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Doing business in the UAE
Executive summary                           4   Disclaimer

Foreword                                    6   This document is issued by HSBC
                                                Bank Middle East Limited (the
Introduction – Doing business in the UAE    8   ‘Bank‘) in the UAE, which is regulated
                                                by the Jersey Financial Services
Conducting business in the UAE             14   Commission, in partnership with
                                                PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Taxation in the UAE                        18   This document is not intended as an
                                                offer or solicitation for business to
                                                anyone in any jurisdiction. It is not
Audit and accountancy                      22
                                                intended for distribution to anyone
                                                located in or resident in jurisdictions
Human Resources and Employment Law         24
                                                which restrict the distribution of this
                                                document. It shall not be copied,
Trade                                      38   reproduced, transmitted or further
                                                distributed by any recipient.
Banking in the UAE                         40
                                                The information contained in this
HSBC in the UAE                            42   document is of a general nature only.
                                                It is not meant to be comprehensive
Country overview                           44   and does not constitute financial,
                                                legal, tax or other professional
Contacts                                   46   advice. You should not act upon
                                                the information contained in this
                                                publication without obtaining specific
                                                professional advice. This document
                                                is issued by the Bank together with
                                                PricewaterhouseCoopers (‘PwC‘).
                                                Whilst every care has been taken in
                                                preparing this document, neither the
                                                Bank nor PwC makes any guarantee,
                                                representation or warranty (express
                                                or implied) as to its accuracy or
                                                completeness, and under no
                                                circumstances will the Bank or PwC
                                                be liable for any loss caused by
                                                reliance on any opinion or statement
                                                made in this document. Except as
                                                specifically indicated, the expressions
                                                of opinion are those of the Bank
                                                and/or PwC only and are subject to
                                                change without notice. This document
                                                is not a 'Financial Promotion'.

                                                The materials contained in this
                                                publication were assembled in
                                                August 2012 and were based on the
                                                law enforceable and information
                                                available at that time.
Executive summary
    This document seeks to provide         When considering doing                 • UAE provides a tax favourable
    a general overview of the              business in a foreign country,           environment for most industries;
    United Arab Emirates (‘UAE’)           any investor needs to consider
    for investors (corporates and          a range of commercial issues           • There are a high number of
    individuals) who are looking to        that influence the decision of           expatriate workers at all levels
    establish business in the UAE.         setting up in a country. The UAE         of the economy such that
                                           could be an attractive hub for           expatriates accounts for over
    The UAE comprises of a                 investors to locate their business       80% of the work force;
    Federation of seven emirates           interests for the following reasons:
    namely, Dubai, Abu Dhabi,                                                     • There are no exchange control
    Sharjah, Fujairah, Ras               • The UAE has one of the most              restrictions and it is possible to
    Al-Khaimah, Umm Al-Quwain              liberal trade regimes in the Gulf        have unrestricted repatriation of
    and Ajman which have their             region and attracts strong capital       income and capital;
    own rules and regulations.             flows from across the region;
    This document covers several                                                  • UAE’s culture is driven by Islamic
    considerations that may              • UAE is focussed on economic              traditions, however, with over
    generally apply in all of these        diversification in trade, logistics,     150 nationalities, expatriates
    emirates and can be considered         banking, tourism, real estate            are able to practise their own
    by foreign investors in evaluating     and manufacturing and provides           cultures; and
    the prospects of operating and         opportunities in various
    investing in the UAE. These            industries;                            • UAE provides a safe and secure
    include the economy, regulatory                                                 family environment with one
    framework, tax aspects, audit        • UAE has a well-established               of the lowest crime rates in
    and accountancy, human                 infrastructure, strong banking           the world.
    resource and employment                system and a stable political
    issues, trade and banking.             system;                                 This document contains
                                                                                   further details on key matters
                                         • Although there are restrictions         that investors should consider
                                           on company ownership by                 when exploring whether to
                                           non-GCC nationals, the UAE              operate in the UAE. We hope
                                           also provides for a window of           that the document provides you
                                           free trade zones that can allow         with a useful initial overview of
                                           100% foreign ownership and              the key matters to consider
                                           a nil taxation regime (subject          when setting up in the UAE.
                                           to certain limitations);

    HSBC has a proud tradition          decisions. Today, as ever,           Abdulfattah Sharaf
    of long-term investment and         HSBC stands ready to support         Chief Executive Officer UAE
    commitment to the countries         the country’s next phase             HSBC Bank Middle East Limited
    in which it conducts business.      of economic growth and
    This tradition has allowed          development.
    HSBC to build deep and trusted
    relationships with individuals,     However, we believe that
    companies, government               business and society are
    departments and ruling              interdependent, and that strong
    families. It has also helped        economic growth requires an
    HSBC understand how our             educated society and skilled
    business principles can best        workforce living in a healthy
    be complemented by giving           and sustainable environment.
    back in appropriate ways to
    the communities in which            This belief has driven us at
    we operate.                         a fundamental level to support
                                        not only financial but also social
    For 64 years HSBC has               development. The volunteer
    supported local UAE                 work that our staff carry
    businesses, and foreign             out to support their local
    investors coming to the country     communities has become as
    to establish new ventures.          much a part of our business
    Their combined success has          principles as financial strength
    propelled the UAE to new            and acumen. Focused on
    heights, establishing it as the     educational and environmental
    centre for trade and finance        programmes, HSBC and its
    in the region. In recent years,     staff work hand-in-hand with
    HSBC has witnessed strong           UAE and global institutions
    growth in demand from UAE           in creating awareness and
    businesses for assistance           understanding through
    and support as they expand          education and experience.
    overseas. In parallel, major
    multinational companies have        HSBC’s commitment to social
    made the strategic choice           responsibility will continue to
    to relocate businesses and          grow over the long term, with
    regional Head Office functions      time and funding provided to
    to the country, a true testament    volunteers to engage in and
    to the quality and confidence       support this tradition of giving
    in the future of their investment   back to the community.

