Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the
       Bartow Police Department

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Message From Interim Chief of Police Bryan Dorman

 Mission Statement
 Vision
 Goals and Objectives

Strategies 1.1 - 1.7

Strategies 2.1 - 2.5

Strategies 3.1-3.3

Strategies 4.1-4.2

Strategies 5.1-5.3


Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Message from Interim Chief of Police
Bryan S. Dorman

The Bartow Police Department prides itself in providing our community with
innovative solutions and best practices in the delivery of law enforcement
services As a department, we will continue to build on the accomplishments of
the past while providing outstanding service to our community now and in the
future. To that end, I am pleased to present the 2021/22 strategic plan which
will serve as a roadmap for the future of the Bartow Police Department.

This document outlines our Mission, Vision and Goals for the upcoming fiscal
year. They reflect our perception of the future as it relates to community
policing in the City of Bartow.

This plan outlines five major goals. Each of those goals have objectives and
strategies on how to achieve them. I hope that by formally stating our goals
and objectives as well as our strategies to achieve them, we will work more
effectively and offer a higher level of service for years to come. The primary theme of this plan is community.
As an organization, we are aware that improving the quality of life in our community will always be a
collective effort and one that we will continue to embrace.

I am very proud of the work the members of the Bartow Police Department put into this document to guide
and direct us in the future. Using the framework set out in this Strategic Plan, we can ensure that Bartow is
a safe and special place to live, work and raise a family.

Thank you to the dedicated men and women of the Bartow Police Department for your continued commit-
ment to providing exemplary service to our community. Thank you to the City Commission and the Bartow
community for your support of public safety. We look forward to working together with the community to
accomplish the goals and objectives of this Strategic Plan.

It is my pleasure to serve as your Interim Chief of Police.

Bryan S. Dorman,
Interim Chief of Police.

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
        To promote an active fight on crime through education, intelligence, and
                                community partnerships

Maintain Proactive Patrol Presence throughout the city.
Objective 1.1.1
•   Maintain minimum patrol staffing to five per squad.
Objective 1.1.2
• Maintain sufficient manpower in CST (Community Services Team).
Objective 1.1.3
•   Utilize Reserve Officers and Citizens on Patrol volunteers for supplemental patrol.
Objective 1.1.4
•   Apply data driven intelligence based patrol in high crime areas.
Objective 1.1.5
•   Continue to provide training opportunities to
    Sergeants in the concepts and expectations of
    Community Oriented Policing, Problem
    Oriented Policing and Intelligence Led Policing.
Objective 1.1.6
•   Encourage internal members to actively
    recruit qualified and diverse candidates
    during normal activities.
Objective 1.1.7
•   Attend Recruitment Job Fairs and Police
    Academies to recruit qualified and diverse
    candidates to fill vacancies in the Police

Provide and promote crime prevention
education and implement
new crime prevention techniques.
Objective 1.2.1
•   Support existing traditional Neighborhood Watch Programs.
Objective 1.2.2
•   Explore the possibilities of non-traditional neighborhood watch groups, such as online community
Objective 1.2.3
•   Continuously offer educational opportunities to members.
Objective 1.2.4
•   Increase curfew and probation violation enforcement into routine patrol operations.
Objective 1.2.5
•   Partner with city departments to promote “See Something, Say Something” campaign throughout the

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Utilize up-to-date crime fighting methods
through intelligence based data collection.
Objective 1.3.1
•   Maintain a Records management system that allows
    quick retrieval of crime data.
Objective 1.3.2
•   Provide members with current trends via data
Objective 1.3.3
•   Utilize collected data to adequately staff specific
    sections within the department to promote
    Intelligence Based Policing.

Keep the community informed of crime trends, department accomplishments,
and press releases.
Objective 1.4.1
•   Publish crime data on departmental social media sites.
Objective 1.4.2
•   Provide statistical data during meetings with different community groups.
Objective 1.4.3
•   Maintain a Public Information Officer to provide media releases as necessary.
Objective 1.4.4
•   Utilize the department’s message board to convey public safety messages.

