circumstances. We are sorry if we have blocked the advance of
                the church of your beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth.

Silent Confession

Assurance of Forgiveness
       One:     Friends, hear the Good News! God’s love lasts forever.
       All:     There is no place it cannot reach. There is no age it cannot touch.
       One:     Friends, believe the Good News!
       All:     In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. AMEN.

*Gloria Patri

*Call to Faithfulness                                                           based on Romans 12: 4-8
       One:     For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the
                same function, so in Christ we, through many, form one body, and each member belongs to all
                the others.
        All:    We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying,
                then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching,
                then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously;
                if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.


Prayer for Illumination
       One:     Holy Spirit, as the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah in his time, bring this word now to us.
       All:     Touch our mouths and our hearts with your word today, that we may build on it in our lives,
                in the church, and in your world. AMEN.

First Testament Reading                           Jeremiah 1: 4-10
                                              Holy Wisdom. Holy Word.
                                                Thanks be to God.

†Anthem                                         “The Lord Is My Light”                        John Carter
                                                   Chancel Choir
Gospel Reading                                   Luke 4: 21-30
                                            Holy Wisdom. Holy Word.
                                             Praise to you, O Christ.

The Message                                    “Practicing Our Faith”                       Lal Rodawla


*Hymn                              “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service”                        #343

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
        All:   Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,
               thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread,
               and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into
               temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power
               and the glory forever. AMEN.

Invitation to Giving

*Dedication of Tithes and Offerings
        All:   O God, bless these gifts that we have given as expressions of our love for you and our
               neighbors, that they may bring closer to fulfillment your reign of peace and love;
               through Jesus Christ, our Sovereign. AMEN.

*Affirmation of Faith                   adapted from The Deepest Truth written by Steve Garnaas-Holmes
        All:   We believe in God, maker of all things, provider of all things, who loves all people. We follow
               Jesus, in whom salvation has come to us: he sees us for who we are, heals the wounds of our
               hearts and makes us new. In his death and resurrection, we see the deepest truth of life.
               We live by the power of the Holy Spirit, which empowers us for self-giving love. We give
               thanks for the Church, the Body of Christ, and for the gift of forgiveness, the power of
               resurrection and the mystery of eternal life. AMEN.

*Sending Hymn                                 “Be Thou My Vision”                                 #339


Postlude                              “From Heaven Above To Earth I Came”               Gordon Young

                                            Fred Lyon, Interim Pastor
                                          Lal Rodawla, Associate Pastor
                                           Emily Hall, Youth Director
                                          Todd Barnhill, Music Director
                                                Ron Nice, Pianist

                           Officers of the Week: Drew Burton, Dave Ott, Kathy Dannels

Childcare is offer for Infants through 4 years of age. We open at 9:45am and are located on the lower level
 of the CLC (Preschool area). Infants/crawlers will be in room #9. Toddlers/2’s/3’s/4’s will be in room #13.

There will be a childcare volunteer available if you need assistance finding the appropriate room. We will
always have a minimum of two adults consisting of volunteers as well as a paid childcare person helping
with childcare each week. If you’d like to be a helper/volunteer with our childcare program, please contact
Brooks Herman at

                                                  PRAYER LIST

                        Nancy Burton                                   Kim Hyde's friends, Kathy & Mary
         Buddy Stephenson's step-daughter and son                 Tandy Graham's friends Holley & Sharon
                      Tim Sisson's sister                           Helen Finch’s niece, Elizabeth Koehler
                 Marcia Ingle's friend, Susan                                     Walt Bauer
      Kathy Robert's brother-in-law, Jimmy Montgomery                            Lynette Sisson
                         Danny Ingle                                                Jim Day
                         Marcia Ingle                                          Beverly Nunnley
                      Paulette Purgason                                           Elna Hanley
              Chris Peace's mother & stepfather                          Mike Smith’s brother, Joseph
                        Kevin Grayson                                  Laramie Williams' sister, Carolyn
                         Alice Majure                                    Gale & Susan's friend, Donnell
                         Willie Brock                                 Beth Downing’s mother and father
                           Al Ansley                       The family of Merrie Jane Pierce who died on January 25.

