Flying through Stormy Skies How Airlines Can Navigate the Global Recession

Page created by Randall Holmes
Perspective   Dr. Jürgen Ringbeck
              Daniel Röska

Flying through
Stormy Skies
How Airlines Can
Navigate the Global
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Suvojoy Sengupta

                                                     Booz & Company
EXECUTIVE        The global airline industry was unprepared for the current
                 recession. Regulation and local interests inhibited the con-
                 solidation necessary to achieve strategic scale. Record fuel
                 costs decimated margins. And the financial condition of the
                 industry as a whole had barely recovered from the downturn
                 precipitated by the events of 9/11.

                 Staying aloft in the current conditions will require that all
                 airlines aggressively pursue short-term cost programs and
                 midterm profitability initiatives. But the market situation
                 also creates a unique opportunity for airlines to reshape their
                 industry through a newly formulated strategy of consolida-
                 tion and alliances.

                 Such a strategy will enable network and low-cost carriers
                 with a sound financial and cost basis to solidify and expand
                 their positions in existing markets and emerge as winners
                 when the economy recovers. Less stable and smaller players,
                 which are now facing the critical question of how to secure
                 sufficient financing to survive the credit crisis, can also benefit
                 from taking a proactive role in shaping their futures.

Booz & Company                                                                     1
CAUGHT OFF                                                      Airlines are confronting a dire outlook.
                                                                In December 2008, the International
                                                                                                                         past decade, the airline industry saw
                                                                                                                         only three years of positive net profit
BALANCE BY                                                      Air Transport Association (IATA)                         while overall losses exceeded US$25
A GLOBAL                                                        forecast a 3 percent decline in world-
                                                                wide traffic and $2.5 billion in industry
                                                                                                                         billion (see Exhibit 1).

RECESSION                                                       losses for this year. Given decreasing                   Although the airline industry returned
                                                                passenger numbers in the first quarter                   to profitability in 2006 after the pre-
                                                                of 2009 and slowing GDP growth                           cipitous drop that followed 9/11, the
                                                                worldwide, this may prove to be a                        blue skies were short-lived. In 2008,
                                                                best-case scenario.                                      net income dropped back to 2004
                                                                                                                         levels, and the industry recorded a
                                                                Few airlines are prepared for even                       $5 billion loss. Even the top perfor-
                                                                this best case. Almost all carriers have                 mers experienced a drastic reduction
                                                                been focused on short-term results in                    in margins, mainly the result of the
                                                                response to the last crisis. Thus, they                  financial meltdown, record high fuel
                                                                are entering this recession with fun-                    prices, the impact of a stronger dollar
                                                                damental and capital-intensive legacy                    on the results of European carriers,
                                                                problems including over-aged fleets, the                 and a sharp fall in Asian economic
                                                                wrong mixes of leased versus owned                       growth.
                                                                equipment, and misaligned systems and
                                                                processes that constrain operational                     Exacerbating the current outlook is
                                                                and service performance.                                 an additional set of medium-term
                                                                                                                         challenges. Forecasts call for oil prices
                                                                The airline industry has never been                      to rise to $60 to $70 per barrel again.
                                                                profitable over the entire business                      Environmental taxation is on the rise.
                                                                cycle. Instead, short periods of profit,                 And persistent capacity bottlenecks at
                                                                fueled by market growth, are typically                   critical airports create delays, missed
                                                                followed by periods of heavy losses,                     connections, and scheduling inefficien-
                                                                which, on an accumulated basis, drag                     cies in aircraft rotations that result in
                                                                the industry below breakeven. In the                     rising operational spoilage costs.

Exhibit 1
Annual Net Income of the Global Airline Industry (in US$ billions)

     Net Income (ICAO)
     Net Income (IATA Forecast)

                                                                                             8.6   8.2   8.5

                              5.0                                                      5.3                                                                5.0
                                     3.5                                                                       3.7
         2.1          2.5


                                           -4.5                  -4.4                                                                              -4.1




 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Source: International Civil Aviation Organization; IATA; Booz & Company

 2                                                                                                                                                          Booz & Company

• Many of the world’s airlines are
  in poor financial health and are
  ill-equipped to weather the global

• Consolidation is the best industry
  response to recession, but the
  ability to consolidate is affected by
  the level of market regulation.

