St Gabriel's Church Heaton Monthly Magazine May 2021 - Free

Page created by Daniel Evans
St Gabriel's Church Heaton Monthly Magazine May 2021 - Free

     St Gabriel’s Church

     Monthly Magazine
        May 2021

St Gabriel's Church Heaton Monthly Magazine May 2021 - Free
W.S. Harrison & Son,                      John Bardgett & Sons,
                                                                        St Mark’s House,                           Oakwood House,
                        St Gabriel’s Blog                                 Shields Road,                           571 Westgate Road,
Hello and welcome to the St Gabriel’s Blog!                          Newcastle upon Tyne                        Newcastle upon Tyne
                                                                            NE6 2UD                                    NE4 9PQ
April was an exciting month as flowers grew and new shoots of       Telephone (0191)265 5415                   Telephone (0191)273 9292
returning church activities appeared.
Heaton Churches Together held their usual Lent Lunches over                                      A caring
Zoom this year and we thank Alan for leading St Gabriel’s zoom
                                                                     service from a local Funeral Director who will provide help and
Lent course this year.
                                                                                      guidance at your time of need
Good Friday was witnessed through family activities in the                 Dignity Pre-Paid Funeral Plans available on request
gardens including building Lego Easter gardens and a trail
followed by the Litergy of Good Friday                                                          Our experienced team can help
We enjoyed celebrating Easter Day in                                                            with wills, probate and all your
church and although there were still                                                            conveyancing needs from our
restrictions on singing we had a “Pots                                                          offices in Newcastle city centre.
and Pans Gloria” where people                                                                   Call: 0191 243 8167
brought things from home to make a                                                              Visit:
wonderful noise! If you haven't seen it
already the video for this is on our
Facebook page.
                                                                               CO-OPERATIVE FUNERAL CARE
It was also mentioned in the Newcastle Diocesan Monthly                               Part of the Co-operative Group
Magazine! There is a link to this up on our website and it is                 Pre-Paid Funeral Plans: Full Memorial Services
                                  interesting to see how the many
                                  different churches in the             Shields House                             9-11 Benton Road
                                  Diocese have responded to the      Shields Road, Byker       Estimates             High Heaton
                                  current worship challenges in        0191 276 2240           on request           0191 266 6204
                                  many different ways.

Thank you to everyone to donated Easter Eggs for Simonside
House and we welcomed back the flower team who decorated
the Church with their usual lovely flower displays following some
kind donations.
The Easter chick knitting project was highly successful with over
200 knitted chicks being filled with Easter Eggs and given out to
the local community.

                               2                                                                   15
We are looking forward to further easing of national restrictions
St Gabriel's Summer Garden Party will be back on          which include the Choirs returning to services! Look out for
                                                          Choral Evensongs, Festal Evensongs (with 3 choirs) and the
                 Saturday 24th July!                      start of a new Choir Juniors format at 9.45am service consisting
Tea & cake stall, entertainments, raffles, tombola,       of family bubbles supported by soloists! Thank you to everyone
                                                          in the choirs and all involved in the musical life of St Gabriel’s It
                  and much more!                          is something that has been missed over the year of “online
  If you would like to help out in any way please         church”
      contact Jim Screen or the Parish Office.            We are also excited to see the return of the St Gabriel’s Toddler
                                                          Group! This will be in a more limited way and outside
                                                          where possible (see page 4 for full details) we are looking
              ADVERTISING                                 forward to seeing old friends and welcoming new faces!

  There is advertising space available for local          As ever the best place to follow us for up to date information is
                                                          our Facebook page but we do also have an email mailing list
    companies in our monthly and quarterly                where we send out information on our big events such as the
  magazines which have a regular readership               Patronal Festival, Winter Wonderland etc. So if you would like to
          of around 200 local residents.                  be added on to this please contact the Parish Office.
                                                          Until next month!
We are keen to support our local businesses and high
                                                          The Parish Office
  streets; especially after the last year so if this is
      something that may interest you please                 P.S. Save the date - The Garden Party will take
   contact the Parish Office for more information:        place on the 24th July! If you would like to help out
                                                                   in anyway please contact the office!
       by ‘phone (0191) 265 5843 or via email
                                                           The Annual Parochial Church Meeting has
                                                                       been moved to
              Stobbart & Collins
                                                                Sunday 30th May 2021 at 11am
        Professional Motor Engineers
                                                                              due to Covid restrictions
Sean Taylor
Mob: 07944 987 257                                        Parish breakfast
The Garage. Stanmore
Road. Heaton                                              For these unusual times where we may not gather we are
Newcastle upon Tyne. NE6 5SX                              offering 11.30am Sunday coffee over Zoom.
Tel: 0191 2766469                                         The meeting ID is : 758 7063 8630 ask for the password by
                                                          message on Facebook or from the parish office by email.

