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                                                                  Give the
                                                                     people what
                                                                      they want!
                                                                                 Figuring out the complexities
                                                                                 of employee wellbeing

Lesser-known Cape Town          SA’s best bowlers    Tech predictions 2020        Mesmerising Madagascar    Event planning
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1991                                      In 1991 the dismantling of Apartheid began.
                                          Russia emerged from communism.
                                          The world protected Antarctica.
                                          The internet went public.
                                          And Generation X arrived.

                                          ‘91 was a year of unbelievable change.

                                          And it was the year that
                                          Investec Asset Management was born.

                                          Change is in our blood.
                                          We understand it, we manage it,
                                          We live it and we lead it.

                                          And now it’s time for us to change.
                                          Investec Asset Management has a new name.

                                          In celebration of our beginning
                                          And whatever changes come next.

                                          The times that made us, named us.

                                          Investec Asset Management
                                          is now called Ninety One

Ninety One is an authorised Financial Service Provider.
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The times
that made us,
named us

           Investing for a
           world of change
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insight for executives on the move

                                   Your free take-home copy - exclusive to Airlink passengers
                                                                                                                                           Business as unusual                                                          PUBLISHER Urs Honegger

                                                                                                                                           There are so many clichés designed to optimally showcase how we get
                                                                                                                                           ever more narrow-minded as we get older. And sure, walking nine miles        EDITOR Bruce Dennill
                   Save the number +27 78 093 4990                insight for executives on the move
                   WhatsApps the word SKYWAYS
                   and receive the digital version of
                   the magazine.

                                                                                                                                           uphill in the snow to school every day must’ve made older generations        SENIOR SUB-EDITOR Vanessa Koekemoer
                                                                                                                                           tougher and more difficult to break down, after they survived not            SUB-EDITOR Claire Rencken
                                                                          Give the
                                                                             people what                                                   wearing seatbelts until they were 40, and stuffed carbs into their faces
                                                                              they want!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTION MANAGER Paul Kotze
                                                                                                                                           willy-nilly for decades.
                                                                                         Figuring out the complexities
                                                                                         of employee wellbeing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DESIGNER Perpetua Chigumira-Wenda
                                                                                                                                             The thing is, though – that is no longer how the world works, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TRAFFIC AND PRODUCTION Juanita Pattenden
        Lesser-known Cape Town          SA’s best bowlers    Tech predictions 2020        Mesmerising Madagascar    Event planning

                                                                                                                                           everyone needs to move on. That’s no simple matter, of course, but
                     Retaining staff                                                                                                       tweaking the plans companies have for steering through economic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ADVERTISING +27 11 468 2090
              requires a thoughtful,                                                                                                       mazes is an increasingly interesting space.                                  SALES MANAGER Gillian Johnston
                  creative mindset.                                                                                                          Flexibility and mental health are now as important as good salaries        MEDIA SALES EXECUTIVES
                                                                                                                                           to employees (page 32); simplicity can sometimes be much more                Arlene Sanford +27 83 473 5002
                                                                                                                                           effective than intricacy (page 34); technology is constantly requiring the   Ben Banda +27 73 112 4820
                                                                                                                                           changing of strategies (page 36); and working with your family doesn’t       Rowena Singh +27 79 568 6025
                                                                                                                                           necessarily make anything simpler (page 40). Mind you, perhaps that          Mosadi Teffo +27 83 584 6673
                                                                                                                                           last one was obvious already…                                                Francois Jensen van Rensburg +27 82 653 8580
                                                                                                                                             Let’s keep talking, figuring it out. Maybe we can get it done together
                                                                                                                                           this month.                                                                  ENGLAND/WALES/SCOTLAND: Interactive

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              38 A changeable feast
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BUSINESS, TRADE AND INDUSTRY                   How is unfair dismissal compensation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               32 Give the people what they want              calculated?
        TAKE-OFF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A competitive salary alone is no longer        40 Avoiding organisational incest
        10 News in brief                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       enough to attract and retain top staff         Family-owned businesses have to deal
        Bite-size bulletin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     34 Back to basics                              with some unique challenges
        14 Forecast                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Business models don’t need to be complex to    42 Time to catch the re-train
        The future is now                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      be effective                                   New skills need to be learnt if jobs are
        63 Sky Café                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            36 What know-how will be normal?               to survive
        Accommodation and services directory                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tech trends are likely to change the way       44 Don’t let it rain on your parade
        75 Flight schedules                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    business is done and money is spent this       Well-run conferences and other events
        Airlink lodge-hopping and regional timetables                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          year                                           require thoughtful planning

04 20
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Chris Hemsworth works hard and chooses his roles carefully. He handles pressure
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                                                                                                                  KASANE KIMBERLEY LIVINGSTONE LUSAKA MABUTO MASERU MAUN MTHATHA NAMPULA NDOLA NELSPRUIT NOSY BE PEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PHALABORWA PIETERMARITZBURG POLOKWANE PRETORIA SIKHUPE SISHEN SKUKUZA TETE UPINGTON VILANKULOS WINDHO
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the magazine, please scan here
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                54 The scientific guide to: The Hajj
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Hajj is an annual pilgrimage to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mecca in Saudia Arabia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               30 It’s the little things                        56 Say cheese!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lesser-known gems in the Mother City             Why do we enjoy this multi-faceted food
        TRAVEL, LEISURE AND LIFESTYLE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          46 Line and length                               type so much?
        16 Wildlife theatre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cricket doyen Ali Bacher considers the best      58 Madame Mimic
        All-singing, all-dancing attractions in unique                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bowlers South Africa has produced in new book    ‘Woman of a Thousand Voices’ Christina
        island habitats                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        48 Reef nots                                     Bianco brings her divas and delights to
        20 Small town, big agenda                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Being aware and careful while diving is          South Africa
        Mossel Bay punches well above its weight in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            important for marine conservation                90 Media
        terms of the range of activities on offer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              50 Recycle or replace?                           This month: gangsters, soldiers,
        24 Branch management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Biodegradable plastic will change the            leftovers and popes
        Locals help to restore ancient natural balance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         industry – but how much remains to be seen       92 Recipes
        26 A secret garden                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     52 Vacations in vogue                            Pear, blue cheese and walnut salad
        KZN Sanctuary encourages communing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Travel trends are shifting as we enter a new     96 Talespin
        with nature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            decade                                           Confessions of a virgin bundu-basher

04 20
Prepare for the Unexpected with

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take | off

                                                                                                                            The flight code under which all Airlink
                                                                                                                          flights will operate from 11 June 2020.

