Page created by Sue Buchanan
2019   Edition
Publication prepared by the Gouvernement du Québec

This publication is available on the government’s official website (Qué
at Qué

The information in the guide was verified in July 2018, but the programs and services
mentioned are subject to change at any time.

The information provided in this publication has no legal value.

Any reproduction for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior permission
from the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale. For more information
about management of Gouvernement du Québec copyrights,

ISBN 978-2-550-82857-0
Legal deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2018

 © Gouvernement du Québec, 2018
 All rights reserved for all countries.

 Translated from the original French.

The purpose of this guide is to inform seniors and their families
about the main government programs and services available
to them. Topics are presented in the form of articles, with
information provided under the headings Description, Target
group, What to do, When, Who to contact and Note.

The articles give a brief description of the government program
or service concerned and help you determine whether it
applies to you. To obtain additional information, see the "Who
to contact" section.

The current PDF version of the guide has a number of
advantages: the table of contents enables direct access to the
individual articles; links in the text provide immediate access
to additional information, and; the layout has been optimized
for printing on a standard printer.

If you would like to print specific pages of the guide, you can
go to a Services Québec office, where you will have access to
a computer and a self-service printer.

The Web version of the guide provides additional information
on the various topics. It is available, along with the PDF version
of the guide, in Qué at Qué

For general information about Gouvernement du Québec
programs and services, visit Qué or call Services Québec
at 644-4545, preceded by area code 418 for the Québec
region, 514 for the Montréal region or 1-877 (toll-free number).
You can also go to a Services Québec office in person.

To find out how to contact Services Québec offices, call the
telephone numbers indicated above or see the "Contact Us"
section of Qué

We wish to thank our colleagues at the government
departments and bodies concerned, without whom this guide
would not have been possible.

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FOREWORD                                                               I
HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES                                            1
  Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811                                   1
  Flu vaccinations                                                     1
  Hearing aids                                                         2
  Visual aids                                                          2
  Optometric services                                                  3
  Devices that compensate for a physical impairment                    3
  Registering for a prescription drug insurance plan                   4
  Access to your medical record                                        5
  Complaints about health and social services                          6
  Health services covered outside Québec                               6

HOME HELP                                                             7
  Home care support services                                           7
  Meals on Wheels                                                      7
  Financial assistance for domestic help services                      8

HOUSING                                                               9
  Shelter allowance                                                    9
  Rent supplement                                                     10
  Low-rental housing                                                  10
  Cancellation of a lease by a tenant                                 11
  Discriminatory refusal to lease                                     12
  RénoRégion Program                                                  12
  Grant for seniors to offset a municipal tax increase                13
  Residential adaptation                                              13
  Placement of an adult in a residential centre or public residence   14

TRANSPORTATION                                                        15
  Ambulance transportation for people age 65 or older                 15
  Eligibility for paratransit                                         16
  Disabled parking permit                                             17
  Driving ability and mandatory medical examinations                  18

JUSTICE                                                                            19
     Protection mandate                                                            19
     Search for a protection mandate by the Barreau du Québec                      20
     Search for a protection mandate by the Chambre des notaires                   21
     Power of attorney                                                             21
     Protective supervision of persons of full age                                 22
     Resources for seniors experiencing abuse                                      22
     Preparing or amending a will                                                  23
     Prearranged funeral services contracts and prepurchased sepulture contracts   23
     Grandparents’ rights of access to their grandchildren                         24
     Complaints and investigations in case of violation of rights and freedoms     24

TAX CREDITS                                                                        25
     Income Tax Assistance – Volunteer Program                                     25
     Solidarity tax credit                                                         26
     Tax credit for medical expenses                                               27
     Tax credit for home-support services for seniors                              27
     Tax credit for caregivers of a spouse                                         28
     Tax credit for caregivers housing an eligible relative                        29
     Tax credit for caregivers cohabiting with an eligible relative                30
     Tax credit for respite of caregivers                                          31
     Tax credit for volunteer respite services                                     32
     Independent living tax credit for seniors                                     33
     Tax credit for seniors’ activities                                            34

OTHER TOPICS                                                                       35
     Retirement pension under the Québec Pension Plan                              35
     Pensions from a foreign country                                               35

APPENDICES                                                                                               37
  OTHER GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS                                                                              37
     Programme Initiatives de travail de milieu auprès des aînés en situation de vulnérabilité (ITMAV)
     (Program to Develop Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable Seniors)                                    37
     Age-Friendly Québec Program                                                                         37
     Age-Friendly Municipalities Initiative                                                              37
  GOVERNMENT OF CANADA PROGRAMS AND SERVICES                                                             37
  GOUVERNEMENT DU QUÉBEC SERVICES                                                                        37
     Services Québec                                                                                     37
     Local community service centres (CLSC)                                                              37
     Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse                                   38
     Commission des services juridiques                                                                  38
     Curateur public du Québec                                                                           38
     Directeur de l’état civil                                                                           38
     Ministère de la Justice                                                                             38
     Ministère des Transports                                                                            38
     Office de la protection du consommateur                                                             38
     Office des professions du Québec                                                                    38
     Protecteur du citoyen                                                                               39
     Régie du bâtiment du Québec                                                                         39
     Register of Personal and Movable Real Rights                                                        39
     Retraite Québec                                                                                     39
     Secrétariat aux aînés                                                                               39
  COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS                                                                                39
     Association des grands-parents du Québec                                                            39
     Association québécoise des centres communautaires pour aînés                                        39
     Réseau FADOQ                                                                                        39
  OTHER USEFUL REFERENCES                                                                                40
     Chambre des notaires du Québec                                                                      40
     Éducaloi                                                                                            40
     Pair program                                                                                        40
     Réseau d’information des aînés et aînées du Québec                                                  40


