Page created by Clinton Robinson
CRooked Billet-HallowelL
   LeaRning CommunitY SEPTEMBER

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS                                     EC                     HHEF             JNC               BP
                                                                                                               Eastern Center for     HH Educational   Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School                            Arts & Technology      Foundation       Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday             monday                       tuesday                   wednesday                          thursday                        friday                    saturday

         AUGUST OCTOBER 29                                                                                                   30                        31                              1
           S   M   T   W   T   F   S   S    M   T   W   T   F   S        HS Link Crew Training 7AM - 2PM
                        1 2 3 4              1 2 3 4 5 6            KV    Open House 3PM - 7:30PM     HS   Home & School Assn.
            5 6 7       8 9 10 11       7    8 9 10 11 12 13                                               Welcome Back Breakfast
           12 13 14    15 16 17 18     14   15 16 17 18 19 20
           19 20 21    22 23 24 25     21   22 23 24 25 26 27                                         BM   Open House
                                                                                                           Kindergarten 1:30-2:30PM
           26 27 28    29 30 31        28   29 30 31                                                       Grades 1—5 2-3 PM
2                                  3                                   4                                     5                                  6                                  7                          8
                                                                                  S Pool Registration 7–8PM

                                             KV Adult Evening School Registration
           LABOR DAY                    FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL                                                       KV    Grade 6 Back to School       CB-H New Family Orientation        JNC Green-up Day
                                                                                                                        Night 7PM                         9:15 AM                           9AM - Noon
           DISTRICT HOLIDAY                                                                                                                          KV    Hatter CARES Day

 9                              10                                      11                                  12                                13                                  14                          15
                                              KV Adult Evening School Begins

           DISTRICT CLOSED              HS     Wall of Fame Golf Outing      BM     Back to School Night          CB-H Back to School Night          CB-H Run for Education Kick-Off
                                                                                                                       Grades 3, 4, 5 7PM                 Assembly 2:30PM
                                                                             CB-H Back to School Night
                                               SCHOOLS CLOSED                     Grades K, 1, 2 7PM              HS   Activities Fair               HS   Activities Fair (Rain Date)
                                                                             CB-H Kidstuff Book Sale Starts       S    Back to School Night          S     HSA Chairpersons’
                                                                                                                       Grades K, 1, 2 7PM                  Breakfast 9:30AM
                                                                             HS     Back to School Night 6:30PM

16                               17                                 18                                      19                                20                                   21                        22
           Beginning Band & Strings     CB-H “Be a Leader” Spirit Day                                             CB-H HSA Social 3:30PM             KV    Grade 6 Fall Fun Night       HS   Homecoming Dance 7PM
           Night @ Simmons 7PM                                                                                                                             7-9PM
                                        PP    HSA Meeting 7PM                        DISTRICT CLOSED              CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM
     CB-H Fall Picture Day                                                                                                                           PP    Family Bingo Night
                                                                                                                  CB-H Summer Readers
                                                                                                                       Celebration 2PM
                                                                                                                  KV    Grade 7 Back to School
                                                                                                                        Night 7PM

23                             24                                  25                                       26                                27                                 28                          29
     KV    Grade 8 Back to School       S      Fall Picture Day              HHEF Girls’ STEAM Keynote            HS    Grades 9, 10 Picture Day     HS    Grades 11, 12 Picture Day
           Night 7PM                                                                                                    7:30AM - 12:30PM                   7:30AM - 12:30PM
                                                                             HS     STEAM Lunch & Learn
                                                                                    (Library) 10AM – Noon         KV    HSA Meeting 7PM              S     HSA Movie Night 7PM
                                                                             KV     Girls’ STEAM Event -          PP Back to School Night 7PM        S     HSA Room Parents’
30                                                                                  Lunches                       		                                       Breakfast 9:30AM
                                                                             S      Back to School Night
                                                                                    Grades 3, 4, 5 7PM
BLAIr MILL                                                                                                                                                    OCTOBER

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS                                          EC                       HHEF                   JNC                   BP
                                                                                                                    Eastern Center for       HH Educational         Jarrett               Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School                                 Arts & Technology        Foundation             Nature Center         the Conversation

sunday           monday                    tuesday                           wednesday                           thursday                            friday                           saturday

     		                      1                                     2                              3                                  4                                   5                                6
                                 BM | CB-H | PP                        HS   Senior Cap & Gown Meeting   CB-H “Walk this Way” Spirit Day   CB-H Family Hayride                HS     Robotics Off-Season
                                       Title 1 Information Night            During All Lunches                                                                                      Competition
                                                                                                              ESL Back to School          CB-H KidStuff Book Sale Ends
                                       6:30PM                                                                                                                                HS     SATs @ HS 7AM
                                                                                                              Family Fair @ CB-H
                                                                                                        KV    Fall Picture Day
7                             8                                  9                                10                                 11                                     12                              13
                                                                                        BM Book Fair

                                              PP   Fall Picture Day             HS   PSAT Grades 9, 10, 11        BM   Familly Night & Book Fair     PP       Boys Night Out                    JNC Green-up Day
                                                                                                                       6:30PM                                                                       9AM - Noon
                                                                                S    HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                                  CB-H Community Book Club
                                                                                                                       5:30–6:30PM                            EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                  CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                                                                              Staff Development
                                                                                                                  HS   Cap & Gown Orders during
                                                                                                                       ALL Lunches

          14                             15                               16                                 17                              18                                    19                                  20

S   Fall into   BM    Fall Picture Day        CB-H Family STEM Night 7PM        HS   STEAM Lunch & Learn          KV    HSA Meeting 7PM              CB-H Movie Night 6:30PM                    HS   Hatters for Music
    Fitness                                                                          (Library) 10AM - Noon                                                                                           Craft Show 9AM - 3PM
                                              HS    Post Secondary Fall Fair                                                                         PP      Trunk or Treat
    5K 8:30AM
                                                    10:30AM - Noon              PP   Coffee with the Principal
                                                                                                                                                     S       Kindergarten Fall Social
                                              PP    HSA Meeting 7PM                                                                                          6:30PM

          21                             22                               23                                 24                              25                                    26                                  27
                                                                                      CB-H Book Fair
                                              CB-H Book Fair Family Night                                         HS   Parent / Teacher              HS      Parent Teacher Conferences
                                                                                                                       Conferences 5:30-8PM                  Noon – 2:40PM
                                              HS    Business Networking Event
                                                    7:30AM                                                        HS   Link Crew Student             KV      Halloween Dance 7 - 9PM
                                                                                                                       Conferences 7AM – 1PM
                                                                                                                  KV   Girls’ STEAM - Lunches
                                                                                                                                                             EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                                                             Staff Development

          28                             29                               30                                 31
                CB-H Pumpkin Contest          CB-H Fall Picture Retakes         Elementary Halloween Parade
                                                                                                                                                              SEPTEMBER                              NOVEMBER
                                                                                and Parties                                                              S   M    T    W       T   F        S   S    M   T   W     T   F    S
                                                                                PP    Dance-A-Thon                                                                      1                                         1 2 3
                                                                                                                                                      2 3 4 5 6 7 8                              4 5 6 7          8 9 10
                                                                                                                                                      9 10 11 12 13 14 15                        11 12 13 14     15 16 17
                                                                                                                                                     16 17 18 19 20 21 22                       18 19 20 21      22 23 24
                                                                                                                                                     23 24 25 26 27 28 29                       25 26 27 28      29 30
  SIMMONS                                                                                                                            NOVEMBER

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS                    EC                        HHEF                    JNC                  BP
                                                                                              Eastern Center for        HH Educational          Jarrett              Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School           Arts & Technology         Foundation              Nature Center        the Conversation

sunday              monday                        tuesday               wednesday           thursday                           friday                            saturday

     OCTOBER DECEMBER                                                                                          1                                 2                                    3
            S   M   T   W   T   F   S    S    M    T   W   T   F    S
                 1 2 3 4 5 6                                        1               BM   Community Book Club       CB-H Run for Education              HS       “Tip of the Hat” Marching
            7    8 9 10 11 12 13          2     3 4 5 6 7           8               BM   HSA Meeting 7PM           HS      Picture Retake Day                   Band Tournament
                                                                                                                           7:30AM – Noon                        @HS Stadium 4PM
           14   15 16 17 18 19 20         9   10 11 12 13 14       15
           21   22 23 24 25 26 27        16    17 18 19 20 21      22
           28   29 30 31                23    24 25 26 27 28       29
                                        30     31
4                                     5                                   6                                       7                                   8                                   9                         10
                                                                                   KV Spirit Week
                                                                                      S Book Fair
                  KV    Fall Picture Retake Day                                                                                    CB-H Community Book Club           CB-H Run for Education              HS   HHMU Championship and
                                                                                                                                        5:30-6:30PM                        RAIN DATE                           Breakfast 7AM
                  S     Fall Picture Retake Day            ELECTION DAY
                                                           NO SCHOOL FOR                                                           CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM               KV    Veterans’ Day Breakfast       HS   HHMU Championship
                                                           STUDENTS / Staff                                                                                                 8:30 - 10:30AM                     Dinner 4PM
                                                                                                                                   HS    Class Ring Assembly
                                                           Development                                                                   (during ALL lunches)                                             JNC Green-up Day
                                                                                                                                   S     STREAM Family Night                                                  9AM - Noon