    Doing business in the UAE

    Economic environment                   increasing spending and boosting    made on debt restructuring           Opportunities
                                           liquidity in the banking sector.    in the Emirate's troubled            Oil prices are expected to stay
    The United Arab Emirates               The crisis hit Dubai hardest,       government related entities.         high (by historical standards)
    (‘the UAE/country’) is in the          as it was heavily exposed to                                             over the near future.
    Middle East, bordering the Gulf        depressed real estate prices.       SWOT Analysis
    of Oman and the Arabian Gulf,                                                                                   Economic diversification into
    between Oman and Saudi                 In February 2009, Dubai             Strengths                            gas, tourism, financial services
    Arabia. The UAE has an open            launched a US$20bn bond             The UAE has one of the most          and high-tech industries offers
    economy with a high per capita         programme to meet its debt          liberal trade regimes in the Gulf    some protection against volatile
    income and a sizeable annual           obligations. The Central Bank       and attracts strong capital flows    oil prices.
    trade surplus. With Abu Dhabi          of the UAE and Abu Dhabi-           from across the region.
    and Dubai as its dual financial        based banks bought the                                                   Despite the impact of
    centres, the UAE has long              largest proportion of these         In common with most Gulf             the 2009 downturn, the
    commanded economic                     bonds. In December 2009,            states, there are a high number      tourism and financial
    superiority in the GCC.                Dubai received an additional        of expatriate workers at all         services sectors still have
                                           US$10bn loan from the emirate       levels of the economy.               good medium-term growth
    Successful efforts at economic         of Abu Dhabi. Dependence on                                              prospects, driven by domestic
    diversification in trade, logistics,   oil and on a large expatriate       The UAE is progressively             and foreign investment.
    banking, tourism, real estate and      workforce are significant           diversifying its economy,
    manufacturing have reduced the         long-term challenges.               minimising vulnerability             The prevailing unrest in the
    portion of GDP based on oil and                                            to oil price movements.              Middle East Region and North
    gas output to 25%. Since the           Currently, the UAE economy is                                            Africa which erupted in the
    discovery of oil in the UAE more       recovering from the previous        The UAE is very well                 beginning of 2011 seems to
    than 31 years ago, the UAE has         headwinds, driven by a pick-up      connected to the rest of             have worked to the UAE's, and
    undergone a profound                   in trade, tourism and public        the world, mainly due to             particularly Dubai's advantage,
    transformation from an                 spending, and supported by          Ethihad, the UAE's national          with businesses, financial
    impoverished region of small           higher oil prices. Real GDP         carrier and Emirates, Dubai's        institutions and people relocating
    desert principalities to a modern      recorded a sound 3.3%               airline, rapidly expanding           to the UAE. Capital inflows and
    state with a high standard of          growth in 2011, with nominal        their fleet networks.                tourism also seem to have
    living. The government has             output regaining its pre-crisis                                          increased as a consequence of
    increased spending on job              level of US$360 billion. The        Weakness                             the regional unrest.
    creation and infrastructure            UAE have benefited from             The UAE’s currency is pegged
    expansion and is opening up            increased investments looking       to the dollar, giving it minimal     UAE‘s real estate sector has
    utilities to greater private sector    for diversification within the      control over monetary policy         benefited from the extension
    involvement.                           region, along with the spill        and reducing its ability to tackle   of visas by the UAE federal
                                           over effects of higher oil prices   inflationary pressure. The           government in June 2011 from
    The country‘s Free Trade               benefiting the economy as a         country’s location in a volatile     six months to three years, a
    Zones – offering 100% foreign          hydrocarbon exporter on the         region means that its risk           reduction in mortgage rates
    ownership and zero taxes –             background of abundant oil          profile is, to some extent,          as banks remain more liquid
    are helping to attract foreign         and gas reserves, the seventh       affected by events elsewhere.        and increasing oil prices.
    investors. The global financial        largest in the world. The Arab      US concerns about regional
    crisis, tight international credit,    Spring and the European debt        militant groups and regional
    and deflated asset prices              crisis have indeed diverted         political instability could affect
    constricted the economy in             tourists, businesses and            investor perceptions.
    2009 and 2010. UAE authorities         financial capital into Dubai.
    have tried to blunt the crisis by      A significant headway has been
Threats                               The existence of free trade           about 85% of the workforce               (FDI) sources from outside the       Key markets and trade
     Heavy subsidies on utilities          zones with 100% ownership,            with over 150 nationalities              region. On the positive side,
     and agriculture, as well as an        zero taxes, excellent                 working and living harmoniously          the absence of income tax            The major trading partners of
     outdated tax system, have             infrastructure, a relatively stable   in a safe, almost entirely               compensates for the restrictive      the UAE include the European
     contributed to persistent             outlook on country risks, and         crime-free environment.                  investment environment.              Union (with 27 member
     fiscal deficits in the past,          very a convenient geographical                                                                                      states), India, Japan, China,
     although rising oil revenues          location almost midway between        The UAE attracts a highly                The UAE’s substantial                South Korea, United States of
     have addressed the                    east and west are attractive          skilled workforce, which                 hydrocarbons resource                America, Thailand, Singapore
     problem in recent years.              aspects for foreign investments.      is absorbed by the growing               revenues means government            and Oman.
                                                                                 number of international                  has no pressing need to raise
     Several high-profile construction     Some 80% of Fortune 500               companies, professional                  income via direct taxes.             Export commodities include
     projects have been delayed and        companies (including all of           service firms and financial                                                   crude oil (45%), natural gas,
     the property market crash could       the top 10) have established          institutions. Expatriates                There are also several benefits      re-exports, fish and dates to
     threaten future development.          a presence in UAE according           enjoy tax-free salaries,                 to corporates and their employees    Japan (17.1%), India (13.6%),
                                           to The Economist, and the             schools accredited to                    in relation to taxation. Refer to    South Korea (6.1%), and
     For the first time in its history,    UAE’s 25 plus free zones              international standards,                 Taxation section.                    Thailand (5.1%). Import
     the credit rating of the United       are now host to numerous              a high standard of health                                                     commodities include
     States of America was                 multinational and regional            care and excellent recreational          Barriers, risks or downsides         machinery and transport
     downgraded from AAA to AA             companies – including over            facilities – including a number          for foreign investors                equipment, chemicals and
     plus by S & P which has had a         6,400 companies from over             of championship golf courses.                                                 food from India (17.5%),
     significant negative impact on        120 different countries located                                                Unfortunately, just as every         China (14%), United States
     the USA's stock market and            in Dubai’s Jebel Ali Free Zone.       Incentives for foreign investors         country has some incorporation       of America (7.7%), Germany
     currency. Despite this, the UAE                                                                                      disadvantages, so does UAE.          (5.6%) and Japan (4.8%)1.
     is committed to maintaining its       Some of the challenges                The UAE’s investment climate             However, these disadvantages
     peg with the US Dollar and,           to invest in the UAE include          is becoming more clement                 are far outweighed by the            Intellectual property rights
     therefore, the prices of non-US       the need for a local sponsor          for foreign direct investors:            advantages of setting
     Dollar imports are expected to        owning 51% of the business            the federal government, led by           up business in the UAE.              The UAE is a regional leader
     witness volatility in line with the   (if not in a free zone); ability      Abu Dhabi, has made significant                                               in the protection of intellectual
     movements in the US Dollar            to enforce contracts; more            headway in the past five years          • The UAE is not an English           property rights, with improving
     exchange rate.                        limited creditors’ rights and         in increasing the role of the             common law jurisdiction;            enforcement of copyright,
                                           options (bankruptcy laws              private sector. Yet the overall                                               trademark and patent laws.
     Why it is a good place                not keeping pace with the             legal framework continues               • A foreigner wishing to conduct      Anecdotal evidence suggests
     to do business                        economy development);                 to favour local over foreign              business outside a free zone        that the federal government
                                           and some inherent risks               investors – a fact that partly            must have a local partner owning    is enforcing these laws, which
     The UAE is the 30th largest           to the region because                 reflects the historically benign          at least 51% of the business; and   were passed in 2002. The rate
     economy in the world1 and No.2        of geopolitical concerns.             macro environment in light of                                                 of software piracy in the UAE
     in the Middle East and North                                                the country’s substantial oil           • The existence and interaction of    is regarded as one of the
     Africa. The UAE ranks 33rd out        Languages spoken include              revenue windfall. This has                federal laws, individual emirate    lowest in the Middle East.
     of 183 countries for the overall      Arabic (official), Persian,           endowed local and regional Gulf           laws and free zone laws can be      However, enforcement of
     ‘Ease of Doing Business’2             English, Hindi and Urdu. The          investors with substantial liquidity,     quite complex and confusing.        anti-piracy measures can
     benchmarked as of June 2011.          labour workforce is 4.1 million       disincentivising the search for                                               vary between emirates,
                                           and expatriates account for           new foreign direct investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                   2000-2011 CIA World Factbook.


