Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council

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Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council
News from your council
 May/June 2019

Get gardening
for Hillingdon
in Bloom       Town improvement
                                 programme updates
                                            summer events
                                              Action Week

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Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council
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                                          Do you have a
                                         property to let?                                     Contents
                                 We offer:                                                    May/June 2019
                                 • competitive rents                                          ▸ Cover stories
                                 • financial packages
                                 • no fees

                                                                                                 11 A fantastic year as Mayor                                                                           s we commence a new municipal year, whilst the next
                                 • choice of tenant                                                    Cllr John Morgan shares some of the many highlights                                              12 months will once again be as challenging for local
                                 • free advice                                                         of his mayoral year.                                                                             authorities as the last few years, I am pleased to be able
                                 • excellent rental                                           ▸ 12 Take action to help residents with dementia                                                 to report that here in Hillingdon it will very much be business as
                                  demand                                                           The council continues to run a range of sessions and                                        usual. There will be no facility closures or service cuts, indeed in
                                                                                                   facilities to support people living with the condition.                                     many areas there will be new and improved facilities and services.
                                                                                              ▸ 14 Transforming your town centres                                                                  Once again we ended the last financial year with a budget
                                                                                                   Updates on our improvement programme’s work in                                              surplus and our approach of strong leadership, sound financial
                                                                                                   Ruislip, Hayes, Eastcote and Uxbridge.                                                      management and transforming how we work will continue, so
                                                                                              ▸ 16 Applications now open                                                                       that we are well placed to deal with the financial challenges that
                                                                                                   Residents can apply to take part in our Hillingdon in                                       still lay ahead of us.
                                 For more information                                              Bloom and Autumn Show competitions.                                                             There is much debate at the moment about the detrimental
                                 please contact us:                                           ▸ 18 Spectacular summer of events                                                                effects of poor air quality in London and other areas and why
                                                                                                   A wide range of fun, informative and commemorative                                          this needs to be addressed now in a realistic and positive manner.
                                    01895 55 8619                                                  events for all the family are on the way.
                                                                                                                                                          Our strong financial position enables us to continue to defend
                                                                                                 21 Our trailblazing apprentices                                                               our environment and the health and wellbeing of our residents
                                                                                                       Our apprentices’ invaluable contributions are                                           and we have sufficient funding put aside to fight the proposed
                                                                                                       celebrated during National Apprenticeship Week.                                         Heathrow expansion plans through the courts during the coming
                                                                                                                                                                                               years. As I have made clear before, this will be a long battle but
                                                                                                                                                                                               common sense will prevail in the end and we will continue the
                                                                                                4 Hillingdon News                            27 What’s on?                                     fight for however long it takes to achieve this.
                                                                                                25 Volunteers                                31 Contacts                                           At the end of March, the council successfully applied for a High
                                                                                                                                                                                               Court injunction that prohibits illegal encampments on more than
                                                                                              COVER PHOTO: SHAN AND PHIL BAKER FROM UXBRIDGE, WHO REGULARLY TAKE                               350 sites across the borough. A great deal of time and money is
                                                                                              PART IN OUR HILLINGDON IN BLOOM COMPETITION.                                                     spent each year in dealing with these incursion and encampments
                                                                                                                                                                                               and the mess left behind. Whilst the injunction cannot prevent
                                                                                                                                                                                               illegal incursions, hopefully these people will not be so keen to do
                                                                                                                                                                                               this in Hillingdon when the message gets around that they will be
                                                                                                                                                                                               swiftly dealt with and moved on.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   With summer just around the corner, we will once again be

                                                                                                                                    11                                           12            bringing a whole host of events for residents. Our Culture Bite
                                                                                                                                                                                               arts and literature festival will be extended to offer a full-year
                                                                                                                                                                                               programme of themed sessions and activities. Manor Farm will
                                                                                                                                                                                               hold an animal fun day, with a range of farm animals being
                                                                                                                                                                                               brought onto the site and opportunities to learn how the site
                                                                                                                                                                                               operated in Tudor times. The council will commemorate the 75th

                                                                                                                                                                                               anniversary of the D-Day Normandy landings in June with a four-
                                                                                                                                  14                                                           day schedule of special tours, lectures, a film screening and family
                                                                                                                                                                                               activities. Our Bikespiration cycling event will expand its format to
                                                                                                                                                                                               go on tour around the borough, and our Hayes Community Family
                                                                                                                                                                                               Fun Day and popular Family Fishing Days will both return in July
                                                                                              Deadline for advertising in the July/August edition is Friday 21 May.                            and August. These all promise to be great days out for all ages
                                                                                              Editorial and advertising enquiries                                                              and I would encourage you to go along and see what they
                                                                                              Emma Gilbertson      01895 250828                                                                have on offer.
                                                                                                                                                       May I conclude by saying thank you to the staff of Hillingdon
                                                                                                                                               Council. We are fortunate to have some of the best staff in local
                                                                                                                                         After reading, please                                 government in Hillingdon in both frontline and support services
                                                                                                                                         recycle this magazine                                 who, by and large, do an excellent job enabling us to continue to
                                                                                                                                                                                               put our residents first.
                                                                                              Published by London Borough of Hillingdon © 2019
                                                                                              Hillingdon People, 3S/05 Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.
                                                                                              Design Corporate Communications Printed by Paragon Service Point
                                                                                              Products and services advertised in this magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the council.

                                                                                              For a copy in large print or as an                                                                                                        Cllr Ray Puddifoot MBE
                                                                                              audio version call 01895 250828                                                                                                         LEADER OF THE COUNCIL

 2               May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                       May/June 2019                         3
Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council
news                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           news

    Claims denied as planning permission for site is refused

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Image illustrative and under design development
    The council has denied            The council’s biggest       Cllr Keith Burrows,             confirmation from the GLA
    claims that it agreed a        concerns were the            Cabinet Member                    on Tuesday 19 March
    masterplan with Meyer          overall scale of the         for Planning,                     that the Mayor of London
    Homes for the Master           proposed development,        Transportation and                has allowed the council
    Brewer site near the           its height and lack of       Recycling, said: “We have         to refuse the planning
    A40, and has welcomed          landscaping. Concerns        not had any meaningful            application.
    a decision by the Mayor        were also raised             contact with Meyer Homes              Cllr Burrows added:
    of London in March to          that the scheme was          for some time and have            “We welcome the London

                                                                                                                                       Residents urged to feed back on viaduct designs
    allow the council to refuse    unduly intrusive,            not formulated or agreed          Mayor’s decision to support
    planning permission.           failed to respect the        a master plan with them. In       our refusal for this massive
       Whilst there was            established character of     fact, we decided to refuse        overdevelopment. Whilst
    constructive dialogue          the local area, did not      them planning permission          we recognise the need for
                                   complement the street                                                                             Residents will get a chance     to place cost savings ahead       May, which residents              it must be fitting. So, it is
    with the applicant, M B                                     on the site for no less           affordable housing, we will                                                                          are encouraged to                 vital we get the views of
    Hillingdon Ltd (Meyer          scene or openness of                                                                              to have their say on work-      of the environment and
                                                                than 10 reasons, including        always defend our residents        in-progress designs for                                           attend. These will                residents on the designs in
    Homes) when a planning         the local green belt, and    unacceptable over-                against poor quality and                                           community protection
                                   would mar the skyline.                                                                            the Colne Valley Viaduct,       - something the council           be listed on the HS2              order to form a consensus.”
    application was first                                       development.”                     inappropriate development                                                                            website: hs2inhillingdon.            The council has started
    lodged in September               Despite this, Meyer                                                                            which is set to become          challenged.
                                                                  As is normal procedure          proposals.”                        one of the most prominent                                                  the process of seeking a
    2017, the company              Homes was reported           with any scheme of more               The 2.99 hectare vacant                                           As an approving
                                   on the local My London                                                                            features of the High Speed      authority for the design             Leader of the                  judicial review against the
    ceased negotiations in                                      than 150 units (or 15,000         plot is the former site of the                                                                       Council, Cllr Ray                 Secretaries of State for
    late 2018 and instead          news website as having                                                                            Rail 2 (HS2) route.             of the viaduct for the
                                                                square metres) the council        demolished Master Brewer             HS2 will dissect the north                                      Puddifoot, said: “The             Transport and Housing,
    pursued a scheme which         "worked with the council     was legally required to           Motel and public house.                                            part that runs through
                                   to formulate a residential                                                                        of the borough, running in      Hillingdon, and, as with          HS2 project is without            Communities and Local
    was heavily criticised at                                   refer its planning decision       It is situated between the                                                                           doubt an unnecessary              Government's decision on
    the council’s Planning         lead master plan [sic] for                                                                        tunnel through Ruislip and      all HS2 applications, we
                                                                to the Greater London             A40 Western Avenue to              emerging above ground at                                          waste of public money             Monday 4 March 2019 to
    Committee on Tuesday           this key development site    Authority (GLA) to review.        the north and Freezeland                                           will be giving residents
                                   in Hillingdon."                                                                                   West Ruislip Golf Course.       the opportunity to have           and in my opinion                 unlawfully overrule part
    19 February 2019.                                           The council received              Way to the south.                                                                                    should, and may well be,          of a planning inspector's
                                                                                                                                     From there it will run at       their say via an online
                                                                                                                                     surface level, crossing         consultation on our website       abandoned. However,               recommendation.

