Page created by Jessica Burns
Tim Levell, Programme                    will be able to enjoy engaging and
Director, Times Radio:                   informed discussions from the
                                         moment they wake up at breakfast
Our promise to listeners is that,        with Aasmah Mir & Stig Abell until
in a world of noise and confusion,       bedtime with Carole Walker.
Times Radio will offer intelligent and
thought-provoking news, analysis         On Fridays and the weekends we
and conversation, hosted by respected    have big names and personalities to
and entertaining presenters.             keep our listeners hooked, including
                                         Michael Portillo, Giles Coren, Cathy
We have brought together the             Newman and Ayesha Hazarika.
peerless journalistic expertise of The
Times and The Sunday Times with          Our listeners can expect expert guests
the speech radio and podcasting          and commentators and for us to cover
experience of Wireless, the company      the biggest news stories of the day,
behind talkSPORT, talkRADIO and          from politics and business to arts and
Virgin Radio UK.                         sport, and feature themes that are
                                         relevant to their daily lives.
Our focus has been to create a stellar
line-up of warm, witty and expert        Times Radio will be available 24 hours
presenters from a range of broadcast     a day on DAB, via app, smart speaker
backgrounds. Across our Monday           and from Monday 29th
to Thursday schedule our listeners       June 2020.

                                                                 Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell with                                                                  Matt Chorley
                                                                 Times Radio Breakfast                                                                           10am-1pm Monday to Thursday
                                                                 6am-10am Monday to Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                 Times Red Box editor Matt Chorley is one of the
                                                                 Waking up listeners to informative discussion, quality                                          most respected political journalists operating in
                                                                 news and compelling analysis at breakfast are Sony Gold                                         Westminster, providing insider analysis in his Red Box
                                                                 award-winning broadcaster Aasmah Mir and broadcaster                                            newsletter and award-winning podcast. In his new
                                                                 and editor of the Times Literary Supplement Stig Abell.                                         morning show Matt, who also moonlights as a stand-up
                                                                 Both friendly and entertaining, Aasmah and Stig make a                                          comedian, will bring events in Westminster to life with
                                                                 dynamic duo and guarantee a thought-provoking listen.                                           an array of political guests and expert commentators.

        What do you want your listeners         more explaining. We won’t assume          always alive to what is going on in      You have already hosted an award-         For too long politics was seen as
        to know about you?                      knowledge but we won’t play dumb          our country, and the world more          winning podcast, how will your            something that other people did,
        Aasmah: I’m a Glaswegian, of            either. We’ll be politely tough and       broadly, to reflect reality and help     new radio show be different?              over there, up in London, and
        Pakistani heritage. I got a law         have a few laughs along the way.          everyone understand it better.           I’m hoping it won’t be too different,     everyone tuned in once every
        degree but ended up in journalism       We’ll cover all four nations and                                                   because I want to retain the feel         four years for an election. The EU
        via a graduate trainee scheme at        the world too. We’re perplexed and        What can listeners expect from           of listening in on interesting            referendum, and the turbulence
        STV. I’ve been a radio producer as                                                the breakfast show?                      people having an interesting              that followed, changed all that.
                                                maddened and confused by the
        well as a presenter. I had a child                                                Stig: The breakfast show is a place      conversation. I also want to keep         So I often found myself explaining
                                                news sometimes too and we want
        quite late on in life and it’s been a                                             to discover the day: Aasmah and I        the humour: politics is a serious         to this new engaged audience
                                                to reflect that. Listen in. You’ll find
        hilarious struggle. You won’t find                                                will try to focus on all the stories     business, but sometimes the best          that someone posing for a photo
                                                your radio home.
        me at parties or hen weekends or                                                  that matter, and go digging to make      way of explaining it is through           while they resigned or half the
        barbecues, but you will find me         How is Times Radio different to           sure we and our listeners will end       levity rather than a lecture. The big     frontbench quitting was not
        staring at the sea or reading a         other stations?                           each morning understanding a             difference is being live, so if a story   normal. People want to understand
        book. I don’t drink but I have          Stig: We want Times Radio - in            bit more about what is going on          breaks we can turn to our guests          this stuff, and we should explain
        a filthy chocolate habit. I’m           a time when public discourse has          in the world than we did when we         and get their informed take on it.        not just what is happening, but
        obsessed by Spain and Spanish           so often lacked nuance - to be a          started. We will hear from key                                                     why and how, and who is behind
        and did a Spanish A level last          place of warmth, expertise and            figures in positions of authority,       Your political comedy stand-              it. And despite the 2019 election
        year. I love being alone but I’m        usefulness. To be somewhere you           and from experts who can make            up show was called           resulting in the first proper
        really friendly honestly!               know that - whatever time you turn        sense of their decisions. We will        normal, can you explain your
                                                                                                                                                                             majority government for a decade,
                                                on - you will get thoughtful people       talk to the biggest names in arts and    approach to covering politics?
                                                                                                                                                                             the madness looks set to continue.
        Describe to a new listener what         discussing the issues that matter,        entertainment too. Aasmah and I
        they can expect from your show?         with knowledge and freedom. We            will not take ourselves too seriously,
        Aasmah: You’ll be informed, you’ll      won’t have to stop something              and will not pretend knowledge we
        know everything you need to know        important to go to pre-booked             don’t have. The show should be
        plus the bits that occurred to us       programming, or to live sport, or         one long interesting conversation
        that were interesting or needed         to start a phone-in. We want to be        about everything.
Mariella Frostrup                                                          John Pienaar                                                                   Phil Williams
                          1pm- 4pm Monday to Thursday                                                4pm-7pm Monday to Thursday                                                     7pm-10pm Monday to Thursday
                          One of Britain’s most established opinion-                                 The former BBC Deputy Political Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                    Established broadcaster Phil Williams
                          forming journalists, broadcasters and                                      John Pienaar will bring his years of wisdom
                                                                                                                                                                                    will take listeners through the big stories
                          campaigners Mariella Frostrup joins Times                                  and expertise to analyse the big stories of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    of the day from the UK and around the
                          Radio in her biggest radio venture to date.                                moment. His show will be a well-informed
                                                                                                                                                                                    world with expert guests and analysis.
                          Mariella will bring listeners an engaging and                              exploration of the most important issues, in
                                                                                                                                                                                    Phil will also get into the arts and keep his
                          educated look at the arts, culture, family                                 the company of one of the most personable
                                                                                                                                                                                    listeners across the latest sports news.
                          and social issues - as well as discussions and                             and likeable broadcasters in Britain.
                          interviews with celebrity guests.

