Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later

Page created by Edward Garner
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
T H U R S D AY, M arch 1 8 , 2 0 2 1

   Published every Thursday                                                                                                  Serving Back Bay - South End - Fenway - Kenmore

Grant AME Church
continues journey of
compassion a year later
           By Seth Daniel            members and the community
   The first COVID memori-              First there were a hundred or
al ribbons at the Grant AME          so.
Church in the South End were            Then they hit several thou-
assembled last April in apart-       sand.
ments and the basement of the           Now, there are more than
church – an ambitious project        18,000 ribbons wrapped four or
coming from Pastor Pedro Cas-        five times around the church in
tro that no one could have imag-     an L-shape – including 16,645
ined would eventually, and sadly,    ribbons that represent those that
almost envelop the church a year     passed away from COVID in
later.                               Massachusetts.                      Neighbors stand in and around the bus shelter at Jersey and Queensbury streets to protest the suspension of
   The colorful ribbons denote          “This isn’t something we         the #55 bus route.
all of the official deaths from
COVID-19 that occurred in the
                                     played catch-up on,” said Cas-
                                     tro. “This has been a journey       Bok, Fenwickians protest suspension of the #55 bus
state, as well as several thousand                                                 By Lauren Bennett           suspended on the line.                a press release from Bok’s office.
prayer requests from church               (Grant AME Church, Pg. 5)                                               “The Councilor, residents,            “This decision by the Gover-
                                                                           City Councilor Kenzie Bok           and neighborhood groups are           nor and the MBTA is harmful
                                                                         and residents gathered at the         demanding that the MBTA rein-         to residents, especially seniors,
                                                                         MBTA #55 bus stop at Jersey St.       state the bus line in time for the    those with mobility challenges,
                                                                         and Queensbury streets on Sun-        summer schedule,” according to
                                                                         day, the first day that service was                                                           (#55 Bus Pg. 6)

                                                                         Baker announces rest of schedule for vaccine rollout;
                                                                         all residents 16 and older will be eligible on April 19
                                                                                   By Lauren Bennett           that’s created by this process can    December that said the general
                                                                                                               be stressful for many people, and     population would be eligible to
                                                                            Governor Charlie Baker on          we hope that this clarity will help   receive the vaccine by the end of
                                                                         Wednesday announced a time-           everybody plan ahead and know         April or beginning of May.
                                                                         line for remaining residents to get   what to expect when,’ Baker said.        On March 22, all residents age
                                                                         vaccinated, with the general pub-       He said that the state “remains     60 and older and “certain work-
                                                                         lic becoming eligible on April 19.    on track to meet those origi-         ers,” such as restaurant work-
                                                                            “We all know that the anxiety      nal milestones” announced in
                                                                                                                                                                  (Vaccinations Pg. 2)

                                                                         Officials provide information to BFSNA on Shattuck
                                                                         Hospital’s planned move to East Newton Pavilion
                                                                                    By Dan Murphy              for the Lemuel Shattuck Hos-          second quarter of 2024, said
                                                                                                               pital, a 260-bed medical/surgi-       Doyle, “with construction right
                                                                            State officials were on hand       cal and psychiatric hospital in       up to that date to coordinate the
                                                                         for the Blackstone/Franklin           Jamaica Plain that is run in con-     Herculean task of moving from
                                                                         Square Neighborhood Associa-          junction with the state’s Depart-     Jamaica Plain.”
                                                                         tion’s March 16 meeting to pro-       ment of Public Health and                Construction on the South
                                                                         vide information on Shattuck          Department of Correction and          End facility is expected to take
                                                                         Hospital’s upcoming move to the       serves many patients who experi-      two and a half years to complete,
                                                                         East Newton Pavilion.                 encing substance use disorder or      Doyle added, and to kick off in
                                                                            Department of Public Health        homelessness, is being relocated      July with demolition work.
More than three lines of ribbons adorn the church in an L-shape.         Undersecretary Lauren Peters          to 88 East Newton St.                    Most of the construction will
There are more than 16,645 ribbons to denote those that have died in     and Assistant Commissioner               The new South End hospi-
Massachusetts from the virus, and thousands more that represent prayer   Frank Doyle said the operation        tal is expected to open in the
requests from the church and the community.                                                                                                                            (BFSNA, Pg. 4)
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
PA G E 2                                                                          THE BOSTON SUN                                                                         March 18, 2021