• Leading carriers can reshape their
  markets and emerge strengthened
  from the current crisis; weaker
  carriers must secure desperately
  needed financing if they are to

                                          The Internal   The current economic environment
                                                         and market conditions are reflected in
                                          Condition of   the financial health of many airlines.
                                          Airlines       In January 2009, Booz & Company
                                                         analyzed key financial indicators of
                                                         37 large, publicly listed airlines,
                                                         assigning each a financial health
                                                         rating that reflects its ability to sustain
                                                         its business in the short term. The
                                                         health rating is derived from each
                                                         airline’s liquidity and capital leverage
                                                         (see Exhibit 2, page 4). Our analysis
                                                         revealed that more than 40 percent
                                                         of airlines in the sample are in poor
                                                         financial health.

                                                         The airlines with the best financial
                                                         health ratings (the top segment
                                                         of Exhibit 2) are mainly low-cost
                                                         carriers (LCCs). It is likely that
                                                         these carriers will not need signifi-
                                                         cant amounts of short-term cash to
                                                         safeguard their businesses, because
                                                         they typically focus on short-haul
                                                         traffic and have the lowest operating
                                                         costs in the industry. They also often
                                                         represent the most economical travel
                                                         choices for increasingly price-sensitive

                                                         Airlines in solid financial health,
                                                         which include many of the world’s
                                                         largest flag carriers (the middle seg-
                                                         ment of Exhibit 2), do not have the
                                                         same flexible cost structure as LCCs,
                                                         but as long as their fundamental
                                                         business remains fairly resilient, they,
                                                         too, will have room to maneuver and
                                                         actively shape their positions in their
                                                         respective markets.

Booz & Company                                                                                     3
More than 40 percent of the airlines in                   Although it is true that airlines are
the sample have poor financial health                     rarely star financial performers, our
ratings (the bottom segment of Exhibit                    analysis confirmed that the current
2). To add perspective to this fact,                      condition of airlines in this bottom
the highest-ranked airline in the poor                    segment places them in serious
health sector, Thai Airways, had an                       jeopardy. They have little room to
operating-cash-flow-to-revenue ratio of                   maneuver; it is doubtful that even
5.7 percent in the first three quarters of                substantial efforts to improve their
2008, an EBIT margin of -2.3 percent,                     performance will be able to put them
and a current ratio of 50 percent. And,                   on solid footing in the current envi-
in fact, the list of airlines in the poor                 ronment. For many of these airlines,
sector is probably longer and in worse                    government intervention or external
shape now given market conditions                         financing may be the only alternatives
since the third quarter of 2008.                          to bankruptcy.

Exhibit 2
Analysis of Selected Airlines’ Finanical Health

                                           0                                                       5   Financial Health Score

Ryanair                                                                                                  Excellent Financial Health
Singapore Airlines                                                                                       Solid Financial Health
easyJet                                                                                                  Poor Financial Health
Southwest Airlines
LAN Airlines (Chile)
Air France-KLM
Hainan Airlines
TAM Airlines (Brazil)
Malaysian Airlines
Croatia Airlines
All Nippon Airways (ANA)
British Airways
Alaska Air Group
Japan Airlines (JAL)
JetBlue Airways
Gol Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes
Thai Airways Intl.
Scandinavian Airlines
Air Berlin
Korean Air
Air Canada
Continental Airlines
Austrian Airlines
Delta Air Lines
AirTran Holdings
Asiana Airlines
American Airlines (AMR Corp.)
United Airlines (UAL Corp.)
China Airlines (Taiwan)
US Airways
Frontier Airlines
Shanghai Airlines

Source: Bloomberg; financial statements; Booz & Company

 4                                                                                                            Booz & Company
The Usual                                                  All airlines will have to critically
                                                           revisit their cost structures in response
                                                                                                        by that much, which means the levels
                                                                                                        of surplus capacity will rise. The result
Responses Will                                             to this recession; many are doing            in such situations is often a downward

