Page created by Beatrice Leon

                        GORDEMITZ BIOMETHANE
                        PLANT COOPERATION PROJECT

The story behind this project is           were progressing nicely. But then,        the world of natural gas in the far     from the input of solids to the gas
so unusual that it would make an           in 2014, with the construction acti-      future: for example, whilst what        output at the tank. But would this
exciting Hollywood screenplay.             vities in full swing, there was some      are known as green gases currently      actually work out?
                                           terrible news: agri.capital, the client   account for less than one percent
It‘s about rise and fall, a long spell     and investor, had gone bankrupt!          of total natural gas consumption        Well it did and it has actually led
of hardship, adversaries who beco-         The work was stopped immediately          today, this ratio will be reversed      to a WIN-WIN-WIN situation for all
me allies, fighting for what is good       and the unfinished project became         within a few decades – with consi-      the stakeholders.
and meaningful, and ... a happy            part of the insolvent estate. This        derable effects on our business and
ending. These are not exactly the          was a very unpleasant situation for       the entire energy sector.”              Tobias Anzer, a sales engineer with
words you would normally expect            everyone involved, including the                                                  Schmack said: “Naturally, I was a
when describing a biomethane plant         neighbors who could do nothing but        So now back to the project: from        bit sceptical at first. We planned a
project!                                   watch this promising project gradu-       an abandoned ruin to a sign of hope     first appointment where our ‘ter-
                                           ally fall into decline.                   in no time!                             ritories’ were staked out. Both si-
LET‘S START AT THE BEGINNING                                                                                                 des had to compromise and work
                                           The chances of a turnaround and           A MINOR HURDLE                          together. But this actually resulted
One step at a time.                        a fresh start were slim. But then                                                 in a good solution for the customer,
                                           suddenly, in 2018, two experienced        As we mentioned earlier, the ori-       which we are currently implemen-
Let‘s start in 2010. Back then, when       biogas entrepreneurs from the Ger-        ginal project was planned by UTS        ting. What I hear from our project
EEG 2009, the German Federal Re-           man Westphalia district discovered        Biogastechnik in 2010. The com-         team is that they see the collabora-
newable Energy Sources Act, was in         the project for themselves, bought        pany was a direct competitor of         tion as very good, professional and
force, the biogas world was in full        it, and energetically started to plan     Schmack Biogas GmbH, a subsidi-         based on trust. We will definitely
bloom and building biogas plants was       its reactivation. Their initial plan      ary of the Viessmann Group, which,      continue this in future projects.”
still quite attractive. However, the in-   was to extend the existing permits,       like UTS, built biogas plants to in-
troduction of EEG 2012 brought an          revise the concept, adapt the tech-       dustrial standards. So actually, the    Donato Cristaldi, Head of Sales &
end to this booming growth. Whe-           nology, and continue building the         companies had been competing for        Service at UTS, is also enthusi-
reas some 4,400 new biogas plants          project on the basis of the existing      the same customers for many ye-         astic about the cooperation with
were built from 2008 to 2012, this         built structure. However, there was       ars.                                    Schmack: “Our team, consisting of
fell to just over 900 in the compara-      yet another unexpected turn of                                                    Christian Friedl, Thomas Braun and
ble period from 2012 to 2016.              events shortly before the project         Now fate can be so cruel: when          myself, and our colleagues from
                                           was to be restarted together with         BALANCE restarted the project, a        Schmack, from Mr Anzer to the ma-
It was in this first period, between       UTS. The Westphalian investors de-        new consortium suddenly emerged.        nagement including Mr Götz, all got
2010 and 2013, that the plant near         cided to sell the project again.          After a total of nine years in which    along together right from the be-
Gordemitz (10km north-east of Leip-                                                  UTS had worked on this project          ginning. It did not take long for us
zig) was designed, as one of the last      And, as a result, in late 2019,           with varying levels of intensity, the   to realise that the Schmack team
of its size. At the time, the project      the plant became the property of          new owner BALANCE brought in the        were also professionals who, des-
was commissioned by the Münster            BALANCE Erneuerbare Energien              company now known as Schmack            pite their great belief in their own
based company agri.capital, which          GmbH.                                     Biogas Service as an established        technologies, were open to the UTS
was then one of the largest biogas                                                   partner. Would it be everyone with      technology approach that had al-
plant operators in the market, while       BALANCE ERNEUERBARE                       each other, or against each other,      ready been planned.
UTS Biogastechnik, as the company          ENERGIEN GMBH?                            that was the question. However,
was known at the time, was awarded                                                   after a thorough introduction of all    I think both parties were pleasantly
the job of designing and constructing      Now we just need to take a short          the parties involved, it soon beca-     surprised by the honest and open
the plant.                                 detour in order to give you a better      me clear that as far as the custo-      interaction and by what the other
                                           view of the big picture. BALANCE          mer BALANCE was concerned, and          party could contribute to the pro-
PAINFUL                                    is a subsidiary of the VNG group          given the tight time schedule and       ject. It quickly became clear to
                                           of companies, which is active th-         budget, the only option would be        everyone that the project could
Initially everything went according to     roughout Europe, and has 20 sub-          for UTS and Schmack to work to-         be brought about more safely and
plan, the ground-breaking ceremony         sidiaries in the energy market with       gether.                                 quickly by working together than
was held in 2013, and it was planned       a focus on the gas industry. Based                                                without the other party.”
that the project would be completed        on its group strategy “VNG 2030+”,        Schmack was to construct and
and the plant connected to the elec-       VNG has been investing in the             coordinate the entire plant as the      So what started out as a forced
tricity grid and the natural gas grid      energy transition and the future.         general contractor and UTS would        marriage has evolved into a true
in 2015. The project was running           The group‘s website says: “Con-           be responsible for fitting out and      biogas romance.
smoothly and the building activities       sequently, we are also focusing on        constructing the raw biogas line,

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                                                                                                                             The entire set of equipment is desi-
                                                                                                                             gned to achieve the efficient, trou-
                                                                                                                             ble-free, economical, and above all
                                                                                                                             safe operation of the plant through-
                                                                                                                             out the fermentation process.

