Global Affinity - Finaccord

Page created by Frances Vasquez
Global Affinity - Finaccord
                                                                                        QUARTER 2 2018


                                                     Global Affinity
                  AFFINITY BANKING
                                                                           Finance Club
Finaccord’s newsletter about affinity financial services worldwide

Welcome back to your Club!
 If there has been a prevailing theme in the world of affinity financial
 services in the most recent quarter and, indeed, more recent years, it
 has surely been that of partnerships based around digital marketing.

 In respect of insurance, these have included new initiatives involving
 both Allstate and AXA with Uber, and Chubb with Grab, in the
 field of taxi hailing apps, plus AXA with BlaBlaCar in the ride-
 sharing space. Agreements oriented to development of digital health
 services have also been to the fore as epitomised by those involving
 Allianz and American Well, Bupa and HealthTap, and SSQ Insur-
 ance and Dialogue. Zurich, too, has created notable deals for digital
 insurance such as that with CoverWallet for small business cover.

 The automotive finance market has also seen a number of innova-
 tive partnerships, especially in the US. For example, Ally Financial is
 collaborating in this context with both Drive Motors and mobiliti
 with the former a provider of e-commerce services to vehicle dealer-
 ships and the latter an app-based monthly subscription service for
 vehicle buyers.

 Meanwhile, as ever, digital innovation is also evident in the banking
 and payments market. Significant new initiatives in this respect in-
 clude those of Kreditech with PayU for online consumer finance in
 India and Bank of China with Tencent for student banking services
 in China. Furthermore, global payment brands such as Mastercard
 and Visa are increasingly forging links with manufacturers of wear-
 ables such as Fitbit and Garmin for integrated payment services.

 Alan Leach, Director

                                                                              For our published reports,
                                                                              news and more please visit
Global Affinity - Finaccord
Global Affinity Finance Club
Table of contents

Affinity Insurance                       … and Chubb links with Grab for           … and launches motor insurance for
                                         similar initiative 6                      BlaBlaCar vehicle owners in France 8
Geo Underwriting works with              Allianz delivers digital healthcare so-   Europ Assistance launches insurance
DAS for high net worth assistance        lutions in conjunction with American      for Italian peer-to-peer car sharing
service 5                                Well… 6                                   platform 8

Generali Global Assistance links         … Bupa works in same field with           Zurich insures electric vehicles
with for identity pro-      HealthTap… 7                              belonging to Spanish car club 8
tection 5
                                         … and SSQ Insurance rolls out a           Allianz Global Assistance offers
Europ Assistance extends assis-          comparable scheme with Dialogue 7         insurance for hired cars with US-
tance partnership with UNICRE                                                      based insurtech firm 9
through to 2020 5                        Aetna takes over Aviva’s interna-
                                         tional private health insurance busi-     Uber selects Allstate for commercial
COMMERCIAL INSURANCE 5                   ness 7                                    motor insurance in three US states 9

Aon works with Allianz, Apple and        Colombian insurer ties with two part-     NICHE INSURANCE 9
Cisco for cyber risk management          ners for international health insur-
solution 5                               ance 7                                    APRIL markets boat insurance
                                                                                   through manufacturer’s online
The Hanover commences profes-            APRIL Group works more closely            platform 9
sional liability insurance program       with Malakoff Médéric in several
with USI Affinity 5                      fields 7                                  AXA and Gothaer reconfigure legal
                                                                                   protection joint venture in Germany
Euler Hermes and MAPFRE use              BNP Paribas Cardif promotes credi-        9
Solunion joint venture to enter surety   tor insurance through French prop-
bond market 5                            erty listing website 7                    PRODUCT WARRANTIES /
                                                                                   INSURANCE 9
Zurich seals tie with CoverWallet for    Spanish basketball federation selects
digital sales platform offering com-     AXA for affinity insurance schemes        CarGarantie creates pan-European
mercial insurance 6                      8                                         joint venture with Car Care Plan… 9

APRIL offers discount on commer-         Talanx and Zurich unveil joint ven-       … and works with Mazda for car
cial insurance to chemists in pharma-    ture plan for new occupational pen-       maintenance package in Germany 10
ceutical network 6                       sion products 8
                                                                                   simplesurance collaborates with
LIFE, HEALTH AND                         MOTOR INSURANCE 8                         digital platform for insurance for
CREDITOR INSURANCE 6                                                               second-hand tyres 10
                                         AXA underwrites pay-by-the-mile
AXA works with Uber for protec-          cover for UK-based insurtech              Brightstar renews partnership with
tion and savings policies for driv-      pioneer… 8                                Cellcom for mobile device protection
ers… 6                                                                             10

Global Affinity - Finaccord
Global Affinity Finance Club

TRAVEL INSURANCE 10                         Bancassurance                                Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance
                                                                                         prolongs partnership with Mazda for
Aon Affinity sets up global travel insur-   HOUSEHOLD INSURANCE 12                       five more years 14
ance program with AIG and Expedia
10                                          Deutsche Bank works with Friendsur-          Carfinco links with LGM for automo-
                                            ance to strengthen household insur-          tive finance and insurance solutions in
Interhome selects ERV for travel            ance offering 12                             Canada 14
cover 10
                                            MOTOR INSURANCE 12                           Orient Corporation provides backing
Collinson Group wins travel insurance                                                    for JA Bank’s new vehicle finance
mandate with Saga 10                        BNP Paribas Cardif extends global            product 14
                                            partnership with Volkswagen Financial
Allianz Global Assistance secures affin-    Services 12                                  COMMERCIAL BANKING 14
ity scheme with My Online Camp 10
                                            GENERAL 12                                   Wesleyan wins mandate from the Law
HanseMerkur wins ticket and travel                                                       Society of England and Wales 14
insurance deal with tourVERS… 11            Banco de Brasil reconfigures bancas-
                                            surance joint venture with MAPFRE            CONSUMER FINANCE 14
… and works with HolidayCheck for           12
comprehensive travel cover 11                                                            Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance
                                            The Co-operators takes over full con-        engages with Bankia for joint
GENERAL 11                                  trol of Cumis insurance subsidiaries 12      venture in Spain 14