Not Suffice                                                so already. They will have to slash
                                                           costs in the short term to protect
                                                                                                        price spiral that further endangers the
                                                                                                        remaining yield and increases com-
                                                           their liquidity and launch medium-           petitive pressures.
                                                           term programs designed to protect
                                                           what little profitability they have left.    Even if airlines do make the neces-
                                                           Unfortunately, for many, these pro-          sary cuts in capacity in a timely
                                                           grams will not solve their problems.         manner, there are serious problems
                                                                                                        inherent in the process, especially for
                                                           The fastest, most effective measure          smaller carriers. When airlines reduce
                                                           that airlines can take is to reduce          capacity, they lose the economies of
                                                           unsold capacity by cutting the number        scale associated with efficient sched-
                                                           of flights and, if necessary, grounding      uling of planes, crew rotations, etc.
                                                           planes. This is because approximately        Additionally, their remaining fixed
                                                           50 percent of an airline’s costs are         costs must be distributed across the
                                                           related to capacity production, inclu-       lower production volume, further
                                                           ding fuel and en route charges.              increasing their unit costs (see Exhibit
                                                                                                        3). Furthermore, this effect is dispro-
                                                           While all airlines are expected to           portional for small carriers, which are
                                                           reduce capacity, if their past behavior      already at a structural disadvantage
                                                           is any indication, they will under-          relative to large carriers.
                                                           estimate the impact of this crisis and
                                                           do so too slowly. Although the IATA
                                                           forecasts that 2009 traffic demand in
                                                           most regions will experience declines
                                                           between 2 and 5 percent, airlines are
                                                           not expected to reduce their capacity

Exhibit 3
Increase of Unit Cost through Capacity Reduction

                          Unit Cost     Cost Structure   Short-Term
                                                         Cost Structure                                CONCEPTUAL
               ~12 €-ct/SKO

     of Remaining
   Long-Term Cost
    +10% to +15%

Loss of Economies
          of Scale
     +5% to +10%

                ~4 €-ct/SKO                                                                                                  Airline Size
                                 10                                                                                   100    (number of aircraft)

                                                                          Capacity Reduction by -15%

Note: €-ct/SKO = euro cent per seat kilometer offered
Source: Booz & Company

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                      5
The             In the face of these conditions, con-      and thus more cost-efficient and to
Consolidation   solidation in the airline industry         bundle more traffic from more desti-
Imperative      appears inevitable. The only alter-
                native would be a return to the era
                                                           nations through large hubs, increasing
                                                           utilization and yield. This is exactly
                of state-owned carriers and regu-          what occurred in Europe’s long-haul
                lated markets, a highly unattractive       flight market, which today is essen-
                prospect.                                  tially directed through three major
                                                           airline gateways by British Airways,
                Consolidation can be achieved in           Lufthansa, and Air France.
                two ways: Airlines can simply exit
                their unprofitable markets, or they        History proves that consolidation can
                can pursue mergers, acquisitions,          also provide airlines with a variety
                and alliances to improve their market      of functional synergies, as evidenced
                positions. In either case, the result is   by the first wave of consolidation
                a healthier industry. Increased share      in the U.S. market in the 1980s and
                allows the remaining competitors in        more recent European mergers, such
                each market to offer more efficient        as Air France-KLM and Lufthansa/
                service and raise their margins, which,    Swiss. Lufthansa and Swiss were able
                in turn, enables them to invest in new     to create substantial value in the short
                opportunities.                             term by integrating their networks, as
                                                           well as sales and marketing initia-
                One of the main reasons that M&A           tives. Two years after the merger, the
                works for the airline sector is the        market capitalization of the combined
                economies of scale and cost synergies      airlines had risen 70 percent and they
                it creates. When flights are consoli-      outperformed the industry benchmark
                dated, the merged airline gains            index by 10 percent. Additionally, in
                market power and can apply its             the medium term, Lufthansa/Swiss
                unused capacity to serve additional        has many significant opportunities for
                destinations. The added customers          functional consolidation in areas such
                on consolidated routes also allow an       as aircraft maintenance, purchasing,
                airline to use planes that are larger      and IT.