                                                                                                                                                                                                   a co-publication of the World Bank and
10                                                                                                                                                                                                 the International Finance Corporation.
with Dubai seen as the best           When entering a meeting,
performer. More could be              general introductions will begin
done in other emirates, while         with a handshake. You should
the UAE still remains a major         greet each of your Emirati
centre for the transhipment           counterparts individually. In
of counterfeit goods.                 line with Muslim customs,
                                      avoid shaking hands with a
Local customs and                     woman unless they extend
business etiquette                    their hand first. Business cards
                                      are common but not essential
UAE’s culture is rooted in            to Emirati business culture. If
Islamic traditions. Courtesy          you do intend to use business
and hospitality are amongst           cards whilst in the UAE, ensure
the most highly prized of             that the information is printed
virtues, and this is reflected in     in both English and Arabic.
the warmth and friendliness of
the local people. UAE society         People in the UAE prefer to do
is marked by a high degree of         business in person. Relationships
tolerance for different lifestyles.   and mutual trust are paramount
It is a liberal society by any        for any successful business
measure and is rated as among         interaction and can only be
the safest in the world.              developed through face-to-face
Foreigners are free to practice       meetings. It is important to
their own religion, and the           spend time with Emirati business
dress code is liberal. Women,         counterparts and ensure future
whether married or single,            meetings take place to continue
do not face any form of               cultivating the relationship.
discrimination and may drive,         It is also important to have
work, and move around                 connections with people in
unescorted. In spite of its           the UAE who can facilitate
rapid economic development            introductions before attempting
in recent years, UAE remains          to do business in the country.
closely linked to its heritage.       Emiratis prefer to do business
                                      with those they know, so
The customary greeting is             appropriate introductions are
‘As-salam alaikum,’ (peace be         important in order to establish a
upon you) to which the reply          successful business relationship.
is ‘Waalaikum as-salam,’
(and upon you be peace).
Conducting business in the UAE
     Forms of business

     Foreign investors can carry       However, owing to certain            A representative office is broadly
     out any activities in the UAE     restrictions, the choices            similar to a branch, except in that
     only after being registered       commonly adopted by foreign          a representative office is only
     and licensed by the relevant      companies are generally limited      permitted to promote its parent
     authorities in the UAE.           to a limited liability company       company’s activities and is not
                                       (‘LLC’) or a branch. The other       permitted to undertake any
     In general, a foreign investor    options e.g. partnerships and        income earning activities.
     can establish a suitable          joint venture etc. are usually
     business presence in either       not favoured by foreign investors.   Free trade zones
     the UAE mainland (also
     commonly known as ‘onshore’)      As per the UAE Commercial            Investors also have a choice
     or a business presence            Companies Law, the foreign           to set up operations in one
     ‘offshore’. An ‘offshore’         ownership of a LLC may               of the free trade zones in the
     business presence typically       not exceed 49%, with the             UAE. A free trade zone is a
     refers to a registration in one   balance of 51% to be held            geographical area within the
     of the UAE free trade zones.      by a UAE national.                   UAE that has been established
     This type of registration of                                           by the UAE government to
     business inside the free trade    The UAE Commercial                   generally encourage direct
     zone is not to be confused        Companies Law is currently           foreign investment into the
     with the regulatory system        being re-drafted, and the new        UAE and, as such, there are
     for offshore companies (also      law is expected to allow 100%        generally no foreign ownership
     referred to as ‘International     foreign ownership (subject           restrictions, unlike ‘onshore’
     Business Companies’) which        to approval from the relevant        entities. That is, foreign investors
     exist in certain freezones.       authorities) for specific            can set up 100% fully-owned
                                       industries set up onshore.           entities in the free trade zones.
     In terms of the legal forms,      However, there are no further        The principle drawback of a
     UAE Company Law provides          details at this time as to how       free trade zone is that strictly,
     the regulations governing the     this new law will apply.             entities registered in the free
     operations of foreign business.                                        trade zone are not permitted to
     The Federal Law provides for      A branch is an extension of          conduct commercial activities
     seven categories of business      the foreign parent company. As       in the UAE, outside of the free
     organisation: limited liability   such, it is wholly-owned by its      trade zone.
     company, branches, partnership,   parent company and there is no
     joint venture company, public     requirement for UAE nationals        Currently, there are over 30
     shareholding company, private     to take an ‘equity’ interest in      established free trade zones in
     shareholding company and          the business of the branch.          the UAE, of which the majority
     share partnership company.                                             are in the Emirate of Dubai.
                                                                            The free trade zones also
                                                                            provide a choice of establishing
                                                                            either a company or a branch.

