Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus

Page created by Danielle Mccormick
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
In union with
                            Saint Joseph
                          we pray for
                               our fathers
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Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Sunday, June 27:
                                                        9:30 + Olga & Angelo Petito by Barbara Maffia
                                                       11:00 + (Spanish) Blanca Inés Muñoz by Familia
                                                       12:30 + Purgatorial Society
 2021 is the year of St. Joseph. Every Wednesday
after Mass we will say a prayer in his honor for the
                  rest of the year.                    Please remember those on our sick list in your
                                                       prayers: Michael Anobile, Maria Petrona Paiz
Saturday, June 19:                                     Turcios, Catherine McClung, Valerie Bruno, Martha
 5:30 + Tomas Denicia by Arturo Denicia                Banfield, Allen Ryczek, Molly Tyburczy, John Ty-
                                                       burczy, Julissa Garcia, Carolyn Lattanzio, Joan Dob-
Sunday, June 20:                                       kin, Laurie Rueckheim, Judith Ballaster, Steve Be-
 9:30 + Father’s Day Mass Remembrance                  lus, Janice L. Whelan, James Cunniff, Donald Bud-
11:00 + (Spanish) Misa de Conmemoración del Día        denhagen, Matthew Colasanti, Joseph Anthony
        de los Padres                                  D’Avino, Laura Borruso, Amy Pisarki, John Slattery,
12:30 + Father’s Day Mass Remembrance                  Josep Lauron, Carmelo Reyes, Marylou Ryan,
Monday, June 21:                                       Patricia Taranovich, Eugene Stonebreaker, Zofia Or-
 9:30 + Irene LiVingi by Anna Lewicki                  lowska, Mary Sanz, Robert Keenan, Ryan Marshall,
12:30                                                  Anne Marie Stampf, Edward Pertell, Genowefa
                                                       Biernaca, Elizabeth Malenik, Kataryna Gierczynska,
Tuesday, June 22:                                      Caitlyn Geer, Bill Wisniewski, Gary Normandia,
 9:30 + Dorothy & Daniel Alcott by Daughter, Joan      Brian Francis Campion, Gemma Ferrara, Frank Sar-
        Branigan                                       lie, Edwin Soto, Lawrence O’Donnell, Julia Silva,
12:30                                                  Theresa Good, Mary Knapp, Elizabeth “Betty” Gif-
                                                       ford, Baby Jozef Ban, Oliver Jayme Lopez, Mary
Wednesday, June 23:                                    Barreta, MaryAnne Stampf, Elsie Baumgardt, Bar-
 9:30 John Karamouzos (Happy Birthday) by              bara Wielunski, Ida M. Lopez, Laila Skye O,
      Family                                           Ramona Acevedo, Natalie Zawlocki.
                                                                         Bread & Wine
Thursday, June 24:
 9:30 For the People of the Parish                          The bread and wine at all the Masses from
12:30                                                  June 20th to June 26th, will be offered in memory of
                                                           Walter Leonick, Jesús Calero, John P. Batka
Friday, June 25:                                                (Happy Father’s Day in Heaven)
 9:30 + Patricia Kerrigan by Sally Breen                               by M/M R. Pineiro.
 7:30 + (Spanish) Placida Sánchez y Olivia Sánchez
        de Solis by Blanca y Fernando Calderon         The weekend of June 20th, there will be a second
                                                         collection for the expenses of the parish air
Saturday, June 26:
                                                          conditioner. Thank you for your support.
 9:30 + Domenico Papa by Susan Goetz, Mary
        Lucas & Family
 5:30 + Joseph Hunt by Wife, Jeanie Hunt & Family                       Happy Birthday

