Frimley School Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Page created by Jennifer Bates
Frimley School Strategic Plan 2021-2024
Frimley School Strategic Plan 2021-2024
                             Heretaunga Ararau
                             Heretaunga Haukū nui
                             Heretaunga Haaro o te Kaahu
                             Heretaunga Raorao Haumako
                             Heretaunga Takoto noa

      VISION: Developing the Leaders and Learners of Tomorrow

                                          VALUES                                                           MISSION/ KAUPAPA
Manaakitanga- We care, show kindness and respect                                              Our children:
                                                                                                 ● have skills for lifelong learning
Whanaungatanga- We learn together to ensure we can bring out the best in each and all of us
                                                                                                 ● know how to look after their wellbeing
Kaitiakitanga- We care for our possessions, school, community and wider world                    ● know themselves and others
                                                                                                 ● care for and protect our land
Rangatiratanga- We are self directed and confident learners.                                     ● will be confident and make an impact

       Learning that is fun and                                     Success for all                                 Strong partnerships                          Passionate and skilled staff
                                                               Frimley School will be                    Frimley School will foster and actively                   Frimley School will recruit,
      Frimley School will have a                          inclusive, and supportive of all                 work to engage with whanau. Our                        retain, develop and support
 curriculum that is relevant, student                        learners to be successful                         school will be the centre                             our staff to be the best
    centred, culturally connected                               and enjoy learning.                                of our community.                                      they can be.
         and future focussed.

                                                           Related National Educational and Leadership Priorities (NELP)

Ensure every Akonga gains sound Foundation skills,    ●    Ensure places of learning are free from       Have high aspirations for every learner and support    Develop staff to strengthen teaching,
including language, literacy and numeracy.                 rascism, discrimination and bullying.         them by partnering with whanau to design and deliver   leadership and learner support and capability
Have high aspirations for every learner and support   ●    Reduce barriers to education.                 education that responds to their needs, identity and
them by partnering with whanau to design and          ●    Meaningfully incorporate Te Reo Maori and     culture.
deliver education that responds to their needs,            Tikanga Maori into the everyday life of the
identity and culture.                                      pace of learning


Develop a local curriculum                                Culture counts                                 Partnerships with Whanau                               Staff Hauora

Develop an engaging and broad                             Nurturing the whole child                      Centre of community                                    Professional Learning

                                                                                       SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE

Our students enjoy being at school,                       Our students enjoy success                     Whanau and our wider community                         We support and encourage
are learning about themselves, our                        through their language (te reo),               are actively involved in and are proud                 staff to make a difference at
community and the wider world in a                        identity (whakapapa) and                       of their school.                                       Frimley. They are positive and
fun, hands on and creative way.                           culture (tikanga). Our students                                                                       seek opportunities to do things
                                                          are developing their full                                                                             better.
                                         STRATEGIC GOAL AREA 1: Learning that is fun and meaningful
                    Frimley School will have a curriculum that is relevant, student centred, culturally connected and future focussed.

INITIATIVE A                                                               Develop a local curriculum

2021 Development       To continue to strengthen our Place Based Curriculum, focus on:
                          ● Getting our Tamariki out into the Whenua
                          ● Grow teachers understanding of Kahungunutanga and then how the new Aotearoa NZ Histories curriculum fits within
                             our PBC, through this lens.
                          ● Our Tauparapara and Learning Space names.

WHEN                   WHAT                                                WHO                         MEASURES OF SUCCESS

By week 5 of each      Big idea identified and shared with staff to        Ngahina                     Each component of the pepeha is brought to life
term                   develop in Learning community                                                   with the big themes. Strong links are made to the
                                                                                                       NKII Graduate profile.

Ongoing                PLD to support staff identified in Strategic Goal   Tim to coordinate           Staff have the knowledge to bring our PBC to life.
                       area 4 (school/ Kāhui Ako).

Ongoing                Sharing of termly theme and local Place based       Ngahina/ Tim                Our wider community has a growing
                       curriculum ideas/ concepts with community                                       understanding of PBC and its relevance to our
                       through newsletter and the like                                                 learners.

Ongoing                PBC continues to develop and library of curated     Ngahina                     Our PBC is documented in a way that enables
                       resources to support future themes/ record past.                                teachers to see what has been covered and plan
                                                                                                       out future learning.