                                                                 INNOVATION         channel also allows Digit to
                                               Get your digits                      ask for help if something
                                               Agility Robotics is launching        unexpected is encountered.
                                               Digit, a robot with arms and legs
                                               to work with humans and in
                                               human spaces, for commercial
                                               sale. Ford Motor Company is                                               ART           The Lives of the Artists, Giorgio    experimented with the medium,
                                               the first customer, receiving the    Altaring the course                                Vasari, wrote in swooning terms      altering its chemical balance
                                               first two robots off the line. The   of history                                         that Van Eyck was the inventor       to achieve faster drying times,
                                               team expects that, as Digit will     Even during his lifetime, Belgian                  of oil painting. True or not, what   allowing him to build up layers
                                               be part of a package delivery        painter Jan Van Eyck was                           he achieved with the medium          of translucent paint in order to
                                               service, this communication          venerated for his astonishing                      – the extreme exactitude of          achieve delicate and nuanced
                                               channel will also provide            innovations, so much so that                       his execution; the fine, three-      effects. An exhibition detailing
                                               delivery-specific information,       his masterpiece, the Ghent                         dimensional modelling; the subtle    his work, Van Eyck: An Optical
                                               such as where a customer             Altarpiece, can be seen in terms                   depiction of light and shadow;       Revolution runs at the Museum
                                               prefers packages to be left, or      of a series of firsts. A century                   and the extreme realism of           of Fine Arts, Ghent, until 30 April.
                                               other individual package delivery    after the artist’s death, the                      textures – set him apart from all
                                               needs. This communication            Florentine painter and author of                   his predecessors. He tirelessly

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                                    The number of egg whites used in the construction
                                                                                                                             The mass of a hairball removed from a
                                    of the Bridge of Eggs, built in Lima, Peru, in 1610.                                     19-year-old girl’s stomach in 2012.

      TO-DO LIST

                                                                                             April at Grand Arena, GrandWest in         over the past 25 years. The group
                                                                                             Cape Town; Thursday, 30 April at           – Nathan Morris, Shawn Stockman
                                                                                             Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban;             and Wanya Morris – who last visited
                                                                                             and Friday, 1 May and Saturday,            South Africa in 2015, redefined
                                                                                             2 May at Ticketpro Dome,                   popular R&B. The group’s ballads
                                                                                             Johannesburg. Fans attending               include End of The Road, I’ll Make
                                                                                             will see their favourite Superstars        Love to You and Motownphilly and
                                                                                             including Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch,       the trio are the best-selling R&B
                                                                                             Charlotte Flair, Bobby Lashley, The        group of all time, with 64 million
                                                                                             O.C., Ricochet, and Aleister Black.        albums sold worldwide. The concerts
      • The Rand Show                             experience and a search for Easter                            will take place at the Sun Arena
      The Rand Show runs from 8 to                eggs in the giant Beacon maze.                                                        in Pretoria on 9 April and at Cape
      13 April and takes place at the                                                                           Town’s Grand Arena on 13 April.
      Johannesburg Expo Centre, Nasrec.                                                                                       
      Tickets cost between R70 and
      R150 for day passes. Discover                                                                                                     • Splashy Fen
      new, on-trend content, a greater                                                                                                  SA’s oldest music festival returns
      variety of experiences, activations                                                                                               from 9 to 13 April. This year, it
      and shows distinctive to the event,                                                                                               celebrates its 29th festival and
      including the Festival of Gaming and                                                                                              offers several new developments.
      the Jacaranda Clash of Kitchens                                                        • Boyz II Men SA Tour                      Tickets are available at Computicket
      – South Africa’s newest reality             • WWE Live                                 The Boyz II Men SA Tour features           and include camping for the entire
      cooking challenge. Kids’ experiences        WWE LIVE returns to South Africa           the iconic R&B and hip-hop group           four-night, five-day festival.
      include the Disney Frozen 2                 with events on Wednesday, 29               performing timeless hits produced

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take | off

                                                                                     The number of flights
                                                                             operated per month by Airlink.

                                         direct control, is extremely        rarely. Even by the middle of the
                                         distressing to our customers        19th Century, only 10% of adults
                                         because of the disruption it        knew how to write, and there
                                         causes to their travel plans.       are only about 140 scripts in use
                                                                             today. There are between 6,000
                                                                             and 7,000 languages in the
                                                                             world. Yet, 96% are spoken by
                            TRAVEL                                CULTURE    just 3% of the global population    January, ceasing all scientific
     On the clock                        A world of few words                and 85% are endangered.             operations. The telescope, which
     Last year, Airlink consistently     Unesco has often warned of the                                          focused on capturing infrared
     ranked as one of the two top        need to “preserve, revitalise and                                       images, launched in 2003 and
     airlines for on-time operation      promote indigenous languages                                            was operational for 16-and-a-
     in South Africa’s skies. For the    around the world”. But, while                               SPACE       half years, despite only being
     period from January to August       many have focused on the            So long, Spitzer                    planned to serve for five. The
     2019, more than 92% of Airlink’s    spoken word, how different          NASA has said a final goodbye       spacecraft’s most memorable
     flights departed on time (an        cultures write is often ignored.    to its Spitzer Space Telescope,     achievements include the
     independent measure applied by      This might have something           which has been decommissioned       discovery of Saturn’s largest ring
     ACSA – the Airports Company         to do with the artificiality of     after more than 16 years of         and four TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets,
     of South Africa). Airlink also      alphabets. Language is innate       service. NASA mission control       as well as mapping the extensive
     knows that to cancel a flight       to all humans, but scripts have     downloaded the last Spitzer data    portraits of the Milky Way.
     without there being very sound      to be invented and actively         and sent through a command
     reasons, outside of the airline’s   learned. This has happened          to enter safe mode on 30
                       The number of emeralds included in the design of the
                                                                                                                          10 million
                                                                                                                          The number of bricks in the
                       Gem of the Orient knife – the world’s most expensive.                                              Empire State Building.