MAPFRE rolls out affinity programs          Affinity Banking                             PayU ties with Kreditech for online
with two professional associations in                                                    consumer finance in India 14
Spain 11                                    AUTOMOTIVE FINANCE 13                        Bank of China collaborates with
Zurich allows Miles & More members                                                       Tencent for digital financial services
                                            Ally Financial unveils new digital distri-   for students 15
to earn miles by buying insurance…          bution partnerships 13
                                                                                         MOBILE / ONLINE PAYMENTS
                                            Audi Financial Services forges agree-        15
… and combines with insurtech start-        ment with AutoGravity for vehicle
up to improve customer experience in        purchases 13
Australian personal lines 11                                                             Mastercard unveils multiple new initia-
                                                                                         tives in digital payments… 15
                                            Joint venture co-owned by BNP
Groupama and Gras Savoye earn af-           Paribas and PSA group articulates
finity mandate with French golfing                                                       … spanning all global regions… 15
                                            European ambitions 13
federation 12
                                                                                         … and Visa follows suit through new
                                            BNP Paribas Personal Finance con-
Allianz and LV= define further their                                                     launches in Italy and Switzerland 16
                                            firmed as the sole partner for Hyundai
general insurance joint venture 12          in France 13
                                                                                         Both global payment brands seek to
                                                                                         encourage payments via wearable de-
                                                                                         vices… 16

Global Affinity - Finaccord
Global Affinity Finance Club
Table of contents
… as do other providers targeting this     Synchrony Financial works with Crate   Consumer Automotive Financial
fast-growing field 17                      & Barrel for private-label and co-     Services in Canada
                                           branded cards 19
Facebook works with several payment                                               Consumer Automotive Financial
partners through its Messenger func-       Mattress1One selects TD Bank for       Services in South Africa
tion 17                                    multi-year store card program 19
                                                                                  Creditor and Lifestyle Protection
Wirecard discloses new initiatives with    Finaccord country reports              Insurance in Europe
Crédit Agricole and Allianz… 17
                                           Finaccord publishes a variety of       Extended Warranties for New
… plus others with Qatar Airways,          reports about the following coun-      and Used Cars in the Asia-Pacific
Villeroy & Boch and two English foot-      tries: Australia; Austria; Belgium;    Region
ball clubs 18                              Brazil; Canada; Chile; China; Co-
                                           lombia; France; Germany; India;        Extended Warranties for New
UnionPay seeks to roll out Huawei Pay      Indonesia; Italy; Japan; Malaysia;     and Used Cars in Latin America
mobile payments outside of China 18        Mexico; Netherlands; Peru; Po-
                                           land; Romania; Russia; South Af-       Global Bancassurance: Product
Alipay works with Millennium BCP to        rica; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey;      and Partnership Strategies in In-
help Chinese travellers in Portugal 18     the UK; and the US.                    vestment-Related Life Insurance
                                                                                  and Retirement Savings of the
PAYMENT CARD ISSUANCE                      Alternatively, to see our full list    World's Top 500 Retail Banking
AND ACCEPTANCE 18                          of reports organised by country,       Groups
                                           with more than 60 countries cov-
JCB expands card issuing capabilities in   ered in total, please visit the        Global Expatriates: Size, Segmen-
Belarus, the Philippines and Vietnam       search-by-country page of our          tation and Forecasts for the
18                                         website at          Worldwide Market
UnionPay forges several alliances to                                              Home Emergency Insurance and
expand its global footprint 18             Recently published reports             Assistance in Europe

Discover strengthens presence in Hong      Automotive Finance and Leasing         Manufacturer-Branded and
Kong market by working with First          for Consumers in the Asia-Pacific      Dealer-Intermediated Motor In-
Data and JCB 19                            Region                                 surance and Road Assistance in
                                                                                  the Asia-Pacific Region
RETAILER CARDS 19                          Commercial Non-Life Insurance
                                           in China: Size, Segmentation and       Mobile Metrics: Consumer Ap-
                                           Forecast to 2021                       proaches to Mobile Gadget and
Klarna teams up with Dutch e-
                                                                                  Phone Insurance in Selected
commerce platform to offer consumer
                                           Commercial Non-Life Insurance          Global Markets
finance via smaller retailers 19
                                           in the USA: Size, Segmentation
                                           and Forecast to 2021                   Prepaid Service Contracts for
Bass Pro Shops switches Cabela’s re-
                                                                                  New and Used Vehicles in the
tailer card scheme to Bank of America
                                           Consumer Automotive Financial          Asia-Pacific Region
and Mastercard 19
                                           Services in Brazil

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                 Affinity Insurance

