Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France

Page created by Fernando Norman
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l’Homme

              Molly Przeworski
                 Cours #1
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France   
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
                               diversité génétique                                                  in figure
              ut                                                                                    tend to b
       on                                                                                           Two hapl
   tati                                                                                             site, accou
                                                                                                    pattern d
                                                                                                    is largely
Mutation délétère                                                                                   lotype cla
                                                                                                    spans ∼1
                                                                                                    al. 1994)
 Mu                                                                                                 coalescen
   tat                                                                                              contained
            bé                                                                                      served in
                fiq                                                                                 CYP3A4
                                                                                                    ples, and
                                                                                                    ples that
                                                                                                    65% of t
                                                                                                    or no pol
                                                                                                    portion i
                                                                                                    is indeed
                                                                                                       To asse
                                                                                                    the skew
                                                                                                    our resul
                                                                                                    of the Un
                                                                                                    cer Resea
                                                                                                    focuses o
                                                                                                    tests of n
                                                                                                    tests, assu
                                                                                                    man popu
                        Figure 1        Inferred haplotypes at CYP3A4 and CYP3A5. Neither
                        singleton sites nor multiallelic indels were included. The chimpanzee       pirical dis
                        sequence was used to infer the ancestral allele at each site. The numbers   circumve
                        on the right indicate the number of haplotypes in each population.          tated by
                        The asterisk (*) indicates the position of CYP3A5*1/*3. Numbers             can samp
                        below the gene names indicate the position of each polymorphic site
                                                                                                    in the Sea
                        relative to the reference sequence for each gene (GenBank accession
                        numbers AC069294 and AC005020 for CYP3A4 and CYP3A5,                        the Seattl
                        respectively).                                                              evolution
                                                                                                    amount o
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France

                                                                                                    in figure
          neu                                                                                       tend to b
       on                                                                                           Two hapl
   tati                                                                                             site, accou
                                                                                                    pattern d
                                                                                                    is largely
Mutation délétère                                                                                   lotype cla
                                                                                                    spans ∼1
                                                                                                    al. 1994)
 Mu                                                                                                 coalescen
   tat                                                                                              contained
            bé                                                                                      served in
                fiq                                                                                 CYP3A4
                                                                                                    ples, and
                                                                                                    ples that
                                                                                                    65% of t
                                                                                                    or no pol
                                                                                                    portion i
                                                                                                    is indeed
                                                                                                       To asse
                                                                                                    the skew
                                                                                                    our resul
                                                                                                    of the Un
                                                                                                    cer Resea
                                                                                                    focuses o
                                                                                                    tests of n
                                                                                                    tests, assu
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                        Figure 1        Inferred haplotypes at CYP3A4 and CYP3A5. Neither
                        singleton sites nor multiallelic indels were included. The chimpanzee       pirical dis
                        sequence was used to infer the ancestral allele at each site. The numbers   circumve
                        on the right indicate the number of haplotypes in each population.          tated by
                        The asterisk (*) indicates the position of CYP3A5*1/*3. Numbers             can samp
                        below the gene names indicate the position of each polymorphic site
                                                                                                    in the Sea
                        relative to the reference sequence for each gene (GenBank accession
                        numbers AC069294 and AC005020 for CYP3A4 and CYP3A5,                        the Seattl
                        respectively).                                                              evolution
                                                                                                    amount o
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
9 novembre 2018
Cours: « Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme »
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16 novembre 2018
Cours: « Evolution des mutations germinales chez les primates et datation de la spéciation humaine »
Séminaire de Michel Brunet (Collège de France, émérite) ; « « Paléontologie et phylogénie moléculaire... Réflexions autour de Toumai et la dichotomie
Chimpanzés - Famille humaine »

23 novembre 2018
Cours: « Mutation, sélection naturelle et fréquences des allèles pathologiques chez l'Homme »
Séminaire en anglais de Guy Sella (Columbia/Pasteur): «A population genetic interpretation of complex trait architecture in humans»

20 mars 2019
Cours: « Causes de la variation du taux de recombinaison chez les vertébrés »
Séminaire de Bernard de Massy (Montpellier): « Le contrôle de la distribution de la recombinaison par Prdm9, une intrigante stratégie moléculaire»