       EGG                   CATERPILLAR               PUPA               EMERGING BUTTERFLY                       ADULT BUTTERFLY
                                                                                                                                                      This article first appeared in

  What actually happens when a
                                                                                                                                                      Very Interesting Issue 51.
                                                                                                                                                      Go to to
                                                                                                                                                      subscribe or for
                                                                                                                                                      the digital edition.

  caterpillar becomes a butterfly?
  Leah Harding, Clarens

  I  t’s more of a messy, horror movie
     transformation than a tidy, romantic one.
  When a caterpillar starts to change into a pupa
                                                         central nervous system. Also resistant to the
                                                         transformation process are clumps of cells
                                                         called ‘imaginal discs’, which are contained
                                                                                                                          overwhelm the dwindling caterpillar cells and
                                                                                                                          begin to use the raw materials around them to
                                                                                                                          assemble new butterfly structures, such as
  (or chrysalis), its own digestive enzymes begin to     within the caterpillar’s body for its entire life.               wings, legs, eyes and antennae. These structures
  break down most of its cells into a chemical           During metamorphosis, the imaginal cells divide                  eventually connect up with the remaining
  soup. Some of the caterpillar’s structures do          rapidly. At first, these are treated as invaders                 caterpillar parts, and the newly assembled
  remain intact, however, such as the gut, the           and attacked by the caterpillar’s immune                         butterfly emerges. The whole process can take
  tracheal tubes (for breathing), and some of the        system. But, eventually, the imaginal cells                      just two weeks in some species.

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take | off

                                                                            The number of individuals making up
                                                                              Airlink flight deck and cabin crews.

        forecast                                                The future is now
         Enter electricity
          A lodge in the Timbavati           common sense. However,
          Game Reserve has                   until now, there have been
          introduced a silent,               concerns about durability
          environmentally- and               and length of charge when it
          wildlife-friendly, electric        comes to the new technology.
          safari vehicle. Makanyi            Electric Safari Vehicles’
          Lodge partnered with               technology allows vehicles to
          Electric Safari Vehicles           be fully recharged using solar
          on a conversion on one             panels and is both water- and
          of their Land Rovers, and          dust-proof, with the capacity
          hopes to have their full           to run four-wheel drive              electric vehicles include:          • Less shaking, making
          fleet converted soon.              vehicles with more power             • Lowering dependency                for better videography
            With the increasing price        and torque than normal diesel          on fossil fuels.                    and photography.
          of fossil fuel seriously           game viewers. One six-hour           • Lowering carbon footprints.       • Helping anti-poaching
          impacting lodges, and a            charge can see a vehicle run         • Less impact on                     units, by enabling anti-
          growing awareness of the           for anything between 150               flora and fauna.                    poaching teams to track
          detriment of their continued       and 200km depending on               • Giving guests a more               and catch poachers
          use to the sensitive               terrain – more than needed,            up-close-and-personal               without being detected as
          environment, the conversion        with most game drives being            wildlife experience.                a result of engine noise.
          of traditional vehicles into       between 30 and 40km.                 • Reduction of noise
          fully electric vehicles is         Further benefits of a move to          pollution.

                                             deep learning applications onto       a winter clothing range when
                                             the camera, to minimise the           he heard of a homeless man
                                             amount of server processing           who had died of hypothermia
                                             power that’s required for them        while waiting for a shelter to
                                             to be stored on the server side.      open. He vowed to come up
                                               More factories, mines, and          with a solution to protect the
                                             manufacturing companies are           homeless from extreme cold,
        In camera                            going to look towards artificial      and the ‘Sheltersuit’ was born.
        The shift by a number of             intelligence as a means to assist       Timmer made sure it could
        organisations towards                with thermal temperatures in          accommodate the real needs of
        integrating the Internet Of          rollers to ensure they don’t          those trying to survive on the
        Things, embedding security           exceed a certain temperature.         street. Created from upcycled
        into devices themselves as             Video surveillance as a             and recycled materials, the
        well as placing devices on the       service will enable businesses        durable product is a waterproof         In 2014, Timmer founded
        edge, securing vital business        to better collaborate on the          and windproof bodysuit, with          the Sheltersuit Foundation to
        assets – such as data,               analysis of footage and data          an easily attachable sleeping         extend and scale the project.
        applications, access control and     collected by cameras.                 bag. If the wearer needs to           Sheltersuit products are
        surveillance – will be a big focus                                         move away from a location             made by volunteers, formerly
        in 2020 and years to come.                                                 quickly, there’s an opening           homeless people, refugees
          More companies are                                                       at the bottom of the suit to          or the unemployed (some
        embedding security in devices        Gimme shelter                         facilitate this. And the garment      workers receive payment).
        and cameras. There are going         Dutch fashion designer Bas            can be stored in a matching
        to be more efforts to move           Timmer had been working on            backpack during the day.

