A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta

Page created by Dennis Sims
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
St. Matthew Messenger

                                                                  St. Matthew Lutheran Church & School
                                                                  5021 - 52 Avenue, Stony Plain
                                                                  Phone: 780-963-2416
Volume 24 Issue 2                                                 Fax: 780-963-3800
 February 2021

                                                             A Year of Lent
                                          It was Sunday, March 15, 2020, when we first got notice
                                          that the provincial lockdown would now include schools.
                                          From that point, until the end of the school year, we would
                                          remain separated from one another and have to continue
                                          our schoolwork in a remote learning situation.

It is hard to believe that almost a year has passed since that day. In some ways it has gone by
quickly, for we have been so busy during that time, adjusting our plans, changing and revising
events and schedules. But in some ways, this year of COVID-19 restrictions has gone so incredibly
slow. We keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, but it seems that the break in the
darkness continues to retreat from us.

This has been a long, lonely, somber year, and as I sat down to write this article I was thinking
about talking about the upcoming season of Lent and all that it entails. You know what I mean: the
somber mood, the putting away of the Alleluias, the hymns sung in minor keys describing the
suffering of our Lord. I was thinking about talking about all that, but then it dawned on me that this
entire year has felt like a Lenten season.

Maybe it’s because we never did have a real Easter last year. Do you remember last Easter? You
would be forgiven if you didn’t, because it was very easy to forget. There were no church services
at that time. Many people were not gathering for an Easter feast. I can’t think of one person
proclaiming, “Alleluia, Christ is risen!” so that I could reply, “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” -By not
having a real Easter it feels as if our Lenten season never came to an end.

It has been a solemn year of isolation and uncertainly. A whole lot of Lent. Almost twelve months
of Lent!

But here’s the thing: we are not a Lenten people. We are an Easter people. Let me explain: While
we realize that in this broken sinful world we will be surrounded by hurt and hardship, we also know
that there is always hope for the people of God.
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
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                                      … continued from page 1

                                We live as a people that look beyond this corrupt world to the perfect and holy
                                world to come. We journey with our eyes to the heavens, knowing that one day
                                our Lord will take us there. We endure the hardships of this place knowing that
Inside this issue:              the crucified Christ has paved the way into the world to come. He has left His
                                tomb so that he can pull us out of ours. We live in that sure and certain hope.
SMLCA News                  3
                                We are an Easter people.
St. Matthew YouTube         3
Midweek Lent Services       4   This image reminds me of one of my
Stewardship                 5
                                favourite hymns, #633 At the Lamb’s High
                                Feast We Sing. The second last verse of
LCC Mission Prayers         6   the hymn says this:
2020 Tax Receipts           7
                                Easter triumph, Easter joy!
Masks Required              7   This alone can sin destroy;
Voters’ Meeting             7   From sin's power,
                                Lord, set us free,
Kid’s Bible Study           8   Newborn souls in you to be. Alleluia!
Snow Shovelling             8
                                This verse reminds us that Christ
E-Transfer                  9   conquered sin, death, and the devil on the
                                cross. The victory is won. There is no
Anniversary Cookbooks       9
                                going back.
Facebook                    9
                                So like the song says, the joy and the
CLS Quest Course           10   triumph of Easter can, at times, be taken
The Lutheran Hour          11   away (temporarily destroyed) by the
                                troubles of this world, but that doesn’t change the truth: Christ has died. Christ
Serving the Lord’s House   12   has risen. Christ will come again. Alleluia! Nothing can steal this truth away
                                from you.

