FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine
MIM Europe Magazine, the meetings and incentives
                             magazine for European corporate planners,
                             in exclusive partnership with EUMA,
                             the European Association of Management Assistants,
                             supported by ECM, European Cities Marketing and Site.

                             europe magazine #129

Incentives feature
Make them special


Florian Sengstschmid
Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub

 Published 2 times a year:
 April, October
 Edition October 2015
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine
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FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

                                                                                         Events in European cities
                                                                                         are booming!
Colophon                                                                                     I find it quite remarkable that in recent times all
MIM magazine is the european magazine for
the meetings industry. It is published by                                                    European cities seem to be hosting major events
meeting media company bvba/sarl,
with a circulation of 5000 copies.                                                           every year. And they are not just catering to local
In exclusive partnership with                                                                audiences but most notably also to overseas guests.
                                                                                             The spectrum of what they offer is large and covers
                                                                                             sports, culture, music as well as a variety of city
                                                                       Marcel A.M. VISSERS entertainment options. In my hometown of Antwerp
European Management Assistants Association.
                                                                             Editor in Chief the saying goes that during the summer months
In partnership with
                                                                                             there is no need to travel abroad for a vacation.
                                                        The choice of events is so staggering that one can hardly keep track. This phenomenon
                                                        is very likely the result of city marketing or the strategic positioning of a city as an
European City Marketing             Site Europe         entertainment centre.
Editor in Chief
Marcel A.M. Vissers
T. +32 (0)3 226 88 81                                   Vienna most definitely carries off the honours in this respect. In 1999 the city created
Managing Director
                                                        ‘Stadt Wien Marketing GmbH’. Today this city department, which is actually more like
Cécile Caiati-Koch
T. +32 (0)2 761 70 52
                                                        a company, employs 17 people who are totally dedicated to profiling Vienna as an
cecile@meetingmediagroup.com                            attractive and viable city. When visiting the city on the occasion of the most recent
International Business Development Manager
Jesús Guerrero Chacón                                   edition of the Eurovision Song Contest I was very fortunate to be able to talk to
T. +32 (0)2 761 70 54                                   Michael Draxler, CEO of Stadt Wien Marketing, receiving first-hand information on how
Managing Editor                                         Vienna handles events (www.wien-event.at).
Rémi Dévé
T. +32 (0)2 761 70 55
                                                        To summarise my conversation: it is simply amazing what is happening there.
Finance & Accounting
Farhana Khan                                            If you’re looking for a master class in city events handling this is the man you need
T. +32 (0)3 226 88 81
farhana@meetingmediagroup.com                           to meet. I know of no other city in Europe where events are approached with so much
Contributor                                             respect. His company does not only produce its own events but also acts as a coordi-
Katie Lau
                                                        nating body. Every year Vienna hosts up to 50 large and small events which contrib-
4 avenue des Prisonniers Politiques                     ute sizably to the city’s finances. They cleverly take inspiration from prevailing trends
1150 Brussels (Belgium)
T. +32 (0)2 761 70 50                                   and have clearly understood that events bring people together and appeal to visitors.
F. +32 (0)2 761 70 51
www.meetingmediagroup.com                               A city at its best! Please also read ‘Vienna, a city at its best’ on page 40.
Meeting Media Company
Marcel A.M. Vissers                                     » More stories on www.meetingmediagroup.com
Mechelseplein 23, bus 1
B - 2000 Antwerpen (Belgium)
Design & Print
Press Point.be
Guido Gezellelaan 109 - 9800 Deinze
T. +32 (0)9 362 52 50 - www.presspoint.be
                                                        GENERAL                                       DESTINATIONS
                                                        Air France-KLM                          4     Switzerland                                                          22
                                                        EUMA                                    6     Luxembourg                                                           24
                                                        ECM                                     8     Antwerp                                                              32
                                                        SITE                                   11     Vienna                                                               40
                                                        BOZAR                                  13     Malaysia                                                             44
                                                                                                      Korea                                                                46
         Cécile Caiati-Koch                             INTERVIEW
                                                        Florian Sengstschmid, Azerbaijan
                                                            Convention Bureau                  14

                                                        SPECIAL FEATURE
                Rémi Dévé       Jesús Guerrero Chacón   Incentives with a twist                16
                                                                                                                 MIM Europe Magazine sets great store by sustainable development
                                                                                                                 and therefore chose responsible FSC certified paper which comes
                                                                                                                                                          from a controlled source.
                                                                                                                                  More info: www.fsc.org FSC, A.C. FSC-SECR-0045
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

AIR FRANCE KLM, a vast network
serving the African continent
Each airline, whether Air France or KLM, has a stronger presence in certain parts of the world. Air France, for
instance, is stronger in West Africa. KLM, on the other hand has more flights to East Africa.

Consequently there are numerous ‘sole’       The Group has also signed agreements         Around 1,000 local staff make up
destinations, i.e. destinations operated     with various African air transport players   the Air France and KLM teams on the
by either one airline or the other.          (Kenya Airways, TAAG Angola Airlines,        African continent. They receive contin-
Air France and KLM have, of course,          Air Côte d’Ivoire, kukula.com, Comair)       uous training in international industry
designed simple tools to allow passen-       offering its customers over 20 additional    standards, working on a daily basis to
gers to make the most of this dual net-      destinations on the continent.               provide customers with the best of Air
work, notably with:                                                                       France and KLM.
• The hubway, a system of 12 daily            AIR FRANCE KLM is operating
    flights distributed regularly through-      flights to 47 destinations                On board, more than 2,500 cabin crew
    out the day linking Paris and                                                         staff, belonging to Air France’s Africa
    Amsterdam, and connecting Air
                                                on the African continent                  and Middle East Division, meet the
    France and KLM networks.                 Personalized services on African routes      specific expectations of customers on
• Fare combinability, an innovative          Air France offers customers on its African   African routes. The Company offers a
    concept allowing passengers to build     routes tailor-made services as soon as       specific range of gourmet dishes includ-
    their own trip to destinations oper-     they arrive at the airport, as well as the   ing examples of African gastronomic
    ated by both airlines, combining a       excellence of French in-flight service.      produce such as chili or bissap juice in
    flight leg on KLM through Amsterdam                                                   Business class.
    with a flight leg on Air France though   At Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport, a
    Paris. In this way passengers may        team of experts from the African conti-      And even more
    benefit from connecting flights via      nent is present on all flights to and from   Enjoy the comfort of the Airbus A380 to
    one or the other hubs either on the      Africa, where they provide commercial        Abidjan and Johannesburg. The A380 is
    outbound or inbound flight and make      assistance to passengers, taking into        a particularly quiet aircraft and features
    use of most suitable flight times        account the geopolitical, commercial,        the latest entertainment and comfort
    (thanks to a better offer in terms of    regulatory and cultural characteristics of   technology.
    frequencies) and the most attractive     each country.
    fares (based on the addition of two                                                   corporate.airfrance.com/en
    half return trips).                      Air France and KLM also offer a larger       nieuws.klm.com/en
                                             baggage allowance than on the rest of
AIR FRANCE KLM is operating flights to       the long-haul network, to most African
47 destinations on the African continent.    destinations.
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

