Global Hub: Financial & business opportunities - Dubai international Financial centre

Page created by Leslie Simpson
Global Hub: Financial & business opportunities - Dubai international Financial centre
Dubai International
Financial Centre

Global Hub:
Financial & Business
Global Hub: Financial & business opportunities - Dubai international Financial centre
With its strategic location, independent
regulations, common law framework,
World-class infrastructure and tax-friendly
regime, DIFC PROVIDES its member companies AN
rapidly growing demand for financial and
business services

The business and financial services community     Apart from financial services, DIFC is also host to
in Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)    several global and regional corporates across a
represents the world’s leading players from       range of industries such as FMCG, petrochemical
a wide cross section of financial services and    and technology.
related sectors including:
                                                  Many of these clients have chosen the centre as
•   Banking and Capital Markets                   the base for their regional headquarters, and
•   Insurance                                     are increasingly using it as a platform to expand
•   Wealth Management                             their regional footprint. Today, the geographical
•   Professional Services                         and operational diversity of firms operating
                                                  from DIFC continues to show the centre’s
                                                  global stature and its position as the leading
                                                  international business and financial gateway in
                                                  the region.


                                         CAIRO            DUBAI                    SHANGHAI

                                             JEDDAH                               HONG KONG


       SAU PAULO

Global Hub: Financial & business opportunities - Dubai international Financial centre
DIFC is a Federal Financial Free Zone established in accordance with
United Arab Emirates Federal Law, and Dubai Law. His Highness
Sheikh Maktoum Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy
Ruler of Dubai, is the President of DIFC. He presides over the DIFC
Higher Board, which was established to oversee the development
of DIFC’s three bodies, ensuring they operate in harmony and
unity of purpose through stronger levels of coordination without
affecting their independence. Appointed by the President on a four
year term, the Governor of DIFC proposes strategies, policies and
objectives, establishes committees, memoranda of understanding in
order to realise the objectives and to regulate the operations of the
Centre, in consultation with the Centre’s Bodies.

DIFC Authority develops policies and oversees the strategic development,
operational management, marketing and administration of DIFC.
DIFC Authority is also responsible for the administration of laws and
regulations for non-financial services activities, which are not regulated by
Dubai Financial Services Authority.

DFSA is an independent risk-based regulator which grants licenses and
regulates the activities of firms conducting financial services in or from
DIFC. DFSA’s regulatory regime was developed using principle-based
primary legislation modelled closely on internationally accepted standards.

DIFC Judicial Authority
DIFC Judicial Authority (DIFC Courts), the independent, common law
judicial system within the Centre, is responsible for the administration
and enforcement of justice over all civil and commercial disputes
within the Centre.
                                                                                                           The Gate
                                                                                Dubai International Financial Centre
AS home to more than 800 companies
including 18 of the world’s top 25 banks,
8 of the world’s top asset managers,
6 of the world’s 10 largest insurers and
6 out of 10 top law firms – DIFC IS THE IDEAL