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Toddler Group is Back!                                          Donating to St Gabriel’s
                                                             The Coronavirus situation continues to restrict our usual events
We are delighted to welcome back families to the toddler               and activities and fundraising occasions.
             Group! Tuesdays in term time                   However many of the operating costs of the church continue and
                       10-11am.                              as the work of the many charities we support via the Missions
                                                            Fund becomes more and more vital to the local community there
                                                               are many ways in which people are able to donate to us.
We will mostly be in the back gardens and occasionally in
           church depending on the weather.                 Contactless donation point in Church - this goes towards the
                                                            general maintenance and running costs of the Church.
                                                   - Here you can make either one off or
                                                            monthly donations to the General Fund supporting the
                                                            Church running costs or you can choose to support the
                                                            Missions Fund or the Music fund.
                                                             Online shopping - Your usual online shopping can
        Please bring your own snacks and drinks             mean extra donations to St Gabriel’s without costing
                                                                          you any more money!
                and something to sit on.
                                                            Easyfundrasing - This works across over 3000 online shops
                                                            including the big supermarkets where they donate a % of the item
   Adults must adhere to social distancing and Covid        costs to us. - see the webstie for more information:
   guidelines and facemasks must be worn indoors.
This is a lovely group for babies and pre school children
 to meet, play and chat and we are looking forward to
                    seeing everyone.

          Numbers are limited to 14 adults so               Amazon Smile - If you use this version of Amazon they will
                                                            donate a % of the item costs to us again without it costing you any
          please book your space by emailing                more than you were paying originally. See the website for more
              by 12 noon on the Monday                     
           with the names of all in your group
                                                                         Thank you to everyone who is able to
              and the ages of the children.
                                                                             support our work in this way.

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Hello and welcome to St Gabriel’s Church.

    100 Things for Captain Tom’s 100th Birthday
                                                                     We are pleased to be able to welcome people into church again
                       Saturday 8th May                              for public worship.
 The residents of Bosworth Gardens are getting involved in this      Things will be a little different at the moment and may change as
  initiative set up by Captain Tom’s family, to do 100 things to     guidelines change. Please take note of the health and safety
                  raise money for a chosen charity.                  notices and use the hand sanitizer stations.
                                                                     There is also a contactless donation point at the back of church
They will be doing a variety of activates on the day in support of   for those who wish to donate to the ministry of the church in this
Marie Curie Nurses and will have donation buckets out if anyone
                    wishes to support them.                                        SUNDAY SERVICES
                                                                     8.00am           Holy Eucharist
   The proposed activities include, blowing up 100 balloons,         This is a simple said service using Common Worship without
  walking for 100 minutes and throwing a ball for 100 minutes!       hymns, in the Lady Chapel.

                                                                     9.45am          Parish Eucharist
    For more information please speak to Sylvia Stevenson            This is the main Sunday Service (using Common Worship) and
                                                                     finishes about 11.00am

                                                                     5.30pm         Evening Service
                                                A Huge thank                        See the diary for dates.
                                               you to everyone
                                                   who has           Compline A Quiet and Reflective service for the Evening.
                                                supported St         Choral Evensong A formal service using the Book of
                                                   Gabriel's         Common Prayer with Psalms and Hymns.
                                                through Easy         Evening Prayer
                                               fundraising over
                                               2020 This is a        WEEKDAY SERVICES
                                                simple way to        Morning Prayer 9 .00am (8.30am on Thursdays)
                                               get donations to      Evening Prayer 5.30pm (5pm on Mondays)
                                                  the Church         Holy Eucharist 7.30pm Tuesdays, 9.30am Thursdays
                                                when you shop
                                                 online at no        There are additional services on Feast Days and Holy Days
                                                extra cost to        which are detailed in the news-sheet and on the website.
                                                 you! See the
                                                 website for         Return dates for groups and activities will be listed on the
                                                more details.        weekly Newsheets when confirmed.