    Hillingdon Carers awarded Young people learn how to
                                                                                                                                     Breakspear Road South and       once the designs have             for the moment we                    The inspector heard an
                                                                                                                                     Harvil Road. The track will     been formally submitted           must engage in damage             appeal from HS2 Ltd in
                                                                                                                                     then rise to cross the Colne    (expected this summer).           limitations. The Colne            July 2018 against a refusal
                 assessors particularly noted be streetwise                                                                          Valley on what will be one
                                                                                                                                     of the longest viaducts in
                                                                                                                                                                        The consultation
                                                                                                                                                                     responses will then be
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Valley Viaduct will be one
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of the longest viaducts in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         by the council's Planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Committee to allow its
                                the organisation’s strong        More than 4,000 year 6                                              the UK.                         reported to the council’s         the whole country and             application under the HS2
                                financial management, and        schoolchildren from 58                                                The council's preferred       Planning Committee, which         will cross a landscape of         Act 2017 for an ecological
                                how the charity works well       Hillingdon primary schools                                          method for crossing the         will make the final decision.     immeasurable importance           mitigation scheme in
                                with other organisations.        attended our annual Junior                                          Colne Valley was via a             The designers are              and elegance. A tunnel            relation to land in the
                                   Hillingdon Carers leads a     Citizens event between                                              tunnel. However, the HS2        also expected to hold             makes more sense, but if          Colne Valley at Harvil
                                partnership of five charities    Monday 4 and Friday                                                 Select Committee decided        engagement events in              we have to have a viaduct,        Road, Harefield.
                                including the Alzheimer's        22 March, the largest
                                Society, Hillingdon Mind,        attendance this programme
    Hillingdon Carers - a
                                Carers Trust Thames, and
                                Harlington Hospice. They
                                                                 has seen since it began more
                                                                 than 20 years ago.                                                   High Court backs council’s bid to protect
    charity part-funded by
    the council that provides
    information, advice and
                                have simplified how to find
                                services for Hillingdon’s
                                carers, who now only have
                                                                    This council-funded
                                                                 scheme took place in Brunel
                                                                                                     SAFETY Pupils from St Helen’s
                                                                                                     College attending the event      public land from illegal encampments
                                                                 University’s STEM centre
    health and wellbeing        to tell their story once         and included 10 different          and travel safety; knife crime    The council has successfully   occupying it or depositing        ensuring the quick removal of    Providing the injunction
    support services to unpaid to access more than 50            workshops led by various           and drugs and alcohol.            applied for a High Court       waste. It also prohibits any      those who ignore it.             is working effectively in
    carers - has been awarded different services. The            organisations, including the          Julia Brooker, who             injunction that prohibits      person - whether travelling          Hillingdon Council is         practice, the council will ask
    a Level Two Quality Mark partners even share staff,          council, the Royal National        teaches at St Helen’s             illegal encampments on         onto the land in a vehicle or     believed to be the first local   the court to extend it for a
    by the National Council for delivering many projects         Lifeboat Institution, London       College, said: “I think this      more than 350 sites across     not - from fly-tipping there.     authority in west London         three-year period.
    Voluntary Organisations     jointly with significant cost    Fire Brigade, Metropolitan         is a really good event for        the borough and makes it          The list of restricted sites   to have secured such an             Leader of the Council,
    (NCVO).                     saving advantages.               Police, Transport for              young people, as it shows         easier to remove people        includes 290 parks and            injunction. It will mean that    Cllr Ray Puddifoot,
       The award means that        Known as the Hillingdon       London, NHS, and the Life          that they need to have more       who ignore it.                 green spaces, along with          neither the council nor the      said: ''I am very pleased
    Hillingdon Carers now       Carers Partnership, the          Education team.                    awareness especially when             Although the injunction,   leisure facilities, public car    police will have to rely on      that we have obtained this
    holds the Trusted Charity   group of charities have             The programme’s aim is to       they go out on their own.         granted by the court on        parks and car parks attached      their respective powers          injunction, which protects
    Mark, a designation         come together to improve         educate young people who           An informative part of the        Friday 29 March 2019,          to public buildings, such as      under the Criminal Justice       a significant number
    providing external          support for carers in            are making the transition from     event was the fire safety         refers to ‘persons unknown’,   libraries and theatres.           and Public Order Act 1994,       of valuable sites in the
    verification of the quality Hillingdon. They are mainly      primary school to secondary        workshop, as it highlighted       people from the travelling        There have been 41             which is not always quick        borough. A great deal
    and credibility of the      funded by the council.           school. The young people           the dangers of seemingly          community are most likely      land incursions in the            and effective at removing        of our time and money
    organisation.                  The Trusted Charity           were given information in a        safe activities. They showed      to be affected by it.          borough since January 2018,       incursions and encampments.      is spent each year in
       To achieve the top       standard exists to build         fun and interactive way, and       the consequences of                   The injunction forbids     leading to clean-up costs of         The injunction will           dealing with incursions and
    award, Hillingdon Carers    public trust and confidence      were reminded that their           charging your phone under         caravans, mobile homes,        approximately £200,000.           initially remain in force        encampments and these
    was assessed against 11     in individual charities, the     newly found independence           a pillow and had a model          vans and lorries from             The council anticipates        until Tuesday 18 June, on        resources can now instead
    criteria and successfully   difference they make, and        will come with great               of the melted items to show       coming onto 358 specific       that the injunction will act as   which date the council will      be used for the direct
    met them all. The panel of the sector as a whole.            responsibility. Topics             the children the damage this      sites for the purpose of       a significant deterrent, while    return to the High Court.        benefit of our residents.”
                                                                 included fire, internet, water     could cause.”

