WELCOME - St. Alphonsus Parish School

Page created by Byron Simmons
WELCOME - St. Alphonsus Parish School
February 14, 2021                               6th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saturday 5pm Vigil        Saturday: 4-4:45pm   Friday Evenings in Church,
Sunday 8am, 10am                               6-8pm

DAILY MASS                                     OFFICE HOURS
Tuesday - Saturday: 8am                        By appointment only
WELCOME - St. Alphonsus Parish School
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8am     INT St. Alphonsus Parish            Below is a report on the St. Alphonsus St. Vincent de Paul Conference and the
10am INT St. Vincent de Paul                                    great work they do in the Ballard area.
                                                 Society of St. Vincent de Paul - St. Alphonsus Conference
MONDAY FEBRUARY 15                                                 Report to Parishioners
Presidents’ Day
                                                                           (Fiscal Year 2020)
8am     RIP Lambert & Irene Kraft       The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St Alphonsus Conference, wants to thank all mem-
3pm     Divine Mercy Live Stream        bers of our parish for their generous donations over the past year. An accounting of your
                                        donations and our services are as follows:
Ash Wednesday                           Account:                                                Those we Serve:
8am    Ash Wednesday Mass               • Donation received $26,612                             • No. of home visits 184
3pm    Divine Mercy Live Stream
                                        • Assistance given $50,562                              • No of people helped 363
7pm    Ash Wednesday Mass
                                        • Expenses $ 635
                                        • Ending balance ($24,585)1
8am     RIP Aurora Solomon
                                        During 2020 our five active members provided 778 hours of service and traveled 474
3pm     Divine Mercy Live Stream
                                        miles to home visits, attend training and society meetings. We work week to week, all
                                        year, as the requests for help are continuous. Our biggest demand was for rent (52%)
                                        and all other assistance (food, utilities, etc) was 48% of total given. We know that our
8am     RIP Agnes Sakata
                                        rental assistance only covers a small portion of the need, but helps to reduce accumu-
6pm     Stations of the Cross, Church
                                        lated back rent and to reduce anxiety for our neighbors that have lost jobs. This year
        Open for Adoration & Prayer
                                        requests from homeless increased from those living in RV’s, cars, and tent camps.
                                        Common requests from the homeless include clothes, propane, and gas.
8am     RIP John Boyles
                                        To help homeless, we and other SVDP conferences have joined with the Seattle Public
4pm     Confessions
                                        Utilities during their monthly visits to pump-out sewage from RVs in the Ballard area. We
5pm     INT St. Alphonsus Parish
                                        tag along with the SPU crew and provide a wide range of assistance (e.g., lunches, hy-
                                        giene items, and materials noted above). Most of the items given are donated from the
                                        SVDP Council and we supplement vouchers for specific needs.
1st Sunday of Lent
8am     INT St. Alphonsus Parish
                                        Over the past year our membership has declined and some can no longer offer the time
10am RIP Gloria Cervantes
                                        needed to meet the increasing workload. Therefore, we have a strong need for new
                                        members. We not only need help with neighbor visits, but seek someone with office
                                        skills to assist with purchasing and organization.

                                        We welcome visitors to our weekly meetings (Wednesday 6:30, Zoom meeting) and
                                        encourage your participation in this valuable ministry. Please continue to pray for our
                                        conference and those in need. Thank you for supporting our mission of charity.

                                        For more information, please contact the parish office or call Doug Martin (president) at
                                        (206) 851-2530.

