For your career a university for the real world - QUT

Page created by Valerie Gonzales
For your career a university for the real world - QUT
for your career
Postgraduate coursework
Executive education
Professional development

                           a university for
                            the real world    1
For your career a university for the real world - QUT
Why QUT?
    QUT is ranked among the world’s top universities. Our graduates are prepared for
    the real world of today, and more importantly, tomorrow.
    Global recognition for your                 Opportunities through                     Flexible learning
    qualification                               industry collaboration                    You may want to develop advanced
    QUT has a solid international               Our courses are created in                discipline knowledge, or cultivate
    reputation, ensuring your qualification     collaboration with top industry           professional skills that you can quickly
    will be well regarded wherever you          professionals, and taught by experts      transfer to the workplace. We offer
    choose to pursue your career.               in the field and guest lecturers          course options to suit your goals.
    We are a top 300 university in multiple     who are connected to industry as          Depending on your course, you may
    world rankings, and top 20 global           researchers and consultants. You’ll       be able to start midyear, study full time
    university under 50 years old.              have opportunities to network with        or part time, evenings or online, or fast
                                                staff, industry professionals, guest      track your professional development
    We are a recognised leader in
                                                lecturers and your cohort of peers,       through tailored courses, single units
    transdisciplinary research. QUT is one
                                                and to gain professional experience       or through summer program units.
    of only five Australian universities with
                                                through workplace projects or study
    all fields of research rated at world                                                 Enjoy flexible degrees that offer
                                                tours in Australia and overseas.
    standard or above.                                                                    electives so you can follow your
                                                Through our research we collaborate       interests, and the ability to segment
    Learn from the best                         with industry, small business and         your studies to opt in and out of study
                                                government with a progressive             as needed.
    Our staff are highly awarded and
                                                approach to harness our technological
    have in-depth disciplinary expertise
                                                strengths, progress solutions and
    and knowledge of contemporary and
                                                capitalise on opportunities in the real
    emerging teaching practices.
    You will enjoy rich, supportive
    relationships with your teachers,
    facilitators, supervisory team and our
    research staff.

         Convenient inner-city campuses

                                                                                                          RANKED 244
                  201-250                                                                                  RANKINGS

For your career a university for the real world - QUT
World-class facilities
          for learning and collaboration

	Education Precinct                                	Translational Research Institute               I nstitute of Health and
 The new $76.7 million Education Precinct             (TRI)                                           Biomedical Innovation (IHBI)
 to be completed in 2018 will provide                This Australian-first initiative of ‘bench      A state-of-the-art research facility that
 excellent facilities for collaborative learning,    to bedside’ medical research is a               fosters excellence in biomedical, health
 with imaginatively designed face-to-face            partnership between QUT, The University         and engineering innovation.
 and online interactive teaching spaces.             of Queensland, Mater Medical Research
                                                     Institute, and Queensland Health.

	Creative Industries Precinct                      	Indigenous Research and                       	Science and Engineering Centre
 An incubator for groundbreaking ideas                Engagement Unit                                Home to our Institute for Future
 and creative enterprise, inspiring the next         The unit fosters engagement with                Environments, our Central Analytical
 generation of creatives.                            Indigenous researchers and research             Research Facility and The Cube, one of the
                                                     affiliates from Australia and abroad.           world’s largest interactive digital display