What do you want listeners to       fields of politics and science         What do you want your listeners       something new and so exciting.          How will your show be different       approach to interviewing.
know about your new show?           and popular culture it will be         to know about you?                                                            to others in the schedule?
In these changing times we’ve       essential listening.                   I know I’m one of those people -      Describe to a new listener what         My show is different because it’s     What do you want listeners to
all learnt that we are more                                                quite small in number and hugely      they can expect from your show?         the only show with sport and          know about your new show?
adaptable than we thought           What topics and subjects are           gifted in luck - who absolutely       My one big ambition for my show         culture built in as permanent         Listeners need to know that it’ll
and I’d like my show to reflect     you passionate about and plan          love what they do for a living.       is that its leaves listeners feeling    fixtures. Each night we have          be THE place to hang out with
this opening up of new ideas,       to cover in your show?                 I’ll admit to being a news and        better off. Listening to me doing my    both the best sports writers          the radio in the evening. After
celebrating diversity and the       As an autodidact my interests          politics obsessive. But I also        job should never, ever feel like hard   from the Times and Sunday             each show, you’ll hopefully have
many pioneering initiatives         roam far and wide but I’m very         understand that most normal           work. I don’t just want listeners to    Times, plus stand alone half          learned something about the
taking place behind the             much hoping that my many years         people are neither of those           wish they were part of a discussion     hour interviews with key culture      day’s top stories, you’ll have had
headlines. We all need to play      exploring the broader cultural         things, at least most of the time,    on my programme. I want them to         figures. The time of our show         at least a smile if not a laugh
a part in how the world is          and political world along with         so I try to look at stories the way   feel as if they are there, sitting at   also allows us to reflect the day’s   with us. You will also have a new
reconfigured and I’m hoping by      my long term advocacy for              they appear from outside the          the table with everyone else talking    events, before forecasting how        book/tv show/album/cultural
proactively challenging news        women’s and children’s issues          political, business and every other   directly to them. So no debates         the stories will move tomorrow.       experience to go and check out.
stories and interviewing original   and love of music, film and fun        “bubble”. When I joined the BBC       that sound like an angry row in the     What we’ll share in common            The only rule really on my show
and inspiring guests from the       will all be in evidence!               from the Independent newspaper        house next door; and no interviews      with the other shows is a real        is: No Shouting.
                                                                           (which I joined at its launch         that always sound like a harsh          warmth and a non combative
                                                                           and where I covered politics and      interrogation in a bad cop movie,
                                                                           wrote occasional parliamentary        with no confession at the end.
                                                                           sketches and diary columns) I         There’ll be time and space to listen
                                                                           meant to stay around two years        to and explore arguments and
                                                                           and go back to print journalism.      ideas, as well as test and challenge
                                                                           That was three decades ago. I’ll      them. It’s called conversation. And
                                                                           always be proud of my time at the     I believe it’s what people want, and
                                                                           Beeb, and now I feel beyond lucky     maybe need just now.
                                                                           to be, again, in at the birth of