                                So whether we journey through another Lenten season, or simply continue
                                through the one that started a year ago, whether we celebrate this Easter in a
                                church with white lilies, powerful organ music, and boisterous Alleluias, or
                                whether we continue on with the COVID-19 drudgery of the status quo, in the
                                big scheme of things it is important that you know this: Nothing. Really.
     Contact Rev. Buck          Changes. The battle is won. Salvation is yours. Heaven awaits.
                                COVID-19 cannot take that away from you. Isolation cannot separate you from
     Contact Rev. Keith
             at                 your Saviour. Anxiety cannot overcome the certain redemption you have in
   keith@st-matthew.com         Christ.
   Contact Rev. Dressler
 dressler@smlacademy.ca         God bless you,
     Contact Ian Lande
             at                 Pastor Dressler
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
St. Matthew Messenger                                        Page 3

                        Get the Sermons as soon as they
                           are uploaded to YouTube.
                         Go to the St. Matthew Lutheran Church
                        YouTube Channel to find the latest uploads
                                   and/or to subscribe.


                         You can also find it by doing a search in
                         St Matthew Lutheran Church Stony Plain
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
St. Matthew Messenger                                 Page 4

                              7:00 PM
                        FEBRUARY 17 - ASH WEDNESDAY

                                FEBRUARY 24

                           MARCH 3, 10, 17, & 24th
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
St. Matthew Messenger                                                                            Page 5

“I am not commanding you, but I want to test
the sincerity of your love by comparing it with
the earnestness of others. For you know the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though
he was rich, yet for your sakes he became
poor, so that you through his poverty might
become rich" (2 Corinthians 8:8-9).

Without commands or even arm-twisting,
St. Paul encourages, even challenges, the
Church in Corinth to demonstrate the
sincerity of their faith by their generosity in
giving. He does this because giving
generously is a gift of the Spirit given to us
through the Gospel.

St. Paul wrote: “But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete ear-
nestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving” (2 Corinthians 8:7). In
other words, just as we grow in faith and speech and knowledge of eternal things by the Holy Spirit
through the Word of God, so also do we grow in giving from the same Spirit through the same Word.

The problem is that the grace of generosity often grows cold in us. It’s not so much that we stop
giving, but we don’t put it first. We treat it like all the other bills that must be paid. It becomes a chore,
just one more thing to check off a list of things to do. That empties it of its spiritual power and robs us
of the joy that Christ and the Scriptures assign to it.

                                                        On top of that, since this generosity is linked to
                                                        faith and knowledge of divine things, a lack of
                                                        excelling in giving is sure sign that our faith and
                                                        knowledge of God are under attack as well.

                                                        Thus St. Paul points to the foundation of
                                                        generosity: the generosity of Christ Himself. Even
                                                        though He was rich, He became poor so that we
                                                        who are poor might become rich. Thus, the
                                                        incarnation, suffering, and death of our Lord on
                                                        the cross is the reason, source, and driving force
                                                        for our generosity in giving to the church.

And since Christ who was rich became poor so that we might be rich in His grace—of which generous
giving is part—so we also who are rich in His grace can excel in pressing His grace into service
toward the gracious work of the church.

Pay attention to what you give to the church so that you may excel at it. And if you find that your heart
has grown cold or indifferent toward it, immerse yourself in God’s Word. Read it at home. Attend Bible
Class. Hear and listen to it preached in the Divine Service. Be reminded of what Christ has done for
you in His incarnation, suffering, and death. For this will strengthen your faith and knowledge. And
where that excels, so will the grace of giving excel also.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
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         February 7, 2021 - CAMBODIA

         Rev. Bun Phanna serves the community of Phnom Penh specifically as a
         director of theological education at The Luther Institute Southeast Asia.

         Prayer: Heavenly Father, as Your Son sent forth His Church to make
         disciples in all nations, we lift up before You, Rev. Phanna, asking You to
         sustain him by Your Spirit and bless his labours for the sake of the Gospel;
         Lord in Your mercy, C: Hear our prayer.

         February 14 , 2021 - CAMBODIA

         Deaconess Candidate Sopean Da is studying at The Luther Institute
         Southeast Asia.

         Prayer: : Heavenly Father, since Your Son has saved the world through
         His holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death and sent forth His Church to
         proclaim the Good News of this salvation to the ends of the earth and to
         distribute His saving gifts of grace, we pray that You would sustain
         Deaconess Da by Your Spirit and richly bless her labours for the sake of
         the Gospel; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and
         reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. C: Amen.