04 20
travel leisure | lifestyle

        All-singing, all-dancing attractions
        in unique island habitats

        In Madagascar, everything is unusual, from the                                          reason to visit Berenty in southern Madagascar; more
        quirky customs to the bizarre wildlife. However, even in                                than enough reason to visit Madagascar at all.
                                                                                                  Sifakas are a type of lemur. They are strangely human
        that extreme context, trekking for singing indris and seeing
                                                                                                and very quirky. Their black faces and creamy white
        dancing sifakas are simply unforgettable experiences.                                   bodies make them look like animated fluffy toys with
         For more information,   “Wake up, they’re dancing. Five of them together,” calls       serious faces. They are intriguing to watch. We stand
            go to madagascar-    our guide Dodi from outside our room. Through bleary           in the early morning sunshine transfixed, not wanting
      eyes we see the creatures sidestepping in the red dust.        to blink lest we miss some action. These sifakas are
                                 They turn to face the opposite direction and carry on          unable to walk normally, as their feet are designed to
                                 their sideways dance, arms held high and legs criss-           grasp tree trunks. They jump great distances between
                                 crossing in mid-air with each strange leap. They all have      trees, but whenever the distance is too great and they
                                 fixed stares and look like startled teddy bears in a trance.   need to cross open ground, they have to skip or dance
                                 Seeing these dancing sifakas is more than enough               to make their way. Their offspring, with equally startled

04 20
we want to see next. Finding them requires trekking in          Sifakas (above) skip
                                                              the montane forest of Andasibe-Mantadia reserve, an             across open ground
                                                              hour or two’s drive from the capital Antananarivo.              between trees.
                                                                We overnight on the edge of the montane forest and are
                                                              woken before dawn by the bizarre sound of shrill sirens         The indri (above
                                                              interspersed with whale song. We listen for a minute            left) is the jungle's
                                                              before realising it’s indris marking their territories – they   favourite vocalist.
                                                              do it with song instead of scent, as their territories are
                                                              huge. So, while sifakas dance, indris sing and provide a
expressions, cling like Velcro to their backs as their        haunting start to the day.
parents dance and jump from one tree to the next to             We are up and dressed at breakneck speed. Our guide
continue foraging for leaves.                                 Maurice is waiting for us and we head into the adjacent
                                                              forest to trek the lemurs. Since indris live in trees all
Follow the sound                                              their lives, even giving birth there, we will be tracking
The huge island of Madagascar has about 111 known             them by sound, not spoor. We walk and listen, then
species of lemur, and at least 17 species have already        walk and listen some more through the cool forest. The
gone extinct since man arrived there, with 95% of             arboreal indris only descend from the trees to lick soil
the remainder threatened with extinction because of           for minerals, so our chances of seeing them at eye level
deforestation, hunting and the illegal pet trade. Lemurs      are almost zero.
range in size from the pygmy mouse lemur, which can             As we go, Maurice tells us that indris share the forest
recline comfortably in an egg cup, to the piebald, teddy      with a whole gamut of bizarre creatures, from the giant
bear-like indri – weighing in at around 7kg. It’s the indri   Parson’s chameleon that can grow up to 61cm long, to

                                                                                                                                                      04 20
travel leisure | lifestyle

         A Parson's chameleon      brightly coloured frogs and birds, carnivorous plants and          The trees above are rustling, and the indri starts
           poses for a portrait.   boa constrictors.                                                jumping to adjacent trees. “He’s on the move; are
                                     We walk on through the forest, with Maurice leading            you keen to follow?” asks Maurice. Of course we are!
                                   the way. It’s easy walking over the undulating terrain; no       We’ll follow until we’re worn out. But quickly, the indri
                                   real clambering is involved. Slowly, the indri calls grow        outsmarts us and is jumping fast in different directions.
                                   louder and more shrill, and we follow the sound. Twenty          Maurice laughs: “I think he is tired of us and is shaking
                                   minutes later, Maurice stops, raises his hand for us to          us off.” We all sit under a tree to gather our breath and
                                   remain quiet, and points up into a skyscraper-tall tree.         listen as he jumps and sings in the treetops, his call
                                   “You see the black blob right at the top? It’s an indri,”        growing fainter.
                                   he whispers. “Don’t stand directly underneath him in               “Our local people have an interesting legend about
                                   case he needs the bathroom.”Suddenly, all is completely          the indri,” explains Maurice. “They believe that the
           How to get there        quiet, but for the rustle of leaves and our own breath.          indri is the father of mankind or the ancestor of man.
                                                                                                    It comes from the story of a young boy who climbed a
                                   Creature in control                                              tree to collect honey, but then couldn’t get down again.
                                   As we look up, the indri with tufty ears looks down at us.       An indri came to his rescue.” This story may have been
                                   His black face is surprised, but that’s a permanent look.        the indri’s saving grace for a long time, but this beautiful
                                   He seems amused and constantly looks up and down                 lemur remains critically endangered.
                                   at us again. Then he breaks the silence and lets out an            With renewed energy, we tighten our boots and head
                                   ear-splitting shrill call. Now we are the startled ones, but     homewards and out of the forest. It’s a leisurely walk
                                   we compose ourselves, lean back against a tree and wait          now, and we stop en route to see a master of disguise.
                                   for further action. He is in no rush, and neither are we.        It takes a while to identify the leaf-tailed gecko on a
                                     Maurice tells us that in Madagascar it’s fady (or taboo)       tree trunk. Only when he opens and closes his eyes
               Airlink connects    to kill or eat a lemur, which is why there are still a handful   can we spot this incredible creature. It’s quite likely we
            Johannesburg and       of lemurs left in protected areas. He adds that it’s also        missed dozens of critters as we walked, but we saw the
             Antananarivo and      fady to harm or degrade many natural areas on the                indris, and they sang to us. And that made everything
         Nosy Be. Go to page       island, which helps with conservation. These customs,            worthwhile.
        75 for flight schedules.   however, are being transgressed more and more, which        doesn’t bode well for beautiful Madagascar.                      Text | Keri Harvey Photography | Fred Johnson