4                  May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                          May/June 2019                                                                      5
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    Local RAF group attends a                                          New lease of life for                                             Every pupil in the borough                                           Drone no-fly zone
    special bunker tour                                                Harefield Village pond                                            offered a school place                                               extended in Hillingdon
                                                                       Renovation works to                nearly half of the pond        We have once again ensured          secondary applications
                                                                                                                                         that every child in the             this year, Hillingdon is         Residents are being             airport itself has given
                                                                       Harefield Village pond             to the detriment of the                                                                             reminded that in response       permission).
                                                                       have been completed,               water quality.                 borough has a primary and           again above the London
                                                                                                                                         secondary school place.             average and remains the top      to a marked increase in the         In areas outside of the
                                                                       following an investment               The works were                                                                                   number of drone-related         no fly-zones, existing Civil
                                                                       of £145,000 from the               supported by local               The council processed             borough in west London for
                                                                                                                                         3,903 primary school                families receiving an offer      incidents most of the           Aviation Authority rules
                                                                       council.                           residents and ward                                                                                  borough is now designated       still apply for recreational
                                                                          The idyllic pond sits in        councillors, who expressed     applications this year. In April,   at one of their preferred
                                                                                                                                         97.88 per cent of applicants        secondary schools.               a drone no-fly zone.            and commercial drone
                                                                       the south-east corner of           a preference for more                                                                                  In recent years there        use. These state that
                                                                       the village green, which           visible water to attract       were offered a place at one            Cllr David Simmonds,
                                                                                                                                         of their top three schools and      Cabinet Member for               has been a rise in drone        it is illegal to fly above
                                                                       is a Green Flag award-             ducks and other water                                                                               use for recreational and        400 feet or 50 meters
                                                                       winning site. To retain this       birds. To minimise the         89.37 per cent were offered         Education and Children's
                                                                                                                                         their first preference.             Services, said: "Once            commercial purposes and         away from people and
                                                                       accreditation, all aspects         impact on existing wildlife,                                                                        significant travel disruption   property and 150 metres
                                                                       of the village green,              works were carried out           Earlier in March, 86.8 per        again, we are delighted to
                                                                                                                                         cent of applicants were             announce that every child        was caused in December          away from crowds and
                                                                       including the pond, have           during the winter period                                                                            2018 and January 2019           congested or built up
    The Battle of Britain Bunker         Attendees toured the          to be maintained to a              when wildlife activity is at   offered a place at one of           in the borough has been
    Exhibition and Visitor            bunker, where they heard                                                                           their top three preferred           offered a school place and       following drone sightings       areas. Residents need
                                                                       high standard.                     its lowest and completed                                                                            at both Heathrow and            to be vigilant and
    Centre hosted a special           about its history, including        The pond is of both             in April.                                   secondary schools      are pleased that so many of
    reception for the RAF             No. 11 Group’s significant                                                                                      and 67 per cent        our local children received      Gatwick airports, raising       ensure that if they are
                                                                       ecological and historical             The pond now has a                                                                               substantial safety concerns.    responsibly flying a drone
    Fighter Command’s newly           role and contribution            importance - the green             new liner and edging,                        received their top    their preferred choice. We
    reformed No.11 Group on           leading up to and during                                                                                          preference.          continue to put families first      In response to this, the     from the unrestricted
                                                                       has been registered as             which is seeded to                                                                                  government amended              zone that it doesn’t fly
    Thursday 4 April.                 the Normandy landings            a common since 1813.               provide a grass edge with                       Despite            by investing £260 million
      The original No.11              in 1944. A wreath was                                                                                             receiving a record   into our school building         the UK Air Navigation           into the no-fly zone.
                                                                       Renovation work was                the water. The concrete                                                                             Order to introduce new              The map (below)
    Group were co-ordinated           later laid at the bunker’s       required to ensure its             edging to the adjacent                            high of 3,916    and expansion programme,
    from the bunker’s                 memorial, before the group                                                                                                             which is one of the largest      expanded restricted             provides a guide to
                                                                       longevity as a premier             war memorial has also                                                                               airspace around airports        the no-fly zones but to
    Operations Room                   listened to a talk led by Dr     heritage feature in                been retained. New                                                 in London".
    throughout the Second             Rachael Abbiss, the centre’s                                                                                                                                            from Wednesday 13               take a closer look and
                                                                       Harefield.                         roadside drains have                                                                                March. This is of particular    view all guidance on
    World War, where they
    received information
                                      Military History Curator.
                                         Air Vice-Marshal
                                                                          In recent years the
                                                                       pond had dried out
                                                                                                          been installed to prevent
                                                                                                          oils and pollutants             ‘Most complained about’                                             relevance for Hillingdon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with flight zones expanded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              drone regulations, visit
                                                                                                                                          dealer sentenced for fraud
    about enemy squadrons             Ian Duguid, said: “As            during the summer                  being washed into the
    that had been sighted.            we approach the six                                                                                                                                                     around Heathrow Airport,            The council’s Parks and
                                                                       months due to leakages             pond with rainwater.                                                                                RAF Northolt and Denham         Public Spaces Protection
    Commands were then                month anniversary of             in its gravel bed                  Waterlilies have also been      A car dealer who admitted          misdescribing vehicles,
    sent out to the airfields         the reformation of [No.                                                                                                                                                 Aerodrome - covering 74.4       Order also prohibits the
                                                                       foundations. Growing               positioned centrally in         fraud has been sentenced           lying about the number           per cent of the borough.        use of remote controlled
    to scramble RAF planes            11 Group] - what an              vegetation, particularly           the pond; this is the only      at Isleworth Crown Court           of previous owners, failing
    during the Battle of Britain.     excellent opportunity                                                                                                                                                   The regulations make it         vehicles and aircraft in all
                                                                       reeds, had become                  plant life added and it will    following an investigation         to register or transfer          illegal to fly any drone        of the borough’s parks
      Guests at the reception         in acknowledging its             invasive and overgrown.            help reduce the risk from       by the council’s trading           warranties and not making
    included the then Mayor           magnificent history in the                                                                                                                                              (including model aircraft       without consent from the
                                                                       This vegetation covered            further invasive species.       standards team.                    it clear to customers the        and toys) within 5km of any     council. People found to
    of Hillingdon, Cllr John          defence of the United                                                                                  Appearing at the court          identity of the business.
    Morgan; Air Vice-Marshal          Kingdom. This visit gives us                                                                                                                                            airport at any time within      be flouting this can be
                                                                                                                                          on 20 February 2019,                  During 2015 and 2016,         these no-fly zones (unless      issued with a fixed penalty
    Ian Duguid, who is Chief          an excellent opportunity to                                                                         Mohammed Osman Khan,               the council received more
    of Staff Operations at            learn from the RAF personnel                                                                                                                                            Air Traffic Control or the      notice of £100.
                                                                                                                                          director of London Car             than 50 complaints about
    RAF High Wycombe; and             that went before us under                                                                           Autos Ltd of Park View             the company via the
    also No. 11 Group’s Air           the 11 Group crest... we can                                                                        Road, Uxbridge, was given          Citizens Advice Consumer
    Officer Commanding,               recognise the achievements,                                                                         a 16-month prison term,            Helpline, making it one of
    Squadron Leader Andrew            through the sacrifice and                                                                           suspended for 18 months,           the most complained about
    Kerslake and 40 service           the dedication of those                                                                             and ordered to complete            traders in Hillingdon.
    personnel from the                personnel in 1940 and their      REVITALISED Pond improvement works taking shape
                                                                                                                                          225 hours of unpaid                   Cllr Douglas Mills,
    current No. 11 Group.             part in defending our nation.”                                                                      community service. He              Cabinet Member for

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Map contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right (2019)
                                                                                                                                          was also disqualified from         Community, Commerce

      Help us to identify                                                                                                                                                    and Regeneration, said:
                                                                                                                                          being a company director
                                                                            1947). The memorial            Leader of the Council,         for five years and must pay        “The complaints levelled at
                                                                           will continue to             Cllr Ray Puddifoot,               £32,537 in compensation            the business about selling
      Hillingdon’s heroes                                                  commemorate Armed
                                                                          Forces personnel
                                                                                                        said: “In Hillingdon, we are
                                                                                                        extremely proud to support
                                                                                                                                          and £8,000 costs.
                                                                                                                                             Khan, aged 25, whose
                                                                                                                                                                             unroadworthy vehicles
                                                                                                                                                                             were particularly serious
      The council has plans           servicemen                          currently serving who         the Armed Forces and              car sales business traded          and could have resulted in
      to create a wall of             and                                die in action.                 ensure that our service men       as both Heathrow Motors            motorists coming to harm.
      remembrance at Jubilee          women who                            Submissions need to          and women’s commitment            and Stockley Trade Centre,         So, it’s only right that Khan
      Walk in Dowding Park,           were born                         include the name, rank,         is recognised. The memorial       had pleaded guilty to              has been brought to justice
      Uxbridge, and is looking        or lived in                      service number, date             wall will ensure that we,         fraudulent trading at an           for his offences."
      for assistance from             Hillingdon and died in any       of death and age of the          and generations to come,          earlier hearing.                      Concerned about a
      residents to identify           conflict since the end of the    veteran. Candidates can          remember the great                   His offences, which             trader? Report it to the
      veterans’ names for             Second World War, that is,       be nominated online on           sacrifices made by military       occurred between 1                 Citizens Advice Consumer
      inclusion on it.                on or after 1 January 1948,           service personnel from            March 2015 and 16                  Helpline on
        The wall will recognise       (or in Palestine from 1945 to    rollofhonour.                    Hillingdon."                      November 2016, included            03454 04 05 06.