            11                                 12                                  13      HS       HSA Meeting 7PM          14                                 15                                  16                             17
HS HHMU                Title 1 Family Night @BM       KV   Grade 6 Inter-Generational      HS       STEAM Lunch & Learn            CB-H Thanksgiving Luncheon         HS    Student Ring Ordering
  Alternative          6PM                                 Brunch 9:30AM                            (Library) 10AM - Noon                                                   (during ALL lunches)
  Date –                                                                                                                           HS   Parent Ring Ordering
                                                      S    Family Breakfast                KV       Grades 7 & 8                        Main Lobby 5-8PM              HS    Designer Bag Bingo
                                                           Grades K, 1, 2 7:30AM                    Inter-Generational Brunch                                               Doors Open 6PM
  Band                                                                                                                             KV   HSA Meeting 7PM
  Championships                                                                                                                                                       KV    Principal Chat & Chew
                                                                                           PP       Fall Picture Retakes           S    Family Breakfast Grades
                                                                                                                                        3, 4, 5 7:30AM                      9 - 10AM

          18                                   19                               20                                           21                                 22                               23                            24
                  BM    Fall Picture Retakes          KV   KV Idol 7PM
                  CB-H HSA Lochel’s Pie Pick-up       PP   HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                                                        THANKSGIVING		                     DISTRICT CLOSED
                                                      S    HSA Lochel’s Pie Pick-up             EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                STUDENTS and Staff                      DISTRICT CLOSED

                                                                                                                                        HS Thanksgiving Game
                                                                                                                                        HH vs UM 10AM

          25                                   26                                27                                         28                                  29                               30
                                                                                                                           CB-H Holiday Shop

                       NO SCHOOL FOR                                                                                                      KV Musical 7:30PM
                       STUDENTS / Staff
pENNYPACK                                                                                                                  DECEMBER

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS             EC                   HHEF              JNC                BP
                                                                                       Eastern Center for   HH Educational    Jarrett            Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School    Arts & Technology    Foundation        Nature Center      the Conversation

sunday             monday                        tuesday              wednesday       thursday                     friday                     saturday

               NOVEMBER                          JANUARY                          			1
           S   M   T   W    T   F   S    S   M    T   W   T   F   S                                                                  CB-H Breakfast with Holiday
                            1 2 3                 1 2 3 4 5                                                                               Friends
            4 5 6 7         8 9 10        6 7     8 9 10 11 12                                                                       HS   HatTricks Robotics
            11 12 13 14    15 16 17      13 14   15 16 17 18 19
           18 19 20 21     22 23 24     20 21    22 23 24 25 26                                                                      KV   Hatboro Train Show
           25 26 27 28     29 30        27 28    29 30 31                                                                            KV   Musical 7:30PM
2                          3                                4                                     5                                 6                                   7                                   8
KV Musical                                                                             S Holiday Shop
   1:30 PM                                                                                                                                              HS Fall Theater Production
                                                                                   S Pool Registration 7-8PM
                                                                                     HS Keystone Exams                                                 HS Basketball Tip-Off Classic

                                                                              District Grade 5 Winter Concert      BM Community Book Club             KV    HSA Barnes and Noble Night     HS     Breakfast with Santa
                                                                              @KV 7PM                              BM HSA Meeting 7PM                       Fundraiser 5 - 10PM                   9 - 11AM
                                                                                                                   District Grade 5 Strings Concert                                        PP     Donuts with Santa
                                                                                                                          @ Simmons 7:30PM

             9                      10                                   11                                12                                   13                                   14                                  15
                                                                                     HS Keystone Exams
                                                                                                                   Elementary & KV Parent / Teacher Conferences
                                             KV   Winter Orchestra Concert    HS    Choral & Jazz Concert 7PM
                                                  7PM                                                              CB-H Awards Assembly               HS    Parent / Teacher Conferences
                                                                                                                                                            12 - 2:40PM
                                                                                                                   HS    HSA Staff Holiday
                                                                                                                         Dessert Buffet
                                                                                                                         EARLY DISMISSAL                    EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                         STUDENTS                           STUDENTS
                                                                                                                         Staff Development                  Staff Development

         16                             17                              18                                 19                                  20                                    21                                  22
                 Grade 5 Band Concert        KV    Winter Band Concert 7PM    HS    Band & Orchestra Concert             Elementary Holiday Parties   Elementary Holiday Sing Alongs
                 @ KV 7PM                                                           7PM                                                               HS    Feed-A-Friend Delivery
                                             PP    HSA Meeting 7PM                                                 KV    Winter Choral Concert 7PM

                                                                                                                                                            EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                                                            STUDENTS and

        23                          24                                 25                                 26                                   27                                28                                   29
                 DISTRICT CLOSED                  DISTRICT CLOSED                  SCHOOLS CLOSED                        SCHOOLS CLOSED                     SCHOOLS CLOSED
                                                                                                                                                           Wetzel Holiday Wrestling Classic @HS

         30                        31
                 SCHOOLS CLOSED
KEITH VALLEY                                                                                                                                       JANUARY

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS                              EC                       HHEF                     JNC               BP
                                                                                                        Eastern Center for       HH Educational           Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School                     Arts & Technology        Foundation               Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday           monday                tuesday                wednesday                               thursday                           friday                           saturday

    			                                               1                             2                                     3                                4                              5
                                                          CB-H After School Fun Registration
                                    DISTRICT CLOSED
                                                                                               BM   Community Book Club       CB-H New Year Celebration
                                                                                               BM   HSA Meeting 7PM                6:30 - 8:30PM
6                        7                              8                                     9                                10                                         11                              12
                                                                      HS Keystone Exams
                                                                CB-H After School fun Begins         CB-H Community Book Club
                                                                                                          5:30 - 6:30PM
                                                                HS    HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                     CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                     HS   National Art Honor Society
                                                                                                          Induction Ceremony 6:30PM
                                                                                                     KV   Girls’ STEAM - Lunches`

13                       14                             15                                     16                                  17                                  18                                  19
                                                                      HS Keystone Exams
                                                                 S     Discovery Time Registration   KV   HSA Meeting 7PM               PP      Acceptance Day
                                                                 S     HSA Meeting 7PM

20                       21                            22                                   23                                  24                                     25                                  26
                                                                                                            HS Final Exams

     DISTRICT CLOSED          PP   HSA Meeting 7PM                                                   BP   Matt Bellace @ KV             KV      Winter fun Night                    PP   Blingo
     MARTIN LUTHER KING                                                                                                                 S       HSA Family Dance 7PM

27                       28                            29                                  30                                      31             DECEMBER                                 FEBRUARY
        HS Final Exams        KV Adult Evening School Registration                                                                          S    M    T    W       T   F        S    S   M    T   W    T   F    S

                                   SCHOOLS CLOSED                HS    Begin Semester 2               CB-H After School Fun Ends                                            1                             1 2
                                                                                                                                          2       3 4 5 6 7                 8         3 4 5 6          7 8 9
                                   Records Day                                                        S    Discovery Time Begins
                                                                                                                                          9     10 11 12 13 14             15       10 11 12 13       14 15 16
                                                                                                                                         16      17 18 19 20 21            22        17 18 19 20      21 22 23
                                                                                                                                        23      24 25 26 27 28             29       24 25 26 27       28
                                                                                                                                        30       31
ROBOTICS                                                                                                                        FEBRUARY

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS             EC                       HHEF                   JNC               BP
                                                                                       Eastern Center for       HH Educational         Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School    Arts & Technology        Foundation             Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday           monday                tuesday              wednesday                 thursday                         friday                          saturday

    						                                                                                                                                   1                         2
                                                                                                            CB-H Sweetheart / Daughter Dance
                                                                                                                 6:30 - 8:30PM
                                                                                                            S     Talent Show Grades 1 & 2
3                                  4                                5                                  6                                 7                                    8                                  9
                                         KV Adult Evening School Begins

