IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...

Page created by Elmer Bowman
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
SCHOOL VISION - ‘Preparing our students to develop the knowledge
                                    and skills that will help them become life-long learners who are successful
                                  and happy individuals who participate fully in and contribute to our
                                community and the world around us.’

                                       IMPORTANT DATES
   Friday 4 December            Tuesday 8 December           Wednesday 11 December           Friday 18 December

 Year 6 Earn And Learn          Preptastic Meet The            Year 6 Graduation             Last Day Of Term 4
     Market Stalls                Teacher Session                                           Students Dismissed At
                               Year 6 Orientation Day

                                                             child believes that you know that they have the
PRINCIPAL’S DESK                                             confidence and ability to thrive in 2021, especially after
It is with great pleasure to hear that Dale Blythman has     what COVID has thrown at us this year. Classes have
been appointed as the new Principal of Park Ridge            been formed and are in the final stages of checking by
Primary School. He will be the third Principal in our        administration. Students will find out their 2021 teacher
school’s history. I know that he will receive the full       in Week 11.
support of our parent community to ensure that he            Being resilient is always a focus at our school. We can
enjoys his time at our school as I have experienced over     survive school without our best friends by our sides.
the past 14.5 years. Over the next two weeks, Mr
Blythman will be visiting our school to meet students        For the Diary
and staff and spend some time with me doing a thorough       Next year school begins on Thursday 28 January for all
handover.                                                    students in Years F-6. Students will process directly to
                                                             their new classrooms.
Barry Plant Scholarship Recipient
This year’s recipient of the Barry Plant Scholarship for     Semester 2 Reporting
Rowville Secondary College is Jake H. Unfortunately,         After returning to the classroom this term, teachers have
Jake was unable to receive his award at the presentation     been busy teaching, revising, assessing, writing reports
night at Rowville Secondary College due to COVID             and completing checklists, while supporting student well
restrictions. Jake is a deserving winner who always          -being during this difficult year. This semester, there
gives a 100% effort in everything he applies himself to      will be a Student Report Card published through
at school. An extremely well organised, friendly and         Compass School Manager to infor m par ents of their
hard-working student.                                        child’s learning and progress. A printed copy WILL
                                                             NOT be sent home. If you do need your child’s
Earn and Learn                                               report printed, please contact your child’s teacher.
The Year 6 Earn and Learn stalls will take place this        The Semester 2 Student Report Card will feature a
Friday. This is a great experience for our students. Our     description of the learning covered and a Victorian
Year 6 students are learning about budgeting, paying         Curriculum level for English, Mathematics and other
bills, saving money and other financial matters.             curriculum areas taught this semester. There will also be
Financial literacy is an important skills for all students   Work Habits and School Values achievement. English
to learn.                                                    and Mathematics Learning Outcomes checklists will be
                                                             included in the Student Report Card published through
New Transition Process                                       Compass. A brief Teacher Comment will complete the
Tuesday and Thursday of the last week of school,             Generalist report.
students will begin their transition experiences at their    Specialist teachers will be providing a description of the
new Year level. The two sessions will take place in          learning provided this semester and then a Victorian
Week 11 where they will meet their new class teacher         Curriculum level, Work Habits achievement and a
for 2021. We all handle change in different ways. It is      checklist of Learning Outcomes.
important for parents to talk up the positives of entering   Please note that due to limited face to face teaching this
a new grade level. Provide an environment where your         year, Student Portfolios will only be going home for
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
students in the milestone levels of Foundation and Year     background.
6.                                                          Year 5 Emily M for her detailed symmetrical cutouts.
We encourage you to view and discuss the Student            Year 6 Zarah M & Abi E for an impressive tree silhouette
Report Card with your child to celebrate their learning     painting.
and to set learning goals for the future.
Student Report Cards will be available for viewing by       Bucket Filler Award
parents from 8:00am on Monday 14th December,                This week’s Bucket Filler award’s recipient was Brandan
through Compass School Manager.                             F for consistently looking out for everyone and just being
Chris Hossack Student Report Manager                        your awesome, caring self.

