Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church

Page created by Morris Manning
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family


 Led by the spirit and example of the Holy Family, our parish community
           embraces as its mission the salvation of all people.
Rooted in the celebration of the Eucharist, we go forth to serve, to educate,
              and to live daily the message of Jesus Christ.
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Family Parish
                                           2400 S. Franklin St. Rd.
                                             Decatur, IL 62521
                                               (217) 423-6223

Mass Schedule
  Weekend Liturgies                                                                Staff
Saturday     4:30 p.m.
Sunday       8:00 a.m.                                   Reverend Mark Tracy…………………….. Pastor
Sunday     10:00 a.m.
                                                         Mrs. Joanne Kater..........................Parish Secretary
Weekday Liturgies                                             Email: holyfamilychurch1@comcast.net
Monday        7:30 a.m.
Tuesday       7:30 a.m.                                  Sr. Paulette Joerger, O.P. &
Wednesday 7:30 a.m.                                          Mrs. Beth Vandercar…...Interim Co-Principals
Thursday 2:00 p.m.                                       Mrs. Colleen Richardson……...Director of School
Friday        7:30 a.m. There will only be Friday                                      Operations
Masses on the first Friday of each month.
                                                         Ms. Lisa Roddis..………….…......School Secretary
Sacrament of Reconciliation                              Mrs. Diane Keller…….…….……PSR Coordinator
Saturday at 3:30 p.m. or by appointment.                 Mr. Peter Miller…..... Director of Music Ministries
                                                         Mrs. Ann Carr…….………...….Business Manager
Communion Calls                                                  Rectory………….....217-423-6223
Please contact the parish office to make                         School……...............217-423-7049
arrangements.                                                    School Fax................217-423-0137
Sacrament of Baptism
Arrangements for Baptisms are made by calling the
                                                         HOLY FAMILY WEBSITE: decaturholyfamily.com
parish office. Participation at the Baptismal
Preparation Class for parents is a requirement for
the celebration of the sacrament. If you need to                                 HOLY FAMILY DECATUR
take a class, please contact the parish office at                                 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK
                                                         ROSARY will be prayed at 7:10 a.m.
Sacrament of Marriage                                    before each daily 7:30 a.m. Mass.
Arrangements for all weddings must be made at            Come, pray, & stay for Mass.
least six (6)months in advance. Please call the parish   PRAYER LINE REQUESTS: Rosanna Frey,
office.                                                  217-429-6657, or Barb Lesyna, 217-428-0058.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)            ADORATION is on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1
                                                         p.m. Please sign up for a 30-minute slot on the
Classes for those interested in joining the Catholic     sheet in the vestibule. Any questions, call Sandy
faith begin in the fall of each year and continue        Yelovich, 217-855-1196.
through the Easter season. Please call the parish
office to inquire about the sessions.                     PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS!
                                                         THE WORD OF GOD IS AVAILABLE 24/7 on
                                                         Decatur Catholic Radio WDCR FM 88.9/96.5
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church

