Glasgow Middle School - Student Handbook Discipline Code Attendance Policy 2013 2014

Page created by Dwight Sullivan
Glasgow Middle School
   Student Handbook
     Discipline Code
    Attendance Policy
       2013 - 2014
                                     629 W Cherry Street
                                        P.O. Box 1239
                                Glasgow, Kentucky 42142-1239
                                       (270) 651-6757

                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

Welcome                                                          4
A Statement of Philosophy                                        4
Mission                                                          4
Curriculum                                                       4
Objectives                                                       5
Glasgow Independent Schools Calendar                             5

General Rules and Information Relating To:
      Enrollment Requirement                                    5
      Medical Requirements                                      5
      Withdrawal From School                                    6
      School Hours                                              6
      Early Dismissal                                           6
      Lunch and Breakfast                                       6
      District Charge Policy                                    6
      Visitors                                                  6
      School Clubs and Organizations                            7
      Student Fees                                              7
      Textbooks and School Property                             7
      Lockers                                                   7
      Library                                                   7
      Parent Conference                                         7
      Grading Period/Scale                                      7
      Fire, Tornado & Earthquake Drills                         7
      Medication                                                8
      Insurance                                                 8
      School Cancellation/Emergencies                           8
      Youth Service Center                                      8
      Dress                                                     8-9
      Tobacco/Alcohol/Drug Possession/Use                       9
      Electronic Devices                                        9
      Pick up/Drop off                                          9

Sidewalks                                           9
       Student Email                                       9
       Chewing Gum                                         9
       Telephone                                           9
       Cell Phone Policy                                   9-10
       Extracurricular Activities                          10
       Retention                                           10
       Dangerous Weapons                                   11
       Criminal Violations                                 11
       Discipline                                          11
       School Records                                      11
       Energy Policy for Students                          11
       8th Grade Promotion Ceremony                        11
       GMS Title I Parent Involvement Policy               11-12
       GMS Parent Learning Compact                         12
       GMS 6th Grade Course Information Sheet              13
       GMS 7th Grade Course Information Sheet              14
       GMS 8th Grade Course Information Sheet              15

Discipline Code Philosophy and General Statements          17

Rights and Responsibilities                                18-20
    Student Rights and Responsibilities
    Parent/Guardian Rights and Responsibilities
    Teachers Rights and Responsibilities
    Principals Rights and Responsibilities

Forms of Discipline                                        20-24
Behavior Violations and Responses                          25-26
Attendance Policy                                          27-28
Bullying and Harassment                                    29-30
Bus Conduct                                                30
Notification of FERPA Rights                               32
Notification of Non-Discrimination                         33
Exceptional Children Record Retention and Destruction      33
Asbestos Management Plan Notification                      34
Request for Teacher Certification                          34

Items to Complete and Return
       Non-Resident Contract                          35
       Student Contact Information Sheet              36
       Media Release                                  37
       Bullying and Harassment School Policy          37
       Internet User Agreement                        38
       Field Trip Permission                          39
       Policies and Procedures                        39

2013 – 2014 GMS Site-Based Members
                    Rob Chavira, Parent                    Leslie Brauer, Teacher
                    Justin Kirkpatrick, Parent             Chasity Lowery, Teacher
                    Vickie Alexander, Teacher              Scott Jones, Principal

Welcome to Glasgow Middle School. You have enrolled in a middle school that is well known throughout our
state. The records and activities of Glasgow Middle School speak well for the type of education available to
you as a student.

This information in this handbook has been carefully prepared and presented so that it will be of great value
to you to adjust to our school, and to become an integral part of it.

Remember that your success in this school will be directly proportional to your efforts.

We believe that public education exists for the purpose of perpetuating and improving the society that
provides it. We further believe that the democratic way of life is best perpetuated by individuals who are of
high moral character and who not only possess knowledge but also the ability to use it well.

In response to our diverse student population, it is the mission of Glasgow Middle School to provide an
innovative and challenging education experience, to offer a safe and nurturing learning environment, and to
encourage intellectual and emotional growth so that all students can achieve success.

The curriculum was developed by considering the resources available, the needs of the students, and
utilizing the Program of Studies and Common Core Standards.

    1. The Glasgow Middle School curriculum includes instruction in the areas of language arts,
       mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, safety and health, fine arts, and school
       activities including a balanced athletic program.
    2. The mandated instructional programs are integrated into instruction at sixth, seventh and eighth
       grade levels and appropriate areas of study.
    3. The personal and social development of the students is a part of the instructional program with
       appropriate activities for the students.
    4. There are programs for exceptional children with special education classes and classes for the gifted
       and talented.
    5. Teacher lesson plans and principal observations reflect methods and content appropriate to the
       course objectives.
    6. Students will be enrolled in required subjects and exploratory classes, depending on their grade

To instill within each student a healthy attitude toward the home, school, community, country and our
democratic way of life.

To produce a responsive citizenry equipped with knowledge which will enable students to better handle the
problems which they will face in the future.

To equip our students with the basic subject matter necessary for the successful completion of a high school
course of study.

Finally, to leave each student secure in the knowledge that he can learn, that he knows how to go about
learning and that learning is worthwhile if he wishes to improve himself and then contribute to society.

2013-2014 Calendar
August 12                 Professional Development Day (No Students)
August 13                 Opening Day (No Students)
August 14                 First Day for Students
September 2               Holiday - Labor Day (Schools Closed)
October 7-11              Fall Break (Schools Closed)
November 27               Flexible PD (No Students)
November 28 & 29          Holiday - Thanksgiving Break (Schools Closed)
December 23 – Jan 3       Holiday - Christmas Break (Schools Closed)
January 20                Holiday - Martin Luther King Day (Schools Closed)
February 17               Flexible PD - Presidents’ Day (Schools Closed)
March 31 – April 4        Spring Break (Schools Closed)
May 20                    Election Day (No Students)
May 22                    Last day for students
May 23                    Closing Day (No Students)

                                   GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION

ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENT: Upon enrollment of a student for the first time in any Kentucky
elementary or secondary school, the school shall require the person enrolling the student to provide a
certified copy of the student’s birth certificate or an affidavit of the inability to produce a copy of the birth

MEDICAL REQUIREMENTS: A student entering school must furnish a valid immunization certificate and a
medical examination.

