Geopolitical predictions for 2021

Page created by Keith Vasquez
Geopolitical predictions for 2021


                              Geopolitical predictions
                              for 2021
                              2021 is likely to witness              emphasis on multilateralism,
                                                                     coupled with rising military
                              an acceleration of
                                                                     and economic powers that feel
                              ongoing geopolitical                   the need to bolster their own
                              shifts, while some                     defense capabilities in light
                              emerging markets may                   of rising emerging security
                              experience significant                 challenges, could ultimately lead
                              growth tailwinds                       to the regionalisation of power
                                                                     of centres, or least continue the
                              As we all look towards the year        evolution towards that end.
                              ahead and try and put the global
                              recession of 2020 behind us, I
                              wanted to outline The Hartford’s       Political experts anticipate the
                              perspective for the year ahead.        US refocusing on traditional
                              In respect to geopolitics we           alliances, reposition troops in
SHAILESH KUMAR                anticipate that the shift towards      South Korea and Germany, and
Head of Country, Credit and                                          reaffirming its commitment to
                              the regionalisation of power
Economic Research                                                    NATO. However, this reversion to a
The Hartford                  centers will continue, and
                              potentially accelerate. Meanwhile,     “robust” US engagement strategy
                              on the economic front, many            is unlikely to result in a hardline
                              industry experts expect emerging       approach towards China, at least
                              markets to witness a strong year.      not initially. Many believe that the
                                                                     US will not want a confrontational
                              Geopolitics – Regionalisation to       or contentious relationship with
                              accelerate                             Beijing at the start of a new
                                                                     administration. This does not
                              One of the key forces driving          imply an outright reversal of the
                              geopolitics in 2021 will likely stem   past administration’s policies with
                              from a change in US leadership         respect to China, as prior policies
                              as this could yield significant        affecting tariffs and restrictions
                              shifts on the foreign policy front.    on investments and China’s
                              Specifically, it is anticipated        tech sector are likely to stay.
                              that the year ahead, and               But it does mean a potentially
                              thereafter, will be hallmarked         less bellicose approach (at
                              by an increased US emphasis            least publically), and instead
                              on multilateralism. This means         one with more dialogue at the
                              less solo proclamations on the         sub-executive level (there are
                              US’s intentions, fewer surprises       indications that members of the
                              and quick decisions, advanced          new US cabinet may function as
                              telegraphing of major policy           backdoor diplomats with China).
                              changes, and working with              The shift in tone alone could also
                              traditional allies to promote          be interpreted by some as the
                              foreign policy goals, all while        US opting to be “softer” on China
                              attempting to bridge divides           than what was seen in recent
                              with emerging partners. An             years.

Geopolitical predictions for 2021

However, over time expect any         in Europe to work with China on       own capabilities, recognising that
“softer” US approach towards          select issues, could then mean        the world’s “approach” towards
China to give way to a more           that sections of Asia including       China is not binary.
aggressive posture. This is           Vietnam, India, Taiwan, Australia,
particularly true since China is      and to a lesser extent Philippines    Further examples of this
largely a bipartisan issue in the     and Japan, question the world’s       regionalisation could be seen
US, with concerns ranging from        commitment to “containing”            in the MENA region. Turkey has
security, to intellectual property,   Beijing, given that China is a        recently shifted its foreign policy
business, trade, investments,         preeminent geopolitical and           seeking closer defense ties with
and labour standards. But while       security concern for these            Russia, despite Ankara being a
the US shifts from a hard line, to    nations. As a consequence, these      member of NATO. This is partly
soft line, and back to a medium       countries may be incentivised         driven by Turkey’s desire for
line approach with China, there       to deepen their regional              strategic dominance in the
will of course be other nations       cooperation, while concurrently       region, which would otherwise
that choose to court Chinese          bolstering their own defence          come at the expense of Saudi
engagement and proximity to           capabilities. Amongst these,          Arabia. Both nations are US allies,
Beijing. These include Pakistan,      India and Australia are best          but ties with each could well
Iran, and Venezuela. Then there       positioned to present a credible      slide in the coming years. This in
are countries that might not          military deterrence (given their      turn could embolden Turkey and
be allies or partners of China,       existing capabilities), whereas       Saudi Arabia to further bolster
but will continue to seek areas       Japan could continue down the         their own military capacity as
of cooperation, including the         path of revising its constitutional   they seek to be the power centres
European Union, Turkey, Russia,       commitment to pacifism as the         of the region. The bottom line is
and some nations in Africa.           nation strives to build robust        that in each region, the potential
                                      military offensive capabilities       for power centres to emerge
An initial soft approach towards      down the road. What this              could accelerate in the coming
China in the US (which gives          framework represents, in short,       year.
way to an eventual harder line),      is a regionalisation of power
coupled with more willingness         structures as countries build their

