Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd

Page created by Tina Espinoza
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Consumer Insight

Gen Z: Climate Engagement
    Gen Z is leading the charge when it comes to action on climate change, from protest
 movements to consumption changes. Here are the key areas that brands need to navigate in
                             order to engage young consumers

                                                    NBC News
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Analysis                                                            "We need to change our way of living.
                                                                                                        We need new eco-friendly technology
                                                                                                           in everyday lives! We need to stop
                                                                                                            listening to people who only care
In November 2019, Oxford Dictionary named             A WGSN climate study with Gen Z found 94%
"climate emergency" as its 2019 word of the           of respondents believe we are currently           about money and stop giving power to
year – alluding to the fact that the climate crisis   experiencing a climate crisis. Young people       people who say the climate crisis isn't
is not just another issue but in fact the most        now expect and demand companies and their                            real."
pertinent issue of our time.                          governments to support and deliver on climate      - Darius, 19, WGSN survey respondent
                                                      action – and they won’t be sidelined by cynical
The past five years have been the hottest five
                                                      and half-hearted attempts at sustainability.
years ever recorded, with July 2019 the hottest
month in recorded history. In November 2019,          Concurrently, dystopian fears of the future are
more than 11,000 scientists from across the           now influencing culture around Gen Z, from
globe officially declared a Climate Emergency.        fashion choices and political stances to arts
                                                      and entertainment participation.
According to a United Nations report, we have
just 12 years to turn our polluting around before     This report examines the shifts and new
we reach a tipping point where subsequent             priorities among Gen Z in response to today's
famine, drought, flooding, and extreme weather        climate emergency. This is a Western-centric
could cause mass fatalities and make the              study highlighting US and European case
planet uninhabitable.                                 studies.
Having lived in an era of overall progress when
it comes to social issues such as marriage
equality and body positivity, Gen Z is now
forging new territory and having more robust
conversations about the climate emergency.

Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
WGSN Social Poll Findings

                                                                                                                                Yes         No

                                                                                       Do you believe we are currently         94%         6%
                                                                                       experiencing a climate crisis?

                                                                                                                                Yes         No

                                                                                       Are you willing to change your habits
                                                                                       and lifestyle to combat global
                                                                                                                               95%          5%

                                                                                                                               Brands   Governments

                                                                                       Who is currently more effective in      75%         25%
                                                                                       fighting climate change?

                                              Decolonise Sociology
                                                                                                                                Yes         No

Methodology: In November 2019, WGSN conducted a quantitative poll of 1,756
people via Instagram polls, asking for respondents aged 18-25. We also undertook
                                                                                       Are you willing to spend more on
                                                                                       sustainable products?
                                                                                                                               84%         16%
a qualitative study, interviewing 85 Gen Z individuals about their relationship with
the climate.
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd


 Eco-psychology       The Political Climate    Climate Communities

Consumption Shifts    Climate Curriculum      Eco-arts and Experiences     Glossary
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Eco-psychology                                                                    “The best way to fight feelings of
                                                                                                        helplessness is to increase feelings
                                                                                                       of empowerment by getting informed
Gen Z is becoming increasingly prone to eco-       Social coping: Climate anxiety groups are the                and getting involved.”
anxiety as the effects of climate change become    new self care for those afflicted by eco-anxiety.        - Susan Clayton, professor of
more tangible. According to psychologist Molly     Good Grief Network, founded by Aimee Reua           psychology and environmental studies,
S. Castelloe, Ph.D, eco-anxiety is an emerging     and Laura Schmidt, is a support group with a                   College of Wooster
psychological disorder afflicting an increasing    ten-step programme designed specifically to
number of individuals who worry about the          combat grief associated with climate change.
environmental crisis. Eco-anxiety is not           The Green Dreamer Network is a digital
considered a mental health concern but rather a    iteration with a similar purpose. Climate
typical reaction to the growing awareness of the   anxiety groups which cater to anti-anxiety aim
climate emergency.                                 to strengthen social connections among
                                                   attendees and provide a judgement-free
Psychological factors such as distance, the
                                                   platform to vent while encouraging people to
political divide, uncertainty, helplessness, and
                                                   turn their worries into positive actions.
denial influence the way Gen Z comprehend
information and form their beliefs on climate      Brand therapy: Brands and organisations
change.                                            should not look to eradicate anxiety but rather
                                                   empower consumers to take action that will
A WGSN survey found that 90% of respondents
                                                   alleviate their anxiety. In September 2019
say the thought of a climate crisis makes them
                                                   Outdoor Voices not only closed its doors in
feel uneasy or uncertain about their future.
                                                   solidarity with the climate strike but also held
Although feelings of panic and helplessness are
                                                   sign-making workshops for anyone who
byproducts of climate anxiety, this new angst
                                                   wanted to participate.
and unease is also raising consumer awareness
and influence to new heights, while creating new

