Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...

Page created by Edwin Estrada
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
                 Online engagement
                 February 2021

A Vision for
Town Centres                         Allies and Morrison
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Context for the vision
Why are we creating these vision                Economic performance and
documents?                                      strategic challenges
•   We want our town centres to evolve,         •   Hounslow has shown strong economic

    thrive and innovate in order to meet            performance in recent years and prior to
    current and future challenges, but we           the COVID-19 pandemic it was the third                                                        RE           D

    must strive for more. A modern town             fastest growing London Borough.
    centre can play its part in mitigating                                                                                      NSL
                                                                                                                           OU         O
                                                •   The longer term impact of the COVID-19                             H
    climate change, economic inequality

                                                    pandemic is still emerging, however
    and even social injustice. All the while,
                                                    the borough is expected to continue
    we must never lose sight of existing
                                                    to perform well and grow into the
    town centre communities and adapting
                                                    future. There are a number of strategic             LT H A M
    to welcoming new ones. We want to                                                              FE
                                                    challenges that will shape future
    support grassroot community projects

                                                    economic growth across the town
    and strong public-private partnerships,
                                                    centres within the borough:
    attracting investment and funding.
                                                    • The future of air travel and Heathrow
•   By creating these documents for                   Airport
    Hounslow, Feltham, Brentford and                • The changing nature of retail
    Chiswick town centres, we can build             • The impact of COVID on leisure
    a plan, based on all the stakeholders’          • The evolving nature of workspace
    ambitions, and support the right kinds          • Demand for industrial and distribution
    of developments. By having a vision in            space
    place we will be better placed to attract       • The impact of Brexit
    investment and funding to make the              • Changes to the planning system
    plans happen.                                     including Permitted Development and
                                                      Use Classes.
•   This document sets out a set of draft
    themes to identify the future priorities
                                                •   These strategic challenges will have
    for each town centre - do you agree with
                                                    differing impacts on the four town
    these ideas?
                                                    centres across the borough.
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Borough-wide priorities
                                                                                                                                             Providing flexible town
Delivering the Climate                         Improving residents’                           Creating attractive and
                                                                                                                                             centres and economies
Emergency Action Plan                          health and well being                          well-designed centres
                                                                                                                                             that work for everyone

•   Establish our centres as part of the       •   Invest in our towns’ open spaces to give   •   Recognise the fantastic heritage of        •   Adjust our town centres to respond to
    ‘15-minute city’ with shops, jobs and          people decent access to nature, with           our town centres and celebrate this            changing shopping patterns, with a
    services accessible in 15 minutes on           a range of spaces including growing            by raising the profile and providing           greater mix of cultural, community, work
    foot, by bike or public transport.             space.                                         information on these.                          spaces and homes alongside shops.
•   Improve local walking and cycling routes   •   Incorporate activities for all ages in     •   Explore lighting opportunities for         •   Support local markets and explore pop-
    and infrastructure to support this.            centres and spaces such as play,               landmark buildings within our centres.         up shops in empty units. Establish
                                                   running routes, gyms and skate parks.                                                         click and collect facilities in centres and
•   Green our town centres to provide shade                                                   •   Ensure that new development responds
                                                                                                                                                 dedicated areas for takeaway drivers.
    and drainage and improve air quality       •   Improve access to waterways near the           to the character of our town centres,
    and biodiversity, making use of green          centres, and make these waterside              with planning applications looking         •   Invest in the public realm to make our
    roofs, walls and SUDs.                         routes safe and comfortable.                   beyond their site boundary at the wider        town centres places to meet and spend
                                                                                                  context.                                       time, aside from simply shopping.
•   Make new town centre homes highly          •   Improve access to and raise the profile
    energy efficient and factor in the             of community services in our centres.      •   Encourage creative reinterpretations of    •   Support small businesses through
    embodied carbon of existing buildings          Create sociable centres with gathering         our traditional Georgian, Victorian and        flexible and affordable space that can
    when considering redevelopment.                spaces - outdoor seating, pop-up spaces,       Art Deco buildings.                            encourage collaboration.
                                                   markets and open library areas.
•   Further develop our recycling schemes                                                     •   Explore opportunities for events that      •   Support connections between our local
    for town centre businesses, homes and      •   Support residents to walk and cycle for        celebrate the craft, making and historic       business and education establishments.
    in public spaces, to keep waste down           short journeys and invest in the public        industries of our town centres.
                                                                                                                                             •   Partner with creative and engineering
    and our town centres clean and tidy.           realm to make these trips more pleasant.
                                                                                              •   Make our town centres comfortable and          business in the borough to provide
•   Design new buildings to be adaptable       •   Work with the network of amazing               attractive places for people to walk and       internships and job opportunities for our
    over time so that they can respond to          community groups operating across our          spend time, with public spaces and             young people.
    changing habits and their embodied             town centres.                                  greenery.
    energy is not wasted.
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...

Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Big ideas for Feltham
1     A friendly and vibrant
      identity                                   2       Revealing the river
                                                         and the town’s
                                                         green gems
                                                                                                  3       A well-integrated
                                                                                                          town centre
                                                                                                                                                   “Digital sign
                                                                                                                                                   posting at the
                                                                                                                                                   station and in
                                                                                                                                                   the town centre
Explore opportunities to transform               Unlock the Longford River as a new               Ensure key destinations beyond the               for forgotten
Feltham from a functional town centre            connection, a biodiversity and open              high street feel like a connected part           shops”
into a beautiful and more aspirational           space asset. Improve the prominence              of the town. Make sure ‘The Centre’,
destination.                                     and range of uses and users of the two           feels well integrated with surrounding
                                                 green spaces in the heart of the town            neighbourhoods.
Example projects might include:                  centre.
                                                                                                  Example projects might include:
•   Relocating civic uses such as the library
                                                 Example projects might include:
    to a more prominent location to increase                                                      •   Leisure West: Improve the quality of the
    the amount of activity in the centre         •   Opening of a walking and cycling                 routes to this destination, and in the
                                                     route along the stretch of the Longford          longer term the redevelopment of this
•   Support investment in heritage assets
                                                     between the A244/High Street and                 site to deliver new riverside development
    that provide landmarks on the high street
                                                     Glebelands Playing Fields                                                                                       “Investment
    such as St Catharine House, The Green                                                         •   Feltham House: Improve the connections       “A town centre
                                                                                                                                                                     into the Green
    and The Red Lion to raise the quality and    •   Make a route along the river safe by             to the listed building with the long term    with more
                                                                                                                                                                     and pond area,
    interest along this key route                    developing sites to front onto the               potential for a town centre destination as   community
                                                                                                                                                                     we are so lucky
                                                     river. Improvements should include               a business or community space                facilities and
•   Support the existing market stalls in ‘The                                                                                                                       to have this
                                                     biodiversity and landscaping investment                                                       facilities”
    Centre’ and explore the opportunity to                                                        •   New neighbourhoods: Plan for the                               space”
    expand the number of stalls to bring life    •   Bridge House Pond: Working with                  future integration and connection to
    into this space                                  existing groups, improve the prominence          redevelopment of the MOD site
                                                     of the entrance, make it feel safer and
•   Continue the public realm improvements                                                        •   Ensure new development helps to
                                                     invest in improvements to the edge of
    to High Street through increased greening                                                         mediate the transition in scale between
                                                     the road bridge
    and creating a safer environment                                                                  ‘The Centre’ and the lower scale of
                                                 •   Feltham Green: Deliver the planned               suburban residential neighbourhoods
•   Work with community groups to support
                                                     redesign of this space for play, exercise,
    social integration and strengthen the
                                                     events spaces and community spaces
    towns identity
                                                     for local groups
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Big ideas for Feltham
4       Clear and attractive
        connections                              5       A diverse town to
                                                         work, study, play
                                                         and shop
                                                                                                “More free
                                                                                                parking spaces
                                                                                                needed in the
Provide clear, attractive and purposeful         Diversify the large multiple retail            town centre”
sustainable connections between                  and leisure offer, whilst retaining its
the town centre and the surrounding              functional town centre role for those
neighbourhoods, key destinations and             living or working around the town
green spaces.                                    centre                                                                                                 “A town centre
                                                                                                                  “Investing to                         that supports
Provide sufficient public parking supply         Strengthen and support Feltham’s                                 make it safe                          the creative
to compete responsibly with other                industrial estates as a local                                    for children to                       and cultural
centres whilst promoting active travel           employment asset and important                                   cycle”                                ambitions of its
and improving the PTAL rating for the            distribution, logistics and maker                                                                      residents”
town centre.                                     spaces.