	Medical Engineering Research                      	Centre for Children’s Health                 	Executive Education Centre
  Facility (MERF)                                      Research (CCHR)                               The purpose-built centre consists of a series
 This facility supports health research              Our researchers are collaborating closely       of flexible learning spaces, seminar rooms
 innovation at The Prince Charles Hospital.          with hospital clinicians from Lady Cilento      and networking and meeting spaces.
                                                     Children’s Hospital to deliver outcomes that
                                                     can be quickly adopted in the hospital.
For your career a university for the real world - QUT
Research and
    Our research students are agents of change, constantly seeking out new
    and innovative ways to bring ideas to reality. Join us for a more progressive,
    collaborative approach to research.
    Transdisciplinary projects                   Research degrees                          Professional doctorate
    As our learning environment and the          Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                Integrate a research degree into
    world is transformed by technology,                                                    your professional life and make a
                                                 A PhD challenges you to make
    we’re harnessing the strengths of                                                      contribution to solving a problem
                                                 a significant contribution to new
    different disciplines to deliver unique                                                in your industry with a professional
                                                 knowledge in your field. You can
    solutions.                                                                             doctorate. Available in the areas of
                                                 explore real-world issues and develop
                                                                                           creative industries, education and
                                                 new theories, methodologies and
    End-user engagement                                                                    information technology.
                                                 models that could lead to significant
    We discover effective, viable and            steps forward in your industry or
    innovative solutions by collaborating with                                             Our research priorities
    industry, end users, and key players in                                                We’ve identified and invested in areas
                                                 Our PhD offers a distinctive and          of research identified as priorities for
    the professions and global economy.
                                                 individualised approach to research       the world, the nation and the state.
    Technology capability                        and skill building. You’ll have the
                                                 support of our academics and industry
                                                                                           •   Biomedical engineering
    Our investment in cutting-edge                                                         •   Biomolecular science
                                                 professionals throughout your studies
    technology puts us at the forefront                                                    •   Business of technology
                                                 to ensure your research is relevant and
    of our changing world, enabling                                                            Chronic disease intervention
                                                 insightful.                               •
    discovery and innovation.                                                              •   Data science
                                                 Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
                                                                                           •   Digital media
    Research reputation                          An internationally renowned graduate      •   Education for better outcomes
    QUT has an international reputation          research degree, the MPhil recognises
                                                                                           •   Health systems
    as an exceptional research institution       your diverse professional and technical
                                                                                           •   Injury management and prevention
    and we have forged strong links with         background, and is designed to meet
    international researchers and research       your career and research goals.
                                                                                           •   Materials science
    institutions.                                                                          •   Plant and industrial biotechnology
                                                 You can study in one of our faculties
                                                                                           •   Robotics and computer vision
    100 per cent of our research was             or choose a non-specialised MPhil.
                                                                                           •   Technology, regulation and society
    ranked at world standard or above            You’ll be prepared for research or
    in the Australian Government’s               industry-based career pathways, or
    Excellence in Research for Australia         can advance to a PhD.
    (ERA) assessment process in 2015.

    Associate Professor
    Jennifer Firn
    Science and Engineering Faculty
    ‘The impact of invasive, non-native
    plant species like African lovegrass is
    increasing dramatically. Many consider
    it a pest species because it dominates
    native pastures reducing biodiversity
    and essential ecosystem functions.
    We worked with local landholders in
    Bega, NSW and found local knowledge
    coupled with scientific methods is a
    smart approach to developing solutions.
    This approach could be useful for
    understanding and managing other
    invasive plants and animals.’

For your career a university for the real world - QUT
Get ahead with
postgraduate study
Completing a postgraduate qualification can give you a competitive
edge in your career, or help you change careers entirely.
Coursework study                           Short courses
Boost your career, enhance your            Consider a short course or single unit
knowledge or acquire new skills with       study for professional development
postgraduate coursework study.             to boost your knowledge and skills
You can gain a specialisation in as        without committing to a longer award
little as a semester with a graduate       course.
certificate, or develop deeper             Courses are available across all QUT
knowledge with a graduate diploma or       study areas.
masters qualification.                     You may be eligible for credit if you
Graduates are eligible for registration    decide to apply for a degree course in
with professional organisations.           the future.                 