Implement a system to allow customer feedback.
Objective 1.5.1
•   Maintain social media accounts in order to allow customer
Objective 1.5.2
• Schedule monthly “Chief Chats” at various times and locations to
  encourage customer feedback.
Objective 1.5.3
• Implement a “Complaint Submission Section” on the department’s
Increase the case clearance rate as reported on the
Uniform Crime Report (UCR).
Objective 1.6.1
•   Review and update current investigative practices.
Objective 1.6.2
•   Schedule regular status conferences to update staff on current
    clearance progress.
Objective 1.6.3
•   Provide Administration Staff a synopsis of all active cases in the Detective Section during the weekly
    staff meetings.
Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Equip members with tools necessary to perform their duties in a safe and
efficient manner.
Objective 1.7.1
•   Equip each sworn member with tools intended to address active
    civil unrest incidents.
Objective 1.7.2
•   Continue to equip and train officers with Narcan.
Objective 1.7.3
•   Explore new and improved safety equipment available to the
Objective 1.7.4
•   Equip each squad with high-risk entry tools.
Objective 1.7.5
•   Equip select members with non-lethal force options.
Objective 1.7.6
•   Update I.T. equipment as necessary to avoid interruption in
Objective 1.7.7
•   Explore the possibility of implementing Rapid I.D. system to
    patrol squads.

                               GOAL 2 - IMAGE
      To increase and enhance the community’s perception of the Bartow
                     Police Department and its members

Design and implement an effective recruiting program to entice future police
department members.
Objective 2.1.1
•   Review and update the Bartow Police Department Recruiting and Retention Plan as necessary.
Objective 2.1.2
•   Constantly monitor the recruiting practices of other law enforcement agencies in order to adjust to the
    industries’ best practices.
Objective 2.1.3
•   Revise the recruitment material as necessary to highlight benefits of a Bartow Police Member.
Objective 2.1.4
•   Explore the possibility of additional incentives to possible applicants, such as expanding the take-home
    car range, etc.

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Develop a professional means of external communications to educate and inform
the community of police related incidents.
Objective 2.2.1
•   Utilize social media sites to inform the community of law enforcement activity.
Objective 2.2.2
•   Maintain a professional working relationship with those responsible for reporting law enforcement
    information in the media. This includes all forms of media reporting.
Objective 2.2.3
•   Provide citizens who attend community sponsored events, access to members of the Bartow Police
    Department, so the members may offer law
    enforcement advice and crime reduction
Objective 2.2.4
•   Schedule members to attend and participate
    in regularly scheduled organized community
    meetings as the department liaison.
Objective 2.2.5
•   Encourage members of the Bartow Police
    Department to actively volunteer in their

Create a professional business
Objective 2.3.1
• Enforce the existing dress code.
Objective 2.3.2
•   Enhance the police department’s aesthetic environment.
Objective 2.3.3
•   Provide members of the police department with Customer Service Training through various
    educational outlets.
Objective 2.3.4
•   Continually inspect equipment owned and operated by Bartow Police Department members to
    ensure operational readiness.
Objective 2.3.5
• Secure a marketing professional to organize, design, and produce Bartow Police Department
    imagery that can be used for sanctioned recruiting and promotional events.
Objective 2.3.6
•   Renovate and update the department facilities to meet the current needs of the department.

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
Foster a positive interaction between employees and customers.
Objective 2.4.1
•   Adhere to the Bartow Police Department’s Standard Operating Procedures that outline an unbiased Code
    of Conduct.
Objective 2.4.2
•   Foster an environment that encourages positive interactions between members of the department.
Objective 2.4.3
•   Recruit diverse members who display characteristics of a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and
    a desire to help others.
Objective 2.4.4
•   Choose a new Bartow Police Department slogan.

Design and construct functional work spaces to accommodate growth.
Objective 2.5.1
•   Replace office furniture throughout the building as needed.
Objective 2.5.2
•   Contract with a vendor to resurface floors and paint the interior of the Bartow Police Department.
Objective 2.5.3
•   Contract with a vendor to expand the current camera surveillance system.

