Greyhound Growl -

Page created by Hector Watson
Greyhound Growl -
Greyhound Growl
     Volume XXXVI                             Issue 6                            February    2020

                                   Beta Convention
       Manchester High School Senior Beta               drawing and also took third place for Painting
Club attended the National Beta Convention              in Division 2. Hannah Richmond took third
which took place February 13-14, 2020 in                place in Agroscience. For Spanish, Emma
Columbus, Ohio. The students left after                 Grooms placed third. Katie Mefford and
                                                        Kymbria Henschen placed first in Apparel
                                                        Design. Brayden Young, Logan Bell, and
                                                        Lucas Ballenger placed second in Marketing
                                                        and Communications. For the Quiz Bowl,
                                                        Ally Osman, Jordan Bowman, Emma
                                                        Grooms and Mason Dunn placed third.
                                                        Brayden Young placed first in Division 1
                                                               Congratulations to these students on a
                                                        job well done!

school to travel to Columbus on Wednesday.
Thirty-six students students went to the
convention. It was an excellent learning
experience where students had the
opportunity meet and interact with students

from many different schools.
       Breanna O’Connell received first
place Division 2 in both mixed-media and                                                    Sophia Paul
Greyhound Growl -
Junior Beta                              Mr. Cottrill Wins
                                                   Mr. Zeb Cottrill was the winner of the
                                           Valentine basket that was raffled off to raise
                                           funds for the upcoming MHS musical. Mr.
                                           Cottrill teaches high school Language Arts
                                           and is the cross country and track coach here

       The above picture is from the
Donate Shoes/Suicide Prevention
drive that students participated in last
month. Junior Beta has participated in
a Diaper Drive in the months of
January & February. Concluding date
was February 16.         Diapers were
collected by members to assist those in
need of assistance with day to day
expenses and presented to the              at school. The musical is Directed By:
Women’s Crisis Center in West Union.       Ma’ry’e Kinhalt and is based on a book By:
       Beginning Tuesday, February         Lawrence Kasha & David Landay. The cast
25 , Jr. Beta members will begin a new     includes Alex Merrill Jackson,          Aaron
service project called “Stock the          Rowland, Dalton Cox, Landon Leonard, Kris
Cupboard” in conjunction with Mrs.         Walters,        Mason Dunn, Matthew
                                           Swearingen,      Emma Griffin, Kiersten
Harris’ Special Ed. Resource Class.        Saunders, Katherine Mefford, Breanna
Members will be collecting various         O’Connell, Doris Tadlock, Gracie Rutledge,
food items to assist Mrs. Harris with      Zoi Farmakis, More to be added later.
keeping pantry in her classroom                    As a fundraiser, the Musical will be
stocked and available for those            performing for MHS & MJH Students who
students in need of a quick meal,          have completed state testing on Friday, April
                                           17th during school hours for $1.00 per student
snacks, juices, or just a yummy            and free for Elementary Students.
surprise! Watch for more information
on how YOU can also be a contributor
to this very much needed cause.

                       Alyssa Grooms
Greyhound Growl -
MHS Sports

     Varsity Boys Basketball                      next year!!” and Denton- “Can’t win them
                                                  all” talking about the past 2 rough years for
                                                  the Greyhounds.
        The Manchester Greyhounds Varsity
boys team had yet another rough season
finishing with a record of 2-20, picking up       Junior Varsity Boys Basketball
their only wins against Portsmouth Clay (50-
49) and Portsmouth East (49-42). They                    The JV boys also had a tough season
started off the season with a 12-man roster       again only picking up 2 wins. They picked up
and by the end of the year they only had 6 true   their wins against Notre Dame and also
                                                  Portsmouth East. Good news about next year
                                                  the JV team will be returning without losing
                                                  anyone and with one year of experience
                                                  under their belts in hope for a better season.

varsity players.
        The players were Cade Colvin,
Brayden Young, Declan Huron, Isaiah Scott,
Logan Bell and Trey Spears. They fell short
in their tournament game losing 55-40 but
they put up a good fight. Next year, with
losing just one player and keeping the same
coach, they hope to have a better season and
pick up some wins. Here’s what players Cade