Affinity Insurance News             tools, as well as educational re-         cialty (AGCS) is acting as under-
                                    sources concerning best practice          writer of enhanced cyber insurance
ASSISTANCE                          in identity protection, privacy           coverage. Apple and Cisco have
                                    protection software and credit            agreed to the involvement of sev-
Geo Underwriting works with         monitoring.                               eral of their products in the scheme,
DAS for high net worth assis-                                                 which means that corporate cus-
tance service                       Europ Assistance extends as-              tomers who use iPad, iPhone, and
                                    sistance partnership with                 Mac devices, as well as Cisco’s
In the UK, Geo Underwriting         UNICRE through to 2020                    ‘Ransomware Defense’ product,
(formerly Towergate Underwrit-                                                can qualify for the cover. Organisa-
ing) has partnered as administra-   In Portugal, Europ Assistance             tions using the cover will have ac-
tor with DAS, as underwriter, to    has renewed its partnership with          cess to the incident response teams
launch an assistance product for    credit card issuer UNICRE                 of Aon and Cisco in the event of a
high net worth individuals          through which it provides vari-           malware attack.
which includes a combination of     ous automatically-bundled assis-
cyber, home emergency and le-       tance services to holders of Uni-         The Hanover commences pro-
gal protection cover. The prod-     banco cards, including medical,           fessional liability insurance pro-
uct includes access to a cyber      road and travel assistance. The           gram with USI Affinity
risk analysis software platform     new arrangement will continue
provided by Dynarisk, a cyber       through to 2020.                          Also in the US, The Hanover has
security company, which as-                                                   announced a partnership with bro-
sesses individual and family be-                                              ker USI Affinity to offer profes-
haviour online to assign a ‘risk                                              sional liability insurance to attorneys
score’. This score can be used      COMMERCIAL INSURANCE                      and law firms through the USI Af-
both by policyholders, who are                                                finity Lawyers Liability Risk Pur-
advised on how to mitigate          Aon works with Allianz, Apple             chasing Group. The product will be
risks, and by brokers selling the   and Cisco for cyber risk manage-          known as the ‘USI Affinity
product.                            ment solution                             “Attorney’s Preferred” Insurance
                                                                              Program’, and comprises insurance
Generali Global Assistance          In the US, Aon has announced a            solutions for individual lawyers and
links with for         new cyber risk management solu-           law firms of all sizes in the states of
identity protection                 tion for businesses in conjunction
                                                                              Connecticut, Maryland, Massachu-
                                    with Allianz, Apple and Cisco. The
                                                                              setts, New Jersey, Virginia and West
In the US, Generali Global As-      new proposition is designed to help
sistance has secured a contract     a wider range of organisations to
for the provision of identity       better manage and protect them-           Euler Hermes and MAPFRE
protection assistance services to   selves from the growing cyber risk        use Solunion joint venture to en-
the customers of,      associated with ransomware and
                                                                              ter surety bond market
a company in the process of be-     other malware-related threats.
ing launched that intends to as-                                              In Spain, Solunion, the joint venture
sist consumers with choosing        In this context, Aon is providing
                                                                              in trade credit insurance that is co-
which banking products to take      cyber resilience evaluation services      owned by Euler Hermes and MAP-
out. The range of services in       through a dedicated team of profes-       FRE, has announced that it will
scope includes prevention,          sionals specialising in this field, and
                                                                              diversify into underwriting surety
monitoring, alerts and resolution   Allianz Global Corporate & Spe-
Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                      Affinity Insurance
bonds. The company was launched          chemists in Sterling Pharma’s net-        drivers and couriers. These could
originally in 2013 and has since ex-     work to receive prescriptions online      include injury protection, income
panded outside of Spain into a           and to prepare customers’ orders in       protection, family protection,
number of Spanish-speaking coun-         advance so that they can be made          health, and retirement and savings
tries in Latin America including         available through a click-and-collect     policies.
Argentina, Chile, Colombia and           system, and also facilitates the dis-
Mexico.                                  patch of promotions and personal-         … and Chubb links with Grab
                                         ised health advice to smartphone          for similar initiative
Zurich seals tie with CoverWallet        users. As a part of the arrangement,
for digital sales platform offering      APRIL will also offer a 10% dis-          In a comparable initiative in south-
commercial insurance                     count on multi-risk and profes-           east Asia, Grab, an on-demand
                                         sional indemnity insurance for em-        transportation and fintech platform,
Also in Spain, Zurich has begun          ployees of Sterling Pharma, as well       has appointed Chubb to offer insur-
working with the US-based insur-         as six months’ free use of ‘Conseil       ance solutions for its drivers. Initial
tech pioneer CoverWallet to launch       Santé’.                                   products include accident, hospitali-
a nose-to-tail digital sales platform    ____________________________              sation and income protection poli-
for commercial insurance. The plat-                                                cies, all of which are accessible to
form will be hosted on                   LIFE, HEALTH AND                          Grab's 2.6 million self-employed, and allows        CREDITOR INSURANCE                        drivers. Furthermore, telematics and
small and medium-sized enterprises                                                 other data harvested from Grab’s
to identify and fulfil their insurance   AXA works with Uber for protec-           platform will be used for develop-
needs in rapid time and entirely         tion and savings policies for driv-       ment of further insurance products.
online. Once a policy has been           ers…                                      The partnership was announced as
bought, it is managed either                                                       part of the launch of Grab Finan-
through the ‘MiZurich’ mobile app        As part of a regional initiative, AXA     cial, a fintech platform available to
or the insurer’s website. The            has announced the launch of the           drivers registered on the Grab sys-
scheme will be rolled out in Spain in    ‘Partner Protection’ product, which       tem that focuses on payment and
its initial stages, although the two     makes available a range of covers         loyalty services. Grab has also stated
partners intend to introduce it to       including accident, injury, illness and   that the agreement with Chubb is
other European countries in future,      paternity benefits for Uber drivers       an extension of its long-term com-
working together in this field on an     and couriers based in Europe. The         mitment to improve driver welfare.
exclusive basis.                         policy is funded by Uber at no cost
                                         to all eligible drivers and couriers,     Allianz delivers digital healthcare
APRIL offers discount on com-            and is valid regardless of whether        solutions in conjunction with
mercial insurance to chemists in         the driver or courier is using the        American Well…
pharmaceutical network                   Uber app.
                                                                                   Across the globe, a number of in-
In France, APRIL Enterprise Solu-        At the same time, AXA has also            surers have been exploring initia-
tions, a subsidiary of the APRIL         signed a memorandum of under-             tives within the field of digital and
Group, has begun working with the        standing with Uber to develop fur-        mobile healthcare. Firstly, in the US,
pharmaceutical firm Sterling             ther protection policies for the lat-     Allianz has partnered with Ameri-
Pharma to improve the latter’s e-        ter’s workers. The aim is to develop      can Well, a tele-health platform, to
commerce services through its            an online platform that will make         create healthcare products for
‘Conseil Santé’ app. The app allows      additional covers available for Uber      American Well’s customers. As part

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                     Affinity Insurance
of this arrangement, Allianz has         … and SSQ Insurance rolls out a           therapy, emergency evacuation, or-
invested USD 59.2 million in             comparable scheme with Dia-               gan transplants and rehabilitation, as
American Well, and the two com-          logue                                     well as treatment for cancer and
panies will work with local health-                                                other critical illnesses.
care stakeholders to develop digi-       In Canada, SSQ Insurance has cho-
tally-driven health services such as     sen Dialogue, a virtual platform          APRIL Group works more
the use of wearable sensors, remote      specialising in employee healthcare       closely with Malakoff Médéric in
monitoring and virtual visits on a       services, to provide its staff mem-       several fields
global level.                            bers and policyholders with instant
                                         access to professional healthcare         In France, APRIL Group and
… Bupa works in same field               services including video consulta-        Malakoff Médéric have ratified a
with HealthTap…                          tions with doctors and online con-        mutually beneficial agreement that
                                         sultation with nurses, as well as re-     will allow them to capitalise on their
In an analogous agreement, Bupa          ferrals to specialists and prescription   respective distribution networks.
has announced a strategic partner-       services.                                 Malakoff Médéric will offer its
ship with HealthTap, a digital                                                     creditor and personal accident in-
healthcare provider, through which       Aetna takes over Aviva’s interna-         surance through APRIL’s online
the two companies will combine for       tional private health insurance           sales platforms, and will employ
digital healthcare provision on a        business                                  APRIL’s subsidiary CETIM to
global basis. The two partners have                                                manage certain health and group
already been co-operating by mak-        Aetna has announced that it will          protection schemes. In return,
ing use of HealthTap’s apps and          take over Aviva’s international pri-      APRIL will use Malakoff Médéric’s
systems to allow Bupa customers to       vate medical insurance (IPMI) busi-       subsidiary VIAMEDIS as a third-
find Bupa-accredited local doctors,      ness, allowing the latter to focus on     party payer for its own insurance
to schedule appointments and to          its domestic UK health insurance          customers. The agreement will see
connect with medical professionals       business. Aviva has stopped provid-       Malakoff Médéric reinforcing its
by video chat.                           ing new international policies and        position as a reinsurer for APRIL.
                                         existing customers whose policies
At a more local level, HealthTap         are due for renewal will be offered       BNP Paribas Cardif promotes
has also agreed to work with Qual-       Aetna’s international policies in-        creditor insurance through
ity Healthcare, a private healthcare     stead.                                    French property listing website
service in Hong Kong, to jointly
promulgate the companies’ services       Colombian insurer ties with two           Also in France, BNP Paribas Cardif
within the territory. The partnership    partners for international health         has agreed to distribute its creditor
initially involves the introduction of   insurance                                 insurance products via SeLoger, a
a mobile app that enables insured                                                  property listing website that reports
users to book appointments online,       In Colombia, local insurer Seguros        over 30 million visits per month.
in addition to providing health in-      Bolívar has begun selling a range of      The partnership means that users of
formation and services. Further          international health insurance poli-      SeLoger can identify the mortgage-
plans to develop electronic payment      cies in partnership with both Blue        related creditor cover that is best
systems and digital records of per-      Cross Blue Shield Global and Bupa         suited to their needs while browsing
sonalised medical information are in     Global. The available coverage in-        the site and can proceed to either
the pipeline.                            cludes both in-hospital and out-          call an advisor for further informa-
                                         patient care, mental and holistic         tion or subscribe online.