                                                                                                                                 Well Doing
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
The Political Climate
Widespread youth activism is empowering more          Madison, 18, who participated in our survey as
young people to turn their protests into political    well as the climate strike in New York, says:
action, from pressuring lawmakers and                 "eco-brands are cool but if governments made
businesses to energising suffrage among voters        it mandatory, there would be a lot more cool
and exploring legislation such as the Green New       brands." Madison is now one of 24 million           New York Times

Deal.                                                 members of Gen Z who will be able to vote for
                                                      the first time in the 2020 US presidential
In June 2019, 23-year-old university student
Kelsey Juliana went to trial, suing the US
government over climate change. The case,             Brand support: Over 1,000 websites and
Juliana v. United States, which has not yet been      companies joined the Digital Climate Strike
decided, will have critical implications for future   including Tumblr, Kickstarter and Imgur. These
attempts to use the courts to pursue climate          brands spread the word on social media,
action across the US.                                 donated ad space and even placed banners on
                                                      their websites to show support for the strikes.
In February 2019, an estimated 15,000 students
across the UK walked out of school to urge the        Activist burnout is real: to continue to make
government to take action over climate change.        change, climate protestors need to feel           Global Climate Strike
For a week in September 2019, over 4,500              supported. Consider ways to encourage
strikes were held across 150 countries in the         wellness and self-care among young activists.
largest-ever protest over the climate crisis –        In September 2019, RÆBURN's London store
known as the Global Week for Future.                  offered free water, healthy refreshments and
                                                      power supply to activists taking part in one of
The student-led climate strikes, organised by
                                                      Extinction Rebellion's protests.
Fridays for Future and fuelled by climate activist
Greta Thunberg's trip to the US, brought millions
to their feet demanding leaders do more to act
on climate change.

                                                                                                            Ivan Ruberto
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Consumer demand for change among Gen Z is
pushing companies to adapt their business
models to fight the climate crisis. As outlined in
Ethical Futures: Authentic Activists,
green-washing will no longer work for this cohort
– they can see through it. Gen Z consumers now
want to see evidence of a company’s ongoing
commitment and authentic support.
Gen Z shoppers make up some of the most
conscious buyers, with 68% having made an eco-
friendly purchase in the past year. Young
consumers are now looking to brands to be a
proxy for their individual actions and to address                                 American Eagle

the climate crisis. The WGSN Instagram poll
found that 95% of respondents are willing to
change their habits and lifestyle to combat global
In this section, we explore the four key
consumption shifts driven by Gen Z consumers:
1. The plastic purge
2. Evolved diets
3. Tactile preferences
4. Rise in rental
                                                     Boston Children's Hospital

Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Consumption Shifts
The plastic purge: Gen Z are moving further        Evolved diets: According to the EPA, 24% of
away from single use and non-biodegradable         global greenhouse gases in 2010 came from
plastics. A 2019 study by A.T. Kearney found       agriculture, forestry and other land use, with
that 65% of Gen Z preferred simple packaging       most coming from agriculture and
while 58% wanted it to be eco-friendly. Plastic    deforestation. A meatless future is increasingly
straws are being phased out by major eateries      attractive to Gen Z as they evolve eating habits
such as Starbucks and Ben & Jerry's, while         to support the climate. WGSN's qualitative             adidas
plastic bags are now banned in Hawaii and          study found that 87% of Gen Z are willing to
California. Nestlé has also committed to           eat less meat if that means saving the planet.
phasing out single-use plastics by 2025.           This cohort want more organic and natural
                                                   foods, as well as food without additives,
In April 2019, adidas debuted its
                                                   according to a 2018 report by Packaged Facts.
Futurecraft.Loop model – a 100% recyclable
performance running shoe that can be returned      In September 2019 Gen Z influencer and
to adidas, broken down and reused to create        climate activist Jaden Smith launched
new performance running shoes.                     #MeatlessFridays, asking his 8m followers to
                                                   reduce their meat intake once a week – and
Burger King is keenly aware that its kids' meals
                                                   gradually move toward a vegetarian or
have featured non-biodegradable toys. As a
                                                   flexitarian diet.
result, in September 2019, the QSR chain
introduced a new sustainability initiative         Alyssa, 20, told WGSN: "I've been vegan since
dubbed ‘The Meltdown’. With the campaign,          my freshman year of college for health
Burger King began removing all plastic toys        reasons but I'm glad some of my friends are
from its Junior Meals and asked kids and           catching on to how it affects our planet." As
families to return Burger King toys to be melted   Gen Z age, their preferences will become more
and recycled.                                      pronounced. Brands should prepare for a
                                                   plant-based future.                                Unsplash
Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Consumption Shifts
Rise in rental: Renting has become a major         A tactile preference: A 2019 report by Ubimo
movement as younger consumers who crave            found that nearly two-thirds of Gen Z shoppers
newness look for more conscious and                say they want to touch, feel and experience
sustainable ways to shop. Gen Z are the most-      products before making purchases, and as
photographed generation in history, and face       many as 80% say they actually look forward to
pressure – especially among sub-group Gen Me       shopping in physical stores. While online
– to constantly wear new items for social          shopping remains the most convenient     
media.                                             channel, IRL shopping reduces emissions from
                                                   shipping and also allows consumers to shop
In February 2019, American Eagle launched a
                                                   locally and seasonally for products with a
rental subscription service for clothing. After
                                                   lower carbon footprint.
renting an item, customers can purchase it at a
discounted price of 25% off. Other services such   In September 2019 direct-to-consumer
as Rotaro, LSwop and The Mercer Club aim to        cosmetics brand Gisou opened a pop-up in
bring the rental model to more fashion-forward     New York City aiming to offer a more phygital
customers.                                         experience. The retail space offered customers
                                                   their first IRL touch point with the brand.
Clothing rental businesses provide greater value
                                                   Catering to Gen Z's sustainable mindset, Gisou
to brands as the data collected can help
                                                   offered a refill station, replenishing original
enhance customer profiles. A 2019 report by the
                                                   empty product bottles at a discounted price.
Subscription Trade Association found that
                                                   Brands must continue to bridge the physical
companies that offer clothing membership see
                                                   and digital world to appeal to this young
50% new/lapsed customers and a 100%
increase in total brand spend.

