GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

Page created by Veronica Guerrero
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

@ 2017 Cologne
22 – 24 August
Halle 3.2
Stand C-014g-D-014g

                       4   GREETINGS
                       6   GAMES CAPITAL BERLIN-BRANDENBURG:
                           Berlin Partner for Business and Technology,
                           Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg,
                           WFBB Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation
                       8   Altagram
                       9   App Annie
                      10   AppLift
                      11   Creative Mobile
                      12   Games Academy
                      13   games:net berlinbrandenburg
                      14   Gamevil
                      15   Gaming-Aid
                      16   Humble Bundle
                      17   Magix
                      18   Mothership
                      19   Norton Rose Fullbright
                      20   Playsnak
                      21   Serious Games Solution
                      22   Simplaex
                      29   IMPRINT
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk
4                                                                                                                                                                                                     5

    Berlin is one of the strongest game-             Digitale Spielekultur, and games:net berlin-     The capital region Berlin-Brandenburg has      Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality is strongly
    development locations in Germany. Around         brandenburg are based in Berlin. Excellent       become one of the leading digital metropoles   embedded in Babelsberg as well – as a
    1,500 companies with more than 11,400            training opportunities for game design and       in Europe. This is reflected in the interna-   dynamically growing economy branch which
    employees in total generate around €1 billi-     development, 3D animation, and media ma-         tional media location Babelsberg with its      is strongly interlocked with the sectors
    on in annual sales. A number of successful       nagement are available. In addition, the ca-     nationwide unique diversity and with more      movie and television, games, storytelling,
    companies are located here: among them           pital region is a centre of computer-games       than 100 media businesses. The location        design and information technology.
    locals such as Wooga, Yager, Gameduell,          research. The International Games Week           represents creativity and technologic in-      There will be unimagined possibilities. Com-
    and new arrivals such as Bigpoint, Gamigo,       Berlin is key international event for the sec-   novations. This also includes multiple new     pletely new applications will emerge out
    Riot Games, Epic Games, Gamevil. Ubisoft         tor. The state of Berlin promotes the games      digital production and distribution techno-    of this interdisciplinary awakening in the
    Blue Byte will open a studio for Triple A ga-    industry through a variety of programs –         logies.                                        industry and in the service sector, leading
    mes this year. 6foot (USA) and Smilegate         with venture capital, subsidies, business                                                       to significant economic potential.
    (Korea) are new companies in town.               support and joint presentations. Berlin is                                                      I am convinced that our companies will use
    Important institutions, associations, and net-   home to developers, publishers and ser-                                                         those chances.  T hey can be sure of the
    works such as GAME, BIU, USK, Stiftung           vice providers of any kind.                                                                     state's support.

                                                     Ramona Pop                                                                                      Albrecht Gerber
                                                     Berlin Mayor and Senator for Economics, Energy                                                  Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy
                                                     and Public Enterprises                                                                          of the federal state of Brandenburg
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

    Games Capital Berlin-Brandenburg
    Creative, Innovative,
    International, cost-Efficient                   Funding and Financing
    Berlin-Brandenburg is known for setting new     The federal states of Berlin and Bran-
    trends and putting innovative ideas into        denburg extensively support start-ups,
    practi­ce. The region is home of highly suc-    relocating companies and expanding bu-
    cessful game developers for PC, mobile,         sinesses. For example via grants of up to
    web and consoles, as well as a hotbed for       35% for labor costs and capital investment
    start-ups in the fields of design, technology   in fixed assets; grants for tech-oriented
    and social media. With around 1,500 com-        r&d projects; via backing for infrastruc-
    panies related to the game industry, around     ture projects, competitions, public-private
    €1 billion in annual revenues, and more than    partnerships and trade fair appearances.
    11,500 employees working on related pro-        Medienboard funds the development of
    jects, the capital region is the most dynamic   games since 2006 and offers a number of
    game-development location in Germany.           networking events and conferences.                            credit: Berlin Partner/Monique Wüstenhagen, characters: Wooga, kunst-stoff, morgen studios, montage: Rik Watkinson

    Berlin-Brandenburg hosts a wide range of        The region's two business development
    industry services, including in-game adver-     companies, Berlin Partner for Business and
    tising, payment systems, sound recording,       Technology and the Brandenburg Eco-
    localization, quality assurance and concept     nomic Development Corporation (WFBB),
    artwork. Not only thanks to, the      provide information and support on all of
    region is well networked and a wide range of    the financing opportunities.
    advisory services, finan­cing and subsidies
    ensures a strong business environment.