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                      Affinity Insurance
Spanish basketball federation              Occupational Pensions Act               with different cover options
selects AXA for affinity insurance         ('Betriebsrentenstärkungsgesetz') at    available. It is intended that this
schemes                                    the start of 2018, paving the way for   insurance will be made available to
                                           collective bargaining partners –        BlaBlaCar members in other
In Spain, AXA has agreed to con-           namely trade unions and employers'      European countries in the future.
tinue working with the Federación          organizations – to provide employ-
Española de Baloncesto (the coun-          ees with new pension solutions.         Europ Assistance launches
try’s professional basketball federa-      ____________________________            insurance for Italian peer-to-peer
tion) to provide its members with                                                  car sharing platform
protection life insurance in case of       MOTOR INSURANCE
death or incapacity, plus a range of                                               In a comparable initiative in Italy,
health and dental insurance policies.      AXA underwrites pay-by-the-             Europ Assistance has begun
Other policies offered through this        mile cover for UK-based                 offering insurance to customers of
scheme include savings and invest-         insurtech pioneer…                      GetMyCar, a company owned by
ment contracts to help professional                                                car parking network ParkinGO that
basketball players to prepare for the      In the UK, AXA has tied with By         operates a peer-to-peer car sharing
end of their professional career.          Miles, an insurtech company, to         platform. The policies cover the
                                           launch a motor insurance product        whole period for which the car is
Talanx and Zurich unveil joint             that is aimed at motorists who drive    shared and include comprehensive
venture plan for new occupa-               infrequently and under 7,000 miles      protection, cover for both theft and
tional pension products                    a year. The policy features a fixed     damage due to natural events and
                                           annual cost to cover the car when it    vandalism, plus legal assistance.
In Germany, insurance groups Ta-           is parked, plus a payment for any
lanx and Zurich have announced             miles driven each month. All            Zurich insures electric vehicles
that they intend to co-operate in the      policies include no claims bonus        belonging to Spanish car club
field of company pensions by form-         protection at no extra cost, with
ing a consortium provisionally             access to driving and car care tools    In Spain, Zurich has announced
named Die Deutsche Betriebsrente.          via the company’s app. Journeys are     that it has begun insuring a fleet of
Both companies believe that they           measured using a black box device       around 500 telematics-enabled
possess substantial and comple-            and drivers are able to access the      electric vehicles belonging to the
mentary expertise in selling and           cost of each trip made through a        ZITY car club which is co-owned
managing occupational pension              smartphone app.                         by Ferrovial Servicios and Renault.
products, thereby meaning that they                                                The telematics features make it
can combine to good effect in this         … and launches motor                    possible to not only generate data
space. Die Deutsche Betriebsrente,         insurance for BlaBlaCar vehicle         pertaining to how the vehicle is
which is pending regulatory ap-            owners in France                        being driven, but also about its
proval, will focus on pension prod-                                                location and the driver in the event
ucts linked to the performance of          Meanwhile, in France, AXA has           of accident or theft. ZITY cars can
security markets so that customers         launched ‘BlaBlaSure’ as a new          be rented by the minute via an app
benefit from returns that are poten-       annual car insurance policy for         available from both Apple Store
tially higher than those usually avail-    members of BlaBlaCar, a ride-           and Google Play.
able from traditional pension prod-        sharing service, who own a vehicle
ucts. The initiative is inspired in part   registered in France. This online       At the time of launch, the cars may
by the entry into law of Germany’s         policy can be taken out rapidly and     be used only in the city and suburbs

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                  Affinity Insurance
of Madrid, although expansion to        passengers by providing                 owned by two. The minority
other parts of Spain is possible in     commercial motor (auto) coverage        shareholders being bought out are
future. The partnership is driven by    in the states of Illinois, New Jersey   Barmenia Kranken, Basler,
Zurich’s belief that car clubs and      and Wisconsin. Coverage begins          B r a u n s c h w e i g
other forms of car sharing will grow    from when a driver turns on the         Beteiligungsgesellschaft and
rapidly in future years to the point    Uber app to begin accepting rides       Feuersozietät Berlin Brandenburg
that by 2030, one in every three        to the point that he or she drops off   Versicherung albeit the former two
kilometres driven in Europe will be     customers at their destination.         entities will continue to act as
via such means, with 55% of trips       ____________________________            distribution partners for
taken using electric vehicles.                                                  ROLAND. With a market share of
                                        NICHE INSURANCE                         more than 10% of the German
Allianz Global Assistance offers                                                legal protection insurance market,
insurance for hired cars with US-       APRIL markets boat insurance            ROLAND Rechtsschutz is the
based insurtech firm                    through manufacturer’s online           third-ranked competitor in this
                                        platform                                sector with gross premiums of
In the US, Allianz Global                                                       EUR 428.6 million in 2016.
Assistance has partnered with           In France, APRIL Marine, a              ____________________________
Pablow, an insurtech company            subsidiary of APRIL Group
focused on providing insurance to       specialising in yacht insurance, has    PRODUCT WARRANTIES /
drivers of rented cars, thereby         been chosen as insurance provider       INSURANCE
allowing them to avoid having to        for customers of motor boat and
take out car rental firms’ own          sail manufacturer Bénéteau.             CarGarantie creates pan-
insurance cover. These damage and       APRIL’s policies will be made           European joint venture with Car
theft protection policies are sold      available through Band of Boats,        Care Plan…
through P’teet, a dedicated online      Bénéteau’s new online brand for
brand operated by Pablow. This          the purchase, sale and hire of boats.   As part of a pan-European venture,
partnership follows an existing         Users of the site can obtain an         vehicle warranty specialists
partnership between the two             insurance quotation from APRIL          CarGarantie and Car Care Plan
entities in Australia, where Pablow     Marine for any of the boats sold on     have announced the creation of a
operates both a car rental              the platform, and acquisition of        joint venture named International
comparison site and car rental          cover can be completed online.          Warranty Solutions (IWS). It is
insurance site. Allianz believes that                                           intended that IWS will focus on
the value of the car rental insurance   AXA and Gothaer reconfigure             distributors that operate
market in the US is in the region of    legal protection joint venture in       internationally, such as car
USD 28 billion, with around 70          Germany                                 manufacturers, and will involve the
million customers making around                                                 companies pooling their combined
110 million reservations in 2016.       In Germany, AXA and Gothaer             networks of over 24,000 dealers and
                                        have bought out the four minority       48 manufacturer brands across 27
Uber selects Allstate for               shareholders that formerly held         countries in Europe.
commercial motor insurance in           stakes in ROLAND Rechtsschutz,
three US states                         a company which specialises in legal
                                        protection cover, thereby
Also in the US, Allstate has agreed     converting it from a joint venture
to insure Uber drivers and              co-owned by six entities to one co-

