Welcome Your future awaits - Cincinnati Public Schools

Welcome Your future awaits - Cincinnati Public Schools
                  Your future awaits

Cincinnati Public Schools
High School Guide                      2022
                                       School Year
Welcome Your future awaits - Cincinnati Public Schools
Opening Doors to a World of Possibilities
             Hello CPS Students and
                                    How to use this Guide
                                                                     This handy High School Guide will help you with the big
                                   Welcome to high school!           decision: Which high school is best for me?
                                   Here in Cincinnati Public         Cincinnati Public Schools offers 16 high schools with a variety of
                                   Schools, our high schools are     programs that you can match to your interests and goals — and
                                   focused on preparing students     which allow you to graduate prepared to enter college, the military
                                   for success — whether their       or the workforce.
                                   paths take them to two- or        Our high schools and program options are described inside. Study
                                   four-year colleges, into the      this Guide with your family, and you’ll be ready to enter the online
                                   military or into the workforce.   high school lottery.
                                   We’re making CPS a District
                                   of Destination — our families’
                                   best choice for education.          High School Application Lottery Period for 2021-22
                                                                       Submit online applications to High School Lottery:
We want our students to exceed Ohio’s rigorous graduation
requirements, but we also want them graduating with clear plans          January 12, 2021 through April 16, 2021
in their heads for their futures.                                      How the online high school lottery works:
                                                                       • Select three high schools in order of preference, with
We use an online lottery application to assign CPS students to
                                                                         number one being your top choice (in case your top choice
high schools.*                                                           is filled).
For lottery details and to see what each CPS high school offers,       • The lottery assigns seats in high schools based on preference
take some time to study this High School Guide as a family,              order and space available.
then make the important decision on which schools are the
                                                                        • Because lottery numbers are randomly assigned, parents or
best fit.                                                                 students may submit online applications any time during
We welcome current CPS students, students living in the CPS               the application period (January 12 through April 16,
district but attending other schools, and students living outside         2021). There’s no need to be first in line.
our district. See pages 7-9 for application procedures and
time frames.
                                                                      Top 5 Things To Consider When Selecting Your High School
We truly appreciate your interest in our high schools, and we look
                                                                      You want to set yourself up for success in high school and after
forward to welcoming our incoming high school students.
                                                                      CPS’ high school counselors encourage you to think about
                                                                      these five things:
                                                                      1. School’s Location and Transportation — How long is bus
                                                                        ride from your home; how will you get to and from school?
Laura Mitchell                                                        2. College, Career and Career-Technical Pathways Offered
Superintendent                                                          — What do you want to do after you earn your high school
                                                                      3. Athletics and Extracurricular Activities Offered —
* The following CPS high schools do not participate in the
                                                                        What do you want to engage with outside of the classrooms?
  online High School Lottery:
                                                                      4. Courses Offered (thinking Advanced Placement (AP),
 • Oyler School – See page 43
                                                                        College Credit Plus, International Baccalaureate, Fine Arts,
 • Lighthouse School – See page 44                                      languages) — Are there specific courses you’re hoping to take?
 • School for Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) –                   5. School’s Start and End Times — Do you have an after-school
  See pages 25-26                                                       job or other reasons to start or finish at a certain time?
• Walnut Hills High School – See pages 33-34

                                                                        Students Enrolled in Cincinnati Digital
                                                                        Academy for COVID-19 Concerns
                                                                        High school students who enrolled in Cincinnati Digital
                                                                        Academy for 2020-2021 due to COVID-19 concerns are
            For details about the high school lottery,                  guaranteed seats for 2021-22 in the high schools where they
            see pages 7-9 in this Guide, or visit CPS’ website:         previously were enrolled; these students do not have to
            cps-k12.org/enroll/7-12highschool                           enter the high school lottery for 2021-22.
The Three E’s: Enrolled, Enlisted, Employed
Cincinnati Public Schools offers supportive learning environments    Military Service Academies
that provide rigorous curriculum and opportunities for all
                                                                     There are five U.S. service academies for students who want
students to thrive and engage in the world around them — and
                                                                     to experience a military environment while getting a paid-for
graduate prepared to be community leaders and world influencers.
                                                                     college education; participants must commit to serving in the U.S.
We want our students ready to compete globally in their chosen       Military after graduation.
pathways — enrolled in higher education, enlisted in the military
                                                                     • U.S. Military Academy (Army)
(or entering a military academy or ROTC program) or employed
                                                                     • U.S. Naval Academy
in the workforce.
                                                                     • U.S. Air Force Academy
Enrolled                                                             • U.S. Coast Guard Academy
                                                                     • U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
A college education is in reach of all CPS graduates.
                                                                     Admissions criteria include:
College Credit Plus
                                                                     • High school academic performance
College Credit Plus (CCP), Ohio’s dual enrollment program, offers    • Standardized test scores (SAT or ACT)
7th-12th-grade students opportunities to take college courses to     • Athletics and extracurricular activities
meet high school graduation requirements — and earn college and      • Leadership experience and community involvement
high school credits at the same time. (See page 1.)                  • A congressional letter of recommendation
Advanced Placement Courses                                             (not required for Coast Guard Academy)
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are comparable to college-level      ROTC
work, and students may be eligible to earn college credit based      The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) is a college program
on scores received on AP exams. CPS offers AP courses at all high    offered at more than 1,700 United States colleges and universities.
schools, but AP offerings vary by school. (See page 1.)              The program prepares young adults to become officers in the U.S.
College Pipeline                                                     Military.
CPS’ College Pipeline programs are partnerships with specific        Students enrolled in ROTC receive a paid-for college education;
colleges that introduce students to the campuses and degree          participants must commit to serving in the U.S. Military after
programs available, with the goal of enrolling the students at the   graduation. Each service branch has its own ROTC.
college after graduation. (See page 1.)                                         todaysmilitary.com/education-training/rotc-programs
There are numerous scholarship opportunities reserved for
Cincinnati Public Schools’ graduates at our partner colleges
and universities.                                                    Employed
List of CPS scholarships and details about how to apply:             CPS students start exploring careers in 8th grade through job
          cps-k12.org/families-students/student-resources/           shadowing, mock job interviews, internships, Career Fairs and
          scholarships/partners                                      career-focused learning opportunities.
                                                                     Career-Technical Education (CTE)