                                            The negative balance was offset by income from a 2018 bequest.
WELCOME - St. Alphonsus Parish School
PLEASE PRAY FOR:                                    ASH WEDNESDAY                                          MASS REGISTRATION
Marnie Ahern, Lillian Anderson, Tricia              Like Christmas, our Ash Wednesday                      We no longer require registrations for
Anderson, Buck Bradfield, Marty Brad-               Masses are quite full, and we will have                daily and Sunday Masses, however we
field, Patricia Browne, Linda Buchman,              assigned seating to maximize the num-                  will be taking registrations for all holy
Susan Cifu, Emma Claire, Norma Cu-                  ber of people that can safely attend.                  days, the next ones being Ash Wednes-
rulla, Ade Domingo, Bertha Eriksson,                We will be unable to accept walk-ups to                day and Easter.
James Flynn, Espedito P. Galvão,                    either the 8am or 7pm Mass. We have
Shirley Hegge, Anna Herdlein, Joshua                just a few spots remaining at each                     For our Sunday liturgies, we will have a
Hillery, Dave Jebousek, Emily Jones,                Mass, please contact Lizzy in the parish               volunteer tally the number of house-
Joan Knebel, Stephanie Kunkler, Jose-               office ASAP if you'd still like to attend to           holds attending as you enter (entrance
phine Lynch, Norma Macke, Anne                      see if there is room available                         will still be restricted to the north side
Manfredi, Barbara Day Miller, Patricia              .                                                      entrance), and if we are nearing capaci-
Mulka, Jennifer Nagel, Ray Naidu, Alice             The distribution of ashes will be slightly             ty, they may ask you to pause so they
Nitteberg, Grace Norman, Roy Otness,                different this year. After blessing the                can verify adequate space is availa-
Bob Pohlman, Stacey Riordan, Lucy                   ashes and sprinkling them with holy                    ble. We do ask that you follow their
Rogers, Darlene Selland, Nolette Serra,             water in silence, Father addresses                     instructions on where to sit, as that will
Jack Serwold, Fred Stull, Cheryl Taylor,            those present: “Repent, and believe in                 maximize the number of people that
Jude Vidal, Lillian Yamamoto                        the Gospel” or “Remember that you are                  can safely attend. Single-person
                                                    dust, and to dust you shall return”.                   households should sit 3 to a pew (one
Serving in Iraq & Afghanistan                       At that point, Father cleanses his                     on each end, one in the middle), 2-5
Christopher Dowling                                 hands, puts on a face mask, and distrib-               person households will sit on each end
                                                    utes ashes to those who come for-                      of the pew and 6+ person households
ADORATION, LENTEN                                   ward. He sprinkles the ashes on each                   will have their own pew.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS &                             person’s head without saying anything.
CONFESSION                                                                                                 WORLD MARRIAGE DAY
The church is open for adoration and                LIVE STREAMS                                           Today February 14th is World Marriage
private prayer on Friday evenings from              Mass is live streamed at 8am on Tues-                  Day. This year in the interest of social
6-8pm. Father will be in the church and             day - Sunday with the rosary following                 distancing, we are using the display
available for confession (just ask him if           Tuesday - Saturday. It is recorded for                 board listing parishioners marriages
he can hear your confession).                       those who would like to watch later.                   and number of years married. We do
                                                    https://www.facebook.com/St-                           encourage married couple to take some
We will also have Stations of the Cross             Alphonsus-105432431086043/                             time to celebrate, reflect, pray and re-
at this time, the usual 6pm on Fridays                                                                     devote yourselves to your sacrament of
during Lent.                                        ALWAYS                                                 marriage.
                                                    Be sure to stay up to date on everything
We have also resumed Saturday after-                occurring with the restarting of Mass by               World Marriage Day is promoted by
noon confessions from 4-4:45pm. We                  making sure you are on our email list.                 Worldwide Marriage Encounter.
have set up the south side entrance as              You can sign up via our website
a confessional space to abide by                    (www.stalseattle.org) at the bottom of
COVID-19 safety protocols. The queue                the home page, or by emailing Lizzy at
will be marked in the church along the              lscholz@stalseattle.org.
south wall. Face coverings are required
(except for very young children) and
social distancing must be maintained.

        St. Alphonsus Parish 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-784-6464 I Fax: 206-789-5709 I parishinfo@stalseattle.org
WELCOME - St. Alphonsus Parish School
                                                                                                    AUCTION UPDATE
                                                                                                    It is with unbelievable excitement, that
                                                                                                    we announce to all the final number
                                                                                                    our St. Al Strong Auction raised last
                                                                                                    December! $80,000

                                                                                                    This is incredible and without your
                                                                                                    love, dedication, strength, and heart
                                                                                                    we would not have been able to have
                                                                                                    done this! All the funds raised go di-
                                                                                                    rectly to the school! Thank you, St.
                                                                                                    Al’s Family, Our Parish, Our Communi-
                                                                                                    ty, Family, and Friends! Thank you,
                                                                                                    thank you, thank you!