By law, no student may enroll in school without a proper immunization against diphtheria, measles, polio,
rubella and tetanus.

A first-time student in Kentucky is required to have a complete physical exam, all necessary vaccinations,
and a complete eye exam before being allowed to enroll in school. All incoming 6th graders must have a
second physical, complete with the 2nd MMR before starting school. For more information, call the

WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL: If you and your family are going to be moving out of our area, please
notify the school office as soon as you can. This will help us gather all necessary records and information for
you and will make entering your new school much easier. Your records will be mailed to your new school.
Make sure you check in all textbooks and library books, as well as pay fines, before you leave.

SCHOOL HOURS: Supervision of students arriving early to school will begin each day at 7:00 a.m. All
students should report to school no later than 8:00 a.m. each day. Dismissal from school begins each day at
2:50 p.m. Students should be dropped off and picked up each day at the back of the building.

EARLY DISMISSAL: Since the school has the responsibility for students, several general rules need to be
observed. All early dismissals should be very limited. Doctor, dental and other appointments should be made
after or before school if at all possible. Anyone who comes to pick up a student during the school day shall
come to the office and allow the school to officially release the student. Students are released from school
only to their custodial parents, legal guardians, or persons authorized by their custodial parents.

LUNCH AND BREAKFAST: It is the intention of the School Food Service Program to feed every child. The
student meal charge service is designed to cover the situation of a student occasionally losing or forgetting
meal money and is not intended to provide a credit service for continuous charging. Only meals that meet
the meal requirements as specified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and National School
Lunch/Breakfast Programs may be charged. Extra and Ala Carte items are not permissible charges.

2013 – 2014 Approved Meal Prices
       Breakfast:     Grades P-12         $1.35
                      Adult               $1.60
                      Reduced             $0.30
       Lunch:         Grades P-5          $1.85
                      Grades 6-12         $2.10
                      Adult               $3.00
                      Reduced             $0.40

DISTRICT CHARGE POLICY: Student accounts will be monitored weekly by the School Food Service
Manager. A notice of account charges will be sent home weekly and letters will be issued along with a
Free/Reduced Meal Application when the student accumulates charges totaling:
     $15.00 – Letter issued by School Food Service Manager
     $30.00 – Letter issued by District Nutrition Director
     $50.00 – Letter issued by the Superintendent

Students with charges not paid after receiving letters from the School Food Service Manager and the District
Nutrition Director will be issued a FINAL NOTICE by the Superintendent stating that if charges are not paid
within 10 days, the overdrawn account will be submitted to the school board attorney for collection.

All charges shall be paid before the end of the school year. Account balances at the end of the school year
will carry forward to the following year.

To apply for free or reduced price meals, applications are available in the school office. Carefully complete,
sign and return the application to the school. The application is a household application applicable to all
children in the household regardless of the school attending. The application will be processed in a timely
manner and notification of eligibility will be sent though the mail. The family is responsible for meal cost
until notification of eligibility has been received.

VISITORS: All visitors must report to the office. Students may not bring guests or friends to school.
Parents are required to report to the office before entering a classroom.

SCHOOL CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS: Students are encouraged to participate in the school’s clubs
and organizations. Sponsors of these activities are responsible for securing clearance and for seeing that
students involved are supervised by at least one member of the staff. No activity shall be held in the name
of the school unless it has been approved by the principal and is chaperoned by at least one member of the
staff. They are as follows:
         7th and 8th Grade Football                       KYA
         7th and 8th Grade Boy’s Basketball               Volleyball
         7th and 8th Grade Girl’s Basketball              STLP/TSA
         Softball                                         Science Olympiad
         GMS CORE Club (21st Century)                     Yearbook
         Speech/Drama Team                                Chorus
         Academic Team                                    NJAHS
         6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Cheerleaders             Band
         FCA                                              Beta
         Cheerleading                                     Lego League

STUDENT FEES: There is a required $20.00 fee for workbooks and supplies.

TEXTBOOKS AND SCHOOL PROPERTY: Not all courses require a textbook. When a textbook is required,
it is furnished. These textbooks are the responsibility of each student. If textbooks are damaged or lost, the
student is required to pay for them. Any student who damages school property or equipment is responsible
for payment.

LOCKERS: Lockers are furnished to all students for use during the school year. Lockers are property of
Glasgow Middle School and are therefore subject to periodic inspections by school personnel. Students will
be assigned a locker by their homeroom teacher. They will also be assigned a gym locker for P.E. It is
the responsibility of students to keep their lockers locked and not give out their combinations to anyone

LIBRARY: When a student is in the library, he must learn to conduct himself as he does in his classroom.
Our library is a place we can enjoy as we learn. These books may be kept for two weeks. Students pay for
damaged books and pay replacement cost for lost books. If a book is found after you paid for it, your
money will be refunded.

PARENT CONFERENCE: Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come and talk with teachers and
administrative staff. Appointments must be made to coincide with the teacher’s schedules. This should be
done through the principal’s office.

GRADING PERIOD: At the end of each nine weeks all parents will receive a report from the teacher in the
form of a report card to evaluate the progress of students. Every 4 1/2 weeks, we will issue a mid-term. If a
conference is needed by the teacher, it will be stated with this report.

    Glasgow Middle School uses the following                  Nine Week Reporting Periods (tentative):
               grading system:
                                                               Begins           Ends            Report Cards
        A       =       90-100                         1st     Aug 14           Oct 18          Oct 25
        B       =       80-89                          2nd     Oct 21           Dec 20          Jan 10
        C       =       70-79                          3rd     Jan 6            Mar 7           Mar 14
        D       =       60-69                          4th     Mar 10           May 22          May 22
        F       =       Below 60

FIRE, TORNADO & EARTHQUAKE DRILLS: Fire, tornado, and earthquake drills will be held at regular
intervals. Complete silence and cooperation is expected during each drill.