Term 3                 Introductory sections are updated to reflect PBC    Tania                       Staff have had input and have ownership on
                       and curriculum changes                                                          developing curriculum
                       Work begins with key staff/ Staff on remaining

By end of year         Updated curriculum present to staff                 Tania                       Curriculum is ready for full implementation in

INITIATIVE B                                                     Develop an engaging and broad curriculum
2021 Development       To strengthen teachers’ understanding of the Learning Progression Framework in Literacy and Numeracy.
                       To support teachers to make sound judgements about progress and achievement (PaCT Mathematics, Writing and
                       To support teachers to use the E-Tap/ PaCT tools/ reports to reflect, plan and report on progress and achievement

WHEN                   WHAT                                               WHO                        MEASURES OF SUCCESS

In each PaCT window Teachers to work in cross LC groups to                Literacy and Numeracy      Increasing confidence of teachers to identify from
                    moderate samples of writing and mathematics           unit holder                a range of work across the curriculum where a
                                                                                                     child is at against the signposts.

Termly                 Teachers to work in cross LC groups to develop     Literacy and Numeracy      Teachers understanding of LPF grows and the
                       their understanding of the differences between     unit holder                subtle developments between signposts.
                       signposts in both writing and Mathematics

As available           Identify other PLD opportunities that work         Tim                        We grow teachers capability to support each
                       support developing teachers depth of                                          other and literacy leadership capability across the
                       understanding of the LPF.                                                     school.

Termly                 Literacy and numeracy PaCT leaders to attend       TBC                        Good practice is shared within and across the
                       Kāhui Ako Sessions. Report back to the staff.                                 Kāhui Ako. Literacy and numeracy leaders are
                                                                                                     able to support teachers developments within

                                                    STRATEGIC GOAL AREA 2: Success for all
                          Frimley School will be inclusive and support all learners to experience success and enjoy learning.

INITIATIVE A                                                                    Culture counts

2021 Development       To strengthen school expectations of cultural relationships for responsive pedagogy

WHEN                   WHAT                                         WHO                      MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Refer Section 4 for PLD plans to support continued strengthening.
2021 Development     To strengthen the use of Te Reo Maori and the place of Tikanga Maori in the school

WHEN                 WHAT                                        WHO                    MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Weekly               Te Reo lessons offered weekly (two          Ngahina and others     Attendance by all staff on a regular basis.
                     sessions) for teachers and support staff.                          Increased confidence of teachers and use within
                     Break into ability/ goal groups to ensure                          classrooms.
                     the right level of support and challenge                               a. PGC observation summaries identify increasing
                     for all staff members.                                                    use
                     Particular focus on:                                                   b. That RtH observations show continued increase in
                         ● Tikanga start/end of day                                            te reo use in classrooms
                         ● Normalisation of mihi                                            c. That there is an increase in the level of spaces at
                         ● Empowering te reo normalisation                                     MML at Grade 4 (Maori Medium Language)
                              with classrooms.

Termly and ongoing   Teachers and Support staff identify and     All Teachers           PGC discussions and Te Reo facilitation notes show
                     reflect on termly Te Reo goals as part of                          increasing daily use.
                     their professional growth cycle.

                     For further detail refer below.

INITIATIVE B                                                           Nurturing the whole child

2021 Development     To implement aspects of the Manaaki Tamariki Classroom (Pilot), support our teachers to grow their understanding of
                     and response to Trauma and further strengthen our ability to form positive relationships for learning

WHEN                 WHAT                                        WHO                    MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Week 2 term 1        Review all Identified MT students (2020)    Megan                  Identified students (2020) are planned for in 2021.
                     for how settled they are in their           Ngahina
                     classrooms. Add to Manu Huia. Monitor
                     for term 1.