6                                                                                  Booz & Company
REGULATED                                   While the promise of airline con-
                                            solidation is bright, its full potential
                                                                                                       symbol of a nation’s reputation and
                                                                                                       strength. Nevertheless, in order to
SKIES IMPEDE                                remains unrealized because of regula-                      leverage the benefits of consolidation,
CONSOLIDATION                               tory restrictions. The aviation industry
                                            has been moving toward open markets
                                                                                                       there must be continued and expanded
                                                                                                       liberalization of air traffic.
                                            since the 1980s, but progress has been
                                            slow, especially outside the developed                     Meanwhile, despite increasing efforts
                                            nations, even in the face of major                         on behalf of the airlines, the industry
                                            carrier bankruptcies and fundamen-                         remains heavily regulated and liber-
                                            tal shifts in industry structure and                       alization efforts proceed slowly (see
                                            conditions. More than half of the                          “The Tedious Path to International
                                            world’s 50 largest economies have not                      Liberalization”, page 9). And airlines
                                            yet either privatized or released state                    must adjust their strategies to account
                                            ownership of their flag carriers.                          for the differing rates of progress
                                                                                                       toward deregulation on national,
                                            There are legitimate reasons that so                       regional, and global levels.
                                            many governments are reluctant to
                                            relinquish this control: Air transport                     The global recession will promote a
                                            and the flow of passengers and goods                       growing rift between more and less
                                            are cornerstones of any country’s                          regulated nations. This rift will, in
                                            economic development; aviation safety                      turn, affect the ability of airlines to
                                            and security are key concerns; and                         consolidate and thus to secure their
                                            so-called flag carriers literally carry a                  futures in both the short and long
                                            nation’s flag, making them a tangible                      terms (see Exhibit 4).

Exhibit 4
Market Segmentation and Expected Industry Dynamics

                                           Flag Carriers                   Private Carriers/LCCs                    Potential Future Examples

                                                                                                            - United + Continental
  Liberalized National Economies                                                                            - Ryanair + Aer Lingus
                                                                                                            - Air China + China Southern
                                     Accelerated consolidation             Accelerated consolidation
                                     driven by major                       driven by major
                                     network carriers                      low-cost carriers                - Lufthansa + Austrian
  Deregulated Open Skies Cluster
                                                                                                            - British Airways + Iberia
  with Unrestricted Ownership
                                                                                                            - Lufthansa + BMI

                                                                                                            - Extension of transatlantic antitrust agreements,
  Transcontinental Markets           New global alliance models enforced by slowing deregulation
                                                                                                              e.g., United + Lufthansa + Continental

Source: Booz & Company

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                                   7
Liberalized aviation markets and          that have strong relationships with          in 2008, the government expro-
those nations whose Open Skies            current or former flag carriers and in       priated flag carrier Aerolineas
clusters do not limit traffic rights or   Asian nations with very fragmented           Argentinas from a foreign owner,
excessively regulate ownership will       markets.                                     Spanish travel group Marsans.
likely see consolidation accelerate as
airlines seek to improve profitability    In highly regulated aviation markets,      • The benefits of transcontinental
in the face of recession. Indeed, this    the drive toward liberalization will         mergers are not as clear as those
process has already started in the U.S.   likely slow as governments try to            of regional and national mergers.
and Europe: In the past year, there       protect their airlines from the effects      For instance, economies of scale in
have been multiple merger attempts        of recession. As a result, consolidation     airline mergers are typically derived
and an increasing number of success-      will be further delayed and airlines         from network overlaps, which are
ful transactions, such as the recent      will be forced to pursue alliances to        less likely to exist in international
Lufthansa acquisitions of Brussels        secure their futures.                        networks. Thus, at the end of 2008,
Airlines and Austrian Airlines (subject                                                when British Airways and Qantas
to regulatory approval) and the Delta-    For several reasons, this slowdown           considered consolidation, industry
Northwest merger, which created the       in deregulation is also likely to            experts were unenthusiastic and the
world’s largest airline.                  negatively affect the liberalization and     deal was tabled.
                                          consolidation of international and
If there are exceptions to the con-       transcontinental markets.                  • Transnational mergers create com-
solidation trend in open markets,                                                      plex issues regarding traffic rights.
they will probably arise in deals that    • The recession could lead policy-           When an airline changes its country
involve national interests, such as the     makers to intensify their efforts to       of ownership, it risks losing many
potential bankruptcy or proposed            safeguard local employment and             of the traffic rights negotiated by
acquisition of a former flag carrier.       secure the short-term stability of         its country of origin. This makes
Government intervention in such cases       their airlines. An extreme example         ownership transitions very tedious.
is most likely in European countries        can be found in Argentina, where,          For example, both Air France-KLM