MEDICATION: No child will be allowed to take medication at school without parental consent. If
medication must be administered at school, please contact the school nurse. Medication must be in proper
container. If prescription, it must be for the child and appropriately labeled.

INSURANCE: The Glasgow Board of Education provides school day insurance for all students, but it is
recommended that all students have additional coverage.

SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS/EMERGENCIES: Listen to the local radio stations (WCLU or WOVO) or tune
in to WBKO between 6:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Please do not call the school, principals, or the Board of

When the school must be closed, opened later than usual, or dismissed early a radio announcement will be
broadcast. On weekday mornings during bad weather, local radio stations will receive closure notices prior
to 6 a.m. To keep phone lines open, please do not call the station, the school, or school officials’ homes. No
announcement will be made when the school is operating on schedule except to announce the re-opening of
school following an extended closure because of emergency conditions

YOUTH SERVICES CENTER: Services for Glasgow Middle School are initiated at the school through
requests from parents, students or teachers. Referrals are made to the center from the principal, assistant
principal, guidance counselor or classroom teacher for services such as:

     1.   Material needs-clothing, food
     2.   Physical and emotional abuse needs
     3.   Health/hygiene needs
     4.   Alcohol and drug abuse needs
     5.   Website -

DRESS: The Glasgow Middle School Student Dress and Appearance Code is designed to avoid
embarrassment of students, parents, faculty and staff, and is intended to prevent disruption of the
educational process.
   1. Principals and teachers will enforce the dress code of Glasgow Middle School. In any instance
        involving clothing or appearance not specifically included in this Code, the principal shall interpret
        the policy as needed.
   2. The primary component of this dress code shall be modesty and the avoidance of distracting
        influences. Skin tight clothing (yoga pants, etc.) shall not be worn.
   3. Any attire, cosmetic, extra-ordinary personal appearance or any unsanitary bodily condition, which
        is judged by the principal to significantly disrupt the educational process or threaten the health of
        other students and/or faculty, is prohibited.
   4. Hats, caps, bandanas, or other headdresses shall not be worn in school unless necessary for health,
        safety or religious purposes. Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building without a medical
        excuse. Any exception for health or religious purposes must be approved by the principal prior to
        the wearing of such headdress.
   5. Hair must be clean and well-groomed. Distracting extremes shall not be permitted.
   6. All shorts, skirts and dresses must reach the knee. Leggings or tights may not be worn under
        shorts, skirts, shirts, or dresses that do not reach the knee.
   7. All pants must be worn at the waist. Sagging garments are prohibited.
   8. No chains other than normal necklaces and bracelets may be worn. No accessory with sharp spikes
        or sharp points may be worn.
   9. No nude-look, see through, or cut away styles exposing the rib cage may be worn.
   10. All shirts must be of sufficient length to be able to tuck into pants. Any garment which exposes the
        stomach area, either below or above the navel, is prohibited.
   11. All shirts must have sleeves for both male and female students.
   12. No clothing with holes or frays will be allowed.
   13. Any article of clothing or accessory which depicts vulgarity, profanity, illegal substances or alcohol is
14. Visible body graffiti, either temporary or permanent, is prohibited. This includes tattoos or writing
        on one’s body with pen or marker.
    15. No student shall be allowed to carry a purse that is distracting to the learning environment, nor be
        allowed to apply make-up or other beauty or hygiene products in class. A first violation will result in
        a warning; a second violation will result in parental notification; a third violation will result in the
        loss of privilege to carry a purse.

**These rules will be strictly enforced. Violations of the dress code may result in the following:

1. A first violation will result in the student being asked to correct the violation with no penalty. Students
wearing inappropriate clothing will be told to change into appropriate clothing. Students will contact a
parent for appropriate clothes.

2. Repetitive violations from the same student will be considered defiance of authority. The consequence of
such behavior may range from detention to out of school suspension at the discretion of the principal.

TOBACCO PRODUCTS/ALCOHOL/DRUGS: All school buildings are tobacco/alcohol/drug free. Use or
possession of tobacco products (including e-cigs and lighters)/alcohol/drugs by students on school grounds
and school sponsored events is prohibited. The terms “alcohol, drugs, and other substances’ shall be
construed to refer to all substances in all forms, including, but not limited to: alcohol and alcohol-containing
beverages, all forms of tobacco, inhalable substances (including gases, solvents, butane, propane, adhesives
and similar products), marijuana, cocaine/crack, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, heroin, methadone, scheduled
narcotics, steroids, herbal stimulants, herbal euphoriants, look-alikes and any substances commonly referred
to as “designer drugs”.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Students are discouraged from bringing electronic devices to school. This
includes cameras, audio equipment (iPods, mp3 players, Nooks, Tablets, etc), and games. Students are not
allowed to have electronic devices out during the school day. GMS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Any exceptions will require prior approval by the principal.

PICK UP/DROP OFF: Students transported by bus will be dropped off in front of the building. All other
students should be dropped off and picked up in the rear of the building. We ask for your help in controlling
this situation so traffic back-ups can be minimized.

WALKING TO GHS/HE: Students will be required to ride a bus to GHS or HE in the afternoon to attend
after school activities taking place at either location. Students walking home in the afternoon will also be
required to ride a bus to GHS before unloading and walking home. Due to safety concerns, students will not
be able to walk across Scottie Drive.

SIDEWALKS: Students should use sidewalks at all times and not cross the grass.

STUDENT EMAIL: Students are not to access student email accounts during the instructional day unless
given teacher permission. Network administrators may review files and communications to monitor system
integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly.

CHEWING GUM: Gum and/or candy is not permitted during school hours.

TELEPHONE: Students are not permitted to leave the class to answer or make telephone calls. The office
will deliver messages of importance to the students. Students have the opportunity to use the phone in the
office to call parents concerning school related events during their lunch period.

CELL PHONE POLICY: The use of cell phones during the day is prohibited. Cell phones brought to school
for after-school use must be turned off and remain in lockers during school hours. Beepers and pagers are
not allowed at any time.