                                          Excelence for

    You don’t have to be
    the Steve Jobs of
    communication to make
    your event a success
    Whatever the size of your event, big or small, you will always need a
    well-defined communication strategy. Communicating effectively with
    your participants is an important part of making any event a success. In
    this article, we will discuss the different aspects of event communication
    and consider some things you should think about for your next event.                               Linda Kullas

    Preparation is key                              you manage all registrations on one          before the event another reminder can be
    Your participants should receive their          platform. One platform will make your        sent to the actual event attendees.
    invitations well ahead of the date, so          life as an organiser a lot easier.
    that they have time to react. Include                                                        When registrations are over and the
    only the essentials in the invitation, and       It is vital to use one platform             event is fast approaching, create
    make additional information available                   for your event and                   a text message that will be sent a
    from your site.                                                                              day or a couple of hours before the
                                                        try to automate as much                  event starts. Whilst smartphones are
    A short invitation will keep your partici-                   as possible                     common, not everyone reads their
    pants interested long enough for them                                                        e-mail constantly. A text message is
    to read all the details. People get invita-     After registering, your attendees            a short and simple way to welcome
    tions and e-mails from left and right, so       should get a confirmation to reassure        attendees to your event. Furthermore,
    it’s crucial to make your message short         them that their registration has been        a text message receives ten times more
    and simple. The final thing you should          received and processed. The confir-          attention than a regular e-mail and will
    do before sending out the invitation is         mation message will also give you a          set you apart from other events that
    to test it on somebody who hasn’t been          chance to recap important informa-           might not use reminders at all.
    part of the planning process. It’s neces-       tion, including the contact information
    sary to get impartial feedback.                 for the organiser, the schedule, how         Event communication can be a dreadful
                                                    to get to the venue and the informa-         task, but with the help of event man-
    Essentially, a good invitation will lead        tion the attendee has given when             agement tools, communicating even the
    to easy and successful registration.            registering.                                 biggest events will feel like a walk in the
    Your registration options depend com-                                                        park.
    pletely on your target group. Some              A week or two prior to the event, it’s
    target groups might require several             good to send a reminder via e-mail to the    First published in the EUMA magazine
    registration options next to the typical        people who haven’t registered yet. This      proActive No 43.This article was written
                                                                                                 by Linda Kullas, Lyyti-Event Management
    online registration. Whichever way you          will increase the visibility of your event   Software. Lyyti is a Gold Partner to European
    choose, it is strongly recommended that         among all the other invitations. A week      Management Assistants (EUMA).
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

A great city to be a guest in
One of the most connected cities in          commitment toward becoming the best
the world, Stockholm city has 900,000        person you can be.
inhabitants. Next year the capital of        For more information please visit:
Sweden will host the 2016 Eurovision         www.euma.org
Song Contest. The contest will be held
in the Stockholm Globe district in May.      Clarion Sign (www.clarionsign.com),
                                                                                                                              Stockholm Globe
The Monocle’s annual Quality of Life         Stockholm’s largest hotel is located in the
Survey lists the world’s top 25 cities to    heart of Stockholm city adjacent to the
                                                                                            © Eson Lindman

live in, ranking Stockholm at #6! More       Central Station and Arlanda Express as
about the city: www.visitstockholm.com       well as near all the best of Stockholm’s
                                             favorite spots. It all started with the idea
The next European Management                 to create a unique, timeless, first-class
Assistants (EUMA) annual Training Day        hotel. By combining the best of
will be held in Stockholm on 16 April        Scandinavian architecture and design it
2016 at the hotel Clarion Sign and the       would create a source of inspiration for the                                          Clarion Sign
theme for the training day is Self-          guests. A collection of icons in their areas
Development. Nowadays it is crucial that     that together would celebrate Scandinavia!     around the hotel and discover world-­
you can lead your own development and                                                       famous furniture, such as Egg, Wave and
follow what is happening around your         The renowned Swedish architect Gert            Lily, classic pieces that have been around
profession and the business. In itself,      Wingårdh, sketched his vision of a             for up to 50 years and will stay the same
personal development involves the set-       facade stooping hotel building which           for another 50, at least. All over the hotel
ting of goals as well as their correspond-   creates a spectacular view. Dominated          you will find beautiful black and white pho-
ing action plans within a specific time-     by granite and glass, it leans over the        tography art by well-known Scandinavian
frame. Keep in mind that self-develop-       square, reflecting the green park.             photo artists.
ment requires active participation on the
part of the individual from the day the      The interior was provided by Scandinavian      Else-Britt Lundgren,
goals are set to the day these are           design icons, such as Arne Jacobsen,           European Chairman, European
achieved. Self-development is a daily        Bruno Mathsson and Alvar Aalto. Wander         Management Assistants (EUMA)
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

                                                                                               About European Cities Marketing (ECM)
                                                                                               European Cities Marketing is a non-profit
                                                                                               organisation improving the competitive-
                                                                                               ness and performance of leading cities
                                                                                               in Europe by providing a platform for pro-
                                                                                               fessionals of the meetings industry, the
                                                                                               leisure business and city marketing to

    Ongoing Education as Success
                                                                                               exchange knowledge, best practice and
                                                                                               widen their network to build new business.
                                                                                               European Cities Marketing is promoting

    Factor of Future Business
                                                                                               and linking the interests of 100 members
                                                                                               from 36 countries.

                                                                                               For more information, please contact:
    Freshly elected ECM Vice-President for the Meetings Industry, Bettina                      Flavie Baudot,
    Bunge, CEO and Managing Director of Dresden Marketing Board,                               flavie@europeancitiesmarketing.com,
    explains the importance of education to face the continuing changes                        T. +33 380 56 02 00
    in the Meetings Industry.                                                                  www.europeancitiesmarketing.com