         February 21, 2021 – NICARAGUA

         Rev. Carlos Manel Amador is the missionary pastor serving in the
         community of Villa Nueva

         Prayer: Heavenly Father, as Your Son sent forth His Church to make
         disciples of all nations, we lift up before You Rev. Amador, asking You to
         sustain him by Your Spirit and bless his labours for the sake of the Gospel;
         Lord in Your mercy, C: Hear our prayer.

         FEBRUARY 28, 2020 - NICARAGUA

         Deaconess Fatima Lopez serves the Lutheran Church in Matagalpa as an
         instructor of the faith with Pastor Pedro Adolfo Quintero.

         Prayer: Heavenly Father, since Your Son has saved the world through His
         holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death and sent forth His Church to
         proclaim the Good News of this salvation to the ends of the earth and to
         distribute His saving gifts of grace, we pray that You would sustain
         Deaconess Lopes by Your Spirit and richly bless her labours for the sake
         of the Gospel; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and
         reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. C: Amen
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
St. Matthew Messenger                              Page 7

       2020 Tax Receipts are now in church mailboxes.

                                      REMEMBER TO
                                         FOR ALL
                                     WORSHIP SERVICES.

                        March 16, 2021 @ 7 PM
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
Page 8                                St. Matthew Messenger

  Kid’s Bible Study
          9:00 - 9:45 am
         Sunday Mornings

               Volunteers required for snow
                     Please sign up at
                     reception desk.
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
St. Matthew Messenger                                                              Page 9

                                                             An E-transfer offering can
                                                             now be made by using the
                                                              following email address:


   125th Anniversary Cookbooks

   If you are interested contact Verna Watson at
   ddasmk@shaw.ca or
   call her at 780-919-1312.

   They are $24.70 each.

       St. Matthew Facebook Page
            If you are a member of the Church,
                 find our Facebook Group!

                                    Go to www.facebook.com,
                        in the search bar at the top left of the page type in
                             St. Matthew Lutheran Church – Stony Plain
                                      and ask to join our page.
A Year of Lent - St. Matthew Lutheran Church | Stony Plain, Alberta
Page 10                                                                                 St. Matthew Messenger

                                   Spring Quest: The History of the Bible:
                                 From Manuscripts to Modern Translations

                            Presented by: Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kloha (LCMS), Chief Curator of Museum
                                                   of the Bible, Washington, DC

 “Love the Lord, your God” and “love your
 neighbour as yourself” are the most-repeated
 passages in the Bible. They have been
 memorized, copied, recited, translated, and lived
 out for over 3000 years. But how was that
 passage—indeed the entire Bible—handed down
 to us? These sessions will describe the
 fascinating journey of the Bible, from prophets and
 apostles to manuscripts and modern translations.
 Featured will be manuscripts and artifacts from
 the collections and exhibits of museum of the Bible in Washington DC.

                               Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 7 p.m. Mountain

                                      Session 1: What is the Bible?
                  Session 2: The Hebrew Bible: The Law, The Prophets, and the Psalms

                               Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 7 p.m. Mountain

          Session 3: The Formation of the New Testament: The Apostles and the Gospel Message
                      Session 4: Copying the Bible (before there was cut-and-paste)

                              Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 7 p.m. Mountain

                 Session 5: Let There be Light: Luther, Tyndale and the King James Bible
                              Session 6: Modern Translations: Bibles for All

                              Tuesday, March 23, 2021, 7 p.m. Mountain

                             Session 7: Tour of Museum of the Bible, Part 1
                             Session 8: Tour of Museum of the Bible, Part 2

                          Contact the Seminary to register at info@concordiasem.ab.ca
St. Matthew Messenger                                                                         Page 11

