FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award Recipients

Page created by Patrick Stevenson
FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award Recipients
FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention
    (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award
                                Technical Assistance Webinar

Office of Policy and Program Development
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC)
FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award Recipients
•   Overview of PCHP
AGENDA   •   Overview of EDM and EDM Elements
             •   Budget Information: SF-424A
             •   Attachment 1: Budget Narrative
             •   Work Plan
             •   Attachment 2: Other Relevant Documents (if applicable)
         •   Technical Assistance Resources

FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award Recipients
PCHP Overview
FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award Recipients
Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.

                              Diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible.
     in new
     HIV          Treat the infection rapidly and effectively to achieve sustained viral
     in 5 years   suppression.
     and at
     least 90%
     reduction                Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions, including pre-exposure
     in 10                    prophylaxis (PrEP) and syringe service programs (SSPs).

                  Respond quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed
                  prevention and treatment services to people who need them.

FY 2023 Ending the HIV Epidemic - Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP) Supplemental Funding for the FY 2020 PCHP Award Recipients
Award Purpose and Summary
• Support current or new efforts to expand HIV prevention services that decrease the
  risk of HIV transmission
• Target geographic locations identified by Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.
           Funding Objectives                       Activity Focus Areas
     Increase the number of patients
       counseled and tested for HIV        PrEP Prescribing      Outreach
     Increase the number of patients
             prescribed PrEP
    Increase the percentage of patients                         Workforce
     newly diagnosed with HIV who are                          Development
  linked to care and treatment within 30
             days of diagnosis

EDM Overview and Elements
FY 2020 Award Recipient Supplemental Funding
Submission Purpose
•   Successful completion and approval of the EDM will provide funding for the PCHP FY23
    budget period (September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024).
•   HRSA will award supplemental funds in FY23 for up to $45,000 per awardee.
     Use this EDM to request or reject supplemental funds.

           Actual supplemental funding amounts may increase based on the number of
                        health centers requesting supplemental funding.

EDM Overview continued

      The EDM submission will be completed online directly in EHBs.

         Accept or reject supplemental PCHP funds and provide a supplemental
         Budget Narrative.

         10-page limit recommendation for attachments.

      Detailed instructions are available on the PCHP TA webpage.

EDM Elements

       Information:        Work Plan

                         Attachment 2:
       Attachment 1:     Other Relevant
      Budget Narrative   Documents (if

Budget Information: Budget Details Form (SF-424A)

        Section A     Section B      Section C
          Budget       Budget by        Funding
         Summary      object class      stream
                        category      breakdown

Ineligible Costs

                        Vehicle         EHRs that are not
  Facility or land      purchases       ONC certified
  purchases;            (including
  installing trailers   mobile units)
  or modular units

Ineligible Costs, continued

 Minor             Any costs that   Prohibited   Equipment
 alterations and   do not support   syringe
 renovations;      the purpose of   services
 new               PCHP funding     program
 construction                       costs

Work Plan

In your Work Plan form, you will:
   ✓ Request or reject supplemental PCHP funds, and
   ✓ Provide a proposed list of activities

                     An example Work Plan form is available on
                               the PCHP TA webpage.

Work Plan, continued

•   Use this part of the form to:
    • Document proposed activities.
    • Describe how the activities proposed will support achievement of the PCHP
•   The information presented in this form needs to align with the presented

Work Plan Content

      Focus Area             Activity       Activity Selection Rationale

                         -              -

    PrEP Prescribing

    PrEP Prescribing     -                               -
       Outreach          -                               -
       Outreach          -                               -
         Testing         -                               -
         Testing         -                               -
 Workforce Development   -                               -
 Workforce Development   -                               -

Attachment 1: Supplemental Budget Narrative

•   You must submit a separate and additional budget narrative attachment
    under Attachment 1, which documents your plan to spend $45,000 in
    supplemental funds between September 1, 2023, and August 31, 2024.
•   This budget narrative must align with activities on the Work Plan and with
    the information in the Budget Information: Budget Details (SF-424A) form.
•   Equipment is not an allowable purchase.

Attachment 2: Other Relevant Documents

•   Upload attachments only if they are relevant to your EDM.
    • Include your indirect cost rate agreement, if you have one.
    • If you propose to use PCHP funds to support participation in a syringe services
      program (SSP) in FY 2023, you are required to submit supporting documentation.


•   Narrative documents submitted as attachments must be:
    • Single-spaced
    • 12-point, easily readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri)
        ✓ A smaller font (no less than 10-pt) can be used for tables, charts, and footnotes
    • One-inch margins
•   Remember the suggested 10-page limit for attachments.

Key Dates

EDM available in EHBs: March 3, 2023

      EDM due in EHBs: April 4, 2023

             Anticipated release of FY23 PCHP funds: September 1, 2023

Technical Assistance Resources
Contact Information
Topic                             Contact

EDM Requirements and Components   PCHP Technical Assistance Webpage

EDM Components and PCHP Program   BPHC Contact Form
Implementation Questions          • Under Funding, select Non-competing Continuation (NCC)
                                    Progress Reports
                                  • Select Primary Care HIV Prevention (PCHP)
Budget and Grant Administration   Doris Layne-Sheffield: DLayne-Sheffield@hrsa.gov

EHBs Submission Issues            Health Center Program Support
                                  877-464-4772 (select option 1) or BPHC Contact Form

HIV Resources

Ready, Set, PrEP

HIV Resources for Health Centers Webpage

HRSA’s Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.

Technical Assistance Partners
                                                                          AIDS Education and Training
            Fenway                           HITEQ Center                       Centers (AETCs)
•   TA on HIV prevention and PrEP   •   Training on integrating EHR and   •   Capacity building: HIV testing,
    through Project ECHO                health IT systems
                                                                              prevention, linkage to and
•   PrEP resources:                 •   TA on EHR data integration,           retention in care
     • Detailing kit                    health IT, and data collection
     • Train-the-trainer course     •   Tele-PrEP Options for Health      •   Practice transformation
                                        Centers                               coaching to advance routine HIV
     • Readiness assessment
•   Distance Learning Series:
                                    •   National HIV Clinical Quality         testing, PrEP, and clinical
                                        Measure Map by State                  treatment guidelines
     • Pharmacy and financing       •   State-level infographics
     • PrEP at home                                                       •   TA to support expanding models
                                    •   “Hear from Your Peer” webinar         of integrated team-based care
     • HRSA PrEP supplement             series

    lgbtqiahealtheducation.org                hiteqcenter.org                         aidsetc.org

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