Setting up a business

     Limited Liability Company (LLC)       providers and contractors) and        It takes a similar amount of time       International
                                           the trade licence limits the          to set up a representative office       Business Companies
     A LLC can be formed by                activities of branches to specified   as it takes to set up a branch.
     a minimum of two and a                permitted activities only.                                                    Businesses not intending to
     maximum of fifty persons                                                    Free trade zones                        do any business in the UAE,
     and the minimum capital               A branch is wholly-owned by                                                   whether in a free trade zone
     requirements vary from Emirate        its parent company and there          The free trade zones are                or onshore, can be set up under
     to Emirate (e.g. Dubai is AED         is no requirement for UAE             governed by their own regulatory        the offshore regulatory system.
     300,000, whereas Abu Dhabi            nationals to take an ‘equity’         authorities and have their own          Typically, such businesses act
     requires AED150,000). The             interest in the business of           rules and regulations and are           as holding companies for
     foreign minority shareholder          the branch.                           seen to adopt an industry focus.        subsidiaries outside the UAE.
     is, however, able to exercise                                               This means that the free trade          Under the offshore regulations
     control of a LLC through powers       A UAE national service agent,         zones are typically tailored to         of certain free trade zones, these
     vested to the foreign partner in      sometimes referred to as a            specific industries and only            companies act as a vehicle to
     the Memorandum and Articles           ‘sponsor’ must, however, be           licence specific types of activities.   own freehold property onshore.
     of Association. It is also possible   appointed to represent the
     to attribute profit entitlements      branch in all administrative          The regulations for establishing        Annual filings
     in favour of the foreign              dealings with Government              and operating a business in
     partner in a ratio other than         departments (such as                  the zones are less rigorous and         Under the UAE Commercial
     the respective shareholdings          immigration formalities). The         time consuming than those               Companies Law, most companies
     would otherwise suggest.              remuneration of the sponsor           applying to entities located            or branches are required to
                                           is normally agreed on an              in the ‘onshore’ UAE. The               have their accounts audited
     It takes approximately eight          annual fixed fee basis, and           registration requirements are           locally, and these accounts
     to twelve weeks to incorporate        is a matter of commercial             more or less similar across the         will then need to be filed with
     a LLC, since there are                agreement and can vary                free trade zones and involve            the appropriate Emirate level
     a number of steps, and                depending on the prominence           a two-staged process. The               authorities on an annual basis
     supporting legalised                  of the sponsor and the precise        first stage is to obtain an initial     as part of the licence renewal
     documentation, to complete            contribution he makes to the          approval from the free trade zone       filing process. There is also an
     in the incorporation process.         business of the branch.               authority and the next stage            annual licence renewal fees to
                                                                                 is to apply for a trade licence         be paid which is based on the
     Branch                                It takes approximately eight          and registration. As mentioned          type of licence, entity and its
                                           to twelve weeks to establish          above, the free trade zones also        activities. Similar requirement is
     A branch has no separate legal        a branch.                             provide a choice of establishing        for the free trade zone entities,
     personality and is an extension                                             either a company or a branch.           although the requirements
     of the foreign parent company.        Representative office                 The capital requirements (only          and fees vary and need to be
     According to Law number 13 of                                               for companies, not branches),           considered based on the legal
     2011 free zone companies are          A representative office is broadly    licence categories and fees vary        entity set up and its location.
     allowed to set up branches in         similar to a branch except,           among different free trade zones
     the wider Emirate, provided they      as mentioned above, it is             according to their rules, industry      Foreign Exchange
     obtain the proper licence from        not permitted to undertake            prioritisation as well as the type      requirements
     the Department of Economic            any income earning activities.        of entity that is established.
     Development and the approval of                                                                                     There are currently no foreign
     the Ministry of Economy. Branch       A representative office however,      It normally takes up to four to six     exchange control restrictions in
     registrations may not be available    is also required to recruit the       weeks to complete a registration,       the UAE that may impact the
     to all businesses (in broad terms     services of a UAE national            though this may vary for each           repatriation of profits or capital.
     they are permitted for service        services agent or sponsor.            free trade zone.
Taxation in the UAE
     Corporation income tax               Entities established in a free      and the remaining 12.5%
     (or equivalent)                      trade zone in the UAE are           is payable by the employer.
                                          treated differently than a normal   The rates can differ in
     Currently, the UAE federation        ‘onshore’ UAE entity. As            different Emirates.
     does not impose a federal            previously noted, free trade
     corporate income tax in the          zones have their own rules and      The withholding obligation
     Emirates. However, most of the       regulations and typically, from     is on the employer. There
     Emirates constituting the UAE        a tax perspective, they generally   are no social security
     federation introduced income tax     offer guaranteed tax holidays to    payments for expatriates.
     decrees in the late 1960’s and       businesses (and their employees)    For completeness, expatriates
     taxation is therefore determined     set up in the free trade zone for   employed by a UAE employer
     on an Emirate by Emirate basis.      a period between 15 to 50 years     are entitled under the UAE
                                          (which are mostly renewable).       Labour Law to a gratuity
     Tax residence under the tax                                              payment (or an ‘end of service’
     decrees of the various Emirates      On the basis of the above,          benefit). End of service
     is based upon the French             most of the entities registered     benefits are not applicable
     concept of territoriality.           in the UAE are currently not        to UAE national employees.
     Basically, the French                required to file corporate tax
     territoriality concept taxes         returns in the UAE, regardless      On the basis of the above,
     profits based on territorial         of where its UAE business           individuals in the UAE are
     nexus, rather than taxing profits    is registered.                      currently not required to file
     earned outside the country.                                              personal tax returns in the UAE.
                                          Personal income tax
     Under the Emirate based tax                                              Sales tax/VAT
     decrees, corporate income            There are currently no Federal or
     taxes may be imposed on all          Emirate level personal income       There is currently no VAT in the
     companies (including branches        taxes imposed on individuals        UAE. However, the UAE (along
     and permanent establishments)        working in the UAE.                 with the other member countries
     at rates of up to 55%. However,                                          of the Gulf Cooperation Council)
     in practice the corporate income     There is a social security          has committed, in principle, to
     tax is currently imposed only        regime in the UAE which             introduce a VAT system and UAE
     on oil and gas companies and         applies to employees who            has made significant progress
     branches of foreign banks having     are GCC nationals. Generally,       towards its introduction, which
     operations in the Emirate.           for UAE nationals the social        is expected in the near future.
                                          security payment is at a rate
     In addition, some of the Emirates    of 17.5% of the employee’s          At this point in time there is
     have introduced their own            gross remuneration as stated        no confirmation on its rates
     specific banking tax decrees         in an employee’s employment         or how this will effect business
     which impose tax on branches of      contract and applies regardless     operations in the UAE (onshore
     foreign banks at the rates of 20%.   of the free zone tax holidays.      or free trade zones).
                                          5% is payable by the employee

