St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church

Page created by Marilyn Sutton
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church
6481 Faussett Road        Founded 1843
Howell, Michigan 48855   (517) 546-9807
Sunday June 27, 2021

                          Cover Art
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Date                                Time              Intention                                                     Req'ed by
  Saturday, June 26, 2021                        5:00
                                                     Insert Mass intentions      here
                                                              Louis & Martha Pero                                          Gib & Joan Wirkner
   Sunday, June 27, 2021                         8:00                          Merri Handel
                                                                                                                           Mike & Karen Kiker
   Sunday, June 27, 2021                        10:30             Intentions of Larry & Mary Quinn                          Jim & Carole May
                                                                 No Mass Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday, June 30, 2021                         8:30                  Jim & Jean Leithauser                                  Anne Midgley
 Thursday, July 1, 2021                          8:30               For the Children of the Parish
  Friday, July 2, 2021                           8:30             Carmen Goldsworthy (5th Anniv)                                Family
 Saturday, July 3, 2021                          5:00                       Katie Gillman                               Pat & Karen Schroeder
  Sunday, July 4, 2021                           8:00                      Denise Sebuck                               Michael & Betsy Kowalski
  Sunday, July 4, 2021                          10:30              For the United States of America

                July 3 - July 4                                                 Server                                         Lector

                                                                          John Gillman                                     Bill Bouman
             Saturday 5:00 PM                                            Daniel Martens                                    Bea Niester
                                                                         Carolyn Martens
                                                                          Kristine Golsch                                  Robert Kehn
              Sunday 8:00 AM                                              NOT FILLED                                      Karen Trzcinski
                                                                          NOT FILLED
                                                                          Aiden McCarty                                    Katie Reaume
             Sunday 10:30 AM                                              Brady McCarty                                     Mike Terry
                                                                           Madelyn Ray

                                   Parish Directory                                      WEEKLY READINGS AND OBSERVANCES
Fr Gregg A Pleiness ...................................................Pastor            Readings for the week of June 27, 2021
Parish House.................................................... 810-750-0354            Sunday:         Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/ 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15/
  8011 Faussett Rd, Fenton, MI 48430                                                                     Mk 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43
Parish Office ................................................... 517-546-9807           Monday:         Gn 18:16-33/ Mt 8:18-22           Tuesday:        Acts 12:1-11/ 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/
Deacon Bill Sirl .............................................. 810-750-2669                             Mt 16:13-19
Deacon Jeff Southerland ............................... 810-730-9444                     Wednesday:      Gn 21:5, 8-20a/ Mt 8:28-34
   ............................................................       Thursday:       Gn 22:1b-19/ Mt 9:1-8
Family Faith Formation                                                                   Friday:         Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67/ Mt 9:9-13
Shannon Scherba                             Saturday:       Eph 2:19-22/ Jn 20:24-29
  Pastoral Associate........................................ 810-588-7665                Next Sunday:    Ez 2:2-5/ 2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a
Tim Asher.................................                     Observances for the week of June 27, 2021
  Coordinator of Youth Ministries                                                        Sunday: 1       3th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Robert Kehn .................................................... 517-546-9807            Monday:         St. Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr
  Bookkeeper...............                             Tuesday:        Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles
Carole May                                                                               Wednesday:      The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
  Bulletin Editor                        Thursday:       St. Junipero Serra, Priest
Christinna Masters RN, MSN, FP-C ................ 517-545-4902                           Friday:
  Parish Health Ministry                                                                 Saturday:       St. Thomas, Apostle
St. Vincent de Paul .......................................... 810-220-9741              Next Sunday:    14th Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Martha Ministry.....................................................................                     Independence Day ©LPi

Confession: Saturday 4:00 pm                                                                              Our Parish Support
  and Upon Request                                                                       Adult Envelopes (77) ........................ $5638.00
Baptism: Call Parish House                                                               Electronic Giving (10) ...................... $1500.00
Anointing of the Sick: As Requested
Marriage: Call Parish House For                                                          Loose Collection ................................. $144.00
  Preparation Before Setting a Firm                                                      Total .................................................. $7282.00
AA meets Sundays 7:00 pm                                                                 St. Vincent de Paul (1) ........................ $150.00
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
From the Pastor                                          Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B
                                                                      Sunday, June 27, 2021
    VBS was a huge success. We had more than 50                           Mark 5:21-43
kids participate in the week’s adventure, learning       Jesus heals a woman afflicted with a hemorrhage
that each of us is TREASURED by our God.                     and raises Jairus’s daughter from death.
    Our “summer” schedule begins next week,
sans BBQ. But we’re still planning on Friday’s          For today’s Gospel, we continue to read from the
Square Dance on July 30 as a “warm up” for next         Gospel of Mark. Last Sunday we heard about Jesus
year’s BBQ.                                             calming the storm, the first of four miracles that
    The Sisterhood of Catholic Women will be in         Jesus performs in the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee.
the kitchen making their jams again this summer.        Each of these four miracle stories offers us a
Mark your calendars, men are welcomed too, for          glimpse at Jesus’ power. This week we hear about
July 17. Look for more information                      the third and fourth miracles, skipping the second
in the bulletin in coming weeks.                        miracle, the healing of a man from Gerasene who
                                                        was possessed by a demon.