Any cell phone violation will result in detention as well as the phone being confiscated until a parent can
pick it up from the school office. On the third offense, the students will lose cell phone privileges for the
remainder of the school year. Further incidents could result in increased consequences.

Use of recording equipment, audio or video, including cell phone cameras, during school or any school
related activity is strictly prohibited.

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: All students are eligible for participation in any extra/co curricular
activity, providing membership requirements are met. In addition to individual group requirements, students
must meet academic requirements and maintain proper discipline.

Requirements for Participation – Academic and Discipline

    I.      To participate in school sponsored sports or other extra/co curricular activities; students must
            maintain a C average and have no failing grade.
            a. If a student receives a progress report with a failing grade, the student shall be placed on
                 probation for one (1) week.
            b. The student may continue participating in practices and games.
            c. If a student has been placed on probation for a failing grade, grades will be checked in one
                 (1) week to determine continued eligibility.
            d. If, after one (1) week, a student who has been placed on probation for a failing grade has
                 made significant progress but continues to have a failing grade, the student shall remain on
                 probation. The student shall remain eligible for participation.
            e. If, after one (1) week, a student who has been placed on probation for a failing grade has
                 failed to make significant progress, the student will be suspended from all participation until
                 grades are improved.
            f. “Significant Progress” shall be determined by the principal, the classroom teacher, and the
    II.     Any student who has accumulated more than three (3) discipline referrals during a nine (9)
            week grading period may be placed on probation for any extra or co curricular activity for the
            remainder of that grading period. Additional discipline referrals could result in game
            suspensions and/or suspension from the team.
    III.    Any student suspended for severe violations may not participate in any practice or event for the
            number of days the student is assigned suspension.
    IV.     Any student who is absent from school on the day of a performance or activity shall not
            participate. Any exceptions must be approved by the sponsor/coach and the principal.
    V.      Field Trips: Discipline Code violations at Level 3 or 4, or multiple disciplinary violations of Level 1
            or 2, may result in loss of field trip privileges.
    VI.     Students must submit a signed parental permission form prior to participation in any extra/co
            curricular activity or athletic program offered by Glasgow Middle School. All appropriate forms
            must be submitted prior to engaging in any activity or practice.
    VII.    Prior to participation in any school-sponsored athletic program, students must submit a
            completed physical examination report. Each coach/sponsor shall maintain these reports on file.

RETENTION: Retention will be considered for those students who have two or more failing grades in any
combination of core content classes (Language Arts, Science, Math, Social Studies) or related arts classes
(Art, Physical Education, Tech Ed).

Parent notification of possible retention should be given as early as possible. Notice of possible retention
should include a note on the report card.

At the request of a parent, the principal shall appoint a review committee. This committee shall meet to
submit a recommendation to the principal regarding retention of the student. The principal will consider the
recommendation when making his decision regarding retention. Such a decision shall be final.

DANGEROUS WEAPONS: A student carrying, bringing, using or possessing any dangerous or deadly
weapon within any school building, on school grounds or within 1,000 yards of school grounds, in any
school vehicle, or at any school-sponsored activity will be immediately reported to the superintendent, who
shall bring charges to the Board for expulsion from the District schools. Expulsion shall be for a minimum of
one calendar year. Modification may be made on a case by case basis.

CRIMINAL VIOLATIONS: Students who commit acts that are clearly criminal in nature at school or on
school property will be dealt with according to school board policy and/or School Based Decision Making
Council policy. Misdemeanors will be referred to authorities at the discretion of school officials. Felonies will
be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The school will assist the appropriate law
enforcement agency in investigating and prosecuting the offender of such offenses.

DISCIPLINE: Types of punishments administered to Middle School students follow the guidelines
established by the Glasgow Board of Education and listed in the Discipline Code of the Glasgow Independent

SCHOOL RECORDS: In accordance with the provision of Public Law 93-380, parents and students 18 years
of age or older have the right to inspect the student’s cumulative record folder. This information is kept at
the school the child attends and may be reviewed by contacting the principal and arranging an appointment.
If you disagree with the school record, the school will give you an opportunity for a hearing. Provisions
prohibit the release of student records except for transfers, government agencies and receipt of financial
aid. In other instances, written parental consent for the release is required by law.

ENERGY POLICY FOR STUDENTS: General: Each student is expected to use energy and resources
wisely. Please don’t waste them! Individual Computers: At the end of the class day, all student classroom
computers, monitors, and speakers will be turned off before leaving that classroom.

8TH GRADE PROMOTION CEREMONY: An 8th grade promotion ceremony will take place on the last day
of school at 8:30. The focus will be on the 8th grade student body’s promotion to 9th grade. All parents and
guardians are welcome to attend.

Glasgow Middle School - Title I Parent Involvement Policy: Glasgow Middle School receives Title I
funding each year. The funds are key to our being able to keep class sizes to a minimum for continued
student success. In compliance with the Title I policy and to insure the success of each child, the parent’s
continued involvement is essential. So that we may build a strong parent/school partnership, the following
guidelines were designed with meaningful input from both parents and school staff.

Information concerning the Title I program, student progress, assessment results, school goals and
performance profile (including school curriculum, core content and student performance standards) will be
provided to parents in such forms as newsletters, phone calls, progress reports, conferences and additional
flexible meetings, websites, emails, etc.

Information will be collected through a parent survey and summarized at an annual school/parent meeting
for evaluation, review and planning purposes of the parent involvement program. This meeting may coincide
with the school’s Comprehensive Improvement Plan meeting.

Title I funding will be used to support partnerships among parents, school and community, through such
means as:
      Developing activities which will involve community based organization and local business in
          education, such as Reality Store.
      Assisting parents in understanding educational goals, standards, and student performance so that
          they can use the information to participate in educational decisions related to their child.
      Integrate parent involvement strategies with other school/district-based programs such as Family
          Resource, Extended School Services, etc.

The written Parent Involvement Policy will be distributed to parents annually.

Glasgow Middle School - Parent Learning Compact
Effective schools are a result of families and schools working together to ensure that children are successful
in school. A learning compact is an agreement among groups that firmly unites them. This is an invitation to
be involved in a partnership with your child’s school.