    The pros and cons of maintaining the filibuster in the U.S. Senate
have reached the forefront of political discussion as never before --
and with good reason. Whether one believes that the filibuster pro-
tects the minority from the so-called tyranny of the majority or pro-
vides a means for the minority to obstruct the majority, the filibuster
clearly is anti-democratic.
    The filibuster is not part of our Constitution. It simply is a Senate
rule upon which the Senate has carved out exceptions over the years,
most notably for Presidential nominations and budget matters. The
latter is referred to as reconciliation, which is how President Biden’s
$1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill was enacted by a simple majority,
as was the Republicans’ $2 trillion tax cut for the ultra-rich in 2017.
    The rule allowing a filibuster may have made sense in the early
1800s when the U.S. was not divided between two parties. Political
coalitions were much more fluid in the early days of our nation and
compromise was common among senators.
    However, after the Civil War, the battle lines were drawn between
Democrats and the newly-formed Republican party (which only had
come into existence in 1854), principally on the issue of race -- with
                                                                                                                              Guest Op-Ed
the Democrats from the Solid South coalescing around the issue of
segregation.                                                                                        Scraps of normalcy from before the pandemic
    The so-called Dixiecrats -- embodied by Senator Strom Thurmond
                                                                                                                         the receipt for our meal as I was    included interaction with family
of South Carolina -- used the filibuster from the 1940s through the         By James Dilday, president, Alexandra Ball
1960s in an attempt to stymie Civil Rights legislation, especially the             Neighborhood Association              preparing my taxes and realized      and friends. Hopefully with the
Voting Rights Act.                                                                                                       that I had not seen her in over      vaccine being administered and
                                                                               I texted a woman last week                a year. The strange thing is that    smart compliance with the rules
    Though the racist efforts of Thurmond and others ultimately failed
                                                                            about the shutdown. We had                   we have adjusted to living a dif-    of wearing face masks and main-
(only because the Senate obtained a 2/3 majority to end filibusters on
                                                                            been to a BPDA meeting for                   ferent type of life style over the   taining social distance, we as a
those issues), the filibuster likely will be employed by Senate Repub-
licans to obstruct voting reform measures that are necessary today.
                                                                            the Roxbury Strategic Master                 last year. No public meetings, no    country can beat this virus.
    The national Republican playbook to limit voting among non-             Plan Oversight Committee at                  restaurant dinners, no birthday
white citizens once again is surging. Republican state legislators have     the school department building               celebrations with family and the        James Dilday is the President
filed more than 200 bills that would restrict voting in the coming          on March 2, 2020 and went out                like. Only a sense of seclusion      of the Alexandra Ball Neighbor-
elections in their states.                                                  to eat afterwards. I ran across              from our normal life style which     hood Association.
    The very foundation of our democracy rests on the right of every
citizen to vote. Legislation presently before Congress would ensure         Vaccinations (from pg. 1)
that voting rights are not abridged in any state. However, thanks to
the arcane filibuster rule, the passage of a new Voting Rights Act faces    ers, grocery and convenience                 nation sites “have the ability to    federal government means we
little chance of success in the Senate.                                     store workers, transportation                administer far more doses than       will be able to move faster to
    The truth is this: The anti-democratic state efforts to limit voting    workers, public works employ-                we’re actually receiving.”           get doses to our residents, and
