Page created by Sharon Carpenter
Wesley Wings

Wesley United Methodist Church
3700 Indian Hills Drive
Sioux City, Iowa 51104

Address Service Requested

           Welcome to
          Wesley U.M.C.             Communion is served on the first
                                         Sunday of every month.

     10:00 AM    Worship Service
                                                                               Wesley United Methodist Church
                                                                       3700 Indian Hills Dr.    Sioux City, Iowa, 51104
July Worship Schedule
                                                                                                                                                                              Wesley UMC
                                                                                                                                                                             3700 Indian Hills Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                             Sioux City, IA 51104
  What are your vacation plans this summer? What’s           Those enslaved by addictive attitudes and                                         10:00 AM
  your destination? How will you know when you have          behaviors were liberated to consistently LIVE in real                              Worship
  arrived? Other than a location and a hotel, what           time the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, pa-
  signs in your spirit will clearly indicate that you have   tience… with great victory! For an example, slave
  arrived emotionally and spiritually while on your          owners in his day were on the spot gospel inspired,
  vacation?                                                  convicted of their sin of oppression, and sanctified
                                                             in the Spirit – empowered without fear of losing their                                              Phone 712-239-2382
  History records that John Wesley traveled, ON              livelihood, they were compelled to set their personal                                               Email: wesleyumcsiouxcity@gmail.com
  HORSEBACK, 10 times the circumference of the               slaves to go free. And they did it immediately! Only
  planet – about 250,000 miles. What motivated his           God’s power can make that kind of transformation                                                    Website: www.wesleyumcsc.com
  passionate pursuit? His soul was at peace to keep          in a heart so corrupted by sin.
  the pace in spreading “scriptural holiness across the
                                                                                                                                                                 Also: Wesley UMC on Facebook
  land.” His mission was fueled by the Spirit of God         The countless testimonies associated with Wesley
  at work within him and his confident conviction            and his circuit riding preachers fueled a gracious
  concerning the written Word of God. He said, “I            revival in our own country. The early Methodist
                                                                                                                                                                           Office Hours
  want to know one thing, the way to heaven—how to
  land safe on that happy shore. God himself has
                                                             movement was probably the most dominant force
                                                             that transformed the establishment and growth of          Ways to Worship at                                  Monday-Friday
  condescended to teach the way: for this very end           America itself. Methodism grew exponentially in the
  he came from heaven. He hath written it down in a
  book. O give me that book! … Let me be homo
                                                             early to mid-1800s especially. History records that
                                                             there were more Methodist churches than post
                                                                                                                            Wesley:                                    Hours: 9:00 am—1:00 pm

  unius libri (Man of one book!) Here then I am, far         offices that dotted the growing landscape to the                                                                    Staff
  from the busy ways of men. I sit down alone: only          furthest rural extremes. IT WAS THE LARGEST
  God is here. In his presence I open, I read his Book;      DENOMINATION IN AMERICA BY FAR. There was                                                                    Rev. Todd Schlitter
  for this end, to find the way to heaven.”                  not even a close second in comparison.                                                                             Pastor
  Yet heaven was NOT the ultimate destination for            This summer we will travel a spiritual journey of         Join us on Sundays at 10:00 AM.                eaglewing1960@yahoo.com
  Wesley. Getting the sinner into heaven was                 exploring the rich heritage of the Methodist revivalist
  secondary to an even greater purpose - that of             movement and the heart transforming doctrines of
                                                                                                                       (Masks and social distancing will be an
                                                                                                                                                                             Judy Peterson
  getting and growing heaven in the heart of every           faith that compelled its growth. In particular we will    individual choice.)
  believer. We are saved by grace and we are called          explore what it means to be perfected in love and                                                      Director of Administrative Services
  to be sanctified by grace through faith in Christ. As      entirely sanctified by the grace of God. Kind of like                                                  wesleyumcsiouxcity@gmail.com
  Christians we are not only set free from the               travelling on vacation. The destination is a powerful
  PENALTY of sin. We are set free to live holy lives         motivator but the journey itself delivers surprising
  that are liberated from the POWER of sin. This             joy with surprising gifts of understanding and peace
                                                                                                                       You may join us live on our                         Chrissy Martinez
  reality is all a gift of God.                              along the way.                                            Facebook page on Sundays at                      Choir Director, Organist,
  Wesley was witness to the dramatic changes he              Looking forward to the journey with you this              10:00 AM.                                             Worship Leader
  saw in the lives of those truly surrendered to the         summer!                                                                                                   chrissy88keys@gmail.com
  power of God’s saving grace. Story after story he
  confirmed how the lost became living examples of           Peace!
  God’s perfect love at work.

