Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate

Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
Weekly News
                            25 August 2019
   St Peter’s Church, Cambridge Road, Harrogate, HG1 1PB
Every year St Peter's Church gives at least £3,000 in donations to different charities – half
of these are local and half are working overseas. This is the last article in this series,
which features two smaller charities and the work that they do.
St Andrew's Evangelical Mission was set up over 30 years ago by the Revd Brian
Attwell and his Peruvian wife, Betty. After witnessing the poverty in the slums of
Lima on a visit to Peru, the couple moved there and at first set up a soup kitchen.
Eventually they raised enough money to establish an orphanage – the St Andrew's
Children's Home in Chosica. Since Brian's death in 2010, Betty has continued to run
the Home and currently they care for just over thirty abandoned, orphaned, and
disabled children. They also run a day nursery, where mothers can bring their
babies and toddlers while they go to work; and a clinic, where sick children and
mothers are treated free of charge. The building of a school for the children is
nearing completion. Contact the Parish Office if you would like to make a donation.
Open Country is a Harrogate based charity which enables
anyone with a disability to access the countryside, by
providing advice, information and outdoor activities.
Open Country provides a Countryside Advice Service to
                                 organisations like The
                                 Yorkshire         Dales
                                 National Park Authority, carrying out access
                                 audits on pathways to check they meet
                                 recognised standards for wheelchair users and
                                 highlighting areas that need extra work. They
                                 have produced Breakfree Packs for the local
                                 area, containing walk descriptions and maps
                                 created with wheelchair users in mind.
                                        Open Country has a wide range of groups to
                                        suit nearly every ability and interest, from
                                        gentle bird watching trips to abseiling off
                                        viaducts! Download their latest Newsletter &
                                        Programme at www.opencountry.org.uk.
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
St Peter’s Ladies who Lunch
The Ladies who Lunch are meeting again on Wednesday 28th August at 12:30 pm at
the Palm Court Café at the bottom of Montpellier Hill. If you are interested in
joining us for food and fellowship, then please contact Sue Heapy to book your
place at our table (07540 355 305) or brynsusie@hotmail.com.
St Peter's Evening Fellowship: New Park and the Barber Line
                                                The streets of Harrogate were lit
                                                by gas lamps for the first time in
                                                February 1848. The coal for the
                                                Harrogate Gasworks in New Park
                                                was carried by horse and cart and
                                                from 1871 by steam road
                                                locomotives. The noisy, heavy
                                                vehicles damaged the roads, so in
                                                1907, a narrow gauge railway was
                                                constructed. The first engine
                                                arrived in 1908 and was named
                                                'Barber' after the chairman of the
gas company. Coal was carried from Bilton sidings to New Park and hot bitumen
was carried on the return journey. Find out more at the next meeting of St Peter's
Evening Fellowship on Thursday 5th September starting at 7:30 pm, when Terry
Williams will be the speaker.
   Fresh from the farm every week!

          £1 for half a dozen
  Larger than large James Potter eggs
 available from Hannah Beck after any
   service on Sundays, or during the
   Ten pence from each sale goes to St
      Peter's Breakfast Club funds.
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
New programme for Harrogate School of Theology & Mission
                   The 2019/20 programme includes four live lectures led by
                   well-qualified speakers and four facilitated discussions based
                   on DVD presentations by leading theologians (Bibletrack
                   Seminars). The lectures cost £8, or £25 for the series of four,
                   including breakfast and mid-morning refreshments (students
                   £5 or £15) and take place at St Mark's Church, Leeds Road.
                   Bibletrack Seminars cost £5, including breakfast and mid-
morning refreshments (students £3) and take place at Mowbray Community
Church, Westmoreland Street. Everyone, lay or ordained, will be most welcome to

   Harrogate School of Theology & Mission - Programme for 2019/20
  28th September 2019          Dr Elaine Storkey
                                                               Gender and Justice
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon       Feminist lecturer, writer
                                                                    (live lecture)
   St Mark’s Harrogate          and broadcaster
    19th October 2019          Dr Jane Williams                 Bibletrack seminar:
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon        Assistant Dean of St            Luke and Acts Part 1
 Mowbray Community Church    Mellitus College, London     (DVD and facilitated discussion)
                            The Revd Prof Jeremy            Today is the day – for
  23 November 2019                  Duff                  everyone! Growing Church
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon        Principal of St Padarn’s
                                                               in Luke and Acts
   St Mark’s Harrogate       Institute in the Church in
                                                                    (live lecture)
   7th December 2019                                            Bibletrack seminar:
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon         Dr Jane Williams               Luke and Acts Part 2
 Mowbray Community Church                                 (DVD and facilitated discussion)
    25th January 2020         The Rt Revd James
                                                             The spiritual and moral
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon            Jones KBE               imperatives in the life of Christ
                              Writer, broadcaster &                (live lecture)
   St Mark’s Harrogate      former Bishop of Liverpool
   15th February 2020            Dr Chris Tilling               Bibletrack seminar:
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon          Senior Lecturer at           St Paul's Letters Part 1
 Mowbray Community Church   St Mellitus College, London   (DVD and facilitated discussion)
                            The Revd Dr Malcolm
     28 March 2020                 Guite                      Christ and the Poetic
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon      Poet, priest and Chaplain             Imagination
   St Mark’s Harrogate         of Girton College,                   (live lecture)
     25th April 2020                                            Bibletrack seminar:
  9.30 am – 12.00 noon           Dr Chris Tilling            St Paul's Letters Part 2
 Mowbray Community Church                                 (DVD and facilitated discussion)
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
Today's Services: 25th August 2019
                           The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