                                                                                                    Many blessings to you all,
CAR DONATIONS                                   AMAZON SMILE
                                                                                                    Chris Cairns and Emily Roush, Auction
Thank you to those who have donated             Don’t forget that when you buy from
a vehicle to St. Alphonsus; your gift is        Amazon you can use Amazon Smile to
very appreciated!                               help give back to St. Alphonsus. Visit
                                                                                                    We truly ARE St. Al Strong!
                                                smile.amazon.com and select St. Al-
If you have a vehicle you would like to         phonsus Parish School! If you have
                                                                                                    SCRIP NEWS
donate for the benefit of our parish,           any questions contact Kaitlin at
                                                                                                    Check out www.shopwithscrip.com for
parish school or an Archdiocesan cam-           development@stalseattle.org.
                                                                                                    a full list of participating retailers and to
paign visit seattlearchdio-
                                                                                                    purchase Scrip today. Sign up to order
cese.careasy.org/HOME.html                      PRAYER INTENTIONS
                                                                                                    online and get your e-cards instantly.
or call 844-407-GIVE.                           Submit them to the Rosary Group that
                                                                                                    Please note that we are no longer
                                                meets via zoom on Friday morn-
                                                                                                    placing orders for plastic cards so be
                                                ings. Contact chris-
                                                                                                    sure to select e-cards when making a
                                                tine.cavanaugh@outlook.com to join or
                                                                                                    purchase. These can be used online or
                                                to ask us to pray for you or someone
                                                                                                    can be printed out at home and taken
                                                                                                    to the store just like a plastic card. You
                                                                                                    can also send gifts of e-cards by
                                                                                                    checking the gift box when ordering
                                                                                                    and entering the recipient's email ad-
                                                                                                    dress. Contact Terra Hakam at ter-
                                                                                                    rapurpura.hakam@gmail.com for more
                                                                                                    info about Scrip, or to get the school
                                                                                                    code to sign up online.

                St. Alphonsus Parish School 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-782-4363 I csweet@stalseattle.org
THROUGHOUT THE                                                                                                  CONTACTS

ARCHDIOCESE                                                                                                     Pastor
                                                                                                                Rev. Richard Klepac, SOLT

                                                                                                                Convent House Servant
                                                                                                                Sister Elizabeth Albers, SOLT
AT HOME WITH FAITH                                        ARCHBISHOP’S MASS                                     sr.elizabeth@stalseattle.org
Be sure to check out the Archdiocese                      View Archbishop Etienne’s Livestream
                                                                                                                PA for Administration
of Seattle’s great resources for fami-                    Mass everyday at 8am via vimeo.com/
                                                                                                                Lizzy Scholz lscholz@stalseattle.org
lies! marriagefamilylife.                                 archdioceseofseattle or on Facebook
seattlearchdiocese.org/athomewithfaith                    @ArchdioceseofSeattle.                                Music Coordinator & Organist
                                                                                                                Andrew Koch music@stalseattle.org

ARCHDIOCESE OF SEATTLE                                    CATHOLIC ADVOCACY DAY                                 School Principal
YOUNG ADULTS                                              Join us on March 23 from 8am - 4pm. In                Kathleen Daspit principal@stalseattle.org
The Scroll is a weekly email newsletter                   this time of COVID and the call for eco-
                                                                                                                School Administrative Assistant
for young adults to find out about up-                    nomic and racial equity, join with Catho-             Charleen Sweet csweet@stalseattle.org
coming events, retreats, conferences,                     lic parishes and organizations in a day of
etc., in the Archdiocese of Seattle. For                  advocacy for a society in which all peo-              School Admissions Director
                                                                                                                Kaitlin Andrews
more info and to subscribe visit: https://                ple and Earth can thrive. Register by
seattlearchymya.weebly.com/the-                           March 9 at ipjc.org/cad. More info at
scroll.html                                               206-223-1138 or catholicadvoca-                       Facilities Supervisor
                                                                                                                Kevin Riordan workorders@stalseattle.org
                                                          cyday@ipjc.org. Virtual Events include:
                                                          Mass with Archbishop Etienne or Bishop                PARISH MINISTRIES
                                                          Elizondo, Speaker from State Govern-
                                                          ment, Briefings on Issues and Legisla-                EMC to Homebound
                                                                                                                Monica de Castro 206-706-7736
                                                          tive Zoom meetings by District.
                                                                                                                Holy Name Society
                                                                                                                Karl Hoffmann 206-784-7152

                                                                                                                Knights of Columbus
                                                                                                                Tony Wisen
                                                                                                                206-418-8720 (call or text)

                                                                                                                Liturgical Ministries
                                                                                                                Lizzy Scholz lscholz@stalseattle.org

                                                                                                                Sancta Vita
                                                                                                                Gail Altenhofen

                                                                                                                School Parent’s Club

                                                                                                                School Commission

                                                                                                                St. Vincent de Paul
                                                                                                                Doug Martin doug@martinenv.com

                                                                                                                Angels’ Cafe
                                                                                                                Shelle Bjolstad
                                                                                                                shelleb2@gmail.com or 206-330-9988

        St. Alphonsus Parish 5816 15th Avenue Northwest Seattle, WA 98107 I Phone: 206-784-6464 I Fax: 206-789-5709 I parishinfo@stalseattle.org
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