The Rise of Exoticism, Tradition and Fusion

Page created by Duane Hayes
The Rise of Exoticism, Tradition and Fusion

                                          FLAVOR TRENDS                                                       ❯	The proliferation of Japanese cuisine,
                                                                                                                 is driving the use of yuzu – a citrus
                                                                                                                 fruit with an intense and bold profile.

                  Fruit Flavors:
             The Rise of Exoticism,
              Tradition and Fusion
                Flavors innovators are mixing and matching
               combinations like never before and taking fruit
                  flavors into non-traditional applications.
                                                  by Robin Wyers

                  hile orange and apple flavors           Innova Market Insights tracked 468 prod-         nological and regulatory requirements.
                  for soft drinks, strawberry for ice     ucts with this flavor in 2014, compared with     The move has also given Doehler access
                  cream and banana for dairy milk         202 in 2008. But despite this rise in exotic     to a wide portfolio of African ingredients to
        mixes may still be the preferred flavors          ideas, there is also a growing interest in lo-   take them into traditional markets.
        for the mass market, many consumers               cal and authentic flavors; while there are           “African fruits such as marula, baobab,
        are looking for something more exciting           opportunities to combine the two.                monkey orange, soursop, tamarind, mucua
        and flavor suppliers are addressing this             “Citrus flavors are an all-time favorite      and the North African date offer huge in-
        through innovation. “They want outstand-          over all regions and categories. Neverthe-       novation potential, especially for dairy
        ing, and they want unique. Those who buy          less they can be twisted by using more           products, drinks and the confectionery
        premium products and younger target               exotic citrus tastes, such as Kaffir lime or     sector,” says Hoffmann. “These fruits have
        groups in particular are keen to experi-          Dalandan,” says Helene Möller, Product           a long tradition of use in African products,
        ence new taste sensations,” notes Oliver          Management Ingredients, WILD Flavors &           but they have not yet entered the global
        Hoffmann at Doehler.                              Specialty Ingredients. “Both fruits still meet   mainstream.” Hoffmann notes market and
            Flavors innovators are therefore mix-         the demand for a well-known perception           consumer insight data which shows that
        ing and matching flavor combinations              of taste but come along with a new aro-          authentic African flavors have immense
        like never before and taking fruit flavors        matic flavor,” she says.                         growth potential, as they offer new and
        into non-traditional applications. There             In addition, pomegranate is one of the        exciting taste experiences within the very
        has been a resurgence in tropical flavors,        trendiest and upcoming flavors in EMEA           popular exotic flavors segment. The flow-
        with the recent launch of Red Bull Yellow         for all kinds of applications, she notes. It     ery and fruity marula flavor, for instance, fits
        Edition with tropical fruits, following a suc-    is popular due to its unique, varying taste      very well with traditional fruit flavors such
        cessful limited edition launch in July and        and triggered by the healthy image of the        as cherry, but can also be combined with
        August of 2014. The introduction comes            fruit itself. “Flavor profiles found in bever-   other exotic flavors. A marula-flavored car-
        as the number of soft drinks products with        ages are varying between fantasy flavors         bonated soft drink will be a refreshing and
        a tropical flavor continues to rise steadily.     such as candy, syrup and grenadine to            unusual taste experience. Monkey orange
                                                          more earthy, authentic and vegetable ver-        also has exotic, fruity notes. The woody, ar-
                                                          sions. This range of pomegranate flavors         omatic notes of tamarind are suitable not
                                                          offers the possibility for customers to find     only for sweet applications, but can also
                                                          the optimum flavor profile for the specific      be used to round off the taste of savory
                                                          application,” she explains.                      products. Soursop, meanwhile, has a very
                                                                                                           complex flavor profile with tropical and
                                                          Exotic Discovery                                 citrusy top notes, as well as creamy notes
                                                              Hoffmann at Doehler notes that authen-       reminiscent of coconut or banana. Beyond
                                                          tic African flavors are a completely new         offering a comprehensive range of authen-
                                                          and unestablished exotic discovery. Last         tic African flavors, Doehler also has a range
                                                          year, the company formed a joint venture         of Brazilian flavors, all of which can be used
                                                          with Afriplex, a producer and supplier of        as single flavors or combined with others.
                                                          wellness product solutions from source
                                                          to shelf. Their common goal is to deliver        Global Cuisines
           ❯ There has been a resurgence in tropical      integrated ingredient solutions that are            Brazilian flavors were on the menu at
           flavors, with the recent launch of Red Bull    tailored to the needs of Southern African        the 2014 World Cup, but will remain there
           Yellow Edition with tropical fruits (right).   markets in terms of taste preferences, tech-     through the 2016 Olympics, which are

        36     THE WORLD OF FOOD INGREDIENTS                                                                                           APRIL/MAY 2015