     Carole Walker                        Jenny Kleeman and                   Gloria De Piero                    Giles Coren                          Cathy Newman
     10pm-1am                             Luke Jones with Times               10am-1pm Friday                    1pm-4pm Friday                       4pm-7pm Friday
     Monday to Thursday                   Radio Breakfast                     with Tom Newton Dunn
                                          6am-10am Friday to Sunday           10am-1pm Sunday                    Renowned Times columnist &           Respected broadcaster and the
     Experienced and high-profile                                                                                restaurant critic, as well as a TV   first female main presenter of
     journalist Carole Walker brings      Luke Jones, who has presented       Former Labour MP, member           presenter and podcaster, Giles       Channel 4 News, Cathy Newman
     with her over 20 years’ experience   numerous news programmes, is        of the Shadow Cabinet and          Coren will take a distinctive and    will bring her thorough and
     as a BBC political correspondent.    joining forces with investigative   political editor of GMTV, Gloria   humorous look at the news with       engaging journalism to Times
     Her late-evening show will wind      journalist, author and              De Piero has her own show on       a range of well-known writers        Radio as she analyses the big
     down the day with informed           documentary-maker Jenny             Friday mornings and on Sunday      and personalities.                   events of the day. During her
     conversation about the main          Kleeman. They will get listeners    morning is joining forces with                                          career Cathy has exposed political
     issues that set the agenda.          up-to-speed with the biggest        Times Radio’s Chief Political                                           scandals and high-profile sexism.
                                          stories of the day and set up       Commentator Tom Newton Dunn.
                                          the weekend with intelligent
                                          conversation and features.
Michael Portillo                    Kait Borsay                                    Hugo Rifkind                                        Alexis Conran                       Ayesha Hazarika
7pm-10pm Friday                     10pm-1am Friday to Sunday                      10am-1pm Saturday                                   1pm-4pm Saturday & Sunday           4pm-7pm Saturday & Sunday

Broadcaster and former              Warm, modern and sincere, the                  The Times columnist, critic and                     The charismatic and engaging        Columnist, broadcaster, former
Conservative Cabinet Minister       news and sports presenter Kait                 broadcaster Hugo Rifkind, winner                    broadcaster Alexis Conran will      stand-up and government advisor
Michael Portillo will represent     Borsay will delight listeners to her           of both ‘Critic of the Year’ and the                host three hours of entertaining    Ayesha Hazarika will bring her
his broad range of his interests    show. She is best-known as one                 ‘Best of Humour Award’ at the                       news-based conversation each        insightful and unique opinions
and specialisms in his new          of the founders and presenters of              Press Awards, now has his own                       Saturday & Sunday. Alexis is best   and observations on current affairs
weekly show. It will look at        the popular football podcast, The              radio show. It will take listeners                  known for co-hosting the BBC        and politics to her new show.
cultural highlights from the        Offside Rule.                                  around the world, around the UK                     Three show The Real Hustle and is
weekend ahead and review the                                                       and will look at the best of what                   a member of the Magic Circle.
week in politics with guests                                                       the weekend has to offer.
from across the political divide.

                                                         Special features & podcasts                   Jones will present a series looking at how
                                                                                                       businesses are getting ready for Brexit.
                                                         Other big names to join Times Radio for
                                                         specially-commissioned shows and podcasts     Award-winning Times columnists Rachel
                                                         include former Conservative Home              Sylvester and Alice Thomson will host
                                                         Secretary Amber Rudd with her journalist      an interview series in which they talk to
                                                         daughter Flora Gill, talking about their      leading figures about how overcoming the
                                                         different takes on the world, picking up      challenges of their early lives shaped the
                                                         on their popular social media interactions.   people they have become. Confirmed guests
                                                         And international businessman, leading        so far include Sajid Javid, Tony Blair, Kirstie
                                                         Brexiteer and broadcaster Lord Digby          Allsopp and Tom Daley.
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