27 mars 2019
Cours: « Conséquences de la variation du taux de recombinaison chez les vertébrés »
Séminaire de Laurent Duret (Lyon) : « Conversion génique biaisée: la face cachée de la recombinaison »

3 avril 2019
Cours: « À la recherche de la base moléculaire des adaptations »
Séminaire en anglais de David Reich (Harvard): “Learning about human adaptation from ancient DNA”

10 avril 2019
Cours: « Empreintes de l'adaptation dans le génome humain »
Séminaire de Laure Ségurel (Musée de l’Homme): « Adaptation à la consommation de lait chez l'Homme: un cas d'école pourtant encore bien mystérieux »
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
Malaspina et al. 2001 Arch Gen Psychiatry   Samocha et al. 2014 Nat Gen   Scally et al. 2012 Nature

Comprendre l’effet de l’âge des             Cartographier les             Dater les événements
parents sur le risque de                    mutations qui conduisent      dans l’évolution
certaines maladies héréditaires             à des maladies graves         humaine
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
                                                                           ATATCGA             ATTTGGA


                                                                                      Roach et al. 2010 Science
Genèse des mutations germinales chez l'Homme Molly Przeworski Cours #1 - Collège de France
5’ methylated cytosine
                                  deamination             Efficiently
               Cytosine                         Uracil    removed
    C>T             methylation

                                  deamination              Not efficiently
          5-Methylcytosine                      Thymine    removed
          (most in CpG context)                            (highly mutagenic)

From Gao et al. 2016 PLoS Biology
Spermatogenesis ongoing after onset of puberty

Oocytogenesis completed by birth
Fertilization                                      2n

                                                        ~16-18 divisions
                                                                                         Number of cell divisions
                              germ cell            2n
Sex determination                                                                                        >400 at age 30
                        ~20 divisions                      ~15 divisions

                                      2n                     2n
Birth                                                                                               23 per year

Onset of pubertySpermatogenic                                  No more DNA
                stem cell             2n                       replication
                23 divisions/year
                throughout life

                              n   n        n   n                             birth                puberty            age
Production of                                                 n
                                  Male                    Female

                            Based on Drost and Lee, (1995)
                                                                                            Slide courtesy of Ziyue Gao (Stanford)
Mutations not due to replication errors?
                                                              Interpreting the Time-Dependence of Mutation Rates

Ziyue Gao                                  Gao et al. 2016 PLoS Biology
Dependencies on age & sex

                         Inefficient repair                                        Efficient repair or replication-driven

# mutations

                                                                     # mutations
                                                      mother                                                          mother

              SD Birth        Puberty          Reproduction                        SD Birth    Puberty         Reproduction

                               Age of parent                                                   Age of parent
                                                   Gao et al. 2016 PLoS Biology
Gudjonsson , Lucas D. Ward ,
 bjorg Jonasdottir1, Aslaug Jonasdottir1,
  teinsdottir1,2, Gisli Masson1,

