First Year 2021/2022 -

Page created by Gary Alexander
First Year 2021/2022 -
First Year 2021/2022
Subject      Textbooks & Materials Required
Irish        Croí na Gaeilge 1 Package (including textbook, activity book and
             portfolio)–by Pearse Ahern and Megan O’Connor, 2021, EDCO.
English      'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens (unabridged).
             'Little Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus.'
             Resource material for poetry, non-literary texts and additional material
             will be provided by teachers in hard copy and on MS Teams.
             A4 ring binder and 20 poly pockets (A4 size punched plastic holders).
             Two A4 size soft cover copies (Aisling).
             Second novel will be chosen after December.
Maths        Active Maths 1 – Folens.
             Casio FX-83GTX Scientific Calculator.
History      History Alive – EDCO - By Gráinne Henry • Bairbre Kennedy • Tim
             Nyhan • Stephen Tonge.
Geography    Geography Now, New Junior Cycle, by Liam Ashe & Kieran McCarthy,
             2018, Edco.
Science      Sparking Science – Gorey, Morrow, Scanlon - Gill Education.
Classics     No book required for options rotation.
Art          No book required for options rotation.
French       No book required for options rotation.
German       No book required for options rotation.
Spanish      No book required for options rotation.
Business     No book required for options rotation.
Technical    No book required for options rotation.
Technology   No book required for options rotation.
Religion     Inspire. A complete course in Junior Cycle Religious Education, by
             Michael Purcell and Ailis Travers.
IT           One time only ICDL registration fee payable on school website of
             €100. Gives students access to 9 modules for the entirety of their time
             in CUS.
Music        No textbook required for options rotation. USB stick and
             headphones/earbuds with standard 3.5mm connector.
CSPE         Make a Difference! Junior Cycle CSPE, Conor Harrison and Mairin
             Wilson, Folens.
SPHE   Minding Me 1: My Well-being – Fiona Chambers et al. – Mentor
Second Year 2021/2022
Subject     Textbooks & Materials Required
Irish       Turas 3 package (including textbook and portfolio) by Risteard Mac
            Liam, 2018,
English     'Skills for exam success' (Gill) by Pauline Kelly.
            'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding (novel).
            'Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck (novel).
            The Shakespearean play will be chosen in September.
            Poetry, non-literary texts and additional material will be provided by
            teachers in hard copy and on MS Teams.
            A4 ring binder and 20 poly pockets (A4 size punched plastic holders).
            One A4 size hardback copy (for notes) and one A4 size soft cover copy.

Maths       Ordinary Level – Active Maths 1 (retain from last year).
            Higher Level – Active Maths 2.
            Formula and Tables Book.
            Casio FX-83GTX Scientific Calculator.
History     History Alive – EDCO - By Gráinne Henry • Bairbre Kennedy • Tim
            Nyhan • Stephen Tonge (Same text as last year).
Geography   Retain book from 1st year.
Science     Retain book from 1st year. Sparking Science- Gill.
Classics    Homer’s Iliad- Translated by E.V Rieu.
            Iliad Graphic Novel- Gareth (Published by Candlewick).
            24 Hours In Ancient Athens- Philip Matzysak- Thames and Hudson.
            2 A4 Soft Copies .
Art         No book required. New Art Supplies: A3 sketchbook, 2B & 6B drawing
            pencil, putty rubber, set of 24 Faber Castell Colour pencils (if
            required), .1 and .3 (or .4) black drawing pens.
French      Retain books from 1st year.
            Allons-y 2 Pack, New Edition, by Bergin, Fogarty –
German            Retain books from 1st year & Dictionary.
                  Viel Spass 2 German for the Junior Cycle NEW EDITION (ebook
                    available I believe) Author: Anne-Marie O’Rourke, CJ FALLON
                  A4 Ringbinder with dividers.
Spanish      ‘Aprendemos 2’ (Folens – Elaine Higgins) Retain book from 1st Year.
Business     Retain book from 1st Year.
Technical    No textbook required.
Technology   Retain book from 1st year.
Religion     Retain books from 1st year.
IT           One time only ICDL registration fee payable on school website of
             €100. Gives students access to 9 modules for the entirety of their time
             in CUS.
Music        Retain folder and notes from 1st year. USB stick and
             headphones/earbuds with standard 3.5mm connector.
CSPE         Retain books from 1st Year.
SPHE         Minding Me 2: My Well-being – Fiona Chambers et al. – Mentor
Third Year 2021/2022
Subject      Textbooks & Materials Required
Irish        Retain Turas 3 [textbook and workbook] from 2nd Year.
             Junior Cycle exam papers.
             Cúpla by Ógie Ó Céilleachair, 2011, An Gúm (novel).
English      Retain books from second year. Junior Cycle exam papers (EDCO).
Maths        Retain books from second year. Junior Cycle Exam Papers (
             Formula and Tables Book.
             Casio FX-83GTX Scientific Calculator.
History      History Alive – EDCO - By Gráinne Henry • Bairbre Kennedy • Tim
             Nyhan • Stephen Tonge (Same text as last year).
Geography    Retain book from 2nd Year.
Science      Retain book from 2nd Year. Essential Science- Folens.
Classics     Retain Pompeii.
             Rome on 5 Denarii a Day- Philip Matyszak- Thames and Hudson.
             2 A4 Soft Copies.
Art          No book required. Art supplies: A3 Sketchbook. Set of 24 Faber Castell
             Colour pencils, 2B and 6B drawing pencils, putty .1 and .3 black
             drawing pens.
French       Retain books from 1st Year & 2nd Year.
             Edco Exam Papers. (French for Junior Cycle, Common Level).
German       · Retain books from 1st Year & 2nd Year.
             · Edco Exam Papers. (German for Junior Cycle).