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                                                                                                                            Summer                                                           Sign up for lessons with

                                                                      Illustrations © Adam Stower for The Reading Agency
                                                                                                                            entertainment                                                    Hillingdon Music Hub
                                                                                                                            for children                                                                                      concentration, confidence
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and co-ordination.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Children who learn in the
                                                                                                                            This year, FIESTA                                                                                 borough’s schools or live in
                                                                                                                            promises yet another                                                                              Hillingdon are eligible and
                                                                                                                            summer holiday of fun                                                                             discounts are available for
                                                                                                                            and engaging activities                                                                           parents on low incomes.
                                                                                                                            for young people in              Last year, more than                                                Marytn Tymoshchuk,
                                                                                                                            Hillingdon.                   1,200 children and young                                            9, from Whiteheath
    Summer Reading Challenge                                                                                                   The ever-popular
                                                                                                                            five-week programme
                                                                                                                                                          people enjoyed FIESTA’s
                                                                                                                                                          programme and feedback
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Primary School, has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              learning the trombone with
    celebrates moon landing                                                                                                 will offer a wide range of
                                                                                                                            low-cost courses between
                                                                                                                                                          from parents was positive.
                                                                                                                                                             Michele Philipson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the Music Hub for one and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              a half years and has now           different instruments sound      the Music Hub came to
    Children aged from four to        Ruislip, in August (date                                                              Monday 29 July and            from Uxbridge, said:                                                also joined the Hillingdon         powerful together and it’s a     our class to demonstrate
    11 are being encouraged to        to be confirmed). Full                                                                Friday 30 August.             “My children Yasmin and                                             Music Hub Junior Band.             chance to meet new friends.”     the instrument. I like the
    go on an out-of-this-world        details will be available on                                                             Eight to 19-year-olds      Zoe really enjoyed FIESTA                                              He said: I chose to learn          David-Martyn                  way it sounds and also
    adventure this summer,                                                                                  will be able  last year. The programme                                            the trombone as I like the         Odufalu, 10, from Dr             the amount of pieces I get
    when the annual Summer            summerreading.                                                                                          to sign     is great for children in           Hillingdon Council’s             sound it makes and it looks        Tripletts C of E Primary         to play on it, such as the
    Reading Challenge returns           Cllr Richard Lewis,                                                                                    up for     Hillingdon and we are really       Music Hub gives children         cool. I like playing famous        School, has been learning        introduction to the Game
    to the borough’s libraries on     Cabinet Member                                                                                           activities,glad that the council run          approaching year 4               tunes and have been playing        the cello with the Music Hub     of Thrones.”
    Saturday 6 July.                  for Central Services,                                                                                               these courses during the           (and above) the chance           part of the Pirates of the         for two years and has now            Children can sign up at
       The challenge, which           Culture and Heritage,                                                                                               summer holidays.”                  to embrace music with            Caribbean theme tune as            also joined the Hillingdon       any time throughout the
    encourages children to visit      said: "Last year's Summer                                                                                              Cllr David Simmonds,            subsidised music lessons.        part of my Grade 1 exam.           Music Hub Junior Strings.        year. For more information
    their local library and pick      Reading Challenge proved                                                                                            Cabinet Member                        Learning a musical            I also enjoy playing in the           He said: “I chose to learn    and to apply visit www.
    up rewards for reading, will      to be more popular than                                                                                             for Education and                  instrument can help children’s   Junior Band because the            the cello after a cellist from
    run until mid-September.          ever in Hillingdon, with                                                                                            Children’s Services, has
                                                                                                                                                          been championing the
       This year’s theme is
    Space Chase, inspired by
                                      more than 9,000 children
                                      taking part and more than                                                                                           programme since it started
                                                                                                                                                                                               London Motor Museum                                                                                 Alcohol
    the 50th anniversary of           4,500 finishing the whole                                                                                           15 years ago. He said: “We
    the first moon landing.
    Young readers will join a
                                      challenge. It is a fantastic
                                      way to support children’s
                                                                                                                                                          hope that FIESTA 2019 is
                                                                                                                                                including another successful year in
                                                                                                                                             fencing,     encouraging children and
                                                                                                                                                                                               named for failing to                                                                                success
                                                                                                                                                                                               pay business rates
    super space family, called        reading throughout the
    The Rockets, for a thrilling      summer holidays, ensuring                                                                        golf, netball,     young people to take part                                                                                                                Public Health England
    mission to track down             they do not fall behind                                                                         street dance,       in different sessions, where                                                                                                             (PHE) has given the
    books and mischievous             when they return to school.                                                                    smartphone           they can socialise and learn         The council has expressed                                                                           council funding for a
    aliens! Children will also        So, I encourage families                                                              photography, mechanics, something new.”                            its disappointment with                                                                             series of measures aimed
    have the chance to collect        to sign up for free at their                                                          chocolate making, football,      From Wednesday                    London Motor Museum of                                                                              at helping residents with
    Hillingdon’s unique               local library from 6 July and                                                         cricket and film making.      12 June, places can be               Hayes, which has failed to
                                                                                                                            Sessions will be held in      booked online at young.                                                                                                                  alcohol problems.
    Starborg Cards.                   make reading for pleasure                                                                                                                                pay more than £600,000 in      by another company - Elo          of the system and is an               The £69,660 will go
       Libraries will also be         a big part of the summer.”                                                            parks, young people’s            business rates over the past   Trustees Limited.                 insult to all the legitimate
                                                                                                                            centres, sports and leisure Every year, FIESTA places                                                                                                                  towards a fibroscan
    hosting a range of free             Hillingdon also had the                                                                                                                                12 years.                          In addition, the museum       and law-abiding companies          machine - a type of
    events, including a special       highest completion rate                                                               centres, and other venues get filled quickly, so early                The unpaid rates relate     has gone into voluntary           that pay their rates on time
                                                                                                                            across the borough.           booking is advised.                  to premises previously         liquidation on four occasions,    and contribute positively          ultrasound that can rapidly
    day of space-themed               in London for last year's
    activities at Manor Farm,         challenge.                                                                                                                                               occupied by the museum         most recently in April of last    to our local economy. It           detect liver disease.
                                                                                                                                                                                               in Nestles Avenue and          year, meaning the council,        also shows a lack of regard           The machine will
                                                                                                                                                                                               Viveash Close.                 which is considered a non-        for our residents, who             be used by Addiction
      Reduction in homelessness                                                                                            into alternative settled
                                                                                                                                                             maintain tenancies should
                                                                                                                                                             difficulties occur.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The organisation has
                                                                                                                                                                                               repeatedly changed its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              preferential creditor, has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              unable to collect the debt.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                expect us to be putting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                money into services. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Recovery Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hillingdon (ARCH) at
      The number of                   between March 2017                                                                      One part of the council’s         Cllr Philip Corthorne,         name, using four subtle            Although occasional           will not hesitate to use all       their facilities in Uxbridge.
      households becoming             and January 2019.                                                                    homeless prevention               Cabinet Member for                variants of 'London Motor      payments have been made,          legal options to recover the          The funding will also
      homeless in the borough            Help includes providing                                                           strategy is working with          Social Services, Housing,         Museum', but has carried       the council has been forced       outstanding business rates."       cover the refurbishment
      has reduced as a result         support to individuals,                                                              reputable private sector          Health and Wellbeing,             out the same business with     to write off business rates to       Despite these difficulties,     of a welfare room at
      of the council’s resident-      families and landlords                                                               landlords offering settled        said: “Moving households          the same directors.            the value of £646,319.            the council had one of             ARCH where homeless
      first approach to tackling      early on, well before                                                                accommodation, acting as          out of expensive temporary           The council has taken           Cllr Jonathan Bianco,         the best business rates            and rough sleeping
      homelessness.                   evictions or the threat                                                              a broker to match them            accommodation makes               recovery action for            Cabinet Member for                collection rates in London         residents who are alcohol
         The council has              of homelessness has                                                                  with tenants and agreeing         sound financial sense and         more than a decade,            Finance, Property and             last year, collecting 99.2 per     dependent can access
      helped to reduce the            reached crisis point. The                                                            rents that are affordable for     is also best for families. We     obtaining various liability    Business Services, said:          cent of what companies             computers.
      number of homeless              approach is to prevent                                                               the duration of a tenancy.        also address the issues that      orders at the magistrates'     "London Motor Museum              owed - equating to £394               Hillingdon is one of 23
      households living in            families from entering                                                               Once people are settled           led to homelessness in the        court. However, council        has been operating under          million. With a collectable        local authorities across the
      emergency temporary             emergency temporary                                                                  in private accommodation,         first place and provide           enforcement agents have        slightly different names since    debit of £404 million for          country to receive a grant
      accommodation, with             accommodation in the                                                                 the council continues its         ongoing support to ensure         been unable to remove          2007, yet it has paid very        2018/19, the council is            from PHE’s £6 million
      numbers dropping                first place, and help those                                                          relationship with the family      residents do not become           and sell the museum's cars     little in the way of business     on course for a record             fund for drug and alcohol
      by almost a third               families already there                                                               and landlord, helping to          homeless again.”                  because they are owned         rates. This makes a mockery       collection of 99.3 per cent.       treatment projects.