    MIM Europe: What should meetings             package of seats to attend ECM Summer        Meetings Industry right from the beginning
    industry professionals do to face the        School and then asked its members            of a career; it’s a four-day course with a
    constant evolution of the industry?          to send application letters where they       faculty of 15 widely recognised industry
    Bettina Bunge: We live in a constantly       would show their motivation to go to the     professionals. The programme sets out
    changing world, and the Meetings             ECM Summer School. Five of them were         the background and context of the indus-
    Industry is no exception. To face this       selected: learning, knowledge sharing,       try (key players, exhibitions, press, social
    ongoing challenge, professionals have        team building, all ingredients of success    media, sustainability, clients, intermediar-
    to educate themselves and others             were there, in this simple idea! I find it   ies, RFP and decision making processes)
    every day. To me it’s a crucial task for     a great example of educating others by       with a focus on European and interna-
    top management in each organisation,         offering them such an opportunity.           tional best practices.
    whether it is a CVB, tourist office, con-
    gress centre, airline, hotel, DMC, PCO or    MIM Europe: What educational options         The ECM Summer School has consis-
    meeting planner, to train every employee     would you recommend?                         tently been the bridge to a successful
    continuously.                                Bettina Bunge: In the Meetings Industry,     career in the Meetings Industry. More
                                                 there is a variety of high quality offers    than 1,500 students graduated from the
       In the Meetings Industry,                 with independent education pro-              School and now hold strategic positions.
          there is a variety of                  grammes that can also be used as a           It’s also important to note that the ECM
        high quality offers with                 career ladder and an ongoing process         Summer School is qualified for CMP cer-
                                                 of education and training. Among them,       tification, and students earn a total of
        independent education                    we can find ICCA Research Sales &            17.75 clock hours for their overall CMP
             programmes                          Marketing Program, the Forum for Young       certification.
                                                 Professionals at ibtm world, the IAPCO
    I personally do that for my whole staff at   Edge Seminar, the AIPC Academy, the          The next edition will be held in Zagreb
    Dresden Marketing Board: for the CVB,        Association Expert Seminar at IMEX           (Croatia), August 27-31, 2016 and we
    Tourism, Business Development and            (Frankfurt) and the Future Leaders           will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the
    other departments we set up a long-          Forum (IMEX America), and of course          ECM Summer School!
    term personnel development plan and          the ECM Summer School.
    yearly training courses with incentives                                                   MIM Europe: Are there other tools
    corresponding to the success of the          MIM Europe: Can you tell us more             developed by ECM to provide education
    training. I have this other example, with    about the ECM Summer School?                 to its members?
    VISITFLANDERS, the promotion board for       Bettina Bunge: The ECM Summer School         Bettina Bunge: Well, that’s the least
    Flanders and Brussels, which bought a        is a door opener to understand the           we can say! One of the main missions
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

                                                                                        © Sven Döring
of ECM is to provide its members with       Additionally, the Future Leaders Award
educational opportunities all year long.    is a friendly competition around best
First through ECM meetings twice a          practices in the industry - and is open
year; this is when members exchange         exclusively to ECM’s members. It allows
knowledge and best practices,               a young talented professional, employed
benchmark among themselves and              by one of ECM member organisations
anticipate future needs. [The next ECM      to win and study for a part-time two-year
Meeting will be held in Madrid (Spain),     MBA at MODUL University in Vienna.
February 24-27, 2016]. Then through
the ECM Knowledge Groups; they are          Then ECM is part of IMEX Smart Monday
expert teams focusing on specific           educational session, prior to IMEX
aspects of the Meetings Industry,           America in Las Vegas, providing clients
city marketing and urban tourism            (agencies, associations and corporate
development. They discuss issues,           involved with meetings, conferences, and
share best practices, prepare reports,      conventions) with a full education day of
conduct surveys and, in certain cases,      various learning formats for cutting-edge
undertake joint marketing activities        career development. ECM is proud to
through meetings, expert meetings and       provide a 45-minute educational session.
monthly chats.                              People should never stop learning and
                                            teaching in the Meetings Industry!

Next ECM Events for the Meetings Industry and education possibilities
• IMEX Smart Monday, 12 October 2015, Las Vegas (USA)                                                              Bettina Bunge
• Meetings Industry Steering Group, 16 November 2015, Barcelona (Spain)
• ibtm world, 17-19 November 2015, Barcelona – Come & visit ECM at stand D75!           Bettina Bunge, the fast facts
• Meet Europe Workshop, 10 December 2015, Paris (France), followed by a net-            • Born in Lueneburg (Germany) in 1967
  working educational session on 11th December                                          • Studied Business Administration in
• India Meetings Industry Workshop, March 2016, three cities in India                     Muenster (Germany) and San Diego
• ECM Spring Meeting, 24-27 February 2016, Madrid (Spain)                                 (USA) with a Fulbright Grant
• ECM Annual Meeting and General Assembly, 8-11 June 2016, Madeira (Portugal)           • Taught, worked and received a PhD
                                                                                          degree in the research field of Service
                                                                                          Quality and Customer Satisfaction in
                                                                                          the financial industry at the European
                                                                                          Business School (Germany)
                                                                                        • Worked at Lufthansa German Airlines,
                                                                                          German National Tourist Board,
                                                                                          Hamburg Convention Bureau
                                                                                        • Since 2009: CEO and Managing Director
                                                                                          of the Dresden Marketing Board in
                                                                                          Germany, responsible for promoting
                                                                                          Dresden as a Meetings, Tourism,
                                                                                          Business and Science destination
                                                                                        • Since June 2015: Newly elected
                                                                                          Vice President Meetings Industry of
                                                                                          European Cities Marketing Association
                                                                                        • More than 20 years of work experience
                                                                                        • Very passionate about education, train-
                                                                                          ing and teaching
                 Students and Faculty members of the last ECM Summer School in Vienna
FlorIan sengstschmId Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub - Headquarters Magazine

                                      Pride is Back
                                      When you work in an industry that has a hard time defining its name, you get
                                      used to misperceptions. Across the globe, the Incentive Travel sector is described
                                      in many ways - “Motivational Events”, “MICE”, “Meetings and Events”, “Hospitality
                                      Business”, etc. All of these labels don’t adequately address the business that we
                                      are in; the business that uses the power of bringing people together to reward
                   Olga Navarro
                                      performance, create engagement and generate business results.

This lack of understanding is due to          not think to do on their own, financially      performance. We use creativity to
limited knowledge of the value proposi-       afford to do on their own, or even be          design once-in-a-lifetime, high-end travel
tion for incentive travel, and I don’t only   able to do on their own.                       experiences that result in lasting mem-
mean a lack of understanding of people
that are alien to our industry. It is true
                                                 At SITE, we have proof                      ories and motivate future performance.
                                                                                             We have the powerful ability to connect
that in the past there have been some             that incentives are                        incentive travel to business results and
bad practices in the implementation of        connected to business results                  we provide research that confirms that
incentive travel programs and scandals                                                       incentive travel is an important busi-
have marked the industry’s reputation.        The day has come where an increase in          ness tool used by companies to change
It is also clear that, as incentive indus-    the use of incentive travel is no longer       behavior and create a measureable
try advocates, we need to do a much           a trend, but a fact. At SITE, we have          return on investment.
better job communicating the value of         proof that incentives are connected to
this important business tool beyond its       business results. In a survey by the SITE      We are Loving “it”, Knowing “it”,
reputation of exotic destinations, lavish     Foundation, corporate executives who           Experiencing “it”, Proving “it”, Growing
entertainment and fine dining.                use incentive travel report that it pays for   “it” and Living “it”. And we are proud,
                                              itself many times over and has a positive      because pride in our industry is back,
Increasing expectations                       impact on future economic investments          and here to stay.
In today’s world where global travel is no    and job growth. And, companies that
longer limited to wealthy people, there       use incentive travel have seen individual      To learn more about SITE visit
are numerous opportunities available to       performance increase by 22% and team           www.SITEglobal.com
the average consumer. Destinations and        performance by 44%.
activities that used to be considered                                                        This text was written by Olga Navarro, CIS,
                                                                                             Vice President, SITE International Board of
unique and special are now at the reach       Value of incentive travel                      Directors, and Executive Director, ITB dmc -
of everyone on their home computer.           To spread the word about the benefits          Destination Management Services in Spain
This is why the expectations of clients       and value of incentive travel, SITE has
and program participants are constantly       recently launched a campaign “Incentive
increasing and incentive travel planners      Travel (it) Works”. SITE members
are having to work harder to design           around the world believe in what we do
experiences that a typical traveler would     and the effect “it” causes on people’s