   & Kari Stefansson1,2

d show strand concordance18. Despite many
dge on how sex differences in germ cell devel-
nce affect their mutability isinfluence
                                     limited. To assess        on human germline de novo
 nd class of DNMs    transmitted by      inmothers
                                                1,548andtrios from Iceland 2017
whole-genome     sequencing (WGS) data from
              Hákon Jónsson1, Patrick Sulem1, Birte Kehr1, Snaedis Kristmundsdottir1, Florian Zink1, Eirikur Hjartarson1,
                                                             19 1
an average of 35×   coverage
              Marteinn           (Data
                       T. Hardarson 1
                                      , Kristjan               )., Hannes P. Eggertsson1, Sigurjon Axel Gudjonsson1, Lucas D. Ward1,
                                                 E. Hjorleifsson
              Gudny A. Arnadottir1, Einar A. Helgason1, Hannes Helgason1, Arnaldur Gylfason1, Adalbjorg Jonasdottir1, Aslaug Jonasdottir1,
48 trios, usedThorunn
               to identify
                               Mike Frigge1high-quality
                                              , Simon N. Stacey1, Olafur Th. Magnusson1, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir1,2, Gisli Masson1,
 nucleotide polymorphisms            (SNPs);
              Augustine Kong1,3, Bjarni            Methods
                                         V. Halldorsson 1,4
                                                           , Agnar Helgason1,5, Daniel F. Gudbjartsson1,3 & Kari Stefansson1,2                                                                                                                ATTTCGA             ATTTCGA
 an average of 70.3 DNMs per proband.                                                                                                                                                                                                         ATATCGA             ATTTGGA
                  The characterization of mutational processes that generate sequence            maternal origin17, and show strand concordance18. Despite many
                  diversity in the human genome is of paramount importance both to               advances, our knowledge on how sex differences in germ cell devel-
                  medical genetics1,2 and to evolutionary studies3. To understand how            opment and maintenance affect their mutability is limited. To assess
               d the   age and sex of transmitting parents affect de novo mutations,             differences in the rate and class of DNMs transmitted by mothers and
                  here we sequence 1,548 Icelanders, their parents, and, for a subset            fathers, we analysed whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data from
                   40225, at least one child, to 35× genome-wide coverage. We find
                  of                                                                             14,688 Icelanders with an average of 35× coverage (Data Descriptor19).
                  108,778 de novo mutations, both single nucleotide polymorphisms                This set contained 1,548 trios, used to identify 108,778 high-quality
                  and indels, and determine the parent of origin of 42,961. The                  DNMs (101,377 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs); Methods
                   30        of de novo mutations from mothers increases by 0.37 per             and Fig. 1), resulting in an average of 70.3 DNMs per proband.
                  year of age (95% CI 0.32–0.43), a quarter of the 1.51 per year from
   8 9 10 17

                  fathers (95% CI 1.45–1.57). The number of clustered mutations
 pring            increases faster with the mother’s age than with the father’s, and the         a        800                                                                              d
                  genomic span of maternal de novo mutation clusters is greater than                      600                                                                                       40

                  that of paternal ones. The types of de novo mutation from mothers
                  change substantially with age, with a 0.26% (95% CI 0.19–0.33%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    30                                                  ATTTGGA
                   10        in cytosine–phosphate–guanine to thymine–phosphate–                                1   2   3   4   5                                6       7   8   9 10 17

                                                                                                                        Number of offspring
                  guanine (CpG>TpG) de novo mutations and a 0.33% (95% CI 0.28–                  b                                                                                                  20

                  0.38%) increase in C>G de novo mutations per year, respectively.                        100

                  Remarkably,    these age-related changes are not distributed uniformly

                    0                                                                                      50                                                                                       10
                  across the genome. A striking example is a 20 megabase region on
                  chromosome  40 8p, with80     a maternal120           160 rate that is up
                                                             C>G mutation                                       1   2   3   4   5                                                                   0
                      50-fold greater
                                of de novothan mutations
                                                  the rest of per
                                                              the genome.
                                                                  probandThe age-related
                                                                                                            Number of offspring
                                                                                                                                                                                                              40        80     120      160
                                                                                                 c                                       e
                  accumulation of maternal non-crossover gene conversions also                                                                                                                      Number of de novo mutations per proband
       Phase      mostly occurs within these regions. Increased sequence diversity and                                                                                           Phase
                                                                                                                                    Number of phased DNMs per proband

         Paternal linkage disequilibrium of C>G variants within regions affected by                                                                                                Paternal
         Maternal excess maternal mutations indicate that the underlying mutational                                                                                     90

                  process has persisted in humans for thousands of years. Moreover,
                  the regional excess of C>G variation in humans is largely shared by                                                                                   60
                  chimpanzees, less by gorillas, and is almost absent from orangutans.
                  This demonstrates that sequence diversity in humans results from
                  evolving interactions between age, sex, mutation type, and genomic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Roach et al. 2010 Science

                     In a previous study, we found that the number of de novo muta-                                                                                      0
                  tions (DNMs) transmitted by fathers increases with age, at a rate of                                                                                             20                    30            40          50