8                     May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                May/June 2019                     9
Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council
older people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mayor

     Many happy returns from                                                                                                       A fantastic year as Mayor
     our Home Library Service                                                                                                      As the end of his term as Mayor approached, Hillingdon
                                                                                                                                   People met with Cllr John Morgan to find out about his
     The council’s free Home Library Service travels the length                                                                    most memorable, funny and heartwarming moments.
     and breadth of Hillingdon to visit residents who would

     otherwise be unable to access a library.                                                                                            rom opening local shops and            Some of his favourite events
                                                                                                                                         restaurants and attending           have been hosting gatherings in

            he service reaches people who       avid reader Esther Salter (pictured                                                      celebration events, to pulling      the Mayor’s Parlour – and he’s
            are housebound, including           right). Esther lives in Northwood and                                              out invasive weeds from rivers            loved some of the questions he’s
            those living in residential homes   has been a regular user of the Home                                                and helping to plant poppies,             been asked by schoolchildren,
     and sheltered housing developments.        Library Service for the past 14 years.                                             the Mayor attended more than              cadets and scouting groups. “Do
       From books in standard or large             In March, Esther celebrated                                                     650 events across the borough.            you live in a palace?” “Do you         success and added to funds
     print and audio books on CD or             her 100th birthday and she still                                                      Cllr Morgan feels privileged to have   have a big car?” “Are you very         raised throughout the year.
     MP3, to magazines and DVDs,                enjoys receiving a different book                                                  been involved in World War events,        rich?” “Who do you prefer – the          Summing up his time as Mayor,
     registered members can borrow a            every four weeks. She said: “I’m                                                   where he has had the opportunity          Mayoress or Mayor's Escort?”           Cllr John Morgan said: “Wow, I can’t
     wide range of library materials every      currently reading Happy Birthday by                                                to meet and speak with our war               Cllr Morgan explains that every     believe it’s almost a year! Thank
     four weeks. Library staff hand deliver     Danielle Steel and Death comes to                                                  veterans. He has attended events          day has been varied and the            you to every single person who has
     the items on Mondays, Tuesdays or          Pemberley by PD James. This service                                                to commemorate the end of the             year has been full of memorable        supported and made donations
     Wednesdays, depending on where             is a lifeline to me – I love my books                                              First World War, the RAF Freedom          engagements. He said: “We’ve got       to my three chosen charities. Being
     residents live in the borough.             and really appreciate the visit.”                                                  of the Borough Parade, flag raising       a fantastic borough and, as Mayor,     Mayor of Hillingdon has been a
       Since it launched more than 30                                                                                              to mark Armed Forces Week and             you get to experience lots of good     privilege and I will miss it massively.

     years ago, the service has provided        If you love to read but are not able to visit your local library or you know       attended events organised by the          things in Hillingdon, visit many       In terms of how I feel now, the
     a huge range of reading and learning             someone who would benefit from the Home Library Service, email               Polish Airmen’s Association and the       interesting places, meet thousands     words of the Teletubbies springs
     materials to older residents, including or call 01895 556446 to arrange membership.             Polish Air Force Memorial Committee.      of people and see all the great work   to mind: ‘Again, again, again!’”
                                                    For more information, visit               He has had lots of fun in his          residents, groups and charities do.
                                                                                                                                   role – he has learnt Bollywood               He feels honoured to have been
                                                                                                                                   dancing through our Culture Bite          invited to so many events where

       Be aware of unexpected                                                             work, do not feel pressured into         programme, waltzed with residents         the community has recognised
                                                                                          signing any form of agreement            at the older people’s tea dances,         and celebrated the people who
                                                                                          or saying yes to having work             tried his hand at cake decorating         volunteer with charities, where
       callers at your home                                                               done there and then. If you are
                                                                                          interested in the service that
                                                                                                                                   and scything, and walking football
                                                                                                                                   with the Uxbridge Amblers.
                                                                                                                                      Cllr Morgan also loved the
                                                                                                                                                                             everyone is working hard to make
                                                                                                                                                                             Hililngdon a better place to live.
                                                                                                                                                                                At the end of March, the Mayor
                                                                                          the trader is offering, take down
                                                   Fraudulent cold callers will           their details so you can check           excellent cultural scene, including       took on two 13-mile walks to raise
                                                sometimes initially offer to carry out    their credentials through an             local plays, musicals, orchestra,         money for all three of his chosen
                                                a small job, such as clearing rubbish,    approval scheme, such as www.            jazz and choral events, which have        charities. Joined by residents and
                                                repairing roof tiles, gardening,, The            showcased the talents of our              schoolchildren along the way,
                                                or cleaning, for a very low price         Age UK Business Directory                borough, and was proud to take            the Mayor walked through some
                                                before falsely claiming that a lot or                  part in the New Year's Day Parade,        of Hillingdon’s award-winning
                                                more work needs to be done. Some, or                  dressed as the Mayor Bear, with           parks and green spaces. Together,
                                                fraudsters may gain your trust by         speak with a friend or family            the Encore Theatre Company. In            more than £1,400 was raised.
                                                pretending to work for another            member for advice.                       celebration of the royal wedding             To round off his busy but
                                                resident in your street, using glossy                                              of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex,        thoroughly enjoyable year, he
                                                flyers, or wearing smart suits or                                                  Cllr Morgan attended an impressive        held a British-themed farewell
                                                safety helmets to deceive you.                                                     15 street parties all in one day.         quiz. The evening was a great
                                                   If you are visited by someone           Leader of the Council, Cllr
                                                who says they are from a water,            Ray Puddifoot, said: “Rogue
                                                gas or electricity company, or             traders can be very believable

         nstances of fraud are frequently       from the council, check their ID           and persuasive but don’t be
         happening in local streets             card thoroughly. You can also              rushed into making any rash
         in the UK, with cold callers           call the company’s customer                decisions. Take control of the
       approaching households and               services department to confirm             situation and listen to your
       offering to do unnecessary               whether it is a genuine visit.             instincts.”
       work to people’s homes.                     If an unexpected cold caller offers
          The council is urging residents,      to carry out any home maintenance

       particularly older people, to
                                                 If you encounter a suspicious tradesperson, please note down details
       be extra vigilant and guard
                                                       of the company name, the people and their vehicle, and call the
       themselves and their neighbours
                                                      Citizens Advice service on 03454 04 05 06. The council’s trading
       against rogue traders.
                                                          standards service will investigate and take appropriate action

10                     May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                            May/June 2019                   11
Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council
dementia                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dementia

                                                                                                                                Coffee Mornings                    Special film screenings
                                                                                                                                Dementia Friends' coffee           The Beck Theatre in Hayes
                                                                                                                                mornings for over-65s are held     launched dementia-friendly film
                                                                                                                                at Botwell Green, Uxbridge,        screenings on Monday 11 March,
                                                                                                                                Ruislip Manor, Northwood           with support from the council.
                                                                                                                                Hills, Yiewsley, South Ruislip         Every second month, residents
                                                                                                                                and Harlington libraries. A new    living with dementia and their
                                                                                                                                coffee morning started at South    family or carers are invited to
                                                                                                                                Ruislip on Monday 29 April.        come along to watch a film in a
                                                                                                                                This coffee morning will be held   safe and relaxed environment.
                                                                                                                                every two weeks on a Monday           Cinemas are places where
                                                                                                                                between 2pm and 3pm.               people can reconnect with
                                                                                                                                  For more details about our                                               More magic tables