Hundreds of scholarships also are available for CPS students as      Through hands-on experiences in a variety of career fields,
well as students from other school districts; talk to your school    CPS students earn industry credentials and skills that employers
counselor for help exploring all scholarship possibilities.          demand in competitive career fields. (See pages 2-4.)

          cps-k12.org/families-students/                             Employment Pipeline
          student-resources/scholarships                             Our students receive on-the-job training from local companies,
                                                                     which can lead to employment when the student graduates.
                                                                     (See page 1-4.)
                                                                     Industry Credentials
                                                                     An industry-issued credential is a verification of a person’s
Recruiters from branches of the U.S. Military often reach out to
                                                                     qualifications, which can lead to employment in jobs that
CPS’ juniors and seniors via the mail, participate in CPS’ Career
                                                                     require specific skills. (See page 2-4.)
Fairs and staff local recruiting offices.
          Find a local recruiter via the U.S. Department of
          Defense’s website: Defence.gov
 Start Here. Go Far.
 What’s Inside
 Understanding Your Opportunities............................................................................. 1-4
 Ohio Graduation Requirements Overview.............................................................. 5-6
 High School Lottery Information
        Who should participate? Who should not participate? ........................................................ 7
        How to Apply to CPS High Schools ........................................................................................ 8
        Waiting Lists ........................................................................................................................... 8
        Student Priority Order for Entering CPS High Schools........................................................... 9
        In-District – CPS Students – Grades 10-12.............................................................................. 9
        In-District – Non-CPS Students – Grades 7-9 ......................................................................... 9
        Lottery Application Sample................................................................................................... 45
        Out-of-District Students (Open Enrollment) ........................................................................... 9

 Sports and Extracurricular Activities ........................................................................... 10
 Map – Locations of CPS High Schools .................................................................. 11-12
 High Schools — grouped by program focus; some high schools appear more than
                                once if the school offers multiple programs

        Aiken High School............................................................................................................ 13-14
        James N. Gamble Montessori High School ..................................................................... 19-20
     Animal Science
        Hughes STEM High School .............................................................................................. 21-22
        School for Creative and Performing Arts (SCPA) ............................................................. 25-26
        Withrow University High School....................................................................................... 37-38
        Woodward Career Technical High School........................................................................ 39-40
Culinary and Food Service Operations
         Gilbert A. Dater High School ........................................................................................... 17-18
Education / Teaching
         Aiken High School............................................................................................................ 13-14
         Aiken High School............................................................................................................ 13-14
Firefighting and Emergency Medical Services
         Western Hills University High School ............................................................................... 35-36
Gifted and Exceptional
         Spencer Center for Gifted and Exceptional Students ..................................................... 29-30
Health Care and Health Technologies
         Hughes STEM High School .............................................................................................. 21-22
         Riverview East Academy .................................................................................................. 23-24
         Woodward Career Technical High School........................................................................ 39-40
         Clark Montessori High School.......................................................................................... 15-16
Information Technology
         Hughes STEM High School ............................................................................................. 21-22
         Robert A. Taft Information Technology High School ....................................................... 31-32
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program
         Gilbert A. Dater High School .......................................................................................... 17-18
Manufacturing Technologies
         Aiken High School............................................................................................................ 13-14
         Woodward Career Technical High School........................................................................ 39-40
         Clark Montessori High School.......................................................................................... 15-16
         James N. Gamble Montessori High School ..................................................................... 19-20
         Cincinnati Digital Academy................................................................................................... 41
         Virtual High School................................................................................................................ 42
         Shroder High School ........................................................................................................ 27-28
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)
         Hughes STEM High School .............................................................................................. 21-22
Special College Preparatory Program (SCPP)
         Walnut Hills High School .................................................................................................. 33-34
Supply Chain
         Gilbert A. Dater High School ........................................................................................... 17-18

Oyler School ................................................................................................................................... 43