Other taxes

Withholding tax                    Hotel tax

There are currently no             Most emirates impose
withholding tax regulations        a 5-10% hotel tax on the
in the UAE that would apply        value of hotel services
to payments such as royalties,     and entertainment.
interest or dividends etc. made
from the UAE entities to another   Transfer pricing and thin
person (resident or non-           capitalisation
resident). That is, payments
of any kind made by a UAE          There is currently no transfer
company should not suffer any      pricing regime in the UAE.
withholding taxes in the UAE.      There are currently also no thin
                                   capitalisation (or debt-equity
Municipal tax                      ratio) requirements in the UAE.

Municipal property taxes are
levied in the various emirates
in various forms, but generally
as a percentage of the annual
rental value. In some cases,
separate fees are payable
by both tenants and property
owners. (For example, in Dubai
they are currently levied at 5%
of the annual rental value for
tenants or for property owners
at 5% of the specified rental

These levies are administered
differently by each emirate.
These levies may also be
collected at the same time
as (or as part of) licence fees,
or the renewal of licences,
or by another method.
(For example, in Dubai
the payments have recently
started to be collected via the
Dubai Electricity and Water
Authority’s billing system).
Audit and
     Joint stock and limited liability   There is no specific language
     companies must appoint one          requirement for the purpose
     or more auditors. All legally       of maintaining books and
     incorporated companies have         records, although books
     to file their audited financial     are generally maintained in
     statements with the Ministry        English. International Financial
     of Economy or relevant              Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’)
     authority in order to renew         is mandated by SCA and the
     their trade licences. There         Central Bank of the UAE and
     are no exceptions available         adopted as the default GAAP
     or restrictions on appointment      by all other companies.
     of auditors, although listed
     companies, particularly banks,      Financial institutions and
     tend to be audited by the Big       other non-regulated entities
     Four audit firms. Companies         operating in the Dubai
     generally prepare their accounts    International Financial Centre
     on a calendar year basis and        (‘DIFC’), are also required to
     banks are specifically required     have their financial statements
     to do so by the Central Bank        prepared in accordance with
     of the UAE.                         IFRS and audited by auditors
                                         registered with the Dubai
     Listed companies (including         Financial Services Authority
     banks) are required to file         (‘DFSA’), the regulator of
     quarterly reviewed financial        the DIFC. Islamic financial
     statements and annual audited       institutions (‘IFI’) operating in
     financial statements in both        the DIFC, continue to prepare
     English and Arabic with the         their financial statements in
     Securities and Commodities          accordance with Financial
     Authority (‘SCA’), which            Accounting Standards (‘FAS’)
     publishes the quarterly and         issued by the Accounting and
     annual financial statements         Auditing Organisation for Islamic
     on its website. Banks,              Financial Institutions (‘AAOIFI’),
     including branches of foreign       although going forward, IFI's
     banks, are also required to         will also have to prepare
     file audited annual financial       their financial statements
     statements and regulatory           under IFRS, with FAS being
     returns with the Central Bank       the default GAAP. Auditors
     of the UAE and publish them         registered with the DFSA are
     in a local newspaper.               also regulated by the DFSA.

Human Resources
     and Employment Law
     Contracts and Unions

     Federal Law No.8 of 1980            Employment Contracts                Language
     (‘Labour Law’) governs
     employment relations in             In the case of employment           All employment records,
     the UAE. This law is loosely        contracts where an                  including contracts, files,
     based on the International          employment is with an onshore       statements and other
     Labour Organisation‘s model         company, the employee               documents, such as circulars,
     and applies in all of the           has to enter into a standard        instructions and memoranda
     Emirates. The law governs           Ministry of Labour contract.        sent to employee should in
     most aspects of employer/           This contract forms the basis       theory be in the Arabic language.
     employee relations, such as         to obtain sponsorship to work       In cases where instruments
     hours of work, facilities, leave,   or a ‘work permit’ in the UAE.      are made in a foreign language
     termination rights, medical         It is good practice to have         and Arabic, the Arabic language
     benefits and repatriation.          a fully-fledged employment          will prevail over other texts.
                                         contract detailing the terms
     Right to be employed                of employment.                      Duration

     While UAE nationals are provided    Where the employee is employed      Article 38 of the Labour law
     the first right of employment       to work in one of the free zones    provides for employment
     under this law, expatriates         in the UAE, the free zones will     contracts to be for a fixed
     i.e. non-UAE nationals may          provide their own standard form     or indefinite term. A fixed-term
     be employed with requisite          of employment contract, where       contract must specify an
     approvals by UAE Ministry           applicable, which an employer       end date and cannot exceed
     of Labour and Social Affairs        and employee will be required       four years from the date of
     (the ‘Ministry of Labour’).         to enter into before the free       commencement of the contract.
     Employment preference is            zone obtains sponsorship for        After the expiry of the fixed
     given to UAE nationals and,         the employee to live and work       term, the contract can either
     if UAE nationals are not            in the UAE. Some free zones         be renewed or be considered
     available, the next in level        do not require such employment      as an indefinite term contract
     of preference is given to           contracts to be made.               in the absence of written
     nationals of other Arab states                                          agreements or amendments
     including other GCC nationals.      As stated before, in practice,      to either explicitly treat it as
     The Emiratisation policies          given that the content of either    a fixed-term contract or revise
     of the Labour department            a Ministry of Labour contract       it with a fresh contract or
     encourages and even, in             or a free zone contract is fairly   addendum stating an end
     some instances, compels the         basic, employers enter into an      point thereto.
     employment of UAE nationals         additional form of contract with
     in certain job sectors.             the employee.