     Take action to help
                                                                                                                                                                   memories. For the screenings,
                                                                                                                                coffee mornings visit www.         the theatre leaves the house            Following the successful
                                                                                                                       or      lights on, sound levels are             introduction of the interactive
                                                                                                                                email mmoody@hillingdon.           lowered and residents are able          light game system - Tovertafel

     residents with dementia
                                                                                                                                                                   to sing, talk or move around            at four of the borough’s
                                                                                                                                                                   during the film. This, as well as       libraries, the council will
                                                                                                                                                                   clear signage and staff, who have       introduce three more.
                                                                                                                                                                   all been trained as Dementia               The Dutch magic table
                                                                                                                                                                   Friends and on hand to help,            devices project animations
                                                                                                                                                                   creates a safe and comfortable          onto a table top and allow
                                                                                                                                                                   surrounding for attendees.              users to interact with the light.
     The council provides a range of                                                                                                                                  The first film was Stan and Ollie.   The have helped hundreds of
     activities and facilities for residents                                                                                                                       More than 40 residents attended         residents living with dementia
                                                                                                                                                                   with time built in at the end to        and will now be available for
     living with dementia and their carers.                                                                                                                        have free tea, coffee and biscuits      use at Harefield, Oak Farm and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Yeading libraries. Contact the
     This Dementia Action Week (Monday                                                                                                                             and to chat about the film.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           libraries directly to book a slot
                                                                                                                                                                      The council helped with
     20 to Sunday 26 May) can you do                                                                                                                               advice and training and offered         to use them.
                                                                                                                                                                   30 free places to the first
     something, whether big or small, to                                                                                                                           screening to regular Dementia
     help to ensure they feel supported?                                                                                                                           Friend coffee morning attendees.
                                                                                                                                                                   Next screenings

                                                                                                                                                                   Singing in the Rain
                 e continue to work alongside        It is hoped that those who are           Younger onset group                                                  Monday 13 May, 11am
                 Hillingdon Alzheimer’s           trained can pass on their learning          In February, the council
                 Society, as part of Hillingdon   to colleagues, and if the scheme                                              Keeping minds active               Summer Holiday
                                                                                              started a new weekly meet-
     Dementia Action Alliance, to create a        proves successful, the council hopes                                          In March, we introduced some       Monday 8 July, 11am
                                                                                              up session for residents living
     dementia-friendly community, where           that other retailers in Ruislip, Hayes,     with dementia aged under 65.      new activity resources for           Tickets are £4 and carers
     there is a greater awareness and             Northwood and West Drayton high               The group meets each            people living with dementia at     attend for free. Book by calling
     understanding of dementia.                   streets may also make the pledge            Thursday between 10am             each of our dementia coffee         020 8561 8371.
       The council would like to encourage        and then extend training throughout         and 11.30am at Northwood          morning libraries.                   For more information visit
     residents to support those living with       the borough.                                Library, offering sessions           The special Active Minds or
     dementia to make individuals, and               We are also supported in our             alternating between               kits will be used at the coffee    contact Hollie by calling 020
     their carers, feel supported to remain       efforts this year by intu shopping          reminiscence and gentle           mornings that don’t use the        8561 8371 or emailing hollie@             Cllr Philip Corthorne,
     independent and have choice and              centre, Uxbridge, which last month          yoga. Attendees will also         magic tables (Tovertafels) and                     Cabinet Member for Social
     control over their lives.                    started to pilot an assisted shopping       have the chance to shape          are also available for residents
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Services, Housing, Health and
     Dementia Action Week                         service for residents living with           future activities.                to use at any time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wellbeing, said: “It is estimated
     As well as running our regular               dementia. Every Tuesday there will            This new session meets the         There is one kit per library,
     Dementia Friends’ coffee mornings,           be three, two hourly slots between                                            containing various activities,                                             that 2,500 Hillingdon residents
                                                                                              needs of residents who said
     magic table sessions in libraries and        10am and 4pm, where customers               they felt disconnected from       such as jigsaws, cards to play                                             are currently living with
     information drop-ins, so residents can       will be supported by an intu staff          the existing dementia coffee      snap, water painting sheets, a                                             dementia. The range of sessions
     register as Dementia Friends, we are         member for the duration of their            mornings, which were more         marble track maze game and                                                 and activities we have created
     also trying something new to help            shop. For more information on how           focused on older residents.       fidget widget. The resource                                                and continue to build upon,
     more people to ‘take action.’ We are         to book this service, contact intu            For more information            pack provides stimulation for                                              highlights how the council,
     training retailers in Uxbridge during this   Customer Service on 01895 819 400.          about the new group               people living with dementia                                                alongside the Alzheimer's
     year’s awareness week. The council will         Decathlon, based in the centre, has      contact the library by calling    and benefits include,                                                      Society and other partners
     lead sessions at the Pavilions shopping      also donated a space in their store and     01895 558262 or emailing          improving dexterity, increasing                                            within the Dementia Action
     centre for employees from a range of         use of some of their products to the        Northwood-library@                engagement and encouraging
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Alliance, aim to make Hillingdon
     stores, who have pledged to become           council to run one of its seated exercise                conversation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           as dementia friendly as possible.”
     more dementia friendly.                      classes during the Action Week.

12                     May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                May/June 2019                    13
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town improvements                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    town improvements

            Transforming your
                                                                                                                                             Uxbridge                                                                                   Eastcote
                                                                                                                                             Bakers Yard has been given colourful                                                       The shop front grant scheme has
                                                                                                                                             new bin storage units, which brighten                                                      been extended to other businesses

            town centres
                                                                                                                                             the area up considerably, and the                                                          in the high street and a project to
                                                                                                                                             installation of new street lighting, trees,                                                improve Eastcote bridge is set to
                                                                                                                                             seating and paving near The Pavilions                                                      be completed this spring, with work
                                                                                                                                             shopping centre has been completed.                                                        currently being done to install new
                                                                                                                                               Residents might also have noticed                                                        street lighting and fencing.
                                                                                                                                             work progressing on the former                                                                The planting of a ‘rain garden’ - an
                                                                                                                                             Randalls store site, where Inland                                                          attractive and eco-friendly area that
                                                                                                                                             Homes is building new flats.                                                               uses plants and shrubs to improve
     The council continues to invest in the borough’s town and                                                                                 There are also plans for new paving,                                                     drainage and prevent surface water
                                                                                                                                             benches, trees and flowerbeds                                                              flooding during particularly heavy
     village centres, ensuring they remain attractive places to                                                                              between Vine Street and the Civic                                                          rainfall - is also scheduled to be
     live, visit and work. Hillingdon People brings the latest                                                                               Centre, and there will be changes                                                          completed in May.
                                                                                                                                             to the road layout to allow vehicles                                                          The garden has already drawn
     news from Ruislip, Hayes, Uxbridge and Eastcote.                                                                                        to turn around more easily near the                                                        positive feedback from residents.
                                                                                                                                             Civic Centre. Work is expected to get         UXBRIDGE New seating
     Ruislip                                                                                                                                 underway later this year.
     An exciting new venture is                  improvements, such as new signs,                                                              The council also plans to improve
     underway in Ruislip where the               awnings, refurbishments and minor                                                           the bus stop in Vine Street.
     council has taken up the temporary          repairs, covered, as well as access to
     lease of an empty shop at 72 High           professional design expertise.
     Street and made it available for              The scheme is widely regarded
     community use.                              as a practical and economical way
         Local organisations, groups,            of attracting new customers and
     individuals and businesses have             boosting business, while improving
     been invited to come forward with           the look and feel of an area for
     suggestions for the shop, which             residents and visitors.
     is next door to the Edinburgh                                                        RUISLIP Shop for community use (above and below)
     Woollen Mill.
        Whether it’s used for leisure
     activities, meetings or events - the
     council is open to suggestions.
     If one particular idea takes off,
     consideration will be given to make
     the facility permanent.
        The front part of the shop is                                                                                                        UXBRIDGE New bin storage                      HAYES Parade revitalised (above and below)
     earmarked to host a small retail
     space for two, three or four start-up                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cllr Douglas Mills, Cabinet
     traders to display their goods. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Member for Community,
     middle section has large tables for
     meetings and talks and a big map                                                                                                                                                                                                     Commerce and Regeneration,
     and consultation boards to prompt                                                                                                                                                                                                    said: “At a time when many
     a discussion about the future use of                                                                                                                                                                                                 people across the country are
     the shop. The back of the unit has a                                                                                                                                                                                                 lamenting the decline of their
     fully functioning kitchen that can be                                                                                                                                                                                                town centres, we’re bucking the
     used to host food events.                                                                                                                                                                                                            trend, ensuring that the right
        The council is also promoting the                                                                                                                                                                                                 investment goes into making
     space to residents who use Manor                                                                                                                                                                                                     them modern and useful spaces
     Farm Library, with the potential of                                                                                                                                                                                                  for the hugely diverse range of
     the venue hosting literary events,                                                                                                                                                                                                   people who use them, whether
     ‘knit and natter’ sessions or events                                                                                                                                                                                                 they’re shopping, socialising or
     for young residents who may not             Hayes                                    which were extremely positive. One
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          doing business. The ultimate
     typically go to the library.                The regeneration of the Hayes            resident said: “A huge improvement
        Meanwhile, also in Ruislip, the          Parades, extending from Lidl to          - from shabby to smart with a co-                                                                                                               goal is to create an even greater
     council has started inviting shops in       Lansbury Drive, is now complete.         ordinated look and feel along the                                                                                                               sense of pride in our towns and
     the high street to apply for its flagship   The £2.5 million project, which          whole length of the improvements.                                                                                                               villages, securing them for future
     shop front grant scheme, which              has seen new street lighting, seats,     Thank you!”                                                                                                                                     generations.”
     has already benefited 227 small             benches, bins and paving, has drawn         Recipients of the shop front grant
     businesses across the borough.              positive comments from residents,        in Kingshill Avenue and Hayes End