I want my child to achieve; therefore, I will be responsible for supporting my child’s learning by striving to
do the following:
     Seeing that my child attends school regularly and on time
     Supporting school staff in maintaining proper discipline
     Assisting and monitoring my child’s completion of homework
     Reading with my child and letting my child see me read regularly
     Volunteering in my child’s school/classroom
     Communicating with my child’s teachers on a regular basis
     Monitoring extra-curricular use of time such as television watching

It is important that all students achieve; therefore, teachers will strive to do the following:
      Hold expectations high for all students, believing that all students can learn
      Provide varied learning opportunities for students to enable them to meet academic expectations
      Provide high quality instruction in a supportive and non-threatening environment
      Make myself and my classroom accessible to parents, encouraging them to visit the school
      Encourage students and parents by communicating regularly about student progress

The school supports this compact for parent involvement; therefore, the school will strive to provide the
      Provide high quality curriculum that enables all children to meet Kentucky’s academic achievement
      Provide annual parent-teacher conferences to discuss individual student progress and achievement
      Provide frequent progress reports on student academic progress
      Provide reasonable access to staff and opportunities to volunteer, observe and participate in
        classroom activities
      Provide an environment that allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent, and

Glasgow Middle School
                                     Course Information Sheet
                                             6th Grade

        Welcome to Glasgow Middle School! You are enrolling in a middle school that is well known
       throughout our state. The records and activities of Glasgow Middle School speak well for the
                             type of education available to you as a student.
              Remember, your success at GMS will be directly proportional to your efforts.

REQUIRED CLASSES:                                    EXPLORATORY: (6th Grade students will rotate through all
                                                     exploratory classes during the First 9 Weeks and will be given the
Language Arts, Math, & College/Career Readiness      opportunity to choose 2 courses they would like to pursue further.
courses will be selected based on assessment data.   GMS will randomly place students in remaining courses.
                                                     Exploratory Classes are tentative and subject to change.)
LANGUAGE ARTS (Placement – ThinkLink AVG)
Honors Language Arts                                 PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Language Arts                                        ART
                                                     THE NUMBER SYSTEM
MATH (Placement – ThinkLink AVG)                     ROBOTICS
Honors Math                                          ON-DEMAND WRITING
Math                                                 CAREER CHOICE
SCIENCE                                              CHORUS
Science                                              STRINGS
                                                     CURRENT EVENTS
SOCIAL STUDIES                                       RTI
Social Studies                                       CALCULATED FITNESS
                                                     SCIENCE OLYMPIAD
(Placement – Placed in Honors Math & Honors LA)
Honors C/CR

          6th Grade schedules include 5 Required Classes (year-long) and 2 Exploratory Classes.
                          Exploratory Classes, excluding band, last nine weeks.

Glasgow Middle School
                                      Course Information Sheet
                                              7th Grade

        Welcome to Glasgow Middle School! You are enrolling in a middle school that is well known
       throughout our state. The records and activities of Glasgow Middle School speak well for the
                             type of education available to you as a student.
              Remember, your success at GMS will be directly proportional to your efforts.

REQUIRED CLASSES:                                        EXPLORATORY: (GMS attempts to place all 7th Grade
                                                         students in PE & Art. Exploratory Classes are tentative and subject
Language Arts, Math, & College/Career Readiness          to change.)
courses will be selected based on assessment data.
                                                         PHYSICAL EDUCATION
LANGUAGE ARTS (Placement)                                SCIENCE OLYMPIAD
Honors LA (Explore: ENG + READ ≥ 26 or had Honors LA6)   ART
Language Arts (Explore: ENG + READ ≤ 25)                 CAREER CHOICE
MATH (Placement)                                         ARTS & HUMANITIES
Acc Math (Explore: MATH ≥ 16)                            ON-DEMAND WRITING
Honors Math (Explore: MATH 13-15 or had Honors M6)       BAND
Math (Explore: MATH ≤ 12)                                CHORUS
SCIENCE                                                  RTI
Science                                                  CALCULATED FITNESS
                                                         TECHNOLOGY 101
Social Studies

(Placement – Placed in Honors/Acc Math & Honors LA)
Honors C/CR

(Placement – Explore: SCIENCE ≥ 18)

* HS credit is available

           7th Grade schedules include 5 Required Classes (year-long) and 2 Exploratory Classes.
                           Exploratory Classes, excluding band, last nine weeks.

Glasgow Middle School
                                      Course Information Sheet
                                              8th Grade

        Welcome to Glasgow Middle School! You are enrolling in a middle school that is well known
       throughout our state. The records and activities of Glasgow Middle School speak well for the
                             type of education available to you as a student.
              Remember, your success at GMS will be directly proportional to your efforts.

REQUIRED CLASSES:                                        EXPLORATORY: (GMS attempts to place all 8th Grade
                                                         students in PE & Art. Exploratory Classes are tentative and subject
Language Arts, Math, & College/Career Readiness          to change.)
courses will be selected based on assessment data.
                                                         PHYSICAL EDUCATION
LANGUAGE ARTS (Placement)                                ADVANCED PE
Pre-AP LA (Explore: ENG + READ ≥ 37)                     ANATOMY
Honors LA (Explore: ENG + READ ≥ 28 or had Honors LA7)   ON-DEMAND WRITING
Language Arts (Explore: ENG + READ ≤ 27)                 CALCULATED FITNESS
MATH (Placement)                                         ADVANCED ART
* Pre-AP Geometry (Had Algebra I as 7th grader)          ROBOTIS
* Algebra I (Explore: MATH ≥ 17)                         ENGINEERING (Project Lead the Way)
Honors Math (Explore: MATH ≥ 16 or had Honors M7)        JOURNALISM
Math (Explore: MATH ≤ 15)                                YEARBOOK (Application Process)
                                                         ARTS & HUMANITIES
SCIENCE                                                  BAND
Science                                                  STRINGS
SOCIAL STUDIES                                           RTI
Social Studies

(Placement – Placed in Honors/Acc Math & Honors LA)
Honors C/CR

* SPANISH I (Placement – Explore: ENG ≥ 18)

(Placement – Explore: SCIENCE ≥ 18)

* HS credit is available

           8th Grade schedules include 5 Required Classes (year-long) and 2 Exploratory Classes.
                           Exploratory Classes, excluding band, last nine weeks.


