DR PRADEEP KUMAR - Indo-European ...

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DR PRADEEP KUMAR - Indo-European ...

                                         Dr Pradeep Kumar holds doctorate in Economics
                                         (Ph.D.), with double masters - Executive MBA, and
                                         M.A. in International Relations, graduated in Law (spe-
                                         cialized in corporate law). Dr Kumar has initiated edu-
                                         cational cooperation between India and Poland (since
                                         2008) and helped many public and private universities in
                                         Poland for their survival and quality education. He is a
                                         keen researcher and academician in the area of higher
                                         education, international business & legal practices. Dr
                                         Kumar leads various research projects, and support
                                         business needs in order to fulfill today’s requirements of
                                         academia and industries. In current assignment, Dr
                                         Kumar is working with “Warsaw Stock Exchange” dedi-
                                         cated to ‘GPW Growth Project’. He is responsible for quali-
                                         ty enhancement and capacity buildings, academic col-
laborations and efficient business expansion.

Dr Kumar’s projects are dedicated to Poland, India and the European Union, based on acade-
mia-Industry interlinked model of business cooperation. His initiatives to support universities in
Poland has increased well qualified Indian students at Polish universities up to 6000 in 2019,
comparing in 2014 when total Indian students studying in Poland were 227. Currently, he is asso-
ciated with many Polish, Indian, European (EU), and non-European universities for quality as-
surance in teaching and training, international collaborations with true understanding of interna-
tionalization of higher education and practices. He is also helping Polish business for new initia-
tives to start businesses with India, and Indian business for Poland.

Dr Kumar has contributed his innovative ideas in many national and international level scientific
and business conferences as keynote speaker. And delivered lectures at many universities around
the globe including India, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Spain, Kosovo, Belgium, Germany, Portu-
gal, Montenegro.

Dr Pradeep Kumar is a faculty at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Za-
wodowa w Nysie), Poland. He’s also a founder president of Indo-European Education Foundation, Warsaw,
Poland; President, Advanced Business Solutions Institute, Warsaw, Poland; Initiator & founder of BRCDGV
(Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village (www.brcdgv.com); and an external expert for NAWA
(Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej/ The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange).
                                    (Dec. 2015 - Dec. 2019)

• Editor (Monograph)
1. “Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2” edt al. N. Marynenko, P. Kumar, I.
    Kramar, Publiching House of University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, 2019. ISBN:

• Text Book
- Author
1. Emerging Trends in Higher Education: A Roadmap for Poland-India Relations, LAP LAMBERT Acad-
  emic Publishing, OmniScriptum Publishing Group, Mauritius/Germany, 2019. ISBN:

- Co-author

1. “Education As Boon For the Development of Economic Efficiency and Social Consistency” edt al. E. D.
  Zeca, P. Kumar, H. Nasar, Pliable Versatile Customizable, Academic Management & Marketing, by LAP
  LAMBERT Academic Publishing, OmniScriptum Publishing Group, Mauritius/Germany,
  2019. ISBN 978-613-9-44749-7.

B. Research Papers

• Book Chapters

1. P. Kumar “Internationalization of Higher Education and it’s impact on economy: Case of India and
    Poland”, edt al. N. Marynenko, P. Kumar, I. Kramar, “Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of
    Global Village 2”, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, 2019. Pp. 16-27. ISBN:

2. P. Kumar “Need of Student Centric Higher Education System for Today’s Changing Global World”, Cut-
    ting Edge Technologies for Library & Information Services, in eds. Dr V. B. Hanchinal, S.
Prashad and K. Amrita, Vidit Publication House, New Delhi, India, 2018. Pp1-11. ISBN:

3. P. Kumar, “A New Roadmap for Higher Education in Poland and India: Opportunities and Challenges”, in
    eds. A. Nowak and Z. Wilimowska et al. “Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Vil-
    lage” University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland, 2017. Pp 253- 264.

• Research Journals

2. P. Kumar, “Opportunities and Challenges in Economic Transformation and Medical Affairs: Poland-India
  Perspective”, ASM Business Review" Business Strategies Practices and Innovations, ISSN No.
  0974-9136, Volume- 7, Number-1, January 2018. Success Publications, Audyogik Shikshan
  Mandal, Pune, India, 2018. Pp 100-109.

3. P. Kumar, “Untapped Business Opportunities in Education Sector: India, Poland Perspective” ASM Busi-
  ness Review, Business Strategies Practices and Innovations, ISSN No. 0974-9136, Volume- 6, Num-
  ber- 1, January 2017. Success Publications, Audyogik Shikshan Mandal, Pune, India, 2017.
  Pp.7- 19.