Global Financial                                   World Class                                          Independent                                         Supportive Business
and Business Hub                                   Regulatory Body                                      Legislative System                                  Environment
Dubai’s strategic location gives unique            Financial services institutions in DIFC are          DIFC has its own set of civil and commercial        DIFC’s supportive infrastructure and tax-
accessibility to a wide region comprising          licensed and regulated by DFSA, which offers         laws and regulations, and has developed a           friendly regime make it the perfect base to
growing economies, population and                  a comprehensive, world-class regulatory              complete code of law governing financial services   take advantage of the region’s rapidly growing
opportunities. Dubai has invested heavily in       framework. The independent regulatory body           regulation. As part of its autonomy, DIFC has       demand for financial and business services.
its transport, telecommunications, energy          was created using principle-based primary            created an independent judicial system. DIFC
and industrial infrastructure enhancing its        legislation modelled closely on that used in         Courts is responsible for the independent and       As a free zone, DIFC provides a competitive
attractiveness to international businesses. As a   London and New York. DFSA licenses a wide            transparent enforcement of justice in DIFC.         operating environment that offers:
result, Dubai is considered as a leading           range of financial services activities and allows
regional commercial hub with a world class         a variety of legal vehicles to be established with   The DIFC legislative system is based on Common      •   100 percent foreign ownership
business environment.                              capital structuring flexibility.                     Law principles and modelled on the laws of
                                                                                                                                                            •   Zero percent tax rate on income and profits
                                                                                                        England & Wales, and uses English as its official
                                                                                                                                                                (guaranteed for a period of 50 years
                                                   One of the various licences is the Representative    language. DIFC Courts have exclusive jurisdiction
                                                                                                                                                                from 2004)
                                                   Office licence, which is a cost effective solution   over all civil and commercial disputes arising
                                                   for companies new to the region looking to           within DIFC and or relating to bodies and           •   A wide network of double taxation treaties
                                                   conduct initial groundwork, market research          companies registered in DIFC, and allow for             available to UAE incorporated entities
                                                   and assess business opportunities. In addition,      matters to be heard either within the Courts        •   No restrictions on repatriation of income
                                                   Representative Offices are exempt from many of       or, if the parties wish, in the court of another        and profits
                                                   the regulations specified in the DFSA Rulebook,      recognised jurisdiction.
                                                   which helps these firms establish themselves                                                             •   No exchange controls resulting in greater
                                                   with minimal costs.                                  Visit and                  investment flexibility (free capital
                                                                                               for more information.                 convertibility)
                                                   DIFC is committed to continue developing the                                                             •   Access to a large pool of skilled professionals
                                                   regulatory framework to enhance the growth           DIFC LCIA Arbitration Centre was formed to              residing in Dubai and the region
                                                   of financial services and commercial activities in   promote the effective resolution of international
                                                   the region.                                          business disputes through arbitration and           •   A responsive one-stop shop service for visas,
                                                                                                        mediation. Arbitration and Mediation rules are          work permits and other related requirements
                                                   Visit for more details.                  a close adaptation of the LCIA Rules, tailored to
                                                                                                        meet the requirements of the Centre.

                                                                                                        Visit for more details.
Attracted by the wealth of opportunities that
this region offers, a breadth of financial
services institutions and commercial firms
operate from within DIFC

BANKS                                               INSURANCE                                            WEALTH MANAGEMENT                                  CAPITAL MARKETS
Maximum business opportunity                        Opportunities to tap into                            Raise, deploy and manage capital                   Access regional liquidity
from one platform                                   a thriving market                                    across the region

Attracted to the region by its growing wealth,      DIFC provides access for the global insurance        The region benefits from a vast pool of wealth     Traditionally, companies, governments and
cross-border trade and investment activity,         industry to a fast growing and rapidly changing      and a growing appetite for specialist investment   financial institutions have looked to the
M&A activity and ongoing restructuring by           regional insurance market. The MENA insurance        products. There is also an increasing demand       international capital markets to meet their
state owned enterprises, corporations and           market is expected to grow by 25% within the         from high net worth individuals for tailor         financing needs. However, with the advent of
private entities, a large number of banks and       next couple of years*.                               made solutions which meet their specific and       the regional stock markets there has been a
brokerages have established a presence in DIFC.                                                          individual wealth management requirements.         growing opportunity for IPOs and listings on the
DIFC’s legislative and regulatory regime allows     With the large disparity in comparative                                                                 regional exchanges. At the same time, regional
banks to offer a range of services, including:      insurance regulation across the region with          DFSA legislative and regulatory regime             investors have required liquid and efficient
                                                    varying standards of compliance, supervision and     has created a highly supportive and secure         markets to absorb the rapidly growing stock of
•   Commercial Banking                              reporting, DIFC offers industry players a single     environment for the growth of the funds            financial assets accumulating in pensions, life
•   Investment Banking                              platform that allows them to offer:                  industry. In compliance with IOSCO Principles,     funds, collective investment schemes and other
•   Trade and Export Finance                                                                             the DFSA Funds Regime allows for all types of      savings vehicles.
•   Shariah-Compliant Banking                       •      Insurance Services                            activities, including:
•   Correspondent Banking                           •      Reinsurance Services                                                                             DIFC is a platform for investment banks &
                                                    •      Takaful and Retakaful                         •   Fund Domiciliation                             financial intermediaries to service the capital
Market opportunity                                  •      Captives                                      •   Fund Distribution                              markets of the region with:
                                                    •      Actuarial Services                            •   Fund Management
From DIFC, banks are able to service the region’s
                                                                                                         •   Complimentary Services                         •   Underwriting
growing financing needs and support growing
                                                    Market opportunity                                                                                      •   M&A Advisory
sophistication of businesses operating in the
                                                                                                         Market opportunity                                 •   Venture Capital
region. Recent years have seen the expansion        Regional insurance markets are very fragmented
                                                    which offer the opportunity for consolidation        The DFSA Funds Regime was designed to create       •   Brokerage Services
of the corporate sector with more sophisticated
financing requirements.                             and joint ventures. Indeed, in many cases,           the ideal investment centre for both foreign
                                                    international players tie up with regional firms     and domestic fund managers. The regime is also     Market opportunity
                                                    to establish a new entity to cater to the region’s   flexible and evolves with the ever advancing       DIFC is home to NASDAQ Dubai which lists
                                                    demand for insurance and reinsurance services.       wealth management industry, ensuring that DIFC     equity derivatives, structured products,
                                                                                                         remains as competitive as any other jurisdiction   sukuk and conventional bonds. Through the
                                                    Significantly, DFSA has adopted legislation          around the world.                                  exchange, regional and international issuers
                                                    governing Protected Cell Companies (PCC).                                                               can access regional and international liquidity.
                                                    A PCC structure is ideal for smaller companies       By operating out of DIFC, wealth management        International issuers can access capital from the
                                                    whose insurance risks are not sufficiently large     firms can tap into and offer advanced asset        region, through a primary or dual listing.
                                                    to justify formation of their own captive.           management products for institutional investors
                                                                                                         including the world’s largest sovereign
                                                    Furthermore, there is a significant opportunity      wealth funds.
                                                    for actuarial companies to service DIFC-based
                                                    community of insurance companies as the DFSA
                                                    regulatory regime requires an actuarial report
                                                    on companies undertaking general insurance
                                                    business and those with long term
                                                    insurance business.
                                                        Middle East Insurance Market Forecast to 2012