                                                                          HS    Blood Drive                    BM   Community Book Club         CB-H Family Workshop 6:30PM          HS Cavalcade Indoor
                                                                                                                                                                                        Percussion & Guard Contest
                                                                          HS    STEAM Lunch & Learn            BM   HSA Meeting 7PM             KV      Valentine’s Day Dance
                                                                                (Library) 10AM-Noon                                                     7-9PM
                                                                                                               CB-H Community Book Club
                                                                                                                    5:30 - 6:30PM               PP      Sweetheart Dance
                                                                                                               CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                               CB-H Reading Rainbow Night 6PM

 10                              11                                  12                                13                                 14                                    15                                 16
       Title I Family Night @ CB-H       KV   Girls’ STEAM Lunches        Elementary Valentine’s Day Parties
                                                                          HS    Back to School Night                                                    NO SCHOOL
                                                                                6:30PM                                                                  FOR STUDENTS
                                                                                                                                                        Staff Development
                                                                                                                    EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                    Staff Development

 17                             18                                   19                                20                                 21                                    22                             23
          DISTRICT CLOSED                PP   HSA Meeting 7PM             CB-H Spring Picture Day              KV    HSA Meeting 7PM            KV      KV Challenge                 PP   Family Skating
                                                                                                                                                        10AM - Midnight
                                                                                                                                                S       Kindergarten Night Out 7PM

24		                            25                                   26                                27                                 28                                                  MARCH
                                                                                                               PP   Spring Picture Day
                                                                          CB-H 500 Weigh-In 6PM
                                                                                                                                                    S   M    T   W     T   F     S    S   M    T   W       T   F    S
                                                                                                               S    Discovery Time Ends
                                                                                                                                                             1 2 3 4 5                                1 2
                                                                                                                                                  6 7        8 9 10 11 12              3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                                                                                                                                 13 14      15 16 17 18 19           10 11 12 13 14 15 16
                                                                                                                                                20 21       22 23 24 25 26            17 18 19 20 21 22 23
                                                                                                                                                27 28       29 30 31                 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
MUSIC In OUR SCHOOLS                                                                                                                          MARCH

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS             EC                      HHEF                    JNC                     BP
                                                                                       Eastern Center for      HH Educational          Jarrett                 Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School    Arts & Technology       Foundation              Nature Center           the Conversation

sunday              monday                      tuesday              wednesday        thursday                         friday                              saturday

                FEBRUARY                         APRIL           			 1                                                                                                       2
            S   M   T   W   T   F   S   S   M    T   W   T   F   S                                                    FIRST Mid-Atlantic Robotics District Competition @HS
                            1 2             1 2 3 4 5 6                                                     CB-H Barnes and Noble
             3 4 5 6 7 8 9               7 8 9 10 11 12 13                                                       Family Night 6-8:30PM
           10 11 12 13 14 15 16         14 15 16 17 18 19 20
            17 18 19 20 21 22 23        21 22 23 24 25 26 27
           24 25 26 27 28               28 29 30
3                                  4                                      5                                    6                                7                                 8                                     9
                                                                                                           KV Book Fair
                                                                HHEF Author                      HS     Red & Black Pool Night        BM   Community Book Club          CB-H 500 7PM                      HS    Mid-Atlantic Indoor Color
HS FIRST Robotics Comp.                                              Laurie Halse Anderson              @ Simmons 6:30PM                                                                                        Guard Contest 3PM
                                                                                                                                      BM   HSA Meeting 7PM              HS   Red & Black Gym Night
                                                                     visits HHHS
                                                                                                 HS     STEAM Lunch & Learn                                                  6:30PM                       JNC Green-up Day 9AM - Noon
                                                                                                                                      HS   K-12 Music In Our Schools
                                                                                                        (Library) 10AM - Noon

                10                                    11                                 12                                      13                                14                                15                                    16
                                                                                                            KV Book Fair                                                                                   HS Senior Class Trip (Disney)
                                                                                                      S Pool Registration 7-8PM

                                                                                                 HS     HSA Meeting 7PM               CB-H Community Book Club          CB-H Awards Assembly
                                                                                                 PP     Family Learning Night                                           S    Talent Show
                                                                                                        6:30PM                        CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM                   Grades 3 & 4 7PM
                                                                                                                                      KV   Book Fair Family Night 6PM   KV   Shamrocker Dodgeball
                                                                                                                                      KV   Girls’ STEAM Lunches

                 17                                  18                                  19                                     20                                 21                              22                                      23
                                HS Senior Class Trip (Disney)
                          BM   Spring Pictures / Grade 5        PP    HSA Meeting 7PM            HS      National Honor Society       KV HSA Meeting 7PM 		             S    HSA Family Bingo 7PM         HS     3rd Annual Superhero’s
                               Class Picture                                                             Induction Ceremony           		                                                                         Event (Cafe) 11AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                          PP     Girls Night Out
                                                                                                                                                                             EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                                                                             Staff Development

                24                                  25                                  26                                       27                               28                               29                                  30
HS SNOW DATE                                                                                                                          HS   Grade 9 “Minding Your        CB-H Family Bingo Night 6:30PM
Superhero’s Event                                                                                                                          Minds” Presentation
                                                                                                                                                                        HS    Junior Prom @ Spring Mill
(Cafe) 11AM                                                                                                                                7:30AM
                                                                                                                                                                        PP    Book Fair

                31                                                                                                                                                      S     Talent Show Grade 5 7PM
JaRreTt NaturE cenTeR APRIL

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS                        EC                        HHEF                   JNC               BP
                                                                                                  Eastern Center for        HH Educational         Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School               Arts & Technology         Foundation             Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday           monday                tuesday               wednesday                          thursday                           friday                          saturday

     		                      1                     2                                3                              4                                 5                            6
                                                               PP Book Fair
                                                       HS   STEAM Lunch & Learn         BM   Community Book Club       CB-H Variety Show 7PM
                                                            (Library) 10AM - Noon       BM   HSA Meeting 7PM           KV     Spring Fun Night 7 - 9PM
                                                       KV   PMEA Choral Fest
7                       8                                     9                                 10                                  11                                  12                                 13
                               HS      ASERT Autism Presentation    S   HSA Staff Appreciation        CB-H Community Book Club                   CB-H Mother / Son Event 7PM
                                       6PM                              Luncheon                           5:30 - 6:30PM
                                                                                                                                                                               HS    ACT Exams 7:30AM
                               HS      Post-Secondary Spring Fair                                     CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM
                                       6:30 - 8PM                                                                                                                              HS    Class of 2020 Brunch
                                                                                                      CB-H Reading Rainbow Night 6PM                                                 w/ Bunny 10AM
                                                                                                      HS     Hall of Fame Ceremony                                             HS    Mini-Thon 4PM
                                                                                                                                                                               JNC Green-up Day 9AM - Noon
                                                                                                      S      Grade 1 Concert 7PM

14                      15                                     16                                17                                  18                                  19                             20
                                     PSSA ELA (Grades 3 - 8)

                                                                                                            Potential Snow
                                PP      HSA Meeting 7PM                                                                                           DISTRICT CLOSED
                                                                                                            Make-up Day
                                                                        EARLY DISMISSAL                     SCHOOLS
                                                                        STUDENTS                            CLOSED
                                                                        Staff Development

21                     22                                   23                               24                                   25                                  26                                27
                                                                                       PSSA ELA (Grades 3 - 8)
     Potential Snow
     Make-up Day                                                                                      District Grade 5 Strings Concert       CB-H Earth Day Celebration         CB-H “When I Grow Up”
                                                                                                             @ Simmons 7:30PM                     1–3PM                              Career Expo 10AM - 2PM
     CLOSED                                                                                           KV    HSA Meeting 7PM                                                     KV    Fun Run 9AM

28                     29                                   30
                                                                                                                 MARCH                                     MAY
         PSSA Math Grades 3–8 & Science Grades 4 & 8
                                                                                                       S    M    T    W     T    F       S   S    M    T    W    T   F    S
                                S       Grade 2 Concert 7PM                                                            1 2                              1 2 3 4
                                                                                                        3 4 5 6 7 8 9                         5 6 7 8 9 10 11
                                                                                                      10 11 12 13 14 15 16                   12 13 14 15 16 17 18
                                                                                                       17 18 19 20 21 22 23                  19 20 21 22 23 24 25
                                                                                                      24 25 26 27 28 29 30                   26 27 28 29 30 31
CRooked Billet-HallowelL                                                                                                                                                  may
    LeaRning CommunitY

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS                                     EC                           HHEF             JNC                BP
                                                                                                               Eastern Center for           HH Educational   Jarrett            Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School                            Arts & Technology            Foundation       Nature Center      the Conversation

sunday             monday                       tuesday                  wednesday                          thursday                               friday                    saturday