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Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811                                Flu vaccinations
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux                     Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
„„ Description                                                    „„ Description
Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811 are free, confidential         A flu vaccination, or flu shot, is recommended as the best
telephone consultation services. Through the Info-Santé 811       means of protecting oneself against the flu, an infection that
service, a health professional can be reached at any time         spreads easily and can have serious consequences. The flu
for advice or information about a non-urgent health issue.        vaccine is safe. It is offered free of charge to certain persons,
The Info-Social 811 service makes it possible to consult          including those 75 and over and those 6 months of age and
a psychosocial intervention worker.                               over who have a chronic illness. Annual vaccinations are given
                                                                  because the flu viruses constantly change and the effectiveness
Info-Santé 811 does not replace emergency services. In the        of the vaccine fades over the year following vaccination.
event of an emergency, it is important to go to a hospital
emergency room or dial 911 for assistance.
                                                                  „„ Target group
                                                                  Anyone who wants to reduce the risk of catching the flu or
„„ Target group                                                   prevent complications associated with influenza infection.
Anyone in Québec who has a health or psychosocial problem.        The flu vaccine is particularly recommended for people who
                                                                  are at a higher risk of being hospitalized for the flu due to their
„„ What to do                                                     age or health (including children under six months of age).
You can contact Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811 by telephone   It is also recommended for people who live in the same
or, if you have a hearing or speech impairment, via the Bell      household as a person at higher risk of being hospitalized,
Relay service (dial 711).                                         caregivers to such persons, pregnant women in their 2nd or
                                                                  3rd trimester and health care workers.
„„ When
Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811 services are available         „„ What to do
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.                                    To be vaccinated, contact your local community service centre
                                                                  (CLSC), your family physician or a medical clinic. To find out
                                                                  where to get vaccinated, you can also visit the website of
„„ Who to contact
                                                                  your integrated health and social services centre (CISSS) or
You can reach Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811 by dialling
                                                                  integrated university health and social services centre (CIUSSS).
811. Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811 services are available
in all regions of Québec except the Cree territory of James Bay
and Nunavik. Persons with a hearing or speech impairment          „„ When
should call 711.                                                  A vaccination campaign is held annually, generally beginning
                                                                  in early November. However, the flu vaccine can be administered
For more information about Info-Santé 811 and Info-Social 811,    throughout the flu season (fall and winter). It generally takes
visit the "Health" section of Qué                          around two weeks for the vaccine to be fully effective.

                                                                  „„ Who to contact
                                                                  To find out how to contact the CLSC for your region or for
                                                                  more information about the Flu Vaccination Program, visit
                                                                  the "Health" section of Qué or call Services Québec
                                                                  at one of the following telephone numbers:
                                                                  Québec region: 418-644-4545
                                                                  Montréal region: 514-644-4545
                                                                  Elsewhere in Québec : 1-877-644-4545 (toll free)
                                                                  Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):
                                                                  1-800-361-9596 (toll free)

HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                                                         1
Hearing aids                                                        Visual aids
Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec                              Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
„„ Description                                                      „„ Description
The Hearing Devices Program enables people with a hearing           The Visual Devices Program enables people who have low
deficiency to obtain devices to improve their hearing. They         vision or are functionally blind to borrow reading, writing
may need a hearing aid or an assistive listening device, such as    and mobility aids, as well as certain aids for daily living.
a telephone with amplifier, to compensate for problems that         The program also provides financial assistance for acquiring
persist despite the use of an aid.                                  and looking after a guide dog.

„„ Target group                                                     „„ Target group
Persons insured under the Québec Health Insurance Plan who          Persons insured under the Québec Health Insurance Plan who
have a hearing deficiency within the meaning of the Regulation      have a visual deficiency within the meaning of the Regulation
respecting hearing devices and insured services.                    respecting insured visual aids and related services.

„„ What to do                                                       „„ What to do
To benefit from the Hearing Devices Program, you must:              To borrow a visual device, you must apply to one of the facilities
                                                                    recognized by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
    1. obtain a medical certificate from an ear, nose and throat    that specializes in the rehabilitation of people with a visual
       (ENT) specialist (otorhinolaryngologist) confirming the      impairment.
       hearing loss and indicating whether or not it is permanent
                                                                    If you are deemed eligible for the program following an
    2. obtain an audiogram and an attestation of the need for
                                                                    evaluation of your visual impairment and needs, you will
       a hearing device from an ENT specialist or an audiologist
                                                                    receive training in the proper use of your visual device.
       following an evaluation of your hearing loss
    3. depending on the type of device needed, go to either         „„ Who to contact
       a hearing aid acoustician or a distributor of assistive      For more information about borrowing visual devices or
       listening devices and provide the documents that you         to find out how to contact a facility recognized by the Régie
       have obtained                                                de l’assurance maladie du Québec, call the Régie at one of
                                                                    the following numbers:
„„ Who to contact
For more information about the required documents or for            Québec region: 418-646-4636
further details, call the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec    Montréal region: 514-864-3411
at one of the following numbers:                                    Elsewhere in Québec : 1-800-561-9749 (toll free)

Québec region: 418-646-4636                                         You can also visit the Régie’s website at
Montréal region: 514-864-3411
Elsewhere in Québec : 1-800-561-9749 (toll free)                    „„ Note
                                                                    The cost of replacing visual devices that are lost, stolen,
To find out more about hearing devices, visit the Régie’s
                                                                    destroyed or used negligently must be paid by the program
website at