Credit - IMF: World Economic Outlook 2021



A big year for emerging markets        In the emerging markets, by          hold sooner, fiscal spending may
                                       comparison, it seems that            be curtailed sooner. Meanwhile,
On the economic front, economic        shutdowns are less of an issue       we are already seeing indications
advisers no longer anticipate a        going forward. There is not time     and hearing about the potential
V-Shaped economic recovery             to go into all the numbers here,     for inflation to pick up amongst
in the first part of 2021 and          but generally the rate of death      these nations. Part of this may be
have a slightly more sanguine          per 100,000 in many emerging         attributed to supply dislocations,
outlook than others. Of course,        markets is significantly lower       coupled with demand surging
experts hope to be wrong, and          than the developed world. This,      faster than anticipated, coupled
although growth could pick up          amongst other factors, leads to      with rising commodity prices.
in the second half of the year         less support for future shutdowns    In response, it’s possible that
resulting in strong annualised         in these markets, and in turn        some emerging market central
data due to base effects, we are       implies that emerging markets        banks start to tighten rates in
not assuming it to be a given. But     could see an economic recovery       2021, adding upward pressure on
we could see a division between        sooner than other areas.             their yields while strengthening
large emerging markets and the                                              their local currencies. These
developed world. There are a few       The differing economic outlooks      trends, coupled with a weaker
reasons for this:                      could also result in differing       dollar, could result in increased
                                       policy responses. If the developed   capital flow to emerging markets
First, in the developed world, the     world fails to see a V-shape         as investors seek yield, thereby
era of COVID-19 shutdowns will         recovery materialise, or even        strengthening emerging market
not necessarily cease at the start     some derivation of it, then we       currencies and assets.
of this year, especially outside       can anticipate US fiscal and
the US, due to possible delays in      monetary policy to remain            Essentially, emerging markets
vaccine distribution and rising        accommodative for longer. We         could be poised to outperform
case levels. Second, shutdown          already know that the Fed will       in 2021, particularly those that
related headwinds place even           be on hold and keep rates at         are large, have diverse sources
more pressure on policy support,       0 percent for the next two or        contributing towards growth and
which gives rise to policy misstep     three years, per their comments      revenue, and have favorable
related risks. If countries are slow   in September. However, there         debt metrics. In fact, our team
to approve fiscal stimulus, or the     is plenty they can do on the         has a set of models that create
distribution of it, it could present   quantitative easing front, and       scores for countries on a host of
an additional drag on growth.          could potentially continue or        perils, and our macroeconomic
Third, policy missteps could also      even ramp up purchases and           scores for select emerging
manifest in the form of asset          security maturities over the next    markets are showing the largest
bubbles – ongoing monetary             year. This could be particularly     numerical improvements when
stimulus has forced investors into     true as Treasury security supply     using 2021 economic forecasts.
risk assets, which have already        increases given the rise in          This indicates the potential for
inflated prices. This in turn could    aggregate US debt from the           macroeconomic stability in these
result in increased asset price        2020 stimulus packages. This in      names. The risk to this though is if
volatility when/if prices come         turn could suppress yields, at       there is a bursting of asset prices
down and the bubbles burst.            least in the front end (we could     in the developed world, for the
Fourth, when/if economic growth        see steeper yield curves). Higher    reasons noted above. Inevitably,
begins, fiscal stimulus support        government spending, loose           this would affect emerging
may be eased and we could start        fiscal and monetary policy, low      markets too.
to see a wave of bankruptcies for      front end yields, and increased
entities that no longer have fiscal    central bank balance sheet           With that said, many expect,
support. Accordingly, it is possible   expansion could naturally be         and hope, that investors do
that the economic recovery             dollar negative, providing support   not paint all emerging markets
remains choppy with a few fits         to select emerging currencies        with the same brush. The larger,
and starts, which could take us all    and assets.                          diversified, and fiscally strong
the way through 2021.                                                       emerging markets with ample
                                       In emerging markets, especially      funding sources will likely witness
                                       those where/if the recovery takes    greater capital flow and thus


asset appreciation, even in cases     be more discerning of actual         This then means that we
where they have high nominal          fundamentals, at least more so       could see a division between
debt levels (i.e. Brazil). However,   than what we saw in the summer       emerging markets too, with
smaller markets that have             of 2020 when just about every        some significantly outperforming
their economies concentrated          asset class in every emerging        others. In other words, while
in one or two sectors, and            market saw demand.                   we are positive on emerging
are highly indebted, may risk                                              markets, fundamentals matter,
having investors pass them            Increasing indebtedness is a         and some will potentially perform
over. The latter group of nations     growing issue, which could                              
                                                                           better than the rest.
could see their refinancing           continue into 2021, and we expect
costs increase, and further           investors to recognise it as such,
expose them to sovereign              thereby investing mainly in the
headwinds. Accordingly, we            stronger emerging markets that
anticipate investors to likely        exhibit strong fundamentals.


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