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                      Affinity Insurance
… and works with Mazda for car          addition, the service also comprises       Interhome selects ERV for travel
maintenance package in                  an online claims reporting facility.       cover
                                        Brightstar renews partnership              In a new partnership initially set to last
In Germany, and in another              with Cellcom for mobile device             three years, the Germany-based
initiative involving Car Garantie,      protection                                 branch of insurer ERV will provide
Mazda has started offering its                                                     travel insurance products to custom-
customers a new maintenance             In the US, Brightstar has reported a       ers of Interhome, an international
package called ’Mazda Care’.            multi-year extension of its                company that manages holiday apart-
Administered by Car Garantie, the       partnership with mobile network            ments and houses across over 30
plan includes all scheduled             operator Cellcom for device                countries.
maintenance work and applies to         protection insurance. The renewal
new cars, demonstration cars, day       means that Brightstar will continue        Collinson Group wins travel insur-
registrations and used cars until the   offering a full range of device            ance mandate with Saga
first scheduled maintenance.            protection services to Cellcom’s
Runtime and mileage can be flexibly     customers that includes cover for          In the UK, Saga, a travel and financial
adapted to customers’ needs, with       loss, theft and accidental damage to       services group for people aged over
terms of one to five years and          handsets, as well as warranty cover        50, has chosen Collinson Group as its
annual mileages of up to 70,000         for technical failure.                     partner for travel insurance. By means
kilometres. Original Mazda parts are     ____________________________              of this arrangement, Collinson will
being used for all work involved.                                                  provide both stand-alone policies and
                                        TRAVEL INSURANCE                           cover packaged with Saga holidays, in
simplesurance collaborates with                                                    addition to managing insurance for
digital platform for insurance for      Aon Affinity sets up global travel         Saga’s luxury travel subsidiary, Titan
second-hand tyres                       insurance program with AIG and             Travel.
Also in Germany, online product                                                    Allianz Global Assistance secures
insurance specialist simplesurance      AIG has announced a global partner-        affinity scheme with My Online
has agreed to begin working with        ship with Expedia whereby it will of-      Camp
Orbix, an online marketing              fer travel insurance to customers of its
platform for used wheels and tyres,     partner’s Cheaptickets,,       In the US, Allianz Global Assistance
to sell insurance for second-hand       Orbitz and Travelocity brands. Al-         has unveiled a partnership with My
tyres. Insured tyres can be covered     ready launched in the US, the partner-     Online Camp, an event provider that
for up to four years from the date      ship will be expanded to the same          serves coaches, athletic departments
of their manufacture and up to a        brands globally and will also include      and camp operators by providing
residual tread depth of more than,,           marketing and registration services for
four millimetres. Customers will be, and            sports camps and other youth-
given the option of purchasing the Aon Affinity, which has       targeted events. Through this arrange-
policy when they are checking out       worked with Expedia for travel insur-      ment, Allianz Global Assistance will
their shopping cart on the Orbix        ance services for 15 years, is acting as   offer insurance to cover registration
website. The online shop                intermediary and administrator of this     fees in the event of cancellation, illness
automatically recognises the price of   program.                                   and lost or delayed baggage. Policy-
the tyres and offers an insurance                                                  holders can also opt for an add-on
premium that is pegged to it. In                                                   that will qualify them for assistance

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                         Affinity Insurance
services, such as locating appropriate    nomics, human resources and the            sonal liability insurance policies under-
healthcare facilities in the event of a   prevention of occupational hazards.        written by Zurich. As with miles
medical emergency. The companies          By means of this tie, members of the       earned through other program part-
reported that My Online Camp man-         association will be able to access both    ners, which number over 300 in total,
ages registration for over 17,500         personal and commercial insurance          these can then be redeemed in multi-
events in the US each year.               policies underwritten by MAPFRE            ple ways worldwide to obtain dis-
                                          on preferential terms. In total, the as-   counted products and services.
HanseMerkur wins ticket and               sociation has more than 22,000 indi-
travel insurance deal with                vidual members who belong to 43            … and combines with insurtech
tourVERS...                               regional colleges that fall under the      start-up to improve customer ex-
                                          purview of the association.                perience in Australian personal
In Germany, HanseMerkur has                                                          lines
agreed to underwrite ticket and travel    Also in Spain, Zurich has disclosed
insurance products for attendees of       that it is linking with the Federación     Outside of Europe, Zurich has joined
the Oberammergauer Passion Play           Nacional de Trabajadores Autóno-           forces with the Australia-based insur-
2020 via its trading agent tourVERS.      mos (a trade association representing      tech start-up Blue Zebra to launch a
Policies on offer include cover for       around 200,000 self-employed indi-         digitally-enabled, end-to-end personal
inability to attend and baggage protec-   viduals) in order to obtain personal-      lines insurance platform targeted at
tion as well as repatriation and health   ised advice and preferential conditions    brokers with a focus on home, land-
insurance for non-German visitors.        at a nationwide level for various types    lord and motor policies. The initiative
                                          of insurance including accident, com-      has been inspired in part by the two
… and works with HolidayCheck             mercial, general liability and motor       partners’ belief that there is a gap in
for comprehensive travel cover            policies. This follows on from a simi-     the Australian personal lines sector for
                                          lar agreement that Zurich concluded        a proposition based around personal-
Moreover, HanseMerkur has also            in 2017 with the association’s branch      ised advice, a concept that has re-
announced a new three-year partner-       in the province of Andalusia and that      treated in recent years in the wake of
ship with online travel booking spe-      has produced positive results. In total,   growth in direct sales.
cialist HolidayCheck offering compre-     Zurich has a portfolio of around
hensive travel cover to its customers     84,000 small and medium-sized busi-        Blue Zebra, which is an underwriting
in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.      ness customers in Spain.                   agency, considers that it will be able to
____________________________                                                         compete effectively against traditional
                                          Zurich allows Miles & More                 insurers that are burdened by legacy
GENERAL                                   members to earn miles by buying            product-based models and systems
                                          insurance…                                 that have significant limitations when
MAPFRE rolls out affinity pro-                                                       it comes to optimising customer ser-
grams with two professional asso-         Meanwhile, in Germany, Zurich has          vice. Its platform includes an ad-
ciations in Spain                         announced that it has begun co-            vanced technology-enabled claims
                                          operating with the Miles & More fre-       experience that ensures that claims are
In Spain, MAPFRE has concluded an         quent flyer loyalty scheme. As a con-      paid quickly, with clear and timely
affinity agreement with the Consejo       sequence of the partnership, members       communication to brokers and their
General de Graduados Sociales, a          of the Miles & More program can            customers.
professional association representing     earn additional miles through the plat-
legal and economic advisers specialis-    form when purchasing accident,
ing in labour relations, business eco-    household, legal protection and per-