Lighthouse School .......................................................................................................................... 44
Helping You Understand Your Opportunities
    Career-Focused Learning                                              Advanced Placement Courses
    As your high school journey begins, take a look at                   Advanced Placement (AP) courses are comparable to college-level
    what’s ahead!                                                        work, and students may be eligible to earn college credit based on
    Cincinnati Public Schools offers career-focused programming          scores received on an AP exam. Cincinnati Public Schools offers
    at our high schools, designed to awaken students’ interests in a     AP courses at all high schools, but AP offerings vary by school.
    variety of interesting jobs and career fields.                       In the traditional model, students meet face-to-face with AP
    Included in this programming are courses offering:                   instructors five days per week. Blended-learning experiences
                                                                         expand AP courses to students who have limited access at their
    • College Pipeline                                                   schools. Additionally, a team of teachers travels throughout CPS
    • Employment Pipeline                                                to provide additional AP opportunities.
    • Career-Technical Education (CTE)
    • Industry Credentials                                               Talk with your school counselor to see which AP courses align best
                                                                         with your postgraduation goals.
    With these programs, our students get the education and expertise
    necessary to graduate from high school college and career ready —    Advanced Academic (AA) Honors Courses
    with technical knowledge and real-world experiences that lead to     Advanced Academic (AA) Honors courses are designed to exceed
    success in high-skill, high-demand careers.                          Ohio’s academic standards, with topics studied in more depth.
    Career-Focused Programming gives students:                           AA courses in grades 9 and 10 prepare students for Advanced
                                                                         Placement (AP) courses in grades 11 and 12. Advanced Academic
    • A rigorous academic foundation
                                                                         courses in grades 11 and 12 offer students more in-depth learning
    • Hands-on experiences that translate into skills employers want     without the requirements of AP courses.
    • Universal skills that can be applied in a four-year college,       College Credit Plus
      trade school or the workplace
                                                                         College Credit Plus (CCP), Ohio’s dual enrollment program, offers
    • The opportunity to earn industry credentials, state-issued         7th-12th-grade students opportunities to take college courses to
      licenses and college credits while in high school                  meet high school graduation requirements — and earn college and
    • A home-field advantage with all CTE programs – all are             high school credits at the same time.
      embedded in our high schools, so students don’t leave their        CCP aims to enhance students’ career readiness and
      high school campuses to participate                                postgraduation success, at no or limited cost. Cincinnati Public
    • Employment Pipeline courses held at the sponsoring businesses      Schools pays the cost of CCP college tuition, books and fees.
                                                                         There will be minor expenses for families, such as parking and
    • College Pipeline courses held at the CPS high school and,
      in some cases, at the sponsoring college or university
                                                                         Qualifying test scores are required for CCP participation.
    Understanding Options for College,                                   CCP options include participating
    Career and Employment                                                • Online through an Ohio public college or university
    College Pipeline                                                     • In person at your high school (Not every high school
                                                                           offers this option.)
    CPS’ College Pipeline programs are partnerships with specific
                                                                         • In person at an Ohio public college or university
    colleges that introduce students to the campuses and degree
    programs available, with the goal of enrolling the students at the   There are many CCP courses offered; for details, talk with your
    college after graduation. Embedded within the host high school,      counselor or check the websites of Ohio’s public colleges and
    it gives students exposure to a college’s curriculum and faculty.    universities.
    Some pipelines include college-credit coursework, with classes
                                                                         Employment Pipeline
    held at CPS high schools or, in some cases, at the sponsoring
    college.                                                             Our students receive on-the-job training from local companies,
                                                                         which can lead to employment when the student graduates.
    CPS’ College Pipeline programs include:
                                                                         Through this partnership, a company becomes a co-educator —
    • University of Cincinnati IT Early College Academy                  providing students with learning opportunities that are aligned
    • Miami University Teach                                             with our curriculum, beyond the boundaries of the classroom.
    • University of Cincinnati Scholars Bearcats Academy
                                                                         Some companies
                                                                         partnering with CPS:
                                                                         • Belcan
                                                                         • DHL Logistics
                                                                         • Kroger                                    Watch video about
                                                                         • TriHealth                                 CPS’ career training
                                                                         • Cincinnati Recreation Commission          program in logistics
                                                                                                                     with DHL.
                                                                         • Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
Career-Technical Education
Career-Technical Education (CTE) teaches students specific
skills in 16 career pathways that apply to high-demand careers.
CTE courses focus on skills. This differs from traditional and
university-based education, which is based on theory. CTE
includes some theory in introductory materials. Practice,
hands-on experience and application tests are vital pieces,
because CTE careers require workers to have experience
before starting.
CTE Career Pathways — students can earn numerous Industry
Credentials in high school within the pathways:
• Agriculture, food, natural resources
• Arts, audio/visual technology, communications
• Business, management, administration
• Construction, architecture
• Finance
• Government, public administration
• Health science
• Hospitality, tourism
• Human services
• Information technology
• Law, public safety, security
• Logistics, transportation, distribution
• Manufacturing
• Sales
• Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
• Training

Industry Credentials
An industry-issued credential is a verification of a person’s
qualifications. These credentials are developed in partnership with
employers and fully recognized by the business community.
Earning an industry credential gives students experience and
deeper learning based on practicing and applying their knowledge
in work and employment settings. Students learn about workplace
expectations and career pathways that lead to successful careers.
CPS students can earn these Industry Credentials and more:
• American Welding Society Certified Welder
• Certified Phlebotomy Technician
• CPR/First Aid
• Emergency Medical Technician
• Microsoft Office Specialist
• National Center for Construction Education and Research
• National Restaurant Association ServSafe
• State Tested Nursing Assistant
• Patient Care Technician
• Certified Pharmacy Technician
• Physical Therapy Aide
See the chart on the next page for examples of
offerings in career-focused learning.

Helping You Understand Your Opportunities
    Career-Focused Learning

    Career Field                                  School                   Pathway                       Program/Pipeline*
    Agricultural &                                Hughes                   Animal Science —              Career-Technical Education
    Environmental Systems                                                  Zoo Academy
    Prepares students for careers in              Gamble                   Agriculture, Food             Career-Technical Education
    agribusiness and production systems,                                   and Natural Resources
    animal science and management,                Clark                    Horticulture                  Career-Technical Education
    bioscience, horticulture, natural resource
                                                  Aiken                    Agriculture, Food             Career-Technical Education
                                                                           and Natural Resources

    Arts, AV Technology & Communications          School for Creative      Performing Arts               Career-Technical Education
                                                  and Performing Arts
    Prepares students for careers in designing,
    producing, exhibiting, performing, writing    School for Creative      Visual Design                 Career-Technical Education
    and publishing multimedia content,            and Performing Arts
    including visual and performing arts          School for Creative      Media Arts                    Career-Technical Education
    and design, journalism and entertainment      and Performing Arts
                                                  Oyler                    Media Arts                    Career-Technical Education

    Business & Administrative Services            Withrow                  High School of Business       Career-Technical Education
    Prepares students for technical and           Dater                    Supply Chain                  Industry Credential and
    professional level careers in business                                                               Employment - DHL Logistics
    management, human resources,
    operation management, distribution
    and logistics, supply chain and legal
    or medical office management.