Curriculum Day for 2021 (Repeat)                            Literacy Awards
School Council approved the following Curriculum Days       This week’s Literacy Award recipient was Ellee K for
for 2021. The government allows for school to have four     always reading nightly.
curriculum days per year.
Wednesday 27 January                                        Social Distancing
Friday 12 February                                          Thank you to all the families who have supported our
Wednesday 5 May                                             new rules with regard to entering the school grounds.
Thursday 5 August                                           Could parents please remember to social distance when
Students are not required at school on these days.          waiting for students outside the gates and leave a
                                                            thoroughfare for students to walk down the paths when
Specialist Awards                                           exiting the school.
Each week at our school assembly our specialist teachers
rotate the responsibility of acknowledging students who
impress over the month. Our Specialist Awards, this
week, are for Art. Congratulations to the following
students who have worked extremely well over the past
month and for being interested, active and giving
activities their best effort. This week presented by Mr
Year F Jasmine S for really detailed crayon rubbing
Year 1 Charlie W for a detailed ‘Over the Bridge’ picture
Year 2 Jody R for an impressive scrunched elephant
Year 3 Sophie W for her perspective drawing.                                               David Mann
Year 4 Taylor C & Jemma S for her red/white painting                                       Principal

 Tuesday 26 January - Austr alia Day Public Holiday

 Wednesday 27 January - Teachers First Day Back (No Students Required At School)

 Thursday 28 January - Students First Day At School (Foundation Students Finish At 2:15pm)

 Friday 29 January - Normal Day (Foundation Students Finish At 2:15pm)

Foundation students will not be required at school on Wednesdays until after the Labour Day Weekend. The first
Wednesday at school will be Wednesday 10 March 2021

IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
Students of the Week
F-06   Lucy        For super spelling in your wonderful writing!

F-07   Charlize    For putting effort into her writing and trying to listen for the different phonemes.

F-08   Alessia     For being a kind and friendly member of our class.

F-09   Ryan        For his great work solving addition and subtraction problems accurately.

       William     For his positive attitude towards his learning.

1-11   Tyler       For using interesting verbs in his ‘How to make a chocolate milkshake’ procedural text.

       Eden        For using the traits ideas and organisation to write an exceptional narrative.

1-12   Sophia      For having a positive attitude and being a helpful member of our class.

       Angus       For having a growth mindset when working through a challenging task.

1-15   Alex        For using the writing trait ‘organisation’ to write a procedural text about ‘How to Make Fairy
                   Bread’ Well done with your detailed steps.
                   For always being a positive student by showing enthusiasm and excitement for everything
                   we do.

2-16   Jalen       For working hard to improve his focus when working independently.

2-17   Gina        For implementing the 6 plus 1 writing traits in her narrative.

2-18   Charlotte   For working hard this week by displaying great determination during maths and embracing

       Callum      For showing kindness and consideration to all of his class members and for always doing the
                   right thing.

2-19   Emily       For developing her confidence to join in with circle time. Well done Emily, we are all proud
                   of you.

3-02   Oliver      For being inclusive and supportive of all class members.

3-03   Jessica     For displaying excellent work habits and showing persistence with all tasks.

3-04   James       For consistently modelling high expectations both inside and outside of the classroom.

4-20   Emily       For being an interested learner and working to improve her confidence.

4-21   Jayanna     For supporting others if they are upset.

4-22   Ezra        For always brightening our days with his contagious smile and attitude!

       Liam        For working hard and treating people with kindness and respect.

       Khloe       For always being so bright and positive and treating her friends with respect.

       Tyler       For always arriving at school with an enormous smile on his face.

4-23   Brielle     For radiating positivity everyday and being a great role model to her classmates.
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
4-24    Annika      For creating a beautiful poem and setting high expectations for herself and peers.

        Erin        For showing resilience and embracing the struggle in her maths lessons.