        Thanks for your prayers this past week. It was a beautiful retreat up at Mundelein
Seminary. The retreat was mainly silent except for Mass, meeting with my spiritual director,
and one conference in the evening. It was very rejuvenating for my prayer life. They can say
that you can’t give what you don’t have. So, if I am called to point and bring people to
Christ Jesus, I need to spend time with Him. And God indeed delivered on his promise
again. If we carve out time for Him, He draws close as we hear His voice more clearly in the
        Thanks for your patience while I was away. And thanks to Fr. Rick Weltin for cele-
brating daily Masses this past week. He is graciously going to offer Mass this Wednesday
while I am away at the New Pastor Workshop for two days in Springfield at the Diocese’s
Villa Maria. In light of this topic, I thought I would share a word or two about being a Pas-
        Pastor in Latin has a couple of different meanings, but basically means shepherd. The
role of the Pastor is to image, represent, and point to the Good Shephard, Christ Jesus the
Head of the Church. This role then is very humbling and a bit terrifying. Humbling and terri-
fying because who could be worthy of such a profound call. And the answer, of course, is no
one, but Christ Jesus established priests and pastors in His Church because he longs to feed,
teach, and nourish His people’s faith throughout the centuries.
        In this office of Pastor, the priest wears several hats, but three principal shepherding
tasks are sanctifying, preaching/teaching, and governing. The Pastor must make sure the sac-
raments are available to God’s people so they can receive Christ’s sanctifying grace from the
cross. The Pastor, though, also needs to foster devotion and faith in the sacraments, which
flows into the second role of preaching and teaching. The Pastor preaches the word of God
at Mass, but also oversees the faith formation of the youth and adults in the parish. Finally,
the Pastor also governors the temporal and spiritual goods of the Parish. In consultation with
councils, the Pastor is charged with Christ to order the different charisms and gifts of the
Church so that God’s Kingdom can be proclaimed, and each person can find their role in
God’s service.
        It is indeed a humbling office, and I am humbled to be your Pastor. As I mentioned in
my Installation Mass, I lean on St. Joseph to fulfill his office. St. Joseph is an amazing mod-
el of providing, protecting, and guiding the Holy Family. So, I will strive my best to serve
you. And as mentioned as well at my Installation, I will make mistakes, but I will give my
all in service to Christ. And whatever shortcomings come about, we can fix them together.
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church
FAITH FORMATION FOR ADULTS: December 8, 2020 to De-
     cember 8, 2021 has been designated by Pope Francis the year of St.
     Joseph. In keeping with this, our fall adult education series will be on
     St. Joseph. The main topics of Joseph’s life will be divided into four
     sessions: Joseph in the time of Herod; Joseph the carpenter; the Old
     Testament Joseph and the New Testament Joseph; and Joseph, the pru-
     dent man. We will use Videos from Formed and material from the
     book St. Joseph and His World by Mike Aquilina followed by discus-
     sion questions. It is not absolutely necessary that the book is purchased. The sessions will
     begin the week of October 12th and run through the week November 2nd. They will last one
     hour in length. The times are Tuesday afternoon from 1-2, Tuesday evening 6:30 – 7:30, and
     Saturday morning from 9-10. Please sign up after the week-end Masses or by emailing Diane
     Keller at psr@hfcschool.org or calling/texting 217.433.1042.

     Decatur’s Beautiful Gothic Catholic Churches. Through slides of pictures of the build-
     ing of St. Patrick & St. James’ churches, a walking tour of each building, and ‘tour guide’ information
     of specifics in the churches, including the sanctuary, windows, sacristy and sacramentals, learn
     more about St. Patrick & St. James churches, the truths of our faith that they represent, and
     the faith and devotion of those who built them. St. Patrick Church – Sunday October 10, 2021 at
     3:00 pm. St. James Church – Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 3:00 pm. Each event with slides and
     tour will last about 1 1/2 hours. All are welcome.

                                        DON’T FORGET TO INVITE
                                      SOMEONE TO MASS WITH YOU!

     PROJECT LINUS BLANKETEERS will meet October 14th at 1:00
     p.m. in the Parish Center. For more info., call Linda Valdahl at

     Our Father Who Art In Heaven, please blanket our nation in protection from the Corona virus.
     Thank you for healing our land and protecting those who are most vulnerable. Give peace to
     those who struggle with loneliness and isolation, and endurance to the many businesses that
     are affected by our feeble attempts to control Corona. Come to the bedside of those who are
     struggling with the effects of contracting the virus. Please protect and give guidance to those healthcare work-
     ers who place themselves in danger caring for the sick. Hear our prayer O Lord. We pray this in the powerful
     and victorious name of your only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

      All parents of children who are attending Holy Family School & who will be volunteering at the school
     or parish will need the class. Grandparents are also encouraged to take the class. If you are thinking of vol-
     unteering, we encourage you to take this class. You only have to take it once, and after your background
     check, you are ready to volunteer! Please call the rectory at 423-6223 to sign up.

     The Diocese of Springfield is offering online Protecting God’s Children Classes to anyone who needs to take
     it and would like to do so virtually. Once registered and assigned, you will be given 30 days to take the class
     at your convenience. What a great way to get the class completed at a time and place that is favorable for
     you. To get more information, please contact Joanne Kater at 423-6223.
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church

                                                    Donna Benting, Jeannette Bradley,
                                                    Jamie Brown, Janet Caldwell, Susie
                                                    Christopher, Candy Cook, Cindy
              EPIC                                  Crawford, Pat Davis, Barbara Fitz-
                                                    patrick,Cathy Helfrich, Becca Hogan,
 “Everything’s Possible In Christ”                  Mike Hogan, Adam & Jeann Jeffrey,
Youth Group will meet from 6:30 - 8:00              Tony Kersey, Kathy Kunz, Karen Lents, Joy Mad-
in the Parish Center on the following dates.        sen, Perry Marchisello, Kaye Moser Norlin, Debbie
 If you have any questions, please contact          Peters, Donna Raycraft, David Sadowski, Becky
     Deena Warrick at 217-855-9845 or               Westwater, Joan Whitacre, Steve Whitsel
       Ivy Handley at 217-412-5188.
                                                    SICK LIST POLICY: Names will be removed
Junior High                   High School           after 4 weeks unless resubmitted. Please call the
                                                    rectory or email holyfamilychurch1@comcast.net to
October 17                   October 10             add or remove a name. New names added each
November 7                   October 24             week will be in BOLD for 1 week.
November 21                  November 14
December 12                  December 5             PRAY for the repose of the soul of
                             December 19            Harold Nichols, grandfather of
                                                    Tanner Hetz. May he rest in the eter-
                                                    nal peace of heaven, & may God
                                                    comfort his family.