    Construction Technologies                     Woodward                 Construction Design           Career-Technical Education
                                                                           and Management
    Prepares students for careers in
    designing, planning, managing, and
    building and maintaining commercial,
    industrial and residential structures and

    Education & Training                          Aiken                    Miami University              College
    Prepares students for careers in teaching
    students at elementary and high school        Aiken                    Early Childhood Education     Career-Technical Education
    levels, and school administration.
                                                  Aiken                    Teaching Profession           Career-Technical Education

                                                  Virtual (seniors only)   Child Development Associate   Industry Credential

                 *All pathways offer numerous Industry Credentials; for a complete list, go to the
                 Ohio Department of Education’s website: education.ohio.gov

Career Field                                     School           Pathway                     Program/Pipeline*
Engineering & Science Technologies               Aiken            Engineering & Design        Career-Technical Education
Prepares students for careers in design,         Aiken            Manufacturing               Employment-Chamber
operations, manufacturing and STEM               Hughes           Energy Science              Career-Technical Education
(Science, Technology, Engineering and
                                                 Woodward         Advanced Manufacturing      Employment-Chamber
Math), such as electrical engineering,
industrial engineering, materials science,       Woodward         Advanced Manufacturing      Career-Technical Education
fuel cell technology and robotics.                                                            and Industry Credential

Health Science                                   Hughes           Medical Bioscience          Career-Technical Education
                                                                                              and Employment-TriHealth
Prepares students for careers in planning,
managing and providing therapeutic               Riverview East   Patient Care, State         Career-Technical Education
services, diagnostic services, health                             Tested Nursing Assistant,   and Industry Credential
informatics, support services, and                                Phlebotomy
biotechnology research and development.          Woodward         Medical Bioscience          Industry Credential
                                                 Woodward         Patient Care- State         Industry Credential
                                                                  Tested Nursing Assistant,
                                                 Shroder          Pharmacy (Seniors only)     Industry Credential

Hospitality & Tourism                            Dater            Culinary and Food           Career-Technical Education
                                                                  Service Operations          and Industry Credential
Prepares students for careers in the
management, marketing and operations
of restaurants and other food services,
lodging, attractions, recreation events
and travel-related services.

Information Technology                           Hughes           Programming, Design         Career-Technical Education
                                                                  & Software Development
Prepares students for careers in the design,
development, support and management of           Taft             Interactive Media           Career-Technical Education
hardware, software, multimedia and systems       Taft             Information Support
integration services.                                                                         Career-Technical Education
                                                                  and Services
                                                 Taft             Cyber Security              Career-Technical Education
                                                                                              and Employment-Belcan
                                                 Clark            University of Cincinnati    College
                                                                  IT Early College
                                                 Hughes           University of Cincinnati    College
                                                                  IT Early College
                                                 Shroder          University of Cincinnati    College
                                                                  IT Early College
                                                 Walnut Hills     Information Technology      Employment-Kroger

Law & Public Safety                              Western Hills    Firefighting and            Career-Technical Education,
                                                                  Emergency Medical           Industry Credential and
Prepares students for careers protecting lives
                                                                  Services                    Employment
and property in firefighting and emergency
medical services.

Earning an Ohio High School Diploma
    Classes of 2023 and Beyond

    First, cover the basics
    To graduate in Ohio, you must complete and pass these courses to earn the required credits.

      Earning Credits                                        Other Requirements
      Cincinnati Public Schools and the Ohio Department
      of Education require earning a minimum of 20 credits   Instruction in economics and financial literacy
      in specified subjects and passing required tests.      (part of the American Government curriculum)

                                                              Fine Arts                      2 semesters
       English language arts             4 credits

       Health                            ½ credit            Some CPS high schools have additional requirements.
                                                             See your counselor for additional information.
       Mathematics                       4 credits

       Physical education                ½ credit

       Science                           3 credits

       Social studies                    3 credits

       Electives                         5 credits

Earning an Ohio High School Diploma
    Classes of 2023 and Beyond
    Second, show competency
    Earn a passing score on Ohio’s high school Algebra I and English II tests.
    Students who do not pass the test will be offered additional support and must retake the test at
    least once.
    Is testing not your strength?
    After you have taken your tests, there are three additional options to show competency.

 Option 1                                               Option 2                                 Option 3
 Demonstrate Two                                        Enlist in the Military                   Complete College Coursework
 Career-Focused Activities*                             Show evidence that you have              Earn credit for one college-level
 Foundational                                           signed a contract to enter a branch      math and/or college-level English
 • Proficient scores on WebXams                         of the U.S. armed services upon          course through Ohio’s free College
                                                        graduation.                              Credit Plus program.
 • A 12-point industry credential
 • A pre-apprenticeship or
   acceptance into an approved
   apprenticeship program
 • Work-based learning
 • Earn the required score on WorkKeys
 • Earn the OhioMeans Jobs
   Readiness Seal
*At least one of the two must be a Foundational skill

    Third, show readiness
    Earn two of the following diploma seals, choosing those that line up with your goals and interests. These
    seals give you the chance to demonstrate academic, technical and professional skills and knowledge that
    align to your passions, interests and plans for next steps after high school.
    At least one of the two must be Ohio-designed:
             OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal (Ohio)                                 Honors Diploma Seal (Ohio)
             Industry-Recognized Credential Seal (Ohio)                          Seal of Biliteracy (Ohio)
             College-Ready Seal (Ohio)                                           Technology Seal (Ohio)
             Military Enlistment Seal (Ohio)                                     Community Service Seal (Local)
             Citizenship Seal (Ohio)                                             Fine and Performing Arts Seal (Local)
             Science Seal (Ohio)                                                 Student Engagement Seal (Local)

                                            More information about graduation requirements is available at education.ohio.gov.
                                            Remember to also talk to your school counselor frequently to make sure you stay
                                            on track to graduate on time.