Glasgow Independent Schools


It is the ultimate aim of the Glasgow City Schools to develop within the students the respect of others, self-
discipline, and skills for interacting in a socially acceptable manner throughout life.

The discipline of this system is based on the belief that learning takes place best under conditions of
optimum behavioral patterns of pupils as controlled by authorized personnel. The idea of good behavior is
effectively fostered by encouraging self-rule among the students themselves and by calling upon them to
share progressively in the responsibility for a conducive learning environment.

Discipline is a prerequisite to good teaching and is an absolute must for the classroom. Therefore, all
students are expected to observe the accepted forms of good behavior and respect the rights of others.
Students who deviate from this will be disciplined in a firm but fair manner.

Glasgow Board of Education
P.O. Box 1239, Glasgow, KY 42142-1239 (651-6757)

Sean Howard – Superintendent
Randy Wilkinson - DPP
Michelle Tinsley - Instructional Supervisor
Alisha Richardson - Director of Special Education
Tommy Elliott - Director of Transportation & Support Services
Stacy Jessie – Food Service Director & Grant Writer
Kelly Oliver - Director of Student Initiatives
Keith Hale - GHS Principal
Mike Harris - GHS Assistant Principal
Mike Vaught - GHS Assistant Principal
Scott Jones - GMS Principal
Regina Murphy - GMS Assistant Principal
Chad Muhlenkamp - SGE Principal
Sharon Flowers - HE Principal
Barry White - HE Assistant Principal

This code was developed in accordance with KRS 156.070 and KRS 158.148 and has been reviewed by legal

The local board of education approved this Discipline Code as recorded in the minutes and is revised each
year in June.

                                      Procedure For Annual Review
The disciplinary code will be reviewed annually by the Glasgow Board of Education.

                                     Procedure For Annual Orientation
All students and teachers in the Glasgow School System shall receive a copy of the discipline code at the
beginning of each school year. These copies shall be taken home by each student in grades K-12 to be read
by his/her parents or guardian. Also, an additional attached sheet shall be sent home to be signed and
returned to verify the fact that they have read and do understand the policies stated in the discipline code.

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students Have The Right To:
   1. A free public education which will meet the needs of the individual and prepare him for a successful
       role in society.
   2. Be represented by students in the decision-making process on matters which relate to standards of
       achievement, conduct, elections and participation where system-wide committees are appointed to
       address these matters.
   3. Procedural due process when any charge or accusation has been made against them concerning
       major disciplinary action.
   4. Receive academic grades based only upon academic performance.
   5. Freedom from abuse and threat of abuse by members of school facilities and administration
   6. Freedom of speech and expression.
   7. The access of his or her own records, after age 18, and guarantee of confidentiality of student’s
       academic records outside of the school system, except upon written authorization of the student or
       his or her parents or guardian.
   8. Protection of person and property to the fullest extent possible by the school.
   9. Participate in all school programs and activities within the limits of capabilities and the established
       standards without regard to race, creed, sex, or national origin.
   10. Present complaints or grievances to school authorities and receive replies from school officials
       regarding such matters.

Each Student Has The Responsibility To:
   1. Attend school regularly and to take advantage of the opportunities offered and not interfere with
      the rights of fellow students to an education.
   2. Make suggestions in a positive, reasonable manner, taking into careful consideration the welfare of
      all, not just that of one or a few individuals.
   3. Refrain from gross disobedience or misconduct or behavior that disrupts the educational process.
   4. Study diligently and maintain the best possible level of academic achievement.
   5. Respect the human dignity and worth of every other individual.
   6. Use that freedom in such a way as not to offend the rights of others with obscene or damaging
      words or actions and, within the limits of good taste, to avoid the use of language in a discourteous,
      offensive, or inflammatory manner.
   7. Follow established procedures in requesting release of personal records to persons not legally
      entitled to such records without proper consent.
   8. Refrain from libel, slanderous remarks and unnecessary obscenity in verbal and written expression.
      Refrain from fighting, creating disturbances, using or carrying any weapon on school premises or at
      school activities, and to take those steps and precautions necessary to protect self and possessions.
   9. Respect others as individuals and not to treat others unfairly because of race, creed, or sex. Support
      the school in all phases of program or activity, and to behave in such a way that participation will be
      a contribution and not a detriment.

Parent/Guardian Rights and Responsibilities
Parents/Guardians Have the Right To:
   1. Send their child to a school with a positive educational climate where learning is valued.
   2. Expect that classroom disruptions will be dealt with fairly, firmly, and quickly.
   3. Enroll their child in the school district where they shall attend classes regularly with minimal
   4. Expect their child’s school to maintain high academic standards.
   5. Review their child’s academic progress and other information which may be contained in the
      personal school records.
   6. Address grievances to proper school authorities concerning their child and to receive a prompt reply
      pertaining to the specific grievance.

Parents/Guardians Have the Responsibility To:
   1. Instill in their children the values of an education.
   2. Inform their children about the disciplinary procedures of the school and emphasize the importance
      of following same.
   3. See that their children attend school regularly and promptly. To understand that unnecessary
      interruptions in the school are detrimental to the educational program for all students.
   4. Be familiar with the educational program and the procedures to exhibit concern for the program and
      grades of their child.

Teachers Rights and Responsibilities
Teachers Have The Right To:
   1.   Expect the support of their fellow teachers, administrators, and parents.
   2.   Work in a positive school climate with a minimum of disruptions.
   3.   Expect all students to comply with homework assignments as requested.
   4.   Remove any child from class whose behavior significantly disrupts a positive learning experience,
        during which time the students will be in the office or other designated area.
   5.   Be safe from physical harm and free from verbal abuse.
   6.   Provide input to committees designed with the responsibility of drafting policies that relate to their
        relationships with students and school personnel.
   7.   Take action necessary in emergencies pertaining to the protection of persons or property.
   8.   Make a determination IAW state law regarding site-based decision making councils and to vote for
        teacher representatives and to serve on councils.

