GMARG Forum - Gas Networks Ireland

Page created by Yvonne Burns
                                       Thursday 18 October 2018

                                         Minutes of Meeting


 Name                   Company                Name                 Company
 Mark Clarke            GNI                    David Mulholland     SSE Airtricity
 Catherine Duff         GNI                    Mark Phelan          Electric Ireland
 Caroline Connaughton   PrePay Power           Tim O’Sullivan       Reverve
 Krystle Chapman        Energia                Ben Lambon           Bord Gais Energy
 Aidan Hogan            GNI                    Samantha Connor      Flogas
 Douglas O’Brien        GNI GPRO               Seán Mac An Bhaird   CRU

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Minutes of Meeting

                                                                            Agenda Item 2
                                                       Review of minutes from the previous meeting and Actions
 Title ID     Overview                                  Update at Meeting                                                        Action/Next Steps
 G121         Determine whether the Eligibility List   Data Processor Agreement – [Note main update under Section 4              Action G121 open –
              can be published on GNI’s extranet.      below]. GNI to revert with revised proposals for Code Mod                  GNI to revert with revised proposals
              Details of the new processing                                                                                          for Code Mod
              arrangement to be presented to the
 G175         GNI high level assessment of             Eircodes: [Note main update under Section 3 below]                        Action G175 Open –
              postcodes                                Request that amended minutes for August meeting are circulated ref         GNI to maintain watching brief on
                                                       new request for Eircodes portfolio files. As previously, GNI advised          Eircodes, co-ordinate future go-live
                                                       the group that any distribution is subject to licencing issues. GNI had       project plan with ESBN
                                                       written to Shippers to confirm their licencing status. Suppliers           All to consider impact of simultaneous
                                                       requested that GNI considers impact/co-ordinates with ESBN for                versus sequential implementation
                                                       Eircode roll-out, reason for 1-month implementation post ESBN.             All to confirm their licencing position
                                                                                                                                     with Eircode holder by Nov GMARG
                                                                                                                                  GNI to issue portfolios when licencing
                                                                                                                                     question resolved, issue revised August

 G190         MPD2 to be updated                       MPD 5 (Correction/ Amendment) Change of Mind [See also verbal             Action G190 Closed:
                                                       updates 10.2/10.3 below]

 G 202        Vulnerable and Priority reconciliation   [See also verbal updates 10.2/10.3 below]: Priority Flag change           Action G202 – Open:
              reports                                  Impact Assessment to be submitted to CRU. GNI noted that we                GNI to submit text to CRU for approval
                                                       replied to the previous BGES mail

 G 203        PAYG Misdirected Payments                PPM enhancement project. Technical processes to be brought into           Action G203 – Open GNI:
                                                       any PPM enhancement project.                                               Technical process to be addressed as
                                                                                                                                     part of any PPM enhancement project.
                                                                                                                                  Financial arrangements to be discussed
                                                                                                                                     at that stage

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G 206        GMARG Terms of Reference                GMARG Terms of Reference (including CR/DDR timelines) - CRU met        Action G206 Open –
                                                      with GNI/RMDS to discuss industry fora. The CRU will keep the           CRU to provide update to GMARG on
                                                      GMARG updated.                                                             ToR including revised CR/DDR
 G242         Schema Release - detailed project       Schema Release feedback                                                Action G242 – Closed

 G243         Schema Release - bi-lateral Shipper     Schema Release - bi-lateral meetings                                   Action G243 – Closed
              meetings for market testing timelines