CPS High School Lottery
Picking A High School Is An                                            Who SHOULD participate in the online
Important Decision                                                     high school lottery?
There’s an added excitement to reaching high-school age in             • Current 6th-graders at CPS elementary schools that end at
Cincinnati Public Schools — students, with their parents or              6th grade
guardians, get to pick their high schools.                             • Current 8th-graders at the following six K-8 schools (and
CPS’ high schools serve grades 7-12. This gives students an early        current 6th- and 7th-graders at these schools who want to
start on mastering tougher academic standards and graduation             enter a 7-12 high school):
requirements.                                                          — Academy of Multilingual Immersion Studies (AMIS)
• All CPS high schools are open to students with disabilities.         — Academy of World Languages (AWL)
                                                                       — Hartwell School
 If your child requires specialized placement, call CPS’               — Roberts Academy
 Department of Student Services: (513) 363-0357                        — Roselawn Condon School
• All are open to any child living anywhere inside the                 — Sayler Park School
  Cincinnati Public School District.
 Cincinnati Public Schools does not have address boundaries
 for its high schools, so a student is not assigned to a high school
 based on a home address. However, some high schools have
 entrance requirements.                                                Who SHOULD NOT participate in the
                                                                       online lottery?
How to Apply to CPS High Schools –
                                                                       • Current 6th-, 7th- and 8th-graders attending a non-CPS school
Grades 7, 8, 9                                                           (such as charter, private or home schools) but live within the
We use an online random lottery process for entrance into                boundaries of the Cincinnati Public School District.
Cincinnati Public Schools’ high schools at grades 7, 8 and 9,             See page 9 for information.
which helps assure equal access for in-district students.              • Students who live outside the boundaries of the Cincinnati
                                                                         Public School District. This group applies online during Open
                                                                         Enrollment in May. See page 9 for information.
                                                                       • Students applying to Oyler, the School for Creative and
                                                                         Performing Arts (SCPA) or Walnut Hills High School.
                                                                       Oyler School has a neighborhood requirement for students, and
                                                                       SCPA and Walnut Hills have eligibility requirements; parents
                                                                       must go to these schools to register and complete, or provide proof
                                                                       of, eligibility requirements where necessary.
                                                                       — Oyler application information: Page 43
                                                                       — SCPA application information: Pages 25-26
                                                                       — Walnut Hills application information: Pages 33-34
                                                                       • Students now attending a high school in grades 7-12 who want
                                                                         to change high schools. See page 9 for information.
                                                                       • Students in grades 6, 7 or 8 now attending a CPS school with
                                                                         elementary and high school grades (3-11, K-12) who want to
                                                                         change schools
                                                                       Note: CPS students now attending schools with elementary
                                                                       and high school grades (3-11, K-12) may stay at those schools
                                                                       without participating in this application lottery.
In-District Students — Online Lottery                                2. Select one high school as a first choice, then list two other
                                                                        high school choices in order of preference (in case the first
How to Apply to CPS High Schools                                        choice is filled).
Grades 7-9                                                           3. Applications are processed in random order by computers at
CPS parents or guardians, and CPS students in grades 6, 7 and           CPS’ Central Office to assure that each application received
8, submit high school online lottery applications using any             during the lottery period has an equal chance to be assigned to
computer with Internet access; students may use computers               first-choice schools.
at their current schools.                                            4. Parents will be notified by mail regarding high school
Computers are available for parents’ use at all CPS schools             placement in about 30 days after the high school lottery closes.
(call the school for office hours) and at the Customer Care
Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219, Corryville. The Customer          High School Waiting Lists
Care Center is open by appointment only, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.;
call (513) 363-0123, or make an appointment online:                  Students currently in 6th, 7th or 8th grade who did not submit
cps-k12.org/community/customer-care-center                           lottery applications by April 16, 2021, should submit paper
                                                                     applications at the high school of choice, to be added to the end of
                                                                     the waiting list for that school.
                                                                     Paper Application Form: cps-k12.org/families-students/forms

                                                                     Waiting Lists
Lottery Application Process                                          Waiting lists at high schools are in effect until June 30.
1. CPS students and parents/guardians enter the high school          A student who enrolls in a high school for 2021-22 — but is on a
   online lottery using any Internet-connected computer.             waiting list for a higher-choice high school — will remain on that
To Reach the High School Application Portal:                         waiting list until June 30, 2021. If a space becomes available in
                                                                     a student’s higher-choice high school before June 30, 2021, CPS
• Go to PowerSchool: powerschool.cps-k12.org/public                  will notify the parent by letter offering the opportunity to transfer
OR                                                                   to the higher-choice high school.
• Go to the CPS website: cps-k12.org/enroll/7-12highschool
                                                                     After June 30, 2021, students are expected to stay in their
If the student information displayed is not correct, it must be      selected high schools for the 2021-22 school year.
corrected before the High School Online Application can be
Corrections are made using the Student Change of Information         Important Information
form. The completed form and required documents must be              English Learners
turned in to the student’s current school or at the CPS Customer
                                                                     All CPS high schools offer English as a Second Language (ESL)
Care Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219, Corryville.
                                                                     services for students learning to speak English. Some high schools
Student Change of Information Form:                                  offer more intensive ESL services for students and families.
          cps-k12.org/sites/www.cps-k12.org/files/pdfs/              Call CPS’ Office of Second Language Acquisition, (513) 363-3251,
          Forms-Student-Change-of-Information.pdf                    to discuss what’s available.
All information submitted with an online application — names,        CPS provides free Metro bus passes (public transportation) to
addresses, phone numbers, email addresses — must be correct.         students in grades 7-12 who live 1¼ mile or more from the
If CPS cannot contact parents/guardians using the                    schools they attend. Passes are issued at the high school on the
information provided, the student will lose the seat                 first day of school.
assigned in the lottery.                                             Information: (513) 363-RIDE
• If, after submitting an application, there are changes to the
  contact information, notify CPS by using the Student Change
  of Information form (left). The completed form and required
  documents should be turned in to the student’s current school or
  at the CPS Customer Care Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219,

Lottery Application Details                                              In-District Students —
    • On the online application, students (or parents of students) in        Upper Grades – 10-12
      CPS Montessori and STEM elementary schools are asked if the             The upper grades are not part of CPS’ online high school
      students want to enter a high school that continues Montessori          application lottery.
      or STEM programs. If yes, a choice of these high schools will be
      offered.                                                               • Parents or guardians of current CPS students now attending a
                                                                               high school in grades 7-12 who want to change high schools:
     If a high school is not selected at this point, the student or parent
     will continue into the lottery process to select a high school.           Apply in person at the high schools of choice using CPS’ paper
                                                                               application form.
    • Sibling preference applies ONLY to a student’s
      first-choice high school.                                              • For parents or guardians of non-CPS students currently in
                                                                               9th, 10th or 11th grade attending private, charter or home schools
     This means a student is given priority over other students to             who want their children to enter CPS’ high schools and who live
     enter a sibling’s high school. The sibling must currently attend          within the CPS district:
     the student’s first-choice high school in grades 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11,
     and must live at the same address.                                       Apply in person at the high schools of choice using CPS’
                                                                              paper application form.
     Make sure to check the YES box on the online application
     to indicate that the student has a sibling at the first-choice           See specific high school pages in this Guide for school
     high school.                                                             addresses, or go to cps-k12.org/schools/find-a-school