Global Affinity Finance Club
Groupama and Gras Savoye earn               insurance specialist Friendsurance,         GENERAL
affinity mandate with French golf-          with the aim of strengthening its
ing federation                              household insurance offering. The           Banco de Brasil reconfigures ban-
                                            agreement will see the development          cassurance joint venture with
In France, Groupama and Gras                of a digital ‘insurance manager’ func-      MAPFRE
Savoye have been appointed respec-          tion to complement traditional bank
tively as underwriter and broker for an     services offering clients a convenient      In Brazil, Banco do Brasil and MAP-
insurance scheme for the Fédération         way to manage their property insur-         FRE have communicated further
Française de Golf. By means of this         ance needs. This function enables           information in respect of the future
arrangement, all golfers who are            clients to learn about and take out         development of their BB MAPFRE
members of the federation are being         new policies both quickly and se-           insurance joint venture that was set up
offered liability and individual accident   curely, also allowing them to see all       in 2011 and that secured premiums of
insurance, plus discounts on a range        their insurance policies together with      around EUR 4 billion (equivalent to a
of other insurance products.                key details such as notice periods, cov-    market share of 16.6%) in 2017. Spe-
                                            erage and claims history. It will also be   cifically, MAPFRE will become the
Allianz and LV= define further              possible for clients to manage their        legal owner of 100% of total business
their general insurance joint ven-          insurance policies online, to compare       produced by the agency network and
ture                                        policies and conditions and, if neces-      of motor and large commercial risk
                                            sary, to change insurer or take out a       business generated by the banking
As part of a strategic partnership, Al-     new policy.                                 channel. Previously, its share had been
lianz and LV= have announced up-            ____________________________                50%. However, its share of agricul-
dated plans to transfer their respective                                                tural business and life insurance will
personal and commercial portfolios.         MOTOR INSURANCE                             remain 25% and its share will also stay
Allianz’s personal home and motor                                                       at that level for household policies
portfolios will be transferred to           BNP Paribas Cardif extends                  sold through the banking channel.
LV=GI, a joint venture in which Al-         global partnership with Volks-              Moreover, for the types of business
lianz has a 49% stake while LV=’s           wagen Financial Services                    underwritten by the joint venture, the
commercial insurance portfolio will be                                                  bank will remain an exclusive agent.
transferred entirely to Allianz. It is      BNP Paribas Cardif and Volkswagen
anticipated that the transfers will start   Financial Services have announced           The Co-operators takes over full
in the second half of 2018.                 the signing of a global partnership to      control of Cumis insurance sub-
____________________________                extend a relationship that was estab-       sidiaries
                                            lished originally in 2001. This partner-
Bancassurance                               ship already covers 2 million creditor      In Canada, The Co-operators has
                                            and GAP insurance contracts related         announced a change in its partnership
                                            to vehicle finance and, with the re-        with the Central 1 Credit Union,
HOUSEHOLD INSURANCE                         newal, will come into force across 16       whereby the latter will remove its
                                            countries in Europe and Latin Amer-         ownership interest in the insurance
Deutsche Bank works with                    ica.                                        group CUMIS which it has co-owned
Friendsurance to strengthen                 ____________________________                with The Co-operators since 2009.
household insurance offering                                                            The change means that both the life
                                                                                        and non-life insurance subsidiaries of
In Germany, Deutsche Bank has be-                                                       Cumis will become fully-owned sub-
gun building a strategic partnership                                                    sidiaries of The Co-operators.
with the Berlin-based peer-to-peer