        Successful applicants will have 80       with a recent survey garnering 560       Parade are currently having their new                                                                                                                    For more information visit
     per cent of the cost of shop front          responses, a large proportion of         signage designed.                                                                                                                    

14                     May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                May/June 2019                     15
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environment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 environment

                                                                                                                                           Categories                                                                        Autumn Show
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             This fun, free event celebrates
                                                                                                                                           Best first time entrant                                                           horticultural excellence and all
                                                                                                                                           Best window box Boxes must be on, or attached to, the house                       things blooming marvellous!
                                                                                                                                           window sill and not a free standing container.                                    Enter your own produce in the
                                                                                                                                           Best hanging basket                                                               range of classes, including
                                                                                                                                           Best balcony Best display on an open fronted balcony.                             vegetables, fruit, jams, chutneys,
                                                                                                                                           Best ‘bloomin’ business                                                           cupcakes, chrysanthemum cut
                                                                                                                                           Best school project/display Planted and cared for by children.                    blooms, dahlias, vegetable art
                                                                                                                                           Best community project - residential street Group entry to include                and children’s art and craft.
                                                                                                                                           a minimum of four adjacent properties working together to create an                  Peter Clements, 75, from
                                                                                                                                           overall garden display.                                                           Hayes, said: “I’ve always
                                                                                                                                           Best display (including novelty display) For an exhibit within a                  dabbled in gardening but since
                                                                                                                                           garden that incorporates temporary planting and/or garden                         I retired I’ve had more time to
                                                                                                                                           ornaments and structures.                                                         focus on this and I’ve had an
                                                                                                                                           Roome Cup The garden that is judged to be making the greatest                     allotment at Hayes End for seven
                                                                                                                                           contribution to wildlife conservation.                                            years. I go to the allotment every
                                                                                                                                           Best residential garden This can include rear gardens that can be                 day and I enjoy growing fresh

       Enter our growing
                                                                                                                                           viewed by the passing public.                                                     vegetables.
                                                                                                                                           Best tree pit garden Encouraging residents and local businesses to
                                                                                                                                           brighten up their street by planting around the base of a tree. Please
                                                                                                                                           don’t cause any damage to the tree or encroach on the footpath.

                                                                                                                                           Greening grey Britain for wildlife Taking inspiration from the Royal
                                                                                                                                           Horticultural initiative of the same name, residents are encouraged to
                                                                                                                                           come together as a community to tackle grey
                                                                                                                                           corners of the borough and give them a new
                                                                                                                                           lease of life with plants. Make sure you have
                                                                                                                                           the landowners permission.
     Apply now to take part in this year’s Hillingdon in Bloom and Autumn Show
     competitions for a chance to win garden centre vouchers to continue your
     horticultural endeavours.
                                                                                                                                           Children’s activity sessions

            he council is encouraging           Janet Wrightman from West                 competition and receive kudos for our            To celebrate Children’s National
            residents of all ages and         Drayton, said: “We live in sheltered        garden. Gardening is such a big passion          Gardening Week (25 May to 2 June) and to
            gardening abilities to sign-up.   housing and wanted to make the area         of ours. Our garden is full of vegetables,       encourage young people to learn about the                                            “I’ve entered the Autumn
     The competitions were launched           look better. We saw an advert for           flowers and birds and we enjoy                   environment, we are holding a range of fun, free                                  Show every year apart from the
     by the then Mayor of Hillingdon,         Hillingdon in Bloom in the library and      sharing these with our community.”               activities during May half-term.                                                  year it started. I enter a range of
     Cllr John Morgan during National         decided to enter, winning first place          Judging will take place between                                                                                                 produce, such as shallots,
                                                                                                                                                                        Mini beast and treasure hunt                         marrows, carrots, onions, apples
     Gardening Week on Tuesday                for our communal garden the first           July and August, and all entries,                                                 Monday 27 to Friday 31 May
     30 April at the Rural Activities         year we entered. Entering Hillingdon        except for school and communal                                                                                                     and Dahlias. Last year I won
     Garden Centre in Yiewsley.               in Bloom gives us something to do,          gardens, must be viewable from                                                      Make a bug hotel                               seven prizes, including two firsts
                                              keeps us fit and healthy and creates        a public place. Judges will leave a                                                  Monday 27 May                                 for my trug and shallots - to win
     Hillingdon in Bloom                      a happy environment to live in.”            calling card to let you know that                                                     Worm dig                                     something is so thrilling."
     This is an opportunity for amateur         Shan and Phil Baker, 74 and               your entry has been viewed.                                                            Tuesday 28 May                                 If you want to come along and
     gardeners to imaginatively improve       77, from Uxbridge, said: “We                   Winners will be announced                                                           Plant a herb container                      see what has been produced
     the local environment with               have entered Hillingdon in Bloom            and prizes awarded at our                                                              Wednesday 29 May                            by our green-fingered residents
     flowers, shrubs and landscaping.         consistently for 20 years. We enter         Autumn Show at Manor Farm                                                             (£5 charge per child)                        all entries will be exhibited
        This initiative has grown             because we like to try and win the          on Saturday 21 September.                                                                                                          and judged on Saturday 21
                                                                                                                                                                               Make a bird box
     considerably since it started but                                                                                                                                                                                       September at the Great Barn,
                                                                                                                                                                             Thursday 30 May
     we are keen to see even more                                                                                                                                                                                            Manor Farm, Ruislip, HA4 7SU
     applicants and diversity in entries.                                                                                                                                  Rock/pebble decorating                            (doors open to the public at
                                                 Cllr Jonathan Bianco, Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and
     You may regularly garden or have                                                                                                                                  Friday 31 May                                         1.30pm). There will also be an
                                                 Business Services, said: “We are delighted to launch this year’s horticultural
     never tried it and think that you           competitions, which make such a difference to our immediate environment. I                  There will be two sessions each day between 9.30am and 11.30am                  opportunity to talk to other
     don’t stand a chance but you never                                                                                                    and 1.30pm and 3.30pm. There are limited spaces for each activity.                gardeners and glean some tips
                                                 would encourage residents to join in the fun and get growing, and I am
     know, your application may lead to                                                                                                    Book in advance by emailing                             in a special Q&A session.
                                                 looking forward to seeing all of the entries later in the year.”
     winning one of this year’s categories.