Terms 1 and 2        All staff to work through Trauma modules Megan/ Tania/ Tim         Teachers are conscious of trauma and its impact on
                     from Ngā tahi programme and relevant                               children. Teacher talk and class/ LC/ school interventions
                     professional readings.                                             start to reflect a growing understanding.
                     Further MOE LS facilitation sought for
2021 Development   Support the growth of Learning Community Responses:
                      ● Ararau: Foundations for Learning
                             ○ Foundation for learning assessment fully implemented.
                             ○ E-tap recording finalised. Ability to show and report on progress capable
                             ○ Clear links to deliberate acts within formal teaching settings and learning through play
                      ● Haukū nui: Tepil and Learning through Play
                             ○ 2nd year of Tepil support from Massey.
                             ○ Teacher confidence and competence improved
                             ○ Increasing acceleration seen with learners- increased numbers of students reading at expectation by 6 years and
                                end of year 2.
                             ○ Recommendation to BOT for school next steps
                             ○ Learning through Play PLD undertaken
                             ○ Plan developed by LCL with AP to implement Learning through Play in HHN
                      ● Haaro o te Kahu: Numeracy
                             ○ Pilot of LA Spring into maths
                             ○ MST providing 1 group in first half of year.
                             ○ MST observation/ feedback
                      ● Takotoa noa: Use of Whenua and Numeracy
                             ○ Increasing and deliberate use of LEOTC to bring whenua to life
                             ○ Clear and deliberate use of whenua and LEOTC experiences to link to PBC
                             ○ MST focus on HTN. Accelerate learners who are below in maths.

WHEN               WHAT                                      WHO                      MEASURES OF SUCCESS

By end of Feb      Each LC would have documented their       LCL with team
                   own professional growth cycle goal        members.
                   linked to LC focus area above

By end of March    Each LC would have meet with one of       LCL with SLT
                   the SLT to discuss PGC goal and
                   outlined the professional growth they
                   expect to undertake, the expected
                   outcomes etc

Mid/ EOY           Each LCL will report to the SLT and BOT   LCL
                   on developments, review of PGC and
                   outcomes/ impact on learners.
2021 Development      Continue to build the role and function of the Learning Support Coordinator within Frimley. Foci
                        ● IBP support
                        ● LA appraisal
                        ● Oversight of specialist teacher roles and programmes:
                                ○ Reading recovery (with LCL HHN)
                                ○ Literacy Specialist (with Literacy leader and LCL HTN)
                                ○ Maths Specialist teacher (with Numeracy leader and LCL HTN)

WHEN                  WHAT                                        WHO                  MEASURES OF SUCCESS

First staff meeting   Update for all staff/ induction for new     Megan and Nurse      All staff aware of Manu Huia students.
Term 1                staff:                                                           Updated register available for all staff.
                          ● Health needs
                          ● Learning needs
                          ● Behaviour needs
                          ● Pastoral or guardianship
                          ● Manu Huia

By week 5, Term 1     LA appraisal and PLD processes shared       Megan and Tim        Clear processes developed inline with contract and
                      with LA’s.                                                       expectations.
                      LA’s able to apply for new NZEI/ MOE                             LA’s undertaking MOE funded PLD.
                      PLD grant,

Over term 1           Support development of IBP/IYB              Megan                Clear expectations and responsibilities for IY behaviour
                      planning with all LC’s.                     SLT                  plans. Coaching and mentoring for teachers who need
                      Support facilitation of unpacking of                             this.
                      Positive behaviour for learning booklet

Terms 1-3             New screening tools are introduced to       Megan                Outcomes of screening tool assessments recorded on e-
                      staff and used in response to teacher or                         tap.
                      whanau requests.

When building         LSC Office furnished to enable efficiency   Tim                  LSC office created as part of SIP Admin upgrade.
complete              of role                                     Megan                Functional office by end of term 2.

End of term 4         All LA have been appraised with          Megan                   Appraisals complete.
                      feedback from teachers. LA’s clear about
                      their next steps.

By week 4 Term 1,     Reading Recovery committee and Maths        Megan with team/     Specialist teachers feel supported in the decision making
meetings at least     Specialist teacher teams formed. Clear      committee            around student selection and evaluation of impact.
termly thereafter     terms of reference formed.
                      Committee/ team provide oversight to
                      each project
2021 Development   Engage and implement a Maths Specialist Teacher role.

WHEN               WHAT                                       WHO                   MEASURES OF SUCCESS

20 January         MST position has been filled.              Tim                   Position filled. MOE informed. Budget to support

End of Feb         MST job description and Numeracy           Tim, MST, Numeracy    MST clear about role.
                   Leadermentor oversight role sorted.        leader

                   MST team formed to support work.           Megan

By end of term 1   Baseline testing complete, students        MST                   Sufficient baseline data to monitor and evaluate impact.
                   selected, programmes underway. Initial
                   focus HTN.

By end of term 2   At least 30 students have been on          MST and Mentor        Project expectations from MOE met.
                   programme. Accelerated progress seen

                   Mid year report to BOT on developments     MST/ Principal        BOT kept informed of programme, MST role and impact
                                                                                    of investment.