Page 2                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 11
Brian and Sheryl Ashley’s
                                                                  Vow Renewals

     God’s hands
    In Keep a Quiet Heart, Christian missionary Elisabeth Elliot ponders the faith
    implications of fretting about days to come. “Today is mine; tomorrow is none of       THIS SUMMER! We will explore key “Wesley Methodist” beliefs
    my business,” she writes. “If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will      that compel us to become more and more like Christ in a world of
    strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now.”
                                                                                           confused values and virtues. On Sunday, June 27, we will kick things off
    And what’s the alternative? Instead of dwelling on times to come, which we can’t       with a message titled, “The Character of a ‘Wesley’ Methodist”.
    change anyway, Elliot recommends: “Leave it all in the hands that were wounded
    for you.”                                                                              Then, in the following weeks, we will continue to methodically explore
                                                                                           powerful doctrines that will propel a more vital future together as a
                                                                                           A small gift is available to you at our service table to help you prepare .
                                                                                           It’s a small booklet, a paraphrased version of John Wesley’s
                                                                                           “The Character of a Methodist”.

                                                                                                 Just like grace, it is a free gift for you! Be sure to join us!

Page 10                                                                                                                                                            Page 3
One service at 10:00 AM.                                       Our Life Together
           Coffee time will be 9:30 - 10:00 AM. (Donuts available.)            Prayers and Concerns:
                   Masks and social distancing will be an individual choice.   Pray for Cindy White, who while home recovering from
                                                                               heart surgery suffered a stroke. Fortunately, the effects
                                                                               weren’t serious and hopefully she will be able to return home
                                                                               Pray for Allan Sweet, brother of Eldon Sweet, who is suffering from kidney and blood infection.
                                                                               Pray for Joyce Kaiser who had laser surgery on her left eye on June 16. Her right eye is progressing
                                                                               Pray for Lila Wheelan as she recovers from a badly broken leg.
                                                                               Pray for Denny Wurster who is recovering from a broken ankle.
                                                                               Pray for Kathy Edelman who continues her battle with cancer. Pray for Brian Edelman as he continues
                                                                               with health concerns.
                                                                               Pray for Cesar and Adriana Martinez, family of Chrissy Martinez, as they both battle cancer.

                                                                               Thank You
                                                                               Brian and I would like to thank all those who blessed us on our 60th wedding anniversary with their greetings;
                                                                               written, spoken, face to face, and even the horn honks :)
                                                                               A special thank you to Pastor Todd for leading us in renewing our vows. God is good and Wesley is the best!
                                                                                                                                      In His love,
                                                                                                                                      Pastor Sheryl Ashley
                                                                               Pray for the family of June Parker Goldman, wife of Rev. Max Goldman who served at Wesley.        She passed
                                                                               away on Wednesday, June 2.

   New Friends                                                    Cool Music
                                                                               Leah Shearon will turn 98 year old on July 4th. Be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday!