Probationary periods and          • The duration of the contract            • References to UAE Labour           Other relevant provisions            Permitted deductions from           establishments. The Ministry
      termination during probation        (if it is for a fixed period). Please     Law permitting the employer                                             an employee’s wages cannot          also retains the right to decide
                                          note that a fixed-term contract           to terminate without notice        Normally, the contents of            exceed 10% of his wage and          to reduce the daily working
      The normal probationary             must not exceed four years in             or an end of service gratuity;     the employment contract              may be deducted from his            hours for hazardous and
      period for any contract in the      duration (although it can be                                                 and the facilities provided          salary for settlement of any        dangerous jobs or those that
      UAE should not exceed six           renewed following the end               • A number of originals clause;      are at the employer’s discretion     advances, debts or loans due        might be detrimental to health.
      months. The Labour Law              of the four-year term); and                                                  in as much as they do not            to the employer.                    Friday is ordinarily considered
      specifies that a probationary                                               • Allowances granted to the          contravene any mandatory                                                 as the weekly day of rest. Time
      period cannot exceed six          • Remuneration.                             employee, if any;                  provisions of the law.               The structuring of the wage and     spent by the employee in
      months. During this time                                                                                         Employers frequently provide         allowances in proportionate         transport from his residence
      either employer or employee         The standard Ministry of Labour         • Other conditions;                  allowances such as housing,          ratios is significant with          to the place of work however,
      can terminate the contract          contract contains a greater level                                            travel and schooling. Many           respect to termination gratuity     shall not be included in the
      without notice and without          of administrative information,          • Daily working hours; and           employers also include medical       benefits, which are calculated      working hours.
      the employee being entitled         as follows:                                                                  and health insurance although        on the basic salary and not the
      to any end of service benefits.                                             • Non-competition undertaking        most of the Emirates do not yet      total wage.                         The daily working hours have to
                                        • Contract number;                          if any.                            require it. It is mandatory in the                                       be arranged so that employees
      Typical provisions in an                                                                                         emirates of Abu Dhabi and            There is no decree issued or        are not required to work for
      employment contract               • Labour card number;                      It is common practice for           Dubai. Pensions are not yet          enforced by the Ministry of         more than five consecutive
                                                                                   employers to often enter            required for non-UAE nationals       Labour with respect to minimum      hours without breaks for rest,
     a.Employment Contract with         • Date on which the contract was           into a more detailed contract       although they are referred to        wages and cost of living            meals and prayers. The total of
       an on-shore entity:                made and in which Emirate;               with the employee in addition       in the Labour Law.                   allowances.                         such breaks must be at least one
                                                                                   and separate to, the standard                                                                                hour which will not be included
      The contents of the employment    • Name and address and                     Ministry of Labour contract,        Wages                                Social Security Payments            in the daily working hours.
      contract will depend on the         nationality of the employer;             as it is not permitted to add
      contract that the employer and                                               any more detail to that contract.   As prescribed by the Labour          The Social security regime is       There are specific regulations
      employee will be required to      • Name, nationality and passport                                               Law, the ‘basic salary’ is the       applicable to all employees         and practices including circulars
      enter into in order to obtain       number of the employee;                 b. Employment Contract with          employee’s principal wage            of GCC nationality. Provisions      issued by the Ministry of Labour
      sponsorship. The Labour Law                                                    a free zone entity:               excluding all allowances of          are made by law for                 regarding reduction of work
      requires the following terms to   • Job title;                                                                   whatever nature and must be          contributions to be made            hours for construction labourers
      be set out in the employment                                                 The contents of the employment      specified in the employment          for each national as per the        during the summer months
      contract at a minimum:            • Basic salary;                            contract in a free zone may         contract as such. The reference      locally applicable rates and        of June, July, August and
                                                                                   differ from the standard contract   of total wage includes basic         the registration is mandatory.      September. In practice, small
     • Start date of the contract;      • Whether the contract is unlimited        of the Ministry of Labour.          salary with allowances such as       Also refer to the section           and retail businesses work on
                                          or for a limited duration and            Standard contracts between          those for travel, accommodation,     on ‘Taxation in the UAE’.           a two-shift system. Larger
     • Start date of the employment;      where it is limited, the end date        the different free zones may        medical insurance and any other                                          corporate bodies, commercial
                                          of the contract;                         also vary.                          regularly recurring benefit the      Working hours                       and professional firms work
     • The nature of the work;                                                                                         employer has stipulated. Yearly                                          40-45 hours a week with a
                                        • Length of probationary period;                                               or monthly rate employees must       Article 65 of the Labour Law        two-day break on Fridays
     • The place of work;                                                                                              be paid their wages at least         stipulates that the maximum         and Saturdays. Government
                                        • The employer‘s obligation                                                    once a month. Hourly, daily and      normal working hours (for adult     ministries work around 35 hours
                                          to repatriate the employee                                                   weekly rate employees must           employees) to be eight per day      a week.
                                          at the end of the agreement;                                                 be paid at least once every          or 48 per week. However, these
                                                                                                                       two weeks.                           hours may be increased to nine      During the Muslim holy month
                                                                                                                                                            daily for people working in the     of Ramadan, normal working
                                                                                                                                                            retail trade, hotels, restaurants   hours are reduced by two hours
                                                                                                                                                            and other such commercial           per day.
Overtime wages                        Holidays                              Sick leave

     Any work done in excess of the        The Labour Law provides for           The Labour Law permits sick
     work hours described above,           10 days of public holidays (paid)     leaves for employees in each
     on the day of rest, or overtime       in any year. The government           year subject to the following
     worked during the night attract       could also, as and when               payments:
     payment of additional, ‘overtime’     applicable, declare additional
     wages to most employees.              days off during the year for         • First fifteen days of sick leave:
     The only class of workers exempt      celebrations or mourning.              allowed at full wages;
     from such overtime wages
     is that of persons in certain                                              • Next thirty days of sick leave:
     administrative or supervisory         Prescribed leaves                      allowed at half wages; and
                                           Annual leave                         • Days thereafter: allowed at
     The computation of overtime                                                  no wage.
     pay for work done in excess           The employee‘s annual leave is
     of the normal working hours           two days for every month if his       In practice, different organisations
     every day is to be equal to the       service is more than six months       have different policies with
     employee’s normal wage plus           and less than a year. After every     respect to the amount of
     at least 25% of such wage.            completed year of service, an         sick leave they allow before
     However, for overtime work            employee is entitled to 30 days       considering actions within the
     done between 9pm and 4am,             annual paid leave. Such leave         ambit of the provisions of the
     the employee is entitled to           is in addition to public holidays,    Labour Law.
     receive overtime pay equal to his     maternity leave for women and
     normal wage plus at least 50%.        sick leaves. Leave can also           Mecca Pilgrimage/
     Article 69 also specifically          be carried forward without            Religious leave
     restricts employees from being        restrictions. In practice
     required to work for more than        however, organisations can,           The law also provides for leave
     two hours of overtime per day         if necessary, restrict such carry     of not more than thirty days
     unless such a measure is              forward of leaves to a limited        without pay, for making a
     necessary to prevent substantial      number every year.                    pilgrimage to Mecca once
     loss or alleviate its consequences.                                         during the employment period.
                                                                                 This leave period cannot be
     Any work done on a public                                                   deducted from the employee’s
     holiday or government declared                                              other leave entitlements.
     holiday entitles the employee to
     his normal wage plus 50% and
     an additional substitute day off
     work. In the absence of such
     substitute holiday or time off
     in lieu, the employee is entitled
     to receive his wages plus 150%
     of such wage for the overtime
     hours worked.