Term 3             MST offering support to classroom          MST/ LCL              Programme building staff capability as well as
                   teachers, observation/ modelling advice.                         accelerating learners. Contributes to HHOTK numeracy

By end of term 4   At least 60 students have been on          MST and Mentor        MOE expectations meet. Report to MOE submitted.
                   programme. Accelerated progress seen                             Training requirements met.

                   EOY report to BOT                          MST/ Principal        BOT and staff can see impact on individual students and
                                                                                    cohort data shows acceleration.

                   Position confirmed for 2022                Principal             Appointment and MOE funding confirmed for 2022

                   Consideration given to ALIM teacher        MST/ Principal/ BOT   Explore building further staff expertise and passion in
                   applications for 1 LC                                            mathematics in year 2 of project through ALIM teacher(s)
STRATEGIC GOAL AREA 3: Strong Partnerships
                  Frimley School will foster and actively work to engage with whanau. Our school will be the centre of our community.

INITIATIVE A                                                           Partnerships with Whanau

2021               Strengthen and support Whanau: Maori. Explore opportunities for Whanau to learn
Development        Explore, extend and strengthen the development of powerful partnerships with Whanau

WHEN               WHAT                                            WHO                               MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Termly             Whānau Rōpu Māori forum meet termly to          Ngahina, Tania, Tim               Powerful and productive partnerships are evident
                   discuss strategic vision and goals                                                with a voice contributing to the strategic vision of
                                                                                                     the school

Termly             Strengthen the whānau forum infrastructure      Ngahina, Tania, Tim               Whanau forum is strong and used as a resource
                   to engage more whānau to hui- build on                                            to support our learning within school
                   growing links and place of zoom

Ongoing            Identify, recognise and invite Kaumatua/ Kuia   Ngahina, Tim                      Increased multi-generational support for the
                   to be involved in the schools life                                                school, programmes and tamariki.

At least once      Build on Whakairo Tane night (2020) to offer   Tim and Whanau Rōpu Māori          Larger turn out than in 2020.
during the year    at least one opportunity for whanau to explore
                   and extend their understanding of the schools

2021               Support the BOT to develop their understanding of Te Ao Maori and the Treaty of Waitangi/ Te tiriti o Waitangi & the
Development        schools strategic journey

WHEN               WHAT                                            WHO                               MEASURES OF SUCCESS

End of Jan         BOT attend Marae with staff as part of TOD      All BOT                           All BOT attend for all or part.

Monthly            Support for BOT chair on developing BOT         Charissa                          BOT tikanga is embedded and chair has growing
                   tikanga                                                                           confidence

By the end of      BOT to have undertaken collectively some        Charissa and Tim to facilitate    All BOT attend.
term 1             form of titiri of Waitangi training and
                   unpacked what this means for their roles.
By End of term 2   Training sought and undertaken on the Hautu      Tim/ Ngahina              All BOT understand the tool and its purpose

By end of term 3   Hautu tool used by BOT to determine next         BOT Chair with BOT        BOT have identified strengths and areas for
                   steps. Plan developed and training sought, if                              development in 2022

2021               Review fully and develop a manageable, ‘real time’, reporting partnership between teachers, students and whanau. This
Development        would replace the current mid and end of year reports.

WHEN               WHAT                                             WHO                       MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Term 1- by Feb     Paper for BOT and Staff developed to share       Tim, Tania and LCL        Parameters explained.
BOT meeting        purpose and thinking about moving from                                     Current system review.
                   twice year reports to just in time reporting                               Sound basis for review and development
                   using see saw.                                                             explained.

By end of March    Communication with whanau to outline what        Tim                       Whanau are on board, understand purpose and
                   we are wanting to achieve and ask for this                                 benefits.
                   input/ feedback into process

By end of term 1   Have developed a set of expectations for         Tim/ Tania/ LCL           Teachers are clear on expectations.
                   reporting via see saw to whanau.                                           LCL clear on roles.
                      ● Type of posts
                      ● Number of posts
                      ● When to post
                      ● Teacher vs student posting
                      ● Partnership with Whanau
                      ● Method of monitoring and ensuring
                           consistency (to meet minimum

Beginning of       Communicate with BOT, Whanau and hold            Tim/ Tania                Whanau feel their voice is heard and valued.
Term 2             community Hui to share what it will look like.

