September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...

Page created by Charlotte Mcguire
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
September 12, 2021
24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
PAGE 2                         From the Pastors Desk + September 12, 2021

The Dear Faith Family of Our Lady of Grace,
Praised be Jesus Christ…now and forever!
I leave you this week with informa on on how you can par cipate in the Jubilee celebra ons that the archdi-
ocese has put together for all of us to par cipate.
In the Merciful Love of God,
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
PAGE 3                               Mensaje del Párroco + 12 de septiembre, 2021

Querida Familia de Fe de Nuestra Señora de Gracia,
Alabado sea Jesucristo... ¡ahora y para siempre!
Les dejo esta semana con información sobre cómo pueden par cipar en las celebraciones jubilares que la arqui-
diócesis ha preparado para que todos podamos par cipar.

En el amor misericordioso de Dios,
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
PAGE 2   24th Sunday in Ordinary Time † September 12, 2021

                             O God of love, compassion, and healing,
                     look on us, people of many different faiths and traditions,
                                   who gather today at this site,
                           the scene of incredible violence and pain….
                                       God of understanding,
                          overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy,
                                  we seek your light and guidance
                               as we confront such terrible events.
                             Grant that those whose lives were spared
                                 may live so that the lives lost here
                                  may not have been lost in vain.
                                     Comfort and console us,
                                       strengthen us in hope,
                               and give us the wisdom and courage
                                   to work tirelessly for a world
                                  where true peace and love reign
                                among nations and in the hearts of all.
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
PAGE 2                     24th Sunday in Ordinary Time † September 12, 2021

                                           Upcoming Events

                                                    Reflections from                    award translates as “Gem of Bharat”.
   St. Joseph—Pray for Us                        St. Teresa of Calcutta                 [Bharat is the name India called itself
                                                                                         long before formally obtaining inde-
                                                                                         pendence from British colonial rule].
                                              Courage: The partition in 1947 trig-
     St. Joseph, is the splendor of         gered a huge influx of Hindu refugees
                                                                                                    In her words:
 Patriarchs, the patron of the church.         from Bangladesh & Pakistan. The          “Someone once told me that not even
                                            need for land arose & Mother Teresa         for a million dollars would the touch a
 A man of God, his heart is a lamp to        decided to travel to Delhi; she would       leper. I responded: "Neither would I.
                                              approach the Central Government             If it were a case of money, I would
others; filled with light at the furnace    officers for help. She met with gover-       not even do it for two million. On the
                                              nors in person, explaining the need         other hand, I do it gladly for love of
 of God Himself. While Moses led the         she had observed and humbly made                            God."
  Israelites, Joseph led God Himself        requests to the officials in New Delhi,
                                                        India’s capital.                 I pay no attention to numbers; what
  through the desert to the Land of           In one case she asked for land for         matters is the people. I rely on one.
                                             those afflicted with leprosy. Treated            There is only one: Jesus.”
 Promise, that is, to the hearts of His          as outcasts, these people were          “God has created us so we do small
                                              shunned despite the ability to treat      things with great love. I believe in that
faithful ones! Invite him into the hard,     many of them. She went seeking at             great love, that comes, or should
rugged places and under his interces-       least 5 acres, asked for 10 acres and        come from our heart, should start at
                                             the governor granted her 11 acres –         home: with my family, my neighbors
  sory influence may the flowers of          “11” being an auspicious number for           across the street, those right next
                                             Hindus. She set up a hospital, phar-       door. And this love should then reach
 grace spring up, making barren lives       macy & dormitory offering these peo-                      everyone.”
                                             ple a place to be nursed safely back
gracious and fragrant. That is why we       to health in recognition of their dignity   CHALLENGE QUESTION FOR THIS
                                                       as human beings.                           MONTH
   call Saint Joseph Lumen Patriar-         On January 25th 1980, Mother Teresa          How can you courageously step up
    charum. "Light of Patriarchs!"           was awarded India's highest civilian        and step out to help remedy a need
                                             award, the Bharat Ratna for her hu-           you have seen in the parish?
                                              manitarian work. The name of this
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
PAGE 2                                  24th Sunday in Ordinary Time † September 12, 2021

                                    PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR BELOVED SICK
 If you know someone who is homebound or sick please call the parish office to arrange for one of our ministers to come out to them for Holy Communion

Veronica Pomposa                    Paula Aguilar                        Grace Cihanowyz                   Chrystal Pritchard                Sylvia Williams
Pablo Godinez                       Ed Ricard                            Renee Harbour                     Raymond Fabre                     Fr. Jarlath Cunnane
Claire Mansour                      Gary Thomas                          Ma. Josefa Lopez                  Brianna Mantallana                James Pryer
Mercedes Echegoyen                  Patricia Branagan                    Angela Rostani                    Jolli Sisante                     Sylvia Williams
Jeff Kinzli                          Phyllis Richardson                   Stephanie Rivas                   Liz Knight                        Josefina Villalobos
Aidan Bradley                       Harolyn Ma soff                       Angela Berry                      Karlo Cuesta                      Terry Hughes
Dawn Hopkins                        Pat Borland                          Tony Mammo                        Samantha Ramirez                  Leo Quintanilla
Imelda Clark                        Rita Gen le                          Tonya Fuentes                     Corzo Family                      Clara Mercedes Aguilar
Phillip Ribas                       Julie Sianzon                        Fuentes Family                    Stephen B. Salagubang
Jose & Helen (YB)                   Yolanda Aburto                       Mejia Family                      Rubén Salagubang
Allison Arahkn                      Nelson Aburto                        Fr. Tom Feltz                     Jeannie Arigei
Franklin Moya                       Karo Dylanian                        Jasmin Reyes                      William Hardy
Mariano Velazquez                   Shereen Peer                         Jose Reyes Jr.                    Tim Grimm
Susan Morales                       Michael Peer                         Anne Nicholson                    Hermina Ulloa