Change your career                         QUTeX: professional and
Starting a new career doesn’t always       executive education
mean having to start again.                QUTeX gives you the opportunity to
Not all postgraduate courses require       learn new skills today and use them
an undergraduate course in the same        tomorrow. Choose from short courses
discipline for entry. This gives you the   focusing on leadership, social media,
opportunity to obtain postgraduate         blockchain technology, risk, resilience
qualifications in a new field. Choose      and more.
from course options in business,           You can also partner with QUTeX
teaching, social work, counselling,        to build customised development
occupational health and safety, IT         solutions for your staff around your
and business process management,           business requirements and outcomes.
applied law, domestic violence, policy     You’ll have access to QUT’s inner-
and governance, and intellectual           city Executive Education Centre for       Matthew Igo Ball
property.                                  learning and networking.
There are also graduate-entry                                                        Master of Business
                                                           Administration (MBA)
pathways to some undergraduate
courses, allowing you to complete the                                                ‘I was at a point in my career where
course sooner. Graduate-entry options                                                I wanted to gain additional skills
include law, paramedic science,                                                      and knowledge from outside of my
nursing and podiatry.                                                                organisation. The program is very
                                                                                     contemporary and I didn’t have to wait                                                       to finish my studies to apply what I
                                                                                     was learning—I was able to implement
                                                                                     it instantaneously. The flexibility of
                                                                                     night classes makes it possible for me
                                                                                     to attend university and benefit from
                                                                                     in-class discussions and teamwork with
                                                                                     a network of highly knowledgeable and
                                                                                     experienced peers. The guest lecturers
                                                                                     are a great addition to class and share
                                                                                     insights and knowledge in their specific
                                                                                     areas of expertise.’

For your career a university for the real world - QUT
Postgraduate options
    Business                                 Creative industries                     Education
    The QUT Business School’s programs       QUT’s Creative Industries Faculty       Through our collaborative partnerships
    are ranked among the best in the         is a recognised leader in research      and innovative courses we are
    world. The Executive MBA was rated       that spans the creative arts,           committed to improving the quality
    first in Australia by The Australian     communication and design. Our           of education for diverse learners in
    Financial Review Boss EMBA Ranking       research is organised around three      Australia and beyond.
    2017, and we are in a group of less      key research centres, each focusing
                                                                                     Online short courses
    than one per cent of business schools    on a specific field of research.
                                                                                     • Entrepreneurial thinking
    globally to be accredited by all three
    of the world's leading accreditation
                                             Digital Media Research Centre           • Teaching students who have

    bodies.                                  Our research in digital media,            suffered complex trauma
                                             communication and culture is            • Child protection for teachers
    We collaborate with businesses to
                                             unsurpassed in Australia, ranked        • Creating apps in the classroom
    enhance their performance through
                                             number one in Queensland and            • Probability and maths for non-maths
    a range of tailored education and
                                             31st worldwide for Communication          teachers
    coaching programs, and find
                                             and Media Studies in the QS World       New face-to-face workshops are
    innovative solutions to complex
                                             Rankings.                               regularly released.
    problems through our research.
                                             QUT Creative Lab                        Further specialisation for
    Coursework study areas
                                             Our research addresses the impacts      educators
    • Accounting
                                             of new technologies and new             You can progress to a graduate
    • Applied finance
                                             creative strategies across the fields   certificate or masters.
    • Behavioural economics
                                             of music, media arts, exhibited
    • Forensic accounting                                                            •   Early childhood teaching^
                                             works, entertainment and applied
    • Human resource management                                                      •   Early years
                                             performance, while also investigating
    • Integrated marketing communication     new forms, new approaches to
                                                                                     •   Inclusive education
    • International business                 performance and production, and new     •   Leadership and management
    • Management                             modes of audience engagement.           •   School guidance and counselling^
    • Managing and leading in the public                                             •   STEM in education
                                             QUT Design Lab
      sector                                                                         •   Teacher-librarianship^
                                             Our design research focuses on the
    • Marketing                                                                      •   TESOL
                                             delivery of sustainable environments,
    • Philanthropy and nonprofit studies                                             Available in masters program only.
                                             products and services through
    • Professional accounting
                                             the application of digital tools and    Obtain a teaching qualification if
    • Public relations
                                             systems. We seek to deliver social      you hold a degree in another area
    • Public sector management               and economic advantages to              Master of Teaching in early childhood,
    • Strategic advertising                  government, industry and community,     primary or secondary.
    • MBA and Executive MBA                  with realised benefits in health and
                                             wellbeing, sustainability and social    Research areas
    Research areas                                                                   • Childhoods in changing contexts
    • Accountability, regulation and
                                                                                     • Teacher education and professional
      finance                                Phone 07 3138 3716
    • Consumers, markets and                 Email
                                                                                     • Literacies, language, texts and
    • Economics and finance
                                                                                     • STEM education
    • Entrepreneurship, innovation and
                                                                                     • Student engagement, learning and
    • Nonprofit, philanthropy and social