                                                                     June 14: Marleny Osorio
                                                                     June 15: Allison Conlon
                                                                       June 22: Cindy Serva
                                                                   June 23: John Karamouzos
                                                                    June 23: Patricia Carolino
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
A Message from Fr. Sebastian’s Desk:                          Un Mensaje del Padre Sebastian:
The week before last was a momentous one in the            La semana anterior fue trascendental en la vida de
                                                           nuestra parroquia. En primer lugar, tuvimos la
life of our parish. First of all, we had the confirma-
                                                           confirmación de nuestros veinte jóvenes por parte del
tion of our twenty youngsters by Bishop James              obispo James Massa el 11 de Junio de 2021. Después
Massa on June 11, 2021. After a gap of one year due        de una brecha de un año debido a la pandemia, fue
to the pandemic it was great to have it celebrated on      genial tenerla celebrada el 11 de Junio con un
June 11th with just bare minimum of festivities.           mínimo de festividades. Otro evento fue la cele-
Another event was the celebration of the Feast of St.      bración de la Fiesta de San Antonio y la Fiesta Parro-
Anthony and the Parish Festival with minimum               quial con mínima observancia. Y el día 13, el obispo
                                                           Witold Mroziewski instaló al P. Sebastian T.
observance. And on the 13th, Bishop Witold                 Augustine, CMI como párroco de la parroquia.
Mroziewski installed Fr. Sebastian T. Augustine,           ¡Oremos y trabajemos para que nuestra familia
CMI as the pastor of the parish. Let us pray and work      parroquial celebre una vez más juntos nuestra
towards our parish family celebrating once again           comunión!
together our fellowship!                                   También celebramos la semana con gratitud al P.
                                                           Jossy Vattothu, CMI que ha estado sirviendo a la
We also mark the week with gratitude to Fr. Jossy          parroquia como Vicario Parroquial durante casi tres
Vattothu, CMI who has been serving the parish as           años; él está avanzando con su nueva asignación a la
Parochial Vicar for almost three years; he is moving       parroquia Our Lady of Mercy, Redding, California.
on with his new assignment to Our Lady of Mercy            Que el Señor lo bendiga y otorgue más y más
                                                           bendiciones a las personas a las que va a servir en la
Parish, Redding, California. May the Lord bless him
                                                           nueva parroquia mientras reconocemos con gratitud
and bestow more and more blessings to the people he        su servicio en St. Anthony-St. Parroquia de Alfonso.
is going to serve in the new parish as we gratefully       Extrañaremos al que nos ayudó durante el apogeo de
acknowledge his service at St. Anthony - St.               los días de la pandemia.
Alphonsus Parish. We will miss him who helped us
                                                           “Cállado y enmudece”, es el mensaje que el Señor
during the height of the pandemic days.
                                                           nos ofrece esta semana con eterna relevancia y apli-
“Quiet, and be still,” is the message the Lord offers      cación. En medio de la turbulencia del mar, en medio
                                                           de las vicisitudes de la vida, estamos llamados a sen-
us this week with eternal relevance and application.
                                                           tir la presencia del Señor de nuestro lado. ¡Su presen-
Amidst the turbulence of the sea, amidst the vicissi-      cia, su poder, su providencia está siempre de nuestro
tudes of life, we are called to feel the presence of the   lado!
Lord on our side. His presence, His power, His
providence is always on our side!                          Además, este Domingo es el Día del Padre. ¡Deseos,
                                                           gratitud y oraciones a todos los padres y a todos
Moreover, this Sunday is Father’s Day. Wishes,             aquellos que de una forma u otra cumplen el rol de
gratitude, and prayers to all the fathers and all those    padre! Al recordar a los padres de la tierra, también
who fill up the role of a father in one way or another!    honramos al Padre Celestial y creador de todo, cuya
While remembering the fathers on earth, we also            providencia y cuidado son nuestro sustento todos los
                                                           días de nuestra vida.
honor the Heavenly Father and creator of all, whose
providence and care are our sustenance all the days
of our life.                                               Padre Sebastian T. Augustine, CMI
Fr. Sebastian T. Augustine, CMI
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Volunteer Catechist Needed

Do you like to work with children and are willing to share your love of God and Faith Experience?
If you have an hour or two to spare during your busy week and are willing to become a Catechist for
our Faith Formation Program, then please give us a call.

A Catechist is a religion teacher and a "echoer" of the Word of God. A person of faith called to hand
on the living tradition and teachings of the Catholic Church. It is a sacred calling that inspires a
spiritual life and personal faith formation.