8:30        Holy Communion

9:30        Family Communion
Sunday Club is closed for the Summer, but children and their parents are welcome to gather
     in the café area, where there are toys and activities to share during the service.
Hymns            629, 379, 42, 183
Reading          Luke 13 v 10 - 17
Preacher:        Chris Clayton

11:00     Choral Matins
Setting        Sumsion in G (Te Deum)
Hymns          490, 599, 474
Psalm          119 v 49 - 64
Readings       Jonah 2
               Revelation 1
Anthem         Cantate Domino (Pitoni)
Preacher:      Oliver Longstaff

4:15      Afternoon Church          Celtic Worship
Preacher:      Sarah Martin

6:30      Choral Evensong
Setting        Noble in B minor
Hymns          621, 385, 585 (omit*verse)      Our Duty Wardens today are:
                                                    Oliver Longstaff and
Psalm          119 v 73 - 88
                                                     Rosemary Turner
Readings       Isaiah 30 v 8 - 21
               2 Corinthians 9
Anthem         O Lorde, the maker of al thing (Joubert)
Preacher:      Sue Pearce

                                          At the 9:30 Service we offer prayer with
                                          laying on of hands. If you would like this
                                          ministry, please come up to receive the
                                          bread and wine (or a blessing) in St Mary’s
                                          Chapel and wait behind in the pews there.
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
Please pray for those who have asked           Daily Readings
 for our prayers:                               Morning Prayer is at 8:00 am and
 Tim Akers, Pat Anderson, Peggy-Anne            Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm daily. These
                                                are the Bible readings we will be using
 Binder, Mary Burcher, Louise Emrullahu,
                                                in Church each morning this week. Why
 Pam Gardiner, Gill Gibson, Vicky               not read them at home if you are unable
 Harrison, Edna Hodgkiss, Sian Lockwood,        to come to the service?
 Peggy Palmer, Alan Richardson, Frances         Mon         Psalm 71
 Roxby-Proud, Colin Sinclair and Keith                      Jeremiah 41
 Ward.                                                      Mark 2 v 23 – 3 v 6
Also in our prayers this week:                  Tues        Psalm 73
                                                            Jeremiah 42
Mon        David Fisher, our Treasurer                      Mark 3 v 7 – 19a
           Christian debt counselling
                                                Wed         Psalm 77
                                                            Jeremiah 43
Tues       St Peter's Bell Ringers                          Mark 3 v 19b to end
           The Hospital Chaplaincy Team         Thurs       The Beheading of John
Wed        Those in the midst of famine or                  the Baptist
           disaster                                         Psalm 78 v 1 - 39
           The work of Christian Aid                        Jeremiah 44 v 1 - 14
                                                            Mark 4 v 1 - 20
Thurs      Lunchtime RefleXions
                                                Fri         John Bunyan, writer
           All those bereaved and injured by
                                                            Psalm 55
           the bomb at the wedding in Kabul
                                                            Jeremiah 44 v 15 to end
Fri        St Peter's Toddler Group                         Mark 4 v 21 -34
           Laura and Will getting married at    Sat         Aidan, Bishop of
           St Peter's today                                 Lindisfarne
Sat        Alan Garrow, Vicar of St Peter's                 Psalm 76
           The family, friends and colleagues               Jeremiah 45
           of murdered PC Andrew Harper                     Mark 4 v 35 to end