    • Only ONE online application per student per school year                 Paper Application Form:
      may be submitted.                                                       cps-k12.org/families-students/forms

     If a parent/guardian wants to change the online lottery
     application after it is submitted, the parent/guardian must go          In-District – Non-CPS Students
     to CPS’ Customer Care Center to make changes before the lottery
     application period ends: 2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219, Corryville.
                                                                             Grades – 7-9
     Parents/guardians must bring photo identification and be a              Parents of non-CPS students currently in 6th, 7th and 8th grades
     parent of record to request changes to a lottery application.           now attending private, charter or home schools who want their
                                                                             children to enter CPS’ high schools and who live within the CPS
                                                                             district boundaries:
    Student Priority Order for Entering                                      Bring parent photo identification, proof of home address, and
    CPS High Schools                                                         child’s birth certificate to CPS’ Customer Care Center in the
                                                                             Education Center, 2651 Burnet Avenue, 45219, Corryville.
    The CPS Board of Education has set policy that determines the
    order in which in-district students are accepted into CPS high           Staff at the Care Center will assist with submitting a high school
    schools. The policy — Board Policy No. 5113.03 — defines the             application into the lottery.
    order for students coming from CPS neighborhood elementary               Proof of residency documents:
    schools and for CPS magnet elementary schools with specialized           cps-k12.org/enroll/registration-documents
    courses of study (such as Montessori or STEM).
    Find Board Policy No. 5113.03 — High Schools of Choice
    Intra-District Enrollment Program — on CPS’ website:
                                                                             Out-of-District Students
    cps-k12.org/about-cps/board-of-education/board-policies                  (Open Enrollment)
                                                                             Parents or guardians of students who live outside the
                                                                             boundaries of the Cincinnati Public School District apply online to
                                                                             CPS high schools during the district’s Open Enrollment period,
                                                                             May 1 - 31.
                                                                               Note: Priority is given to students who live within the
                                                                               boundaries of the Cincinnati Public School District
                                                                               over those who live outside the boundaries. Students applying
                                                                               under Open Enrollment must meet entrance criteria
                                                                               (such as an entrance exam or an audition).
                                                                               Learn more at cps-k12.org/enroll/open-enrollment or by
                                                                               calling Testing information, (513) 363-0186.
                                                                             Out-of-district students who live in Ohio and are accepted under
                                                                             Open Enrollment do not pay tuition, but parents must provide
                                                                             transportation to and from CPS schools. Students living in states
                                                                             other than Ohio pay tuition.

Sports and Extracurricular
What are your interests?
Do you like to play football, soccer, basketball or volleyball?
Maybe you like making decisions as part of Student Government.
Or, how about writing for the school newspaper or playing
trumpet in the marching band?
Chances are, you will find a team or a club within Cincinnati
Public Schools that matches your interests. Participating in a
sport or club is a valuable part of the high school experience.
Extracurricular activities enhance your academic, emotional,
social and physical development. Each sport and activity operates
with integrity and ethical conduct — promoting academic success,
competitive excellence and good sportsmanship.
CPS encourages all students in grades 7-12 to join one or more
sports teams, clubs or other extracurricular activities.
• To participate, students must have passing grades in a minimum
  of five courses that count toward graduation and must maintain
  a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA). CPS’ GPA standards are
  higher than the minimum GPA (1.0) required by the Ohio High
  School Athletic Association (OHSAA).
 Students with a GPA between 1.0 and 2.0 may participate if they
 take Academic and Athletic Accountability Pathway intervention
 programs set up by the schools, such as tutoring sessions and
 study tables.

CPS’ high schools compete in the following
athletic conferences:
— Cincinnati Metro Athletic Conference (CMAC) — Aiken,
Gamble, Hughes, Oyler, Riverview East, School for Creative and
Performing Arts, Shroder, Spencer, Taft, Western Hills, Withrow
and Woodward
— Eastern Cincinnati Conference (ECC) — Walnut Hills
— Miami Valley Conference (MVC) — Clark
• CPS offers cheerleading, volleyball and softball teams for girls;
  football, baseball and wrestling teams for boys; and a variety of
  other sports, such as basketball, cross country, soccer, bowling
  and track, for boys and girls.
• Student Activity Coordinators oversee activities at all
  high schools.
• There are opportunities for 7th- and 8th-graders, and at the
  freshman, junior varsity and varsity levels, in more than a
  dozen sports.
• Numerous non-athletic clubs and activities including Peer
  Leadership Collaboratives are available all school year.

c h ool M           ap
                  H i g h S




                                                         Western Hills

                                       OHIO RIVER




                                              Norwood Lateral


                                     Walnut                     Montessori

Oyler                                                    Riverview
                                   Spencer               East

  Virtual &

Aiken High School                                                                                             aikennewtech.cps-k12.org

                                          Aiken High School offers an innovative and nationally recognized      Career-Technical Education
     5641 Belmont Avenue,
                                          program called New Tech — known for increasing graduation             • Engineering & Design
     College Hill (45224)
                                          rates, test scores, and college and career readiness. Students
     Principal Lisa Votaw                 engage in project-based learning, using technology every step of      • Agriculture, Food and
     Grades: 7-12                         the way.                                                                Natural Resources
     Phone: (513) 363-6700                Students collaborate on projects that require critical thinking
                                                                                                                • Early Childhood Education
     Fax: (513) 363-6720                                                                                        • Teaching Profession
                                          and presentation skills. By making learning relevant in this way,
                                          student engagement reaches new levels and produces better
     About Aiken                          educational outcomes.                                                 Employment Pipeline