2                                                                                                    HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES
Optometric services                                                Devices that compensate
Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec                             for a physical impairment
„„ Description                                                     Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
The Optometric Services Program provides seniors with              „„ Description
certain services paid for by the Régie de l’assurance maladie      The program provides devices that compensate for a person’s
du Québec. For example, a senior can consult an optometrist        motor impairment, free of charge.
for a full eye examination, be treated for a sudden eye problem
such as conjunctivitis, or obtain a prescription for eyeglasses    The devices covered by the program are orthoses, prostheses,
or contact lenses following an examination.                        ambulation aids (for example, a cane), standing aids, locomotor
                                                                   assists (such as a wheelchair) and posture assists (devices that
„„ Target group                                                    support the body in a seated position to help a person use
Persons insured under the Québec Health Insurance Plan who         a locomotor assist).
are in any of the following situations:
                                                                   „„ Target group
 • Age 65 or over                                                  Persons insured under the Québec Health Insurance Plan who
 • Age 18 to 64 and has been receiving last-resort financial       have a motor deficiency within the meaning of the Regulation
   assistance (or the dependant of a recipient) for at least the   respecting devices which compensate for a physical deficiency.
   past 12 consecutive months
 • Age 60 to 64 and has been receiving a spouse’s allowance        „„ What to do
   for at least the past 12 consecutive months and, without        To obtain an orthosis, a prosthesis, an ambulation aid or
   this allowance, would be eligible for last-resort financial     a standing aid, you must have a prescription from an
   assistance                                                      orthopedist, a physiatrist, a neurologist, a neurosurgeon,
                                                                   a rheumatologist or a geriatrician indicating your need.
 • Has a visual impairment and is registered with a recognized     You must then contact a public facility or a private laboratory
   facility specialized in visual aids                             authorized by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
 • Is afflicted by a sudden eye problem                            To apply for a locomotor or posture assist, you must contact
                                                                   a physical impairment rehabilitation facility authorized
„„ What to do                                                      by the Régie and go there with a medical prescription.
To obtain any of the services provided by an optometrist free      A multidisciplinary team will evaluate your needs, determine
of charge, simply show the optometrist your valid Health           the device that is appropriate for you and provide you with
Insurance Card.                                                    the insured services to which you are entitled.

„„ Who to contact                                                  „„ Who to contact
For more information about the optometric services covered         To find out how to contact an authorized public facility or
by the program, call the Régie de l’assurance maladie at one       private laboratory in your region, or for more information,
of the following numbers:                                          call the Régie de l’assurance maladie at one of the following
Québec region: 418-646-4636
Montréal region: 514-864-3411                                      Québec region: 418-646-4636
Elsewhere in Québec : 1-800-561-9749 (toll free)                   Montréal region: 514-864-3411
                                                                   Elsewhere in Québec: 1-800-561-9749 (toll free)
You can also find information in the "Citizens" section of
the Régie’s website at                        To find out more about devices that compensate for a physical
                                                                   disability, visit the Régie’s website at

HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                                                       3
Registering for a prescription drug insurance plan                  People under 65 years of age who, because of their former or
                                                                    current employment relationship, usual profession or usual
Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
                                                                    occupation, are part of a group that offers a group prescription
„„ Description                                                      drug insurance plan offering the basic coverage provided by
There are two types of prescription drug insurance plans in         the public plan and who meet the eligibility requirements
Québec: a public plan and private plans. The public plan is         must join the private plan.
administered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec.
Private plans are managed by private insurance companies.           „„ What to do
                                                                    If you are under 65 years of age, you must register with
Before age 65, all residents of Québec who are eligible for a
                                                                    the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan in one of the
private group insurance or employee benefit plan must join
                                                                    following ways:
that plan. They must also provide coverage under that plan
for their spouse and children, if they are not already covered       • Use the online "Registration or deregistration" service, on
by another private plan.                                               the Régie’s website, if your family situation and age allow
                                                                       you to use this service (clicSÉQUR account mandatory).
People who are not eligible for a private plan on their own or
through their spouse must register for the Public Prescription       • Call the Régie (have your Health Insurance Card on hand).
Drug Insurance Plan.
                                                                     • Go to a Régie reception desk or service point with your
As of age 65, people are automatically registered for the Public       Health Insurance Card.
Prescription Drug Insurance Plan. However, if they are eligible     If you are over 65 and previously chose to be covered by a
for a private plan offering basic prescription drug coverage,       private prescription drug insurance plan offering the basic
they must choose between being insured                              coverage provided by the public plan but now wish to register
    • only by the public plan, administered by the Régie            for the public plan, you must either:

    • by the public plan, administered by the Régie, and by a        • call the Régie (have your Health Insurance Card on hand),
      private plan offering supplemental coverage, or                  or

    • only by a private plan offering at least the basic coverage    • go to a Régie reception desk or service point with your
      provided by the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan          Health Insurance Card.

People who choose to retain the basic coverage of their private
                                                                    „„ Who to contact
plan, after making sure it is at least equal to that provided
                                                                    For more information about the Public Prescription Drug
by the public plan, must ensure that their spouse under
                                                                    Insurance Plan or to find a Régie de l’assurance maladie office,
age 65 and, if applicable, their children are also covered.
                                                                    visit the Régie’s website or call one of the following numbers:
They must also contact the Régie to cancel their registration
for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.                    Québec region: 418-646-4636
                                                                    Montréal region: 514-864-3411
„„ Target group                                                     Elsewhere in Québec: 1-800-561-9749 (toll free)
Everyone who meets the following eligibility requirements
                                                                    To find out more about the online "Registration or
must register for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan:
                                                                    deregistration" service, visit the Régie’s website at
    • Be a resident of Québec within the meaning of the Health
      Insurance Act
    • Be duly registered with the Régie de l’assurance maladie
      du Québec pursuant to the Health Insurance Act
    • Hold or be eligible to hold a valid Health Insurance Card
    • If the person is under 65 years of age, they must not be
      eligible for a private prescription drug insurance plan on
      their own or through their spouse.
    • If the person is 65 years of age or older, they must not
      be registered for a private prescription drug insurance
      plan offering the basic coverage provided by the Public
      Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.