                                                                                                                             ALL‘S WELL THAT ENDS WELL

                                                                                                                             The Gordemitz plant became opera-
                                                                                                                             tional by late 2020, and it will start
                                                                                                                             to actively contribute to environ-
                                                                                                                             mental and climate protection by
                                                                                                                             end of January 2021. This has been
                                                                                                                             a challenging project, which, given
                                                                                                                             its rather uncommon start and pro-
                                                                                                                             ject set-up, initially required a lot of
                                                                                                                             good will.

THE PROJECT                              at the substrate which is fermented      any obstructions and with low ener-        At the start of this article, we referred
                                         to biogas in the plant. The substrate    gy consumption. If required, liquid        to a happy ending. UTS, Schmack,
In short, the goal is to build a bio-    consists of renewable raw materials      manure can also be supplied and in-        BALANCE, and Mr. Kellermann from
methane plant which will enable          such as corn and grass silage, as        troduced via a preliminary pit.            greenValue managed to combine
BALANCE GmbH to feed approx.             well as approx. 10-15% of dry chi-                                                  their competences and capacities to
700Nm³/h of climate-neutral bio-         cken manure from regional farms.         14 PSM MIXERS                              optimum effect. This made it possib-
gas of natural gas quality into          Some 45,000-50,000 metric tons                                                      le that the project was completed “in
the natural gas grid per hour. The       of input materials are processed in      The contents of the five digesters are     time and according to budget” and
“green gas” is stored in the grid, so    the plant under full load per year,      mixed by a total of 14 state-of-the-       at a consistently high technical le-
to speak, making it available for use    resulting in approx. 700Nm³ of bio-      art UTS PSM mixers with gearless           vel. Donato Cristaldi, Head of Sales
all over Germany.                        methane being produced or fed into       direct drive and intelligent DMC con-      & Service at UTS said: “Achieving
                                         the grid per hour, enough to supply      trol. These mixers not only provide        a goal sometimes takes stamina. I
To make this possible, a gas treat-      approx. 3,000 to 4,000 households        the necessary thrust and mixing, but       am very happy with how success-
ment plant from the Schwelm com-         with energy.                             thanks to their power consumption          ful the project has been and how
pany brings the raw biogas from the                                               of approx. 7 - 9kW, they are also one      well we have been working together
biogas plant to a methane content of     5 DIGESTERS                              of the most energy-efficient mixing        with Schmack. The Gordemitz plant
approx. 97%. The biomethane can                                                   systems on the market.                     means a lot for many colleagues who
then be taken from the grid and used     Overall, the plant consists of two                                                  already worked for UTS when it was
wherever this makes sense. For ex-       pre-digesters and three main diges-      FURTHER HIGHLIGHTS                         first planned, and we are proud and
ample, as a climate-neutral fuel for     ters. In 2014, UTS Biogastechnik                                                    happy to see this plant finally go into
public transport (natural gas-fuelled    provided the two pre-digesters with      A total of 17 Service Boxes Pro enab-      operation, even if it is six years later
buses), as well as for “green” heat      concrete ceilings in order to ensure     le easy and safe access to the mixing      than planned.”
and power generation in CHP plants       intensive mixing, proper desulphu-       equipment at any time and feature
of hospitals, swimming pools, indus-     risation, a stable gas pressure and      integrated and frost-protected over-       The plant will soon be connected to
trial companies or in district heating   low heat losses, while excluding any     pressure/underpressure safety de-          the mains in Gordemitz and it is a
networks.                                weather influences.                      vices, as well as “clean” gas tapping      showcase project in many respects.
                                                                                  points far above the substrate level.      Not only that, but in the end, there
This makes the plant a further com-      Two Havelberger solids feed-in sys-      Pump structures with progressive           will only be winners: BALANCE
ponent of the energy transition th-      tems with capacities of 120m³ and        cavity pumps and a UTS ZPS (cen-           as an operator, UTS & Schmack
rough green gas for BALANCE and          150m³ and the conveyor technology        tral pumping station) and numerous         as contractor, local farmers, gas
an example of how the future can be      that is typical of UTS plants feed two   pumping options in all directions en-      consumers and, last but not least,
shaped to achieve a WIN-WIN-WIN          pre-digesters and two of three main      sure sufficient operational flexibility.   the climate. WIN-WIN-WIN.
situation from both a climate and an     digesters with solid substrate.
environmental point of view.                                                      Two UTS FSP-B 78/15 separators en-         All that remains is for the heroes of
                                         Besides being very robust, the Ha-       sure high solids separation of alrea-      the film to ride off into the sunset
THE PLANT                                velberger scraper chain conveyors        dy fermented material and enable           together...
                                         with milling rollers and the installed   the dry matter content to be regu-
Well it’s large, as the performance      conveyor technology offer the ad-        lated by returning the filtrate to the
data suggests, but compactly built.      vantage that they can convey fib-        digesters or, optionally, to the fer-
But let‘s start from the beginning:      rous material into the tanks without     mentation product storage.

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