8                                                                                                           Booz & Company
The Tedious Path to International Liberalization

                                                              The path to an open global airline market requires that nations move through four
                                                              progressive phases in the journey to deregulation. The pace and efficiency of
                                                              this journey are heavily dependent on the willingness of governments and other
                                                              interests to change—which, of course, varies widely (see Exhibit A).

                                                              The national liberalization of air travel first began in the U.S. with the passage
                                                              of the Airline Deregulation Act in 1978 and has continued apace. The European
                                                              nations joined together to form a single deregulated regional market. A number
                                                              of Asian and Latin American nations have recently liberalized their markets, which
                                                              has stimulated the adoption of new business models, especially low-cost airlines.
                                                              However, in many nations, including China, Russia, and countries in the Middle
                                                              East and Africa, air travel remains tightly regulated and controlled by the state.

                                                              Historically, international air traffic has been regulated by restrictive bilateral traffic
                                                              rights agreements (based on the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation,
                                                              or Chicago Convention), which, among other things, specified allowed capacity,
   and Lufthansa/Swiss had to initially                       number of flights, and types of traffic. During the 1990s, two major developments
   create interim holding companies to                        shaped this structure of international traffic rights: First, Open Skies agreements,
   avoid a change of carrier nation-                          which granted unrestricted market access between two countries, were
   ality until traffic rights had been                        established. Next, they evolved into multilateral agreements, in which unilateral
   renegotiated.                                              access rights were granted to all nations participating in an agreement.

                                                              The first Open Skies agreement was signed between the U.S. and the
If, as we expect, the recession slows                         Netherlands in 1992 and granted the carriers of both countries unrestricted
international liberalization, it will also                    landing rights at each other’s airports. In parallel, the European Union formed the
inhibit transnational and, especially,                        Single European Air Transport Market, which progressed in three phases toward
transcontinental consolidation. In this                       de facto Open Skies. Today, there are many Open Skies initiatives, the largest
case, and since the economic pressures                        and most important being the U.S.—E.U.Open Skies agreement, which links E.U.
will not change, airlines will have to                        member states and the United States.
expand the mandate of their global
alliances, in which early forms of                            Open Skies agreements are an important step toward international deregulation,
intensified cooperation have already                          but they are neither standardized nor all-encompassing. In their most basic form,
been developed.                                               they lift restrictions on basic traffic rights (e.g., the right to fly to and from a city
                                                              or country). But they do not necessarily change regulations governing advanced
                                                              traffic rights or foreign ownership. There is still much work to be done before
                                                              airline markets are fully liberalized.

Exhibit A
The Development Path and Current State of Global Airline Deregulation

  Closed National Markets                       National Liberalization                 Regional Deregulated Open Skies             Extended Transcontinental Open Skies

   - Protected markets                  - Liberalization of national market           - Regional country clusters forming jointly   - Implementation of Open Skies
   - Mainly flag carriers with          - Emerging private and low-cost carriers        deregulated market                            between large, deregulated markets
     governmental support               - Large market shares still held by           - Removal of foreign ownership and              (e.g., large economies or clusters)
   - Some charter airlines                traditional carriers                          cabotage restrictions between economies     - Removal of foreign ownership restrictions
   - Restricted traffic rights and      - Beginning of national consolidation           (depending on individual agreement)         - Beginning of transcontinental consolidation
     frequency for foreign carriers                                                   - Beginning of consolidation between
                                                                                        cluster economies

  Examples of Current State
                                                                     U.S.1                                       European Union

                      Africa                               India           Latin                                                                                   U.S.—E.U.
                                                                          America                                                                                  Phase II
                                             Middle East
                                                     Russia                                                                                     U.S.—E.U. Open Skies
                                        China                                          ANZSEA2                                      MALIAT3