                                                                                                                                      © From the Diptych Series - Jerome Latteur, 2008
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     Azerbaijan, an emerging meetings hub
     An interview with Florian Sengstschmid

     Since 2014 Austria born Florian Sengstschmid is the Executive Director of the
     Azerbaijan Convention Bureau (AzCB). With his wide-ranging experience combining
     multiple perspectives on tourism development with a strong strategic and operational
     approach, he explains to MIM Europe how Azerbaijan is set to become a major player in
     the meetings industry.

     MIM Europe: The Azerbaijan Convention        partners. Our aim is to put Azerbaijan
     Bureau is rather young and leading in        back on the meetings industry map.
     the region, we understand. Can you           Welcome to the 21st Century Silk Road!
     tell us about the beginnings and the
     development and your strategy to             MIM Europe: Is there some kind of                                 Florian Sengstschmid
     put Azerbaijan on the map?                   collaboration between countries
     Florian Sengstschmid: Azerbaijan has         around the Caspian Sea to promote            MIM Europe: We understand the country
     been a key transit point along the           themselves as a region? What’s the           as a whole has grown exponentially in
     famous Silk Road in Europe-Asia trade        role of Azerbaijan in it?                    the last years. How is this reflected in
     for centuries. Throughout the history the    Florian Sengstschmid: The Azerbaijan         the meetings industry?
     country has served as a business hub.        Convention Bureau is a proud member          Florian Sengstschmid: The Eurovision
     Centuries later and thanks to a great        of ICCA and active partner in ICCA’s         Song Contest, which was held in Baku
     development of the country - Azerbaijan      Mediterranean Chapter. In 2017 we            back in 2012, has for sure been an
     has all what it takes to be a successful     will be hosting the ICCA Mediterranean       important step in this context. The
     meetings destination - the Ministry of       Chapter Summit in Baku. One of our           following years Baku and the rest of the
     Culture and Tourism together with pri-       objectives for this event is to actively     country have gradually invested in the
     vate sector partners have founded the        involve relevant authorities and partners    meetings industry sector.
     Azerbaijan Convention Bureau (AzCB).         from neighbouring and Caspian Sea
                                                  countries to jointly discuss the potential   It’s true that Azerbaijan has been a hub
     The AzCB is a public private partnership     of the meetings industry in the region       for regional conventions, sporting con-
     and non-profit organisation to support       and its further development. On a bilat-     test, cultural conferences and trade fairs
     the development of the meetings indus-       eral level Azerbaijan is taking an active    from mid 1990s on. And it’s important
     try. In spring 2014 we started with a        role in supporting the development of the    that the country manages to keep the
     handful of partners, while in 2015 our       industry in the region. For instance this    right balance and secures multilateral
     ‘Azerbaijan Meetings Alliance’ already       September an official delegation from        exchanges and developments.
     counts 27 members - Azerbaijan Airlines,     Georgia was invited to Baku to discuss
     Skytrax awarded four-star national flag      possibilities of collaboration in tourism    This summer the country hosted the
     carrier and leading carrier in the region,   and meetings industry and to study the       very first European Games in history, an
     top quality hotels, venues, a network of     structure and strategy of the Azerbaijan     amazing sports celebration. Baku is also
     selected PCOs and DMCs and technology        Convention Bureau as a good practice.        on the preliminary Formula 1 Calendar

for July 2016 and the Islamic Solidary         One is the city of Gabala, located three
Games are confirmed for 2017. On the           hours drive or 30 minutes flight from
other hand, Azerbaijan, and namely Baku,       Baku in the North-Western part of the
has always been selected to host (inter)       country, offering a state-of-the art con-
cultural events, from the annual Baku Jazz     vention centre for up to 1,200 delegates,
Festival and the bi-annual World Forum         high quality accommodation, and an
on Intercultural Dialogue to the Regional      international airport, all set in beauti-
Conferences of ISESCO and UNESCO.              ful nature on the slopes of the Great
                                               Caucasus Mountains.
Not to forget industry specific events
- this year the city hosted the Asian          MIM Europe: We heard about con-
Development Bank’s 48th Annual Meeting         gresses and conventions taking place
of the Board of Governors, the Caspian         in Azerbaijan, but rarely about incen-
Oil & Gas Exhibition, the International        tives. Can you share some activities
Conference on Telecommunications               you can do in Azerbaijan only?
and Information Technologies and many          Florian Sengstschmid: Azerbaijan has long
others.                                        been known for its rich oil resources.
                                               Few people know that the Nobel brothers
MIM Europe: Can you tell us about Baku         Petroleum Company had its origins in a
as a meetings destination, and in com-         distillery founded in Baku in 1876, provid-
parison with the rest of the country?          ing the funding for the prestigious Nobel
Florian Sengstschmid: Baku is a wonder-        Prize. No wonder that Baku is also the
ful city with an amazing atmosphere: rich      homeland to probably one of the most
historical and cultural background, unique     unique and fascinating forms of Art - the
seaside location on the Caspian Sea,           Oil Painting. There are a couple of studios
                                                                                                                        Heydar Aliyev Center
state-of-the-art urban and meetings infra-     in Baku where experienced artists hold
structure, delicious cuisine and… being a      master classes on oil painting. It’s an
foreigner in Azerbaijan for some years now,    amazing experience and I can say that
I can testify that local people and society    it’s getting more and more popular as an
are amazingly hospitable, peace-loving         incentive programme.
and multicultural - when I look at the world
today, this is truly important.                Speaking of oil, I’d also highlight
                                               Azerbaijan’s miracle oil Naftalan, which is a
Baku is a world capital and a vivid            unique grade of oil, famous for its healing
national and regional hub. It boasts the       qualities. Our partners have been design-
best infrastructure in the country - some      ing a variety of breath-taking programmes
architectural gems like the H.A. Center,       where everyone can enjoy this unique spa
the brand-new Baku Congress Centre by          treatment and learn more about the
Austrian architects Coop Himmelb(l)au or       incredible benefits of Naftalan oil.
the awarded international airport with its
giant wooden ‘cocoons’, top quality brand      MIM Europe: Give one example of a
hotels and venues, cosy restaurants            very unusual meeting venue you can
and much more. Apart from modern and           find in Azerbaijan.
booming Baku, the walled Old City with its     Florian Sengstschmid: That’s definitely                                        Baku Old City
narrow streets and stairways, the Maiden       Heydar Aliyev Center, Zaha Hadid’s archi-
Tower, the Shirvanshah’s Palace, tradi-        tectural masterpiece and landmark of
                                                                                                              Ayan Zeynalova 