                                                                                Ryland Wikoff
Colvin and Denton White had to say about
next year. Cade- “They ain’t ready for what
the Mighty Hounds have in store for them
Greyhound Growl -
Varsity Girls Basketball                    scoring with 19 and Kenzie Morrison also
                                                 having a 10 point game.
                                                          The lady hounds had a week to
                                                 prepare for their next game against the 1 seed,
                                                 Notre Dame. Notre Dame is ranked 2nd in the
                                                 state, so the hounds knew it would be a battle.
                                                 The lady hounds fell short this game 27-39.
                                                 The hounds came out on top after the first
                                                 quarter with a 11-4 lead but the second
                                                 quarter was a rough quarter for the ladies and
                                                 they began losing 12-19 by the half. The
                                                 hounds couldn’t manage to come back after
                                                 this and lost an intense game 27-39. The
                                                 Manchester student section was huge and
        The Lady Hounds finished the season      never sat down and cheered them on for the
playing West Union and came out successful       entire game. The girls want to thank everyone
with a 72-29 win. A very good way to go into     who came to the game to support them and
                          tournaments. The       also to people who supported the whole
                          hounds finished        season!
                          the regular season                                      Hanna Hobbs
                          12-10. They got
                          placed as the 9
                          seed when it came
                          to     tournaments
                          and had a first
                          round bye and
                          then came back to
                          play          South
                          Webster the 8
                          seed. They were
                          able to pull off the
win 53-39 with Brooke Kennedy leading the
Greyhound Growl -
February Students of the Month

           Emma Griffin                              Kileigh Mitchell
       This month’s student of the                  Kileigh Mitchell is fifteen years
month for 9th grade is Emma Griffin.        old. Here at Manchester, she is
She is fourteen years old. Emma is          involved in beta, golf, NHS,
                          involved in                                     basketball,
                          Sr. Beta here                             cheer,       and
                          at MHS. She                               Spanish club.
                          is also looking                           She is looking
                          very forward                              very forward to
                          for her beta                              graduating and
                          trip coming                               plans to go to
                          up. One thing                             college       for
                          she would like                            physical theory
                          to          see                           afterwards.
                          changed here              One thing she would like to see
at Manchester is the phone policy. She      changed at Manchester is the phone
can’t live without her phone.               policy. Her role model is her dad and
       Emma’s favorite thing to do in       her best friends are Abby Freeman,
her spare time, is gymnastics. Her          Hannah Hobbs, and Sophia Paul. Her
favorite teacher is Mr. Nelson and her      favorite thing to do in her spare time,
favorite subject is history. Her role       is to play golf. Her favorite teacher is
models are her parents and her best         Ms. Richards and her favorite subject
friends are Kendall Barlow, Abby            is Microsoft Word. One thing she can’t
Carroll, and Daya Morgan. Emma’s            live without is sports. Other interesting
favorite kind of music is pop. Her          things about Kileigh is her favorite
favorite holiday is Christmas. She likes    artist is Russ. Her favorite holiday is
watching any kind of horror movie.          Halloween. Baywatch is her favorite
Her favorite TV show is Stranger            movie. Her favorite show is Quantico.
Things. One of Emma’s biggest pet           Duke is her favorite team to watch. Her
peeves are when people chew loudly.         biggest pet peeve is stinky people.
Another interesting thing about Emma
is that she loves animals. After                                    Karli Henschen
graduation, she plans to go to college.

                        Karli Henschen
Greyhound Growl -
February Junior High Students of the Month
               Kiera Tolle                                Brayden Alshire
        Alexus Nixon is thirteen years old            Brayden Ailshire is thirteen years
and she is involved in junior beta here at     old and isn’t involved in anything here at
school. In her spare time, Alexus’s            school. His favorite thing to do in his
                          favorite thing to                               spare time is
                          do is spend time                                           read.
                          with her family.                                     Brayden’s
                          She listens to all                              favorite type of
                          kinds of music,                                 music         is
                          not just a certain                              eighties metal.
                          kind or a certain                               His         best
                          artist. Alexus’s                                friends      are
                          best friends are                                            Seth
                          Jenna, Zoey, and                                McKinney and
                          Jaela.        Her                               Aden Lewis.
favorite holiday is Christmas and her          Brayden’s favorite holiday is Halloween
biggest role models are her mom and her        and he doesn’t have any role models. His
aunt.                                          favorite movie is Playing with Fire and
        One thing Alexus wants to see          his favorite TV show is Family Fued.
changed at school is for people to be more     Brayden’s favorite video game is Bendy
kind. She looks forward to the weekend.        and the Ink Machine. His biggest pet
Miracles from Heaven is her favorite           peeve is when people are annoying. He
movie and her favorite TV show is Grey’s       likes to watch the Bengals and he can’t
Anatomy. Her biggest pet peeve is people       live without his family. Brayden plans to
chewing with their mouth open. Alexus’s        serve in the military after graduation.
favorite teacher is Mr. Davis and her          Brayden is a quiet person unless he is
favorite subject is math. She can’t live       around friends or family.
without her family and she plans to be a
doctor after graduation. Alexus is in                                   Katarina Trimble
gymnastics and loves spending time with
her friends and she enjoys cheering.