4                                                                                                   HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES
„„ Note                                                             „„ Who to contact
If you are registered for the Public Prescription Drug Insurance    For more information, contact the body or enterprise in
Plan while being eligible for a private plan, you must repay to     question or the Commission d’accès à l’information.
the Régie the cost of any prescription drugs paid for during
the period of non-eligibility for the public plan.                  You can reach the Commission by calling one of the following
If you fail to comply with the obligation to be covered by a
prescription drug insurance plan, you must pay Revenu Québec        Québec region: 418-528-7741
an amount equal to the premium under the public plan for all        Montréal region: 514-873-4196
of the full months during which you had no coverage.                Elsewhere in Québec: 1-888-528-7741 (toll free)

                                                                    To find out more about access to a medical record held by a
                                                                    public body or a private enterprise, or for a model request for
Access to your medical record                                       access to personal information, visit the Commission d’accès
                                                                    à l’information website at
Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec
                                                                    The Commission’s website also provides a model application
„„ Description                                                      for review (in the case of a public institution) and a model
All institutions in the public-sector health and social services
                                                                    application for the examination of a disagreement (in the case
network and private-sector enterprises that hold your medical
                                                                    of a private institution).
record are required to respond to your request to view its
contents. A medical record consists of documents concerning
any information of a medical or social nature. A medical record
is usually dealt with confidentially.

„„ Target group
Anyone with a medical record, or their legal representative,
or anyone authorized by law to access another person’s file
(subject to certain conditions).

„„ What to do
To consult your medical record, submit a written request to
the person in charge of access to the documents held by
the public body or private enterprise concerned. Access to
your record is free of charge; however, a fee may be charged
for the reproduction of documents (photocopies). The list
of persons in charge of access to documents held by public
bodies is available on the website of the Commission d’accès
à l’information du Québec.

„„ When
You can submit a request for access to your medical record at
any time. The person in charge of access to documents held
by a public body must respond to your request within 20 days
following its receipt. However, that period may be extended
for 10 days if the person in charge notifies you beforehand.
The person in charge of access to documents held by a private
enterprise has 30 days to respond to your request following its
receipt. In both cases, failure to respond by the expiry of these
time periods is equivalent to a refusal.

In the event of a refusal to allow you access to your medical
record, you may apply to the Commission d’accès à l’information
for a review of the decision. The application must be made, in
writing, within 30 days following the date of the decision of
the person in charge at the public body or private enterprise
or the expiry of the time granted to the person in charge for
processing a request for access.

HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES                                                                                                       5
Complaints about health and social services                               For hospital services received outside Canada, the Régie
                                                                          reimburses, at pre-set rates, the cost of services received as a
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
                                                                          result of a sudden illness or an accident, as follows:
„„ Description
                                                                           • A maximum of C$100 per day for hospitalization
Anyone who believes their rights have been violated or who is
dissatisfied with the way their rights have been respected with regard     • Up to C$50 per day for health care received at a hospital
to health and social services can express their dissatisfaction or file      outpatient clinic
a complaint orally or in writing.
                                                                          The Régie also reimburses up to C$220 per hemodialysis
                                                                          treatment and the required medication, regardless of whether
„„ Target group                                                           the person is hospitalized.
All users of health or social services or their representatives,
as well as the heirs or legal representatives of deceased users.
                                                                          „„ Target group
                                                                          Anyone holding a valid Health Insurance Card who received
„„ What to do                                                             health services covered by the Québec Health Insurance Plan
Contact Services Québec if you wish to file a complaint                   outside Québec.
concerning a program administered by the Ministère de la
Santé et des Services sociaux or a service received from a health         To retain your health insurance coverage, you must be present
or social services institution.                                           in Québec 183 days or more, whether consecutive or not, per
                                                                          calendar year (January 1 to December 31). Proof is required.
                                                                          Absences of 21 consecutive days or less are not considered in
„„ Who to contact                                                         the calculation of the 183 days.
To contact Services Québec, call one of the following numbers:

Québec region: 418-644-4545                                               „„ What to do
Montréal region: 514-644-4545                                             To apply for a reimbursement of the expenses paid, complete
Elsewhere in Québec: 1-877-644-4545 (toll free)                           the Application for Reimbursement – Healthcare Services Covered
                                                                          Outside Québec form, attach the originals of all requested
Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):                        invoices and receipts, and send the form and documents
1-800-361-9596 (toll free)                                                to the Régie.
To find out more about the system for the examination of
complaints concerning the health and social services network,             „„ When
visit the "Health" section of Qué                                  As of the date you received the services, you have one year to
                                                                          apply for a reimbursement for medical, dental or optometric
                                                                          services, and three years to apply for a reimbursement for
                                                                          hospital services.
Health services covered outside Québec
Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
                                                                          „„ Who to contact
„„ Description                                                            To obtain an Application for Reimbursement form or for more
The Régie de l’assurance maladie reimburses outlays for                   information, call the Régie at one of the following numbers:
professional services rendered by physicians, dentists or
                                                                          Québec region: 418-646-4636
optometrists outside Québec, provided the same services are
                                                                          Montréal region: 514-864-3411
covered in Québec. The cost paid for services is reimbursed up
                                                                          Elsewhere in Québec: 1-800-561-9749 (toll free)
to the rates in effect in Québec, even if the insured person paid
more. That is why it is important to take out private insurance           You can also print out the Application for Reimbursement form
covering all or part of the costs that the Régie does not cover.          from the Régie’s website at
Hospital services covered are those insured under the Hospital            Send the required documents and duly completed form to
Insurance Plan, that is, services received during a hospital stay         the following address:
or at a hospital outpatient clinic.
                                                                          Service de l’application des programmes Q022
You are not required to pay for hospital services received                Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
elsewhere in Canada, because their cost is paid in full by the            C.P. 6600
Régie under an interprovincial agreement. You must simply                 Québec (Québec) G1K 7T3
show your Health Insurance Card, which must be valid.