4. P. Kumar “A New Trend of Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Growth of Emerging Economies”,
  International Conference The Risk in Contemporary Economy, ISSN- L 2067-0532, ISSN online
  2344-5386, XVIIth edition, 2016. Dunărea de Jos" University of Galați, Faculty of Economics
  and Business Administration, Galati, Romania, Pp517- 524.

5. P. Kumar, “Theory of Environmental Justice and Judicial Ethics” MATS University Law Journal,
  Vol.1, Issue 1, 2016. ISSN 2250-3889, Raipur, India. Pp 37-40.

6. P. Kumar, “A New Trend in FDI- India, EU and Poland Perspective” ASM Business Review, Business
  Strategies Practices and Innovations, the Bi-annual Referred Journal, ISSN No.: 09749136, Volume-
  5 Number-1, Pune, India, 2016. Pp51-60.

7. P. Kumar “Intellectual Investment in Education: Case of Poland and India Perspective”, Kwartalnik
  Naukowy Uczelnia Vistula, Vistula Scientific Quarterly, Pazdziernik- Grudzien 2015/ nr 4(46)/ 2015,
  ISSN 2084-4689. Pp. 50-62.
• Economic Magazine and Business Portals

1. P. Kumar, “Indians come with packages”, Rzeczpospolita, Economics, published on 16.09.2018,
    edl. Aleksandra Ptak-Iglewska for Rzeczpospolita. Printed as well as electronic publication.
    Available at: https://www.rp.pl/Wywiady/309169941-Pradeep-Kumar-szef-fundacji-ktora-
2. P. Kumar, “China and India: Two countries where 2.5 billion customers are waiting”, Rzecz-
    pospolita, Economics, business, published on 04.09.2018, edl. Aleksandra Ptak-Iglewska for
    Rzeczpospolita. Printed as well as electronic publication. Available at: https://www.rp.pl/

3. P. Kumar, “Education will be the heart of Poland-India Relations”, The Warsaw Voice, Business,
    Autumn 2018 No. 3 (1217). ISSN 08607591. Printed as well as electronic publication. Avail-
    able at: http://www.warsawvoice.pl/WVpage/pages/article.php/28742/article?

4. P. Kumar, “In Our Knowledge Society, Innovation and Technological Development Plays a
    Very Major Role” Polish Market, Economic Magazine, No. 4 (271)/2018, ISSN 1427-0978,
    p48, 2018. Printed as well as electronic publication. Available at: https://issuu.com/polish-

5. P. Kumar, “Indie to 1,3 mld konsumentów, którzy są otwarci na świat i mówią po angielsku/
    India with 1.3 billion consumers with English speaking open to the world”, edl. Olaf Osica
    for Portal Gospodarczy/Economic Portal WNP.Pl, published on 27.04.2018. Available

6. P. Kumar, “W ciągu dekady może upaść nawet połowa prywatnych uczelni w Polsce.
    Ratunkiem mogą być zagraniczni studenci/ Half of the private universities will collapse in
Poland within a decade- foreign students may rescue this damage”, by Nweseria Biznes,
   published on 17.10.2017. Available at: https://biznes.newseria.pl/news/w-ciagu-dekady-

7. P. Kumar, “Rośnie wymiana handlowa Polski z Indiami. Eksperci wróżą jej podwojenie/
   Trade between India and Poland is growing and predicting for double”, covered and pub-
   lished by Forbes on 04.10.2017. Available at: https://www.forbes.pl/gospodarka/wymiana-

8. P. Kumar, “Wymiana handlowa między Polską a Indiami rośnie średnio o 25 proc. rocznie/
   Trade between India and Poland grows by an average of 25 percent annually”, covered and
   published by Bankier.pl on 04.10.2017. Available at: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/
   Wy m i a n a - h a n d l o w a - m i e d z y - P o l s k a - a - I n d i a m i - r o s n i e - s r e d n i o - o - 2 5 - p r o c -
     • Gazeta Finansowa: http://www.gazetafinansowa.net/wymiana-handlowa-miedzy-polska-
     • Manager24.pl: http://manager24.pl/wymiana-handlowa-miedzy-polska-a-indiami-rosnie-
     • Polski Portal Rolniczy: https://www.ppr.pl/wiadomosci/wymiana-handlowa-miedzy-pol-
     • Polskaniepodlegla: https://polskaniepodlegla.pl/gospodarka/item/13252-wymiana-hand-
     • Sadyogrody: http://www.sadyogrody.pl/handel_i_dystrybucja/106/indie_chca_wspolpra-