                         Katarina Trimble
Greyhound Growl -
Senior Profiles

            Daryan Rigsby                                Katarina Trimble

       This month’s 12th-grade boy is                This month’s 12th-grade girl is
Daryan Rigsby, he is 17 years old and in      Katarina Trimble, she is 17 years old and
track, Cross Country, Band, FFA, and          is in Yearbook here at school. Her best
                             Football. His                               friends       are
                             best friends                                Gabi, Sarah,
                             are Dalton                                  Kalyn, Elisa,
                                 Williams,                               Taylor,      and
                                   Landon                                Alyssa. One
                             Leonard and                                 thing she wants
                                 Nathaniel                               to see changed
                                  Peterson.                              at this school is
                             One thing he                                bullying. She
                             wants to see                                is single and is
                             changed at                                           looking
                             this school is                              forward        to
our attitude. He is single and is not         moving out. Her favorite movie is To All
looking forward to graduating high            the Boys I Loved Before and her favorite
school. His favorite movie is Men In          teacher and subject is Mr. Nelson and
Black his favorite teacher and subject is     History. She likes to sleep in her spare
Mr. Sparks and Ag. IV. He likes to            time and her favorite music is sad songs.
Exercise, work on his farm and listen to      She likes Christmas, it is her favorite
music in his spare time and his favorite      holiday and her role model is her momma.
artist is NF- rap music. He likes             She doesn’t watch any sports team and
Christmas, it is his favorite holiday and     her pet peeve is drama. She cannot live
his role model is Michael B. Jordan and       without her family and friends. After
Will Smith. He watches the Golden State       High School, she is going to attend
Warriors and his pet peeve is chewing         college. She is 5’3 with an attitude.
with our mouth open. He cannot live
without his dog. He is going to Serve in                                 Grace Hackney
the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska after High

                          Grace Hackney
Greyhound Growl -
Junior Profiles

          Chase McDonald                                Gabby Brown

       Chase McDonald is a 17-year-                  Gabby Brown is a 17 year- old
old at Manchester who is involved in         at Manchester who is involved in FFA,
golf and FFA. His favorite thing to do       beta, softball, and basketball. Her
                          in his spare                               favorite thing
                          time,         is                           to do in her
                          workout and                                spare time, is
                          hunt.       His                            hangout with
                          favorite music                             friends.    Her
                          is rap. His best                           favorite music
                          friends      are                           is country. Her
                          Alex Jackson,                              best friend is
                          and       Aaron                                     Kelsey
                          Rowland. His                                   Henderson.
                                  favorite                           Christmas is
holiday is Christmas. His role model is      her favorite holdiay. Her role model is
his grandma.                                 her aunt.
       The one thing he would like to                One thing she would like to see
not see at school is drugs. He is looking    changed at school is the teachers (not
forward to going to college. He is           all of them). She is looking forward to
currently in a 3-year relationship. His      getting out of school. Her favorite
favorite movie is Die Hard. His              movie is the Sandlot. One thing she
favorite subject is FFA. One thing he        can’t live without is her phone. She
can’t live without is his girlfriend. He     plans on attending college after
plans to become a game warden in the         graduation.
                                                                       Cade Colvin
                            Cade Colvin
Greyhound Growl -
Sophomore Profiles

            Dallas Wages                                  Zoe Arnold
       Dallas Wages is sixteen-years-              Zoe Arnold is 16 years old. She's
old. His activity here at the school is     involved in volleyball, FFA, NHS and
football, Nickel Back is his favorite       Beta. Her favorite thing to do is hang out
music artist. His best friends are JJ and                            with her friends.
                                   Kane.                             Her bestfriends
                          Christmas is                               are Sophia Paul
                          his    favorite                            and Jada Francis.
                          holiday and                                Her       favorite
                          his        role                            music is country
                                                                              and Rap.
                          models are his
                                                                     Christmas is her
                          mom and dad.
                                                                     favorite holiday
                          One thing he                               and her role
                          wants to see                               models are her
                          change at the     parents. One thing she wants to change at
school is the phone rule. He's looking      the school is the food. She’s looking
forward to getting out of school. His       forward to the summer. Her favorite
favorite movie is Jumanji. Dirty shoes      movie is Grown Ups. Her pet peeves are
are his pet peeves. FFA is his favorite     smelly people. American Government is
class. His top sport team that he           her favorite class and Mr. Knauff is her
watches is the Ravens. He can't live        favorite teacher. The Kentucky Wildcat is
without his family and his plans after      the sports team she watches, and one thing
graduation is to get a job.                 she can’t live without is her phone. She's
                                            going to college after graduation.
                              JJ Horsley
                                                                            JJ Horsley
Greyhound Growl -
Freshmen Profiles