6                                                                                                         HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES

Home care support services                                          „„ Who to contact
Local community service centres                                     To find out how to contact the CLSC nearest you, dial 811 or call
                                                                    Services Québec at one of the following telephone numbers:
„„ Description
The primary purpose of home care support services is to provide     Québec region: 418-644-4545
assistance to individuals who are losing their independence so      Montréal region: 514-644-4545
that they can remain in their own homes for as long as possible.    Elsewhere in Québec: 1-877-644-4545 (toll free)
Certain services are also available to informal caregivers who      Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):
provide non-professional, ongoing or occasional support, thus       1-800-361-9596 (toll free)
avoiding or reducing hospital stays and facilitating the return
home after an illness or surgery. Home care support services
may be provided on a temporary or long-term basis, depending
on the person’s needs. Fees may be charged for certain services.    Meals on Wheels
Services include:                                                   Regroupement des popotes roulantes

 • Professional care and services (nursing care, psychosocial
                                                                    „„ Description
   services, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, specialized       Meals on Wheels is a service that delivers hot meals to homes,
   rehabilitation services, nutrition services, medical services,   thereby helping some people remain in their home and
   etc.)                                                            providing others with respite.

 • Personal care services (hygiene, dressing, eating, transfer or
                                                                    „„ Target group
   food services, administration of medication, etc.)
                                                                    Seniors, people in convalescence, people with disabilities,
 • Services for informal caregivers (supervision, respite, etc.)    pregnant women and informal caregivers. Eligibility
                                                                    requirements vary from one Meals on Wheels organization
 • Equipment loans
                                                                    to the next.

„„ Target group
Varies according to the program component:
                                                                    „„ What to do
                                                                    To sign up for the Meals on Wheels service, contact the
 • People with a temporary or permanent disability or               Regroupement des popotes roulantes.
   diminishing autonomy who are not admitted to a hospital
   or long-term care facility                                       Charges for the service vary from one organization to the next.

 • Informal caregivers to such people
                                                                    „„ Who to contact
                                                                    For more information about the Meals on Wheels service or
„„ What to do                                                       to find the Meals on Wheels branch serving your area, visit
To apply for home care support services, contact the local          the Regroupement des popotes roulantes website at
community service centre (CLSC) nearest you.              

„„ When
You can apply at any time.

HOME HELP                                                                                                                          7
Financial assistance for domestic help services                      „„ What to do
Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec                               To benefit from the program, contact and enter into an
                                                                     agreement with a domestic help social economy business
„„ Description                                                       recognized by the Ministère de la Santé et des Services
The Financial Assistance Program for Domestic Help Services          sociaux. Then fill out the Application for Financial Assistance
enables individuals who meet the eligibility requirements            and Service Agreement forms and send them to the Service de la
to receive a reduction in the hourly rate charged when they          contribution et de l’aide financières at the Régie de l’assurance
use domestic help services. The services must be provided            maladie du Québec, either directly or through the business.
by a social economy business recognized by the Ministère de
la Santé et des Services sociaux.                                    „„ When
Under the program, a person pays only the difference between         You can apply at any time.
the rate charged by the business and the amount of financial
assistance granted to the person. The assistance granted             „„ Who to contact
is paid directly to the business that provides the services.         To find out how to contact a social economy business or for
The program offers fixed financial assistance, to which may be       more information, call the Régie de l’assurance maladie at one
added variable financial assistance.                                 of the following numbers:
Domestic help services covered by the program consist of             Montréal region: 514-873-9504
heavy and light housework. Light housework includes general          Elsewhere in Québec: 1-888-594-5155 (toll free)
upkeep of living areas and equipment used daily, laundering,
preparation of non-diet meals, grocery shopping and other            You can also visit the Régie’s website at
errands. Heavy housework includes major cleaning (washing
                                                                     Send your forms to the following address:
of walls, ceilings and windows), as well as clearing snow or
leaves from the main access to the home.                             Service de la contribution et de l’aide financières
                                                                     Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec
Fixed financial assistance of $4 for each hour of service rendered
                                                                     425, boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest, bureau 213
is granted to all clients of recognized businesses, regardless
                                                                     Montréal (Québec) H3A 3G5
of their state of health or income. Variable financial assistance
ranging between $1.43 and $11.45 for each hour of service
rendered is granted to individuals or families who meet the
eligibility requirements. The amount of the variable assistance
is added to the fixed financial assistance and is determined on
the basis of the income and situation of the individual or family.

„„ Target group
Varies according to the program component:

    • Single-parent or two-parent families all of whose
      members are residents or temporary residents of Québec
      under the Health Insurance Act
    • People living as a couple who have no children, or people
      living alone who are 18 years of age or older and are
      residents or temporary residents of Québec under the
      Health Insurance Act
To receive variable financial assistance in addition to fixed
financial assistance, you must:

    • be 65 years of age or older
    • be 18 to 64 years of age, require domestic help services
      and be referred by a local community service centre
      (CLSC), an integrated health and social services centre
      (CISSS) or an integrated university health and social
      services centre (CIUSSS)

8                                                                                                                        HOME HELP

Shelter allowance                                                  „„ What to do
Société d’habitation du Québec                                     To apply for the shelter allowance, complete the Shelter
                                                                   Allowance Application form, available at Revenu Québec
„„ Description                                                     offices, and send the form and required documents to Revenu
The Shelter Allowance Program provides financial assistance        Québec. The Société d’habitation du Québec has entrusted the
to low-income households that devote too large a proportion        administration of the Shelter Allowance Program to Revenu
of their budget to housing. The maximum amount of monthly          Québec.
assistance is $80. The amount is determined on the basis of the
number of people in the household, the type of household,          „„ When
the monthly rent and the household’s annual income.                You can apply at any time. If you are eligible, the allowance
                                                                   will be granted as of the month following your application.
„„ Target group                                                    However, it takes two to three months to receive the first
The program is intended for low-income households. You are         payment. The payments for the first two or three months are
eligible for the program if you meet the following requirements:   therefore made retroactively. Every year, Revenu Québec will
                                                                   send you a re-evaluation form.
 • You are 50 years of age or older and live alone.
 • You are in a couple and one of the spouses is 50 years of       „„ Who to contact
   age or older.                                                   To obtain a Shelter Allowance Application form, contact Revenu
                                                                   Québec at one of the following numbers:
 • You are a member of a low-income family with at least
   one dependent child, including a child age 18 or older          Québec region: 418-266-1016
   who is a full-time student.                                     Montréal region: 514-940-1481
The program applies to homeowners, tenants, rooming house          Elsewhere in Canada: 1-855-291-6467 (toll free)
occupants and any individual who shares a dwelling with one
                                                                   Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):
or more other occupants.
                                                                   Montréal region: 514-873-4455
You are eligible for the program if you devote more than 30%       Elsewhere in Canada: 1-800-361-3795 (toll free)
of your total income to housing.
                                                                   You can find a list of Revenu Québec offices in the "Contact Us"
You are not eligible for the program if:                           section of Revenu Québec’s website at