1U.S. with more than 92 bilateral agreements. 2ANZSEA: Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast   Asia.
3MALIAT: Multilateral Agreement on the Liberalization of International Air Transportation.
Source: Booz & Company

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                                                 9
The Choices    The ability of airlines to respond to                                          size, and competitive rank. When we
               the current recession and secure their                                         consider the alternatives for airlines
for Airlines   futures is highly dependent on their                                           in the current recession according to
               financial health and strategic advan-                                          their financial health and strategic
               tage. Strategic advantage is determined                                        advantage, three major groups of
               by the regulatory basis of an airline’s                                        carriers emerge (see Exhibit 5):
               markets, as well as its market position-                                       market leaders that could dominate
               ing, which encompasses its network,                                            the upcoming recession cycle

               Exhibit 5
               Industry Segmentation by Airlines’ Strategic Positions

                   Excellent Financial Health






                                                II                                           Iberia
                   Solid Financial Health

                                                           Malaysian                                                Air France KLM

                                                                                       Finnair                      British Airways
                                                Alaska                    Gol

                                                                TAM             ANA

                                                Croatia     Austrian Airlines             Air Canada                 Continental
                   Poor Financial Health

                                                                        SAS     Air Berlin            Asiana                   Delta

                                                              China Airlines                                                      American
                                                Frontier                        Thai
                                                                                                               US Airways

                                                                                AirTran          Korean
                                                III   Shanghai

                                                             Low                           Medium                          High
                                                                                   Strategic Advantage
                                                                                    (in market segment)

               Source: Booz & Company

10                                                                                                                          Booz & Company
(Segment I), carriers at a crossroads     These Segment I airlines have many          synergies, such as route consolidation
whose positions will be determined by     attractive acquisition targets because      and traffic bundling, to increase their
their near-term actions (Segment II),     weaker carriers’ valuations have            economies of scale. All carriers, net-
and airlines that are in true jeopardy    decreased rapidly and at a dispropor-       work and low-cost alike, should seek
(Segment III).                            tionate rate compared with healthier        out acquisitions that provide access
                                          carriers due to the crisis in confi-        to new regional markets or customer
Market Segment Leaders can Reshape        dence among investors. Furthermore,         segments. It is important to be aware
the Industry:                             majority shareholders of targeted and       of how synergies can be created. In
No matter what their business model,      endangered airlines must also cope          regional markets, for example, the
market-leading airlines with a sound      with the recession, which often trans-      closer the connections in the core
financial basis should be aggressively    lates into an increased willingness to      businesses of the acquired and the
considering the opportunities for         sell off their holdings.                    acquiring airlines, the greater the syn-
consolidation on a national level or                                                  ergies that can be gained by actions
within the Open Skies clusters that       This is not to say that market lead-        such as the consolidation of bilateral
have emerged since the economic           ers should buy indiscriminately: They       routes. Operational economies of
meltdown. Despite their financial         must still select their targets strategi-   scale, such as fleets and maintenance,
dilemma, those North American car-        cally and integrate them quickly in         can also be leveraged.
riers that are “too big to fail” should   order to maximize asset profitability.
also pursue consolidation to improve      Major network carriers, for example,        Undoubtedly, the airlines with excel-
their positioning.                        must seek targets that offer network        lent or solid financial health and high