    The two industry associations, GAME and
    BIU, have their headquarters here. The sec-
    tor's leading players gather regularly here
    for the International Games Week Berlin.        Medienboard is the first stop for creative professionals      Berlin Partner – economic development on behalf of         WFBB guarantees comprehensive support in all ques-
    No other location in Germany offers such a      active in the film, TV, games and other media industries in   the state of Berlin. Advice and assistance for investors   tions about investment plans in Brandenburg.
    compre­hensive infrastructure in the field of   Berlin-Brandenburg.                                           in establishing operations in Berlin.
    games.                                                                                                                                                                   WFBB
                                                    Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH                           Berlin Partner for Business and Technology                 Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation
                                                    August-Bebel-Str. 26 – 53 /  14482 Potsdam                    Ludwig Erhard Haus / Fasanenstraße 85 / 10623 Berlin       Babelsberger Straße 21 / 14473 Potsdam
                                                    Contact: Ina Göring · T +49 (0) 331 / 74 38 785               Contact: Birgit Reuter · T +49 (0) 30 / 46 302 - 338       Contact: Fernanda Lange Boettcher
                                           ·        ·    T +49 (0) 331 / 73 061 - 268 ·
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

    Altagram: The Multilingual Video Game
    Localization and Audio Production Agency
    Our mission: to give every game the tailored     ·   Graphics: DTP adaptation
    localization it deserves. With over 10 years'    ·   LQE: Localization quality evaluation
    experience and more than 3,000 game              ·   Game community management
    titles localized in over 40 languages, our       ·   Multimedia localization: Website,
    native specialists advise you on each step of        software, comics, subtitles, etc.
    your localization project. Whether it's an in-
    die cult hit or a major AAA production, we
    ensure your game transcends linguistic and
    cultural barriers worldwide, helping you with:

    · Game culturalization: Cultural consulta-
      tion, graphics & mechanics localization,
      Store feature, ASO, etc.
                                                                                                         App Annie's Mission Is to Help Every Business
                                                     Altagram GmbH
    · Text localization: In-game, UI, manuals,       Straße der Pariser Kommune 12 – 16 / 10243 Berlin
      marketing texts, SEO, etc.                     Contact: Marie Amigues                              Achieve Success Through Apps
    · Audio: Multilingual voice-over, pre/post-      T +49 (0) 30 / 29 352 100
      pro, SFX, casting, etc.               /                 App Annie delivers the most trusted app        every day in every country, offering the
    · QA: Linguistic and functional testing, etc.                                                        data and insights for your business to suc-    most accurate and trusted view of app per-
                                                                                                         ceed in the app economy.                       formance – from user acquisition and en-
                                                                                                                                                        gagement through to monetisation and app
                                                                                                         With over 800,000 registered members           store optimisation.
                                                                                                         globally, more than one million apps rely
                                                                                                         on App Annie to track their performance,
                                                                                                         including 94 of the top 100 publishers.

                                                                                                         In 2021, App Annie forecasts consumers to
                                                                                                         spend $139 bn across the app stores and
                                                                                                         forecasts in-app advertising to generate
                                                                                                         $ 201 bn of revenue for publishers. With       App Annie
                                                                                                         such an opportunity, it's important to build   Am Zirkus – Bertold-Brecht Platz 3 / 10117 Berlin
                                                                                                         an app strategy that will secure and expand    Contact: Claire Booty
                                                                                                         your share.                                    T +44 (0) 7930 / 760 031
                                                                                                         App Annie's Intelligence Suite provides mar-
                                                                                                         ket data and insights for millions of apps,
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

