Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church

Page created by Daniel Mccarthy
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
January 2021

  a monthly publication of
St. Francis Episcopal Church

The season of Epiphany is a time of profound witness to the life of Christ, where the narrative of
Jesus’ ministry and mission is shared in the lectionary readings. Christ’s glory is revealed to his
followers as the season of Epiphany reaches its climactic point on Transfiguration Sunday.

Everything in our liturgy “participates in a proclamation and response to the revelatory Word, in
whom we read God, and God continues the narrative in us.” God continues the narrative of the Word
(Jesus) in us. We each have our encounter with the light of Christ, perhaps like the three wise men we
are drawn to Christ by a mysterious signs and circumstances or maybe like the disciples we
experience God in a mountaintop experience that we never want to leave. We each experience the
revelation of God’s action in the world in our own way. After these moments of revelation, God’s story
goes on and so does ours. God invites us to see how we can continue to join in the unfolding story of
Jesus’ work. Jesus was speaking to the disciples before he was arrested and executed, and he shared
this truth with them… “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been
doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

The season of Epiphany gives each of us an opportunity to testify to our own encounters with Christ
and the glory of God. We get to testify that light came into the world and darkness could not
overcome it. As we read the transfiguration story we join with Christ as he descends from the
mountaintop and encounters a heartbroken father and his own frantic disciples unable to heal a
demon-possessed son. We are plunged back into the reality that healing and liberation are needed in
every day life, and we as disciples are still learning what it means to participate in this task.

The good news is that we get to learn together how to testify, heal and liberate. This Epiphany we will
pray blessings over each other’s houses and neighborhoods, feed the poor, study and reflect on the
stories of Jesus, connecting Christ’s story to our life. We will read and listen to Dr. Martin Luther
King’s sermons and wrestle with how we are called to be part of God’s healing and liberating work
across distinctions of race and class. I encourage you to take the time to read through the Franciscan
and consider how you might join in the life of the church this Epiphany, trusting that when we follow
Jesus together, God will do great things through us.

Serving with You, Rev. Jed Dearing

“A Publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church—“Proclaiming the Good News in word and deed.”
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
       Sunday          Monday           Tuesday      Wednesday              Thursday          Friday   Saturday
                                                                                          1            2
                                                                                           4:45 pm

3                      4            5                6                 7                  8            9
                       Jazzercise   Zoom Morning         Bible Study      Barbershop      Jazzercise
    Morning Prayer,
                        4:45 pm     Prayer 7:30 am        10:30 am      Singers 7:00 pm    4:45 pm
    Rite II 10:30 am
Digital Coffee Hour                      4:45 pm          Jazzercise    Alanon 7:30 pm
     11:30 am                                              4:45 pm
                                        Boy Scouts
                                        6:00 pm &     Zoom Small
                                         7:00 pm     Group 7:30 pm

10                     11           12               13                14                 15           16
    Holy Eucharist,    Jazzercise   Zoom Morning         Bible Study      Barbershop      Jazzercise   Food Drive
    Rite II 10:30 am    4:45 pm     Prayer 7:30 am        10:30 am      Singers 7:00 pm    4:45 pm     10:30 am -
                                        Jazzercise                                                      12:30 pm
Digital Coffee Hour                      4:45 pm          Jazzercise    Alanon 7:30 pm
     11:30 am                                              4:45 pm
                                        Boy Scouts
                                        6:00 pm &     Zoom Small
                                         7:00 pm     Group 7:30 pm
                                    Vestry Meeting
                                       7:00 pm

17                     18           19               20                21                 22           23
     Salon Series      Jazzercise   Zoom Morning         Bible Study      Barbershop      Jazzercise
       9:00 am          4:45 pm     Prayer 7:30 am        10:30 am      Singers 7:00 pm    4:45 pm
    Morning Prayer,                     Jazzercise
                                         4:45 pm          Jazzercise   Alanon 7:30 pm
    Rite II 10:30 am                                       4:45 pm
    Food Drive                          Boy Scouts
10:30 am - 12:30 pm                     6:00 pm &     Zoom Small
                                         7:00 pm     Group 7:30 pm
Digital Coffee Hour
     11:30 am

24                     25           26               27                28                 29           30
    Holy Eucharist,    Jazzercise   Zoom Morning                          Barbershop      Jazzercise
                                                         Bible Study
    Rite II 10:30 am    4:45 pm     Prayer 7:30 am                      Singers 7:00 pm    4:45 pm
                                                          10:30 am
Digital Coffee Hour                     Jazzercise
     11:30 am                            4:45 pm          Jazzercise   Alanon 7:30 pm
                                                           4:45 pm
                                        Boy Scouts
31                                      6:00 pm &     Zoom Small
                                         7:00 pm     Group 7:30 pm
    Morning Prayer,
    Rite II 10:30 am

Digital Coffee Hour
     11:30 am

Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
January Birthdays
                  Llewyn Dearing on January 13
                  Chase Marshall on January 18
                       Pam Kock on January 21
                     Mary Martin on January 31
                 Heather Marshall on January 31

      If your name does not appear on our birthday or
      anniversary list, please contact the church office.