Over term 2        Teachers to follow guidelines for the term.      LCL                       Whanau get quality, consistent posts.

End of term 2      Feedback from Whanau sought about                Tim/ Tania                Mid year trial is completed and whanau have
                   reporting in see saw- what is missing?                                     input into review.
                   Teachers to review- manageable. LCL to
review- consistency/ quality.

Early term 3      Feedback is reviewed/ changes made. New        Tim/ Staff                      Issues are aired and ironed out.
                  guidelines/ advice/ responsibilities shared.                                   Whanau see new system has better than what
                  Teachers implement for the second half of                                      they had before.
                  the year.

End of November   Thought given to any special EOY posting       Tim/ LCL
                  requirements. Review for consistency done.
                  Final request for whanau feedback.

December          Final report for BOT on Reporting to Parents   Tim                             Changes are reflected in school policy and
                  Changes reflected in School Docs update/       Tania                           documentation.
                  learning@ frimley etc.

INITIATIVE B                                                           Centre of the Community

2021              To build our relationship with Iwi (NK kei Heretaunga) and Hapu

WHEN              WHAT                                           WHO                             MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Termly            Leadership team to meeting with Tawehi         Tim/ Ngahina                    Feedback, critique and input received on schools
                  Munroe regularly.                                                              direction.

Termly            Meet with James Graham, Pomare,                Tim/ Ngahina                    Feedback, critique and input received on schools
                  Tipene/Levi and others to share                                                direction.
                  developments and seek advice

Ongoing           Tim to liaise with Tawehi on a regular basis   Tim                             Iwi partnership at Kāhui Ako level is successful-
                  through Kāhui Ako.                                                             against contract measures.

At least termly   Tim to make contact with Matua Hawira          Tim                             School leadership is culturally safe.
                  regularly, discuss developments, seek advice
                  and direction

Ongoing           The schools leadership team actively support   Tim, Ngahina and Tania          The school is supporting NKII aspirations for
                  the NK Matauranga strategy implementation                                      Akonga.
                      ● Opportunity sought for NKII to talk                                      Staff able to see clear links between their mahi
                         with staff                                                              and strategy.
2021             To continue to build our schools relationship with Marae- Houngarea.

WHEN             WHAT                                            WHO                                 MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Jan              Staff (and BOT) noho Marae Teacher only         Ngahina to Co-ordinate. All staff   Staff feedback is positive and staff report
                 days held.                                      and BOT                             increased confidence and the benefits of return

Over year        Continuation of annual year 5 & 6 noho cycle    Tania and LCL                       Noho Marae becomes part of EOTC programme
                 (Term 4)                                                                            and integrated into PBC.
                 Continuation of year 3 & 4 day trip.                                                Marae becomes integral ‘classroom’ for learning.
                 Establishment of Year 1 & 2 trip
                 Development of NE marae experience.

Once over year   Staff/ School give back to Houngarea            Tim to lead                         We develop reciprocity in our relationship.

                                          STRATEGIC GOAL AREA 4: Passionate and skilled staff
                              Frimley School will recruit, develop and support their staff to be the best they can be

INITIATIVE A                                                           Professional Learning

2021             To induct new staff and strengthen existing Staff’s understanding and capability in forming cultural relationships for
Development      responsive pedagogy and building te reo skills

WHEN             WHAT                                            WHO                   MEASURES OF SUCCESS

January          Staff Only Days- Noho Marae                     Tim and Ngahina       As a learner I am able to reflect on:
                 Focus 2021:                                                              ➔ Tikanga pertaining to _______ marae
                     ● Treatyi of Waitangi                                                ➔ Pepeha
                     ● School Values                                                      ➔ Mana tangata - social dimension (my interactions with
                     ● Space ingoa                                                            people)
                                                                                          ➔ Mana whenua - environmental dimension (my
                                                                                              interaction with land & water)
                                                                                          ➔ Mana Atua - spiritual dimension (my motivation, my

Weekly              Te Reo Sessions held weekly. Focus for          Ngahina and team   All staff (including Learning Assistants / Support staff) will be
                    2021:                                                              confident to:
                       ➔ Whakatau - new students/whānau                                     ➔ Introduce themselves
                          into classes                                                      ➔ Introduce someone else
                       ➔ Whakatau - hui, as a speaker to                                    ➔ Mihi to an audience
                          lead/open an event                                                ➔ Understand the marae environment
                       ➔ Daily tikanga                                                      ➔ Understand tikanga pertaining to the marae and some
                       ➔ Normalisation of te reo use                                            variances

