Garanti Teknoloji aids IT productivity with simplifi ed mainframe operations

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Garanti Teknoloji aids IT productivity with simplifi ed mainframe operations

Garanti Teknoloji aids IT
productivity with simplified
mainframe operations

                            CUSTOMER PROFILE
                            Industry: Financial services
                            Company: Garanti Bank
                            Net income: YTL 1.9 billion (2008)
                            Employees: 15,285

BUSINESS                    CHALLENGE                      SOLUTION                       BENEFIT
Garanti Bank provides       Critical transactions and      By deploying CA Mainframe      Product installations can
integrated financial        business processes are         Software Manager (CA           be completed in a matter
services to eight million   underpinned by Garanti’s       MSM) Garanti has               of minutes rather than
customers. Garanti is       mainframe environment.         simplified the maintenance     hours, without specialist
Turkey’s second largest     To ensure it can manage        and installation of key z/OS   mainframe staff. As well as
bank by asset size with     this efficiently, the bank     products from CA               improving efficiency, CA
nearly 800 branches and     needs to reduce its reliance   Technologies, removing         MSM has helped Garanti
more than 3,000 ATMs.       on manual processes and        complexity from                reduce risk and improve
                            specialist skills.             mainframe operations.          quality of service.

                                                                                    we can
Garanti Bank

               Top Turkish bank
               Eight million customers rely on Garanti Bank for a range of integrated financial services, including
               pensions, leasing, asset management, brokerage and retail banking.

               As Turkey’s second largest private bank based on asset size, Garanti has nearly 800 branches, more
               than 3,000 ATMs, total assets of US$65 billion and an award-winning call centre.

               In 2008, Garanti achieved the highest ordinary banking income growth of 22 percent, increased its
               customer base by over one million and provided loans of more than US$44 billion.

               Jointly owned by Doğuş Holding and GE Capital, Garanti’s customer-centric approach, dynamic business
               culture, and commitment to technological innovation are keys to its success.

               Safeguarding customer loyalty and satisfaction
               Garanti has developed ground-breaking practices for increased efficiencies and has accomplished many
               firsts in the financial services sector. Its Internet banking platform is based on state-of-the-art
               technology that provides services to nearly 1.3 million customers.

               “Poor mainframe management could
               result in unplanned downtime,
               impacting customer loyalty.”
               Adnan Can
               Principal Mainframe Specialist, Garanti Teknoloji

               IT is equally important to the bank’s extensive branch network, which is supported by centralised
               systems, including a data warehouse, 135 terabytes of disk storage and an IBM z/OS mainframe.

               With a throughput of 25,000 MIPS, this mainframe is central to the bank’s daily operations. As Adnan
               Can, Principal Mainframe Specialist at Garanti Teknoloji, explains, “The mainframe supports key
               business and financial transactions, such as banking, insurance and credit cards, as well as legacy
               applications. Poor mainframe management could result in unplanned business downtime, which could
               impact both customer loyalty and satisfaction.”

Garanti Bank

               Garanti Teknoloji uses a number of CA z/OS mainframe products to help enhance performance and
               simplify management. These include:

               • CA NetMaster: streamlines network management and safeguards performance

               • CA Top Secret®: strengthens security, streamlines administration and enhances auditing capabilities

               • CA Detector for DB2 for z/OS: identifies and addresses applications causing poor performance

               • CA Fast Unload for DB2 for z/OS: improves data availability by reducing the time to unload data

               • CA Subsystem Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS: accelerates performance tuning and analysis

               • CA Gen: provides agile development methods for designing, modernising and implementing
                 mainframe applications.

               “Authorised members of the team
               can now update CA Technologies
               products at the click of a button.”
               Adnan Can
               Principal Mainframe Specialist, Garanti Teknoloji

               “We were reliant on manual processes to maintain and install these products,” comments Can. “With
               a lack of experienced mainframe specialists, we needed to streamline mainframe operations as much
               as possible.”

               Simplifying management of business-critical mainframe
               To help resolve its mainframe operational challenges, Garanti Teknoloji deployed CA Mainframe
               Software Manager (CA MSM) in 2009.

               Part of CA Technologies’ Mainframe 2.0 strategy, the solution simplifies the installation and
               maintenance of the company’s z/OS software suite. As Can confirms, “Authorised members of the team
               can now install and update CA Technologies products at the click of a button regardless of whether
               they have any specialist mainframe knowledge.”

Garanti Bank

               Garanti has therefore extended access to CA MSM beyond its small mainframe team to individual
               support groups to help improve efficiency.

               Ozgur Coskuner, Manager of Network Management at Garanti, comments, “Prior to deploying CA MSM,
               our team was unable to make changes to mainframe software solutions, which impacted the network
               maintenance and installation schedule. With the CA Technologies solution, we can not only install our
               own fixes but also rollback and restore if we encounter any issues.”

               Thanks to CA MSM’s user-friendly Web-based dashboard, individual IT teams can also see what fixes
               have been deployed by their colleagues to prevent duplication of effort.

               “We used to find it difficult to track what software upgrades and patches had been applied, which
               made problem and incident management more complicated and time-consuming,” comments
               Coskuner. “With CA MSM we can quickly see the patch status and download any new fixes that have
               become available.”

               More efficient processes safeguard quality of service for customers
               Garanti can now manage its mainframe environment more efficiently with software being installed in a
               matter of minutes rather than hours.

               “With CA MSM, the process took just
               five minutes. In the past it could
               have taken up to four hours.”
               Adnan Can
               Principal Mainframe Specialist, Garanti Teknoloji

               “When we used CA MSM to install CA NetMaster, the process was completed in just five minutes,”
               comments Can. ”In the past this type of software installation could have taken up to four hours. This
               represents a productivity saving of up to 400 percent.”

Garanti Bank

               As well as improving efficiency and freeing up resources, CA MSM has helped Garanti:

               • Reduce business risk

               • Decrease its reliance on expensive and scarce mainframe skills

               • Improve quality of service to its customers.

               “By simplifying elements of our mainframe operations, we can safeguard the performance of the
               environment and make better use of our IT resources to meet the needs of the business, which is key
               to providing a high level of service to the bank’s customers,” comments Can.

               Copyright ©2010 CA Technologies. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein
               belong to their respective companies.

               This document is for your informational purposes only. CA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the
               information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this document “as is” without warranty of any kind, including,
               without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In no event
               will CA be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, from the use of this document, including, without limitation, lost profits,
               business interruption, goodwill or lost data, even if CA is expressly advised in advance of the possibility of such damages.
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