rights most likely will be allowed to proceed because of the anti-dem-      ees, and others, will be eligible.              For this coming week, Massa-      this is long overdue and wel-
ocratic filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate -- and unless the Democratic     For the full list of eligible work-          chusetts will be receiving about     come. We’re all eager to get back
majority in the Senate takes steps to abolish the filibuster rule, the      ers, visit            170,000 first doses, including       to something like normal and
United States will have a democracy in name only.                           covid-19-vaccinations-for-cer-               8,000 “unanticipated” doses of       see our friends and loved ones
                                                                            tain-workers.                                the Johnson & Johnson vaccine,       again.”
                                                                                                                         Baker said.
MARVELOUS MARVIN WAS A GREAT                                                   On April 5, residents age 55
                                                                            and older and those with “one                   He said that the large number
                                                                                                                                                                 He added that the “vaccines
                                                                                                                                                              can’t come fast enough,” but
 FIGHTER AND A GREAT PERSON                                                 certain medical condition” will              of hospitals and health centers
                                                                                                                         across the state that have been
                                                                                                                                                              people still need to take all of the
                                                                            be eligible, and on April 19, the                                                 precautions that they have been,
   The boxing world lost one of its all-time greats with the sudden         general public aged 16 and older             working to administer the vac-       such as mask wearing, avoiding
passing of Marvelous Marvin Hagler this past week.                          will be eligible.                            cine is a huge reason why Massa-     large gatherings, and washing
   Hagler, a native of Newark who moved to Brockton as a teenag-               Baker said that the state is              chusetts is a leader in the nation   hands, as “COVID is still very
er, reigned as the undisputed middleweight boxing champion of the           “taking an additional step” to               on vaccine distribution. The state   much with us,” Baker said.
world for seven years in the 1980s and is acknowledged as one of the        “prioritize” those 60 and older              remains in the “top 10 among            Baker also said that all res-
greatest fighters of all time. His bout with Thomas Hearns, which           and then those 55 and older                  all 50 states for vaccines being     idents can now preregister
lasted about eight minutes, is regarded as the greatest three rounds in     because there is a “very strong              administered,” Baker said.           for their vaccine at
boxing history.                                                             and      important       correlation            “Having so many sites across      COVIDvaccine. While the tool
   We were fortunate to see one of Hagler’s title fights when we cov-       between COVID and age.”                      Massachusetts ensures that           is currently only for the state’s
ered his title defense for The Chelsea Record against Vito “The Mos-           He said that “we believe add-             everybody will have access to        seven mass vaccination sites,
quito” Antuofermo in the old Boston Garden in June, 1981 (we were           ing these groups by age will help            a vaccine when it’s their turn,”     Baker said that more sites are
stunned when we realized how long ago that fight was!).                     us vaccinate more of our most                Baker said. “The news about the      expected to be added in April.
   We also had the pleasure of running into the champ after he had          vulnerable population faster.”               arrival of more vaccine from the
retired in an elevator in Boston at One Devonshire Place in the late           Though everyone over the age

