John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling

Page created by Mario Morris
John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling
Dallas/Fort Worth's Homebuilding Industry Publication | August 2016

                                                             John Todd
                                                         Ed ucation + Te chnol ogy + Process
2016 Remodeler of the Year                                    = Cus tome r S atis fa c tion
                                                                    Photo by Charles Lauersdorf, Realty Pro Shots
John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling
Photos by Charles Lauersdorf, Realty Pro Shots

Savvy Builder

     Is North Dallas’


                                                                             Best of Houzz 2012-2016
                                                                             Remodeling Magazine's Big50 Class of 2011
                                                                             Dallas Builders Association Remodeler of the
                                                                             Year (2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016)

Building Savvy • May 2016
John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling
Elite Remodeling has long provided a solu-
tion for families who make the decision to refresh
rather than sell and move, bringing a process to
the business of remodeling that can make the
choice to remodel every bit as exciting.

Many customers find themselves in the Elite
Remodeling Showroom and Design Center at
Preston Road and Gaylord Parkway, thanks to
a referral. Some notice the showroom and just
walk-in. Nowadays, others stop in after explor-
ing the company website, oftentimes via Houzz
                                                     sales/designer to discuss the location of the project, square footage of the
                                                     existing home, general idea of the project scope, and ballpark idea of a budget
                                                     that would be required to accomplish the goal. Next, the homeowners set up
                                                     a pre-measurement consultation where they bring in photos of the exist-
                                                     ing space they wish to remodel. In that meeting, a general plan of action
                                                     is devised. The potential clients are shown photos of other jobs for ideas,
                                                     inspirations, and points of reference. Project requirements are noted and
                                                     reviewed to get to a closer estimate of cost. 3D renderings allow custom-
                                                     ers to virtually walk through their project during the design process. Plans
                                                     are refined further on the next appointment, where the designer goes to the
                                                     house to measure and photograph. Finally, the process progresses to a final
                                                     design, estimate and proposal.
and other social media sites where they find
much information on Elite Remodeling’s various       Once a proposal is accepted, the sales/designer briefs Elite’s interior design-
awards and numerous accolades. What’s com-           er on the project and the project moves into the design and selections phase.
pletely different about this remodeling business     The interior designer guides the clients through all the items specified on the
is the plaza storefront and showroom, but also       drawings and assists them in making all the choices to get the project ready
much more than that. Elite Remodeling’s project      for the construction phase. The selection phase is one of extreme detail where
process follows a strict procedure in which the      cost reconciliation is a high priority. Clients are able to view color schemes,
customer is fully educated about options, costs      evaluate tile surfaces, compare cabinetry textures, review wallpaper styles,
and processes.                                       experiment with faux finishes and view paint options all in the convenience and
                                                     comfort of the showroom and design center or selected supplier showrooms.
While nothing is for sale in the showroom, John      The center itself is always a work in progress to showcase the latest products
says it’s the largest value proposition for the      and new design ideas.
business. A staff of experienced and certified
professionals is there to guide and suggest as       Elite Remodeling uses the software tool Co-Construct to input each selection
people first come in to look around and begin to     and immediately see the plus or minus cost differential between it and the bud-
envision their goals. It also serves the com-        geted amount; this generates a request for the customer’s approval which they
munity by way of educational seminars;                                                     can accept online. The Co-Construct
participants see a short presentation                                                      software is set up to allow customers to
about a project and view before and                                                        log on and send a note pertaining to their
after photos, and then get to tour the                                                     project at any time. The construction
remodeled home. Finally, the showroom                                                      schedule is also created and updated in
serves its purpose in the design and                                                       Co-Construct. The tool becomes the sin-
selection phase of the process for those                                                   gle repository of all information related
that become Elite Remodeling clients.                                                      to the project.

Elite Remodeling owner John Todd puts                                            BEFORE                                      AFTER
an emphasis on education and is proud to
proclaim that every staff member has at
least one certification from the Nation-
al Association of Home Builders, the National
Kitchen and Bath Association, or the National
Association of the Remodeling Industry. The
company is a long-time active member of the
NAHB and NKBA local chapters and has more
“certified” professionals on staff than any other
remodeler in the greater DFW area.

The first step in Elite’s process is qualifying
whether the homeowner, their project and Elite
Remodeling are a good fit. The sales phase
starts by the homeowners connecting with a

                                                                                                            May 2016 • Building Savvy
John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling

                                                                     People are migrating from traditional and Old World finishes into more
                                                                     contemporary and modern styles with crisp lines and lighter colors.

                             At the end of the     The final phase of warranty provides a three year labor and material warranty and
                             design and selec-     10 years on any structural work. Projects required at this stage are documented and
                             tion phase, Elite’s   tracked with the same level of attention to detail as all the other phases.
                             “Red Book” is
                             created in which      Every client is incentivized to complete a survey about their experience. When
                             the contract, the     their survey is returned, Elite Remodeling makes a donation to one of the local
                             selections detail,    shelters it supports: Genesis Women’s Shelter, City Place, or ManeGait.
                             floorplan drawings,
                             cabinet drawings,     Customer testimonials as well as testimonials from their subcontractor/sup-
                             and the schedule      plier team verify that Elite has perfected its detailed process. “John Todd, his
                             are noted and         design team, project managers and installation team offer the highest level of
signed-off on before being handed off to the       expertise,” said Joyce Rambo of Capital Distributing. Roberto Castenheira of
construction team. The assigned project man-       RC3D, Inc. appreciates the level of creativity that they allow him as a designer.
ager holds a kickoff meeting with every client     “They are one of the most professional firms I have ever worked with, very
to explain the process step by step, including     thorough with very well detailed paper trails on all aspects of the job down
the assignment of subcontractors, who is the       to the smallest detail,” he said. Ashlee Williamson of Nina Hayes Cleaning
point of contact for any questions or concerns,    Services appreciates doing business with a firm that values everyone’s time.
and the expected timeline. At the end of each      “When they say the house is ready it is,” she said. “They are very organized
week, customers are emailed a review of what       and prompt in paying their bills.”
was accomplished for the week, what’s sched-
uled for the following week and an update on       Aristotle said, "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." Elite Remodeling’s process
how the schedule is looking for the duration       creates a system of checks and balances, using software to document and track
of the project. When construction is substan-      details, to virtually eliminate any surprises or miscommunications and ensure
tially complete, the project manager creates a     a quality outcome. Through their transparency, they have raised the bar in
punch list with the customer. Once all items       how the public views the local remodeling industry and construction contrac-
are complete and final payment is received, the    tors in general. By their visible presence and reputation, they have become the
project transitions into the warranty phase.       remodeling resource for the North Dallas community.
John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling John Todd 2016 Remodeler of the Year - Elite Remodeling
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