     AppLift is a leading mobile ad tech compa-
     ny that empowers mobile app advertisers
     to take control of every stage of the app
     marketing lifecycle. AppLift’s programmatic
     platform, DataLift 360, enables advertisers
     to launch their apps as well as grow and re-
     tain quality users from one interface. With
     DataLift 360, app marketers can program-
     matically access all major mobile ad inven-
     tory worldwide and control their campaigns
     through a single proprietary technology
     platform, which provides advanced data in-     AppLift
     tegration as well as extended targeting and    Rosenstraße 17 / 10178 Berlin
     audience management capabilities.              Contact: Johana Leeflang        Creative Mobile – Creative Mission
                                                    T +49 (0) 30 / 24 088 820 - 0
                                                        OUR VISION                                      lerator, we know exactly what developers
                                                           The company's vision is to create original      expect from a publisher, and what kind of
                                                                                    challenging games that combine intense          threats and opportunities are present on
                                                                                    sessions with long-term progress and rich       the mobile gaming landscape.
                                                                                    social experience. The focus on free-to-
                                                                                    play products and cross-platform game play,
                                                                                    allows players to enjoy games on any device
                                                                                    and at no cost.

                                                                                    Creative Mobile operates a Publishing de-
                                                                                    partment, helping indie developers and
                                                                                    game companies bring their games to mo-
                                                                                    bile markets. We publish 3rd-party games        Creative Mobile
                                                                                    the same way we treat our own titles, by pro-   Karl-Marx-Allee 7 / 10178 Berlin
                                                                                    viding quality collaboration throughout the     Contact: Stefan Ruhle
                                                                                    whole publishing process, clear marketing       T +49 (0) 176 / 72 367 816
                                                                                    plans and guaranteed results. Thanks to
                                                                                    being an independent studio and our in-
                                                                                    volvement in the best global gaming acce-
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

     GAMES ACADEMY – the Inventors
     of Game Education
     Games Academy is Europe's first and most      graduates finding employment in Europe's
     prominent specialist college for computer     most renowned game studios.
     and video game development. Since 2000        Our Programs are Game Design | Digital Art
     we focus on the professional education of     | Game Programming | Game Production
     qualified employees, helping them to go on
     and find positions in the industry.
     A founding member of the industry as-
     sociation G.A.M.E. e.V., the association
     of German speaking developing studios,
     GAMES ACADEMY takes an active part
     in furthering the industry's development in
     German-speaking countries. More than 150      GAMES ACADEMY ™ Berlin
     private lecturers, mostly of them professi-   Rungestraße 20 / 10179 Berlin
     onal game developers, currently teach at      Contact: Thomas Dlugaiczyk
     Games Academy, enabling the institution to    T +49 (0) 30 / 29 779 120
     guarantee practically-oriented education.
     This qualitative advantage, along with the
     extensive industry contacts, has helped
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

     Korean Mobile Gaming Powered by Berlin
     GAMEVIL Europe provides marketing, PR,            of games. Backed by unparalleled expertise
     business development, localization, custo-        in mobile, GAMEVIL continues to lead the
     mer support and community management              sector with a commitment to establishing
     services for games like Dragon Blaze, Kriti-      mobile gaming as a way of life.
     ka, Afterpulse and Dungeon Link in Europe.        GAMEVIL is currently listed on the KOS-
     With over 500 million game downloads and          DAQ Market (Ticker: 063080, Bloomberg:
     experience in publishing hundreds of games        063080:KS, Reuters: 063080.KQ).
     on multiple platforms, GAMEVIL is one of
     the most active and innovative mobile game
     companies in the world.
     Established in 2000 and with offices in Seoul,
     Los Angeles, Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore, Taipei,
      and Berlin, GAMEVIL is an experienced glo-       GAMEVIL Europe GmbH
     bal mobile game publisher working with more       Wattstraße 10 / 10115 Berlin                 Gaming-Aid e.V. – Taking on Responsibility
     than 70 top studios around the world.             Contact: David Mohr
     With deep industry and regional knowledge,        T +49 (0) 176 / 75 497 794                   We are a non-profit charity organisation
     GAMEVIL has been able to craft numerous  /    founded in 2013 to help members of the
     award winners through a diverse portfolio                                                      games industry in need.