             Aaron Lucas                                Hannah Richmond

       Aaron Lucas is 15 years old and                This month’s freshman girl is
his favorite thing to do in his spare time,   Hannah Richmond. She is 15 years old,
is hang out with his friends and his          born on February 12, 2005. Here at the
                           girlfriend. Here                              high     school,
                           at the high                                   she is involved
                           school, Aaron                                 in beta, FFA,
                           is involved in                                     basketball,
                                basketball,                              NAHS,       and
                           football, base                                track.      Her
                           ball and senior                               favorite thing
                           beta. His best                                to do on her
                           friends      are                              spare time, is
                           Jenna, Logan,                                 hanging      out
                           Karson, Cade,                                 with friends,
and Jackson. He says his favorite holiday     and her best friends are Eshell, Emilee,
is Christmas and his role model is his dad.   Ashleigh, Harley and Jadyen. Her favorite
He likes about any kind of music. He is       holidays are her birthday and Christmas.
looking forward to baseball season and        Hannah’s role models are her mom and
summer. His favorite sports teams are         dad, and one thing she is looking forward
Cincinnati Reds, Cincinnati Bengals, and      to is summer. One thing Hannah would
Ohio State Buckeyes and his favorite          like to see change about school is the
movie is Stepbrothers. One of his pet         phone rule. Her favorite sports team is
peeves is ignorant people. His favorite       NKU, and her favorite movie is Forever
teachers are Ms. Martin and Mr. Nelson.       My Girl. Her pet peeve is when people
He says that he can’t live without his        chew with their mouth open. One thing
friends and family. After graduation,         she can’t live without is her family and
Aaron plans on going to college.              friends. After graduation, she plans to go
                                              to college.
                          Alyssa Grooms
                                                                        Alyssa Grooms
Eighth Grade Profiles

            Ethan Rowland                                 Rebecca Moore
       Ethan Rowland’s favorite thing to             Rebecca Moore’s favorite thing to
do in his spare time, is to watch anime.      do in her spare time, is to play video
His favorite band is Slipknot. His best                                   games.     Her
                          friends      are                                favorite type
                                   Thomas                                 of music is
                                  Trimble,                                country and
                          Andrew Schutz,                                  rap. Her best
                                 Dominick                                 friend        is
                          Ranger, Mathias                                        Abigail
                          Gully, and Ryan                                     Helzheber.
                          Wagner.                                         Her favorite
                                   Ethan’s                                holiday       is
                          favorite holiday                                Halloween.
                          is Halloween.              Rebecca’s role model is Candice
The one thing he would like to see            Tackett. One thing at the school she
changed at school is the food. His favorite   would like to see changed is no bullying.
movie is A Silent Voice. He is single.        She is looking forward to graduation. Her
       Ethan has no pet peeves. His           favorite movie is Twilight. She is taken.
favorite subject is science, and his                 Rebecca’s pet peeve is when
favorite teacher is Mr. Davis.                someone types too loud. Her favorite
       One thing he can’t live without is     teacher is Mr. Davis and her favorite
food. After graduation, he plans on           subject is science. She watches the Reds,
becoming a lawyer.                            Bengals, and the Titans. One thing she
                                              can’t live without is her boyfriend. Her
                            Gabi Thomas       plans after graduation is to become a

                                                                           Gabi Thomas
Seventh Grade Profiles

              Jace Cooper                                  Raegan Wikoff

       The seventh-grade boy profile is               The seventh grade girl is Raegan
Jace Cooper. In Jace’s spare time, he          Wikoff. Raegan plays basketball for her
likes to race and watch the Green Bay          school. Her best friends are Kelsey
Packers. He plays football for his school.                            Henderson       and
                          His best friend’s                                         Rylie
                          are        Leland,                          Young. Raegan’s
                          Julian, Braden,                             role model is
                                         and                          Kobe Bryant and
                          Aiden.      Jace’s                          her dating status is
                          role model is                               taken.      Raegan
                          Adam        Mcgill                          likes to listen to
                          and Clay Math                               rap, country, and
                          and his dating                              pop, her favorite
                          status is taken.     movie is Frozen. Her pet peeves are
Jace likes to listen to country music and      when people are dumb and she can’t live
his favorite movie is Sandlot. His pet         without her best friends. At school she
peeves are when people say he is wrong         would like to change the no phone rule.
and he can’t live without is his friends. At   Raegan’s favorite teacher is Mr. Davis
school Jace would not like to change           and her favorite subject is reading. After
anything at school.        Jace’s favorite     graduation Raegan plans to get a job and
teacher is Mr. Cook and his favorite           go to college.
subject is science. After graduation Jace
plans to play football or race.                                           Dentonn White

                             Denton White
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