Oakway Academy Vision Statement for Primary PE and Sport Premium 2020-21

Page created by Mark Cummings
Oakway Academy Vision Statement for Primary PE and Sport Premium 2020-21

       All young people should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. At Oakway Academy we strive to give
       pupils a positive experience of sport and physical activity. A positive experience at a young age can build a lifetime
       habit of participation in a range of physical activity and promote a healthy lifestyle.


       To include:
       1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
       2. the profile of PE and Sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
       3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
       4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
       5. increased participation in competitive sport

          Due to Government COVID guidance during the Academic year 2020-2021, all of the actions/strategies outlined in the
                                                below plan are subject to change.

Created by:                                     Supported by:
Support for review and reflection - considering the 5 key indicators from DfE, what development needs are a priority for
        your setting and your pupils now and why? Use the space below to reflect on previous spend and key achievements and
        areas for development.
              Please note: Although there has been considerable disruption in 2020 it is important that you publish details on your website of
              how you spend the funding - this is a legal requirement.

              N.B. In this section you should refer to any adjustments you might have made due to Covid-19 and how these will influence further
       Key achievements to date until July 2020:                                      Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of
           The use of Sports Leaders and Sports Crew within the academy to               The improved tracking of swimming attainment
               encourage leadership and independence                                         between Year 4 and Year 6
           The celebration of sport throughout the academy is regular and shared         The continuation of Sports Leaders/Crew under new
               widely                                                                        TA3 leadership
           The achievement of the GOLD School Games award                                The improvement of lunchtime provision following
           The wide range of extra-curricular clubs on offer to pupils                      COVID restrictions
           The opportunities to take part in competitions against other schools          The improvement of the dance curriculum and CPD
               within the local community                                                    offer to employed PE staff

              Did you carry forward an underspend from 2019-20 academic year into the
              current academic year? YES/NO * Delete as applicable

Created by:                                           Supported by:
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.

N.B Complete this section to your best ability. For example you might have practised safe self-rescue techniques on
dry land.
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at     July 2021 - %
least 25 metres?

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke July 2021 - %
and breaststroke]?

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?            July 2021 - %

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this       Yes/No
must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?

Created by:                                           Supported by:
Academic Year: 2020-21                    Total fund allocated:                  Date Updated/reviewed: April 2020, July 2020

Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

School focus with clarity on              Actions to achieve:                    Funding allocated:      Evidence and impact:
intended impact on pupils:
Development and resourcing of             -   Ordering of year group storage      £900 ALLOCATED         April:
playtime resources for each year              boxes for each ‘bubble’ by admin     - £44 storage boxes
group ‘bubble’ so that despite COVID          team                                                       July:
restrictions (regarding sharing of        -   Ordering of additional play
equipment) children will have daily           resources x6 a year by admin team
access to resources that enable           -   Regular audits of play equipment by
physical play at break times. Children        admin team
will be able to choose from a range       -   Assistant Principal to complete
equipment that will facilitate physical       before/after questionnaire using
activity.                                     pupil voice to measure impact over
                                              the year

Development and resourcing of           -     Ordering of year group storage      £900 ALLOCATED         April:
lunchtime resources so that each              boxes for each ‘bubble’ by admin     - £400 equipment
year group has access to clean,               team                                                       July:
hygienic equipment despite COVID        -     Ordering of additional play
restrictions. Children will have access       resources x6 a year by admin team
to resources that enable physical play -      Regular audits of play equipment by
at lunchtimes.                                admin team
                                        -     Assistant Principal to complete
                                              before/after questionnaire using
                                              pupil voice to measure impact over
                                              the year

Gather children’s voice on physical    -     School Council representatives to No Cost                    April:
activity opportunities at playtime and       create a ‘wish list’ of
lunchtime, these can be used to              playtime/lunchtime resources by                              July:
inform planned spending on                   gathering the views of KS1 and KS2
resources. Children will have access         children.
to resources that they enjoy using to -      Completed ‘wish list’ to be shared
enable more physical play at                 with Assistant Principal to inform
lunchtimes. Children will know that          planned spending and organisation
their voice has been sought and              of lunchtimes.