                                          “Market leaders should not buy

Booz & Company                                                                                                              11
levels of strategic advantages (the         high strategic advantage (the lowest      into the ranks of troubled airlines,
upper two portions of Segment I in          portion of Segment I in Exhibit 5).       where bankruptcy is a very real
Exhibit 5) will be the true winners in      Further, the U.S. government may          possibility.
the next stage of the airline indus-        see them as too big to fail because of
try’s development as they reshape           the impact their failure could have       The airlines in Segment II do not have
the industry to their advantage. In         on the industry both nationally and       the power and position to drive large-
Europe, it is likely that the three         globally. These airlines should search    scale international consolidation, but
large airlines—Air France-KLM,              for consolidation options in their        they can consolidate and help shape
British Airways, and Lufthansa—will         markets, such as the Delta-Northwest      their markets on a national scale. In
continue to build on their previous         deal or Continental’s switch to join      Asia, for instance, the lack of liberal-
successes. After the announcements          the Star Alliance following merger        ized Open Skies clusters will probably
of the Lufthansa-Austrian deal and          talks with United (which are currently    prevent large-scale consolidation. But
Air France-KLM’s minority interest in       postponed), in order to build on their    it is likely that national consolidation
Alitalia, there are only a few airlines     economies of scale.                       will continue, as in India with the
that are not affiliated with one of these                                             Kingfisher Airlines and Air Deccan
three regional champions. Europe also       Airlines Entering the Recession at a      deal and in China with the rumored
has two very strong low-cost carriers,      Crossroads:                               merger of Air China and China
easyJet and Ryanair, which are also in      The outlook for the airlines in the       Southern Airlines. The high degree of
a position of strength to drive consoli-    middle ground (Segment II in Exhibit      overlap in airline networks and slow-
dation within their markets.                5) is mixed. Depending on their           ing growth in the Middle East make
                                            financial health and level of strategic   that region’s carriers solid Segment
Even though the largest airlines are        advantage, some of these airlines         II players. However, the regional
based in the U.S., many of them have        could survive the recession on their      consolidation among flag carriers—
not reached sustainable profit levels       own. Others, however—especially           for example, the rumored merger of
since the crisis in 2001. These carriers    those in weaker financial positions in    Emirates and Etihad Airways—will
are in poor financial health but enjoy      deregulated markets—could descend         most likely be government-driven,

 12                                                                                                          Booz & Company
International Markets Require Alliances

                                          In international and transcontinental markets, which have not yet been
                                          deregulated, market-leading airlines will have to pursue new models of
                                          cooperation instead of outright consolidation.

                                          Flag carriers addressed the need for international cooperation in the mid-1990s
                                          with the creation of global airline alliances. Today, the three leading alliances—
                                          Star Alliance, SkyTeam, and oneworld—cover approximately 70 percent of the
                                          world’s passengers. Lufthansa and United Airlines took their cooperation under
                                          the Star Alliance model one step further in 2003: After being granted antitrust
                                          immunity, they created Atlantic Plus, a revenue joint venture that encompassed
                                          their combined transatlantic routes. Currently, the major carriers of all three global
                                          alliances are trying to create or expand similar joint ventures for the transatlantic
                                          traffic within their alliances (see Exhibit B).

                                          These enhanced forms of transatlantic cooperation enable participating carriers
                                          to align their networks, sales, and revenue management systems to maximize
and due to regulatory barriers,           performance (although each is left to manage its own costs). If the regulatory
private and low-cost carriers will        issues can be resolved, these models might also provide a blueprint for alliance
have to find alternative structures for   cooperation in other regions, which may well result in tomorrow’s Eurasian
deals, such as the creation of joint      transpacific joint ventures.
holding companies.

The private carriers in Segment II
should also consider responding to
flag carriers’ alliances by pursuing
transcontinental cooperation pacts,
such as the alliances between JetBlue
Airways and Aer Lingus and between
Hainan Airlines and Air Berlin. One
notable aspect of these two pacts is
that these airlines are attempting to
avoid the process and IT integrations
that are major cost factors in joining
an alliance. If they succeed in obtain-
ing a large share of alliance benefits
with significantly lower integration
cost, we will likely see more coopera-
tive partnerships.

                                          Exhibit B
                                          Current Status of Transatlantic Joint Ventures

                                            Alliance        Airlines in Existing   Planned Additions         Status
                                                            Joint Venture

                                            oneworld                               American Airlines,        Expecting approval in first half of
                                                                                   British Airways, Iberia   2009; two prior attempts denied
                                                                                                             by regulators

                                            SkyTeam         Air France, Delta      KLM, Northwest            Currently applying for approval

                                            Star Alliance   Lufthansa, United      Air Canada, Continental   Proposed mid-2008; application

                                          Source: Booz & Company

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                     13
The Limited Options for Less Healthy
Airlines in poor financial health with
low levels of strategic advantage
(Segment III in Exhibit 5) must face
the realities of their condition in light
of the global recession in a fast and
forthright manner.