04 20
In the Pilanesberg National Park             Villas
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travel leisure | lifestyle
            MOSSEL BAY

                                                   Small town,
                                                    big agenda
                                                                                 Mossel Bay punches well above its weight
                                                                                 in terms of the range of activities on offer
        Spend a weekend in Mossel Bay and you’ll discover the town has a split personality. On the
        one side, it oozes small-town charm, with sandy beaches where you can still buy soft-serve ice
        creams, but flip the coin and you’ll find an adventure hub that will keep your adrenaline pumping
        long after you’ve returned to work.
         For more information,    This sleepy town starts buzzing at the beginning of     size replica of the caravel in which Bartolomeu Dias
          go to visitmosselbay.   each holiday, with visitors flocking towards the five   first rounded the Cape. There is a Cultural Museum,
                  blue flag beaches for sun, surfing and sports. Mossel   a Shell Museum and an aquarium, as well as the
                                  Bay has enough to keep you busy for weeks on end but    famous Post Office Tree in which Dias hid a letter
                                  is also small enough to explore in a weekend.           to his compatriot Joao da Silva. A giant red post box
                                                                                          serves as a reminder of the rich history of the original
                                  Participate with the past                               Old Post Tree and is still used today with the original
                                  Start your visit by discovering how southern Africans   franking. You can send letters to loved ones around the
                                  first met European explorers more than 500 years        world, but it might be best to write and post the letter
                                  ago. This meeting is celebrated at the Dias Museum      at the end of your stay, to capture all the memories
                                  Complex, where the Maritime Museum houses a life-       you made.

04 20
The complex is an interesting mix of then and now
and a great way to start a holiday. History buffs can also
download a map on the Mossel Bay Tourism website
to explore historical Mossel Bay on foot. Another great
outing is taking the ‘Point of Human Origins’ tour to
the world-renowned archaeological site where early
evidence for modern human behaviour can be found.
  When everyone has had their fill of history, book          Trail mix
a fancy dinner at Route 57, situated in one of Mossel        If you have extra days to explore the area, add these to your to-do list.
Bay’s historic stone buildings. The restaurant is named      •      The St Blaize Hiking Trail is a popular 13.5km, six-hour hike that follows the 30m
to acknowledge the achievement of South African golfer              contour along the cliffs westwards from the Cape St Blaize Lighthouse. It begins at the
                                                                    cave below the lighthouse and ends in Dana Bay. Look out for the signs depicting an
Louis Oosthuizen, who played his lowest round of golf at
Mossel Bay Golf Club in 2002, scoring 57 (15 under par).     •      The Oystercatcher Trail is a love affair with nature. The hike spans four nights and five
Here you’ll find fine dining, Mossel Bay style. Order the           days, walking from Cape St Blaize to the Gourits River Mouth. If you’re lucky, you’ll see
creamy mussels with the Route 57 signature white wine               dolphins and whales and all sorts of birdlife. You only have to carry a day pack, as your
and garlic cream sauce – you won’t be disappointed.                 luggage is transported for you.

                                                                                                                                                                04 20
travel leisure | lifestyle
             MOSSEL BAY

             Try out the longest     Saturday mornings are perfect for lazing about on the           speed boat. Buckle up and let the expert pilot show you
             over-ocean zipline    beach or taking a half-day trip to Jakkalsvlei Wine Farm          the thrill and excitement of one of Mossel Bay’s best-
                   in the world.   for pizza and wine, or a scenic drive in the Ruiterbos            kept adrenaline secrets.
                                   area between Mossel Bay and Oudtshoorn. You’ll find                 Less adventurous? Opt to take a class at the Inverroche
                                   quaint little shops, farm stalls, hiking trails and 4x4           Gin school at Café Gannet. Here you’ll craft your unique
                                   routes. This area is brilliant for bird lovers, and anyone        bottle of gin, sample gins and learn more about local
                                   interested in the proteas and ericas of the region’s              fynbos. Café Gannet is also one of the most popular
                                   mountain fynbos.                                                  spots to grab a bite during your stay, and you’ll feel as if
           How to get there                                                                          you’re somewhere in the Mediterranean when sitting in
                                   Speed and spirits                                                 their sun-kissed courtyard.
                                   Back in Mossel Bay, head down to Kaai 4 Braai for                   If you have youngsters, they’ll enjoy Diaz Water Park at
                                   roosterkoek on the quays. Here you can sit and watch              the Diaz Hotel. Families can relax around the braai and
                                   the waves crash against the harbour while your meal –             picnic areas for as long as the water keeps the kids busy.
                                   everything from potjiekos, braaivleis and whole fish on             You can end off the day with a meal at everyone’s
                                   the grid – is made on open fires.                                 favourite Mossel Bay hangout, Sea Gypsy. The seafood
                                     A sunny afternoon in the area calls for adventure, and          at Sea Gypsy is fresh and moreish, the views are
                                   with the longest over-ocean zipline in the world opening          unbeatable, and the vibe will make you order an extra
                                   this year, you’ll be off to a good start! It is 1,100m long and   round or three… Mossel Bay can keep you busy 24
                                   you can reach speeds of up to 80km/h while you take in            hours a day, and you’ll still feel as if there is one more
         Airlink connects Cape     unparalleled views of the cliffs, ocean and sea life.             sight to see, a dish to taste and adventure to be had.
        Town and Durban with         If heights are not your thing, but speed is, you                You’ll just have to come back!
           George. Go to page      can try a ride on the Freaking Fast Waverider, based
        75 for flight schedules.   at the harbour waterfront jetty. They provide a fun               Text | Mart-Marié du Toit Photography | Mossel Bay        introduction to the exhilarating art of wave-riding by            Tourism, Jessica Pote from SA Forest Adventures