Goals, Strategies and Objectives for the Bartow Police Department 2021-2022
           To ensure policies and procedures are consistent with State
Standards, Federal Laws, and State Statutes by achieving and maintaining accredi-
         tation through the Commission for Florida Accreditation (CFA)

Achieve initial accreditation through the
Commission for Florida Accreditation (CFA).
Objective 3.1.1
•   Maintain a continuous, comprehensive, and thorough review and revision of the Department’s Standard
    Operating Procedures to ensure they are up-to-date, standardized and meet current professional and
    accreditation standards.
Objective 3.1.2
•   Periodically review current training material and practices to maintain accreditation standards.

Maintain and update current practices to ensure compliance with accreditation
standards in order to be prepared for the re-accreditation process.
Objective 3.2.1
•   Ensure cooperation with Accreditation Coordinator’s requests for compliance proofs as needed for
    CFA requirements.
Objective 3.2.2
•   Review and update any current manuals to ensure compliance with CFA Standards.
Objective 3.2.3
•   Continually monitor time-sensitive reports as
    outlined by CFA Standards and department

Explore additional accreditation
opportunities within individual
Bartow Police Department Sections.
Objective 3.3.1
•   Communications: Obtain a contract for FLA-TAC.
Objective 3.3.2
•   Records: Research the feasibility of accreditation
    through reputable services.

       Foster an environment where internal communications are professional,
    informative, and current in order to ensure members are adequately informed
                                of department business

Provide an opportunity for the dissemination and sharing of information through
departmental meetings.
Objective 4.1.1
• Continue regular meetings between staff and the Chief of Police.
Objective 4.1.2
•   Provide opportunities for section meetings as deemed appropriate by the section head or supervisor.
Objective 4.1.3
•   Ensure that proper documentation of staff meetings is taken and disseminated to members in order to
    relay department business.

Explore computer based software programs to assist with various facets of the
internal sharing of information.
Objective 4.2.1
• Update current phone system to an automated virtual phone answering system.
Objective 4.2.2
•   Implement a program that will record all non-emergency telephone lines in the Communications Center.
Objective 4.2.3
•   Maintain internal bulletin boards containing essential up-to-date information and pass-along reports.

      To foster a professional work atmosphere that encourages professional
development of the members, highlights employee excellence, and attracts and pre-
                        serves a qualified diverse workforce.

Create opportunities in order to encourage current members to build tenure.
Objective 5.1.1
•   Provide training opportunities to members through outside training centers for the purpose of
    professional development.
Objective 5.1.2
•   Encourage members to attend college level courses for career development.
Objective 5.1.3
•   Explore the possibility of additional education and training requirements as promotional criteria for
    supervisory positions.

Recognize the need for a succession plan and adopt procedures to fill vacancies
with qualified members.
Objective 5.2.1
• Identify those members with the potential to fill vacant supervisory positions and provide mentorship
    through the Supervisory Development Training Program.
Objective 5.2.2
•   Encourage sworn and non-sworn members to attend external supervisory and management courses.
Objective 5.2.3
•   Implement the possibility of an Internship Program.
Objective 5.2.4
•   Implement a Sworn TDY Program to give junior
    members the opportunity to gain experience in other sections of the department.

Recognize employee excellence.
Objective 5.3.1
•   Develop and implement an awards policy for
    non-sworn uniformed members.
Objective 5.3.2
•   Develop and implement an awards policy for
    non-sworn members.
Objective 5.3.3
•   Develop a member recognition program for
    sworn and non-sworn members.
Objective 5.3.4
•   Organize an event to bring together all members
    of the department and their families.

Since the implementation of the 2020-21 Strategic Plan, the following objectives have been met:
   Resumed the monthly Chief’s Chat after the Covid lockdown was lifted for citywide events.
   Joined multiple social media outlets in order to promote Neighborhood Watch and distribute crime prevention
 Utilized volunteer police officers and Citizens on Patrol volunteers to supplement patrol activities throughout the city
  to reduce and combat crime.
 Developed an official Press Release Form, to more efficiently alert the public of law enforcement related activity
  throughout the community.
   Worked collaboratively with surrounding law enforcement agencies in the planning process for a new report writing
    and computer aided dispatching program (SOMA).
   Continuously updated our social media platforms to solicit information that would lead to suspects of recent crime
   Supervisors received training on how to receive and process customer complaints.
   Purchased equipment to equip police officers with tools necessary to address instances of civil unrest.