Teachers Have The Responsibility To:
   1. Follow the rules and regulations of the Board of Education and the local school.
   2. Maintain a classroom atmosphere conducive to good behavior.
   3. Plan a flexible curriculum which meets the needs of all students and which maintains high standards
      of academic achievement.
   4. Administer such disciplinary measures as outlined in this code in order to maintain a positive
      learning climate.
   5. Exhibit exemplary behavior in terms of dress, action, and voice.
   6. Maintain high standards of achievement and to inform parents/guardians of their child’s successes,
      problems, and failures.
   7. Protect the rights of themselves and the rights of others by exercising their full responsibilities in all

Principals Rights and Responsibilities
Principals Have The Right To:
    1. Expect the support and respect of teachers, parents, and students in carrying out the policies and
       programs established by the Board of Education.
    2. Be safe from physical harm and free from verbal abuse.
    3. Suspend any student whose conduct disrupts the educational process and to take other disciplinary
       action in accordance with the discipline code and Kentucky statutes, rules and regulations.
    4. Provide input to committees designed with the responsibility of drafting policies that relate to their
       relationships with students, parents, and school personnel.
    5. Take action necessary in emergencies pertaining to the protection of persons or property.
    6. Administer the school environment to provide the proper learning atmosphere.

Principals Have The Responsibility To:
    1. Follow the rules and regulations of the Board of Education and the local school as authorized by
    2. Exhibit exemplary behavior in action, dress, and speech.
    3. Administer discipline fairly and equally, following the guidelines set forth herein, but in doing so use
       his/her own best judgment.
    4. Implement and evaluate all aspects of the educational program to improve learning and comply
       with the policies, regulations, procedures, or laws of the district, state, and nation.
    5. Protect the rights of themselves and the rights of others by exercising their full responsibilities in all
    6. Help create and maintain an atmosphere which respects the rights of all participants in the school

                                           FORMS OF DISCIPLINE
Schools are one of the most important segments of today’s society. These schools cannot function unless
discipline is maintained in the classroom. Forms of discipline must always depend upon the severity of the
offense. Discipline problems which are of a common or minor nature are handled by the classroom teacher
who may use a variety of methods including, but not limited to, the following:

    1.   Verbal reprimand
    2.   Individual conference
    3.   Parent conference
    4.   Temporary isolation within classroom
    5.   Temporary withdrawal of privileges
    6.   Detention
             a. When a pupil is detained at school beyond the normal dismissal time, the teacher shall give
                 appropriate consideration to factors of pupil transportation, weather and any other
                 extenuating circumstances.
             b. If a student rides the bus, the parents will be given 24 hours notice if circumstances permit.
                 Students in grades 1-5 should not be kept after 3 PM. Students in grades 6-12 should not
                 be kept longer than one hour after closing time.
             c. Precautions shall be taken to see that a student who is dependent upon bus transportation
                 is not left without a way home.

Discipline problems which are of a serious nature must be referred to the principal or his designee.
Disciplinary problems referred to the principal are usually handled by in-school measures and only the
extreme problems result in suspension and/or expulsion. Options open to the principal or his designee
include but are not limited to:
     1. Individual conference
     2. Parent conference
     3. Detention
     4. In School Suspension (ISS)
             a. In School Suspension is the temporary isolation of a student for one or more days while
                 under proper supervision. A student may be placed in ISS by the principal or his designee
                 for violation of school rules or policies where the infraction does not necessarily warrant
                 removal from school by suspension. Assignment will be made only after a limited due
                 process hearing.
             b. ISS RULES: Regular school rules will apply with additional rules as follows:
                       i. Students will remain quiet at all times.
                      ii. Candy and gum are not allowed.
                     iii. Students must stay in their seat at all times.
                     iv. Raise your hand for assistance.
                      v. Stay on task the entire day.
     5. Friday School
             a. Friday school is a more serious means of discipline which involves the student attending one
                 session of school on an assigned Friday at GHS from 3:00 - 5:00.
     6. Suspension or Expulsion of Pupils (KRS 158.150).
         Only students with behavior that cannot be corrected, improved, or reformed, and has the quality of
         being incorrigible will be suspended and/or expelled. Principals realize that suspending a student is
         a serious penalty imposed on a student. Expulsion is the most serious penalty that can be imposed.
         A student will not be expelled until all other alternatives have been exhausted. In all instances, due
         process procedures will be carried out in accordance with Kentucky Law KRS 158.150.

        The maximum number of days that a student may be suspended is ten (10) days. After a student
        has been suspended ten (10) days (either continuous or cumulative) he/she will be subject to an
        administrative hearing at the Glasgow Board of Education, conducted by the Superintendent. At this
        time it will be determined if the student will return to school or be recommended to the Board of
        Education for expulsion. If the student is recommended for expulsion he/she will be suspended until
        the next board meeting date. Every effort will be made to notify the parent or guardian before the
        suspension becomes effective. Anytime a student is suspended from school, it is mandatory that a
        parent have verbal communication with the principal or assistant principal before the student will be
        allowed to return to school.
            a. All pupils admitted to the common schools shall comply with the lawful regulations for the
                 government of the schools. Willful disobedience or defiance of the authority of the teachers
                 or administrators, use of profanity or vulgarity, assault or battery or abuse of other students
                 or school personnel, the threat of force or violence, the use or possession of alcohol or
                 drugs, stealing or destruction or defacing of school property or personal property, the
                 carrying or use of weapons or dangerous instruments, or other incorrigible bad conduct on
                 school property as well as off school property at school sponsored activities constitutes
                 cause for suspension or expulsion from school.

b. A pupil shall not be suspended from the common schools until after at least the following
       due process procedures have been provided:
             i. The pupil has been given oral or written notice of the charge or charges against
                him which constitute cause for suspension;
            ii. The pupil has been given an explanation of the evidence of the charge or charges if
                the pupil denies them; and
           iii. The pupil has been given an opportunity to present his own version of the facts
                relating to the charge or charges. These due process procedures shall precede any
                suspension from the common schools unless immediate suspension is essential to
                protect persons or property or to avoid disruption of the ongoing academic process.
                In such cases, the due process procedures outlined above shall follow the
                suspension as soon as practicable, but no later than three (3) school days after the
    c. The superintendent, principal, assistant principal or head teacher of any school may
       suspend a pupil but shall report such action in writing immediately to the superintendent
       and to the parent, guardian or other person having legal custody or control of the pupil.
       The board of education of any school district may expel any pupil for misconduct as defined
       in subsection (1), but such action shall not to be taken until the parent, guardian or other
       person having legal custody or control of the pupil has had an opportunity to have a
       hearing before the board. The decision of the board shall be final.