The Collect for the Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Let your merciful ears, O Lord, be open to the prayers of your humble servants;
and that they may obtain their petitions make them to ask such things as shall
please you;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Lord of heaven and earth, as Jesus taught his disciples to be persistent in prayer,
give us patience and courage never to lose hope, but always to bring our prayers
before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
What’s on This Week
       Morning Prayer is at 8:00 am and Evening Prayer at 5:00 pm daily
 Mon 26th     Summer Bank Holiday
              2:30 pm Organ Recital with John Longstaff, Director of Music,
              at St Peter's Church, tickets £10 (includes afternoon tea)
 Tues 27th        12:30 pm Healing Service
                  7:00 pm Bi-Polar Support Group
 Wed 28th         10:30 am Café RefleXion
                  12:30 pm St Peter's Ladies who Lunch are meeting at the Palm
                  Court Café
 Thurs 29th       9:30 am St Peter's Parent and Toddler Group
                  11:00 am Holy Communion
                  2:00 pm St Peter’s Handbell Ringers at Wesley Chapel
                  7:30 pm Choir Practice resumes
 Fri 30th         9:30 am AA Meeting
                  10:00 am St Peter’s Cleaning Team
                  11:00 am Wedding in Church
                  7:00 pm Bell Ringers
                  7:00 pm NA Meeting
 Sat 31st         10:00 am – 4:00 pm St Peter's Players are holding a
                  Refreshment Day in Church – please pop in for a morning
                  coffee, light lunch or afternoon tea! Their next production is
                  The Sound of Music on from 18th – 23rd November 2019.
                  10:00 am – 4:00 pm St Peter's Bellringers Jumble Sale in the
                  Glass Foyer
We need your help!
St Peter’s gives out food parcels every day to those in need. Please, when you do your
shopping this week, remember to pick up something extra - toiletries, tinned food, a
packet of tea or biscuits - to bring to Church next Sunday to put in the hamper.
 Next Sunday 1st September            The Breakfast Club provides a free, hot
 The Eleventh Sunday after            breakfast from Monday to Saturday (8:15 –
 Trinity                              8:45 am) for all those who are hungry or in
 8:30      Holy Communion             need. A hot Sunday lunch is also served at the
 9:30      Family Communion           Wesley Centre each week at 1:00 pm, except
 11:00     Choral Communion           for the third Sunday of the month when it is
 4:15      Afternoon Church –         here at St Peter’s.
           Holy Communion             Food parcels are available from 4:45 pm every
 6:30      Choral Evensong            day, except for Sundays, when it’s 5:30 pm.
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
Bible RefleXions returns with Nooma
                            Nooma is a play on the Greek word for spirit, wind, or
                            breath. It's the name of a series of short films on DVD
                            with accompanying study guides designed to
                            encourage discussion with relevant questions and
                            Biblical quotes. They are written and produced by
                            Rob Bell, an American bestselling author and Christian
                            teacher. Each film from the series covers a different
                            topic.     St Peter's Bible RefleXions meets on
                            Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am and they start the
                            term by viewing and discussing Breathe from the
                            Nooma series on 4th September. Everyone welcome!
The Great North Art Show
The Great North Art Show is an exhibition of
contemporary art by Northern artists, held annually in
Ripon Cathedral. Some of the UK’s finest painters,
illustrators, printmakers, photographers and sculptors
are featured. This painting of the Blue Mountains,
New Zealand is by Julia Borodina All work is for sale.
The exhibition is open daily from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm,
from Saturday 31st August to Sunday 22nd September.
Entry is free.
           Follow Me 6
  Inspiring ways to explore faith and
  discipleship at Wakefield Cathedral
      Cloud of Witnesses
       Thursday 12th September

      with The Revd Richard Coles
   Choral Evensong at 6:30, Food 7:15
 and Main Session from 7:45 – 9:15 pm.
       Please sign up for free with
 caroline.asquith@leeds.anglican.org or
             01924 434450
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
Refreshments are                        Next Week’s Deadline
served after each                       The deadline for the next edition of the
of our Sunday                           Weekly News (1st September) will be
morning services                        noon on Wednesday 28th August.
from the kitchen                        Please send any items (including
area at the front                       photos) to Alan Garrow:
of Church. Please come and join us.     alan.garrow@gmail.com

                                        Key Contacts
                                        The Revd Dr Alan Garrow,
                                        St Peter’s Vicarage,
                                        13, Beech Grove,
                                        Harrogate, HG2 0ET.
                                        tel: 526454
 The flowers in Church today are in     The Revd Chris Clayton,
            memory of                   chris.clayton@leeds.anglican.org
     Brian and Anne Crawford
                                        Parish Administrator:
                                        Carole Raw,
    Bellringers Jumble Sale             tel: 07425 161425 or 568218
     Saturday 31st August 2019
         in the Glass Foyer             Paul Medforth
Please contact Hannah Beck (07503       tel: 07710 195834
186455) before Saturday if you have     paul.medforth@medforth.com
          any donations                 Patricia Stableford
                                        tel: 01423 526767
                                        St Peter’s Safeguarding Officer:
                                        Sian Lockwood
                                        tel: 07889 616755
                                        Weekly News and Parish Newsletter
New to St Peter’s? Please fill in one   Editor
of the welcome cards in the pews        Marian Chambers
and hand it to one of the clergy.       marian.chambers41@gmail.com
Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate Weekly News 25th August 2019 www.stpetersharrogate.org.uk - St Peter's Church Harrogate
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