Maternity leave                       employment. All foreign
                                      expatriates are expected to
A female employee who has             follow the procedures set out
completed one year of service         in the Labour Law and by the
is entitled to maternity leave        Ministry of Labour and Social
with full pay for a period of         Affairs to work in the UAE.
forty-five days including the         The basic requirements are
time before and after delivery.       for organisations to obtain
In cases where the female             approvals from the Labour
employee has not completed            Department and a work permit
one year of service, the maternity    from the Ministry of Labour
leave shall be with half pay.         and Social Affairs in order
Such an employee, on the              to consider employing non-
expiry of the maternity leave,        nationals or foreign expatriates.
may discontinue work without
pay for a maximum period              In 2003, Dubai, and the United
of one hundred consecutive            Arab Emirates (UAE), started
or intermittent days on the           making a determined push
production of a medical               to increase the participation
certificate issued by a medical       of locals in the work-force
authority attested by the             under a policy known as
competent health authority or         ‘Emiratisation‘. Under the
endorsed by such authorities          Emiratisation programme’s
with respect to any illness           implementation measures,
resulting from the pregnancy or       employment quotas in the
delivery. Such maternity leave        private sector were to meet
is in addition to the annual leave.   prescribed percentages,
                                      including: the banking sector
Recruitment of staff                  (4%), insurance companies
(local hires and foreign              (5%) and in trade companies
expatriates)                          employing 50 workers or
                                      more (2%). Full Emiratisation
The rules and procedures              was intended for executive,
adopted for the licences to           administrative, clerical positions
recruit foreign labour to work        (and business ownership) of
in the UAE are applied in all the     travel and tourism, manpower
Emirates. The UAE Labour Law          supply and real estate agencies.
through the Ministry of Labour        Currently, many organisations
and Social Affairs governs both       use local Emiratis as the Public
the employment of nationals           Relations Officers (‘PROs’)
and non-nationals. The Law            to handle the dealings
provides in Article 9 that as         with government bodies,
a matter of right, UAE nationals      especially for immigration
have the first right to               and visa formalities.
Normally, hiring a non-national         Issuance of a Residence                Employees working for                A female employee sponsoring         renewed up to six times            d.Introduction of new work
     or foreign expatriate is fairly easy    visa under the employer’s              employers established in a           her husband would require, in        (subject to a specific fee and       permits:
     and quick, subject to the requisite     sponsorship                            Free Trade Zone are sponsored        addition to the documents            bank guarantee). However, if
     approvals being obtained. There         As part of the residence visa          by the relevant Free Zones           mentioned above, a university        the extension/renewal is not        Five new work permits have now
     is a large surplus of educated          issuance process, a UAE                Authorities and not by their         degree (copy certified by the        done on time, a penalty fee of      been introduced by the Ministry
     and experienced manpower                employment contract must               employers.                           Department of Foreign Affairs        AED500 for every 10 days after      of Labour and the Immigration
     available in all the Emirates.          be entered into by the                                                      and the UAE embassy in the           the expiry date is levied on the    Department, in an attempt to
     Employment advertisements               employer and the employee.             The Free Zone Authority              country of origin) and must          sponsor. This facility is not       liberalise the labour market while
     are either placed in local and                                                 sponsoring the employees             have a monthly salary of more        extended to UAE or GCC              giving a wider range of choices
     international newspapers in            a.Residence visa                        refers directly to the               than AED10,000.                      nationals.                          to potential employers. These
     circulation within the Emirates          issuance procedures:                  immigration authorities and                                                                                   five new internal work permit
     or through hiring and placement                                                not to the Ministry of Labour.       Emirates ID                         b.Non-requirement of consent         categories include:
     agencies. Internet-based HR             It is the obligation of the            The potential employees will         A recent change in the                from the previous employer for
     service solutions are also              company to process and obtain          be under their sponsorship and       immigration law requires that         temporary work permits:            1. Multiple-entry Visa:
     a reliable source of access             the visa for its employees.            will be registered with the Free     every residence of the UAE is                                            Multiple-entry Visas are availed
     to such foreign expatriates.            The company will carry out             Zone Authority and not with the      required to apply for an Emirates    In the past, an NOC and             to business visitors who have a
                                             the following process:                 Ministry of Labour.                  ID. New residents / newcomers        consent letter had to be            relationship with either a
     Immigration and visa rules                                                                                          need to procure this at the time     obtained from the previous          multinational or other reputable
                                            • The Government Relations              Residence visa for partners,         of residence application.            employer to avoid a six-month       local establishments, and who
     It is illegal to live in the UAE         Officer or PRO in the assignment      spouses and children                 Penalties are in force w.e.f.        work permit ban. The amended        are frequent visitors to the
     without a residence visa.                firm receives all of the              The employer can obtain the          1 June 2012 for non-compliance       law now allows new employers        UAE. This type of visa is valid
     Therefore a person should                employee’s documents and              residence visa for the employee’s    with this requirement.               the freedom to obtain an            for six months from the date of
     be sponsored either on the               sends them to the Labour/             spouse and children. However,                                             approval from the Ministry of       issue and the duration of each
     basis of the ownership of                Immigration offices for the UAE       only married couples can             Employment law changes               Labour for temporary work           stay is 30 days. The validity is
     a business in the UAE, or                to apply for the residence visa;      sponsor and obtain residence                                              permits without the consent of      non-renewable.
     an employment contract with                                                    visas for one another and for        As part of its ongoing reforms       the former employer. This
     an employer in the UAE. The            • If approval is received from the      their children.                      in the labour market , the           approval can only be obtained if    2. Mission Visa:
     sponsorship requirements                 Labour/Immigration offices,                                                Ministry of Labour has issued        the current residence visa and      Mission Visa is a 90-day visa
     include obtaining a residence            the employee goes for a               A male employee sponsoring           notable changes to the UAE           labour/employment card of the       for the purposes of allowing
     visa or work permit.                     medical test;                         his wife would require the           employment regulations which         employee are valid and clear.       expats to work for a short time
                                                                                    following documents:                 will grant foreign workers more                                          in the UAE, or for employees