   The Community Services Team and members of the Detective Section attended community meetings throughout the
    city to provide current crime data and updates on criminal investigations.
   Social media, including Facebook and Twitter, were extensively used to provide pertinent crime data to citizens and
    visitors. All social media accounts are ADA compliant.
   The Recruiting team attended several recruiting events locally and throughout the Central Florida area to attract new
    employees to the Police Department. Recruitment materials were revised to emphasize benefits of BPD members.
   Began offering incentives in order to attract actively working, experienced law enforcement officers, to become
    members of the BPD.
   Organized a professional “Photo Shoot” at the police department, where each member received an official BPD photo.
   Worked closely with the State Attorney’s Office to facilitate successful prosecutions of criminal cases. Scheduled
    frequent meetings between members of the BPD and the assigned Assistant State Attorney.
   Enhanced the current surveillance system installed on the BPD grounds and facility.
   Received official accreditation certification on October 15, 2020 through the Commission of Florida Law Enforcement
   BPD Communications Center was officially certified as a 9-1-1 Public Safety Telecommunicator Program Training Center
    through the Florida Department of Health.

   On October 15, 2020, the Bartow Police Department was officially accredited by the Commission for Florida Law
    Enforcement Accreditation.
   The BPD Communications Center was certified as a 911 Public Safety Telecommunication Program Training Center
    through the Florida Department of Health.
   BPD Telecommunications operators began the training required by the Florida Telecommunications Accreditations
    Commission (FLA-TAC) to maintain compliance.
   Began research to pursue additional accredited status for both the Communications Center and the Property &
    Evidence Section.

   Regular meetings were scheduled with the Interim Chief of Police and staff.
   Worked closely with the City of Bartow’s Information and Technology Department to develop a system to record
    non-emergency phone calls in the Communications Center.

 A School Resource Officer position was added to adequately staff the SRO work force, increasing the total of SRO’s to five (5).
 Promoted the Detective Sergeant to the rank of Patrol Commander (Captain), making her the highest ranking female officer in
  the history of the Bartow Police Department.
 Created a new position within the Administrative Section, that of Investigations Commander. (Captain).
 Promoted one (1) member to the rank of Sergeant.
 Many members took advantage of the College Tuition Reimbursement Program and attended college courses at a variety of
  universities and colleges.
 Expanded the Decorations/Awards Policy which highlights individual police officer achievements. Each specified achievement
  is represented by an award ribbon worn on Class A dress uniforms. Officers who were employed with the BPD during the
  Coronavirus pandemic were awarded a “Pandemic Response” award ribbon.
 Created an Internship Program to allow students of local educational institutions the opportunity to have a hands-on experience
  working for a Criminal Justice Agency.
 Identified a qualified, diverse candidate to financially sponsor to attend the local police academy. This recruit will eventually
  become a full time member of the Bartow Police Department.

                               This is just a quick snapshot highlighting the accomplishments
                                 of the men and women of the Bartow Police Department
                                                for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
                                   We all look forward to working on new goals for this
                                    fiscal year as set forth in our current Strategic Plan.

             The Bartow Police Department would like to extend sincere gratitude to all those who served on the 2021/22
          Strategic Planning Team working diligently to develop a new Strategic Plan. Without the cooperative collaboration
                              of these individuals, this plan and our future success would not be possible.

                                                 Interim Chief Bryan S. Dorman
                               Officer Dallas Haynie                       Captain Michelle Smith
                                   Kathryn Jones                              Natasha Renteria
                                     Lyn Bryan                            Sergeant William Stevens

Bryan S. Dorman
   Interim Chief of Police
Bartow Police Department
       450 N. Broadway Ave.
         Bartow, FL 33830

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