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                              Affinity Banking
Affinity Banking                           tailing group in the US, to provide         The partners have stated subsequently
                                           extended warranties and GAP cover           that the joint venture, known as Opel
AUTOMOTIVE FINANCE                         for the group’s pre-owned vehicle           Vauxhall Finance, aims to finance a
                                           dealerships in Colorado and Texas,          third of Opel vehicles by 2020, and to
Ally Financial unveils new digital         which trade under the EchoPark              drive up to 25% growth in sales of
distribution partnerships                  name.                                       Opel LCVs by the same year. To en-
                                                                                       courage sales, Opel Vauxhall Finance
In the US, Ally Financial has entered      Audi Financial Services forges              will offer full-service leasing for fleet
into two new relationships with online     agreement with AutoGravity for              customers in Germany through Opel
providers of automotive finance. First,    vehicle purchases                           Bank, and will develop B2B finance in
it has agreed to work with Mobiliti on                                                 countries including Austria, France,
a suite of financing options for both      Still in the realm of online and mobile     Italy and the UK. It will also expand
consumers and dealers. Mobiliti is an      partnerships for the distribution of        its geographical presence, notably in
app-based monthly subscription ser-        automotive finance, Audi Financial          Spain, with the long-term goal of be-
vice that connects drivers who want        Services has agreed to work with            ing active in 90% of European mar-
flexible financing with dealers, and       AutoGravity, a US-based vehicle pur-        kets in which Opel and Vauxhall vehi-
includes a vehicle complete with           chasing app. The AutoGravity plat-          cles are sold.
maintenance, warranty, insurance and       form, which connects users to dealers
roadside assistance. For consumers         and lenders for the purpose of acquir-      Another priority for the company will
who wish to purchase or lease the          ing vehicles, is including Audi Finan-      be to introduce packages that com-
vehicle at the end of the subscription     cial Services among its financing op-       bine leasing, insurance and service
period, Mobiliti will offer them the       tions. Consumers will be able to            products, with the goal of increasing
opportunity to connect with finance        choose from loan and lease contracts        customer loyalty. While such packages
providers through Ally's digital financ-   provided by Audi Financial Services,        are already available in some countries,
ing platform Clearlane. In addition,       and will also be able to consider new       the objective is to launch them across
Ally fleet financing will be made avail-   and used Audi models for purchase. It       all markets served by Opel Vauxhall
able to qualified dealers who use Mo-      is intended that the partnership will       Finance.
biliti's vehicle subscription services,    help Audi dealerships to broaden
along with an option to re-market          both their customer base and distribu-      BNP Paribas Personal Finance
returned vehicles using Ally's whole-      tion network.                               confirmed as the sole partner for
sale digital auction site, SmartAuction.                                               Hyundai in France
                                           Joint venture co-owned by BNP
Secondly, Ally has also become the         Paribas and PSA group articulates           In France, BNP Paribas Personal
preferred finance company for Drive        European ambitions                          Finance has announced that it will
Motors, which provides e-commerce                                                      become the exclusive automotive
services to vehicle dealerships and        As reported in an earlier edition of this   finance provider for Hyundai’s cus-
claims to facilitate over 1,000 vehicle    newsletter, PSA group (the owner of         tomers and dealers. In particular, deal-
sales per month nationwide. Dealers        the Citroën, Opel, Peugeot and Vaux-        ers will be able to manage their inven-
using Drive Motors can now submit          hall vehicle brands) and BNP Paribas        tory via wholesale financing solutions
consumer finance applications directly     had come together to acquire the            developed by BNP Paribas Personal
to Ally Financial. Meanwhile, aside        automotive finance operations of            Finance.
from its new digital distribution links,   Opel (in Europe) and Vauxhall (in the
Ally has also signed an agreement          UK).
with Sonic Automotive, a vehicle re-

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                                Affinity Banking
                                           product created by JA Bank, a com-            buy-outs.
                                           munity-based financial institution for
Crédit Agricole Consumer Fi-               farmers in the Iwate prefecture. The          CONSUMER FINANCE
nance prolongs partnership with            loan, which is capped at JPY 10 mil-
Mazda for five more years                  lion and has a maximum term of ten            Crédit Agricole Consumer
                                           years, can be used to finance new and         Finance engages with Bankia for
Also in France, Crédit Agricole Con-       used cars and motorcycles, as well as         joint venture in Spain
sumer Finance has announced an             other vehicles including snowmobiles,
extension of its agreement to provide      water bikes, leisure boats and camper         In Spain, Crédit Agricole Consumer
financing for customers of Mazda           vans.                                         Finance has entered into exclusive
through its Viaxel label until 2022.       ____________________________                  negotiations with Bankia that are
The agreement, which was first signed                                                    aimed at establishing a joint venture
in 2009, covers financing solutions for    COMMERCIAL BANKING                            in the consumer finance business.
Mazda’s stock of new and demonstra-                                                      Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance
tion vehicles, plus loans and operating    Wesleyan wins mandate from the                has stated that it hopes to increase
leases for consumers sold under the        Law Society of England and Wales              its visibility in Spain and that the
Mazda Finance brand.                                                                     proposed joint venture could be
                                           In an initiative that is similarly aimed at   beneficial in this respect.
Carfinco links with LGM for auto-          legal practitioners, this time in the UK,
motive finance and insurance solu-         the Law Society of England and                PayU ties with Kreditech for
tions in Canada                            Wales has appointed Wesleyan to be            online consumer finance in India
                                           the exclusive provider to its members
In Canada, Carfinco, a subsidiary of       of both commercial and personal               In India, PayU, an online payment
Santander, has begun working with          financial solutions. Law Society mem-         service provider that belongs to the
automotive finance provider LGM            bers are now able to access a broad           Naspers group, has begun working
Financial Services in the non-prime        portfolio of commercial, personal             with Kreditech, a digital consumer
financing market. The agreement al-        finance and protection products from          lending firm, to offer both banked
lows Carfinco to promote more              Wesleyan, which are tailored to sup-          and unbanked customers access to
broadly its financing options that en-     port them at every stage of their ca-         a monthly credit facility, branded as
able dealers to offer a diverse array of   reers.                                        ‘PayU Monedo’ for use on popular
credit solutions to consumers and                                                        e-commerce sites. This initiative
should help LGM to increase sales of       Wesleyan's commercial finance solu-           follows the original creation of a
its insurance and protection products.     tions include flexible short-term ex-         strategic partnership by the
LGM’s nationwide network of dealer         penditure funding for the acquisition         companies in May 2017 with a
development managers will provide          of practising certificates as well as tax     focus on this field. The partnership
sales support for the non-prime lend-      and VAT purposes. Other products              saw an investment of EUR 110
ing solution.                              include professional indemnity insur-         million made by PayU in Kreditech,
                                           ance for lawyers, medium-term loans           which was the largest-ever equity
Orient Corporation provides back-          covering investment in technology             investment in a German fintech
ing for JA Bank’s new vehicle fi-          and associated IT services including          company.
nance product                              cyber and data security, and long-term
                                           financial solutions to facilitate business    The scheme allows PayU’s
In Japan, Orient Corporation has           mergers and acquisitions, commercial          customers to make use of the credit
agreed to back a new vehicle finance       mortgages and partner buy-ins and             facility in less than two minutes for