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Diary for May 2021
Sunday 2nd                            Monday 10th Rogation Day
The Fifth Sunday of Easter            9.00am   Morning Prayer
                                                                                       Communion Readings for May
8.00am       Holy Eucharist           5.00pm   Evening Prayer           Sunday 2nd       The Fifth Sunday of Easter
9.45am       Parish Eucharist         Tuesday 11th Rogation Day
                                                                        Acts 8: 26-end    Psalm 22: 25-   1 John 4: 7-     John 15: 1-8
5.30pm       Compline                 9.00am   Morning Prayer                             end             end
Monday 3rd                            10.00am Toddler Group
9.00am       Morning Prayer           5.30pm   Evening Prayer
                                                                        Sunday 9th       The Sixth Sunday of Easter
5.00pm       Evening Prayer           7.30pm   Holy Eucharist
Tuesday 4th                           Wednesday 12th                    Acts 10: 44-end Psalm 98          1 John 5: 1-6    John 15: 9-17
9.00am       Morning Prayer           9.00am   Morning Prayer
10.00am      Toddler Group            5.30pm   Evening Prayer           Sunday 16th      The Seventh Sunday of Easter
5.30pm       Evening Prayer           Thursday 13th
                                                                                         (The Sunday after Ascension day)
7.30pm       Holy Eucharist           Ascension Day
Wednesday 5th                         8.30am   Morning Prayer           Acts 1:15-17      Psalm 1         1 John 5: 9-13 John 17: 6-19
9.00am       Morning Prayer           9.30am   Holy Eucharist           21-end
5.30pm       Evening Prayer           5.30pm   Evening Prayer
Thursday 6th                          7.30pm   Deanery Eucharist        Sunday 23rd      Day of Pentecost
8.30am       Morning Prayer           Friday 14th St Martins
9.30am       Holy Eucharist           8.30am   Morning Prayer           Acts 2: 1-21      Psalm 104:      Rom 8: 22-27     John 15: 26-27
5.30pm       Evening Prayer           9.30am   Holy Eucharist                             26-36, 37b                       16: 4b-15
Friday 7th                            9-12.30pm Heart-beeps in vestry
9.00am       Morning Prayer           5.30pm   Evening Prayer           Sunday 30th      Trinity Sunday
9-12.30pm Heart-beeps in vestry
5.30pm       Evening Prayer           Sunday 16th                       Isa 6: 1-8        Psalm 29        Rom 8: 12-17     John 3: 1-17

                                      The Seventh Sunday after Easter
Sunday 9th                            8.00am   Holy Eucharist             Occasional Offices
The Sixth Sunday of Easter            9.45am   Parish Eucharist           Please be aware that under current Government restrictions
8.00am       Holy Eucharist           5.30pm   Compline                   the number of people attending a baptism, wedding, or
                                                                          funeral are strictly limited, and because of track and trace all
9.45am       Parish Eucharist         Monday 17th                         those attending must be recorded in our register along with
5.30pm       Evening Prayer           9.00am   Morning Prayer             their contact details. During this time please do not attend
                                                                          any of these services without being invited to do so.
                                      5.00pm   Evening Prayer
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Tuesday 18th                          Tuesday 25th
24th       We bring to God’s presence all whose lives have been
           affected by the epidemic of Covid - financially, emotionally or   9.00am    Morning Prayer              9.00am     Morning Prayer
           physically. We pray for healing and strength.                     10.00am Toddler Group                 10.00am    Toddler Group
                                                                             5.00pm    Evening Prayer              5.00pm     Evening Prayer
25th       For the mentally ill we pray. May we bring support and
           comfort.                                                          7.30pm    Holy Eucharist              7.30pm     Holy Eucharist