                                                    ST. TERESA H.S. will hold an
                                                    open house for all 7th and 8th grad-
                                                    ers, transfer students, and their par-
                                                    ents to visit on Tuesday, October
                                                    12th from 5:00-7:00p.m. This is an
                                                    opportunity to meet with our facul-
                                                    ty and staff, explore our facilities, and learn about
                                                    our college-prep academic programs and extra-
                                                    curricular activities. A drawing for free registration
                                                    will take place. Any questions please call the St.
                                                    Teresa Advancement office: 217- 875-7950.

                                                    THANK YOU: The Congregation of the Holy Spir-
                                                    it (Spiritans) wishes to acknowledge and thank you
We are excited to announce the kick-off to the      for welcoming us into your parish community as part
annual Season of Stewardship! Stewardship is        of the 2021 Missionary Cooperation Plan Ministry.
the grateful response of a Christian disciple       We are thankful for the generous financial support of
                                                    the Holy Family Parishioners. We ask you to re-
who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and         member the missions in your prayers, as the Spiri-
shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.     tans remember all of those who help us in various
Stewardship is a conversion of the heart, it is a   ways.
way of life, and it requires us to reflect and
pray on God’s call to us. It is not easy! And, it   Judith Arbes
is not a program or a fundraiser- it is who we      Missionary Cooperation Plan Administrator
are called to be! If you are curious where to       NATIONWIDE ROSARY RALLY will be held on
begin, consider reflecting on your time in          the front steps of St. Patrick Church on Sat., Oct. 16
prayer, service and willingness to be generous      at noon. If you wish, you may bring your lawn
with your first fruits.                             chair. Contact Tim Hagenbruch at 217-454-7967for
                                                    more info.
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church
COLLECTIONS: Thank you to all who are now sending in donations through bill pay with their financial
institutions. This is an easy way to may your donations. If you do use this method, please use your envelope
number as your “account number”. This makes it easy to post for your year end Contribution Statement.
Please let us know to stop your monthly envelopes being mailed to you as this saves the parish even more
money. Several people have requested a way to know if there are any “extra” collections going on since they
do not receive envelopes any longer. We will list these in the bulletin each month now. The October enve-
lope packet includes the Regular, Building Fund, Sister Parish, World Mission Sunday and All Souls
Day envelopes . If you’d like information on setting up your bill pay or to start or stop envelopes,
please call Joanne at 217-423-6223.

                                                               READ INGS FOR THE WEEK
                                                           Monday:      Rom 1:1-7; Lk 11:29-32
                                                           Tuesday:     Rom 1:16-25; Lk 11:37-41
                                                           Wednesday:   Rom 2:1-11; Lk 11:42-46
                                                           Thursday:    Rom 3:21-30; Lk 11:47-54
                                                           Friday:      Rom 4:1-8; Lk 12:1-7
                                                           Saturday:    Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk 12:8-12
                                                           Sunday:      Is 53:10-11; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
                                                                        Heb 4:14-16; Mk 10:35-45 [42-45]
MONDAY, Oct. 11
 7:30 a.m. Paul Hogan               (Hogan Family)
TUESDAY, Oct. 12                                                 Thank you for your generosity!
 7:30 a.m. Iris Bloomfield              (Judy Selle)
 7:30 a.m. Carol Koniuszy    (Dan & Cindi Larson)
 2:00 p.m. Fr. Joe Molloy (Steve & Jackie Goetter)
FRIDAY, October 15—NO MASS                                              October 2 & 3, 2021
SATURDAY, October 16
 4:30 p.m. Ed Madix             (Mary Jane Madix)             Envelopes…...…....………….$ 19,303.00
SUNDAY, October 17                                            Building Fund….….....…...…$   210.00
8:00 a.m. Lucia Molloy                     (Fr. Joe)          Sister Parish………....…….....$  180.00
10:00 a.m. Holy Family Parishioners                           Season of Stewardship…….. ..$ 500.00
Holy Family Parish - Holy Family Catholic Church
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