         APRIL JUNE 1                                                                                                            2                            3                                4
           S   M   T   W   T   F   S    S   M   T   W   T   F   S                             PSSA Math Grades 3–8 & Science Grades 4 & 8
               1 2 3 4 5 6                                 1        CB-H Crooked Billet Day        BM    Community Book Club                                        CB-H Spring Carnival 3 - 7PM
            7 8 9 10 11 12 13            2 3 4 5 6 7 8                                             BM    HSA Meeting 7PM                                            HS   SATs @ HS 7AM
           14 15 16 17 18 19 20          9 10 11 12 13 14 15                                       HS    District Art Show                                          JNC Earth Day 10AM - 2PM
           21 22 23 24 25 26 27         16 17 18 19 20 21 22                                       HS    STEAM Lunch & Learn
           28 29 30                    23 24 25 26 27 28 29                                              (Library) 10AM - Noon
                                       30                                                          KV    Girls’ STEAM Lunches
5                              6                                        7                                        8                                     9                              10                                   11
                                                                                               HS AP Exams

     BM   Volunteer Breakfast 9AM      CB-H Staff Appreciation Luncheon         CB-H Kindergarten Orientation            CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM               BM   Day-of-Service               JNC Green-up Day 9AM - Noon
                                       District Grade 4 Strings Concert                                                  CB-H Reading Rainbow Night 6PM     CB-H Mother–Daughter Tea
                                       @ Simmons 7:30PM                         CB-H Enrichment Program                                                          with Treats 6:30PM
                                                                                                                         PP    Mother / Son Event
                                                                                     Celebration of Learning
                                                                                     6 - 7:30PM                          S     Spring Celebration of
                                                                                HS         HSA Meeting 7PM                     Learning 6:30 - 8PM

12                             13                                    14                      HS AP Exams
                                                                                                                 15                                    16                              17                               18
                                                                     HS | KV Keystone Exams Algebra, Biology, Literature

     KV   Grade 5 Parent Orientation   KV Spring Choral Concrt 7PM                 HS      Band & Orchestra Concert      BM     Spring Concert              CB-H Field Day (RAIN DATE)        S    Spring Fair 11AM - 3PM
          7PM                                                                              7PM                                  @ High School 6:30PM        KV Grade 8 Dance 7 - 10PM
                                       KV Business Networking Event
                                          7:30-9AM                                 S       Kindergarten Spring Concert   CB-H Field Day                     PP Trout Release
                                                                                           2PM                                                                   @ Tyler State Park
                                       PP Career Day                                                                     KV     HSA Meeting 7PM
                                       S     Kindergarten Orientation
                                             9:30 - 11AM

19                            20                                        21                                      22                                     23                              24                              25
                                                                        HS | KV Keystone Exams Algebra, Biology, Literature
          S Grade 5 Camping                                                            CB-H Grade 5 Camping                                                  HS Post Prom 11PM - 5AM
                                            BM | PP Grade 5 Camping                                                                                         HS   Senior Prom @ The Hilton
                                       KV Spring Band Concert 7PM              BM Kindergarten Orientation               PP Spring Concert @ High School         City Ave 7PM
                                                                                                                            6:30PM                          PP   Pride Day
                                       PP Kindergarten Orientation             HS Choral & Jazz Concert 7PM
                                          9:30AM                                                                         S    Field Day (RAIN DATE)
                                                                               S        Field Day
                                       PP HSA Meeting 7PM                      S        HSA Meeting 7PM
                                                                                                                                                                 EARLY DISMISSAL
                                                                                                                                                                 STUDENTS and Staff

26                            27                                    28                                          29                                     30                              31
          DISTRICT CLOSED              KV     Orchestra Spring Concert             CB-H Grades 2-4 Spring Concert        CB-H Grade 5 Picnic                BM    Field Day
                                              7PM                                       w / Band & Strings @HS
                                                                                                                         S     Grades 3 & 4 Concert         CB-H Father / Son Event 6:30PM
                                                                                                                               @ HS Auditorium 7PM
                                                                                                                                                            CB-H Grade 5 Picnic (RAIN DATE)
                                                                                   Special Olympics @ HS Stadium
                                                                                                                         Special Olympics (RAIN DATE)
HiGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                      JUNE

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS             EC                   HHEF             JNC               BP
                                                                                       Eastern Center for   HH Educational   Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School    Arts & Technology    Foundation       Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday             monday                        tuesday              wednesday       thursday                     friday                    saturday

                       MAY                        JULY                            			1
           S   M   T    W    T   F   S   S   M    T   W   T   F   S
                      1 2 3 4                1 2 3 4 5 6
            5 6 7 8 9 10 11               7 8 9 10 11 12 13
           12 13 14 15 16 17 18          14 15 16 17 18 19 20
           19 20 21 22 23 24 25          21 22 23 24 25 26 27
           26 27 28 29 30 31             28 29 30 31
2                                3                                 4                                      5                                    6                                  7                           8
                                                                              S Pool Registration 7-8 PM                                            CB-H Celebration of Leading and
                                                                                                                BM    Community Book Club                                               BM   5K Run and Bash
                                       BM    Kindergarten Concert 2PM    Elementary Mini-Relay for Life                                             CB-H Grades K & 1 Spring Concert
                                                                                                                BM    Grade 1 “Celebration of                                                8:30AM - 1PM
                                             Grade 5 Band Concert        PP      Field Day and Color Run              Learning” 1:45PM              HS    1st Graduation Practice 8AM
                                             @KV 7PM
                                                                         S       Grade 5 Promotion @ HS         CB-H HSA Meeting 7PM                HS    Senior Bash
                                       S     Young Authors’ Day 10AM             Auditorium 7PM                                                           (After Graduation Practice)
                                                                                                                HS    Senior Awards Night 6PM
                                                                                                                S     Grade 5 Picnic                S     Grade 5 Picnic (RAIN DATE)

9                                 10                                11                                    12                                13                                   14                            15
                                                                                                                        HS Final Exams
                                                                         BM      Grade 5 Promotion
     HS   2nd Graduation Practice      CB-H Grade 5 Promotion                    Ceremony 9:30AM               CB-H “School in the Pool”                  STUDENTS LAST DAY
          8:30AM                            Ceremony 7PM                                                            Spirit Day                            OF SCHOOL
                                                                         CB-H Volunteer Tea 9AM
     HS   Graduation (Stadium )        PP    Pool Day                                                          PP    Grade 5 Promotion
                                                                         CB-H Awards Assembly 10AM
          6:30PM                                                                                                     Ceremony @KV 7PM
                                                                         KV      Grade 8 Promotion
                                                                                 Ceremony @HS 1PM
                                                                         PP      Pool Day (RAIN DATE)

16                                17                                18                                    19                               20                                    21                            22
          RECORDS DAY

                                           STAFF DEVELOPMENT

23                            24                                25                                      26                                 27                                   28                             29

ArT in our Schools                                                                                                                         JULY

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS             EC                   HHEF             JNC               BP
                                                                                       Eastern Center for   HH Educational   Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School    Arts & Technology    Foundation       Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday           monday                tuesday              wednesday                 thursday                     friday                    saturday

                             1                     2                     3                            4                       5                             6

                                                                                INDEPENDENCE DAY
                                                                                DISTRICT CLOSED
7   8     9   10                            11                            12       13

14   15   16   17                            18                        19           20

21   22   23   24                        25                            26           27

28   29   30   31            JUNE                         AUGUST
                     S   M   T   W   T   F    S   S   M   T   W    T   F        S
                                              1                    1 2 3
                      2 3 4 5 6 7             8    4 5 6 7         8 9 10
                      9 10 11 12 13 14       15    11 12 13 14    15 16 17
                     16 17 18 19 20 21       22   18 19 20 21     22 23 24
                    23 24 25 26 27 28        29   25 26 27 28     29 30 31
Around OUR SCHOOLS                                                                                                               AUGUST

BM         CB-H Crooked Billet-Hallowell KV           PP        S       HS             EC                   HHEF             JNC               BP
                                                                                       Eastern Center for   HH Educational   Jarrett           Be A Part of
Blair Mill
							         Learning Community       Keith Valley Pennypack Simmons High School    Arts & Technology    Foundation       Nature Center     the Conversation

sunday              monday                      tuesday             wednesday         thursday                     friday                    saturday

                                    SEPTEMBER 1                                                                               2                              3
            S   M   T   W   T   F   S   S   M   T   W   T   F   S
               1 2 3 4 5 6        1 2 3 4 5 6 7
            7 8 9 10 11 12 13    8 9 10 11 12 13 14
           14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
           21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
           28 29 30 31          29 30
4     5    6    7   8     9   10

11   12   13   14   15   16   17

18   19   20   21   22   23   24

25   26   27   28   29   30   31
                                                                            superintendent's message
With anticipation and excitement, I welcome our new and returning students, families and                We were excited to formally open Hallowell Elementary School this past September. For the
staff to the beginning of the 2018-19 school year.                                                      past 15 months we developed the plans for a new state of the art Crooked Billet Elementary
The Hatboro-Horsham School District is very proud of our educational programs, extra-                   school that will be built on the current site of Crooked Billet and will break ground on the
curricular opportunities and the services we provide our students, parents and community. We            new school this September. The opening of the new elementary school is anticipated for the
strive to provide a safe and secure environment, excellent learning opportunities, high quality         start of the 2020 school term. During this construction, students from Crooked Billet will be
teaching and first rate supportive services.                                                            attending Hallowell Elementary School.