     • Aiken Largo School in Sierra       The increased use of technology supports this innovative              • Miami University Teach
       Leone, West Africa, now            approach. Working together on projects promotes trust, respect        • Manufacturing
       equipped with water wells,         and responsibility among students and teachers. Each student has
       books, and scholarships            ownership of the learning experience and realizes a new level of      Advanced Placement Courses
       to secondary schools —             accountability in the school environment — all necessary for the
       through continued efforts of       21st-century workplace.                                               • English Language and
       Aiken students who raised                                                                                  Composition
       $5,000 in 2015 to help build       Aiken emphasizes postsecondary education and career planning.
                                                                                                                • Environmental Science
       the school.                        The Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates program prepares juniors and
                                          seniors for collegiate and workplace experiences.                     • Human Geography
     • Aiken named a “School of
       Distinction” by College for        Students may take advantage of Honors and Advanced Placement          • Psychology
       Every Student in 2017-18,          (AP) classes, the GE Scholars program and Jr. GE Scholars for         • Spanish Language and
       2018-19                            grades 7-9, and summer internships with local businesses.               Culture
     • Partnership with Freestore         A partnership with UC Bearcat Academy, a link between the             • Statistics
       Foodbank offers full-choice        University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Public Schools, supports
                                                                                                                • U.S. Government and
       pantry inside Aiken                college awareness, readiness and preparation.
     • Partnership with                   A partnership with Miami University’s (MU) College of Education
                                                                                                                • U.S. History
       Greater Cincinnati STEM            creates an education pipeline that allows students to earn full-
       Collaborative provides             ride MU scholarships and guaranteed employment with CPS as
       resources for STEM Bike                                                                                  Foreign Languages
                                          teachers upon graduation.
       Club and 3D Printer Club                                                                                 • Spanish
                                          Work-Readiness Program
     • Hope Squad, suicide                                                                                      • Mandarin
       prevention program chapter         Aiken is helping its students be eligible to graduate and have a
                                          path to careers with its new work-readiness initiative.
     • An on-site health center
       offers medical, vision and         The S.W.O.O.P. program — Students Working on Occupational
       dental care.                       Pathways — with Lawn Life, a landscaping business, allows
                                          students to sample on-the-job training in a variety of construction
     • GE Aviation and Aiken —
                                          trades while experiencing paid employment. Students earn credits
       partners for 30 years.
                                          toward graduation while shadowing workforce mentors one on
     • Founded in 1962; moved Fall        one.
       2013 into new $29.3-million
       state-of-the-art facility on its   Aiken offers:
       home campus in College Hill.       • Problem-solving/project-based learning methods
     • A uniform school.                  • Leadership training and community service opportunities
     • Specialized classrooms for         • College and Career Resource Center and a full-time counselor
       students with special needs,         scheduling monthly college and university experiences, plus
       with CPS’ Department of              ACT and SAT test preparation and assistance with the
       Student Services                     college-application process
     • AdvancED accreditation             • One-on-one tutoring program during the school day with
                                            professionals from our Partner In Education, GE Aviation.
                                            An after-school tutoring program also is available.

Project-based, hands-on learning is at the heart of
Extracurricular Activities      the New Tech instructional approach. Students
Aiken — Home of                 collaborate on projects that require critical thinking
the Falcons
                                and presentation skills.
• Baseball (boys)
• Basketball (boys & girls)
• Cross Country (boys &
• Football (boys)
• Softball (girls)
• Track (boys & girls)
• Volleyball (girls)
• Wrestling (boys)

• Academic Team
• Band
• Butterfly Club
• Cheerleading
• Choir
• Dance/Drill Team
• Junior Honor Society
• Minorities in Math, Science
  & Engineering (M2SE)
• M.O.R.E. (Men Organized,
  Respectful and Educated)
  Young Men’s Club
• National Honor Society
• National Society of Black
  Engineers (NSBE)
• Performance Band
• Robotics Club
• Spanish Club
• Sports Medicine Club
• STEM Bicycle Club
• Student Council
• Student Leadership Team
• Theater
• 3-D Printer Club

Clark Montessori High School                                                                                            clark.cps-k12.org

     3030 Erie Avenue,                 Clark Montessori High School is nationally recognized for academic excellence and is a place
     Hyde Park (45208)                 where students and teachers work in communities to lead students in developing intellectual skills
     Principal Eric Higgins            while learning to influence society in meaningful ways. Clark is the nation’s first public Montessori
     Grades: 7-12                      high school.

     Phone: (513) 363-7100             Focusing on the triangle of Montessori education — students, teachers, parents — Clark works to
     Fax: (513) 363-7120               form a strong community of adults and teenagers who respect each other.
                                       Clark Montessori allows students enrolled in Montessori elementary schools to continue their
                                       Montessori education through 12th grade. Maria Montessori’s vision for the adolescent included
     About Clark
                                       learning from the real world, achieving “valorization” of the person and contributing to the
     • Listed as a Top Four high       betterment of society.
       school in Cincinnati magazine
                                       In the classroom, the Montessori teaching method engages students in their learning by fostering
     • Named one of “America’s         their natural curiosity about the world and by providing an environment that guides their natural
       Most Amazing Schools” by        drive to learn.
       Ladies Home Journal
                                       • Staff and students train in mindfulness, restorative practices and peer mediation to influence core
     • Field study is required at
                                         values of peace, respect, learning, hard work and community.
       all grade levels, including
       international travel in 8th     • Classrooms are organized into multigrade learning communities.
       grade, eight credited           • Students, parents and teachers sign agreements requiring a commitment to the Montessori
       intersession courses              values of learning, community involvement, and respect for others.
       throughout high school and
       overnight camping every fall.   • Clark’s endorsed high school diploma includes several requirements:
                                       — Earning additional math, science and social studies credits through senior year
     • College preparatory
                                       — Completing 200 hours of community service throughout high school
       curriculum for all students
       results in 95 percent college      (plus 36 hours per year in grades 7-8)
       acceptance rates.               — Completing all field studies (8 in high school)