A closer look at the current ratios of
the airlines in poor financial health       Exhibit 6
                                            Current Ratio of Airlines with Poor Financial Health Rating
that we studied reveals that for most
of them, current liabilities outweigh
current assets (see Exhibit 6). This
suggests that short- and medium-                      Scandinavian Airlines                                                                  1.05

term improvement programs will not                      Continental Airlines                                                           0.96
be enough to generate the financial
strength many of these airlines will                       Air Tran Holdings                                                          0.92

need to survive the current recession.                            US Airways                                                         0.90
Additionally, the heavy dependence
of many of the smaller carriers in this                              Air Berlin                                                 0.84
segment on leased aircraft (there are                        Frontier Airlines                                                 0.82
more than 6,300 leased commercial
jetliners worldwide) is likely to further                       Delta Airlines                                                 0.81
strain their financial stability. Leasing
                                            American Airlines (AMR Corp.)                                                     0.79
companies are facing increased
financing costs, and as they negotiate               United Airlines (Corp.)                                                  0.79
extended and new leases, airlines will
                                                                  Air Canada                                                 0.75
find that the cost of leased aircraft
has increased substantially. All of this                           Korean Air                                         0.60
adds to the need for external financ-
                                                            Austrian Airlines                                  0.51
ing if many Segment III airlines are to
avoid bankruptcy.                                          Thai Airways Intl.                                  0.50

                                                    China Airlines (Taiwan)                             0.37

                                                              Asiana Airlines                          0.36

                                                           Shanghai Airlines                           0.36

                                            Note: 2008 data, Q1–Q3 where available or as of last available statement.
                                            Source: Bloomberg; financial statements; Booz & Company

14                                                                                                                           Booz & Company
These airlines must honestly confront      • Secure private financing by selling
the possibility of bankruptcy, make          a stake to financial investors.
every effort to identify and utilize all
available operational improvement          • Consider whether discrete parts
levers, and carefully consider their         (maintenance, ground handling)
strategic alternatives. Some airlines,       are viable for a spin-off or joint
the “lucky” ones in highly regulated         venture.
markets or those that are too big
to fail, may be able to depend on          Although none of these alternatives
government support. The rest will          is very appetizing, struggling airlines
have to consider how to secure fresh       must realize that time is short. The
financing at a time when private           number of leading players interested
capital is very scarce. Segment III        in acquisitions is on the rise, but
airlines will have four main alterna-      potential buyers and possible trans-
tives, which can be combined to            actions are limited. Those airlines that
match their unique situations:             do not move to secure their futures
                                           quickly may be left out in the cold.
• Merge or engage in a strong com-
  mercial partnership with a leading
  airline in their geographic region.

• Merge with a financially sound
  airline of comparable size to gain
  market relevance and economies
  of scale.

                                           “Struggling airlines must realize that
                                           time is short.”

Booz & Company                                                                        15
The          It is likely that 2009 will mark a         All carriers will have to respond to the
             major turning point in the global          recession with yet another round of
Turbulence   airline industry. In the face of a major   operational cost-cutting and profit-
Ahead        recession, the financial strength of       ability programs, but the financially
             the leading airlines and the weakness      sound market leaders will also have a
             of the rest will stimulate consolida-      unique opportunity to reshape their
             tion within the liberalized space and      market segments and consolidate
             formation of alliances in the inter-       their positions. Meanwhile, many less
             national arena. At the same time,          sound carriers will face the danger of
             regulated markets may become more          bankruptcy, and should act quickly to
             exclusionary and protectionist, elimi-     secure their futures.
             nating potential growth opportunities.

             “Industry consolidation is the correct
             response to recession.”

16                                                                              Booz & Company
About the Authors

Dr. Jürgen Ringbeck
is a senior partner in
Booz & Company’s Düsseldorf
office. He focuses on strategy
and transformation for com-
panies in global transportation
industries, such as airlines,
tourism operators, postal
and logistics companies, and

Daniel Röska is a senior asso-
ciate in Booz & Company’s
Frankfurt office. He specializes
in business strategies and
strategy implementation
programs, including process
and IT programs, for global
aviation, tourism, and transpor-
tation organizations.

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