Good morning! Monday, 23rd March 2020 - Gobierno de Canarias

Page created by Joel Owens
Good morning! Monday, 23rd March 2020 - Gobierno de Canarias
Good morning!                                   6th Grade
Monday, 23rd March 2020

                                                                         Todo saldrá bien
                            ● Activity Story Time
                            ● Review Irregular Verbs – List & Rap
                            ● Irregular Verbs - Grammar Exercises on-line

                            ● Drawing a picture of the YouTube channel Art for Kids Hub
                               or Drawing 4 Kids

Good morning! Monday, 23rd March 2020 - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                                      Monday, 23rd March 2020

                                Unit 4: At the coast
                                                         Monday, 23rd March 2020 - Worksheet

Orientaciones para el trabajo en casa

•   Activity Story Time – Ficha adjunta

    1. Do you know these popular stories? –Identificar cada título de cuento con su personaje.
    2. Complete the stories with the words in the box - Completar la historia con las palabras
       del cuadro.
    3. Now complete the tables with the past simple verbs from the stories - Completar las
       tablas con los verbos en pasado de las historias.

    Recuerda, si no tienes impresora las puedes escribir en la libreta.

•   Review Irregular Verbs – List & Rap – Repasar la lista de los verbos irregulares y el rap

•   Past Simple Tense, Irregular Verbs - Grammar Exercises on-line – Realizar ejercicios de
    gramática on-line de verbos irregulares y pasado simple.
    Sería interesante que si tienen los resultados de los ejercicios me envíes la puntuación al
    correo electrónico.



•   Drawing a picture of the YouTube channel Art for Kids Hub or Drawing 4 Kids.
Hacer un dibujo siguiendo las instrucciones en inglés de cualquiera de los siguientes canales de
Youtube. Te ayudará a seguir trabajando el listening.
        o   Art for Kids Hub:
        o   Drawing 4 Kids:

Good morning! Monday, 23rd March 2020 - Gobierno de Canarias
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                                          Monday, 23rd March 2020

                                              Story Time
                                Do you know these popular stories?

1)Hansel and Gretel                  2)Little Red Riding Hood               3)Sherlock Holmes
 4) Beauty and the Beast                        5)Robin Hood           6)The Little Mermaid

A                    B                    C           D                 E               F

    Did you read stories when you were young? Which one was your favourite?

Complete the stories with the words in the box:

Sleeping Beauty
           lived          lived        woke           slept             took          was
 cast              grew              came            married                cut              saw

A long time ago there _________ a beautiful princess. She __________in a
very high tower. A wicked fairy ___________ a spell and the princess ________
for a hundred years. A big forest _________ around the tower. One day a
handsome prince ________ to the tower. He ________ his sword and
_________ the trees. He ________ the princess and ______ her with a kiss.
The prince ____________ the princess and they ______ happily ever after.

The Three Little Pigs
 made        tried        ate     built       were   lived   fell        blew       was
 used         came

Once upon a time there ___________ three little pigs. One _________ a house
with straw, one _________ a house with wood and the other _________ bricks.
One day a big bad wolf _________ and _________ to destroy the houses. He
________ on each house. The houses of straw and wood _________ down and he
______ the pigs. The house of bricks ________ very strong so the final pig
_______ a long and happy life.

Now complete the tables with the past simple verbs from the stories:

    Present simple          Past simple                        Present simple       Past simple
    live                    ……………………..                         be                   ……………………..
    sleep                   ……………………..                         eat                  ……………………..
    grow                    ……………………..                         make                 ……………………..
    cut                     ……………………..                         build                ……………………..
    cast                    ……………………..                         use                  ……………………..
    marry                   ……………………..                         blow                 ……………………..
    be                      ……………………..                         try                  ……………………..
    take                    ……………………..                         fall                 ……………………..
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                 Monday, 23rd March 2020

         traducción       infinitivo  "SIMPLE PAST"
1    ser/estar       be              was/were        been
2    empezar         begin           began           begun
3    romper          break           broke           broken
4    traer           bring           brought         brought
5    construir       build           built           built
6    quemar          burn            burnt           burnt
7    comprar         buy             bought          bought
8    poder           can             could           been able to
9    coger           catch           caught          caught
10   elegir          choose          chose           chosen
11   venir           come            came            come
12   costar          cost            cost            cost
13   cortar          cut             cut             cut
14   hacer           do              did             done
15   soñar           dream           dreamt          dreamt
16   beber           drink           drank           drunk
17   conducir        drive           drove           driven
18   comer           eat             ate             eaten
19   caer (se)       fall            fell            fallen
20   sentir (se)     feel            felt            felt
21   luchar/ pelear  fight           fought          fought
22   volar           fly             flew            flown
23   olvidar         forget          forgot          forgotten
24   obtener         get             got             got
25   dar             give            gave            given
26   ir (se)         go              went            gone
27   tener/ haber    have            had             had
28   oír             hear            heard           heard
29   saber           know            knew            known
30   aprender        learn           learnt          learnt
31   irse/ dejar     leave           left            left
32   perder          lose            lost            lost
33   hacer           make            made            made
34   tener que       must            had to          had to
35   pagar           pay             paid            Paid
CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                 Monday, 23rd March 2020

       traducción       infinitivo   "SIMPLE PAST"
36   poner            put            put                put
37   leer             read           read               read
38   correr           run            ran                run
39   decir            say            said               said
40   ver              see            saw                seen
41   mostrar/ enseñar show           showed             shown
42   cantar           sing           sang               sung
43   dormir           sleep          slept              slept
44   hablar           speak          spoke              spoken
45   gastar           spend          spent              spent
46   tomar            take           took               taken
47   enseñar          teach          taught             taught
48   pensar           think          thought            thought
49   entender         understand     understood         understood
50   ganar            win            won                won

CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                                Monday, 23rd March 2020

 Irregular verbs are easy for me Listen to the song and you will see…See
  saw seen, be was been Think thought thought and buy bought bought
                    Always remember catch caught caught
And one for the teacher: teach taught taught Come came come and do did
                done Swim swam swum and win won won
        Everybody look around Lose lost lost and find found found
       Some don't change so don't forget Put put put and let let let
       Always keep it in your head Say said said and read read read
Some are different, don't be afraid Of hear heard heard and make made
made Know knew known and grow grew grown Throw threw thrown and
                             fly flew flown
 Some verbs end with “e” and “n” Like give gave given Take took taken
 Write wrote written Eat ate eaten Speak spoke spoken and Break broke
                      broken Is it good or is it bad?
  30 verbs we have had had Now this is the end of our song So go went
                            gone in 3,2,1

CEIP Bilingüe José Pérez y Pérez
                                                                    Monday, 23rd March 2020

Past Simple Tense, Irregular Verbs - Grammar Exercises on-line

•   Quizlet:
    Seguir practicando los verbos irregulares con quizlet. Acuérdate de enviarme la puntuación
    que obtienes.

•   Was or were?
    Practicar el uso de "was" y "were" en oraciones

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