By end of Term 2    All new staff will have worked through          Tim and Within     All staff will continue to review, refresh, learn, develop and
                    modules 1-4 of Poutama Pounamu blended          School Leaders     strengthen being culturally responsive
                    course.                                                            Increased understanding of the ‘WHY’ and stronger moral

Over term 1 and 2   Revisit the characteristics and behaviours of   Tim, Ngahina,      Kaiako are applying, exploring new strategies into their
                    Culturally responsive teachers. Make explicit   Tania and WSL      teaching and learning
                    through the use of the school based video.
                    Focus identified from RtH observations
                        ● Power sharing
                        ● Use of te reo
                        ● Curriculum vs pedagogy

Term 1 and 3        Within school leaders host teachers on 1        Within School      Teachers have a more explicit understanding of culturally
                    CRT slot each in their room.                    Leaders            responsive practice and what it looks like in a range of class

Term 2              Power2 work through Teaching for Positive       Lead by LCL        Shared understanding of what is meant by all aspects of
                    behaviour booklet. Focus on:                    supported by WSL   positive behaviour. Teachers IY skills are honed further.
                       ● How these link to culturally
                           responsive teaching and our school

Terms 2 and 3       WSL to observe and provide feedback to          Within School      Teachers have termly observation, critical conversation and
                    teachers in their roopu on CRP. Continue to     Leaders            set goals for the coming term.
                    use Video.                                                         Increasing number of teachers in integrated phase on CRP

April holiday       New teachers to attend Kāhui Ako Noho           New teachers       All new teachers have blended course introduction. Have a
                    marae.                                                             sense of belonging into Kāhui Ako.
Termly          Hikoi to place significant to Ngati Kahungunu    Tim and Ngahina     Teachers have growing knowledge of Ngati Kahungunu
                kei Heretaunga- make good use of KA Hikoi.                           Whakapapa, whenua and pūrakau - some teachers are
                                                                                     planning trips with their learners to these sites.
                Register teachers on extended day hikoi

Over year       Register interest through KA for being part of   Tim and Tania       Teachers have growing understanding of ANZH and how our
                Aotearoa NZ history pilot. Explore the links                         PBC delivers on these expectations.
                between this and our PBC. Make explicit as
                required in Learning@frimley,

2021            Strengthen Power2 collaborations, particularly for new teachers and leaders across the school

WHEN            WHAT                                             WHO                 MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Staff meeting   Share the beliefs and purpose of Power2.         Tim                 Norms are developed for each Power2.
early term 1    Allow Power2’s to have time to discuss ways
                of working together.

First 5 weeks   Power2 to identify goal(s) for collaborative     LCL                 Working collaboratively is kept at the forefront of thinking.
                synergy for term 1 and each term thereafter..                        Collaboration is developing.

Term 1          Power2 with their tamariki to explore ingoa      Power2              Students are able to talk about their space name.
                for their space, develop internal display.

Term 1          Power 2 to break down and develop values         Power2              The school values are understood and can see heard, seen
                for their space                                                      and felt in each space.

Termly          Each Power2 to have collaboration hui with       Tim, Ngahina,       Collaboration is valued and feedback given on successes and
                leadership team to share efforts and discuss     Tania               next steps.
                next steps.

Over the year   Explore how an additional class in an LC can Megan, Tania,           Develop 3rd class collaborative model for use in the future
                collaborate. Consider options for single cell Charlotte
                class and how student placement can be
                deliberate to meet learner needs

Term 2 and 3    Each Power 2 to utilise 1 CRT and release        LCL to coordinate   Teachers see collaboration is action in another school and aim
                for a session to visit another collaboration                         to stretch their own practice.
                outside our school and 1 to observe within
                our school.

                These to be organised by Leadership in           Tania
2021                   Strengthen and develop leadership within the school (develop staff to strengthen ‘leadership’ capability across the
Development            sector-NELP)

WHEN                   WHAT                                              WHO                MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Twice Termly           AP and DP attend Kāhui Ako Professional           Tania and Ngahina AP and DP report value added from participating in PLG.
                       Learning Group                                                      Evidence sense of whanaungatanga from this group, having a
                                                                                           positive impact on their development through leadership and
                                                                                           their on-going work

Twice termly           All Learning Community Leaders attend             LCL Leaders        LCL’s report added value from undertaking PLD with other
                       Team leader PLG focussing on being data                              LC’s across our Kāhui Ako.
                       smart and holding learning focussed                                  PaCT and other data is being used to select target students
                       conversations.                                                       and monitor impact.