Young Leaders in Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 in role     -   TA3s to recruit Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 Young £206.50 ALLOCATED          April:
and supporting/supervising their             Leaders                              - £206.50 for renewals,
peers with a range of activities at      -   Timetable for Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 pupils to    certificates and      July:
lunchtime. All children have further         take turns leading                     journals
opportunities to participate in              activities/supervising activities in
physical activities at lunchtime.            their bubbles
Children to take responsibility for      -   CPD for TA3s by previous Sports
ensuring their peers are safe and have       Leader with leadership role
access to games/resources.               -   Assistant Principal to take part in
                                             Young Leaders webinars and
                                             disseminate information with TA3s
                                         -   Young Leaders to create a bank of
                                             videos with games (using available
                                             equipment) that children can watch
                                             back during class assembly/PD
                                             lesson times

Review of PE curriculum to ensure     -      Review of stock for each unit of    £2000 ALLOCATED          April:
COVID restrictions are being followed        learning, purchase and replenish x6 - £240 outdoor
and that we have the resources to            a year                                  speakers             July:
support the lessons being taught. All                                             - £861.75 Autumn
children to have access to equipment                                                 audit resources

during PE lessons. The purchase of       -   Additional outdoor learning          -   £194 additional bibs
additional resources will ensure             opportunities using outdoor
equipment isn’t shared between               speakers e.g. dance
bubbles and that it is cleaned           -   Purchase of additional equipment to
thoroughly in-between use.                   ensure resources are
                                             shared/cleaned e.g. bibs
                                         -   Resources to enable further learning
                                             outside e.g. outdoor speakers.

Year 4 children, x112, to have 30    -       Monitor impact each term.         £5928 ALLOCATED               April:
minute weekly swimming lessons               Teachers to record attainment and - £5298 swimming
from January onward. This is above           progress towards 25m standard         lesson cost               July:
the recommended length of teaching           termly.
unit. Swimming teacher booked for    -       Y4 teachers to intervene where
each session, no travel costs.               children are reluctant/not
Children to know how to swim and             supported from home to attend
have regular practice throughout the
Spring and Summer term.

Year 6 children, targeted children       -   Identify those who cannot swim       £370.50 ALLOCATED          April:
who cannot swim 25m to be targeted           25m in Year 6 by Easter 2021.         - £370.50 swimming
for additional lessons in July 2021.     -   Invitation for additional swimming       lesson cost            July:
Children to know how to swim and             lessons in June/July 2021 for 6
have regular practice throughout the         weeks
Summer term.
PE team to create opportunities          -   Planning and tracking of in year    No cost                     April:
across the year which focus on fitness       competitions
since returning to school post           -   Record of progress from the                                     July:
lockdown e.g. e.g. bleep test.               beginning of a term to the end
Children to know that they are           -   Results to be celebrated across the
improving their fitness, aiming to           academy
improve each week and have regular
practice at improving.

Oakway to take part in Sustrans ‘Big      -   Baseline survey in November of how £100 ALLOCATED           April:
Pedal’ 2021 Competition in April/May.         children travel to school
Children to be encouraged to travel to    -   Virtual assembly to launch the ‘Big                         July:
school by bike, scooter etc. Children         Pedal’ competition
to be encouraged to travel in a more      -   PD lessons about road safety
physically active way to school.          -   Participation in Big Pedal

Free clubs during the first half of the -     Club timetable for Spring agreed   £1592 ALLOCATED          April:
Spring term to increase participation         with PE team                        - £1592 cost of clubs
in clubs during the COVID pandemic. -         Club information shared with           for 6 weeks          July:
To improve the number of children             parents
attending clubs compared to the first -       Compare participation numbers
half of the autumn term. Children to          before and after lockdown 2.0
have easy access to regular physical

Whole School Improvement Projects         -   Curriculum overview shared with     £500 ALLOCATED          April:
to take place in Term 5/6 for all year        staff
groups. All year groups to take part in   -   Planning support for teachers                               July:
a curriculum topic which focuses on           offered weekly during PPA and in
outside learning and improvement of           teacher meetings
the school outside area. This unit of     -   Additional resources bought when
learning will provide additional              unit of learning has been planned
opportunities for outside learning and    -   Compare core subject data for each
more opportunities for                        year group before and after topic
practical/physical learning e.g. litter       completed to see impact on learning
picking, gardening.

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

School focus with clarity on           Actions to achieve:                     Funding allocated:        Evidence and impact:
intended impact on pupils:
Young Leaders in Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 in role -     TA3s to recruit Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 Young £206.50 ALLOCATED          April:
and supporting/supervising their           Leaders                              - £206.50 for renewals,
peers with a range of activities at    -   Timetable for Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6 pupils to    certificates and      July:
lunchtime. All children have further       take turns leading                     journals
opportunities to participate in            activities/supervising activities in
physical activities at lunchtime.          their bubbles
Children to take responsibility for    -   CPD for TA3s by previous Sports
ensuring their peers are safe and have     Leader with leadership role
access to games/resources.