This past school year we implemented 1:1 computing in our High School. The goal of 1:1                  With the start of a new school year there is the opportunity for new successes and new
computing is to place digital tools in the hands of every student to make his/her education             beginnings. I want to remind parents and guardians, your involvement in your child’s education
more engaging, and to transform learning and teaching. One important benefit of a 1:1 learning          is one of the most important factors contributing to your child’s success in school. Reviewing
environment is the ability to differentiate how students learn and are able to demonstrate              work sent home by his/her teachers, establishing a routine for homework, communicating with
their learning. Additional benefits are boosted student motivation, student ownership of their          your child’s teachers and becoming involved in the activities offered to families can go a long
learning, and increased opportunities for collaboration in project-based learning. During the           way to making this a successful year for your children. Working together we will make this a
2018-19 school year we are expanding our 1:1 computer initiative to all 5th grade classrooms            great school year.
and piloting 1:1 learning strategies in Keith Valley Middle School.

                                                                                                        Dr. Curtis Griffin, Superintendent of Schools

                                          vision                                                                                        mission statement
Hatboro-Horsham School District is comprised of a cohesive, supportive group of dedicated staff,          The Hatboro-Horsham School District is committed to preparing and challenging all students
students, parents, and community members united in our commitment to pursue excellence in                 to achieve their maximum potential by providing an excellent, innovative educational program
education. We intend to realize our highest potential as an educational community by setting clear,       through a supportive collaboration of educators, students, parents, and community.
measurable goals, employing best practices, engaging in effective communication, and utilizing
resources wisely. We will use our successes as a catalyst for future growth, change, and improvement.