                   ST. VINCENT de PAUL                                            FIRST FRIDAY
                       CONFERENCE                                                 EUCHARISTIC
                In the Gospel we see how in faith,                                  July 2, 2021
             Jairus asked Jesus to heal his daughter                              Here at St. Augustine!
             and how Jesus then answered his
prayer. In prayer we also come to know that we are                             Exposition will be at 9:00 am.
loved by God, and in that trust we ask for healing                                  Live worship music
for ourselves, our loved ones, and all those who are                             during the 6:00 pm hour
suffering. This week, please join with our St.                                  Benediction and Reposition
                                                                                     will be at 7:00 pm
Vincent de Paul conference in praying for the           Please sign up in the white binder as we will need each
healing of all those who are ill and especially those   hour covered from 9 am to 7:00 pm. Even if you don’t
who have no one to pray for them.                       sign up, ALL are welcome and encouraged to come for
    Our next meeting is Thursday July 15 at 7 PM        any portion of an hour.
in the Family Center.
                                                        Allow yourself time in adoration with our Lord. You may
                                                        wish to pray, bring scripture to read, a journal to write
                                                        or simply rest in the silence.

                                                              Wednesday June 30
                                                                   6:30pm       Parish Rosary

                                                              Friday July 2
                                                                      9:00am         Eucharistic Adoration
                                                                      6:00pm         Youth Night HS/MS
                                                                      7:00pm         Benediction
We have not been able to do so in quite a while,
but.....                                                      Saturday July 3
                                                                     7:30am          Men’s Fellowship
         We are making JAM this year!!!!
The Sisterhood of Catholic Women
will begin selling our homemade jam the 3rd
week of July!
           Make a friend,
            Be a friend,
      Bring a friend to Church.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
                 Aaron Denison E1 USA
               Carolyn Kehn, 1LT, USA
               Adrian Roedel SrA USAF
              Mark Lepczyk CPT USAF     59 Years Pat & Karen Schroeder Jun 30
           Nicklas Ramljak, CPL USMC    42 Years Kevin & Darlene Burke Jun 30
     Joshua Scheib, MM(SW/AW), USN    35 Years Rob & Bobbie Dombrowski Jun 28
                                      31 Years Jeffrey & Renee Richardson Jun 30
    Benjamin Kehn BM1 (SW/AW), USN         8 Years Bill & Colleen Barz Jun 28
         Jonathan Horwath, CTR1, USN      7 Years Terry & Mary Adkins Jun 29
             Terry McGowan, SGT USA 55 Years Joseph & Mary Ann Farrell Jul 01
              Brian Murphy, CS1 USCG       9 Years Dean & Sandra Fior Jul 12
               Mitchell Adams SN USN                Next Membership Meeting
              Thomas Barz, A1C, USAF                Wednesday, July 14, 7pm
           Nikolas Masters, PFC USMC
              Please call or email the office if there are any                              Knight of the Year:
              additions or corrections for our service members                                  Mike Terry
                                                                                              Family of the Year:
           PRAY FOR OUR SICK:                                                              Paul & Amy Gillman
                                                                         Below is the new list of newly elected officers
Brian Carless, Cathy Diamond,                                                Grand Knight: Jason Raines
Jacob Hutton, Kelsi Spurlin,                                                 Deputy Grand Knight: Larry Quinn
Stephanie Taylor, Dolores                                                    Chancellor: Deacon Jeff Southerland
                                                                             Advocate: Paul Gillman
Tuccini, Dolores Dunk, Gregory                                               Treasurer: Tim Southerland
Salinas, LuAnn Burgett, Lareina                                              Recorder: Rob Pardikes
DePalma, Barbara Clinsmith, Karen                                            Warden: Kevin Burke
                                                                             3 yr. Trustee: Ben Kiehl
Schroeder, Wendy Spurlin, Jason Raines,                                      Inside Guard: Jim May
Nick Hiers, Jared Campbell, Richard                                          Outside Guard: Bill Lezotte, Tom Burks
Elsarelli, Gloria Bourdon, Carol Tykocki,
Kim Narhi, Carolyn Purchase                                          If you want to find new ways to help this parish and our
                                                                               community, please consider joining
                                                                                    the Knights of Columbus.
                                                                        Twitter: @KofC13450        Instagram: KofC13450
27 Sandra Detlefs, Melissa Adams,
   Jason McCarty, Matt Joki                                                       MEN’S FELLOWSHIP
28 David Gorkkiewicz, Alice Long                                 Please consider joining the men of St. Augustine
                                                                 Saturday mornings from 7:30-9:00am in the youth room.
29 Domenico Luciani
30 Donald Callaghan, Douglas Sutton                              Please call Deacon Jeff
1 Albert Bourdon, Diane Chrispell,                               at (810) 730-9444
                                                                 for more information.
   Dorothy Smith, Jeffery Hoffman,
   Hannah Paulik, Taylor Fior, Annissa Plewka
2 Lois Scheib, Barbara Daniel,
   James Sievewright, Joseph Coral,                                New to the Parish? Change of Address?
   Anthony Smith, Edward Koledo,                                   Name: ...........................................................
   Mollie Siebertz, Keegin Sergent                                 Phone: ..........................................................
3 Renee Richardson                                                 Drop in collection basket and we’ll call you.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
2021 DSA Goal:


                                                                  WE DID IT! THANK YOU for your
                                                                  generous contributions to this year’s
                                                                  Diocesan Services Appeal. We met the
                                                                  goal set for us by the Diocese...and the
                                                                  Diocese has even exceeded it’s goal for
                                                                  the first time in history. Fifty percent
                                                                  of every pledge that comes in from here
                                                                  on out for DSA 2021 will come back to
                                                                  the parish! If you haven’t had a chance
                                                                  to be a part of this goal setting and goal
                                                                  breaking year, please consider making
                                                                  a donation today! These dollars will
                                                                  help spread the work of the Gospel
                                                                  throughout our ten county diocese.

                                                      This week at VBS we
              Save the Date!                        learned about the Bible
                                                   and just how priceless we
               July 30, 2021                               are to God.
              St. Augustine
                                                      God knows you…You are treasured!
                Hoedown                              God hears you…..You are treasured!
Bring the whole family, we’re dancing               God comforts you….You are treasured!
       ‘til the cows come home!                     God forgives you……..You are treasured!
    Sloppy Joes, Square Dancing,                    God chooses you…...You are treasured!
     Ice Cream, Chili Cook Off,                    Thank you to our entire team of Station Leaders
 and lots of fun for the whole family!              and Volunteers: Annette, Olena, Dave, Mary,
                                                    Bill, Danny, Toni, Tammy, Tim F, Julie, Tim A,
            Begins at 6:00 pm                       and all those who helped with donations and
Freewill donation from this evening will benefit     decorations! Kudos to our magnificent crew
       St. Augustine Christmas baskets.              leaders and station assistants!!! We couldn’t
                                                        have had the week we did without you!!
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
  Livingston Vicariate Catholic Council on

     & PICNIC

                            WHEN: Thursday,
                            August 12, 2021
                            WHERE: Holy Spirit
                            Parish 9565 Musch Road,
                            Brighton, MI 48161-8841
             TIME: Mass at 11am at the
   Pavilion; Picnic Lunch, Music & More at Noon
        PLEASE RSVP by Thursday, August 5, 2021

There is no cost for this activity; however, a goodwill
donation will be accepted. To promote health and
safety, this year’s picnic WILL NOT be a potluck.
Instead, all of the food will be provided. The
Livingston Vicariate Catholic Council on Aging will
provide sloppy joe’s, an assortment of salads, the
paper products and beverages. To assure sufficient
food, please RSVP with your CCA Parish
Representative no later than August 5, 2021. Mass
will be celebrated by Father Francis George, Pastor
of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, at 11:00am.
All of the Livingston Priests are invited to join us for
Mass, lunch or both. We will be indoors if the
weather is rainy or too hot.

              Steve & Cindy Clos
  All community members over 50 years of age are
                  welcome to attend.
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
St. Augustine Church 6481 Faussett Road Founded 1843 (517) 546-9807 Howell, Michigan 48855 - St. Augustine Catholic Church
Summer Creative
                                                              Writing Workshops
Visit Aquinas College this summer!
                                                               Offered through
   Aquinas College welcomes high school
   students to our campus this summer to
                                                              Weber Center
                                               This summer, set some time aside to gather with other
 experience firsthand what it means to be a    creative writers and to express what has long been
 Saint! Visit opportunities include Personal   hidden within you – and longs to see the light of long
                                               summer days.
  Visits, Information Sessions and Twilight
Tours. Come discover why small is mighty!      Weber Retreat and Conference Center offers a weekly
    Details and registration can be found      series of Creative Writing Workshops from 6:00 to 8:00
                                               p.m. EDT Thursdays, July 15, 22, and 29 and August 5,
              at            2021. Whether you write as a spiritual practice or to give
                                               creative expression to your ideas and feelings, this
                                               series offers a supportive group of writers and the
                                               opportunity to enhance your writing skills.

                                               The virtual workshops, offered via Zoom, are facilitated
                                               by Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP, a certified Amherst
                                               Writers and Artists leader and published author.

                                               The cost is $80 and registration is required. Registration
                                               is available at; click on
                                               “programs.” Registrations may also be made by
                                               contacting Weber Center at 517-266-4000 or
                                               scholarships are available.
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