 • you live in low-rental housing or in a government-funded        „„ Note
   health and social services institution
                                                                   To be eligible for the program, you and your spouse, if
 • you receive a rent supplement or another direct housing         applicable, must have filed a Québec income tax return for the
   subsidy from the government                                     year preceding the application. You must also have resided in
                                                                   Québec on December 31 of the year preceding your application
 • you or your spouse, where applicable, has property or           and have resided in Canada for at least one year on that date.
   cash valued at more than $50,000 (excluding the value of
   your residence, land, furniture and car)

HOUSING                                                                                                                          9
Rent supplement                                                       Low-rental housing
Société d’habitation du Québec                                        Société d’habitation du Québec
„„ Description                                                        „„ Description
The Rent Supplement Program makes it possible for households          The Low-Rental Housing Program enables low-income
and individuals with low incomes to live in private-sector rental     households to live in a subsidized dwelling. Selected
dwellings or dwellings belonging to housing cooperatives or           households pay rent equal to 25% of their income, including
non-profit organizations, while paying rent similar to that paid      heating and hot water costs. However, additional amounts
for low-rental housing (HLM).                                         may also be payable for electricity and certain other services.

Under the program, a household pays rent equal to 25% of
its income, to which certain costs may be added. The Société          „„ Target group
d’habitation du Québec pays the landlord the difference               The program is intended for low-income households. You are
between that amount and the rent it recognizes (generally             eligible for the program if you meet the following requirements:
speaking, the rent specified in the lease).
                                                                       • You are a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident within
                                                                         the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection
„„ Target group                                                          Act, and reside in Québec.
The program is intended for low-income households. People
                                                                       • You or your household’s income is equal to or less than
with a physical or intellectual disability or people in exceptional
                                                                         the maximum amount allowed (which varies according to
circumstances (such as women who are victims of domestic
                                                                         the number of people in the household and the region).
violence) may also be eligible.
                                                                       • You have resided in Québec or in the landlord’s (lessor’s)
Available dwellings are attributed on the basis of a waiting list,       selection area (if the landlord has specified a selection area
taking the following criteria into account:                              under a bylaw) for at least 12 of the 24 months preceding
 • Type of household applying for a dwelling (seniors, a                 the application.
   family)                                                             • You must be able to meet your own basic needs (in
 • Household composition (person living alone, couple,                   particular, personal care and everyday household chores),
   family with children)                                                 either independently or with help from an outside
                                                                         resource or a personal caregiver.
„„ What to do                                                         Other criteria may apply. In some cases, the requirements
To apply for a rent supplement for a dwelling on the private          related to residence in Québec or in the landlord’s selection
rental market, contact the local housing bureau and complete          area may not apply to people with disabilities or victims of
the appropriate form.                                                 domestic violence.

„„ When                                                               „„ What to do
You can apply at any time.                                            To apply for housing under the Low-Rental Housing Program,
                                                                      contact a housing bureau, a housing cooperative or a non-profit
                                                                      housing organization in your region.
„„ Who to contact
To find out how to contact your housing bureau, call the Société
d’habitation du Québec at 1-800-463-4315 (toll free) or go            „„ When
to the "Répertoire des organismes" section of the Société’s           You can apply at any time of the year. The waiting period
website at                                 to obtain housing depends on a number of factors, including
                                                                      the number of households on the waiting list and the type
                                                                      of housing sought.

                                                                      „„ Who to contact
                                                                      To find out how to contact the housing organizations in
                                                                      your region, call the Société d’habitation du Québec
                                                                      at 1-800-463-4315 (toll free) or visit the Société’s website

10                                                                                                                          HOUSING
Cancellation of a lease by a tenant                                   „„ When
Régie du logement                                                     Unless the parties agree otherwise, the cancellation of the
                                                                      lease takes effect:
„„ Description
A tenant may cancel a current lease in certain situations, such        • two months after a notice is sent to the landlord along
as if he or she is allocated a dwelling in low-rental housing, can       with the required documents, if the lease is for a set term
no longer occupy his or her dwelling because of a disability, or         of 12 months or more
is admitted permanently to a residential and long-term care            • one month after the notice is sent, along with the required
centre (CHSLD), an intermediate resource, a private seniors’             documents, if the lease is for a set term of less than 12
residence or any other residential facility providing the care           months or for an indeterminate term
or services required by the tenant’s state of health.
                                                                      You must pay your rent up to the end of the period specified
However, a lease cannot be unilaterally cancelled by a tenant         in the notice (one or two months, according to the type of
for other reasons, such as the purchase of a house, divorce,          lease). If your dwelling is rented out again before the end of the
formation of a new household, the need for a larger dwelling,         period, you are required to pay only the rent corresponding to
financial problems or moving for employment reasons.                  the period during which you were a tenant in the dwelling. If
                                                                      you received services and care that were provided for in the
In order for a tenant to leave a dwelling when the situation does     lease for your dwelling, you are required to pay only the part
not allow him or her to cancel the lease, the tenant may come         of the rent corresponding to the cost of the services (such as
to an agreement with the landlord, preferably in writing, assign      meal services) and care (such as nursing care) that you actually
the lease or sublet the dwelling to another person. In the case       received while you lived in the dwelling. You therefore do not
of assignment or subletting of the dwelling, the tenant must          have to pay for services you did not receive.
notify the landlord of that intention in writing and indicate the
name and address of the person to whom the tenant intends to
assign the lease or sublet the dwelling. The landlord’s consent is    „„ Who to contact
required, but the landlord may not refuse to consent without a        For more information about the cancellation of a lease by a
serious reason. In the case of refusal, the landlord must inform      tenant, call the Régie du logement at one of the following
the tenant of the reasons for refusal within 15 days following        numbers:
receipt of the notice of the tenant’s intention to assign the lease   Montréal, Laval and Longueuil regions: 514-873-2245
or sublet the dwelling. Failure to do so means the landlord is        Other regions: 1-800-683-2245 (toll free)
presumed to have consented.
                                                                      You can also visit the Régie’s website at
„„ What to do
Notify your landlord in writing that you want to cancel your
lease and send the landlord, preferably by registered mail,
the documents attesting to your situation (for example,
confirmation of your admission to a CHSLD, a written opinion
of a physician concerning your disability or an attestation from
your locality’s housing bureau to the effect that you were
allocated a dwelling in low-rental housing).