To identify, select and train a Sports -   Select Sports Crew representatives £125 ALLOCATED            April:
Crew who are responsible for           -   TA3 and children to attend Sports
promoting the positive School Games        Crew conference in April                                     July:
values. For children in Y5 to take on -    TA3 to lead Sports Crew in
leadership roles within the school         promoting sporting and physical
community that promote sporting            activity around school e.g. sports
and physical activity.                     days.
                                       -   Sports Crew to create videos sharing
                                           positive values, efforts and
                                           achievements in PE to share with
                                           peers across school. Sports Crew to

share celebratory news with others
                                            e.g. PRIDE of the term.

Rescheduled 2020 Olympic event       -      Promote to year groups and engage No Cost   April:
which takes place in Summer 2021 to         all teachers.
be promoted and publicized across    -      Celebrate the activities through            July:
school through class assemblies and         photos, blogs and in class books
during PE lessons. Raising awareness -      PPA planning support to all year
of worldwide sporting events will           groups
create healthy habits for life for
students and Olympians act as an
inspirational role model for pupils.

Academy promotional material,        -      Newsletters promote and celebrate No Cost   April:
newsletter, display boards,                 sport and PE during each long term
assemblies and website blogs used to -      School website, Twitter and FB page         July:
celebrate and promote the value of          will have updates from lessons,
PE and sport. 3x year PE and sport          clubs and competitions.
newsletter is published.             -      Termly assemblies used to celebrate
                                            all competition participation and
All celebrations will make explicit the     make explicit links to values.
link to academy values and the          -   PE and sport display regularly
achievements of children.                   updated with information and

Oakway Academy to achieve the          -     Release time for Dance lead to part £800 ALLOCATED           April:
Silver Arts Mark over the next two           in Arts Mark working group           - Arts mark pack £500
years. Dance is a part of the Art Mark -     Arts Mark working group to action - Club cover £194.10 to July:
and therefore dance will be promoted         steps towards achieving the mark        attend working group
through the actions completed to                                                     meetings
achieve the mark. Children to have
more opportunity to take part in
dance activities. Children to know
about a wider range of types of dance
and have the opportunity to learn
about them and take part in them.

Whole school event – all children and    -   Pick date for event                 No cost                  April:
staff in KS1/KS2 to take part in a       -   Organisation of staggered run times
Cancer Research Race4Life event.             in ‘bubbles’                                                 July:
Whole school community to be             -   Order of Cancer Research Race4Life
involved in using physical activity to       pack
raise money for a charity. To improve    -   Mufti fund raising event
pupil understanding of national          -   Virtual assembly to raise awareness
charities.                                   of charity

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

School focus with clarity on             Actions to achieve:                    Funding                   Evidence and impact:
intended                                                                        allocated:
impact on pupils:

REAL Dance CPD for all PE team and -       Dance lead to take part in REAL  £700 ALLOCATED        April:
dance lead (or an alternative). All        Dance webinars
children to be taught dance for one -      Book and complete REAL Dance                           July:
half term throughout the year and          CPD for three members of PE team
have an increased ability in this area
of sport.

All Y4 staff trained to deliver the   -    Book training through Sport      £375 ALLOCATED        April:
swimming curriculum. All Y4 staff to       England.
take part in swimming CPD. All Y4     -    All Y4 staff to attend training                        July:
students to access at least two terms -    Y4 teachers to monitor and track
worth of quality swimming lessons          swimming progress and attainment
before the end of term.                    throughout the year

Renewal of Jasmine platform to         -   Renew online platform                 £576 ALLOCATED   April:
support the teaching and learning of   -   Reviewed Curriculum overview
the Real PE curriculum. PE team to         reflects use of Real PE units                          July:
use Jasmine resources to enhance       -   All PE staff to have access to
their lessons. All children to make        Jasmine platform
good progress against REAL PE          -   All PE staff to use REAL PE resources
Cogs/skills.                               when teaching REAL PE units

TOP Sportability Inclusive training to -   PE teacher to take part in online No Cost              April:
be completed by one member of the          training
PE team. A sports club that focuses -      Assess progress before/end of the                      July:
on PPG/SEN and inclusivity to be           club and the impact on children’s
offered throughout the year to             ability
targeted children and year groups.     -   Increased percentage of SEN/PPG
Improved teacher subject knowledge         children attending clubs
of inclusive practice.