tional tea houses and Hamams, is one           modern Baku. This state-of-the-art venue
                                                                                                              Sales & Marketing Manager
of the country’s hotspots and a UNESCO         is a proud host of high profile govern-
                                                                                                              Azerbaijan Convention Bureau
World Heritage Site.                           ment meetings and international events.
                                                                                                              +994 50 411 24 33
                                               The architectural design and facilities are
There are several other destinations with      simply amazing. It is definitely a venue
great meetings potential in the country.       one won’t forget.                               Ayan Zeynalova www.azcb.com

     A Melting Pot of Landscapes & Cultures
     Around the Caspian and Black Sea
     A meeting place for continents, spots surrounding the Caspian and Black Sea from Tbilisi
     to Tehran are thriving with cultural riches, from brand-new ski slopes to astounding wine

     routes where delegates can soak up 8,000 years of history in one glass.
     Text Lane Nieset

     in Azerbaijan
     Strolling through the Icheri Sheher, Baku’s
     mazelike core of medieval alleys with 12th cen-
     tury walls surrounding three sides, it’s hard to
     imagine that just beyond the fortress and its
     tower a modern city is thriving with skyscrapers
     and luxury yachts cruising on the Caspian.                                                                            Baku, Azerbaijan

     The capital of Azerbaijan and the largest     building in the world, constructing the
     city on the Caspian Sea, Baku is seen         kilometer-high Azerbaijan Tower. You’ll     Day Trips Beyond Baku
     as the spot where East meets West,            have to wait a few more years before        In less than four hours, you can get
     where modern marvels mix with ancient         you see this vision come to life, but in    out of Baku and explore a number of
     architecture. Baku’s Heydar Aliyev            the mean time, there’s plenty of other      activities in the countryside. Three
     International Airport is the main entry       skyscrapers to gawk at. The trio of         hours away you’ll find Azerbaijan’s
     point into the country, with direct flights   30-story buildings forming the Flame        two newest ski resorts, Shahdag and
     to nine major European cities like Paris      Towers ­– currently the city’s tallest      Gabala, both set up with state-of-the-art
     and Frankfurt, as well as the Middle          skyscrapers ­– look just like their name    equipment. Shahdagh is still in the
     East, the Gulf, China and New York City.      suggests, a series of flames shooting       process of expanding, so the longer
     The city boasts 530 hotels and resorts        up over Baku Bay, with a funicular bring-   pistes and cablecars aren’t up and
     – with 15 international hotel brands –        ing visitors up to catch views over the     running just yet, but you can still hit the
     including the stunning seaside Four           city and sea. Swing by after sunset for     lower slopes or set off on a hike from
     Seasons Hotel Baku and the Jumeirah           a light show transforming the buildings     the base and to the nearby village of
     Bilgah Beach Hotel, just 10 minutes           into a true vision of flames.               Laza. Shahdag is also home to the luxe
     away from the airport on its own stretch                                                  mountain resort Pik Palace Hotel that’s
     of private sand.                              Then there’s the Heydar Aliyev Cultural     a favorite for conferences and events.
                                                   Center, designed by celebrated architect
     With Baku’s building boom, five-star          Zaha Hadid, seen as a landmark of           For a more extreme experience through
     hotels as well as modern 21st century         modern Baku with its wave-like design       the mystic mountain villages, head up
     venues have popped up around town,            symbolizing an eternal cycle. With a roof   to Azerbaijan’s highest town, Khinalug,
     putting the city on the map when it           composed of 12,000 panels, not one          crossing canyons and rough roads
     comes to astounding architectural             of which features a straight line, the      by 4WD. Get a truly local feel with a
     feats. Baku is even in the process of         57,519 sqm center makes for quite a         village homestay by spending the night
     topping Dubai when it comes to tallest        unique spot to meet in Baku.                en route in a guesthouse.

through Tehran’s
Cultural Beauties                                                                                                                  Tehran, Iran
Set in the northern part of the country at the foot of
the Alborz mountain range, the city of over 14 million
                                                                     Daytripping from Tehran
inhabitants beautifully blends its past and present
                                                                     A few hours from Tehran, groups can delve deeper into the country’s
through a series of museums, palaces and modern
                                                                     history touring landmarks in the city of Kashan, which dates back
towers that captivate visitors.
                                                                     over 6,000 years. Strolling through town, stop and take in the archi-
Joining the ranks of Istanbul and Cairo,      been home to           tecture of the 18th century Agha Bozorg mosque, located smack-dab
Iran’s capital Tehran is one of the three     trade for over a       in the centre of Kashan, with its sunken courtyard and wooden door,
largest cities in the Middle East. The city   thousand years,        rumored to have as many studs as the Quran has verses.
is teeming with UNESCO World Heritage         the oldest parts of
sites like the Safavid-period Golestan        the marketplace
Palace, once home to the Qajar kings,         date back to the 16th century. The spraw­    sixth-tallest tower in the world, for pan-
featuring a series of buildings and man-      ling bazaar continued expanding in the       oramic views of the city and a revolving
icured gardens dating back five centu-        19th century, earning its current reputa-    restaurant seating up to 300 people just
ries. Another don’t-miss is the mazelike      tion as a “city within a city”.              below – giving diners 360-degree views
grand Bazar-e Bozorg, a bazaar of arched      For a more modern look at Tehran, visi-      as it makes one complete turn per hour.
passages with vendors selling carpets,        tors can head up to the 280 meter-high
silver and spices. While the area has         observation deck at Milad Tower, the

Armenia’s Cultural Wonders
Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Armenia, measuring the same size as Belgium or the state of
Maryland, is made up of mostly mountainous terrain that ancient geographers gifted the title of “Island of
Mountains” or “Rooftop of Asia Minor.”
Once upon a time, Armenia stretched           Georgia in the north, Turkey, Azerbaijan     they are diverse, with mineral springs,
from the Caspian to the Mediterranean         and Iran in the south. Armenia’s nat-        rapids and rich basins, but its cultural
Sea, but now the nation borders               ural features are as breathtaking as         wonders are also a major attraction
                                                                                           for visitors heading to the landlocked

                                                                                           Groups can feel like New Age explorers,
                                                                                           hopping throughout Armenia’s cultural
                                                                                           highlights like the ruins of the Zvartnots
                                                                                           Temple, which served as Armenia’s main
                                                                                           cathedral in the 7th century, or visiting the
                                                                                           pagan Garni Temple, the summer resort
                                                                                           for Armenian kings two thousand years

                                                                                           Meanwhile, at the Yerevan Brandy Company,
                                                                                           groups can learn more about Armenian
                                                                                           spirits with a tour through Yerevan’s first
                                                                                           workshop and factory, which has been craft-
                                                                    Kohrvirab, Armenia     ing Armenian brandy since 1887.