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The Rise of Exoticism, Tradition and Fusion
slated to take place in Rio de          as fresh from the garden,” she        to use FTNF flavors (from the        Flavor Pairings
           Janeiro. “We expect the spot-           explains.                             named fruit). They fully meet            Fruit flavors are typically in-
           light to remain firmly on Bra-             Another reason for this            the consumer demand for au-          corporated into sweet applica-
           zilian cuisine over the coming          quest for authenticity is the role    thentic food but put rather high     tions, but there is a whole new
           twelve months, particularly in          for keeping naturalness on the        requirements on certain condi-       area to address in flavor fusions
           anticipation of the 2016 Olym-          agenda when formulating with          tions concerning harvesting,         or “mash ups,” where new and
           pics,” says Hugh Evans, market-         fruit flavors. Möller notes that      sourcing and manufacturing           exciting flavors are fused with
           ing manager at Synergy. “Our            consumers are increasingly            processes,” she says.                traditional cuisines. As a result,
           research has revealed that the          demanding a natural flavoring,           “Finally, a reliable beverage     Evans says that manufacturers
           Brazilian trend is a prelude to a       because the acceptance of syn-        concept naturally includes the       are looking for ways to meet
           greater interest in South Amer-         thetic ingredients in food is fall-   appropriate color. The product       these requirements by success-
           ica as a whole. Indigenous Bra-         ing steadily.                         must be consistent. Besides the      fully blurring the boundaries
           zilian flavors, such as passion            “The most natural way – and        use of a natural flavor, the color   and creating exciting new fla-
           fruit, have become a key ele-           especially appropriate for pre-       should also be derived from          vor combinations. Sweet and
           ment in dishes at prestigious           mium products – would be              natural sources,” she adds.          savory flavors, for example, are
           restaurants across the UK, fea-
           turing in several courses from
           appetizers to desserts. Linked
           to this, passion fruit flavors are
           making their way onto super-
           market shelves too, with new
           product launches including
           passion fruit flavored tea, soft
           drinks, dressings and desserts.”
               Evans also notes that with
           growing consumer interest
           in global cuisine, there is an
           increasing demand for more
           esoteric and unusual flavors.
           The proliferation of Japanese
           cuisine, for example, is driv-
           ing the incorporation of the
           Japanese flavor – yuzu – a citrus
           fruit with an intense and bold
           profile. “From alcoholic drinks
           and cocktails, to juices, energy
           drinks, sauces and desserts,
           yuzu brings the acidity of other
           citrus fruits like grapefruit and
           tangerines, combined with a
           fragrant aroma and refreshing
           flavor that’s less tart than its cit-
           rus counterparts,” he says.

           Local Appeal
               But we should not lose sight
           of flavors that are drawn from
           a more local origin, which is
           in line with the trend towards
           traceability and sustainability.
           Möller at Wild notes that fruits
           such as rhubarb, blackcur-
           rant and pear have for many
           generations been known as
           local fruits in Central Europe,
           and often consumed as fresh
           fruit. “Currently, as flavors they
           are becoming more impor-
           tant, because consumers put
           more and more emphasis on
           a regional focus and tradition-
           ally perceived flavors – also in
           processed foods. They are ex-
           pected to taste fruity and ripe

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The Rise of Exoticism, Tradition and Fusion