At least fortnightly   AP, DP and Principal attend LCL meeting to        Tim, Tania,        LCL’s feel well supported.
                       support leaders                                   Ngahina

Twice termly           Within school leaders have training               Tim and Tania      WSL are confident in their roles and can outline the impact of
                       opportunity alongside other WSL, building                            their leadership.
                       their capability to lead CRTP

Termly                 Maths Leader attends Leadership network           Maths Leader       Leader shares back to staff via staff meeting new learning

Twice termly           Maths and literacy leaders attend Kāhui Ako       Literacy and       PaCt leaders confidence and competence grows so that they
                       PaCT leaders sessions                             Numeracy leaders   can better support our teachers in the use of PaCT.
                                                                                            Our school had moderation opportunities with other schools.

2021                   Continue to build the schools capability for establishing and maintaining positive relationships for learning

WHEN                   WHAT                                              WHO                MEASURES OF SUCCESS

Terms 1 & 2            PCT 2 teachers undertake Incredible Years         Chanel, Sean,      Course is complete
                       (IY) training                                     Simon

Early in the year      Explore opportunities for staff training in Non   Tim                Staff who may have to restraint severe behavioural students
                       violent crisis intervention (NVCI)                Megan              have confidence and appropriate training

Terms 3 & 4            Other new staff considered for IY training        Tim to organise    All staff are trained.
                                                                         with LCL
Over year         Seek out opportunities for Learning              Megan with RTLB   Out LA’s are highly skilled for the demanding role they play in
                  Assistants to receive IY training (IYTA)                           the school

INITIATIVE B                                                                 Staff Hauora

2020              Monitor workload, stress and the wellness of staff (Ensure places of Learning are safe- NELP).

Term 2 and Term   Staff and BOT formal social                      Tim and BOT       High staff turn out. Staff feel appreciated.

Term 1-2          Implement new Professional Growth cycle          Tim and Senior    New system is sound, compliant and reflects the principles of
                  approach to teacher appraisal                    Leadership Team   the accord signed by the MOE/ NZEI
                  Monitor throughout implementation and
                  modify as needed

Ongoing           Staff workload and sickness is monitored.        Tim and LCL       Stress points are managed. Sick leave is managed within
                  Workload adjusted where necessary.                                 annual constraints.
                                                                                     Sickness and absences are monitored using Staff Sync.

Early term 2      BOT funded flu injection provided to all staff   Tim and Nurse     High levels of uptake.
                  who wish to have it

Termly            Teacher only days are used strategically to      Tim and Senior    Teachers can recognise steps that are taken to address,
                  support teachers with workload or to             Leadership team   mitigate or reduce workload.
                  undertake significant learning

Terms 1 &2        Workshop with the staff the impact of            Tim               Greater understanding for staff, leadership and BOT of impact
                  Trauma. Develop in house and external                              of trauma on the workforce.
                  ways to support staff.                                             Steps in place to identify, coach, respond to staff under stress.

                       PROPERTY                                                      OTHER
New classrooms & associated enablement                            Branding Stage 3
  ● Completion of Field work (cricket nets, alignment of rugby,     ● Launch of new website
    soccer and cricket pitches etc)                                 ● Rename duplex, linked to Tauparapara.

Sustainability fund                                                 ●
  ● Respond to energy efficiency report from MOE.

SIP Projects                                                      BOT training etc
  1. Admin upgrade and LSC                                          ● Treaty of Waitangi
                                                                    ● New NELP guidelines
  ● LSC Office set up
                                                                    ● Hautu tool
  ● Redesign of AP and DP offices
  ● Upgrade of admin and staffroom.
  2. Playground
  ● Softfall complete under main adventure playground
  ● Courts remarked
  ● Shade sails explored for rooms 14/15, 4-7.

Admin upgrade stage 1                                             Wellbeing
  ● SIP project to upgrade admin and offices.                       ● All staff undergo First Aid refresher course
                                                                    ● School part of lunch scheme
                                                                    ● Explore manaaki tamariki classroom options

Other                                                             Community engagement
  ● Re-sow the field                                                ● Support PTA to maintain drive and direction with
                                                                      change of key role holders.
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