                                          THIS WEEK AT PROVIDENCE
                  Sunday, January 30                                    Wednesday, February 2
             10am Sunday School for all ages                         9:00am Jack Howard (Sanctuary)
              11:15am Worship (CLC/Online)                            9:30am Staff Meeting (Office)
             2:00pm Church Assessment (FH)                              4pm Rollin’ Hornets (CLC)
                 4pm Youth Group (CLC)                                      5:30pm AA (FH)
           5:30pm AA-Way Home Group (AMC)                                 Thursday, February 3
                  Monday, January 31                                  10:00am Women’s Serenity (FH)
             10:30am Monday Manna (online)                                2pm Senior Choir (AMC)
                   4pm Rollin’ Hornets                                        5:30pm AA (FH)
                5:00pm Al-Anon (CLC-2nd)                                  5:45pm Handbells (CLC)
                     5:30pm AA (FH)                                      7:00pm Adult Choir (AMC)
          6:30pm AA-Men’s Step Study (CLC-2nd)                           7:00pm Fifth Tradition (FH)
             6:30pm Boy Scout Troop 164 (FH)                                Friday, February 4
                  Tuesday, February 1                                  7:00am Men’s Fellowship (FH)
              9:30am Sisters (CLC-2nd floor)                                5:30 pm AA (AMC)
             10:00am Women’s Serenity (FH)                                Saturday, February 5
             11:00am Literary Group (online)                                 5:30 pm AA (FH)
             1:00pm Pierce Celebration of Life
                   5:30pm AA (CLC)
          6:30pm AA-Men’s Step (CLC-2nd floor)
             7:00pm Fifth Tradition (CLC GYM)

During January, February, and March, time will be dedicated for the congregation to assess PPC’s strengths
and challenges, along with expectations for the future. This process began with the Elders and Deacons this
past November 20 and December 11. It’s important for the congregation to take the time do as thorough a
job as possible assessing the state of PPC. This is not only for the sake of letting candidates for your next
Senior Pastor know what kind of church you are, but also for the sake of you knowing what kind of church
you are heading into the future.
Assessment Gatherings for the congregation are being scheduled on the following Sunday afternoons:
January 30          February 13 and 27            March 6, 13, 20, and 27
Each of these gatherings to assess PPC will include up to 25 registered participants and be held from 2:00pm
to 4:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please call the church office or use Sign-up Genius via our weekly e-blast to
register. Once you’ve registered, information will be sent to prepare you for the
gathering you will be attending. I look forward to joining in this important component of PPC’s season of
-Pastor Fred

January 16 - February 27, 2022
Supporting Loaves & Fishes
Please bring the following items beginning this Sunday! You can bring items every week when you attend
worship, meetings or just want to visit our beautiful campus! You can also just make a single donation drop.
Here’s what the priority needs are:
        -canned fruit low in sugar or in juice
        -canned meat (tuna, chicken)
        -pastas (canned or dry box)
        -cereal low in sugar
        -low sodium canned vegetables
        -corn muffin mix                  Please remember NO GLASS!
Let’s show Loaves & Fishes how much we believe in what they are doing for our neighbors!
We received good news over the weekend that the Afghan Family we have been helping with grocery
shopping will be moving into a 4-bedroom house that has been secured for them by Carolina Refugee
Resettlement Agency. This family includes a young couple with an 18-month old baby, their parents and the
couple's 17-year old brother. They will be moving in next week and have some immediate needs for the
following items:
1 twin bed and mattress
2 Queen comforters
1-2 sets of crib sheets (they have a crib)
6 dining room chairs
1 Sofa or love seat
4 Bedside tables or end tables
5-6 lamps (table/floor)
We could also use help with the following:
Volunteer the afternoon of February 3rd to help move in the items we collect;
Provide a truck/large vehicle to help transport items from the church to the house (location tba) or help
pick up items at members houses to take.
Contact Beth Brodie if you can help,

             SAVE THE DATE: The PPC Annual Attic Sale will be Saturday, March 19!

                                                       This week, we begin Black History Month.
                                                       Our Faith & Justice group has put together
                                                       an array of resources which include book
                                                       ideas, and websites to help our faith
                                                       community celebrate this month.
                                                       Visit our webpage to learn more:
                                                       “Lift every voice and sing, Till earth and heaven ring, Ring
                                                       with the harmonies of Liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as
                                                       the list'ning skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
                                                       Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
                                                       Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
                                                       Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on
                                                       till victory is won. “ James Weldon Johnson - 1871-1938
    Face coverings will be worn indoors, no matter what a person’s vaccination status is.
    When outdoors, fully vaccinated people may not need to wear a mask, but masking anyway would be
     generous gesture of solidarity with those who do need to mask.
    Social distancing of six-feet is the expectation for both indoor and outdoor use of the campus.
    All children (preschool, VBS, scouts, etc.) that are vaccinated or unvaccinated should continue wear a
     face covering and social distance (6-feet) as best as they are able.
    Singing may take place indoors where singers can maintain social distancing (6-feet) and will continue to
     wear face-coverings throughout the duration of the worship service.

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