Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page created by Renee Parsons
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. James the Less Parish
                     78 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 190 Eganville, Ontario K0J 1T0

       Nativity of Our Lady Mission                                        St. Ann’s Church
 108 Chibekena Inano, Pikwakanagan, Ont.                       50 McCauley Mountain Road, Cormac, Ont.
                                 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                   Sunday, February 7th, 2021
Parishes of St. James the Less and Our Lady of Pikwakanagan plan to resume the Weekend Mass Schedule on
Saturday February 13th at 5:30 p.m. at St. James the Less, and Sunday February 14, 2021 at 9 a.m. at Nativity of
our Lady Mission in Pikwakanagan, and 11 a.m. at St. James the Less. Father Bill Kenney will preside at our
masses and we are grateful for his assistance, while Fr. Ken recuperates. Respecting Covid 19 regulations, we are
permitted 9 people inside the church, and are presently arranging to have parishioners listen to our Sunday
mass on Radio Station 88.1 FM in your vehicles in our parking lot. Communion will be delivered to your vehicle.
We will communicate to everyone of the set up progress, and we invite and encourage all parishioners to
participate in our masses.

Ash Wednesday mass for Wednesday, February 17th at 7 p.m. will take place with Fr. Bill Kenney presiding. Ashes
will be distributed to anyone that chooses. Due to Covid 19, there will be a general blessing before hand, but no
speaking during the distribution of ashes. Nativity of our Lady Parishioners and St. Ann’s Parishioners are invited
and encouraged to join us, in this mass at St. James the Less.

Remember those of our families and friends in our community, who are isolated, or suffering the burden of illness
or pain, especially Esther O’Malley, Orpha Breen, Lisa Selle, Patrick O’Kane, Sharon Menard, Larry Felhaber,
Kelly Haslet, Clare Lavalley, Emmett Duff, Mike Kineer, Wyatt Lehman, Shelley MacLeod, Molly Helferty and
Colleen Prendergast. Remember in your prayers those who are suffering from COVID 19. Please include Fr. Ken in
your prayers for his recovery from hip surgery.

In your prayers kindly remember and pray for those in our community who have died recently. May they feel God’s
loving embrace and presence, in the heavenly kingdom.

Pope’s Prayer Intention for February 2021: We pray for women who are victims of violence, that they may be
protected by society and have their sufferings considered and heeded.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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                                  Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                    Sunday, February 7th, 2021
Thank you to those who continue to contribute weekly offerings despite the Covid 19 shut down. Your kindness
and generosity is very appreciated.

Theme for February 7th: Christian Hope - Christianity is not simply religion for another world. It is not an “opium of
the people” that bases everything on life beyond the grave. Job saw no hope beyond this life and wrestled with
present inequities. Christians have hope that goes beyond; however, just as Jesus responded to illness and
discouragement by his healing spirit, we are all called to respond to the needs of people in our world today. Paul
speaks of his needs to preach the gospel, even to the point of identifying closely with his hearers.
The Living with Christ February 2021 edition is available for pick up by subcribers at the Parish Office.

2020 Income Tax Receipts are ready for pickup. To save postage costs, we will keep them for pickup in the office
for the month January and until mid February, and mail out what is left in the middle of February. For your 2021
Contributions, kindly write your name clearly, on the envelopes provided.

When we return to regular masses again, we invite volunteers for Lectors and extra-ordinary ministers for
St. James the Less and Nativity of Our Lady Mission in Pikwakanagan. If you would like to participate in this
beautiful ministry, contact Father Ken or you are welcome to call the parish office 613-628-2020 or email

Notice to Extra-ordinary Ministers for St. James the Less and Nativity of Our Lady Mission in Pikwakanagan:
Kindly wear warm clothing and proper footwear as communion will be distributed to parishioners in our parking

CWL Membership – Ladies of St. James the Less and Nativity of our Lady Mission: All ladies are warmly invited to
             join the Catholic Women’s League as a new member, or renew your CWL membership as a valued
             member. Please mail in or drop by with your envelope to the St. James Parish Office. The fee is $20.00
             per year. Consider joining a national sisterhood of Catholic women that respond to political and social
issues, offer welcome and comfort to the needy, provides leadership and educational skills, rooted in Gospel
values, calling its members to holiness through service to God. The National CWL website is an informative
resource to discover more about this organization.
        Thank you for participating, Membership Conveners of St. James and Nativity of our Lady Mission
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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                                  Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                    Sunday, February 7th, 2021
Bill C-7 – Call to Action: The proposed legislation to expand the Federal euthanasia and assisted suicide will be
subject to debate in the Senate February 1-3. To protect the vulnerable, all are encouraged to write to the Senate
and ask that they please vote against Bill C-7. Automated e-mail: The Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience
(; or in writing to the Senators: Senators (

2021 World Day of the Sick: The 29th World Day of the Sick will be celebrated, as it is every year, on February 11th
the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Holy See has released the Holy Father’s Message which is entitled “You
have but one teacher and you are all brothers” (Mt 23:8), which encourages a trust-based relationship with the sick
and the nurturing of integral human healing. In his Message, Pope Francis writes: “…the commandment of love
that Jesus left to his disciples is also kept in our relationship with the sick. A society is all the more human
to the degree that it cares effectively for its most frail and suffering members, in a spirit of fraternal love. Let us
strive to achieve this goal, so that no one will feel alone, excluded or abandoned.”

Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program (February 27th and March 6th): This course will be online only. New
deadline date to register is February 15th as materials need to be mailed out to participants. For questions, our
local contact is: Yvette Bourque, Family Life & Youth Ministry Office, Diocese of Pembroke, P.O Box 7, 188
Renfrew St. Pembroke, ON K8A 6X1 Ph-(613) 732-7933 ex 208

By my Side Ottawa – A Program of Spiritual Friendship and Healing for Separated and Divorced Catholics: This 6
week online women-only and 6 week online men’s-only program starts on March 27, 2021. By My Side is a non-
profit structured support group for separated and divorced Catholics. All classes are hosted virtually. Christ holds
those who suffer close to his heart and desires to bring about healing. This program helps participants find their
way to reconciliation, peace and hope through Christ and the Church. We ask participants for a $40 payment to
help cover resources and promotion. Any leftover funds are donated directly to charity. Our program (previously
known has Journey of Hope Ottawa) began 6 years ago and has had over 100 class participants. Included are
resources, 2 follow-up classes, and monthly Facebook posts offering Spiritual Food for Thought. To find out more
and to register go to

Galilee Centre Presents – Ron Rolheiser Retreat: Featuring Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, Roman Catholic priest and
member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, April 16-18, 2021. For details, please follow this link:
Ron Rolheiser Retreat – Galilee Centre.
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                  Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
                    Sunday, February 7th, 2021

Prayer of Pope Francis During the Coronavirus Pandemic

                                    O Mary,
                       you always shine on our path
                     as a sign of salvation and of hope.
              We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick,
     who at the cross took part in Jesus’ pain, keeping your faith firm.
                   You, Salvation of the Roman People,
                             know what we need,
                      and we are sure you will provide
                       so that, as in Cana of Galilee,
                   we may return to joy and to feasting
                            after this time of trial.
                      Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
                    to conform to the will of the Father
                     and to do as we are told by Jesus,
                who has taken upon himself our sufferings
                          and carried our sorrows
                       to lead us, through the cross,
                   to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

Under your protection, we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God. Do not disdain
  the entreaties of we who are in trial, but deliver us from every danger,
                      O glorious and blessed Virgin.
                                                               Prayers from My Catholic Life Website!
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