Gen Z: Climate Engagement - naumd
Climate Curriculum
Gen Z’s heightened unique approach to learning     Sustainability Award and agency Happy F&B
has inspired leaders and brands across the         saw the creation of a new educational toy set.
globe. In fact, a WGSN survey found 85% of Gen     Dubbed Play Food from the Future, the toys
Z respondents say they are willing to learn more   aim to introduce new sustainable foods and
about what they can do to combat global            help younger generations learn about the
warming.                                           future of food.
In 2020 Italy will become the first country to     E-commerce education: In August 2019
mandate climate change lessons in school.          Nordstrom became the first US-based multi-
From September 2020, students in Italian           line fashion retailer to create a microsite
schools will take classes on climate change for    dedicated to sustainable fashion. The site
a total of 33 hours per year – an average of       features over 2,000 products from 90 brands,
about one hour per week. “The entire ministry is   with information on a brand's sustainable
being changed to make sustainability and           sourcing, ethical manufacturing or charitable
climate the centre of the educational model,”      donations.
says education minister, Lorenzo Fioramonti.       Websites such as and the
Product design: Brands are now trialling new       Ethical Fashion Guide offer consumers
products and design elements to communicate        directories with detailed information about
climate information. In February 2019 Lacoste      brands' social responsibility and
replaced its crocodile logo with ten endangered    environmental policies. Online communities
species to raise awareness of the dangers of the   such as @future__dust use Instagram to
climate crisis. In a similar approach, a           highlight some of the best fashion made using
collaboration with WIN WIN Gothenburg              sustainable methods, with captions that
                                                   highlight a garment’s materials and
Eco-arts and Experiences
Gen Z creatives are looking to unpack                 Eco-experiences: Gen Z crave immersive and
humanity’s role in the rapidly changing               authentic brand experiences, and savvy
ecological landscape through various artistic         entrepreneurs are launching new climate-
mediums while brands and organisations alike          centric pop-ups that not only give the cohort a
increasingly tap into the Gen Z's creativity to       chance to create content but also learn about
empower the next generation of change makers.         the state of the climate. In August 2019
                                                      Arcadia Earth opened an 18-room AR-powered                Corona
Exhibitions and competitions: In June 2019 the
                                                      exhibition and retail space to shine a spotlight
David Brower Center in California hosted an
                                                      on the environmental threats facing our
exhibition titled Art/Act: Youth, featuring work
by more than 75 teenagers. The event
showcased mediums from painting to                    Brand immersion: To celebrate World Oceans
photography that shed light on climate issues         Day in June 2019, Corona produced a
and inspired visitors to take action.                 sculpture of a crashing wave made from
                                                      plastic collected in London. Dubbed The Wave
In October 2019 creative agency Art Partner
                                                      of Waste, the campaign invited the public to
launched a competition for young creatives
                                                      contribute to the installation by adding their
addressing the climate crisis. The contest will
                                                      used plastic. More than half (51%) of Gen Z
award one winner $10,000 and five runner-ups
                                                      believe their generation is more creative than
$2,000 each to fund future projects that
                                                      previous generations. Explore ways in which
respond to climate change. The initiative not
                                                      brands can pair Gen Z's creativity with their
only gives young artists capital and visibility but
                                                      concern for the climate, whether through
encourages artivism and expression that
                                                      interactive art installations or branded
spotlights the climate emergency.
                                                      experiences that offer solutions and encourage
                                                      creativity over consumption.

                                                                                                         Art/Act: Youth
The blending of entertainment and education is      Green touring: Reverb, a live music non-profit,
being used as a mechanism for communicating         is recontextualising the concert experience for
science in a more accessible manner.                young consumers. In 2018 the organisation
Entertainers have long struggled to make            partnered with singer Harry Styles to reduce
environmental activism cool, but a new wave of      the environmental footprint of his live tour. The
young performers are setting precedents on          tour diverted 6,700 gallons of waste from
how to create links between climate issues and      landfills and eliminated over 13,000 single-use
their work.                                         plastic water bottles.
In April 2019, rapper and comedian Lil Dicky        In November 2019 Gen Z pop icon Billie Eilish
premiered a video and single dubbed 'Earth'.        announced a partnership with Reverb and
The star-studded animated video featured            Global Citizen to offer fans free tickets for
voiceovers from entertainers including Justin       fighting climate change. Every stop on her
Bieber, Ariana Grande and Leonardo DiCaprio. "I     2020 Where Do We Go? tour will feature a
feel like everybody on the planet should be         "Billie Eilish eco-village" station which will
talking about this 24/7. But that’s not the case.   allow concert-goers to learn more about what
So I wanted to make the most entertaining and       they can do to help fight the climate crisis. The
epic piece of content possible, to get everyone     tour also includes a ban on plastic straws and
aware and talking," said Lil Dicky.                 increased recycling options at venues.
Since its debut, the video has accumulated over     Consider partnering with green entertainment
208m views on YouTube. A portion of the             companies like Reverb to facilitate more eco-
proceeds from the song and video will be given      friendly events. This alignment and visibility
to various non-profits chosen by The Leonardo       can help boost Gen Z affinity and even
DiCaprio Foundation. DiCaprio, a long-time          increase trust.
climate activist, also helped produce the video.
Climate Communities
                                                              @future__dust - 10.9k followers
                                                              More of a resource than a community, Future Dust
                                                              aims to drive demand among fashion and
                                                              streetwear enthusiasts for ethical garments. The
                                                              sustainability-focused account highlights truly
         @consciousco - 29k followers                         sustainable brands and products while
                                                              inspiring others to consume more mindfully.
         Founded by Olivia Wilde and Barbara Burchfield,
         Conscious Commerce is an online guide for
         conscious living promoting causes, brands and
         individuals that are combatting the climate crisis   @thisiszerohour - 50.2k followers
         and forging a new way of living.                     Zero Hour fights for indigenous rights, including
                                                              the biodiversity that those communities protect.
                                                              Its name was derived from the fact that many don't
         @extinctionrebellion - 573k followers                recognise the urgency of climate change. The
                                                              community comprises a diverse set of young
         Commonly referred to as XR, Extinction Rebellion
                                                              activists from across the US.
         is a global socio-political movement with the
         stated aim of using nonviolent demonstrations to
         combat the climate emergency. The collective has
         left its stamp on 2019, especially at LFW.           @sunrisemvmt - 49.7k followers
                                                              The Sunrise Movement is a US collective of young - 3.7k followers                     activists fighting to combat global warming.
                                                              Headquartered in Washington DC, the grassroots
         Founded by 19-year-old activist and musician         movement is one of the most talked about
         Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Generation Now is a group of   environmental groups and regularly holds protests
         activists, entrepreneurs, artists and engineers      in the city.
         focused on using pop culture to explore solutions
         to the climate crisis.