Spanish      Retain book from 2nd year. EDCO Exam Papers.
Business     Retain book from 2nd year. EDCO Exam papers.
Technical    No Textbook required.
Technology   Retain book from 1st Year.

Religion     Retain books from 2nd Year.
IT           One time only ICDL registration fee payable on school website of
             €100. Gives students access to 9 modules for the entirety of their time
             in CUS.
Music        Retain folder and notes from 2nd year. EDCO Sample Papers. USB stick
             and headphones/earbuds with standard 3.5mm connector.
CSPE         Retain books from 2nd Year.
SPHE   Minding Me 3: My Well-being – Fiona Chambers et al. – Mentor
Transition Year 2021/2022
Subject            Textbooks & Materials Required
Irish              Ar Aghaidh Libh Ardleibhéal, (2011) Ann Cameron, EDCO.
                   An Triail, Máiréad Ní Ghráda (play) An Gúm.
English            'The Kite Runner' by Khaled Hosseini (novel).
                   Drama text will be chosen before December.
                   A4 ring binder with A4 writing pad.
                   Additional material on poetry and writing (creative and functional) will
                   be provided in hard copy and on MS Teams.
                   Suggested reading list will be provided to students in September.
Maths              No book required.
IT                 One time only ICDL registration fee payable on school website of
                   €100. Gives students access to 9 modules for the entirety of their time
                   in CUS.
Careers            Careers Portal – Payable on the school website - €14
                   A 3-year license used from TY to 6th Year. The Careers Portal is an
                   integral part of the TY, 5th and 6th Year Careers classes. Students will
                   gain access to career investigations, college course guides, CAO guide,
                   CV creation, Work Experience guides and superb online support.

German             Los geht’s by Jacinta Cleary and Gemma Kelly. CJ Fallon Publisher.

French (for        Clé à la Grammaire, French Grammar and Practice –,
students keeping   Declan Webb.
on French)
History            Text provided by class teacher.
Geography          Content provided by teacher.
Art                CUS Senior Art Kit available to order from Cregal
Religion           Content provided by the teacher.
SPHE               It’s Your Wellbeing – Fiona Chambers et al. – Mentor Books.
Fifth Year 2021/2022
Subject            Textbooks & Materials Required
Irish              Higher Level -Samhlaíocht by Caitríona Ní Shuilleabháin & Tríona
                   Geraghty, (Gill).
                   Ordinary Level –Spreagadh by Caitríona Ní Shuilleabháin & Tríona
                   Geraghty, (Gill).
English            'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare (EDCO) edited Patrick Murray
                   (Higher + Ordinary Level).
                   Poetry notes will be compiled by the English Department. These will
                   be available in hard copy and on MS. Teams.
                   Notes on essay writing, comprehension and functional writing will
                   be available in hard copy and on MS Teams.
                   A4 ring binder with A4 writing pad.
Maths              Higher level – Effective Maths Book 1 and 2 – CJ Fallon.
                   Ordinary level – Active Maths 3 – Folens.
                   Formula and Tables Book.
                   Casio FX-83GTX Scientific Calculator.
Business Studies   ‘Down to Business’ by Gavin Duffy (Folens).
                   A4 Hardback.
Accounting         ‘Accounting for Senior Cycle’ – EDCO – Davin Kielthy/Christy
Economics          ‘New positive Economics’ by Susan Hayes Culleton, Trudie Murray
                   and Brian O’Connor (EDCO).
Biology            Leaving Certificate Biology Plus – Michael O Callaghan (Edco).
                   Biology Experiment Book – Joe Rice and Siobhan Kirwan.
                   2 A4 hardback Copies.
Chemistry          Chemistry Live (latest edition) plus Workbook and Laboratory
                   Experiment Book, Declan Kennedy.
                   EDCO exam papers.
Physics            Investigating Physics – Gill and MacMillan.
                   Physics Experiment Book – Edco.
                   A4 Graph Copy.
Applied Maths      (3rd Edition) Fundamental Applied Maths by Oliver Murphy. Folens
                   Note: the older editions will not suffice as it is a new course.
Geography          Landscapes, Core Units and Economic Elective, Declan Fitzgerald
                   and P.J White, Gill Education.
Art                    New Appreciating ART; Visual Studies for Leaving Cert, 3rd Edition
                       2021, Aine Ni Chartaigh Aidan O’ Sullivan, paperback, Gill
                       Education; EDCO Exam Papers. CUS Senior Art Kit available to order
                       from Cregal
Non-Exam Religion      No textbook required
LC PE                  “Peak Performance”, Fergal Lyons, Sarah Jane Belton, Nicola Crean
                       & Eoin Joy, Folens (Publisher).
Computer Science       Textbook to be confirmed in September.
DCG                    No Textbook Required.
French                 Tout Va Bien! -Folens –3rd edition. OL and HL Leaving Certificate.
                       Dervla Murphy
Spanish                Español en acción - Folens – 2nd edition – Elaine Higgins
German                     Hörthemen Aural & Vocabulary Comprehension Author:
                              James Hayes, CJ FALLON (Publisher).
                           Textbook: Deutsch Komplett 2nd Edition- Authors: Marie
                              Devlin Quinn & Derval McGrath, FOLENS (Publishers).
                           Oral Book- Die Mündliche- Leaving Certificate German Oral-
                              Author: Niamh Cooper, FOLENS (Publishers).