                                                                                                    Thanks to the help of developers, publis-
                                                                                                    hers, youtubers and their communities Ga-
                                                                                                    ming-Aid got the opportunity to additionally
                                                                                                    support a variety of other projects like for
                                                                                                    example children's hospitals, youth facili-
                                                                                                    ties or homes for senior citizens.

                                                                                                    If you would like to learn more about us or
                                                                                                    to help us, don't hesitate to contact us per-
                                                                                                    sonally, via our website or in social media     Gaming-Aid e.V.
                                                                                                    networks. We are looking forward to your        Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße 15 / 12103 Berlin
                                                                                                    ideas, donations or projects.                   Contact: Svenja Bhatty
                                                                                                                                                    T +49 (0) 176 / 80 291 530
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk

     Pay-What-You-Want + Charity Digital
     Distribution of Games, eBooks, and Software
     Humble Bundle sells games, ebooks, soft-     Bundle and its community have raised
     ware, and other digital content through      more than $ 98 million for a wide range of
     pay-what-you-want bundle promotions, the     charities across the world. We have offices
     Humble Store, and the Humble Monthly         in San Francisco, California, and Berlin,
     curated subscription service.                Germany.

     When buying a bundle, customers not only
     choose how much to pay, but also how
     their payment is divided between the con-
     tent creators, charity, and Humble Bundle.
     Purchases from the Humble Store and sub-
     scriptions to Humble Monthly also help       Humble Bundle
     support charity. In 2017, Humble Bundle
                                                                                                Innovative Digital Solutions for Video, Audio,
                                                  San Francisco & Berlin
     announced the launch of a multi-platform     Contact: Steven Kovensky
     funding and creative initiative to publish   T +49 (0) 172 / 44 65 450                     Photo and Web
     games »Presented by Humble Bundle.«
                                                                        Every day, across the world, MAGIX Desk-         Brazil, Russia, Japan, and China.
     Since the company's launch in 2010, Humble                                                 top and Mobile Apps help millions of users
                                                                                                to create inspiring multimedia projects. For     MAGIX employs over 350 team members
                                                                                                more than 20 years, MAGIX has pushed             at their headquarters in Berlin and loca-
                                                                                                the boundaries of new technology in the          tions worldwide.
                                                                                                digital media world.

                                                                                                Driven by a passion for innovation, MAGIX
                                                                                                releases high-performance, intuitively de-
                                                                                                signed products to the delight of an ever-
                                                                                                growing community of loyal users, firing the
                                                                                                imagination of beginners and creative pro-
                                                                                                fessionals alike.                                MAGIX Software GmbH
                                                                                                                                                 Quedlinburger Straße 1 / 10589 Berlin
                                                                                                With the acquisition of the popular product      Contact: Jörg Stüber
                                                                                                lines VEGAS Pro, VEGAS Movie Studio,             T +49 (0) 30 / 29 392 - 0
                                                                                                SOUND FORGE, and ACID, the company     
                                                                                                has further established its presence in the
                                                                                                international market – particularly in the US,
GAMES MADE IN Berlin-Brandenburg - Mynewsdesk
                                                                                                                                    For you on site