04 20
travel leisure | lifestyle
              ST HELENA

        Branch management
        Locals help to restore ancient natural balance
        The sub-tropical island of St Helena is a jewel in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, a
        biodiversity hotspot for an array of plant and animal species. Around 14 million years ago, the island
        erupted from the ocean floor along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in a dazzling display of fire and steam. No one
        stepped foot onto her fertile soil until her discovery on 21 May 1502 by Portuguese admiral Joao da Nova.
        To get involved with the     Today, one can only imagine the magnificent sights             In 2000, everyone on St Helena was encouraged
        #MillenniumForest2020        those first sailors beheld, the grandeur of the landscape    to plant an endemic gumwood tree (Commidendrum
                initiative (make a   with its sheer, guano-cloaked cliffs and deep green          robustum) in the Forest. Every school pupil planted
                 donation; plant a   valleys, coastlines teeming with life and never-before-      a tree – 4,000 of them. A competition to design the
               tree yourself), get   seen terrestrial creatures. The unique ecosystem that        gateway to the Forest was won by Gina Henry. A hut
                 in touch with the   developed because of the island’s isolation allowed the      was built as a shelter for three day-workers providing
              St Helena National     preservation and transformation of species that had          support in the preparation for planting and care of the
           Trust via   established themselves to co-evolve, giving rise to the      trees. It was later extended to create a small nursery
                                     island’s exceptional endemic flora and fauna. Decline        for seedlings, using materials salvaged from the waste
                                     came when humans intervened. Today, the hold these           disposal site. Funding to set up the Forest was provided
                                     endemic flora and fauna have on the island has weakened      by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, supported
                                     and continues to regress.                                    in kind by the St Helena Government. As the years
                                                                                                  moved on, the Millennium Forest was awarded funding
                                     Joint effort                                                 from the UK Government (DEFRA Darwin initiative),
            How to get there         Conservation efforts over the years have worked towards      local island organisations and the European Union
                                     protecting and preserving the island’s highly threatened     (BEST 2.0).
                                     flora and fauna. One of the most significant interventions
                                     is the Millennium Forest project, designed to restore part   Lasting value
                                     of the former Great Wood ancient forest of gumwoods.         Now, 20 years on, the Forest has grown considerably.
                                     Taking on the vision of turning barren, eroded wasteland     It covers approximately 35ha with dryland endemic
                                     into a forest of endemics, the Millennium Forest has been    species, mainly comprising gumwood but also ebony
                                     planted by the community, for the community.                 (Trochetiopsis ebenus) and rosemary (Phylica polifolia),
                                       Restoration work started at Horse Point in the 1980s,      among others. Many of the plantings of rare endemics
                                     with the planting of endemics by former forestry officer     represent valuable genetic stocks for conservation.
                                     Norman Williams and conservation officer George                In celebration of the Millennium Forests’ 20th
                Airlink connects     Benjamin. This early success provided the foundation         anniversary, the Trust will be organising events
         Johannesburg with St        and inspiration for the Millennium Forest project,           throughout 2020, hoping to match the 4,000 gumwood
        Helena. Go to page 75        conceptualised and initiated by Rebecca Cairns-Wicks         trees planted two decades ago.
            for flight schedules.    and officially launched in 2000. It’s been managed by the          St Helena National Trust since 2002.                         Text | Martina Peters Photography | Supplied

04 20

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travel leisure | lifestyle

                             A secret
                              garden  Compact KwaZulu-Natal
                                    sanctuary encourages rest
                                   and communing with nature