        Caitlyn     For showing great determination in completing all of her workand setting high expectations
                    for herself.

5-10    Emily M.    For her incredible attention to detail in creating her Angles Art!

        Daniel      For always treating his classmates with kindness and respect.

        Jordena     For her positive attitude towards learning and always showing persistence in the classroom.

5-27    Hudson      For the exceptional effort he put into creating his Angles Art!

        Bianca      For the passion and dedication she displays in her role as an ‘i sea i care’ Ambassador!

        Callum      For the jaw-dropping ‘show-don’t-tell’ he included in his narrative!

5-28    Leo         For being an attentive listener and always sharing his thoughts and knowledge during class

        Uday        For working hard to write a detailed and interesting narrative for his buddy.

6-01    Leila       For always being such an enthusiastic and happy member of our classroom!

        Alani       For the consistent effort you put in each day and your love of learning!

6-05    Yasseen     For the quiet, focused manner in which he has gone about his work this week and for abso-
                    lutely blitzing the Year 6 Maths curriculum.
6-13    Bradley     For his exceptional work with his area and perimeter project.

6-14    Gwen        For using the maths dispositions of persistence and risk-taking to help her complete her area
                    and perimeter project.

        Samuel      For challenging himself to use the maths learning disposition of passion to help him com-
                    plete his project to his personal best standard.

6-25    James       For having a great sense of humour and for always having fun with your learning

        Reagan      For working well with your Earn N Learn group and for showing positivity in and outside of
                    the classroom.


                                    Classes of the Week
ART                 5-10     Amazing reflection pictures of a high level.
MUSIC                4B      Demonstrating excellent listening, focus and collaborative skills in Music. Well
INDONESIAN          3-04     For being such a fun class to teach. You are all legends!
PHYSICAL             6A      For an enthusiastic PE lesson out in the heat.

                                                          Term 1 2021: 27 January to 1 April
TERM DATES                                                Term 2 2021: 19 April to 25 June
Term 4: 5 October to 18 December                          Term 3 2021: 12 July to 17 September
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
Together we can give hope this Christmas!
For the past 2 years, at Christmas, we have encouraged our students and families to think of others and cel-
ebrate Christmas by giving. We have supported Shoeboxes for Australian Soldiers and last year, Back
Packs for Kids.
This year we would love to think of others and support Berry Street. We will be collecting a gold coin
from each student, if you can, over the next week and use this to purchase some of ideas below. If each
class were able to purchase one item, that would be 27 children we would be helping for Christmas.

Berry Street gives a Christmas wish for a child who can’t live safely at home.
Every year, Berry Street give Christmas hope to the children and young people in our care and programs.
The gifts in our catalogue are examples of popular items and experiences that children in our care wish for
at Christmas. Your donation allows our staff, foster carers and kinship carers to give exactly the right gift
that will best meet children’s wishes and needs. That means they may buy a puzzle rather than a soft toy if
that is what the child in their care would prefer.
For many children in our care, this could be the first gift they’ve ever received. So whether you choose a
soft toy or arts and craft supplies from the catalogue, know that you are helping to give hope to children
this Christmas.

MONIES PENDING                                  ON             2021 Parent Contributions Third Instalment due
                                                               Friday 4 December
COMPASS                                                       Year 5 - 2021 Year 6 Canberra Camp         Fourth
                                                               Instalment due Wednesday 9 December
     Year 6 Graduation Celebration due Thursday 3

                                                          Please remember the Compass Website link is available
COMPASS                                                   on the home page of the school website. Please note,
Compass School Manager has the facility to send out       attendance approvals are now preferred via this method.
push notifications to iPhones, iPads and Android
devices. To receive push out notifications and also
access the other features of Compass School Manager,
please download the Compass App. If you have
difficulty with downloading the App or have any
feedback about this facility please contact the office.
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
(We thank the following people for advertising in our School Newsletter, however Park Ridge Primary School does
                                     not endorse their products or services)
IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ... IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ... IMPORTANT DATES - Park Ridge ...
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