Example projects might include:                  Example projects might include:

•   Projects to improve walking and cycling      •   Creative strategies to overcome                                                “Thank you
    around the town centre                           empty shops and deliver new cultural,
                                                                                                                                    for all the new
                                                                                                                                    bench seats on
                                                     community and leisure spaces
•   Feltham Station: Improve the station’s                                                                                          the high street!”
    profile, feeling of safety and improve the   •   Improve the routes between the town
    quality of the environment                       centre and key industrial locations and
                                                     protect this workspace as an asset for
•   Public parking: Review the amount of
                                                     the town centre                            “A defined area
    public parking and make sure it is well                                                     in the centre
    used and appropriately located               •   Feltham House: Explore the potential       for community
                                                     for workspace and/or community space       events and
                                                     within currently underutilised buildings   outdoor
                                                     such as Feltham House.                     exhibitions”
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Example projects

Bromley By Bow cycle ramps (Adams and Sutherland)      Central Parade Walthamstow (Gort Scott Architects) Photo: Sharron Wallace   Cassiobury Park (LUC)

              Opening up the River Lea,
                                                                  Central Parade, Walthamstow                                                    Cassiobury Park, Watford
              Bromley-by-Bow London

 Access to the River Lea has been transformed by        A former council direct centre transformed into                             Cassiobury Park is a much loved historic park
 investment in public realm infrastructure. Bridges,    a mixed use creative hub including a variety of                             embedded in Watford’s landscape. £5 million
 floating towpaths and landscape improvements           retail, co-working, studio and exhibition space                             Heritage Lottery Funding was secured by Watford
 have established a 28-mile waterside route for         and a bakery-cafe where events and workshops                                Borough Council to restore surviving historic
 pedestrians and cyclists. Simple interventions         take place. Jointly funded by LB Waltham Forest                            features and recreate iconic features of the
 have had a big impact, forging new connections         and the Greater London Authority’s High Street                             parkland such as the tea pavilion and gardens.
 between neighbourhoods and the river, allowing         Fund, the project strives to unlock Walthamstow’s                           The landscape is well integrated with wider town
 people to avoid busy roadways and encouraging          potential as a thriving cultural town centre and                           network of green spaces and the water play area
 healthy and active lifestyles.                         hub for creative businesses and community                                   and park hub building are now community hubs
                                                        innovations.                                                                for all to enjoy.

  Relevant big ideas                                    Relevant big ideas                                                           Relevant big ideas
Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
Your vision
The plan on this page summarises some           Key
of the key spatial priorities for the town      Active and well placed civic uses         BE
centre. Over the next few weeks we will be                                                     DF
                                                Making more of heritage assets                              T
refining these plans and ideas using your                                                                       LA
feedback.                                       Bring activity through the market

Please fill in the Citizenspace                 High street improvements
questionnaire and let us know...                                                                                                                     NW
                                                Improving the frontage and safety                                                                              TH
•   How supportive are you of each of the       along the Longford River                                                      The                                        AD
    priorities for the town centre?
                                                Opening a route along the
                                                Longford River
•   Which themes/priorities do you think
    are the most important for Feltham?         Investment in green spaces

•   What do you think is the priority project   Investment in key destinations
                                                outside of the town centre
    for improving the town centre?                                                                                                    Leisure
                                                A future residential neighbourhood
•   Can you think of any projects that would
    be quick or easy to deliver to improve      Better connections to employment
    the town centre in the short term?          areas

•   Have we missed anything that should         Review and optimise public parking

    be emphasised in the vision?
                                                Improve the profile and
                                                environment around the station

                                                Better connections to

                                                Better connections to schools and

                                                the college

Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ... Feltham - A Vision for Hounslow's Town Centres - London Borough of ...
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