                  ∼2 per year, with no significant effect of the mother’s age4. Recently,                                                                                                       Age of parent at conception (yr)

                  studies have shown a maternal age effect5–7 of 0.24 DNM per year               Figure 1 | Family relationships and phasing of DNMs in three-
                  (ref. 6). The greater impact of the father’s age is consistent with repeated   generation families. a, b, Number of offspring per parent pair and three-
                  mitosis of spermatogonia (∼23 per year (ref. 8)), whereas ova do not           generation family proband. c, Schematic view of the three-generation
                  divide30postnatally. Moreover,      mothers 50
                                                               transmit relatively more C>T,     phasing approach. The DNM (star), along with the paternal chromosome
         20                                  40                                                  (blue segment), is transmitted from the proband to an offspring. We
                  and fewer T>G and C>A, DNMs than fathers6. Nucleotide type2,9,
                                                                                                 modelled DNM transmission in three-generation families and used the
                 Age    of parent
                  sequence          at2,9
                              context  conception
                                          , replication (yr)
                                                         timing10, functional constraints9,11,   resulting prediction to define high-quality DNMs (Methods). d, Number
                  apolipoprotein B messenger RNA-editing enzyme catalytic (APOBEC)               of DNMs per proband. e, Phased DNMs as a function of the parent’s age at
 nships and phasing
                  polypeptide ofactivity
                                  DNMs    12     inepigenetics
                                             , and  three- 13,14 have also been reported to      conception (restricting to 225 three-generation probands). The lines are
Linear increase with paternal age
                                           ~¾ of mutations inherited from

                                           ~1.5 mutations per year

                                           Must be spontaneous
                                           damage that is inefficiently

                                           ~0.4 mutations per year
Borrowed from Jónsson et al. 2017 Nature
“One plausible explanation for the drastic
age-related sex differences in transmitted
DNMs is the relative lack of mitosis in ageing
oocytes compared with spermatogonia,
which may enrich for damage-induced
Jónsson et al. 2017 Nature
Ratio father: mother
                                                                                                                   = « alpha »

                          Inefficient repair                                           Efficient repair or due to replication

# mutations

                                                                       # mutations
                                                      mother                                                             mother

              PGC Birth         Puberty         Reproduction                         PGC Birth    Puberty          Reproduction

                                Age of parent                                                      Age of parent

                                                          Gao et al. 2016 PLoS Biology
Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
1) le nombre de divisions de cellules
   germinales      mâles      de     la
   détermination du sexe à la puberté a
   été considérablement sous-estimé
2) après la détermination du sexe, les
   divisions des cellules germinales
   sont beaucoup plus mutagènes chez
   les hommes que chez les femmes;

3) Les dommages contribuent de
   manière substantielle aux mutations
   de la lignée germinale mâle pendant
   la puberté.

                                          Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
Ratio of male to female
Direct estimates of alpha, ratio of male to female mutations in mammals

                            2.6                2.6               2.1

                            Lindsay et al.     Harland et al.    Thomas et al.
 Lindsay et al.
                            BioRxiv            BioRxiv (Michel   2018 Current
                                               Georges)          Biology

The number of mutations inherited by a child increases with
paternal and maternal age.

In a typical sample of humans, ¾ of mutations are of paternal origin.
This number shows little dependence on parental ages.

Some fraction of mutations and possibly most mutations are non-
replicative in origin and poorly repaired.
Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
génome paternel   génome maternel

                                    effet de la mère

                                    effet du père

                                    Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
génome paternel   génome maternel

                                    effet de la mère

                                    effet du père

                                    Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
génome paternel   génome maternel

                                    effet de la mère

                                    effet du père

                                    Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
génome paternel   génome maternel

Stronger signal for
C>A mutations

                                                          effet de la mère

                                                          effet du père

                                                          Gao et al., 2018 BioRxiv
Short oocyte arrest

                                           Long oocyte arrest

Borrowed from Jónsson et al. 2017 Nature

                                                                 Slide courtesy of Guy Amster
Short oocyte arrest

                                           Long oocyte arrest

Borrowed from Jónsson et al. 2017 Nature

                                                                 Slide courtesy of Guy Amster
The number of mutations inherited by a child increases with
paternal and maternal age.

In a typical sample of humans, ¾ of mutations are of paternal origin.
This number shows little dependence on parental ages.

Some fraction of mutations and possibly most mutations are non-
replicative in origin and poorly repaired.

Mutations arise at all stages of development, from zygote to
sperm/egg. What fraction arise at each stage is still unknown in any
mammals, and likely differs among species.
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