                                          THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE TO OUR COUNTRY
                                                  PRAYER REQUEST FOR OUR MILITARY MEN & WOMEN

 U.S. Navy                           U.S. Air Force                      Christopher Castillo            Brian Pomerantz                    Anthony Diaz
 Andres L. Aguilera                  Fernando Aguilera                   Andrew Barragan                 Corey Raby                        U.S. Coast Guard
 Jamila Habibullah                   Marco Flores                        Monica Pagan                    Vincent Sanwo                     David Scates
 Jake Schneider                      Jorje Godina                        Isaac Pezqueda                  Ron Clemente                      (LAFD) Brian Page
 Emily Pomposo                       Steve Hyath                         George Moreno Jr.               Anthony Villwock
 Jordan Arteaga                      U.S. Marine Corps                   U.S. Army                       George Moreno
 Jeffrey Quintero                     Manuel Arteaga                      Nicholas Lombard                Phillip Ribas
                                     David Arnold                        Heather Pomerantz               Marc A. Monreal

                                            Mass Intentions for this week
 Sat, 9/11                          Sun, 9/12                   Mon. 9/13         Tue. 9/14       Wed. 9/15        Thurs. 9/16         Fri. 9/17         Sat. 9/18
  @ 5pm

Misa Pro-    8am    Herbert John Bangoy (D);                 Chris Robinson (D)                 Jose Victoriano    Alberta L. Santos               Ester Moreno & Juaquin
                                                                                                Moreno (D)        (L)                              Amaya
Populo              Epifanio Crucillo (D); Ike Massi (D)

             9:30   Nanci Griffith (D); Monique Su sa (D)

             11am Lee Cardenas (L)

             12:30 Jacques Boyadijian (D); Mary Chavez (D)

       ***Please call or come to the parish of ice 10 days in advance to ensure your "Mass Intention" request is fully processed***


      Facebook @OurLadyOfGraceEncino                                                          Flocknotes: Text OLGRACE to 84576
      Instagram @olgencino                                                                    Youtube @OurLadyofGraceEncino
For Faith Direct dona ons please go to hƩps:// or text an
                            amount to the number listed below.
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
PAGE 2                           24th Sunday in Ordinary Time † September 12, 2021

    Mass Schedule                            Mass Readings                     PARISH STAFF
   Horario de Misas                          Santas Lecturas
                                                                        Fr. Marinello Saguin,
                                        24th Sunday in Ordinary Time    Parish Pastor
    Saturday / Sabado:                  First Reading:
    5:00 pm (Vigil Mass)                Is 50:5-9a
    Sunday / Domingo:                                                   Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
                                        Responsorial Psalm:
      8:00am, 9:30am,                   Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9       Associate Pastor
11:00 am (Spanish), 12:30pm             Second Reading:
                                        Jas 2:14-18                     Glen Heffernan,
Weekdays / Misa Matutina                Gospel:                         Deacon
    8:00 am (Mon—Sat)                   Mk 8:27-35
First Friday of the Month
          6:30pm          Monday, September 13, 2021
                                        First: 1 Tm 2:1-8               Kevin Schaffels,
Eucharistic Adoration /                 Psalm: 28:2, 7, 8-9             Admin. & Ministerial Operations
Adoracion Eucaristica                   Gospel: Lk 7:1-10     
    Mon-Fri: 8:30am—6pm
                                        Tuesday, September 14, 2021
      Parish Center                                                     Leslie Reyes,
                                        First: 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11
     Adoration Chapel                                                   Secretary / bulletin editor
                                        Psalm: 27:1, 4, 13-14
                                        Gospel: Jn 1:45-51
Sacrament of Penance /
     Confesiones                        Wednesday, September 15, 2021   Jeannie Rogers,
         (in the church )               First: Col 1:1-8                Director of Music
  (Christmas & Lent times may change)   Psalm: 52:10, 11      
  Friday: 5:00pm to 6:00pm              Gospel: Lk 4:38-44
Saturday: 9:00am to 10:00am
                                        Thursday, September 16, 2021    Anisha Virgen,
 Contact the Parish Center for:                                         Outreach & Social Justice
                                   First: Col 1:9-14
 Baptism ♦ Marriages ♦ Visits to
                                   Psalm: 98:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6
the Sick / Anointing of the Sick ♦
Religious Education ♦ Funerals ♦ Gospel: Lk 5:1-11
 New Parishioner Registrations                                          Jesse Rodriguez,
                                        Friday, September 17, 2021
                                                                        Religious Education
                                        First: Col 1:15-20
  Parish Office Hours /                                       
                                        Psalm:100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5
   Horario de Oficina                   Gospel: Lk 5:33-39
                                                                        Thomas Ambriz,
  Monday - Friday 9:00 am to            Saturday, September 18, 2021    School Principal
           6:00 pm
                                        First: Col 1:21-23              (818) 344-4126
      (Closed for lunch:
                                        Psalm: 54:3-4, 6 and 8
       12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
                                        Gospel: Lk 6:1-5

   Saturdays & Sundays:

     Sabado y Domingo:
September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
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September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ... September 12, 2021 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Our Lady ...
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