      enterprise                                                                     Coursework study
    • Organisation and work                                                          Phone 07 3138 3947
    Coursework study
    Phone 07 3138 2050                                                               Research
    Email                                                             Phone 07 3138 3041
    Phone 07 3138 1407

For your career a university for the real world - QUT
Health                                      Law and justice                               Science and engineering
QUT’s Faculty of Health programs            QUT is Brisbane’s only university             Staying ahead of the curve
span biological, psychological and          to offer the Graduate Diploma in              depends on knowledge, experience
social sciences. We’re committed to         Legal Practice, which provides law            and being future-focused. Our
delivering coursework programs and          graduates with the training required for      postgraduate courses are informed
research outcomes that contribute to        admission to the legal profession.            by current industry practices and
the improvement of human health and         If you are a lawyer looking to advance        the latest research outcomes. QUT’s
Australia’s healthcare policies.            your career or create a niche, you can        Science and Engineering Faculty
                                            find a specialist course to suit. If you’re   is at the forefront of the Australian
Short course study areas
                                            not a lawyer set yourself apart by            Government’s push for greater depth
• Emergency and disaster
                                            gaining confidence in managing legal          in science, technology, engineering
                                            issues with our Graduate Certificate of       and mathematics (STEM).
• Health management

• Medical imaging
                                            Applied Law.                                  Coursework study areas
• Nursing                                   Our Graduate Certificate in Policy and        • Business process management

• Psychology                                Governance has been developed in              • Data analytics

• Radiation therapy
                                            consultation with the Queensland              • Engineering
                                            Public Service Commission, while              • Engineering management
Coursework study areas                      our Graduate Certificate in Domestic          • Information technology
• Advanced practice nursing
                                            Violence was established after                • Medical physics
• Counselling                               extensive consultation with front-
                                                                                          • Professional engineering
• Diagnostic genomics                       line workers, non-profit and support
                                                                                          • Project management
• Environmental health                      service employees and police.
• Health management                                                                       Research areas
                                            Short courses                                 • Biomedical engineering
• Health, safety and environment
                                            • Contract law for non-lawyers
• Health science                                                                          • Business process management
                                            • Family mediation practice
• Nurse practitioner                                                                      • Computational modelling and
                                            • Health care law and ethics
• Occupational health and safety                                                            simulation science
                                            • Professional law program
                                                                                          • Data science
• Podiatric therapeutics
                                            • Professional mediation program
                                                                                          • Materials science and engineering
• Psychology (clinical or educational

  and developmental)                        Coursework study areas                        • Plant biotechnology

• Public health                             • Applied law                                 • Robotics and computer vision