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                               Affinity Banking
online purchases at a cost that is        learning. Hosted on WeChat, the             conjunction with ferry and light rail
comparable to local banks. Loan           service includes an automatic               services in Sydney.
amounts are granted at up to INR          overdraft facility in the event that
100,000 (approximately USD 1,500)         the customer spends more than the           Meanwhile, in the Middle East,
with the duration and interest rate       balance in their account.                   Mastercard has also cemented new
for the loan set in accordance with       ____________________________                partnerships with the aim of promul-
the perceived likelihood of the                                                       gating use of its MasterPass app. In
customer to repay the loan on time.       MOBILE / ONLINE PAY-                        Bahrain, it has begun working with
After goods have been added to the        MENTS                                       CrediMax, a credit card issuer, to inte-
cart, the consumer is offered an                                                      grate MasterPass payments into the
option to select the credit facility as   Mastercard unveils multiple new             company’s ‘MaxWallet’ app. It has
the payment method at checkout.           initiatives in digital payments…            also joined up with Arab Financial
                                                                                      Services, an electronic payments com-
A broader objective of the initiative     In keeping with previous quarters,          pany, to enable MasterPass digital
is to make goods and services             Mastercard has rolled out a number of       payments through ‘bwallet,’ a mobile
affordable for Indian consumers           partnerships in the area of mobile and      wallet that is operated by Batelco, a
with lower purchasing power,              online payments. For instance, across       telecoms firm. Concerning this initia-
enabling merchants to expand their        the Asia-Pacific region, it has estab-      tive, the companies reported that
business to new market segments           lished several links with transport pro-    around 65 retail brands with a com-
with the chance of significantly          viders to make digital payments avail-      bined total of more than 300 outlets
higher sales and lower cart               able through them. In Singapore, it         had signed up to ‘bwallet’, and that
abandonment rates. In fact,               has started working with the taxi op-       MasterPass was allowing access to an
Kreditech plans to become a               erator ComfortDelGro to allow cus-          extra 7 million merchant locations
licensed non-banking financial            tomers to make payments using the           worldwide. Moreover, in Qatar,
company (NBFC) in India in the            MasterPass app for street-hailed rides      Mastercard has partnered with Oore-
near future and has filed an              as well as for pre-booked ones. The         doo, another telecoms company, to
application with the Reserve Bank         scheme follows an earlier one with          allow the latter’s customers to pay for
of India to that end.                     Singapore’s Land Transport Authority        its services through its mobile app by
                                          that allows contactless payments on         using MasterPass.
Bank of China collaborates with           buses and trains.
Tencent for digital financial                                                         … spanning all global regions…
services for students                     In respect of this initiative, Mastercard
                                          reported that, since the launch of this     Turning to Europe, Mastercard has
In China, the Bank of China has           program, over 100,000 commuters             introduced several new initiatives that
disclosed that it has begun working       were using the cards bearing the            will allow its cardholders to pay their
with Tencent, a multinational e-          Mastercard marque to pay for an aver-       restaurant bills digitally. In the UK, it is
commerce group, to create a digital       age of more than 60,000 daily trips.        working with Pizza Hut and Waga-
platform, known as ‘BOC                   Furthermore, in Hong Kong, users of         mama, collaborating specifically with
Microservices’, that provides             the taxi-hailing app HKTaxi can now         the latter to develop a Wagamama-
university and college students and       make payments for their journey             branded app. In Italy, it has formed an
employees with access to its              through the app using Mastercard,           alliance with food hall chain Eataly to
products and services, which              and following a trial period, Master-       allow customers to make payments
include loans for campus-related          card has also announced the launch of       via MasterPass. Aside from these din-
activities such as training and           contactless payments in Australia in        ing-oriented schemes, Mastercard has

Global Affinity Finance Club
                                                                                              Affinity Banking
also commenced a partnership with          online business listing service, which is
MegaFon, a Russia-based mobile net-        to be rolled out first in Nigeria. In
work operator, that allows its sub-        keeping with the aforementioned ini-        Both global payment brands seek
scribers to link their mobile phone        tiative with Selcom, the aim is to pro-     to encourage payments via wear-
accounts to Apple Pay or Samsung           vide micro-enterprises and SMEs             able devices…
Pay using a virtual Mastercard, and to     with access to MasterPass. At the time
make contactless payments of up to         of the announcement, Vconnect re-           Otherwise, as wearable payment de-
RUB 100,000 each month. This an-           ported that its database included over      vices continue to gain popularity,
nouncement follows MegaFon’s in-           1 million such businesses. Mastercard       Mastercard has introduced a number
troduction of a co-branded Master-         also stated that over 85% of retail         of schemes to meet the demand. In
card product in 2016 that is issued by     transactions in Africa are currently        France, it has partnered with Crédit
Round Bank. MegaFon reported that          carried out in cash, and that it hopes      Mutuel Arkéa to launch a virtual credit
by the end of 2017 over 1.2 million of     to encourage more people to make            card which can be used to make digi-
these cards had been issued.               the switch to mobile banking.               tal payments using wearable devices.
                                                                                       At the time of the launch, payments
In North America, Mastercard is col-       … and Visa follows suit through             were possible using connected
laborating with HERE Technologies,         new launches in Italy and Switzer-          watches produced by both FitBit and
a mapping and location data services       land                                        Garmin.
company, on digital payment capabili-
ties that can be activated from within a   Like Mastercard, Visa has also been         Likewise, Visa has set up several new
user’s vehicle while it is in motion. It   very active in growing its presence in      arrangements for the promotion of
has also teamed up with Dream Pay-         the mobile payments sector. For ex-         payments via wearable devices. For
ments, a payment solutions company,        ample, in Italy, it has anounced that its   instance, it has joined forces with the
to facilitate claims payments from         credit and debit cards can be added to      National Bank of Greece to develop
insurance companies to their policy-       Samsung Pay, allowing cardholders to        payment-enabled jewellery, working
holders, with one of its first partners    use Samsung mobile phones to make           specifically with jewellery manufactur-
being Northbridge Financial, a Can-        contactless payments at any location        ers Folli Follie and Links of London.
ada-based insurer.                         that accepts Visa cards. At the time of     The companies plan to produce rings
                                           launch, the service was available for       and bracelets using contactless pay-
Lastly, in Africa, Mastercard has be-      Intesa Sanpaolo, Nexi and UniCredit         ment technology in the second half of
gun working with Selcom, an East           cardholders.                                2018. It has also announced a similar
African fintech company, which is                                                      partnership in Spain with CaixaBank
aiming to promote mobile payments          In Switzerland, Visa is collaborating       and Garmin whereby it will be possi-
in Tanzania. Through this arrange-         with BonusCard to allow cardholders         ble to make payments using Garmin
ment, Mastercard will gain access to       to make mobile payments using any           watches linked to Visa cards that are
Selcom’s network of merchants, al-         NFC-enabled Android phone. The              issued by CaixaBank.
lowing Selcom to accept digital pay-       mobile app also allows access to the
ments through MasterPass. The part-        user’s credit card account to check on      Additionally, in a new initiative that is
nership also enables banks, other fi-      balances and transactions, to locate        relevant to cardholders with both
nancial institutions, mobile network       cash dispensers and to activate and de      Mastercard and Visa products, Nor-
operators and SMEs to offer Master-        -activate associated cards whenever         dea has launched a contactless pay-
Pass to their customers. Furthermore,      necessary.                                  ment solution that can be activated by
Mastercard has also formed a partner-                                                  users of Fitbit and Garmin wearable
ship with Vconnect, an Africa-based                                                    devices who also hold a Mastercard or

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