     • Clark students contribute       • All seniors complete a year-long project, an in-depth study on a topic of choice. The project is
       more than 30,000 hours            phased in over the course of a year, allowing seniors to learn long-range planning skills and to
       of community service to           connect their academic study to a hands-on project that contributes to society. Students present
       Cincinnati each year.             their final projects to the Clark community during an exhibition night prior to graduation.
     • Founded in 1994 as              Intersessions
       the nation’s first public
       Montessori high school.         • All students participate in four weeks of off-site field study each year. Students in high school
                                         continue this journey by selecting from an array of two-week intersessions that allow them to
     • Moved in 2011 to a Silver
                                         explore their passions in-depth.
       LEED-certified building in
       Hyde Park with state-of-        • Fundraising, scholarships and work opportunities are available for families to pay
       the-art gym and fitness           for field study experiences.
       center, rooftop gardens and
                                       • Eighth-graders travel to Andros Island, Bahamas, for a marine biology and cultural field
                                         study at a scientific field station.
     • Specialized classrooms for
                                       • Other Intersession courses vary from year-to-year, but past offerings have included studying art
       students with special needs,
                                         in New York City, traveling to Morocco, hiking the Appalachian Trail, serving and learning from
       with CPS’ Department of
       Student Services                  the homeless community in Cincinnati, filmmaking, local food discovery and cooking, space
                                         exploration, and others.
     • AdvancED accreditation
     • American Montessori Society
       accreditation                   Advanced Placement Courses          Career-Technical Education
                                       • Biology                           • Horticulture
                                       • Calculus AB
                                                                           College Pipeline
                                       • Human Geography
                                                                           • University of Cincinnati IT
                                       • U.S. History
                                                                             Early College

                                       College Credit Plus Courses         Foreign Languages
                                       In-school Options
                                                                           • French
                                       (college-level classes)
                                                                           • Spanish
                                       • Chemistry

Maria Montessori’s vision for the adolescent included
Extracurricular Activities    learning from the real world, achieving “valorization”
Clark — Home of the
                              of the person and contributing to the betterment
60 competitive teams          of society.
& 12 club teams
• Baseball (boys)
• Basketball (boys & girls)
• Bowling (boys & girls)
• Cross Country (boys &
• Football (boys)
• Golf (boys)
• Lacrosse (girls)
• Soccer (boys & girls)
• Softball (girls)
• Swimming (boys & girls)
• Tennis (boys & girls)
• Track (boys & girls)
• Volleyball (girls)

• Academic Team
• Art Club
• Bike Club
• Cheerleading
• Chess
• Drama Club (EPIC)
• Gardening Club
• Jazz Band
• Jazz Club
• Mock Trial
• Musical Theater
• Peer Leaders
• Poetry/Storytelling Club
• Robotics
• Ski Club
• Steel Drum
• Vegan Club
• Yearbook

Gilbert A. Dater High School                                                                              daterhighschool.cps-k12.org

                                      Dater High School brings a tradition of academic achievement as it prepares students for success in
     2146 Ferguson Road,              college and beyond. Students benefit from a personalized approach, an experienced staff, a diverse
     Westwood (45238)                 and caring student body, and proven academic achievement.
     Principal Jasmine Madison
                                      Dater High continually strives to improve student achievement, school culture and students’
     Grades: 7-12
                                      preparedness for whatever future they choose to pursue. High school students are offered standards-
     Phone: (513) 363-7200            based and Advanced Placement curriculum focused on preparing students for postgraduation
     Fax: (513) 363-7220              opportunities, including college, vocational training and employment.
                                      Dater High hosts a three-week Summer Bridge program for all incoming students. The program
     About Dater                      includes academic enrichment, field trips and college visits.

     • Dater High School is an
       International Baccalaureate
       Candidate School in grades
                                      International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (MYP) Candidate School
     • Advanced Placement             In August 2020, Dater High School introduced the International Baccalaureate program to
       (AP) and Career-Technical      students in grades 7 and 8. Dater High is adding a grade level each year through high school to the
       Education classes focus        International Baccalaureate program, so students starting now have the opportunity to graduate with
       on preparing students          an internationally recognized IB diploma.
       for opportunities after        IB does not replace Dater’s curriculum, but rather it enhances it. Students continue to learn
       graduation.                    traditional subjects, meeting all state academic content standards, and all 7th and 8th grade students
     • Partnership with St. Joseph    are enrolled in exploratory Spanish or French classes.
       Orphanage offers mental        The International Baccalaureate framework allows students to see connections among the subjects
       health counseling and care     they study and to apply them to real life, encourages global thinking and community service, and
       coordination services.
                                      supports the development of effective communication.
     • Specialized classrooms for
                                      Career-Technical Education Pathways to Explore at Dater High School
       students with special needs,
       with CPS’ Department of        Dater High offers career-tech programs focused on preparing students for opportunities after
       Student Services               graduation, including college, vocational training and employment.
     • Receives generous support      • Dater’s Culinary Arts Institute provides professional training to students interested in hospitality
       since 1988 from the Charles      and culinary careers. Taught by a professional chef and former restaurateur, students work in a
       H. Dater Foundation,             commercial kitchen lab, preparing food, learning about food and kitchen safety, and exploring their
       founded by the grandson of       creativity. Students enter this program in 10th grade.
       school’s namesake.
                                      • Dater High has a special partnership with DHL Logistics allowing interested seniors to learn about
     • Located in a modern              the growing logistics and supply chain fields while earning college credits and employment at DHL.
       building renovated
       in 2012-13.
     • Student athletes play on       Career-Technical Education         Advanced Placement Courses          Foreign Languages
       Western Hills’ campus teams,   • Culinary and Food                 • English Literature and           • French
       the Mustangs.                    Service Operations                  Composition                      • German
     • Offers a variety of                                                • Human Geography                  • Spanish
       extracurricular activities,    Industry Credentials                • U.S. Government and
       clubs, and peer groups.
                                      • Culinary and Food Service           Politics
     • Regional baseball complex,       Operations                        •Psychology
       and a combination field
       for football and soccer        • Supply Chain                      • Spanish Language and
       completed in 2006.                                                   Culture
     • AdvancED accreditation         Employment                          • U.S. History
                                      • Supply Chain - DHL Logistics

                                                 Watch video about
                                                 CPS’ career training
                                                 program in logistics
                                                 with DHL.
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