                                                                                                                          July 4th

         The e-mail to reach the church has been changed to:
Page 4                                                                                                                                                                                Page 9
HOLD ON TO HOPE JOURNAL ElevatedFaith.com                                                                        Oldest American                                            (an accolade Art doesn’t much care about). Muir beat
                                                                                                                                                                                 the record set by Bill Burke, who became the oldest
     A research study in APA Journal of Experimental Psychology found that journaling reduces thoughts                On May 23 at 7:50 a.m., Arthur (Art) Muir, 75, climbed     American to climb the mountain at age 67 in 2009.
     about negative events, freeing up our minds for other mental activities such as coping more effectively with     the final ascent of Mt. Everest, becoming the oldest
     stress. For Christians, a journaling habit is a way to intentionally set aside time for God and share thoughts
                                                                                                                      American to reach the world’s highest peak at 29,031       Muir admits he felt scared and anxious at times. “You
     with him while being open to his leading.
                                                                                                                      feet, according to Himalayan Guides. He was joined by      realize how big a mountain it is, how dangerous it is,
     There are no set rules to journaling but there are benefits for people who try it. Just a few minutes a day      the second former NFL player to reach the summit,          how many things that could go wrong. Yeah, it makes
     can help you focus and help you remember what’s important. Yet many are hesitant to get started with             Mark Pattison, and more than a dozen other climbers.       you nervous, it makes some anxiety there,” Muir told
     journaling because it feels like yet another task, they don’t know where to start, or they put pressure on                                                                  reporters in Kathmandu. “It was cold and windy on the
     themselves to commit to writing a long entry every day.
                                                                                                                      Muir, a longtime United Methodist, member of North         top and I was just surprised when I actually got there
                                                                                                                      Shore UMC in Glencoe, and former board member of           (the summit). I was too tired to stand up, and in my
                                                                                                                      the UM Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference, summit pictures I am sitting down." Muir, a grandfather
                                          Since the toughest part of journaling is getting started, Elevated          who helped chair the grants committee, began his           of six, safely made it down the mountain on May 30 and
                                          Faith wants to help you with some journaling prompts about hope.            journey to the peak many years ago, according to his       is looking forward to celebrating with his family back
                                                                                                                      son Charles Muir. “Seven and a half years ago, I           home. "When I got back down to the (base) camp, I was
                                                                                                                      received a call in the middle of the night from an         just overwhelmed with emotion," Muir said during an
                                                                                                                      obviously foreign number and to this day I'm not even      interview on the TODAY show. "To be quite honest I
     1.    How would you define hope? Is there a scripture verse that supports your definition? Note it in the        sure why I answered it,” Charles wrote on Facebook.        thought about my family, I thought about my
     front of your journal and consider memorizing it. (One suggestion is Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope          “Turns out it was my dad calling me from the summit of grandchildren, one of whom was born while I was on
     fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the      Cotopaxi, a 19,000-foot tall volcano in Ecuador.”          this expedition, and I started crying. It was an adventure
     Holy Spirit.”)
                                                                                                                      Charles said that climb relit a fire in his dad, a retired of a lifetime."
                                                                                                                      Chicago attorney, that had been dormant for some
     2.   What do you usually look to as your source of hope? Why is that your source?
                                                                                                                      time. “Fire is not the correct word. An inferno would be “Words cannot describe how proud of him I am. Very
     3.   What is one way you can live out the hope of the Gospel today?                                              more accurate,” said Charles. “It led to us summiting      few know how hard he had to work, how dedicated and
                                                                                                                      Denali together, a dream of ours. That dream led to        passionate he had to be to accomplish this,” said
     4. Think back to past scripture reading. What are some images of hope in scripture for the people of             another dream for him: Summit Mount Everest.”              Charles. “When we summited Denali together, I jokingly
     God?                                                                                                             Unfortunately, an ankle injury from falling off a ladder   asked him if he was going to try and climb Everest. He
                                                                                                                      on the mountain cut short Art Muir’s attempt at Mt.        smiled at me and said, "I don't know. We'll see." Charles
     5.   What does the idea of biblical hope mean to you?
                                                                                                                      Everest in 2019. Muir would have to wait until 2021 to said it might be time to stop putting ideas into his head
                                                                                                                      make his second attempt since Mt. Everest was closed before he decides to conquer another amazing feat. But
     6.   How does faith play a role in maintaining hope?
                                                                                                                      to climbers last year because of the pandemic.             there may be no stopping him!
     7.  How can you live out Hebrews 10:23 which says “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for
     he who promised is faithful?”                                                                                    “I thought that he would never realize his dream. But
                                                                                                                      never discredit my dad's drive and determination,” said
                                                                                                                      Charles. “For two years, he trained, exercised, walked,
     You might spend 10 minutes answering one of these questions a day over the course of a week. Once you            climbed stairs over and over and over again – not even
     get started, you may find yourself journaling for a longer period of time.                                       the COVID-19 pandemic would stop him as he built his
                                                                                                                      own gym in the garage.” Charles said all of that hard
                                                                                                                      work came together on May 23 when his dad became
                                                                                                                      the oldest American ever to summit the mountain
Page 8                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 5
Sunday                            Monday                  Tuesday            Wednesday                        Thursday               Friday           Saturday

         NOTICE:                                                                                          2   1.                        2.             3.
       Items for the Bulletins need to be in by
       Wednesday morning of each week.                                                                    0        Growth Group –6:30
                                                                                                                                                       10:30 PM -
                                                                                                                                                       12:00 PM
       Items for the Wings should be to Judy by the                                                       2
       23rd of the month.

4.    10:00 AM Worship         5.                      6.                      7.                             8.                        9.             10.
                                                                                       6:30 Praise Band
                                                            1 PM                                                                                       10:30 PM -
                                                                                                               Growth Group –6:30
                                                                                                                                                       12:00 PM

                                                                                    Growth Group—6:30

11.                            12.                     13.                     14.                            15.                       16.            17.
      10:00 AM Worship
                                                             1 PM
                                                                                                                                                        10:30 PM -
                                                                                                                                                        12:00 PM

                                      Vacation Bible          Vacation Bible        Vacation Bible             Vacation Bible
                                      School 6-8 pm           School 6-8 pm         School 6-8 pm              School 6-8 pm

18                             19.                     20.                     21.    6:30 Praise Band        22.                       23.            24.
      10:00 AM Worship                                      1 PM                                                                                       10:30 PM -
                                                                                                               Growth Group –6:30                      12:00 PM

                                                                                     Growth Group—6:30


25.                                  26.               27.                     28.                            29.                       30.
                                                                                       6:30 Praise Band
      10:00 AM Worship                                    1 PM
                                                                                                               Growth Group –6:30

                                                                                     Growth Group—6:30
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