 G244         PPM Refund Process                      PPM Refund Process – One Shippers responded that May is a              Action G244 – Open – GNI to re-issue FAQ
                                                      problematic period for reconciliations, Question on when EUSI          document to industry
                                                      expires for summer credits. Refund letters to issue to impacted end-
                                                      users. GNI advised the meeting that the volume of sites impacted
                                                      were very low. Request to recirculate FAQ document to
 G245         Christmas 2018 working                  [Note main update under Sections 8 ,9 below] 2019 Dates: GNI issued    Action G245 – GNI Propose to Close
              arrangements/2019 Meeting Dates         proposed dates around 1. Christmas Lock Moratorium 2. Christmas
                                                      Hours and 3. 2019 GMARG calendar. The forum was happy with the
                                                      proposed dates for all 3 items.
                                                                             Agenda Item 3
 Refer also G175 above. Eircodes now rolled out to 76% of GPRNs on GNI systems. Request that the August meeting minutes are updated to reflect that several Shippers
 had requested that their Eircoded portfolio files are issued, subject to licencing issues being resolved. Shippers requested these portfolio files so that they can run
 internal reconciliation exercises based on files from both Network Companies. GNI explained that as there are licencing requirements, Shippers should confirm their own
 Eircode licencing arrangements as part of this exercise (BGES/EI/SSEAT and Energia requested files). SSE confirmed that their licencing entity was Secure Ireland, both
 GNI and SSE to confirm language in our respective licencing arrangements to confirm if this complies with obligations. Questions raised by forum if;- 1. The Electricity
 industry has the same licencing issues, 2. If GNI will reject any Market Message with a mismatching or no Eircode appended, GNI to confirm. New Action G246: GNI to
 confirm that MM with wrong/no Eircode will be accepted

                                                                          Agenda Item 4
                                                            Data Sharing Agreement Code Mod Proposal
 Refer also G121 above. The Data Sharing Agreement was previously discussed at the Code Mod on 8th August, where concerns were expressed about the potential for
 Data issues coming under the CRU’s remit/possible CRU sanction, GNI agrees with the general objective of minimising the risk of double jeopardy. GNI is drafting a
 suitable Code Mod to address this issue and will circulate to both the Code and GMARG groups. Question if the DPC and CRU have a Memorandum of Understanding in

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Agenda Item 5
                                                                  PPM Front Office Arrangements
 GNI outlined the current proposals around the PPM Front Office Arrangements, that an extension in the current service would be sought until July 2021. GNI proposing
 that a working group is established to address implementation and to ensure that no gaps in the process. GNI to develop ToR for working group, Shippers input is
 required. New Action G248: Shippers to input to new PPM working group ToR
                                                                            Agenda Item 6
                                                                             SoLR update
 Discussions are ongoing between GNI, BGES and the CRU on Supplier of Last resort, a technical call had been convened the week before GMARG. The SoLR asked that
 until discussions are at a more advanced stage that only limited details are published.

                                                                           Agenda Item 7
                                                                        Schema Release 2019
 GNI gave an update on the 2019 Schema, 9 Suppliers have installed the Schema upgrade on the test environment, technical calls being held weekly, the Market
 Assurance report will be provided to the CRU by 14th December.

                                                                       Agenda Item 8
                                                            2019 GMARG Calendar and 2019 Workplan
 GNI has issued the proposed 2019 GMARG calendar which follows the standard pattern of meeting every second month with a call in-between as required, the 2019
 calendar has a meeting the day before Good Friday and is schedule 1-week early in December. The Shippers supported the proposed Calendar. GNI and the CRU also
 invited Shipper input on the 2019 GMARG workplan, the Schema and Eircodes will be 2 large 2019 projects. . New Action G249: Shippers to input to the 2019 GMARG
 workplan by the next GMARG call
                                                                       Agenda Item 9
                                                    GNI working arrangements (Christmas/Lock Moratorium)
 GNI issued the proposals the Christmas 2018 working arrangements, with the standard pattern for the Debt Lock Moratorium (and comment on the equivalent Electricity
 one), the Moratorium only applies to Residential customers. The GNI Christmas hours document will issue in November, GNI outlined the office days and expected field
 operations hours for the Christmas period.