HOUSING                                                                                                                              11
Discriminatory refusal to lease                                        RénoRégion Program
Commission des droits de la personne                                   Société d’habitation du Québec
et des droits de la jeunesse
                                                                       „„ Description
„„ Description                                                         The RénoRégion Program provides financial assistance to low
The Charter of human rights and freedoms prohibits landlords           or modest-income owner-occupants in rural areas for major
from showing discrimination in renting out a dwelling. There           home repairs.
is discrimination where a landlord refuses to lease a dwelling
to a person based on any ground of discrimination prohibited           The housing unit must require at least $2,000 worth of work
by law.                                                                to correct one or more major defects. An amount covering up
                                                                       to 95% of the approved cost of the admissible work, but not
The prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, colour, sex,        exceeding $12,000, is granted under the program and is paid
gender identity or expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation,          once the work has been completed.
civil status, having children, age, religion, political convictions,
language, ethnic or national origin, social condition (for             The work must be performed by a contractor holding the
example, being a social assistance recipient or an employment          appropriate licence from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec.
insurance claimant, or having a modest income), a handicap             The work must start after the owner-occupant has obtained
or the use of any means to palliate a handicap.                        a certificate of admissibility from his or her municipality or
                                                                       regional county municipality (RCM) and must be completed
                                                                       within six months following the date of issuance of the
„„ Target group                                                        certificate of admissibility.
Anyone who believes they have been discriminated against
when refused housing by a landlord.
                                                                       „„ Target group
                                                                       The program is intended for owner-occupants of a housing
„„ What to do                                                          unit who meet the following eligibility requirements:
If you wish to file a complaint or for more information, contact
the office of the Commission des droits de la personne et des           • They live in a municipality with a population of under
droits de la jeunesse. The service is free.                               15,000 or in an area of a municipality with a population
                                                                          of 15,000 or more that does not have a public water or
„„ Who to contact                                                         sewer system.
To contact one of the regional offices of the Commission des            • They have a household income that does not exceed the
droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse or for any             maximum allowable level, which varies depending on the
other question concerning complaints, call 1-800-361-6477                 region and household size.
(toll free).
                                                                        • They occupy the housing unit as a primary residence.
For more information about the recourses available in the
                                                                        • They own a residence whose value, excluding the value
event of discrimination with respect to housing, visit the
                                                                          of the land, does not exceed the maximum level set by
Commission’s website at
                                                                          the municipality or RCM, which may not exceed $115,000.

                                                                       „„ What to do
                                                                       To benefit from the program, contact your municipality or
                                                                       RCM, as applicable. You will be informed of the required steps.

                                                                       „„ When
                                                                       You can register for the program during the registration period
                                                                       set by your municipality or RCM.

12                                                                                                                          HOUSING
„„ Who to contact                                                    „„ What to do
For more information about the program, contact your                 To apply for the grant, complete and enclose the Grant for
municipality or RCM. You can also call the Société d’habitation      Seniors to Offset a Municipal Tax Increase form (TP-1029.TM-V)
du Québec at 1-800-463-4315 (toll free) or visit the Société’s       with your income tax return.
website at
                                                                     „„ Who to contact
„„ Note                                                              For more information, contact Revenu Québec at one of the
The RénoRégion Program applies to all municipalities in the          following numbers:
Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine region. It does not apply to
the cities of Gatineau and Laval or to the greater Longueuil,        Québec region: 418-659-6299
Montréal or Québec areas. Northern villages and Indian               Montréal region: 514-864-6299
reserves are also not covered by the program.                        Elsewhere in Canada: 1-800-267-6299 (toll free)

                                                                     Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):
                                                                     Montréal region: 514-873-4455
Grant for seniors to offset                                          Elsewhere in Canada: 1-800-361-3795 (toll free)

a municipal tax increase                                             You can also visit Revenu Québec’s website at
Revenu Québec                                              

„„ Description
The grant for seniors to offset a municipal tax increase is
financial assistance provided to seniors whose residence has         Residential adaptation
increased significantly in value. The increase is based on the       Société d’habitation du Québec
municipal property assessment roll.
                                                                     „„ Description
                                                                     The Residential Adaptation Assistance Program grants financial
„„ Target group                                                      assistance to owners of a residential unit occupied by a person
The measure is intended for seniors. To be entitled to the grant,    with a disability for adaptation work to meet the person’s needs.
you must meet at least one of the following two conditions:          The work must constitute a simple, low-cost solution, such as
 • An amount corresponding to the potential grant                    installing an outside access ramp, remodelling a bathroom or
   determined further to the current assessment roll is              widening door frames. Three options are available.
   shown on either your municipal tax bill or the form               Option 1 – Professional assistance
   entitled Amount of the Potential Grant to Offset a Municipal
   Tax Increase that was issued by your municipality.                This option provides an eligible person with professional
                                                                     assistance to determine the work that needs to be carried
 • A grant was provided to you or to a co-owner of the residence     out. The maximum financial assistance is $16,000 per eligible
   in the last year concerned by the previous assessment roll.       person. In specific cases, an additional amount of up to $7,000
In addition, all of the following conditions must be met.            may be paid.