The behavior of exceptional (special education) students and students who have been referred for
evaluation for possible special education placement and/or related services should be considered
during the initial Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) meetings. Behavioral interventions,
treatment and consequences should become a part of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for
that student. Should these interventions prove unsuccessful, as evidence by misconduct of the
student, the issue should be brought to the appropriate ARC to review and make changes in the
student’s program which might result in more appropriate behaviors.

Intervention techniques should focus not only on eliminating a certain undesirable behavior, but
also upon determination of the purposes of that behavior (a functional analysis of behavior), and
the provision/instruction of a more acceptable behavior. A variety of positive reinforcers and
opportunities for the development of self-control shall be utilized prior to the consideration of
negative interventions.

Crisis intervention methods, including physical restraint, may be employed in the following
circumstances: to protect self, other students, or staff from physical injury; to obtain possession of
a weapon or other dangerous object that is in the control of the student; or to protect property
from serious harm.

Suspension for 10 days or less in a school year
    Due process procedures for short-term suspensions are the same for all students and are outlined in
    the District Student Handbook. When suspensions are ten (10) days or less in length, do not exceed
    ten (10) days cumulative in a school year, and are utilized as temporary disciplinary measures (if
    the suspension is for a minor infraction and no further disciplinary action is planned), then an ARC
    meeting is not required unless requested by the parent of principal or other service provider.

    No educational services will be provided during periods of removal for disciplinary reasons to a child
    with a disability who has been removed from his or her current placement for 10 school days or less
    in that school year, if services are not provided to a child without disabilities who has been similarly

    Information pertaining to the above may be obtained from the Director of Special Education at
    629 W Cherry Street, Glasgow, KY 42141. (270-651-6757) Suspensions for more than 10 days
    Cumulative per School Year that does not Constitute a Change of Placement for Disciplinary
    Reasons; Change of Educational Placement of Disciplinary Reasons; Change of Placement for
    Violations Involving Weapons or Drugs; Interim Alternative Education Setting; or Manifestation
    Determination Review. HISTORY: 1982 c 12, eff. 7-15-82, 1978 S 13; KS 4363-9

7. Alternative School for students grades 6-12.
   To provide a daily instructional program for students as an alternative to dropping out of school
   and/or school failure.

    1. Education: An individualized approach is used by teachers for instruction. Students may earn
       Certified High School credits. Middle School students who are behind will be given an
       opportunity to catch up a grade level.
    2. Counseling: A combination of individual counseling and group discussion may be used. Students
       work through the program learning to accept responsibility for their academic performance and
       consequences for their behavior. They are encouraged to develop appropriate study and social
       skills that may lead to improving their academic performance and developing appropriate
       a. The student may be dropping out of school and/or academically deficient.
       b. Grades 6-12.
       c. No violent behavior.
       d. No history of emotional disorder problems that are threatening to others.
       e. Is working toward a standard diploma program.
       f. If the student is enrolled in a Special Education Program, it will be the responsibility of the
            “sending” school district to follow due process procedures and conduct the School Based
            Admission and Release Committee Meeting (SBARC) necessary to make the change in the
            student’s placement and develop/revise the student’s IEP. Notification of the SBARC must
            be sent to the “host” district so that a representation from the Alternative School may

When it appears that the student is ready to re-enter school, the AS staff will notify the Special
           Education Coordinator of the “sending” school district so that the SBARC may reconvene and
           follow the above procedure again. A staff member from the AS will also attend the “returning”
           g. An administrative hearing will be required prior to assignment to the student being assigned
                to the Alternative School.
    8. Corporal Punishment
           “Corporal punishment” is defined as the deliberate infliction of physical pain by any means upon
           the whole or any part of a student’s body as a penalty or punishment for student misbehavior.

            Effective July 1, 1991, no person employed or engaged by any public elementary or secondary
            educational system within this school district shall inflict or cause to be inflicted corporal
            punishment or bodily pain upon a pupil attending any school or institution within such
            educational system; provided, however, that any such person may, within the scope of his
            employment, use and apply such amounts of physical restraint as may be reasonable and
            necessary to protect oneself, the pupil, or others from physical injury, to obtain possession of a
            weapon or other dangerous objects within control of the pupil, or to protect property from
            serious harm. HISTORY: 1982 c 12, eff. 7-15-82, 1978 x 13; KRS 4363-9

Search and Seizure
       The Glasgow School System is concerned with the rights of every student and at the same time
       concerned with the responsibility of safeguarding the rights of the school, its teachers and its
       administrators. It is not a common practice to search students, but if a teacher or administrator has
       reasonable cause and if that cause bears a relationship to a legitimate education interest then a
       student will be searched.

        The Attorney General’s Opinion reads as follows:
        OAG 79-168. A student in the public common schools has the constitutional right to be secure in his
        or her person from all unreasonable searches and seizures. A search of a student by school officials
        is generally reasonable if it bears a rational relationship to a legitimate educational interest, and is
        based upon reasonable suspicion. Limitations on the reasonableness of a search exist depending
        upon the nature of the place searched, along with other factors such as the age of the student and
        the purpose of the search, and a teacher or administrator who participates in or conducts an
        unreasonable search of a student could be sued for damages in state court on the theory of
        invasion of privacy, trespass or assault and battery, or in federal court for civil rights violation. A
        student’s consent to be searched must be scrutinized carefully.

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