Professional SERVICES                                Corporate Headquarters                            Community and Retail
Explore an unprecedented                             A jurisdiction for global and                     A vibrant community within the
professional services opportunity                    regional headquarters                             financial district

Business service providers offer critical business   DIFC has a significant number of multinational    The centre has experienced a growing demand
infrastructure and necessary services for            corporations and regional conglomerates           for business and lifestyle facilities from the
the growth and development of regulated              which are utilising the centre to base a head     professionals working in and around DIFC.
clients. The region has witnessed a growing          or regional office where centralised strategic
demand for professional services firms driven        leadership and global management of their         Choose from several distinct zones within DIFC:
by greater sophistication in financial services      business activities take place.
requiring specialist advisory work, increased                                                          •   Gate Village located adjacent to The Gate,
cross-jurisdictional trade and transactions,         Global corporates based at DIFC include Fortune       focuses on art galleries and fine dining
and the ongoing restructuring by state owned         500 companies and leading players across a            outlets
enterprises, corporations and private entities.      broad spectrum of industries, including:          •   Marble Walk located beneath The
                                                                                                           Gate, focuses on takeaway meals, retail
DIFC has attracted a wide range of professional      •   Financial Services                                convenience and essential services
service providers including:                         •   Oil & Gas                                     •   The Balcony the terrace surrounding The
                                                     •   Family Office                                     Gate, focuses on casual dining options
•   Legal                                            •   Telecommunication                             •   Centre of Excellence, located in Gate Village
•   Accounting and Audit                             •   Consumer Goods                                    02, focuses on education and professional
•   Consulting                                       •   Business Services                                 development operations
•   Compliance                                       •   Capital Goods                                 •   Event venues range from meeting rooms,
•   Recruitment                                      •   Manufacturing                                     theatres, outdoor areas, and our well-
•   Risk Management                                                                                        appointed Conference Centre
•   Data and Research Providers                      Market opportunity
•   Back Office Solutions                                                                              Market opportunity
                                                     DIFC offers an attractive legal framework
                                                                                                       From DIFC, retail and lifestyle firms can access
Market opportunity                                   and tax offering which, in combination with
                                                                                                       the professional and residential community
                                                     the UAE’s wide network of double taxation
By locating in DIFC, firms are able to centralise                                                      within the financial district.
                                                     agreements, enables corporates to optimise
and consolidate their resources used to service
                                                     the tax impact on their global business and
the region, thereby gaining a competitive cost of
                                                     benefit from booking revenues in the centre.
operation. In addition to the growing regional
                                                     Global corporates can also use DIFC to run
opportunity, business services firms may benefit
                                                     treasury operations, including forex hedging
from the large business and financial captive
                                                     and liquidity management, and as a platform for
clientele already located within the Centre.
                                                     shared services centres for group companies and
                                                     business units.

                                                                                                                                                           Contact Kevin Birkett for more information on
                                                                                                                                                           doing business in DIFC

                                                                                                                                                           Follow us on Twitter @DIFC
is the global HUB for business and
financial SERVICES institutions
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