     Nationals from certain countries       • If the results of the medical test                                         freedom in the employment           c.Retirement age limit increase      on probation period, and is
     may enter the UAE with a short           are satisfactory, the employee       • Residence visa;                     market. These changes have            for expat employees:               applied for at the Ministry of
     visit visa issued upon their             is issued with a residence visa.                                           taken effect since January 2011.                                         Labour by the sponsoring
     arrival and it is very common                                                 • Employment contract certified                                            Earlier limit for the retirement    company. The Mission Visa is
     for individuals to come to              A labour card is issued by the          by the UAE Ministry of             a.Short-term/temporary                age of expatriate employees         valid 60 days before entry to
     the UAE on secondment or                Ministry of Labour and identifies       Labour; and                          work permits:                       was fixed at 60 years. The          the UAE, the holder can stay up
     for business meetings on                an employee and his/her place                                                                                    Ministry of Labour has now          to 90 days after entry, and it is
     a visit visa provided that the          of work.                              • Marriage certificate issued         Non-GCC nationals who are            extended this limit for             renewable once for another
     assignment is less than 30                                                      by the competent authorities,       above 18 years of age can now        expatriate employees to 65          period of 90 days. It can be
     continuous days. The visit visa        b.Issuance of a Residence                notarised and certified by the      enter the UAE on a short-term        years of age. This gives            converted into a residence visa.
     can be topped up for another             visa under a Free Zone                 Department of Foreign affairs       work permit having validity for      expatriate employees the right      There is a grace period of 7
     30 days.                                 Authority’s sponsorship:               and the UAE embassy in the          60 days. These valid short-term      to obtain work visas up to the      days after expiry of the Mission
                                                                                     country of origin and by the        work permits can be extended/        new extended limit of 65 years.     Visa within which the holder
                                                                                     Department of Foreign affairs                                                                                must exit the UAE or obtain a
                                                                                     in the UAE.                                                                                                  residence visa.
3. Temporary work permit:           termination of employment.            Notice                              continuous service is entitled to
Temporary work permits would        Hence, the provisions of the                                              a gratuity at the end of his/her
allow any non-UAE national to       Law have to be strictly               The minimum notice period           service. This gratuity is calculated
be engaged on any projects or       considered by both employers          applicable for an indefinite-term   on the basis of 21 days’ basic
assignments for a period not        and employees before                  contract is 30 days, as per         salary for each year of the first
exceeding six months.               termination of the employment.        Article 117, or whatever longer     five years and 30 days wages
                                                                          notice period has been agreed       thereafter, on condition that the
4. Part-time work permit:           Termination during probation          upon by the parties. In this        total of the gratuity does not
Under which employees can be                                              instance, the parties are           exceed the wages of two years.
employed on a part-time basis.      As discussed above, both              permitted to terminate the
                                    an employer and employee              employment provided the             Article 137 cuts this gratuity
5. Permits for Juveniles:           have the right to terminate           notice period is observed.          to a third in the event that the
A very specific permit for          an employment contract                As indicated above, the parties     employee was on an unlimited
persons between 15 and 18           within the probationary period        can extend the notice period        term contract and left work
years of age provided custodian     without notice and without            or pay the employee in lieu         voluntarily after a continuous
approval has been sought on         end-of-service benefits.              of notice, but cannot cancel        service of not less than one
the minor’s employment and          Normally, a six-month                 it or reduce its duration. This     but not more than three years,
HSE restrictions are imposed.       probationary period allows            provision does not apply if the     and to two thirds if his/her
There are restrictions in respect   some flexibility in determining       dismissal is based on grounds       continuous service was more
of the types of work that can       if an employee is right               of the employee causing grave       than three but not more than
be performed, the time of work      for a certain position in a           financial loss to the company,      five years. After the five-year
and the hours of work.              company and also allows time          disclosing company secrets or       mark, an employee receives
                                    to terminate the employment           having been found drunk and         full gratuity. Furthermore, under
Trade Unions                        during that period if required.       disorderly on the job.              article 138, if the employee is
                                                                                                              under a limited-term contract
Trade unions do not exist           Termination after completion          End-of-service benefits             and leaves work voluntarily
in the UAE. In the case of a        of probation                                                              before the end of the contract
dispute between employer and                                              Upon termination of                 period, he shall not be entitled
employee, or in interpretation      After the completion of the           employment, the Labour              to the end-of-service gratuity
of the Labour Law, the              probationary period, the              Law states that an employee         unless the period of his
Ministry of Labour and Social       termination of the employment         must be reimbursed for all          continuous service exceeds
Affairs will initially act as an    by either party must be               entitlements they have not          five years.
adjudicator. Where either party     preceded by at least 30 days’         been able to benefit from,
wishes to contest any such          notice given to the other party       such as unutilised leave.           It is worth mentioning that the
decision, it can file its case      before the termination of             UAE law specifically states         days of absence from work
in the Civil Court. Strikes and     an employment contract.               that on termination of a            without pay are not included in
lockouts are forbidden. It may      The Labour Law does not               contract, an employer must          computing the period of service.
be noted that the UAE Labour        allow any room for negotiation        return an employee to their
Law is generally perceived as       in this respect, even for instance,   country of origin, should the       This end of service gratuity
an ‘employee friendly’ law.         when the employer is willing          employee fail to find alternative   is calculated according to the
                                    to consent to a shorter time          employment within a set             employee’s last basic salary
Terminating employment              period. Any shorter contractual       time period.                        prior to the date of termination
                                    notice period is unlikely to                                              of employment. This salary is
The UAE Labour Law regulates        be enforceable.                       According to Article 132 of the     the basis for calculating the
termination of employment.                                                Labour Law, an employee who         gratuity for the whole period
Most of the disputes in the                                               completes one year or more of       of an employee’s employment.
Labour courts arise from the
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