     Marketing Agency for the Digital Culture
     WE COME IN PEACE! MOTHERSHIP is an              DriveNow with their digital marketing.
     independent full-service marketing agency       MOTHERSHIP's team consists of marke-
     for video games and digital entertainment       ting professionals and passionate gamers.
     products. We believe the user experience is     Each member is an expert in his or her
     essential in contemporary advertising and       field. Together, we enable publishers and
     brand building. That's why we create rele-      developers to reach new users, monetize
     vant and connected stories that place the       players, and raise the level of commitment.
     human at the centre.                                                                                                                                      Holger Scheer, LL.M., Partner
     For our clients, we increase business and                                                                                                        Dr. Christoph Ritzer, Partner
     establish long-lasting connections between
     customers and products.  We support our
     clients with the latest brand and adverti-
     sing strategies, media planning and media       MOTHERSHIP Marketing GmbH
     buying – for online, mobile, VR and consoles.   Oskar-Jäger-Straße 173 / 50825 Köln           Norton Rose Fullbright LLP
     We work with international market leaders       Contact: Stefan Hinz
     such as Bandai Namco Entertainment, SIX         T +49 (0) 221 / 95 437 305                    Norton Rose Fulbright is a global law firm.        ein, helps coordinate the activities of Norton
     FOOT, NCSOFT or Epic Games and sup-    /          We provide the world's preeminent corpo-           Rose Fulbright members but does not its-
     port companies like Netto, Gelbe Seiten or                                                    rations and financial institutions with a full     elf provide legal services to clients. Norton
                                                                                                   business law service. We have more than            Rose Fulbright has offices in more than 50
                                                                                                   4.000 lawyers and other legal staff based          cities worldwide, including London, Houston,
                                                                                                   in more than 50 cities across Europe, the          Toronto, Sydney and Johannesburg.
                                                                                                   United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia,                             »Law around the world«
                                                                                                   Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Cen-
                                                                                                   tral Asia.
                                                                                                   Recognized for our industry focus, we are
                                                                                                   strong across all the key industry sectors:
                                                                                                   financial institutions; energy; infrastructure,
                                                                                                   mining and commodities; transport; techno-         Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
                                                                                                   logy and innovation; and life sciences and         Taunustor 1 (TaunusTurm) / 60310 Frankfurt am Main
                                                                                                   healthcare.                                        Contact: Dr. Christoph Ritzer / Holger Scheer
                                                                                                   We aim to provide the highest possible stan-       T +49 (0) 69 / 505 096 - 0
                                                                                                   dard of legal service in each of our offices
                                                                                                   and to maintain that level of quality at every
                                                                                                   point of contact.                        
                                                                                                   Norton Rose Fulbright Verein, a Swiss Ver-

     Playsnak: Rethink Reality
     Founded in 2015, Playsnak is a global next-       pathway for the cultural exchange of ama-
     generation games company with offices in          zing games is our humble contribution to
     Berlin, Germany and Los Angeles, USA.             making the world a funner place!
     As mobile gaming matures and immersive
     VR experiences gain traction, our goal is to
     merge these mediums and create games
     that combine the accessibility of mobile
     play with the stunning possibilities of virtual
     reality. By exploring their intersections, we
     strive to create groundbreaking VR experi-
                                                                                                   Game Based Training for Emergency Relief Forces
     ences that we believe will captivate gamers
     long into the future.
     As well as developing high quality VR con-
                                                                                                   Serious Games Solutions – The Gamification
                                                       Playsnak GmbH
     tent, we act as a third-party publisher by        Bismarckstraße 10 – 12 / 10625 Berlin
     bringing popular Asian mobile games to            Contact: Paha Schulz                        Experts
     Western audiences. We believe that a great
     game will be a great game anywhere if                               Serious Games Solutions is your partner           history starting as a professional in 1984,
     adapted the right way. Creating a smooth                                                      for Gamification and game based learning.         he is one of Europe's top games experts.
                                                                                                   Since we started developing serious ga-           He will help you to find out how developing
                                                                                                   mes in 1993, we successfully realized more        a serious game will make sense for you
                                                                                                   than 220 products. Some of Germany's and          and how you to avoid the most common
                                                                                                   Europe's top companies and organizations          mistakes.
                                                                                                   are among our customers, but also smaller
                                                                                                   enterprises ask for our advice. In our team
                                                                                                   we involve digital artists, programmers, and,
                                                                                                   of course, top game designers. One of our
                                                                                                   most important plus factors is the fact that
                                                                                                   we work in a close cooperation with our sis-
                                                                                                   ter company Sixteen Tons Entertainment,           Serious Games Solutions
                                                                                                   a reputable consumer game development             August-Bebel-Straße 27 / 14482 Potsdam
                                                                                                   studio in Potsdam. Our company provides           Contact: Ralph Stock
                                                                                                   the whole bunch of experience even for            T +49 (0) 7071 / 916 720
                                                                                                   high end game development requirements. 
                                                                                                   For more information please talk directly to
                                                                                                   Ralph Stock.  With his game development