Food & Wine Tours
Through Cyprus
Cyprus may be the third smallest member of the EU, but it’s teeming
with a large history – spanning 10,000 years – scattered around an
island the size of a large metropolis.

Located in the Eastern Mediterranean,       Better yet, pair Cypriot cuisine with
tucked between Turkey to the north and      local wine exploring one of the
Syria and Lebanon to the East, Cyprus       six wine routes snaking their way
is a compact destination enjoying over      around the island, with 40 boutique
300 days of sun a year. Thanks to its       wineries along the way. You can for
size, it’s quick for groups to get from     instance explore the Commandaria
point A to point B, with 309 conference     region, known for producing Cyprus’
rooms around the island, 30,604 people      most popular wine. Commandaria is
seating capacity and 34,189 beds in         acknowledged as the oldest named
hotels with conference facilities alone.    wine in the world and probably the
                                            first ever to be given an ‘Appellation of
A number of unique venues and archae-       Origin’, having had the same name for
ological sites throughout Cyprus lend       eight centuries. Richard the Lionheart
themselves to small conferences, gala       is said to have enjoyed it greatly at
dinners, themed nights or opening           his wedding in Cyprus and to have
ceremonies, offering unusual surround-      pronounced it “the wine of kings and
ings that are bound to impress your         the king of wines!”
conference participants or incentives
group like the ancient Kourion Theatre,     Outdoor activities also take place all
the Pafos Castle square, the Medieval       year round in Cyprus, especially on
Manor at the Aphrodite’s Temple.            the island’s many beaches, which
                                            have been named the cleanest
With a fascinating blend of cultures,       in Europe! Cycling, golf, trekking,
it’s no surprise the country is rich in     paragliding, bird-watching and
cuisine that’s essentially Mediterranean    windsurfing are among the many              Luxurious Island Incentives
with hints of Middle Eastern and Asian      additional activities for delegates to      It’s not hard to sit back and lap in luxury
influence. There’s no better way to wit-    enjoy outside of the meeting room.          on Cyprus. The warm, Mediterranean
ness Cypriot food firsthand than with       Whether you want your share of              climate makes it a dream for those looking
a Jeep excursion into the countryside,      adventures, need to converse with           to get out on the sea setting sail on a
tasting local fish and vegetables, olive    nature and are fond of learning all         private yacht cruise around the island’s
oil and wine, straight from the farms and   about traditions, anything seems to         coastline. If spas are more your speed,
vineyards. Spend the afternoon soaking      be possible in Cyprus!                      the island has plenty resorts with world-
up village life, drinking freshly brewed                                                class facilities. Visitors can be whisked off
Cypriot coffee in the humblest coffee       Contact                                     on a limo tour of the bustling city Limassol
shop, while playing a traditional game                                                  before retreating to a five-star boutique
                                            Cyprus Convention Bureau
of backgammon. For companies looking                                                    beach hotel for VIP treatment at the spa.
                                            Cyprus Tourism Organisation
to strengthen the bond between employ-                                                  And don’t forget Mark Anthony once gave
                                            T. (+357) 22 69 12 51 /54 / 55
ees, add a local touch to teambuilding                                                  Cyprus to the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra,
experiences learning how to bake olive                                                  as a token of his love. Doesn’t it say
pies or halloumi bread with the locals.                                                 everything about the beauty of the island?

     Stroll Through History in Sofia                                                              Three Ways to See Bulgaria’s Natural Beauty
                                                                                                  • Catch views of Sofia from Vitosha Mountain.
                                                                                                    Just 10 km from the city, visitors can head
                                                                                                    here for skiing in winter or trekking in summer,
                                                                                                    with chairlifts starting on the outskirts of
     One of the oldest cities in Europe, the Bulgarian capital has a history
                                                                                                    Sofia. Even if you’re not one for sports, the
     dating back to the 7th century B.C., with tribes settling around the ther-                     cabin lift ride alone is worth it for the views
     mal springs in today’s downtown as early as the 8th century B.C.                               you’ll get over the city.
                                                                                                  • Explore Vitosha National Park. The oldest
     Centrally located in the Balkans, with         4,000 seats. And while the modern               nature park on the Balkan peninsula, the
     Bulgaria’s longest river, the Iskar, cutting   meeting venues are a plus for groups            park not only includes the mountain, it’s also
     across the city, Sofia is a mix of cultural    visiting the capital, the city also has         home to 61 types of habitats, 200 bird spe-
     and natural beauty that’s easily accessi-      a bevy of historical sites to see, from         cies and over 300 km of paths.
     ble to travelers thanks to five mountain       the largest church monument on the            • Go windsurfing and yachting in the
     passes leading to town and Sofia Airport,      Balkan peninsula, the Neo-Byzantine             nearby Pancharevo Lake. Set between the
     just a 15-minute drive from the city center,   St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral with its         Vitosha and Lozenska mountains, the man-
     offering 400 flights on 24 airlines weekly.    crypt containing a museum-like collec-          made lake is just a quick drive away with tons
     The city features Southeastern Europe’s        tion of Bulgarian icons, to the National        of options from watersports and hiking the
     largest multifunctional complex, the           History Museum, showcasing a vast               surrounding trails to posting up at a restaurant
     National Palace of Culture, a congress         collection of 650,000 Balkan items.             sampling local specialties while taking in the
     centre with 14 halls, the largest with                                                         scenic views.

                                                          Sofia, Bulgaria                                                                   Tbilisi, Georgia

     Exploring Georgia’s Traditional Food & Winemaking
     At the point where Europe meets Asia, Georgia boasts Black Sea beaches on its western edge and the Caucasus
     Mountains in the north, prime for skiing, snowboarding and scaling, with 12 peaks taller than Mont Blanc.