26th       Bless Lord the care homes in our parish. May they be places
           of security and kindness for residents and their carers.          Wednesday 19th                        Wednesday 26th
                                                                             9.00am    Morning Prayer              9.00am     Morning Prayer
27th       We bring to You Lord all who are dear to us and name them
           in our hearts. May the love we have for each other be             5.30pm    Evening Prayer              5.30pm     Evening Prayer
           reflected in all we are and do.                                                                         Thursday 27th
28th       We give thanks for the beauty of language - the joy of            Thursday 20th                         8.30am     Morning Prayer
           literature and poetry. May we use your words with                 8.30am    Morning Prayer              9.30am     Holy Eucharist
           generosity and kindness.                                          9.30am    Holy Eucharist              5.30pm     Evening Prayer
29th       We pray for young people, many of whom are struggling             5.30pm    Evening Prayer              Friday 28th
           with anxiety, uncertainty and fear for the future. May we be a                                          9.00am     Morning Prayer
           ready source of encouragement and affirmation.
                                                                             Friday 21st                           9-12.30pm Heart-beeps in vestry
30th       We give thanks for friendship, families and for all the           9.00am    Morning Prayer              5.30pm     Evening Prayer
           opportunities each day brings.
                                                                             9-12.30pm Heart-beeps in vestry
31st       Be ever with us Lord in our happiness and in our
           disappointments, our successes and our times of                   5.30pm    Evening Prayer              Saturday 29th
           weariness.                                                                                              12 noon   Wedding
                                                                             Sunday 23rd
                                          If you would like pastoral care,
                                            including home and hospital      Day of Pentecost                      Sunday 30th
Parish Registers                             visits, and the receiving of    8.00am    Holy Eucharist              Trinity Sunday
                                                  home communion,
                                                                             9.45am    Parish Eucharist            8.00am     Holy Eucharist
Funerals                                      please contact Jonathan
                                                                             11.45am   Holy Baptism                9.45am     Parish Eucharist
14th April   Alan Curry                                                                                            Followed by the A.P.C.M .
                                                                             5.30pm    Festal Evensong
                                                                                                                   5.30pm     Holy Eucharist BCP
                                           To contact St Gabriel’s Parish
19th April Derek Robson                      Office call 0191 265 5843
                                                                             Monday 24th
                                                      or email                                                     Monday 31st
                                                                             9.00am    Morning Prayer
                                                                             5.00pm    Evening Prayer

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Prayer Diary for May 2021                                12th   For the growth of justice and truth we pray, giving thanks
                                                                                for all who strive to promote these qualities locally,
1st   We pray today for all families unable to access medical help for          nationally and internationally.
      loved ones. In particular we remember the people of India and
      Brazil and the native Americans caught up n the pandemic.          13th   Ascension Day with gratitude we pray, for the Church
                                                                                throughout the world celebrating Gods greatest gift to us in
                                                                                the Risen Christ.
2nd   We bring to God world leaders grappling with environmental
      issues affecting all people. Grant to them Lord wisdom and a       14th   We give thanks for our archbishops, bishops and clergy
      burning desire to work for the good of all.                               and their leadership and love for God’s people.
                                                                         15th   We pray for all our clergy - Jonathan, Sheila and Alan and
3rd   Grant to each of us Lord confidence and strength to embrace
                                                                                for Mairi and Paul in their training. We give thanks for their
      the challenge of protecting and nurturing the natural world
                                                                                example, guidance and service to us all.
      around us.
4th   We give thanks for the beauty of the sounds, sights and            16th   In the business of our daily lives may we never lose the gift
      fragrance of spring time. May we be people of action in making            of wonder.
      “our world” a little better each day.
                                                                         17th   We give thanks for all the members of St Gabriel's Church
5th   Grant to each of us Lord a growing sense of observation and               and the love and support they have given to each other
      appreciation of the natural world (time to “stand and stare”)             throughout the past difficult year of pandemic.

6th   We pray for unity between nations. May we learn from the           18th   We pray for all who enrich our worship through music. We
      example of scientists and researchers sharing knowledge for               give thanks for all that Tim brings in his talent, inspiration
      the good of all.                                                          and creativity.

7th   We continue to give thanks for the devotion and courage of all     19th   For the individuals and groups who clean, organise and
      bringing care and help to victims of Covid. Grant to the Lord             care for our church we give thanks. For the beauty of floral
      the knowledge of your presence in their struggles.                        arrangements and the love that inspires all the work
8th   May we be a constant support to all whose lives have been          20th   Bless Lord all who teach and all who learn across all age
      blighted by uncertainty, fear, loss of income, status or hope.            groups in our community
9th   We pray for strength of purpose in sharing love and welcome        21st   We bring to God for blessing the people of Heaton, may we
      to the marginalised, unloved or lonely.                                   always be a caring welcoming community celebrating
                                                                                diversity of culture and age range.
10th For the gift of humility and compromise we pray. Enable us
     Lord to respect to views of others with generous hearts and         22nd   We give thanks for the gift of life. May we use each
     open minds.                                                                precious moment guided by our knowledge of God’s spirit
                                                                                with us.
11th For places of danger and conflict we pray, remembering today
     the people of Hong Kong and minority gropes in Myanmar and          23rd   At this time of Pentecost we pray that the Holy Spirit may
     China.                                                                     be with us all and bless our daily relationships as we pray
                                                                                to reflect Gods love to all whom we meet.

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