        increasingly being fused to-               examples of how food manu-               “Sour Energy will not only win        highlighted by Innova Market
        gether to cater to the more ad-            facturers continue to push the           over people who love tangy            Insights relates to alcohol fla-
        venturous consumer’s needs.                boundaries and experiment in             tastes: it will also draw in con-     vors that are appearing in high-
           “Bold pairings such as pear             new application areas,” notes            sumers who are looking for            ly diverse new application areas
        & blue cheese, mango & chili               Evans.                                   alternatives to classic energy        that go far beyond the obvious.
        and strawberry & black pep-                   One example of how WILD               drinks but still want an invigor-     New tracked products with tra-
        per, can help manufacturers                has taken up the fusion trend is         ating boost,” says Möller.            ditional alcohol flavors can be
        to diversify their offering and            by blending energy drinks with                                                 as diverse as Pina Colada in
        make their product stand out               other segments from the food             Flavor Diversification                soup, vodka in marmalade and
        on the supermarket shelf. Co-              and beverage market. This has               The cross category trend is        wine in salt. For example, Supp
        conut infused popcorn and ap-              resulted in energy products              not only a question of fruit fla-     Kultur Pina Colada Style Curry
        ple flavored crisps are further            with tart notes, such as apple.          vors. A fun example recently          Soup (Germany) is made with
                                                                                                                                  coconut milk, pineapple and
                                                                                                                                  rum, in a 390ml easy-to-open
           ❯ Meeting Consumer Demand for Quality Fruit Products                                                                   aluminum can. Artisan Kitchen
                                                                                                                                  Lemon and Vanilla Vodka Mar-
                 The demand for healthier, more authentic-look-                                                                   malade (UK) fuses fresh leafy
             ing foods is thriving in today’s society. The food                                                                   lemons, sugar and fresh vanilla
             and beverage industry has responded to the rising                                                                    seeds, which is all finished with
             consumer awareness in recent years, by bringing                                                                      a splash of vanilla vodka.
             to the fold a whole new range of food and health                                                                         “In the whole food and bev-
             products containing fruit and vegetables.                                                                            erages industry, the boundaries
                 With a larger range of products to choose from,                                                                  between the individual mar-
             consumers are more selective than ever about                                                                         ket segments are increasingly
             what they want from the healthy options on of-                                                                       disappearing. More and more
             fer. They have strong expectations with regards to                                                                   products with a typical flavor
             color, firmness and mouthfeel. In fruit yogurt, for                                                                  from one category are appear-
             instance, a strawberry should always look and taste                                                                  ing in a completely different
             like a strawberry and not have a mushy texture. In          quick freezing (IQF) or by adding calcium salt.          food category,” says Hoffmann
             piccalilli, one must be able to tell a raisin from a cur-   However, greater improvements can be realized            at Doehler. He notes that ex-
             rant. Fruit processors need to meet these demands           through the application of enzymes.                      amples of these cross-category
             and are constantly looking for ways to further opti-            DSM offers Rapidase enzymes for the fruit            transfers include currywurst-fla-
             mize the use of their raw materials.                        processing industry. These include pectin methyl         vored crisps, apple strudel ice
                 Most industrially processed fruit and vegetables        esterase enzymes, which create a strong network          cream and strawberry cheese-
             get damaged by mechanical and thermal treat-                from the fruit’s natural pectin. The fruit firming ef-   cake chocolate.
             ment. Freezing and pasteurization have negative             fect is achieved by reinforcing the structure of the         For Hoffmann, as an ex-
             effects on the fruit texture, leading to a fluffy ap-       plant cell and thus helping to overcome the nega-        isting “sweet” category, soft
             pearance and an excessively soft mouthfeel. Fruit           tive effects of mechanical and thermal treatment         and energy drinks are par-
             processors try to overcome these production chal-           during food production.                                  ticularly suitable for flavors
             lenges and create products that contain fruit and               These enzymes can be added to a variety of           that are reminiscent of sweets
             vegetables in a way that meets consumer expec-              fruits and vegetables, such as strawberry, car-          and cakes. In response to this
             tations of what fruit in a product should look and          rot and tomato in a fresh, frozen or thawed state.       trend, Doehler has developed
             taste like. At the same time, effort is put into reduc-     Firmness, texture, viscosity and mouthfeel are im-       “candy and cake” flavors for
             ing waste and optimizing product yields.                    proved in fruit and vegetable preparations, jams,        beverages. “As a pure flavor
                 Fruit preparations which are added to dairy             sauces, cubes or slices.                                 incorporated into a recipe or
             products or pastry filling should ideally contain               Besides the aforementioned improvements in           as a compound, they allow in-
             special characteristics such as fruit integrity, firm-      texture, the Rapidase enzymes can also improve           novative beverages that appeal
             ness and stability. This can be partially obtained          the taste of the fruit and vegetable preparation.        to a younger, innovative target
             by applying processing techniques like individual           For instance, in the case of tomatoes, processed         group who are keen to try new
                                                                         tomatoes are usually treated with calcium chloride       things – whether it is a soft drink
                                                                         for firmness and as a result have a metallic after-      in apple ring fruit gum flavor, a
                                                                         taste. The pectin methyl esterase enzymes enable         candy-floss-flavored lemonade
                                                                         a three-fold reduction in calcium salt usage, allow-     or even a beverage with a hint
                                                                         ing for a product that tastes better and which is        of cheesecake,” he concludes.
                                                                         healthier for consumers.                                     Whether through using fruit
                                                                             Enzymes enable superior taste and tex-               flavors in traditionally sweet
                                                                         ture providing healthy and authentic-looking             applications, such as confec-
                                                                         products, which ultimately helps fruit proces-           tionery or soft drinks, or taking
                                                                         sors to optimize the use of their raw materi-            them into entirely new flavor
                                                                         als and meet today’s consumer demands.t                  fusion spaces, innovators will
                                                                                                                                  be keen to identify the next
                                                                         The author Marten Paasman is Marketing Manager           winning fruit flavor to tempt
                                                                         at DSM Food Specialties.                                 the trendy consumers’ eye
                                                                                                                                  and palate.t

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The Rise of Exoticism, Tradition and Fusion The Rise of Exoticism, Tradition and Fusion
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