• Ultrasound (cardiac or medical)           • Domestic violence
                                                                                          Corporate education and
                                            • Legal practice
Research areas                                                                            professional development
                                            • Intellectual property
• Health determinants and health                                                          Our programs strike a balance
                                            • Policy and governance
  systems—behavioural neuroscience                                                        between forward thinking and
  and mental health, child and              Research areas                                real-world practice, and have been
  adolescent health, environmental          As technology transforms the way we           selected by leading organisations
  health, health services, healthy          live, we’re shaping the law to tackle         including Royal Dutch Shell, Ausenco
  lifestyles                                new issues. We work with government           and Brisbane Airport Corporation.
• Injury prevention and trauma              and industry to solve complex                 Phone 07 3138 8822
  management—injury prevention,             problems and improve laws and                 Email
  bone and joint disorders, tissue          policy. Our cutting-edge research sets
  repair and translational physiology       us apart as leaders in the technology,
• Chronic disease and ageing—
                                            regulation and society space.
  cancer and molecular medicine,
                                            We are also recognised for our
  chronic conditions, healthy ageing,
  dementia and palliative care, infection   research strengths in intellectual
  and immunity, vision and eye              property and innovation, international
                                            law and global governance, crime and
Short courses and coursework study          justice, health law, and commercial
Phone 07 3138 4810                          and property law.
                                            Coursework study
Research                                    Phone 07 3138 2707
Phone 07 3138 8290                          Email
                                            Phone 07 3138 4653
For your career a university for the real world - QUT
Applying and                                                                               Ask us

financial support
How to apply                             Study costs and financial                         HiQ—how can we help you?
Check the website for information        support                                           Answers to general enquiries about
about closing dates and application      Most postgraduate coursework                      admission, enrolment, fees and other
processes.                               students pay tuition fees; however a              matters.
                                         small number of courses are offered
Postgraduate research                                                                      Live chat
                                         on a Commonwealth supported                                                          24/7 answers
                                         basis. Tuition fees are published in the
                                         online course information on the QUT
Postgraduate coursework
                                         website by 1 October each year. You               Gardens Point campus
Applications close on 31 January                                                           2 George Street
                                         may be able to access a FEE-HELP or
for Semester 1 entry, or 30 June for                                                       Level 3, V Block
                                         HECS-HELP loan to pay your fees.
Semester 2 entry. Some courses fill
early or have earlier closing dates so   There are normally no fees for PhD,               Kelvin Grove campus
apply as soon as possible.               professional doctorate or research                Victoria Park Road
                                         masters students who are Australian               Level 2, R Block
                                         or New Zealand citizens, or permanent
                                         residents of Australia, if you complete
Short courses                                                                              Research Students Centre
                                         your course within the designated time.                                                                   Kelvin Grove campus
                                         You may be eligible for a scholarship             88 Musk Avenue, Level 4
QUTeX                                    to help cover your costs while                    Phone 07 3138 4475                         you’re studying. QUT and external                 Email
                                         organisations offer a range of
                                         scholarships, including equity
                                                                                           Indigenous students
                                         scholarships for low-income students.
                                                                                           Kelvin Grove campus
                                                          Level 3, B block, room 309
                                                                                           Phone 07 3138 3145

                                                                                           International students
                                                                                           Australia Freecall 1800 181 848
                                                                                           Phone +61 3 9627 4853
Stay connected with us                                                           
Receive relevant personalised emails
about courses, events, scholarships
and key dates.                                                                  Information contained in this publication
                                                                                           was correct at the time of publishing. The
                                                                                           university reserves the right to amend
                                                                                           any information, and to cancel, change or
                                                                                           relocate any course. For the latest course
       QUTBrisbane                       CRICOS No.00213J
                                                                                           information visit
                                                                                           This information has been prepared
       @QUT                              QUT is committed to sustainability. The paper
                                                                                           for Australian students and those with
                                         used in Real Progress 2019 has the credentials:
                                                                                           permanent residency. For more information
                                                                                           on courses, fees, entry requirements and
       @qutrealworld                                                                       applying as an international student visit
                                                                                  or phone Australia
                                                                                           Freecall 1800 181 848.
       search QUT
                                         © QUT 2018 23524
For your career a university for the real world - QUT For your career a university for the real world - QUT
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