GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network

Page created by Kirk Crawford
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018
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                                                                 GMEN 20 Years and Counting
                                                              Growing Entrepreneurship in Georgia

   10. GMEN News - Call to Action to Support Atlanta's African American Entrepreneurs                                                            1/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
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 January 15, 2018 celebrated the 84th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr across the nation and here in Atlanta, his bir
 programming attention on several initiatives that highlight the Dream he had for economic inclusion and mobility that ar
 Dr. King spoke of financial empowerment , economic justice and poverty alleviation through economic means. His last m
 through his poor people's campaign, sadly it was cut short on April 4, 1968. GMEN will work with our members, stakeho
 others across the state to move the economic needle through entrepreneurship for those who have been left behind ev
 experiencing great economic revivals. Stay tuned as we make additional announcements of new partnerships, new fun
 will help entrepreneurs reach economic mountaintops.

 9. GMEN Training Updates                                                          2/11
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 Today the Georgia Micro Enterprise Network (GMEN) will present the first in a series of one day Training of Trainers for
 workshops. This interactive, learning event will help equip Trainers with the tools to provide entrepreneurial training, re
 assistance both to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals utilizing evidence-based program (EBP) implemen
 appropriate curriculum and adult learning methodologies and tools to teach Trainers to help entrepreneurs build both bu
 post incarceration. For information about future training dates or to purchase training materials contact Erik Scott at gm

 8. Research & Data

 Google has launched the Google IT Support Professional Certificate hosted on Coursera—a first-of-its-kind online prog
 no previous experience required, beginning learners can become entry-level job ready in eight to 12 months. This prog
 help people get the skills they need to find a job or grow a business. For more information about Google IT Support Cer

 7. Small Business News                                                            3/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

 Paying Freelancers With Equity Shares: An Idea For Bootstrapping Startups

 If you have a good startup idea but no money to build it, you might think of selling some equity and using the cash to hi
 But you might, instead, cut out a stage in that process and actually use equity to hire staff through a marketplace called
 Fast Company article here

 SBA backs more than $1.4B in loans to Georgia small businesses in 2017; setting new small business lending

 Georgia ranks third, behind California and New York
 Release Date:
 Wednesday, November 29, 2017
 Release Number:                                                           4/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

 ATLANTA – The Georgia District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration announced its fiscal year 2017 lendin
 business lending. The agency guarantied 1876 loans, totaling $1.41 billion. This is the third consecutive year that SBA
 surpassed a billion dollars.
 In comparison to fiscal year 2016, small businesses, throughout the state, received more than $24.2 million in additiona
 programs, 7(a) and 504, to guarantee the loans. “We are very encouraged to see another year of record-level lending a
 capital they need to grow, creating jobs and strengthening the economy,” says Terri Denison, director of SBA’s Georgia
 reach all segments of the small business community and support entrepreneurial success.” Businesses engaged in hos
 agriculture and manufacturing saw the most growth, accounting for more than $1.06 billion or 75 percent of the total len
 than 68,000 loans for more than $30 billion. To view the SBA national release, visit:

 For more information about SBA’s loan programs, financial assistance and other services, visit

 6. GMEN Program Updates

 GMEN continues to build it entrepreneurial ecosystem for the WK Kellogg funded initiative to help women across the So
 attended the Enrich Her networking event to connect connect women owned businesses to funding and VC opportunitie
 the #100forWomen Campaign. They are seeking 100 people to put $500 or more towards women-run businesses in 20
 people on our soon-to-be-launched funding platform. Your funding pledge will help reach a goal of starting 2018 on a hi
 committed to women-led businesses on our platform. They are also seeking volunteers with the following skills: technic
 social media, and research. Email us at for more information.

  For more information about ways to connect your organization to GMEN's women business initiative contact Sonya Too

 5. Georgia Business News                                                         5/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

 According to Georgia Trend Magazine, The 2018 economic outlook for Georgia is surprisingly good. Eco
 population growth, the housing upturn and a relatively available supply of skilled labor are the primary fa
 grow faster than the nation’s economy for the third straight year. For more information on the Georgia Tr

 4. GMEN -- Member Spotlight                                             6/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

 Rashid Nuri - Founder Truly Living Well, Founder, CEO

 Truly Living Well (TLW) was founded in 2006 by K. Rashid Nuri to meet the fresh food needs of families in the local Atla
 nutritionally-rich, fresh-picked produce to local residents through a community supported agriculture program. Rashid ta
 international training, to help develop sustainable urban farms in Metro Atlanta. In 2007, TLW received non-p
 to include agricultural education and training. The Truly Living Well Center builds communities by providi
 job creation. The model supports urban economic development through growth of local businesses.
 Truly Living Well Founder Rashid Nuri will retire and pass the torch to a new Chief Executive Officer on h
 to serve as the Elder and Advisor in the local food movement. Read more about Rashid's retirement here

 3. Funding Opportunities

 Public Welfare Foundation

 We make a small number of grants under our Special Opportunities category reflecting the Foundation’s mission and u
 commitment to racial equity and justice. These are one-time only grants that are especially timely and compelling. At tim
 new ideas. Relatively few of these grants are given. The Foundation is unable to support unsolicited applications in this
 unsustainable, it does not protect communities. Locking up more people – disproportionately people of color – http://ww
 The deadline for this grant is February 1, 2018 -- $400,000.00

 The Public Welfare Foundation has a two-step application process that includes both a letter of inquiry (LOI) and a full p
 letters of inquiry. We only consider full proposals we have invited. We only fund works that fits within our program guide
 instruction. Letter of Inquiry Submitting a Proposal

 Reporting Requirements Frequently Asked Questions

 2. Action Alert                                                           7/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

 Today in Washington

 After a three-day partial government shutdown, Congress passed a continuing appropriations resolution (CR) to fund th
 includes a six-year extension of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and authorizes the SBA to shift fundin

 For daily updates on policy matters impacting small business, visit AEO's Today in Washington page.

 1. Upcoming Events                                                       8/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                   Campaign Overview | MailChimp

 January 27, 2018, 1:00-3:30 Entrepreneurship 101 Workshop (register online in advance at http://www.OTRFCen

 February 26, 2018 Justice Day at the Capital sponsored by the Georgia Justice Project and GMEN

 Monday, February 26, 2018 – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM – The Georgia Freight Depot
 Register here for the 7th annual Justice Day at the Capitol.

 Save the Date for Micro Enterprise Day at the Capital, February 27, 2018 (more information coming soon!)

 February 28, 2018 Rural Policy Day - The Freight Depot, Atlanta, GA

 GMEN 2018 Conference Save the Date Coming Soon...

 If you missed out on any of the funding, training advocacy or networking opportunities in 2017 plan now to join GMEN in
 join GMEN at the 2017 rates!                                                       9/11
GMEN Top Ten January 26, 2018 - Georgia Micro Enterprise Network
4/19/2018                                                      Campaign Overview | MailChimp

                            Office: +1 (678) 515-3346, Fax: 404-344-2601, Address: 233 Mitchell Street Suite 250

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