                                                                                           our schools
          “Champions of Learning”, the motto for our district adopted in the 1980’s,                    and standards. All programs are designed to accommodate the many interests, abilities and needs
          is the theme for our instructional programs. It reinforces the district’s commitment to       of students. The coordinated K-12 program places great emphasis, beginning in the primary grades,
          excellence with the highest priorities on learning and achievement.                           on reading, writing, and mathematics. This emphasis is expanded in each of the grades through
                                                                                                        high school so that students experience diverse, meaningful learning opportunities in preparation for
Students are recognized for outstanding academic performance in all schools of the district. Special    citizenship, the work force, and higher education.
awards are given to those students achieving distinguished honor roll and exemplary honor roll
status as well as individual curricular area achievement. Special academic award assemblies are         The rigor of the educational program is reflected by the standards-based and exploratory learning in
held in each school of the district.                                                                    grades K-8 and the high school’s comprehensive program that includes advanced placement college
                                                                                                        level courses. Our objective is to empower all students to pursue their educational and career goals
The Hatboro-Horsham instructional program has as its main focus the teaching of fundamental skills      by providing a supportive, engaging, and challenging learning environment.
Special Education                                                        to the team. Parents are invited to participate in team meetings
         nondiscrimination policy                                         Special education services are provided to identify exceptional          and may refer their child to the team for consideration. The function
                                                                          students according to Federal and State special education                of the team is to develop strategies and procedures to utilize
The policy of the School District of Hatboro-Horsham is to provide
                                                                          regulations. Learning support, emotional support, life skills support,   within the classroom. Attempts are made to meet the needs of the
an equal opportunity for all students through the programs
                                                                          autistic support, speech and language programs are operated by           student within the regular education program before referring for
offered in the schools regardless of race, color, age, creed,
                                                                          the school district. Programs and other services also are provided       evaluation for special education eligibility.
religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital
status, pregnancy, genetic information or handicap/disability.            by the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit. The determination            Screening
This includes provision of education and related aids, services,          of a specialized program for a student is made by an Individualized      All students are screened for visual and ⁄ or hearing difficulties.
or accommodations which are needed to afford each qualified               Education Planning Team consisting of educators and parents              Speech and language screenings are done routinely and upon
student with a disability equal opportunity to participate in and         and based on the recommendations of the Multidisciplinary Team.          teacher or parent referral.
                                                                          Questions regarding special programs may be referred to the
obtain the benefits from educational programs and extracurricular
                                                                          Special Services Office at 215-420-5802.
                                                                                                                                                   Multidisciplinary Evaluations
activities without discrimination, to the same extent as each student                                                                              During the Student Resource Team process, a multidisciplinary
without a disability, consistent with federal and state laws and          Services for NonSchool Aged Children                                     evaluation (MDE) may be conducted. A MDE might include
regulations. The School District of Hatboro-Horsham shall take all        Parents of children not of school age who have concerns regarding        academic information, classroom functioning information, and a
necessary actions to comply with state and federal laws prohibiting       specialized needs may call the Montgomery County Intermediate            cognitive evaluation. Parents must give permission for the MDE
discrimination in educational programs. The following individuals         Unit at 610-755-9400 or the School District of Hatboro-Horsham           to occur and may request a MDE by conferring with the school
have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the District’s         Office of Special Services.                                              principal. Parents are an integral part of the multidisciplinary team.
non-discrimination and harassment policies: For Students, Parents/                                                                                 A MDE may be requested at any time and will be completed as
Guardians and Community Members: Assistant Superintendent, 229
                                                                          Homebound Instruction
                                                                                                                                                   required by state regulations. All findings of a MDE are confidential
                                                                          Students who become ill or disabled during the school year may
Meetinghouse Road, Horsham, PA 19044, Phone: 215-420-5005;                                                                                         and are maintained by the school as per the Family Educational
                                                                          receive homebound instruction. A letter from the doctor requesting
For Employees and Contractors: Director of Human Resources,                                                                                        Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. If the MDE shows that the student
                                                                          homebound instruction must be sent to the school counselor for
229 Meetinghouse Road, Horsham, PA 19044, Phone: 215-420-5016.                                                                                     has a disability and requires specially designed instruction, a
                                                                          students in grades K-12. The request for homebound instruction
                                                                                                                                                   recommendation is made for special programming.
                                                                          must include the cause of and specified time period for the school
   homeless children’s initiative                                         absence in addition to an explanation as to how the condition
                                                                          prevents school attendance. When approved by the School Board, a           language instruction educational program
The Homeless Children’s Initiative exists to help homeless children
                                                                          certified teacher will be assigned, if available. Homebound services
with a variety of services. If you are homeless with school or                                                                                     The School District of Hatboro-Horsham provides English Language
                                                                          are not guaranteed. Requests should be made through the school
preschool aged children, please contact one of the persons or                                                                                      Development (ESL instruction) for students who are eligible as
                                                                          counselor. Those students receiving specialized services through
agencies listed below for assistance.                                                                                                              English Learners (ELs). English Language Development is part of
                                                                          the special education or protected handicapped student programs
Kimberly B. Myers, Ed.S, NCSP: Hatboro-Horsham School District                                                                                     the district Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP), and
                                                                          should contact the Special Services Office at 215-420-5802 when
Homeless Liaison 215-420-5801.                                                                                                                     is provided by ESL certified teachers and SIOP trained content area
                                                                          requesting homebound services.
                                                                                                                                                   teachers, a research-based method for instructing and supporting
Region #8 McKinney Vento Homeless Act Site (serving Bucks,                Section 504 ⁄ Chapter 15 Service Agreements                              English Learners with the goal of attaining English language
Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, and Northampton counties)                   In compliance with State and Federal Law, the Hatboro-Horsham            proficiency in core content areas.
Regional Site Coordinator: Michelle Connor 215-348-2940 ext 1361,         School District will provide to each protected handicapped student,
mconnor@bucksiu.org.                                                                                                                               Families new to the district are asked, as part of the registration
                                                                          without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related   process, to complete a Home Language Survey in a language of
                                                                          aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide             their preference. Information from the survey serves as the first
 special education & special services                                     access for a student to participate in and obtain the benefits of the    level of screening to ascertain if a new student may be eligible for
                                                                          school program. In order to qualify as a protected handicapped           ELD services. In addition to providing ELD programming for English
Programs for Gifted Students                                              student, the child must be of school age with a physical or mental       Learners, the district strives to create a welcoming environment
Students are identified individually and receive programs based on        disability which substantially limits or prohibits participation in      by providing community and family engagement events, and
guidelines and regulations embodied in state law under Chapter 16.        or access to an aspect of the school program. These services for         interpretation services for families to ensure information is
Those school age students who possess superior intelligence scores        protected handicapped students are distinct from those applicable        available in a language family members can understand. The school
and/or meet multiple criteria indicating gifted ability (which includes   to all exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in          district LIEP program meets the requirements of the Elementary
consideration of intelligence measures) may receive services if the       special education programs.                                              and Secondary Education Act, and aligns with Pennsylvania
student requires specially designed instruction that is not available
                                                                          Student Resource Teams                                                   English Language Development Standards (PA ELDS). Additional
in the general curriculum. If we suspect your child is qualified for                                                                               information about the School District of Hatboro-Horsham’s ESL
                                                                          Each school has a Student Resource Team consisting of teachers, the
gifted services, you will be notified of screening and evaluation                                                                                  program, including eligibility and opting out requirements, can
                                                                          school principal, a guidance counselor and a school psychologist.
procedures. Parental requests for screening and evaluation should                                                                                  be found on our website or by contacting Sue Vaites, Director of
                                                                          Children who are experiencing difficulties in school may be referred
be made to your child’s school counselor.                                                                                                          Curriculum, at 215-420-5012.
                                                                                                                                          transferred to another school upon notification either by the
  vocational-technical education                                        new admissions                                                    parent or the receiving school. The Education Records Policy
                                                                                                                                          is forwarded annually to each family. The Education Records
Eastern Center for Arts and Technology is accredited by the          The Hatboro-Horsham School District uses a Central Registration      Policy can also be found on the Hatboro-Horsham School District
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The campus        process for all new students. The registration information can be    website, the student handbook and in each school building.
is located in Willow Grove and the school is owned by nine school    found on the school website at www.hatboro-horsham.org. Select
districts in Eastern Montgomery County.                              “Register for School” to find the requirements for registration,
The programs provided at EASTERN are considered part of
                                                                     the registration paperwork and the link to set up the registration     parent-teacher conferences
                                                                     appointment or contact the Registration Office at 215-420-5031.
the high school program and count as elective credit toward
                                                                                                                                          The Hatboro-Horsham School District encourages parents to be
graduation. These programs give students the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                          actively engaged in their child’s education. Parent meetings with
reinforce their career path after high school, get a head start
on collegiate studies in that field and get ready for employment.
                                                                       immunization regulations                                           their child’s teacher(s) are an important part of the education
                                                                                                                                          process. Opportunities for parent-teacher conferences are built
Most of the career programs offer advanced placement college
                                                                     The Department of Health has changed school immunization             into the district calendar.
credit or dual enrollment opportunities for students continuing
their education after high school in similar majors. Normally        regulations effective August 2017. The regulations are intended
                                                                                                                                          Parents will be able to schedule conferences with any or all of
students enroll in the vocational-technical program in grades 11     to ensure that children attending school in the Commonwealth
                                                                                                                                          their child’s teachers on these dates. If you would like to schedule
and 12. Students enrolled in the EASTERN afternoon program           are adequately protected against potential outbreaks of vaccine
                                                                                                                                          a conference at a time or date other than the standing dates,
attend their home school for one-half day and EASTERN for the        preventable diseases.
                                                                                                                                          please contact your child’s teacher or the school office to make
remaining half day.                                                  FOR ATTENDANCE IN ALL GRADES, children need the                      arrangements.
With fourteen career offerings available, EASTERN provides           following:
opportunities for academically talented students who wish to           • 4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis*
expand and enrich their education into avenues where their           		 (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)                               emergency communication
career goals do not align with traditional college education; such     • 4 doses of polio (4th dose on or after 4th birthday and at
as Culinary Arts, Technology, Commercial Art, Allied Health,         		 least 6 months after previous dose)                               Providing accurate up-to-date information in emergency
Protective Services and Veterinary Science, to name a few. More                                                                           situations is extremely important for the Hatboro-Horsham School
                                                                       • 2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella**
information about EASTERN can be found at www.eastech.org.                                                                                District. The school district and each school building utilizes
                                                                       • 3 doses of hepatitis B                                           the automated messaging system called “School Messenger”.
   pennsylvania keystone exams                                         • 2 doses of varicella (chicken pox) or evidence of immunity       This system will send text messages, voice messages and email
                                                                                                                                          messages to cell phones, home phones and email addresses
                                                                     		 o * Usually given as DTP or DTaP or DT or Td
                                                                                                                                          very quickly in the event of an emergency. (Parents ⁄ Guardians
The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania’s new           		 o **Usually given as MMR                                          must verify accuracy and ⁄ or update their child’s demographic
system of high school graduation requirements. These end-of-         FOR ATTENDANCE IN 7th through 12th GRADE, children need              and contact information on an annual basis. This can be done
course assessments are designed to assess proficiency in three       the following:                                                       through the School Forms link in the PowerSchool Parent Access
subjects: Algebra I, Literature, and Biology. In future years,                                                                            feature.
pending funding, additional Keystone Exams will be administered.       • 1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap)
Keystone Exams will help school districts guide students toward      		 if 5 years have elapsed since last tetanus immunization           In addition to “School Messenger” communications, emer-
meeting state standards.                                               • 2 doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV)                 gency information is posted on the district website
                                                                                                                                          www.hatboro-horsham.org. and is available on the school
Under the plan approved by the Pennsylvania Department               		 o First dose is given 11-15 years of age; a second dose is
                                                                                                                                          district’s cable Channel 28 (Comcast) and Channel 33 (Verizon).
of Education, beginning with the Class of 2020, students             			 required at age 16 or entry into 12th grade.
are required to demonstrate proficiency on the appropriate            		 o If the dose was given at 16 years of age or older, only one     We also utilize the “School Messenger” system to provide
Keystone Exam (Algebra I, Biology and English Literature), or a       			dose is required.                                                 information to parents via voice messages and email messages
specified and validated assessment instrument including a local                                                                            regarding general school information. Text messages are only
assessment in order to meet graduation requirements.                               *** EXCLUSION FROM SCHOOL ***                           used for urgent communications.