Additional CPD in either gymnastics or -   PE teacher to take part in additional £500 ALLOCATED   April:
football to upskill teaching staff. To     gymnastics/football qualification
improve the coaching on offer to       -   PE teacher to lead an invitation only                  July:
competitive teams within the county        club in either gymnastics/football
and therefore improve outcomes for         focusing on higher attaining pupils
pupils.                                -   PE teacher with responsibility for
                                           competitions to lead participation in
                                           local competitions
Chair Yoga CPD to be completed by    -     PE teacher to take part in online     £45 ALLOCATED    April:
one member of the staff.                   training
Training/Subject knowledge gained to -     PE teacher to disseminate                              July:
be shared with all teaching staff to       information with teaching staff
encourage the use of ‘active         -     Survey to collate teacher
moments’ throughout the day whilst         responses/feedback and use of
also following COVID guidelines.           Chair Yoga during teacher time to
                                           measure impact during teaching day
One member of the PE team to take -        PE teacher to take part in online     £60 ALLOCATED    April:
part in educational conference about       training
educational visits in the future,      -   PE teacher to disseminate                              July:
focusing on sports. Staff member to        information with Trips Lead
feedback to principal on steps             (Principal)
forward in the future for improving    -   PE teacher (with responsibility for
educational visits and ensuring safety     clubs/competitions) to use
post COVID 19. Children to have            knowledge from CPD to ensure
access to educational sports trips.        competitions that involve travel are
                                           COVID friendly in 2021
                                       -   PE teacher taking part in CPD to
                                           identify any further opportunities
                                           for sports related trips in 2021

Teachers to be given regular CPD       -   CPD opportunities for ‘active         No Cost               April:
throughout the year of                     moments’ to be shared with staff
opportunities for ‘active                  through email, videos etc e.g. chair                        July:
moments’ and ‘outside learning’.           yoga, Go noodle
                                       -   Activity level ‘maps’ to be created
The links between mental health
                                           based on current timetables and
and physical activity to be shared
                                           shared with staff
with staff and the importance          -   Opportunities for outside learning to
explained. Teachers to be shown            be identified in PPA, PPA support to
(using activity levels) times of the       be given by phase leaders
day when physical activity can be      -   Links between well-being and sport
improved.                                  to be shown to staff using a range of
                                           resources e.g. Premier League
                                           Primary Stars

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

School focus with clarity on           Actions to achieve:                      Funding                Evidence and impact:
intended                                                                        allocated:
impact on pupils:
TOP Sportability Inclusive club to be -    PE teacher to take part in          £1446.12 ALLOCATED      April:
offered to PPG/SEN children in             Sportability training                - One term (6 weeks)
targeted year groups from December -       Club timetable to focus on targeted     £241.02 x 6 =       July:
– July for free to increase                year groups                             £1446.12
participation in a range of physical  -    Clubs to be made free to increase
activity.                                  participation
                                      -    PPG/SEN children to be selected and
                                           invited to the club

Review of PE curriculum to ensure      -   Create new curriculum overview for No cost                 April:
children are accessing a wide range of     academic year 2020-2021
sports but that the Academy is also    -   Regular review of COVID guidance                           July:
following government advice about          linking to sport, adaptions to be
physical activity during the current       made to curriculum overview if
COVID pandemic.                            needed

Opportunities planned for external     -   PE team to use variety of external No Cost                 April:
sports, different to that provided in      links to invite providers into KS2/KS1
school, to be incorporated into taster     PE lessons following COVID                                 July:
sessions in PE lessons by inviting         guidelines/restrictions.
external providers.

Children have experience of a wider
range of sports at no cost to them.
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

School focus with clarity on          Actions to achieve:                     Funding                 Evidence and impact:
intended                                                                      allocated:
impact on pupils:
Register for Sport England            -    Register for competitions.            £1575 ALLOCATED      April:
Northamptonshire’s competitions       -    Complete competitions during class - £225 for subscription
across the academic year, either           teaching time with targeted year       - £900 15 x minibus July:
virtual or out in the community.           groups if they are virtual                excursions
Children will have the opportunity to -    Targeted children to enter             - £450 School Games
take part in competitive sport.            competitions if they involve external     coach
                                           trips to other settings

After school club 1x week dedicated       -   Aim to invite at least one team of £180 ALLOCATED          April:
to training session for identified team       children to participate in the
for upcoming competition. Children            competition club by the end of the                         July:
invited attend and participate in the         academic year.
club and compete. Dependent on            -   Monitor number of children
COVID restrictions and local                  participating and competing to
competitions. Will increase                   measure impact of this strategy.
participation for students in
competitive sport.
PE team to decide termly                  -   Planning and tracking of in year   No Cost                 April:
competitions between year group               competitions
‘bubbles’ which focus on challenging      -   Record of progress                                         July:
themselves but also competing
against others e.g. bleep test.

Total planned expenditure September 2020-21                                      Total Actual expenditure July 2021:

School budget: £0                                                                School budget:
Sports Premium Grant: 18,879.12                                                  Sports Premium Grant:
Total: 18,879.12                                                                 Total:

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