                                                                                                                                       i                                                                                                                           i
              Entry is free and it only takes a few minutes to apply. Fill in the online form on                                               To apply or view the full list of classes, rules and regulations and guidance for the
                 or pick up a paper application leaflet at your local library, the Civic Centre (Uxbridge) or Rural Activities                                             Autumn Show, visit or pick up an application form
                                                               Garden Centre (UB8 3JZ) and return it to us by Friday 14 June                                               at your local library. Applications must be returned to us by Friday 13 September

16                     May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                 May/June 2019                     17
Get gardening for Hillingdon in Bloom - Town improvement programme updates Spectacular summer events Dementia Action Week - Hillingdon Council
events                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     events

     Spectacular summer events                                                                                              D-Day commemorations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      e    ra t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        spi our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                i o n
     The council will be hosting a range of fun, informative and commemorative                                                                                                                                     i k
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  B on T
     activities and sessions during the coming months for all the family.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Our annual free Bikespiration event, which promotes
                                                                                                                                                                                          the benefits of cycling and has traditionally taken place
                                                                                                                                                                                          in Uxbridge town centre, will evolve into a new and
                                                                                                                                                                                          even bigger celebration of bicycles this year.
                                                                                                                                                                                             There will be four free themed events, held across

                                                                    Animal Fun
                                                                                                                                                                                          various parks in the borough. Each will also include
                                                                                                                                                                                          cycling related games, a range of bikes to try-out
                                                                                                                                                                                          and cycling training sessions. There will be various
                                                                                                                                                                                          stalls, with professionals on hand to provide you with
                                                                          at Manor Farm                                                                                                   information about what to look for when purchasing
                                                                 Monday 27 May, 10am to 5pm, Bury Street,                   Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 June, at the Battle of                 a bike, how to look after it, what clubs there are for
                                                                 Ruislip, HA4 7SU                                           Britain Bunker Exhibition and Visitor Centre,
                                                                                                                            Wren Avenue, Uxbridge, UB10 0RN
                                                                 Calling all animal lovers - see Manor Farm come to life
                                                     arts                  this half-term with farm animals of all types,      This four-day programme of events starts on
        Culture Bite, Hillingdon Libraries’ annual                                                                          Thursday 6 June, the 75th anniversary of the
                                                     9 with                   from woolly sheep to mooing cows, at this
        and culture festival, has returned for 201                                                                          Normandy Landings, and includes special tours
                                                                               new free event.
        an all-new format.                                                                                                  of the bunker focusing on its role in Operation
                                                         eek                     Learn about how Manor Farm operated
          Rather than holding a concentrated six-w                                                                          Overlord. The tours can be booked on the day and
                                                      ure                     in the Tudor period and what animals you
        programme of events in the autumn, Cult                                                                             allocated on a first come, first served basis.
                                                     the                    would have found there.
        Bite will now be spread out throughout                                                                                 On Friday 7 June there will be an evening lecture
                                                     nd            Activities include face painting and mask making,
        year, giving residents the chance to atte                                                                           at 5.30pm by historian Colin Philpott, author of
                                                                 and dog-owners can also bring along their pooches
         more events.                                                                                                       Secret Wartime Britain, who will discuss secret
                                                                 to enter a special dog show. Various animal welfare
           In May, Culture Bite will be celebrating                                                                         wartime locations, with a special emphasis on D-Day           cyclists, what guided rides are on offer and what
                                                      series     charities will also be on hand to offer advice.
         women, their lives and their work with a                                                                                                        locations. Following the         road safety training programmes the council runs to
                                                   .               Why not make a day of it and
         of author events and inspirational talks                                                                                                        lecture you can buy the          increase confidence and safety. You will also be able
                                                         the     bring along a picnic or sample the
            June is National Crime Reading Month, so                                                                                                     book and Colin will be           to get a free basic repair with Dr Bike or your bike
                                                        casts,   refreshments on offer at a range of
         theme will shift to crime authors, crime pod                                                                                                    signing copies.                  securely marked to help keep it safe.
                                                                 food stalls?
         writing workshops and true crime stories.                                                                                                          After this lecture at 7pm,    Not just your standard bike
         What Would Jane Do?                                                                                                                             there will be a special          Sunday 9 June, 10am to 3pm at The Closes,
         Friday 31 May, 7.30pm, Uxbridge                                                                                                                 screening of The Longest         West Drayton, UB7 7TX and
         Library, High Street, Uxbridge, UB3                                                                                                             Day (1962), the Academy          Sunday 21 July, 10am to 3pm at Pinn Meadows,
                                  ale fiction writers as                                                                                                 Award-winning epic war
         Join three esteemed fem                                                                                                                                                          Ruislip, HA4 7JZ
         they discuss Jane Austen and   Jane Eyre  and                                                                                                   film, telling the story of the   Try out lots of different bikes that aren’t just a standard
         how they would view the world today.                                                                                                            Allied D-Day landings.           two wheelers.
                                                                                                                                                            Tickets are £5 for each
          An Evening with Victoria Hislop                                                                                   event and can be booked on www.hillingdontheatres.            Learning to ride
          Wednesday 5 June, 7.30pm,                                                                                         uk or by calling 01895 250615.                                Saturday 22 June, midday to 5pm at Dowding
          Great Barn, Manor Farm site,                                                                                         Over the course of the weekend, there will be a            Park, Uxbridge, UB10 0XF
          Bury Street, Ruislip, HA4 7SU                                                                                     range of family activities on offer, such as Preparing        Adult training taster sessions and balance bikes are on
          Back by popular demand, Victoria Hislop                                                                           Parachutes (where you can test different materials            offer for young people to practise their balance.
                                                    t novel.
          returns to Hillingdon to discuss her lates                                                                        and designs to make a parachute), and Create                  Disability cycling
                                                                 Present until 14 June at Manor Farm House,
           Crime Fiction Festival Day                            Ruislip and 21 June to 12 July in the atrium
                                                                                                                            Your Camouflage (where families can learn about               Saturday 6 July, 11am to 4pm at Hayes
           Saturday 15 June, 1pm onwards,                        at Uxbridge Library
                                                                                                                            camouflage and create                                         Community Family Fun Day at Barra Hall Park,
                                                                                                                            a paper aeroplane with
           Winston Churchill Theatre, Manor                        This year marks the 80th anniversary of the outbreak
                                                                                                                                                                                          Hayes, UB3 2NH
                                                                                                                            their own camo design).
           Farm, Pinn Way, Ruislip, HA4 7QL                      of the Second World War in September 1939.                    On Sunday 9 June at
                                                                                                                                                                                          Try out specially-adapted bikes, including recumbents,
           Talks, true crime podcasts, writing classes             We have created a free-to-attend special exhibition      4.30pm, there will also be
                                                                                                                                                                                          trikes, wheelchair transporters, wheelchair tandems,
           more. Check out details at www.hillingdon             that takes a look back at the 1930s, with a specific       a free-to-attend special
                                                                                                                                                                                          handcycles, companion cycles, tricycles and steer-
                                                                                                                                                                    from-the-rear tandems.
                                                                 focus on the various forms of transportation available     talk by historian Ronald
            Book your free place at any Hillingdon               to residents during this time.                             Koorm, who will discuss                                       Cllr Keith Burrows, Cabinet Member for
            Library or email culturebite@hillingdo
                                                     n.            A range of informative panels detail how transport       codebreaking, and its                                         Planning, Transport and Recycling, said:
   For a full list of upcomi ng events,         shaped the local area, changing the way people lived       impact on D-Day.                                              “These new events are a fun celebration of cycling
            visit ww
                                                      .          and worked. Why not come along and find out more              Visit battleofbritain                                      and highlight how this is an activity that everyone,
                                                                 about horse-drawn carriages, trains and Tubes, trams for more                                         regardless of age or ability, can take up and
                                                                 and trolleybuses, cars and walking in Hillingdon?          information.                                                  participate in.”

18                    May/June 2019                                                                                                                                                                                       May/June 2019                    19
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