                                        ADOPT -A-
Special thanks to everyone who
  generously donated for the             are available for
baking supplies that was given          support of various
     to Canterbury Court.              ministries and events
 Thank you for those who also           here at St. Francis.
   contributed Toys for the          Please place your check
                                     along with the adopt-a-
      Christmas FLOC.
                                      bill slip in the offering.
Everyone was very generous in
  their giving and they both
     were very blessed this
Christmas Season - Mary Harris
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
Morning Prayer or Holy Eucharist is Live Streamed on our
Youtube channel at every Sunday at 10:30 am. Please continue to
worship with us from home anytime. You can find the link to St.
Francis’ Youtube channel on our website at
You can find a copy of the bulletin under the tab Bulletins.

We will also be sending you a link to connect online via email
every week. If you would like to get that weekly email, please
give us your email address and you will be added to our email list.
Everyone who will be watching the worship service at home will
need to have a Prayer Book or print out the service.

The Altar Guild would like to thank everyone who helped with the Hanging
of the Greens. The nave and sanctuary looked beautiful for the Christmas
     Season, and we could not have done this without everyone's help.

   The Altar Guild is asking once again for folks to come to church on
Sunday, January 3 to help take down the Christmas decorations. Your help
  is so much appreciated and it is great to know we can count on you.

Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
MLK Day Salon Series Special
                                 Sunday, January 17 on Zoom:
                                      9:00 am - 10:00 am

Gather together to read and listen to selections from Martin Luther
King's sermons and consider how they might challenge and inspire us
as a church today.

     Season of Epiphany Zoom Small Group:
     Bible study, liturgy & spiritual practices
                    for everyone

  Wednesdays in Epiphany, January 6 – February 10

Stay socially distanced, but spiritually connected in Epiphany by
participating in this Zoom gathering that will include scripture reading
and reflection, corporate spiritual practices and nighttime prayers. Pick
up the Epiphany small group guide from the church office or contact the
office at (937) 748-2592 or to have one mailed.

                             St. Francis will be having a digital Coffee
                             Hour every Sunday morning from 11:30
                                     am - 12:30 pm on Zoom /

                               This is a good opportunity for you to
                               strengthen old friendships and begin
                                          some new ones.
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
St. Francis will have its Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 7
    following the 10:30 am Liturgy. During this meeting Delegates
     will be chosen, new Vestry Members will be announced, and a
  presentation of the budget and finances will be given. As well as a
           list of brief reports from all Ministry Chair persons.
   All Ministry Leaders should submit their reports from 2020 into
                           the office by February 4.

                     Praying the Daily Offices

Join together every Tuesday morning on Zoom to pray Rite II Morning
Prayer. On days that include a commemoration we will remember the
holy women and holy men who have gone before us in the faith.

All are welcome to join. The Zoom link is:
Meeting ID: 859 1234 4872

Morning Prayer starts at 7:30 am and typically lasts thirty minutes. The
Zoom Link is recurring and can be used weekly. Bulletins will be
provided in the Zoom Chat Box but all services can be joined using a
Book of Common Prayer.

1/5 - Sarah, Theodora, and Syncletica of Egypt
1/12 - Aelred of Rievaulx
1/19 - Wulfstan of Worcester
1/26 - Titus and Timothy
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
"Chalking the door" is a way to
celebrate    and   literally   mark
the occasion of the Epiphany
with  God's     blessing   of   our
lives and home. Following an
old and global tradition, we’ll
u s e   c h a l k    t o   w r i t e
“20+C+M+B+21”     above,   on,    or
beside our front doors. The
marks initial the Latin words,
Christus Mansionem Benedictat,
"May Christ bless this house"
as we enter into 2021!

Sign up online or contact the office at (937) 748-2592
or with your preferred time
slot to have Rev. Jed come and “chalk your house” and
pray a blessing over your household for the new year.
This all happens outside and masked, to be doable in
our COVID reality. Rev. Jed will contact you to confirm
a more approximate time of visit.


               St. Francis' Food Donations Drive
                     On Saturday, January 16 and Sunday, January 17
                     from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm St. Francis will be
                     holding a food drive for the Springboro
                     Community Assistance Center who is desperately
                     in need of donations. Volunteers will be needed
                     to hold up signs in front of the building, take
                     food donations from people, etc. for 1-2 hours
each day. We will also need volunteers to help bring the food to the
Springboro Food Pantry on Monday, January 18. Please contact Mary
Harris at 937-672-7993 or the church office at 937-748-2592 or if you would like to help out with this
wonderful and worthy cause.
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church

                       With Gladness Men Of Old        H1982 #119

The Church has traditionally celebrated the coming of the wise
men (Melchoir, Gaspar, and Balthazar) two weeks after
Christmas. But on Epiphany Sunday in 1860, William Chatter-
ton Dix (1837-1898) was too ill to go to church. At home in
bed, he read the story of the wise men and tried to apply the
lessons to his own heart. The result was a new hymn that
celebrated while it instructed, one that applied not only to the
author/composer (he also wrote the music, the tune called Dix),
but to future generations of Christians as well. The pattern of
the story is familiar: as the wise men did - following, adoring, giving - so should we.