04 20
Northern KwaZulu-Natal is one
of South Africa’s bush hotspots,
littered with famous reserves where
conservation world firsts have become
almost de rigueur, and blessed with
verdant green bush to go with the
scenic bodies of water in the area – the
Pongolapoort Dam and the beautiful
Lake St Lucia.
The place feels wild. Richards Bay, the biggest town in
the region, is left behind quickly, heading up the N2
from the airport and shedding the signs of commerce
around the huge port and the mines, replacing those
with hills, trees and grassland, and a narrow swathe
                                                               Cats, curiosity and complexity                         animals’, unable to be re-introduced
of Eswatini on the horizon, just beyond the nearby             Also on the property is the Zululand Cat               to the wild because of injuries or
international border.                                          Conservation Project. Such a facility is,              being hand-raised as pets and thus
  Along the way, there are any number of road signs            in a cultural and environmental climate                not developing the necessary skills
pointing the way to various avenues to adventure, as well      where canned lion hunting and other                    to hunt and survive. New arrivals
                                                               such practices are a reality, always worth             and animals being prepared for
as to local communities with memorable, lyrical names
                                                               investigating in terms of how the animals              ‘re-wilding’ are kept in a separate
such as Dukuduku. And then, just off the highway – in          housed there are treated, and what those               area with no visitors.
fact, bewilderingly close to the thoroughfare, given the       animals’ future prospects are.                   •     Noting how careful the staff are to
absence of noise and the lushness of the foliage – is a          A guide on what is and what is not                   discourage touching of the animals,
hotel property a fraction of the size of the competition       appropriate in this regard is available on the         and to enforce this rule. Regardless,
                                                               South African Tourism Services Association’s           any visitor is expected to wash their
up and down that strip of road, but at least their equal
                                                               website (                 hands with a special disinfectant (on
in every other way.                                            research-home), and it is worth perusing               entry and exit) to stop the introduction
                                                               before visiting Emdoneni if you are planning           or spread of any harmful germs.
First impressions                                              to take a tour of the Conservation Project.      •     Learning a great deal from
The approach to the lodge may involve a bit of traffic                                                                knowledgeable guides.
                                                               What is wonderful here:
– a dozen impala here; a pair of dainty nyala there; a
                                                               •    Being able to observe a small               A point of concern:
handful of delicate butterflies that’ll fly around you              selection of wild cat species –             •     Though there is no touching and
in the slipstream of your car. Then, on the right, the              cheetah, serval, caracal and African              the camps in which the cats are
property’s cat rehabilitation project, and on the left, the         wildcat – many of them rescued from               kept are large, allowing for plenty of
monolithic reception, first impressions that don’t give a           roads, farms and homes where people               room between animal and human,
                                                                    had ill-advisedly been keeping them               photographs with the cats in the
true sense of what you see and feel once you get inside
                                                                    as pets.                                          fore- or background are still allowed.
(though the warmth and humour of the staff begins at           •    Getting a sense of the importance                 There’s a valid argument for phasing
the gate and continues throughout).                                 of breeding endangered species and                that practice out and delivering the
  There’s a wall around the parking area, with a                    re-introducing them to their natural              information on the cats with everyone
pedestrian-plus-luggage-sized gap that is an opening                habitats (including in some of the                outside the fence, as allowing even
                                                                    large reserves in the area). The cats             this limited opportunity for habituation
– particularly in spring or summer – to a kind of secret
                                                                    you see on the tour are ‘ambassador               with humans remains controversial.
kingdom. The sub-tropical trees and shrubs that fringe
the buildings and act as centrepieces between walkways
drip with flowers in astonishing shades of red, orange,       Joining the team                                                        For more
yellow and purple. The creatures that flit between them       That sense of being in nature and enjoying being part                   information, go to
are equally striking: glittering beetles, pollen-laden        of it (without needing to head out in a safari vehicle or     
bees and more of those butterflies; more species than         going on a hike or climbing in a… hot air balloon) is
most people might have ever seen before. On a bright,         continued in, of all places, the swimming pool. That’s
cloudless day, the sun filters through a dozen kinds of       not to say that the water is dark and there are strange
leaves, giving the air a soft emerald tinge and the paths     things with tentacles brushing up against your legs. It’s
a gently dappled pattern that makes not stepping on the       a normal, blue pool, like you’d find in suburbia, and it’s
heavily camouflaged local lizards a worthy challenge.         a cool, soothing haven against the heavy, humid heat.

                                                                                                                                                                 04 20
travel leisure | lifestyle
           RICHARDS BAY

          Watch wildlife from   And there are frogs – tiny little suckers, no larger             Spread out around a large garden area, you have
              a shady patio.    than a fingernail – who also think those qualities are         plenty of privacy, but also, if you’re visiting as a family,
                                attractive. So you may find yourself unintentionally           the means to have kids close by but also enjoying their
                                competing in a breast-stroke race with one of the              own sense of freedom. And returning to a quiet room
                                creatures whose species invented the style and, like all       for some downtime after a hard morning or afternoon’s
                                the best hosts, they’ll let you win. Well, it’s either their   walking, swimming or eating (schedules are tough) to
                                good nature or the 450:1 body size ratio, but whatever         step into an environment so pristine and so deliciously
                                – enjoy your victory.                                          chilled makes you feel like a pharaoh or an empress.
         How to get there                                                                      Nobody is standing there popping grapes into your
                                Cool customers                                                 mouth, but it could possibly be arranged.
                                Emdoneni doesn’t feel like a traditional hotel. The              The spa is just as welcoming, but in a slightly different
                                main building looks like an old farmhouse, and you             way. The windows on one wall are so large that you
                                feel almost like a guest in a family’s home – a family         briefly understand how a goldfish in a tank must feel.
                                with a large dining room, mind – when you’re seated            Instead of feeling neurotic about the possibility of
                                in the restaurant. Meals have a home-cooked taste              someone wandering past and watching you trying to
                                with restaurant plating and portion sizes that suggest         do that thing where you hold the towel behind you
                                wanting to provide value for a full-board rate. (There is a    as you position yourself with your face in the padded
                                bar fridge in your room – sneak some leftovers back for        hole thingy, there’s a sense of loving the idea of being
                                between-meal snacks).                                          surrounded by nature as you have the treatment. For the
            Airlink connects      The rooms – chalets and rondavels – are modern,              record, would-be spies would need to hobble through
         Johannesburg with      spotless (permanently, somehow; which is impressive            a dense thicket of trees just outside the giant windows,
          Richard's Bay. Go     in a climate that’s always hot and sticky and where            so good luck to them; such commitment should be
              to page 75 for    the rooms are surrounded by a nature reserve packed            rewarded.
            flight schedules.   to the tree canopy with delightful critters) and,      importantly, cool.                                             Text and photography | Bruce Dennill

04 20
between Johannesburg and East London.

Airlink, the largest privately-owned regional feeder airline in southern
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travel leisure | lifestyle
             CAPE TOWN

                                                                                                         It’s the
                                                     There are big, obvious things to                       little
                                                     do in the Mother City, but there
                                                        are also some lesser-known
                                                       gems to add to your itinerary