     The Ultimate Insight & Activation Platform                                                                                                                                     FINLAND

     for Games Developers
     To catch and keep users, game developers             Over 150 satisfied customers
     need to offer real-time interactions that de-        Simplaex is an absolute eye-opener for any
     liver relevant, highly satisfying encounters.        marketer when it comes to understanding,
     And that is why Simplaex has developed               engaging and re-engaging their users. Sin-
     the most effective data activation platform to       ce its launch in April 2016, Simplaex has al-                                                                                                  ESTONIA

     unravel – in real time – the digital trail of your   ready served over 150 satisfied customers                                                                                                      LATVIA
     users and to leverage the full potential of your     in the gaming industry and beyond.                                  DENMARK
     game across any device and any channel.

     A transparent marketplace to connect to
     real players
     Simplaex is bypassing the conventional eco-
     system and gives direct access to hundreds           Simplaex
     of million identifiable players. On a single         Klosterstraße 62 / 10179 Berlin
     self-service platform, game developers can           Contact: Jeff van Ede
     now directly target players that fit to the pro-     T +49 (0) 173 / 51 11 591
     file of their game and monetize players that /
     have become inactive over time.

                                                                                                          BUSINESS AND NETWORKING PLATFORM FOR INTERACTIVE MEDIA COMPANIES
                                                                                                          With a focus on games, startups and digital media, aims to connect the Berlin
                                                                                                          scene with the Baltic sea and Nordic countries, to facilitate business relations which are supposed to
                                                                                                          lead to sustainable cooperation.

                                                                                                 c/o berlinbrandenburg
                                                                                                          Rebecca Lautner, Program Manager · T +49 (0) 30 / 24 62 857 – 20 · ·

                                                                                                          An initiative of

                                                                                                          Funded by
                                                                                                          Investing in your future!
                                                                                                                        EUROPEAN UNION

                                                                                                                        European Regional
                                                                                                                        Development Fund
Two States. One Strategy.
Cluster ict, media & creative industries Berlin and Brandenburg
combining their efforts to shape the digital future.
Organized by                           Powered by                                                                           IMPRINT

games:net berlinbrandenburg            Landesinitiative
c/o media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V.   Projekt Zukunft
Ackerstraße 3a                         Martin-Luther-Straße 105
10115 Berlin                           10825 Berlin
Contact: Denise Anh-Dao Beyschlag      T +49 (0) 30 / 90 13 - 74 04
T +49 (0) 30 / 24 62 857 - 13     

In cooperation with

                                                                                                       games:net berlinbrandenburg
                                                                                                 c/o media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V.
Berlin Partner for                     Medienboard                                                      Ackerstraße 3a, 10115 Berlin
Business and Technology                Berlin-Brandenburg
                                                                                                          T +49 (0) 30 / 24 62 857 - 10
Fasanenstraße 85                       August-Bebel-Straße 26 –  53
10623 Berlin                           14482 Potsdam                                                      F +49 (0) 30 / 24 62 857 - 19
T +49 (0) 30 / 46 302 - 500            T +49 (0) 331 / 743 870                                                         

                                                                                                                      Christine Lentz
                                                                                                                        Alice Bucher
WFBB Brandenburg                                                                                                       Nicole Koppe
Economic Development
Babelsberger Straße 21
14473 Potsdam                                                                                                                  Print
T +49 (0) 331 / 73 061 - 0
                                                                                                                      ARNOLD group                                                                                           Am Wall 15, 14979 Großbeeren
                                                                                                   © media:net berlinbrandenburg e.V.
                                                                                                                           July 2017

                                                                                          The Berlin-Brandenburg booth at gamescom
                                                    Investing in your future!
Supported by                                                                                               2017 is co-financed by the
                                                                      EUROPEAN UNION
                                                                                               European Regional Development Fund.
                                                                      European Regional
                                                                      Development Fund
Investing in your future!

           European Regional
           Development Fund
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