     The New York Times named Georgia               harvest, checking out the satskneheli, or      Georgia’s capital, Tbilisi, is easy to reach
     one of the “52 Places to Go in 2015”           wooden tub, where grapes are pressed           from both Europe and the Middle East,
     because it has “the makings of the next        while wearing special footwear, and            with direct flights into Tbilisi International
     great wine destination,” but it’s been         exploring the marani, the cellar where         Airport in under three hours from Dubai,
     known for winemaking techniques for the        the grapes are fermented in clay ves-          Vienna and Istanbul; four hours from
     past 8,000 years. Seen as the birthplace       sels called qvevri. All of the hard work is    Munich; and six hours from London. Pair
     of wine, Georgia has all the right condi-      followed by a traditional dinner, or supra,    convenient flight times with a history
     tions for producing over 500 varieties of      with a feast of herb-heavy dishes, local       dating back to the 5th century AD, as well
     grapes thanks to the Black Sea air.            pork and lamb, cheese, eggplants, and          as a number of four- and five-star busi-
                                                    soups, while toasting the guest of honor       ness hotels, and you’ve got the perfect
     Groups coming in the fall can take             through poetry.                                home base for groups to start their wine
     part in the ancient tradition of rtveli, or                                                   tasting tour through Georgia.

Medieval Castles
and Towns
in Transylvania
Move over Bucharest and Brasov. Groups are
looking outside of Romania’s main meeting
hubs and heading straight to the heart of
the country – Transylvania.                                                                                         Peles Castle, Transylvania

With its spa resorts dotting the Carpathian    Travelers can go medieval town hopping on
Mountains and Black Sea, charming medi-        a sightseeing roadtrip through Transylvania,       Dracula-Filled Day
eval villages and castles, Romania has         where they’ll eat and drink their way through      When most people hear Transylvania,
drawn large-scale international events, such   the historic region. Using Bucharest or            visions of vampires come to mind.
as the 2008 NATO Summit and Universal          Brasov as a starting point, groups can make        Set out and explore the eerie side of
Postal Union Congress in 2004, as well as      their way to Sinaia, a ski resort at the foot of   Transylvania’s medieval towns start-
incentive groups exploring the more cultural   the Bucegi Mountains where the 19th century        ing at the source – the Gothic-style
side of its cities. Bucharest alone features   Peles Castle is located. The first European        Bran Castle, which inspired author
37 museums, 22 theatres and two opera          castle to be lit by electrical current, the 160-   Bram Stocker’s classic “Dracula.”
houses. But destinations outside of the cap-   room Neo-Renaissance beauty is decorated           Perched on a 60-meter cliff overlook-
ital are now stepping in the spotlight with    with handmade silk embroideries, German            ing the village of Bran, the castle sits
new hotels and venues sprouting up just        stain-glassed windows and Murano crystal           on the Teutonic Knights stronghold
next door to historic towns. Case in point:    chandeliers. After touring the architectural       from 1212 and features 60 rooms
Transylvania.                                  masterpiece, pause for a group lunch at the        connected by underground passage-
                                               nearby Rhein-Azuga Cellars, where guests           ways and winding staircases, filled
Now the second-most popular meeting spot       can sample Romanian specialties, as well as        with furniture and weapons spanning
in the country, the centrally located region   sparkling wine right where it’s made, learning     from the 14th to 19th centuries. After
is surrounded by the Carpathian mountain       the traditional techniques used to produce         wandering through the castle’s muse-
chain and home to some of the most well        the wine that supplied the Romanian royal          ums, it’s time for lunch at a local
preserved medieval villages in Europe.         court between the world wars.                      farm in town dining on specialties
From 14th century castles and fortresses                                                          like pastrama, dry-cured lamb meat
to Saxon-fortified churches and palaces        If groups are looking for more adven-              and aged cheeses. The day doesn’t
boasting art museums, Transylvania is a        ture-driven days, the Apuseni Nature Park          end there, though. That evening,
wealth of opportunity for incentives. Plus,    has great spots for caving, such as Bears’         groups continue feasting over tradi-
the region features three international        Cave with its 22,000-year-old stalactites,         tional music and dance in the Old
airports with direct flights from major        or Piatra Craiului Natural Park, with its chal-    Town of Brasov, which dates back to
European hubs like Madrid, Munich, Rome        lenging hiking trails and traditional villages     medieval times and has been used
and Vienna.                                    scattered along Romania’s highest (and             as a backdrop in a bunch of period
                                               longest) limestone ridge.                          piece films.

     Switzerland’s Meeting Trophy 2015
     All fun… and a bit of work
     It has become a habit for MIM Europe Magazine to participate in the Switzerland Meeting Trophy. Every year,
     the Switzerland Convention & Incentive Bureau (SCIB) indeed organises an annual event for about a hundred
     congress and incentives professionals from Europe and North America. Last year’s champion, Belgium, came
     just second after Russia and missed - by only 3 points! - the coveted title again after three days of non-stop
     activities and entertainment.
     Report Rémi Dévé

     2015 was the 11th edition of the             added “je ne sais quoi” your participants      Oh, and one note about moving around
     Switzerland Meeting Trophy. Like any         will remember.                                 in Switzerland. In three days, we saw
     other year, the fam trip was a unique
     and innovative experience, combining         The Switzerland Meeting Trophy trip is a unique and innovative
     great networking opportunities and             experience, combining great networking opportunities and
     inspection of fantastic venues. The
     trip started with a short stay in Zurich,
                                                                  inspection of fantastic venues
     before delegates travelled by train to       To my humble opinion, highlights included      four different destinations, and it didn’t
     Lucerne for a two-night stay. On the         a climb to Mount Pilatus, just outside of      feel like a hassle. With five international
     Saturday, the teams travelled by car to      Lucerne - from Hotel Pilatus-Kulm, you         airports, Switzerland is easy to reach,
     Bern, with a stop in Emmental, where         have breathtaking views and you can            and once you’re there, going from one
     they enjoyed a fondue reception and a        host meetings for up to 100 people - the       place to another is fast and smooth,
     cheese-rolling competition.                  Swiss Museum of Transport, in Lucerne          not only because of the relatively small
                                                  as well, where you can organise gala           size of the country, but because of the
     The Swiss Trophy was the occasion            dinners amidst planes, cable cars and          efficient transport network covered by a
     for me to ponder over the whole fam          old-timers, and Congress Centre Kursaal        single system, and especially the Swiss
     trip experience. As a journalist, I have     Interlaken, seating up to 1,300 people in      Travel Pass that grandly facilitates the
     attended many trips with no spirit, where    a fascinating historical venue. As to Bern,    commuting from one place to another!
     they just take you from hotels to con-       in addition to the nicely located Allegro
     ference centres, from venues to restau-      Hotel adjoining the congress centre, it        Contact
     rants, with no “feeling” whatsoever. The     can provide, among many other things, a        Switzerland Convention &
     Trophy was totally different: not only was   host of team-building activities including     Incentive Bureau
     it well organised, with a smooth com-        chocolate tasting, duck hooking, tower         Myriam Winnepenninckx
     muting of the teams, but we got to taste     building and flag dancing – all this against   T. + 32 (2) 345 83 57
     what Switzerland is really about: a “seri-   a leafy background of green mountains or       myriam.winnepenninckx@switzerland.com
     ous” destination, but with a twist, and      in the UNESCO listed medieval centre of        www.MySwitzerland.com/meetings
     the ability to provide your event with an    the city.