             Yusuf Jinoo is the    • Explore the seas                                            offers 18 holes, each with separate tees, together with
               concierge at the    Enjoy a kayaking experience with Atlantic Outlook             14 world-class greens that share nine beautiful fairways.
            Radisson Blu Hotel     Kayaking that takes you directly past the Waterfront
           Waterfront. For more    and along the Atlantic Seaboard. This adventure makes         • Bang on
             information, go to    for picture-perfect photographs.                              Visitors can learn the story behind Cape Town’s
                                                                    Noon Gun. Arrive from 11h30, so that you have the
                                   • A different perspective                                     opportunity to appreciate the beautiful scenery and the
                                   Bike and Saddle offers an outing starting at the Radisson     armoury located at the Battery. There’s a brief history
                                   Blu Hotel Waterfront and takes riders all along the coast     presentation by the SA Navy that usually commences
                                   out towards Blouberg – all with Table Mountain as the         at 11h45.
                                                                                                 • Oranjezicht City Farm Market
                                   • Take in some art                                            This farm market is open every weekend. It is a
                                   Situated in Portswood Road, the Everard Read Gallery is       community farmers-style market where visitors can
                                   easily overlooked by out-of-towners who don’t know the        support independent local farmers and artisanal food
           How to get there        area. Visitors to the gallery can see a mix of contemporary   producers.
                                   paintings and sculptures by a variety of artists.
                                                                                                 • Adrenalin ride
                                   • Park it                                                     Experience the majestic city and ocean views from a
                                   The Green Point Urban Park includes a fitness park for        bird’s perspective. Tandem paragliding is available off
                                   cycling, outdoor training and a play park for the kids.       Lion’s Head or Signal Hill (depending on the weather).
                                   With a clear focus on biodiversity, the heritage park         It’s a truly breathtaking way to take in the views.
                                   offers additional facilities including a tea garden, a
                                   biodiversity nursery and short walks dedicated to the         • Family fun
                                   local flora and fauna.                                        Enjoy a coastal game of putt-putt at The Three Anchor
                                                                                                 Bay course on the beachfront promenade in Sea Point.
         Cape Town is a major      • Enjoy a round of golf                                       It’s open seven days a week, weather permitting, and
        Airlink hub. Go to page    Cape Town is home to some amazing golf courses,               has two courses of 18 holes each.
        75 for flight schedules.   including the Metropolitan Golf Course in Green Point.        It is one of South Africa’s premiere golf courses and         Text | Yusuf Jinoo Photography | Quality Master

04 20
business trade | industry

        Give the
        people what
        they want
        A competitive salary alone is no longer
        enough to attract and retain top staff
        According to the Workplace Culture Trends report                                      In South Africa, a study conducted by the South African
        for 2018, 86% of millennials said they would consider                                 Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) found that more
        taking a pay-cut in order to work at a company that offers                            than 40% of all work-related illness is due to work-related
                                                                                              stress, major depression, burnout and anxiety disorders.
        packages that suit their values and lifestyle. Such perks
                                                                                              Another study further found that depression alone cost
        include access to healthcare, gym memberships and                                     SA more than R232 billion in lost productivity, due to
        parental leave. And companies are listening.                                          absence from work and attending work while feeling ill.
         For more information   The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans          A study by Britain’s Chartered Institute of Personnel
            go to   reports that more than nine in 10 companies around the        and Development found that 80% of employees with
                                world offer staff at least one form of wellness benefit,      mental ill-health in the UK struggle to concentrate, 50%
                                and more than three in five have an allocated ‘wellness       are potentially less likely to be patient with clients or
                                budget’. What’s more, these budgets are expected to           customers and 37% are more likely to get into conflict
                                increase by 7.8% in the coming years and, according to        with colleagues. It’s also estimated that in the UK alone,
                                Deloitte, the corporate wellbeing market as a whole will      mental ill-health costs employers between R600 billion
                                be worth R169.5 billion in 2021.                              and R750 billion per year, so it’s clear why businesses will
                                  The term ‘wellbeing’ is a broad one and can cover just      continue to address these issues.
                                about any aspect of an employee’s life. So, which specific
                                areas are companies focussing on in 2020?                     Financial support
                                                                                              Employers are also set to offer more financial wellness
                                Stress and mental health                                      support in 2020. An Alexander Forbes Member Watch
                                Already a hot topic, the mental health of employees will      Survey found that SA employees are spending an average
                                continue to dominate wellbeing agendas. Stress and lack       of 13 hours a month (in some cases, even more than 20
                                of work/life balance support cost the EU, Australia, Canada   hours) worrying about their finances. What’s more, the
                                and US billions every year through reduced productivity.      PWC Employee Fit and Wellness Survey also revealed that

04 20
address in recent years, with figures from Bank of America’s
                                                           2019 Workplace Benefits Report showing that twice as many
                                                           companies offer financial wellbeing support today (53%)
                                                           compared to four years ago (24%). However, according
                                                           to research done by Thomsons Online Benefits, there
                                                           are still a number of barriers preventing businesses from
                                                           offering financial wellbeing programmes to employees.
                                                           For example, almost one in four companies is concerned
                                                           about the risk of getting too involved in their employees’
                                                           financial lives, 20% think that it’s not their role to do so
                                                           and 24% worry about the costs of offering such support.
                                                             Despite these concerns, there’s a clear need for
                                                           businesses offering financial wellbeing packages to their
                                                           employees, as they continue to recognise the impact
                                                           financial worry has on their wellbeing.

                                                           Flexible working
                                                           As employees look to achieve greater work/life balance,        Employers are also
                                                           they are increasingly seeking work with businesses             set to offer more
                                                           that offer flexibility. This has become so important to        financial wellness
                                                           employees that the latest IWG Global Workspace Survey          support in 2020.
                                                           found 83% of workers around the world would turn down
                                                           a job that didn’t offer flexible working, with 54% saying
                                                           that having a choice of work location is more important to
                                                           them than working for a prestigious company.
                                                             As a result of this demand, in the past 10 years, 85% of
                                                           businesses have introduced a flexible workspace policy,
                                                           or are planning to adopt one. However, a number of
                                                           companies still have reservations about flexible working,
                                                           with 60% saying that changing the organisational culture
                                                           is the main barrier to implementing a flexible workspace
UK employees who are stressed about their finances are     policy and over a third (41%) say that fear of how flexible
absent from work for twice as many days as those who       working may impact the overall company culture is the
were not stressed, again impacting productivity and a      biggest obstacle.
company’s ability to operate at full capacity.
 This is an issue that businesses overseas have begun to   Text | Supplied Photography | fizkes
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