9. P. Kumar, "Połowa polskich uczelni upadnie". Ratunek może przyjść z Indii/Half of Polish
   universities will fall, the rescue can come from India”, edl,Agata Kolodziej for Money.pl,
   published on 06.05.2017. Available at: https://www.money.pl/gospodarka/wiadomosci/
10. P. Kumar, “Szansa dla polskich uczelni wyższych: 40 mln studentów z Indii szuka szkoły/A
    chance for Polish universities, 40 million students from India are looking for a school”, cov-
    ered by Biznes.Onet.Pl, published on 05.04.2017. Available at: http://biznes.onet.pl/wiado-

11. P. Kumar, “The future of Higher Education and Opportunities for Poland India Coopera-
    tion” Polish Market, Economic Magazine, No. 3 (254)/2017, ISSN 1427-0978, Pp 56-57,
    2017. Available at: https://issuu.com/polishmarket/docs/pm_3_254_2017/56

12. P. Kumar, “Academia-Industry Interlinked Model of Business Cooperation: Poland-India
    Perspective”, Polish Market, Economic Magazine, special edition No. 252/2016, ISSN 1427-
    097, P13, 2016. Available at:https://issuu.com/polishmarket/docs/pm_262_2016/13

                                Before Ph.D. (until 2015)

• Book chapters

8. P. Kumar, “Risk in Relations Between India and EU in a Changing World: Perception and Perspective”,
  redakcja naukowa- Juliusz Kotyński, Różne oblicza zarządzania ryzykiem, Akademia Finansów i
  Biznesu Vistula, Warsaw, Poland 2014. Pp. 215-227.

9. P. Kumar, “Comparative Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in India and Poland”, INCON- IX, 2014,
  ASM International Conference on ongoing research in management & IT, January 11th &
  12th, Finance and Economics, Volume-1, Success Publications, Pune, India, 2014. Pp. 44-50.

4. P. Kumar, “India and the European Union in a Changing World: Perception and Perspective”, INCON-
    IX, 2014, ASM International Conference on ongoing research in management & IT, January
    11th & 12th, General Management- Contemporary Issues in Management, Volume-1, Success Publica-
    tions, Pune, India, 2014. Pp. 172-178.
5. P. Kumar, “India and the European Union in the Period of Transformation of Global Order”, eds., S.
    Altekar et al., International Conference on Changing Dynamics in the Global Village, Bloomsbury Pub-
    lishers, India, 2013. Pp.622-631.

6. P. Kumar, “Impact of Global Recession to the Integration Process of the European Union”, National
    Conference on Economic Reforms: Problems & Prospects Before Indian Industries, Himalaya Publish-
    ing House Pvt. Ltd, India, 2013. Pp.3-9.

7. P. Kumar, “Evolution of India and the European Union Trade Relations: A Realistic Approach To- wards
    Cooperation” in eds., R. Chopra et al. Beyond Norms Strategies for Excellence, Bloomsbury Publish-
    ers, India, 2013. Pp. 164-174.

8. P. Kumar, “Evaluation of Indo-Polish Relations: A Realistic Approach under Legal framework of Free
    Trade Area (FTA)”, The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CE-
    JSH), Kwartalnik Naukowy Uczelni Vistula, Warsaw, 2013/ 1(35)/ 51-63.

9. P. Kumar, “The US factor in the relations between the European Union and India”, UTKARSH, Oppor-
    tunities and Challenges in Business Management, Himalaya Publishing House, India, 2013.

10. P. Kumar “Economic Crisis and State Sovereignty: European Union” in INCON- VII 2012, In-
    ternational Conference on Ongoing Research in Management and IT, Pune, India. ISBN

11. P. Kumar, “India-EU Economic relations in the Age of Globalization” in eds. R.Chopra et al. “Facects
    of Business Intelligence”, McMillan Publishers India, 2012. Pp. 241-249.


12. P. Kumar, “60 years of Diplomatic Relations and Academic Ties Between India and Poland”, ASM
    Business Review, Business Strategies Practices and Innovations, ISSN No. 09749136, Pune, India,

13. P. Kumar, “River Pollution and Cleanliness Drive in Light of Ganga Action Plan: A Lesson to be Learnt by
    Poland from India”, MATS University Law Journal, Volume II, Issue 1, 2015. ISSN 2250-3889,
    Raipur (CG), India. Pp.17-26.
14. P. Kumar, “Growth of Indian Economy and Competition with China: A General Analysis”, INCON
    VIII- 2013 Gen- 052, ASM’s International E-Journal of Ongoing Research in Management
    and IT, e-ISSN-2320-0065.

• Economic Magazine and Business Portals

13. P. Kumar, “Studenci z Indii przyjeżdżają na polskie uczelnie/Students from India come to
    Polish universities” published on 17.04.2012. available at http://www.perspektywy.pl/
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