Dix was a brilliant linguist and poet, but he made his living as the manager of a maritime
insurance company in Glasgow, Scotland. He knew the trials and rigors of travel and the
joy of bringing gifts from afar. Yet rather than focusing on the costliness of the magi's
gifts, Dix emphasized the magi's finding of what they sought and their worship of the
Christ child.

"When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! They entered the house and saw the
child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they
opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh."
Matthew 2:10-11

                 Music Live@Lunch is Christ Church Cathedral’s
                     weekly concert series.
January 5 | Christina Hazen (mezzo-soprano) with guest musicians
January 12 | TBD
January 19 | University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
organ students
January 26 | Rebecca Culnan (violin), Dan Culnan (piano)

At 12:10 p.m. each Tuesday, September through May, we offer free Music Live at Lunch.
The concerts feature a variety of music, ranging from classical to jazz and music of other
cultures. Currently, all performances are scheduled for the nave with a limited in-person
audience. All patrons are asked to honor posted instructions for distancing and personal
mask use. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, plans for lunch service are on hold. However, as
always, patrons are invited to bring their own lunch.
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
Diocese of Southern Ohio News
                                                           News around the Ohio area

 “It’s our connection to God and each other that gives meaning to our lives.”

Joy to the world! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare him room, and heaven
and nature sing.

Perhaps like me, you’ve sung this hymn for years – in church, at home with your family, gathered with friends
and neighbors. Perhaps you’ve sung it to yourself – in your car, on a walk, or quietly in the dark of night. Joy
to the world!

While we may not feel joyful this year – as the pandemic of disease continues to bring sickness and death,
when fear and mistrust – a darkness – threatens to overcome the light – we, as followers of Jesus Christ must
bear joy to this aching world. We must shine light into the darkness. Joy to the world!

Like much in our lives, proclaiming joy is difficult work – also good and essential work – especially now.
Though we mourn that which is lost in our lives, our families, and our communities – Joy to the world!

While we strive to pull up the twisted and thorny vines of hatred and bigotry and anger – Joy to the world!

Through streaming tears and gritted teeth – Joy to the world! – because God is breaking into our lives and into
this world anew.

While this is a strange year, the ministry He gives us remains the same. We will prepare him room in our
hearts by taking on the ministry Jesus demands of us: feed those who are hungry; welcome the stranger; clothe
those who are naked; heal those who are sick; visit the prisoner. Love God. Love your neighbor. Sing joy into
this old world. Prepare him room.

St. Luke writes of the first Christmas, “[Mary] gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of
cloth, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” There, in the simplest bed, in
the cool of the night, in a trough, in bands of cloth, lies the One for whom no room was made. And yet
strangely, there lies the One whom not even the universe can contain.

Joy to the world! The Lord is come. In your hearts, in your homes, in your lives, prepare him room.

God love you; God bless you; and may God hold us all in those almighty hands of love.

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
Franciscan a monthly publication of St. Francis Episcopal Church - Saint Francis Episcopal Church
Saint Francis Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church in Springboro
225 N. Main Street, Springboro, OH 45066
 937) 748-

Worship Tim_s
Sun^[ys [t 10:30 [m - Holy Eu]h[rist or Morning Pr[y_r, Rit_ II
Sun^[ys [t 10:30 [m - Sun^[y S]hool
W_^n_s^[ys [t 10:30 [m - Bi\l_ Stu^y

Pr[y_r for J[nu[ry
“Th[nk you Lor^ for giving m_ th_ \r[n^ n_w y_[r [h_[^. H_lp
m_ liv_ th_ w[y I shoul^ [s _[]h n_w ^[y I tr_[^. Giv_ m_
str_ngth [n^ ]our[g_ so [ shoul^_r I might l_n^. Th_ y_[r [h_[^
is _mpty, h_lp m_ fill it with goo^ things. E[]h n_w ^[y fill_^
with joy [n^ h[ppin_ss it \rings. @m_n.”

Clergy Resident - The Rev. Jed Dearing
Senior Warden - Stephan Graham
Junior Warden - Joe Spangler
Vestry Clerk - Jeff Baldrige
Financial Secretary - Sue Starner
Parish Secretary - Alisha Minamyer
Choir Director - Donna Sprowles
Organist - Diana Graham
Sunday School Director - Jenny Catalan
Vestry Members - Stephan Graham,
Mary Harris, Will Frush,
Jeff Baldrige, Barb Roy, Jenny Catalan,
Jack Emerson, Chuck Oduah,
Virginia Culp, Joe Spangler
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