No teaching experience is required. For more information regarding the Faith Formation
Program or to apply please contact:

Faith Formation Coordinator
Allison Conlon
Phone: 646.823.2301
Email: allison.conlon@yahoo.com

Fr. Sebastian T. Augustine, CMI
Phone: 718.383.3339 xtn. 116
Email: sthekkedathu@gmail.com
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Se Necesita Catequista Voluntario
¿Le gusta trabajar con niños y está dispuesto a compartir su amor por Dios y su experiencia de fe?
Si tiene una hora o dos de sobra durante su semana ocupada y está dispuesto a convertirse en
catequista de nuestro Programa de Formación en la Fe, por favor llámenos.

Un catequista es un profesor de religión y un "eco" de la Palabra de Dios. Una persona de fe llamada a
transmitir la tradición viva y las enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica. Es un llamado sagrado que inspira
una vida espiritual y una formación de fe personal.

No se requiere experiencia docente. Se prefiere bilingüe en inglés y español. Para obtener más
información sobre el Programa de Formación en la Fe o para postularse, comuníquese con:

Coordinadora de formación en la fe
Sra. Allison Conlon
Teléfono: 646.823.2301
Correo electrónico: allison.conlon@yahoo.com

P. Sebastian T. Augustine, CMI
Teléfono: 718.383.3339 xtn. 116
Correo electrónico: sthekkedathu@gmail.com
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Weekly Offering                                Congratulations
      Weekend of June 12 - 13, 2021            We are grateful to Bishop Witold who was
              Attendance - 396                   the main celebrant of the Canonical
           Collection - $ 3,020.00              Installation Mass of Rev. Sebastian T.
Father’s Day Mass Remembrance Collection-     Augustine as Pastor of the Parish on Sunday,
                   $ 1,560                                   June 13, 2021.
          Votive Candles: $ 423.00
*information from last year is unavailable.
 The parish and rectory office were closed
          due to the pandemic.*

       St. Anthony Raffle Winners

             1st Prize $500
             Norma Aparicio

             2nd Prize $300
               Marina A

             3rd Prize $200
             Barbara Maffia

                                                        A Father’s Day Prayer

                                                 Dear Lord, Thank you for all fathers.
                                                  Inspire them to raise their children
                                                          with love and care.
                                                  Bless all fathers and instill in them
                                                  the kindness, compassion, patience
                                                and strength to always be there for their
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
Spiritual Communion Prayer
                                                My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the
                                                           Most Holy Sacrament.
                                                  I love you above all things and I desire to
      Parish Goal:       $ 37, 838.00           receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this
      Pledged:           $ 27, 314.00                 moment receive you sacramentally,
      Paid:              $ 24, 981.10               come at least spiritually into my heart.
                                                 I embrace you as if you were already there
                                                       and unite myself wholly to you.
                                                 Never permit me to be separated from you.
Please send in your pledges to help us reach
our parish goal. If you have done so already,                       Amen.
   we thank you for your kind donation.
                                                Baptisms are celebrated in English on the last
     Prayer for the Year of St. Joseph             Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. and
                                                 Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the first
   O Saint Joseph, guardian of Jesus and                 Saturday of every month.
    husband of Mary, we pray to you for
                                                        Arrangements must be made at
 guidance in this “Year of Saint Joseph” as        the Parish Office in advance. The birth
        proclaimed by Pope Francis.             certificate must be presented. Instructions are
                                                      required for parents and godparents
By your example we have been encouraged                         before Baptism.

   in our daily work and in parenting our                        Marriages

  children. You teach us to accept others as    Arrangements should be made six months in
                                                 advance. Pre-Cana conferences are part of
        they are, without exception.                preparation. The website address is:
 To you our Heavenly Father entrusted his
 Son, Jesus Christ. In you Our Lady placed                  Parish Membership
    her love and trust. And through your           Please register on our website. For any
  mentoring, Jesus grew into his adult life.          letters for Sponsorship, Baptism/
                                                   Confirmation, you must be a registered
 We praise you and ask of you to defend us                  member of the Parish.
and our loved ones from every evil and guide
       us with your grace and mercy.
                                                 Meets each Monday at 7:00 p.m. in Church
Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
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Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus Our fathers we pray for - St. Anthony - St. Alphonsus
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