                                                              @earthguardians - 46.1k followers
         @fridaysforfuture - 417k followers                   Earth Guardians trains diverse youth to be effective
                                                              leaders in the environmental, climate and social
         #FridaysForFuture began in August 2018, after
                                                              justice movements across the globe - using art,
         then-aged 15 Greta Thunberg protested climate
                                                              music, storytelling, on-the-ground projects, civic
         change every school day for three weeks.
                                                              engagement and legal action to advance solutions
         Thunberg later decided to continue striking every
                                                              to the critical issues.
         Friday, galvanising a global movement of young
         climate activists.
Climate Crisis Glossary

Climate anxiety: also known as eco-anxiety, this
term refers to the chronic fear or anxiousness of
environmental doom.
Flexitarian: also known as flexible vegetarian, this
describes an individual whose normally meatless
diet occasionally includes meat or fish.
Global warming vs. climate change: global
warming is an increase in the Earth’s average
surface temperature from human-made gas
emissions. Climate change refers to long-term
changes to the Earth’s climate, or a region on
Earth, and includes more than just the average
surface temperature.
Psychoterratic: is the trauma caused by distance
from nature – common among individuals living
in cities and other metropolitan areas.
Solastalgia: denotes existential distress caused
specifically by environmental change.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Set in
2015, the SDGs are a collection of 17 global goals
designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and
more sustainable future for all".

Action Points
• Some communities and populations are more          • Gen Z are hands on and highly creative.
vulnerable to the health-related impacts of          Implement new initiatives using artistic
climate change – both physically and mentally.       mediums and creative tactics to show the
Support these communities and victims of             positive impact your brand’s work has on the
climate chaos. For consumer-facing brands in         world and paint the picture of a future that Gen
areas riddled with extreme weather, implement        Z wants to work towards.
pre-disaster plans and share them both               • Commit to long-term thinking that has
internally and externally with consumers and         positive environmental benefits. Think smaller
their surrounding community.                         and more specifically about the adjustments
• Gen Z value brands that are authentic, match       your organisation can make to reduce its
their beliefs and educate them. Additionally, this   footprint. One way is to explore ways in which
cohort is often paralysed by how overwhelming        your brand can align itself with the
climate change is. Now is the time for               Sustainable Development Goals. It's not just
companies to create constructive dialogue and        about completely divesting from fossil fuels.
implement action plans that consumers can            Small gestures, such as taking fewer airplane
participate in. This will not only help to educate   rides or buying local supplies, can actually
young consumers on the state of the climate,         make a difference.
but will allow them to take positive action which
can in turn mitigate their eco-anxiety.

                                                                                                        Huck Magazine
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