At Keith Valley Middle School and Hatboro-Horsham High                  • Your child will be excluded within the first 5 days of school,
                                                                          if immunizations are missing or given at incorrect intervals.
School, we will continue to make decisions that align with the
State mandates without negatively impacting the educational               For those students unable to get all immunizations completed      emergency school closings
experiences of our students. The testing windows will take                due to spacing of vaccines by day #5 of school, the parent or
                                                                          guardian will need to provide the school nurse with a medical    In the event of inclement weather conditions or other emergency
place in December 2018, January 2019, and May 2019. Prior
                                                                          certificate signed by the child’s healthcare provider. If the    situations, the School District of Hatboro-Horsham will alter its
to the assessments, families will be receive specific information
                                                                          student is non-compliant with the medical certificate, then      daily schedule to assure the safety of our students.
regarding test administration and schedules.
                                                                          exclusion will occur.
                                                                                                                                           Should schools be closed, their start delayed or an early dismissal,
   power school                                                         • If your child is exempt from immunizations, he or she may be
                                                                          removed from school during an outbreak.
                                                                                                                                           such decisions will be made as early as possible. In the event of
                                                                                                                                           a school closing, delay or early dismissal, announcements will be
                                                                                                                                           made through “School Messenger”, cable Channel 28 (Comcast)
Power School is Hatboro-Horsham School District’s student                                                                                  and Channel 33 (Verizon), our district website, KYW-1060 AM
information system. There is a Power School Parent Access               student transfers                                                  (School Code number 313) and most local television stations and
feature available for families of students in grades kindergarten                                                                          their websites.
through twelve. This feature can be accessed via the Hatboro-         Parents MUST inform their child’s school office as soon as they
                                                                      are aware that the student will be leaving the School District of    We ask that parents refrain from calling individual schools for
Horsham School District website under the tab “For Families”.
                                                                      Hatboro-Horsham to move to another school district. This will        reports so that building lines can remain open.
Newly enrolled students will receive parent ⁄ guardian login
information during their first week of school. This electronic tool   enable the office to make arrangements to forward all necessary
allows families and students to monitor academic performance in       records and initiate closing procedures.
real time through access to all grades and assignments as soon                                                                                attendance
as they are posted. The Power School Parent Access feature
also provides an opportunity for families to register for weekly          change of address                                                Consistent school attendance is vital to success in school. It is not
                                                                                                                                           only students who benefit from regular attendance. Teachers,
reports which are automatically distributed via email.
                                                                      Students moving to a new address within the School District of       parents, and the wider community all benefit when students
                                                                      Hatboro-Horsham should contact their school office immediately       are attending school and achieving. These benefits include
   college and career readiness                                       for change of address procedures.                                    greater student safety, community well-being, and a sense of
                                                                                                                                           connectedness for all. The Hatboro-Horsham School District
                                                                                                                                           requires that pupils enrolled in the schools of this district attend
The high school uses the NAVIANCE platform as a College and
Career Readiness tool for students. NAVIANCE enables students
                                                                        student records                                                    school regularly in accordance with the compulsory school laws
                                                                                                                                           of Pennsylvania. The attendance policy can be reviewed on the
to find college and career pathways that are right for them. They                                                                          district website – Policy number 204 Attendance.
                                                                      Student records are confidential and privileged information and
start by setting personalized goals, learn about their skills and     are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy           Absence Line – Parent(s) ⁄ guardian(s) are expected to report a
interests, and explore career options based on those interests.       Act of 1974. Parents have the right to inspect these records, to     student’s illness by calling their child’s school’s Absence Line on
They can then search for colleges, apply for scholarships and         receive copies of them, and to request changes in any misleading     the day of the absence, unless the absence is pre-arranged. This is
track admission status. NAVIANCE helps students plan a                and inaccurate information.                                          an important part of the district’s safety and security procedures.
course of action to reach their goals, find resources to prepare
                                                                                                                                           After calling in an absence, written or emailed notes providing
academically, and discover their own path. For additional             Except for directory information (name, address, telephone
                                                                                                                                           the reason for the absence must be submitted within 3 days.
information, please contact the High School Guidance Office at        number, etc.), student records cannot be released without the
215-420-5522.                                                         written consent of the parents. If you do not want directory
                                                                      information released, you may prevent release by contacting
                                                                      the appropriate building principal in writing. Records may be
    visitor sign-in procedure                                                  district safe schools                                              weapons policy
All of the schools and buildings within the Hatboro-Horsham School        Hatboro-Horsham School District is committed to ensuring the         The School District recognizes the importance of a safe school
District are important. These buildings house our most precious           health, safety and welfare of all the students and staff of the      environment relative to the educational process. Possession of
commodity, the children of Hatboro and Horsham. In order to               District. In the formation of the Safe Schools Committee, the goal   weapons in the school setting is a threat to the safety of students
maintain the level of safety that the School District has enjoyed, we     set forth was to involve all internal and external clients in the    and staff and is prohibited by law. Weapons under the control of
recognize the importance of controlling the flow of visitors in all of    decision making process. Membership of this committee consists       law enforcement personnel are permitted. The complete District
our buildings and document the specific location visited.                 of Hatboro-Horsham School District faculty, administrators,          Policy for Weapons may be accessed on the District Website –
                                                                          nurses, supervisors of transportation, maintenance, and food         Weapons 218.1.
Each building has signs posted at the entrance noting that all            service, as well as representatives from the Hatboro-Horsham
visitors, including School District employees from other buildings,       Community and its First Responders. The task of this committee       The term weapon shall include but not be limited to any knife,
parents, vendors, and guests must be signed in before entering.           is to identify safety topics, discuss and make recommendations       cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, starter gun,
Listed below are the proper procedures:                                   for change.                                                          shotgun, rifle, replica of a weapon, incendiary device or explosive,
•    The visitor will go to the sign-in area or kiosk, produce a                                                                               and/or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of
                                                                          A comprehensive All Hazard Emergency Response plan has been          inflicting serious bodily injury.
     driver’s license photo identification which is entered into
                                                                          developed, which meets all Federal, State, Township and Borough
     the Visitor Identification System (VIS), and state their                                                                                  The student is in possession of a weapon when the weapon is
                                                                          Emergency Management standards. This plan also follows the
     business. If the visitor does not have photo identification,                                                                              found on the person of the student; in the student’s locker; under
                                                                          National Incident Management Structure as recommended by
     an administrator must approve the visit. School District                                                                                  the student’s control while on school property, on property being
                                                                          School Board Resolution. The Plan has been designed to be a
     employees from other buildings must show their school ID.                                                                                 used by the school, at any school function or activity, at any
                                                                          living document that can adapt to the individual needs of any
•    If the business is valid as prescribed in the school handbook,       of our schools. Each school has now formed an Emergency              school event held away from the school, or while the student is
     the visitor will be signed into the VIS listing the information      Management Team that meets regularly to discuss safety issues.       coming to or from school.
     from their photo identification and the area or person to            These initiatives allow the students to succeed academically and
     be visited. School District employees from another building                                                                               Book bags, backpacks, purses and other such objects are
                                                                          enjoy a safe environment. The School District has also developed
     must sign in to the VIS.                                                                                                                  permitted in school and at school-sponsored events only so long
                                                                          a Bullying-Cyber Bullying Policy that is posted in each classroom
                                                                                                                                               as they are used for legitimate purposes. Students shall have
•    After signing in, the visitor will be issued an identification       and on our web-page.
                                                                                                                                               no expectation of privacy in their lockers or desks, or their book
     badge that contains the visitor’s full name, the date, and                                                                                bags, backpacks, purses or other such objects or vehicles while
     who they are visiting within the building. School District
     employees must display their employee identification badge
                                                                            behavior code of conduct                                           on school property or at a school district sponsored event.