                                      The Lutheran Hour                          Hear these inspirational
                                                                              messages on AM 1260 CFRN
                                       Program Summaries
                                                                              radio at 7:30 a.m. or FM 98.5
                                        for February 2021
                                                                                CFWE radio at 8:30 a.m.
                      A listing of Canadian stations and broadcast times is       Streaming audio and
                      also available at www.lutheranhour.ca                            pod-casts at
                      or from the Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada –
                      1-800-555-6236 - helpful@lll.ca                             www.lutheranhour.ca

                      February 7
                      "Stories Around the Table"
                      Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
                      Dr. Michael Zeigler shares a story about people who had more in common than they
                      (Mark 6-8)

                      February 14
                      "Shines and Saves"
                      Guest Speaker: Rev. Cody Cooper, Pastor of Mellowdale,
                      AB, Canada
                      Jesus surpasses all expectations as we see Him revealed
                      on the Mount of Transfiguration.
                      (Mark 9:2-13)

                      February 21
                      "Do You See Anything?”
                      Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
                      (Mark 3)

                      February 28
                      Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler

                                            Did you know St. Matthew has a prayer chain?

                                            If you have a prayer request, our prayer chain is there to
                                            pray for you or your loved one.

Call Judy Kulak at 780-963-6481 to get that name into the
prayer chain or if you wish to join the prayer chain group.

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I
will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12
Page 12                                                                                       St. Matthew Messenger

                    SERVING IN THE LORD’S HOUSE: FEBRUARY 2021
COMPUTER:                                          ELDERS:
     Date          8:00 am/10:30 am
February 7    Rhonda Buck/Gwen Gabel                     Date                       8:00 am/10:30 am
February 14   Noah Keith/Ali Hennig                                    Kevin Burger & Adrian Selles/
                                                    February 7
February 17   Rhonda Buck                                              Clay Hennig & Randy Hennig
February 21   Danielle Glubish/Shelley Kulak                           Trevor Kleijnen & Brent Hennig/
                                                    February 14
February 24   Noah Keith                                               Matt Hamilton & Jordan Prefontaine
February 27   Annette Visser/MJ Hennig              February 17        Ash Wednesday 7 pm Jordan Prefontaine

                                                                       Pat Hall & Randy Hennig/
                                                    February 21
USHERS:                                                                Adrian Selles & Colin Schutz

     Date             8:00 am/10:30 am              February 24        Lent Midweek 7 pm Trevor Kleijnen
              John & Bev Raffa/Bruce Fielhaber
February 7                                                             Matt Hamilton & Glen Schmitke/
              & Dirk Rothfos                        February 28
                                                                       Brent Hennig & Luke Adam
              Norman Baron & Greg Lutz/Cole
February 14
              Kleijnen & Carter Kleijnen

February 21
              Coralee & Darrel Hennig/             ALTAR GUILD:
              Eric Steuber
                                                   February       Ginny Nernberg
              Hunter Visser & Tanner Visser/
February 28
              Gord Schoepp & Darius Starreveld

    PRE-REGISTER FOR                                                             IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO
                                                                                   SERVE ON THE DATE
    WORSHIP SERVICES.                          ATTENTION USHERS
                                                                                LISTED, PLEASE CONTACT
                                               YOUR ASSISTANCE IS                 ANOTHER MEMBER OF
                                                   REQUIRED.                   YOUR GROUP, SWITCH WITH
                                                                                   THEM, AND LET THE
                                              Please contact Gerri              CHURCH OFFICE KNOW OF
                                          Schram at 780-963-6578                 THE CHANGE NO LATER
                                         if you are willing and able to        THAN WEDNESDAY OF THAT
        CHURCH                             assist with usher duties on             WEEK. THANK YOU!
                                              As Communion has
                                               returned to Sunday
                                                                                   ARTICLE DEADLINE
MONDAY - THURSDAY                         services, your assistance is
                                            required in directing the                    FOR
  9:00 AM - NOON                              congregation during                     THE MARCH
 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM                          communion so we can
                                                                                     MESSENGER IS
                                                 maintain social
                                                   distancing.                     FEBRUARY 22, 2021
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