 • On December 31, 2017, you:                                        In cases where specialized equipment is required, additional
                                                                     assistance of up to $10,000 may also be paid, based on criteria
   ¡¡were 65 or over                                                 determined by the Société d’habitation du Québec.
   ¡¡were resident in Québec, and                                    Option 2 – Self-determined needs and work
   ¡¡had owned your residence for at least 15 consecutive years.     No assistance is provided under this option. The eligible
 • Your family income for 2017 was equal to or less than the         person alone determines the work that needs to be carried
   maximum family income giving entitlement to the grant.            out based on the list of admissible work established by the
                                                                     Société d’habitation du Québec.
 • You received or were entitled to receive a municipal tax
   bill in your name for the residence for 2018.                     The maximum financial assistance is $8,000 per eligible person.

In addition, your residence must be:                                 Option 3 – Retroactive financial assistance

 • an entirely residential assessment unit                           This option applies where work was carried out during the 12
                                                                     months prior to registration with the program. The Société
 • consist of only one dwelling, and                                 d’habitation du Québec sends the eligible person the list of
 • serve as your principal place of residence (on the billing date   admissible work.
   shown on the municipal tax bill for the year in question)         The amount of financial assistance granted is equal to 50% of
                                                                     the cost of admissible work, up to $4,000.

HOUSING                                                                                                                            13
„„ Target group                                                       „„ Target group
Anyone with a permanent disability whose limitations affect           Non-independent adults or adults with diminishing autonomy.
their everyday activities at home. To be eligible for the program,
the disabled person must:                                             „„ What to do
 • reside in Québec, but not on an Indian reserve                     To apply for lodging for yourself or for a relative, contact the
                                                                      local community service centre (CLSC) nearest you. If the
 • be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident                      person is already in a general and specialized hospital centre,
 • provide a supporting document demonstrating that the               the institution makes the arrangements.
   person’s impairment is significant and persistent
                                                                      „„ When
The disabled person must not be eligible for residential
                                                                      You can apply at any time.
adaptation assistance under any other program. Other
conditions may apply, particularly regarding eligible buildings.
In some cases, work to facilitate access to the home of an            „„ Who to contact
eligible disabled person may be done without an assessment            To find out how to contact the CLSC nearest you, dial 811 or call
by a health professional.                                             Services Québec at one of the following telephone numbers:

                                                                      Québec region: 418-644-4545
„„ What to do                                                         Montréal region: 514-644-4545
To apply for financial assistance, complete the program               Elsewhere in Québec: 1-877-644-4545 (toll free)
registration form and send it to the Société d’habitation du
Québec. If you are a tenant, your landlord must first consent         Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):
to the work and complete the applicable section of the form.          1-800-361-9596 (toll free)

„„ When                                                               „„ Note
You can apply at any time.                                            The financial contribution payable by an adult lodged in
                                                                      any of the above facilities is determined in accordance with
„„ Who to contact                                                     the rules stipulated in the Act respecting health services and
                                                                      social services.
To obtain the program registration form or for more
information, call the Société d’habitation du Québec
at 1-800-463-4315 (toll free) or contact the nearest local
community service centre (CLSC). To find out how to contact
the CLSC, call Info-Santé at 811.

Placement of an adult in a residential centre
or public residence
Local community service centres
„„ Description
Three types of lodging are available to people whose autonomy
has diminished to the point that their ability to live in their own
home is compromised.

Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs) offer, on a
temporary or permanent basis, lodging to adults experiencing
loss of functional or psychosocial autonomy. Intermediate
resources take in people entrusted to them by a public
institution and whose condition requires room, board, support
or assistance services. Family-type resources are operated
by natural persons who receive in their principal place
of residence a maximum of nine adults entrusted to them
by a public institution in order to meet their needs. Due
to their condition, these people require room, board, support
or assistance services.

14                                                                                                                           HOUSING

Ambulance transportation                                             „„ What to do
                                                                     To benefit from free ambulance transportation, ask your
for people age 65 or older                                           attending physician or the caseworker designated by the
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux                        hospital centre where you were treated to confirm that your
„„ Description                                                       transportation by ambulance was necessary.
Ambulance transportation is not always free, even for people
age 65 or older. Whether it is free is determined by the Ministère   „„ Who to contact
de la Santé et des Services sociaux in accordance with the           For emergency ambulance service, call 911. For more
health and social services user transportation policy.               information about the cost of ambulance services, call Services
                                                                     Québec at one of the following telephone numbers:
Transportation is free on the following conditions:
                                                                     Québec region: 418-644-4545
 • The person transported is resident in Québec.                     Montréal region: 514-644-4545
 • The person transported is 65 years of age or older at the         Elsewhere in Québec: 1-877-644-4545 (toll free)
   time of transportation by ambulance.
                                                                     Persons with a hearing or speech impairment (TTY):
 • The person transported is assessed by the hospital                1-800-361-9596 (toll free)
   physician or the physician’s representative, who attests to
   the need for ambulance transportation.                            „„ Note
 • The transportation takes place in Québec.                         If you decide to return home by ambulance, you must pay the
                                                                     associated costs if such service was not authorized.
 • The person is transported to the nearest and most
   appropriate hospital at the time the ambulance is

„„ Target group
All residents in Québec.

TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                                   15
You can also read