     while in the building.                                                                                                                    The Board prohibits students from possessing and bringing
                                                                          The Hatboro-Horsham School District is an innovative learning
•    Upon leaving the building, the visitor’s badge will be returned                                                                           weapons and replicas of weapons into any school district
                                                                          community committed to excellence in academics, citizenship
     to the main office and the visitor will be checked out of the VIS.                                                                        buildings, onto school property, to any school-sponsored activity,
                                                                          and co-curricular activities. We are committed to empowering
                                                                                                                                               onto any public vehicle providing transportation to school or a
                                                                          all students to pursue their educational and career goals by
Parents ⁄ Guardians always have access to the school to                                                                                        school-sponsored activity and during the time required in going
                                                                          providing a supportive, engaging and challenging environment
discuss, without delay, problems needing immediate attention.                                                                                  to and from school.
                                                                          which cultivates learning as an active, relevant and lifelong
Forgotten money, lunches, books, etc. should be left at the
                                                                          process. In order to allow students to develop to their full         The school district shall expel, for a period of not less than one
office; and your child should come to the office for the item you
                                                                          potential, our school community must be a physically, emotionally    (1) year, any student who violates this weapons policy. Such
leave for them. The office is not required to contact the student.
                                                                          and intellectually safe place to teach and learn.                    expulsion shall be conducted in conformance with formal due
                                                                                                                                               process proceedings required by law.
NOTE: Unscheduled visitations result in interruptions to the school           To aid in bringing about the proper environment for student            The Superintendent may recommend modifications of such
education program and create a potential liability issue. Unauthorized        learning and development, there must be a set of reasonable            expulsion requirements on a case-by-case basis.
visitors are not permitted on school grounds during regular school hours
and may be subject to legal prosecution. Students are requested not to
                                                                              rules that define expected student behavior and discipline             The Superintendent or designee shall immediately report incidents
bring guests to school.                                                       procedures. These rules and behavior expectations are based on         involving weapons on school property, at any school-sponsored
                                                                              mutual respect and cooperation among all members of the school         activity or on a conveyance providing transportation to or from a
 bus transportation and safety                                                community A complete copy of the Behavior Code of Conduct
                                                                              is published in each schools’ student handbook. Specific code of
                                                                                                                                                     school or school-sponsored activity to the local police department that
                                                                                                                                                     has jurisdiction over the school’s property, in accordance with state
                                                                              conduct questions should be directed to the School’s Principal.        law and regulations, the procedures set forth in the memorandum
The Hatboro-Horsham School District will provide transportation
                                                                                                                                                     of understanding with local law enforcement and Board policies.
for all students in accordance with the School Laws of
Pennsylvania. Our transportation department transports 4,700                   student assistance program (sap)                                      The Superintendent or designee shall immediately notify, as soon
                                                                                                                                                     as practicable, the parent or guardian of a victim or suspect directly
students daily to and from our schools and more than 73 private
                                                                                                                                                     involved in an incident. In making notification, the Superintendent or
schools. In addition we provide transportation for field trips and
                                                                              SAP is a team of certified and trained faculty members offering        designee shall inform the parent or guardian as to whether the local
extra-curricular events. Bus safety is very important. Successful
                                                                              assistance to students who are having academic, behavioral             police department has been, or may be, notified of the incident.
bus transportation requires the district, students and parents
work together. Should you have any questions or concerns please               or other problems in school. The team also offers support              The Superintendent or designee shall report all incidents relating to
contact the Transportation Department at 215-420-5450                         for students through one-on-one meetings or student groups             expulsion for possession of a weapon to the Department of Education.
                                                                              (anxiety, anger management, divorced families, family issues,
Bus stop assignment information will be posted on our district                grief and loss, open support, drug and alcohol support and self-
website and at each school building during the week prior to                  esteem) with our community counselors. SAP accepts referrals           controlled substance guidelines
school opening.                                                               from staff, students and parents⁄guardians. All information is kept
Students should arrive at their bus stop at least five minutes                CONFIDENTIAL. To contact the SAP coordinator, please call              Our district recognizes that the abuse of controlled substances is
before the scheduled bus arrival time. In rare occasions, a bus               215-420-5583 or the High School SAP office at 215-420-5626.            a serious problem with legal, physical and social implications for
may be delayed. Students should wait at least 30 minutes before                                                                                      the whole school community. As an educational institution, the
leaving their bus stop, unless a parent determines that weather                                                                                      schools shall strive to prevent abuse of controlled substances.
conditions will not allow waiting.                                               drug ⁄ smoking policy                                               Students are prohibited from using, possessing, distributing, and
Courteous and respectful behavior on the school bus and at                                                                                           being under the influence of any controlled substances during
bus stops is a matter of safety. All students who take advantage              The School District of Hatboro-Horsham will not provide a              school hours, at any time while on school property, at any school-
of district transportation are asked to obey the following rules.             sanctuary for those who violate the laws relating to illegal           sponsored activity, and during the time spent traveling to and
Failure to follow bus safety rules may result in a temporary or               distribution, possession or use of narcotics, drugs or alcohol. The    from school and school-sponsored activities.
permanent suspension of transportation privileges.                            possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs is not permitted in
                                                                                                                                                     Controlled substances shall include: Controlled substances
•    Do not play or stand in the street while waiting for the bus or          the school or on any school campus.
                                                                                                                                                     prohibited by federal and state law, Look-alike drugs, Alcoholic
     after leaving the bus.                                                                                                                          beverages, Anabolic steroids, Drug paraphernalia, any volatile
                                                                              The School District of Hatboro-Horsham will protect the students
•    Board and depart the bus in an orderly manner.                                                                                                  solvents or inhalants, such as but not limited to glue and aerosol
                                                                              under its jurisdiction by requiring compliance with all laws and by
•    Always cross 15 ft. in front of the bus. Cross only when red                                                                                    products, Prescription or patent drugs, except those for which
                                                                              requiring aid, treatment, rehabilitation and necessary removal of
     lights are flashing and traffic is stopped.                                                                                                     permission for use in school has been granted pursuant to Board policy.
                                                                              those who are not compliant.
•    Remain visible to the bus driver at all times. Stay in assigned seats.
•    Observe classroom conduct on the bus. Talk quietly. Be                   The complete drug policy is available from any school                  Under the influence shall include any consumption or ingestion
     polite. Do not use abusive language.                                     administrator and on the District website.                             of controlled substances by a student. Students violating the
•    No eating or drinking on the bus.                                                                                                               Controlled Substance Policy may be suspended and/or expelled
                                                                              There is a NO SMOKING policy including e-cigarettes, vapor             from school. The Board may require participation in drug
•    Bring only items that fit in your lap on the bus.
                                                                              pens, and vaporizers for the school district which includes all        counseling, rehabilitation, testing or other programs as a condition
•    NO gerbils, hamsters, reptiles or other live animals on the bus.
                                                                              buildings, grounds and school buses, posted by the Fire Marshal        of reinstatement into the school’s educational, extracurricular or
•    Keep the bus clean. Do not tamper with bus equipment.
                                                                              as No Smoking areas. Any individual who violates this policy will      athletic programs resulting from violations of this policy.
•    Cooperate with your driver.
                                                                              be subject to a fine by the local magistrate.
•    If a large instrument needs to be transported, please contact                                                                                   The Controlled Substance and Paraphernalia Policy 227 is
     Transportation Services to make arrangements.                                                                                                   available on the District’s website.
•    Follow all rules posted in the school bus.
   notification of                                                       cctv systems
                                                                                                                                             responsibilities, and performance of system operations. Personal
                                                                                                                                             use must comply with Policy 815 and all other applicable School
   breathalyzer testing                                                                                                                      District policies and regulations.
                                                                      In order to promote a safe school environment, the Hatboro-
                                                                                                                                             Students and employees must review Policy 815 and sign an ac-
                                                                      Horsham School District has installed electronic surveillance
                                                                                                                                             knowledgement form to be permitted access to the district sys-
Based on the concern for the health, safety and welfare of            systems to review activity on school property and in school
                                                                                                                                             tems. Additionally Hatboro-Horsham School District employees
our high school students, Hatboro-Horsham High School                 vehicles as one measure of prevention and protection. The use of
                                                                                                                                             follow all federal, state, and district regulations for the protec-
administrators and school district personnel support the use of       video recordings obtained by surveillance equipment is subject
                                                                                                                                             tion of student data.
breathalyzers during school-sponsored events (on or off school        to District policies addressing the confidentiality of student and
grounds) and during the school day, if needed. This measure will      staff records. Information obtained from electronic surveillance       The Hatboro-Horsham School District’s Acceptable Use Policy
hopefully serve as a deterrent to the use of alcohol by underage      systems may be used by the administration to assist in an              815 is accessible on the District website.
drinkers.                                                             investigation to determine whether a student has committed
                                                                      an unlawful or an unsafe act. Violations of the District’s Code
This communication serves as notification that a breathalyzer
may be used and students may be required to submit to a
                                                                      of Conduct will result in appropriate disciplinary consequences.           working papers
                                                                      Any activity detected through the use of surveillance cameras
breathalyzer test. Students will be notified that they will be        that might constitute a violation of the law will be reported to the
denied entry and/or be removed from the event or activity (and                                                                               WORKING PAPERS ARE REQUIRED BY THE STATE OF
                                                                      appropriate law enforcement agency.                                    PENNSYLVANIA AND THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR.
may face additional disciplinary action) in the event that they are
found to have consumed and/or possessed alcohol at, or before                                                                                A student desiring working papers must bring a completed
a school-sponsored event.                                                  pest monitoring                                                   application (signed by parent ⁄legal guardian) to the Hatboro-
A breathalyzer may be administered any time a student’s actions,                                                                             Horsham High School. Working papers are available on the high
appearance or physical condition gives reasonable suspicion.          The School District of Hatboro-Horsham uses an Integrated Pest         school website under news:
Students deemed to be under the influence of alcohol while on         Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents                www.hatboro-horsham.org/Domain/97.
school property will have a breathalyzer administered by the          and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student from pesticide
                                                                                                                                             •   Proof of birth is required - only a birth certificate, passport
local police department.                                              exposure by using an IPM approach to pest management. Our IPM
                                                                                                                                                 or baptismal certificate will be accepted.
                                                                      approach focuses on making the school building and grounds an
                                                                      unfavorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water         •   A minor is no longer required to have a physical examination
The Hatboro-Horsham School District does not discriminate on          sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places. We               prior to receiving a work permit.
the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, gender, sexual   accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We
orientation, ancestry, national origin, genetic information or                                                                               •   A minor is no longer required to have a job offer or a job
                                                                      routinely monitor the school building and grounds to detect any            prior to receiving a work permit.
disability/ handicap in its programs, activities and employment       pests that are present. The pest monitoring team consists of our
and contracting practices. The following individuals have been        building maintenance, office, and teaching staff and includes our      •   It is no longer required that a parent ⁄legal guardian sign
designated to handle inquiries regarding the District’s non-          students. Pest sightings are reported to our IPM coordinator who           the application in front of office personnel. The minor can
discrimination and harassment policies: Students, Parents/            evaluates the “pest problem” and determines the appropriate                take the application home, have a parent ⁄ legal guardian
Guardians and Community Members should contact the Assistant          pest management techniques to address the problem. The                     sign it and then return the application to school with the
Superintendent, (215) 420-5005. Employees and Contractors             techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage             appropriate proof of age.
should contact the Director of Human Resources at (215) 420-5016.     practices, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, etc.    Office hours during school term: Monday - Friday 7:15 AM –
                                                                                                                                             3:30 PM
                                                                      From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicals to manage
                                                                      a pest problem. Chemicals will only be used when necessary,
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