     A European gem waiting
     to be discovered
     Luxembourg is one of Europe’s best-kept secrets – I can say so with
     absolute confidence after a three-day fam trip in early September.
     Widely seen as a financial haven, Luxembourg is commonly known to
     the outside world as a major financial hub and headquarters for many
     European institutions such as the Court of Justice of the European
     Union and the European Investment Bank (EIB). However, this scenic
     little country is full of pleasant surprises – it has a lot more to offer
     than just a place for bankers and diplomats. Its natural beauty, diverse
     population, history and culture, as well as the cuisine and wine make
     the country a vibrant and cosmopolitan place – ideal for organising
     meetings and teambuilding activities.
     Report Katie Lau                                                                                                             Luxembourg City

     Easy access                                   Recent revamps                                exhibition halls, upgrading the confer-
     Located at the crossroads between             Luxembourg is also a country that con-        ence space and logistics (two separate
     Belgium, France and Germany,                  stantly reinvents itself. During the visit,   entrances instead of one), and improving
     Luxembourg is well connected to the           I couldn’t help but notice that many          public access (the impending construc-
     major European cities and hubs, be it by      projects were underway throughout the         tion of a tramway) and parking facilities.
     car, train or plane. Cities like Frankfurt,   city and beyond, from venue extensions        Just located 7km from the airport and
     Paris, London and Amsterdam are just          to hotel renovations to construction of       2 km from the city centre, Luxexpo cur-
     one hour away by air. Luxembourg also         highways. This upgrade of infrastructure      rently offers nine conference halls with
     boasts a trilingual and multicultural         is a testament to Luxembourg’s resolve        the total area of 4,000 sqm, which will
     population of more than 500,000,              in becoming a more competitive and            become more flexible and versatile after
     about two thirds of which hold a foreign      attractive MICE destination.                  the renovation.
     passport. English is widely spoken and
     the locals are often friendly and eager          The current upgrade of Luxembourg’s infrastructure is a
     to help.
                                                       testament to Luxembourg’s resolve in becoming a more
     With residents from more than                          competitive and attractive MICE destination
     160 nationalities, the Grand Duchy of
     Luxembourg can be considered as a             Indeed, a lot has changed in recent           While some parts of Luxembourg City
     model for integration and a melting pot       years. According to Tom Bellion, direc-       can be commercialized like any major
     of different cultural influences that         tor of Luxembourg City Tourist Office &       cities, the capital city balances it out
     coexist harmoniously. As Anne Hoffmann,       Luxembourg Convention Bureau, the             with its UNESCO-listed historic old
     managing director at Luxembourg               country has considerably increased its        town perched on a plateau above green
     National Tourist Board, told me, “This        hospitality and meeting infrastructure        gorges. After witnessing the magnificent
     amazing mixture of nationalities and          and know-how for more than a decade.          Luxembourg fortress myself, there’s little
     cultures reflects in all aspects of           Most recently, Luxexpo, an iconic venue       doubt why the capital city was formerly
     Luxembourg society through the use of         for international congresses and trade        known as the “Gibraltar of the North”.
     languages, in gastronomy, the arts,           shows, has been undergoing a massive          Featuring narrow old town alleys, charm-
     leisure, sports, and others.”                 upgrade, to be completed by mid-2017.         ing old quarters and magnificent fortifi-
                                                   The renovation includes recreating the        cations in a hilly, picturesque setting, the

                                             Bourscheid Castle                                                    European Museum

old town offers a convenient, relaxing         Luxembourg at a glance                   hosting your event in a traditional indoor
break from the urban hustle-bustle of the      • Population: 562,958                    location, you can customise your event
city. The beautifully restored Neimënster,     • Area: 2,586 sqm                        in an outdoor setting.
a former Benedictine Abbey, was inau-          • Hotels: 36 and about 3,600
gurated as a culture, meeting and event          rooms, mostly in the four-and five-    Besides doing your shopping in Grand-
centre 10 years ago, and it has become           star category                          Rue and Rue Phillippe II, visiting the
one of the most symbolic meeting               • Conference venues: 108 (including      world-class museums and dining out
venues in Luxembourg.                            hotels)                                at many Michelin-starred eateries in
                                               • Getting there: By air: Amsterdam       the city, the countryside boasts a good
Charming countryside                             (1h30), Berlin (1h20), Frankfurt/      number of charming villages nestled
As my guide drove us away from the               Geneva (50min), London (1h10);         in the rolling hills, a perfect setting for
capital city, Luxembourg continued to            By train: Paris (2h), Metz (1h),       sightseeing and teambuilding activities.
fascinate me with its compact size               Brussels (3h) and Trier (43min).       The Moselle Valley, best known for pro-
and ease of access. As Luxembourg’s            • Official languages: French, German,    ducing white wines and sparkling wines,
well-maintained roads took me through            and Luxembourgish (national            is well worth visiting for its wine tast-
the scenic landscapes with rivers mean-          language)                              ings and wine cellars. In the Moselle
dering past vast meadows and forests,          • Climate: Temperate maritime            region you can also visit the small
I realised it takes only less than hour to       with cool summers and moderate         village of Schengen, located on the
go between different venues and spots.           winters                                border with Germany and France where
Clervaux, a small town in the Ardennes         • Government system: A                   the influential Schengen Agreement was
northern Luxembourg, only takes about            representative democracy within a      signed in 1985. In the following pages,
35-40 minutes by car from the airport            constitutional monarchy                you shall get more ideas for incentives
with the opening of the newly built high-                                               and teambuilding activities that suit dif-
way in October. With the major venues                                                   ferent needs and budgets.
and hotels located within walking dis-       organising meetings and events, in col-
tance and the very well organised public     laboration with the town’s mayor, local    Last but not least, Luxembourg ranks
transportation, “This unique situation       representatives and other organisa-        very highly for personal safety with a
enables event organisers to combine          tions. This synergy enables Clervaux to    very low crime rate, and usually features
urban and countryside activities easily,”    unite all participants to professionally   in the top 20 countries in global surveys
Hoffman said.                                and efficiently organise teambuilding      on “quality of life”, such as the one con-
                                             activities and events in just one single   ducted by Mercer’s.
Clervaux might be small in size, but         place with just one single contact
the locals know how to think big and         person, who is in charge of arranging      There is so much to do and see in this
make the most of its attractions. The        and coordinating services such as          little landlocked country. What are you
Le Clervaux Boutique & Design Hotel          accommodation, infrastructure support,     waiting for?
and the Hotel International came             catering and entertainment options.
up with the “Rent-A-City” concept for        Another advantage is that instead of       More info on visitluxembourg.com
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