Music                  Notes Listening Workbook for Course A.
                       Notes Core Workbook.
                       (available at

History                1. Dictatorship & Democracy 1920-45 2nd Edition (2017)
                       Stephen Tonge.
                       2. Sovereignty & Partition 1912-49, Revised edition
                       M.E. Collins.
                       Further books to be advised in 6th Year.
Politics and Society   ‘Power and People’ Textbook, Skills Book & Reflective Journal
                       (Inclusive). Joseph & Mary Teresa MacBride.
                       Hard back A4 copy.
                       A4 pad.
                       Document folder.
SPHE                   It’s Your Wellbeing – Fiona Chambers et al. – Mentor Books.
Sixth Year 2021/2022
Subject             Textbooks & Materials Required
Irish               Retain Fiúntas Nua (Higher Level) / Fuinneamh Nua (Ordinary Level)
                    Exam papers.
English             Retain books from 5th year. ('Othello', 'Philadelphia, Here I Come',
                    'The Handmaid's Tale.').
                    Poetry component will continue to be supplied on handout and
                    uploaded on Teams.
Maths               Retain books from 5th Year.
                    Higher level – Effective Maths Book 1 and 2 – CJ Fallon.
                    Ordinary level – Active Maths 3 – Folens.
                    Formula and Tables Book.
                    Casio FX-83GTX Scientific Calculator.
                    Exam Papers will be advised in September.
Business Studies    Retain book from 5th Year. EDCO exam papers. A4 Hardback.
Accounting          Retain book from 5th Year. EDCO Exam papers
Economics           Retain book from 5th Year. EDCO Exam papers.
Biology             Retain books from 5th Year. Edco Exam papers.
Chemistry           Retain books from 5th Year.
Physics             Retain Books from 5th Year.
                    A4 Graph Copy.
                    Exam Papers.
Applied Maths       Same book.
Geography           Using same book from 5th Year.
Art                 Art Works, LC History and Appreciation of Art, 2014, Sean O’
                    hAodha; EDCO Exam Papers.
Classics            The Age of Alexander-Plutarch- Translated by Ian Scott- Kilvert-
                    Penguin Classics.
                    The Campaigns of Alexander- Arrian- Translated by Aubrey De
                    Selincourt- Penguin Classics.
                    Roman Art and Architecture- Mortimer Wheeler.
                    2 A4 Soft Copies.
Non-Exam Religion   No textbook required.
LC Religion         Using same books from 5th Year.
DCG                 No Textbook Required.
French              Retain book from 5th year. EDCO exam papers
Spanish             Retain book from 5th year. EDCO exam papers
German                 Retain book from 5th year. EDCO Exam papers.
Music                  Notes Listening Workbook for Course B
                       (available at
                       EDCO Exam papers.

History                1. The United States and the Wider World 1945-1989 Maire De
                       Buitleir; Stephen Tonge, Edco 2015 (2nd Edition)

                       2. Case Studies: Politics and Society in Northern Ireland 1949-1993
                       Anne Marie Ryan, Edco 2020

                       3, Edco Leaving Cert papers higher and ordinary level
                       Retain books from last year
Politics and Society   ‘Theories In Action: Key-Thinker Student Guide’, Gerard Elwood,
                       Folens 2021.
                       Retain ‘Power and People’ Textbook and Skills book.
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