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Agenda Item 10
                                                                      GNI verbal updates
 10. GNI updates   10.1 PPM Emergency Credit      At the previous GMARG discussions had taken place about changing the
                                                  Emergency Credit from €5 to €10. CRU asked the Electricity market for
                                                  input. Shippers were supportive but asked about comms with end-users,
                                                  Shippers will be asked to reply to the CRU with their suggested comms
                                                  approach by Wednesday 24th. GNI asked how often Emergency credit is
                                                  usually used and is it maxed out.
                   10.2 [Impact Assessment on]    Priority Flag change – identify impacted MPDs. As above, MPD2 language
                   Priority Flag change           drafted and to issue to CRU for approval.
                   10.3 Vulnerable and Priority   Vulnerable and Priority Customer Annual reconciliation – GNI compiled
                   Customer Annual                those individual Shipper reports as returned into single matrix to report
                   reconciliation                 to the CRU. Some Shippers had not yet replied, those Shippers with the
                                                  majority of customer had and only limited updates were required.
                                                  New Action G250: Shippers to reply to VC reconciliation
                   10.4 Customer Complaint        Customer Complaint Process Implementation expected to go live on
                   Process Implementation         19/11/18
                   10.5 MPD 5: Change of          MPD 5: Change of Shipper Correction & Amendment Verbal Update –
                   Shipper Correction &           implementation of Change of Mind went live from 1st October, GNI issued
                   Amendment Verbal Update –      notices to Shippers and the CRU, in practice about 60% of the first week
                   implementation of Change of    Change of Mind reverted under the new process, it was over 80% the 2 nd
                   Mind                           week.
                   10.6 Meter reading update      GNI advised that 2019 Meter Read calendar had issued and that each of
                                                  the Shippers had also been sent a file this week with their own portfolio
                                                  with related meter read days.
                   10.7 Revenue Protection        Revenue Protection update – Last chance for comments as process was
                   update                         starting day after GMARG. Those Shippers present approved the RP ToR
                                                  unless objections received within 1-week.
                   Market Statistics              Market Statistics were not an Agenda item, question on PPM chart if line
                                                  represented vend volumes or values, tbc.

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Agenda Item 11
                                                                    CRU updates - Update
 11. CRU                                               The CRU advised that they were drafting a Debt Flagging Consultation,
 updates/consultations                                 which should be published shortly & that two SMART consultation Papers
                                                       are with CRU management for approval (including profile removal).

                                                       Question from Energia on status of Customer Care Report.

                                                        Agenda Item 12 Meeting dates and 9 A.O.B.
 12. Next Meeting        The next GMARG meeting will be by teleconference on Thursday 15th November

 12A. A.O.B.             GNI discussed that a number of personnel changes had taken place with Ken Galloway moving to Meter
                         Data Services, Hilary Healy and Miriam Twomey jointly moving to Revenue Protection and Tim O’Brien
                         joining as Client Service Manager.
                         GNI also presented on Site Specific Correction Factors with some larger site due to be updated in Q4.
                         GNI also advised the Shippers that a program is underway to remove non-registering and non-consuming
                         meters with 6,500 meters removed to date
                         The GNI Shipper Survey is also underway at present, SSE asked if they need to follow-up on anything?

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List of Live Actions at end of Meeting:
     Action # Status        Overview                                                                                                        Responsible
   G121        Open       Data Processing Agreement: GNI to revert with updated proposals for Code Mod                                      GNI
   G 175       Open       GNI to maintain watching brief on Eircodes, co-ordinate future go-live project plan with ESBN, issue portfolios   GNI/All
                          when licencing question resolved, issue revised August Minutes. All to consider impact of simultaneous versus
                          sequential implementation, confirm licencing position with Eircode holder by Nov GMARG
   G 190       Closed     MPD 5 (Correction/ Amendment): Change of Mind                                                                     GNI
   G 202       Open       Priority Customer Flag: GNI to submit to CRU for approval                                                         GNI
   G 203       Open       Misdirected Payments: Technical process to be addressed as part of any PPM enhancement project, Financial         GNI
                          arrangements to be discussed at that stage
   G 206       Open       GMARG ToR including revised CR/DDR timelines. CRU to provide update to GMARG on ToR including revised             CRU
                          CR/DDR timelines
   G242        Closed     Schema Release – Shipper feedback has closed on detailed schema release project plan timelines                    Shippers
   G243        Closed     Schema Release - GNI arranged bi-lateral meeting with each Supplier re market testing timelines                   GNI/Shippers
   G244        Open       PPM Refund Process - GNI to re-issue FAQ document to industry                                                     Shippers
   G245        Propose    2019 Dates: GNI issued proposed dates around Christmas Lock Moratorium, Christmas Hours and the 2019              GNI
               to Close   GMARG calendar
   G246        New        Eircode technical question: GNI to confirm that MM with wrong/no Eircode will be accepted                         GNI
   G248        New        PPM Working group ToR: Shippers to input to new working group ToR                                                 Shippers
   G249        New        2019 GMARG Workplan: Shippers to input to the 2019 GMARG workplan by the next GMARG call                          Shippers
   G250        New        VC reconciliation: Shippers to reply to VC reconciliation                                                         Shippers

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