                                                                                                                                          THE BOSTON SUN
1980s. We only exchanged pleasantries, but Hagler’s innate humility,        of 16 will be eligible by April
graciousness, and sense of humor were apparent in our brief encoun-         19, the governor said that it
ter.                                                                        could “still take several weeks”
   Marvelous Marvin Hagler overcame his hard-scrabble back-                 for enough vaccine to arrive for
ground with an unparalleled sense of determination and hard work            everyone, as appointments are                                President/Editor: Stephen Quigley
to become a world champion. His attainment of the pinnacle of his           dependent on the federal supply                Marketing Director: Debra DiGregorio (
profession serves as a model for success in life in any endeavor.           of the vaccine.                                       Art Directors: Kane DiMasso-Scott, Scott Yates
                                                                                                                                   Reporters: Seth Daniel,
   Marvelous Marvin Hagler was a great fighter and a great person.             He said that the state’s vacci-                       Lauren Bennett,
   He will be missed.
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
March 18, 2021                                                                  THE BOSTON SUN                                                                                              PA G E 3

Hynes Convention Center opens as mass vax site March 18
Back Bay site to                        “We are humbled to have
                                     been given the opportunity to
                                                                           tion. Plus — by sheer virtue of its
                                                                           size — it offers the ability to scale
                                                                                                                   (MCCA). “We are excited to now
                                                                                                                   partner with the Commonwealth
                                                                                                                                                           on Monday, March 22. The Pfiz-
                                                                                                                                                           er vaccine will be administered
administer nearly                    help Massachusetts become a           vaccination delivery by more            and CIC Health to use the Hynes         at this site, but that may change
                                     leader in vaccine rollout. We         than seven times that of Fenway.        Convention Center as a mass vac-        later depending on the vaccine
9,000 shots per day                  are beginning to see the light at        CIC Health is incredibly grate-      cination site to meet this critical     supply the State receives. The soft
            Staff Report             the end of the tunnel,” said Tim      ful for its instrumental partner-       public health need as we make           launch kicks off with capacity for
                                     Rowe, CEO and co-founder              ship with the Boston Red Sox,           the transition from treating, to        500 daily appointments, ramping
   The Fenway Park mass vacci-       of CIC Health. “In collabora-         which will have enabled more            defeating, the coronavirus.”            up to 1,000 the following week
nation site will transition from     tion with the Commonwealth,           than 55,000 vaccinations by                In addition to collaborating         and, ultimately, to nearly 9,000.
the old ballfield this week to the   the Massachusetts Convention          March 27, the final day of vac-         with the MCCA, CIC Health               Beginning Monday, March 22,
Hynes Convention Center, open-       Center Authority, Mass Gener-         cine operations at Fenway.              has partnered with Mass Gen-            the site will be open from 9 a.m.-
ing on March 18, and scaling up      al Brigham, Boston Properties,           CIC Health is one of the larg-       eral Brigham to provide expert          5 p.m., seven days a week, with
to be the largest mass vax site in   and multiple health care delivery     est operators of COVID-19 test-         medical oversight, Cataldo              plans to extend weekday hours
the state.                           partners, we are excited to once      ing services in New England, and        Ambulance to support prepara-           shortly thereafter.
   Gov. Charlie Baker announced      again expand the State’s capaci-      the largest operator of vaccine         tion and administration of the             Eligibility for vaccination
earlier this month that the Com-     ty for safe and accessible vacci-     delivery services in Massachu-          vaccine, DMSE Sports for on-site        appointments will continue
monwealth would open a mass          nations with the addition of the      setts. The company applied les-         vaccine operations and logistics        to follow the State’s timeline
vaccination site on March 18         Hynes Convention Center site.”        sons learned in the testing realm       management, and PWN Health              at
at the Hynes Convention Cen-            Per the Commonwealth’s             — where it is known for easy            for remote customer support.            sachusetts-covid-19-vaccina-
ter under the operation of CIC       decision, CIC Health will transi-     online scheduling, no lines, and        CIC Health is also grateful for         tion-phases. Eligible individuals
Health. After the administration     tion operations from its Fenway       quick results turnaround — to           the support of Boston Properties,       can preregister for appointments
of more than 260,000 vaccines        Park mass vaccination site to the     vaccine administration.                 which will offer up to two hours        using the State’s new system
at CIC Health’s Gillette Stadium,    Hynes Convention Center this             “During the darkest days of the      of free parking in the Prudential       at
Fenway Park, and Reggie Lewis        week in the hopes of scaling up       pandemic, the Boston Convention         Center Garage for vaccination           Individuals without internet
Center mass vaccination sites (as    to nearly 9,000 shots adminis-        and Exhibition Center was home          appointments.                           access or who cannot navigate
of March 15), the State asked        tered per day. Less than a mile       to the Boston Hope Field Hospi-            Vaccinations at the Hynes            the online system may call 211
the Cambridge-based health tech      from the ballpark, the Hynes          tal,” said David Gibbons, execu-        Convention Center begin with a          to preregister by phone. To learn
company to transition opera-         is centrally located and easily       tive director of the Massachusetts      soft launch on Thursday, March          more, visit
tions from Fenway to the Hynes.      accessible by public transporta-      Convention Center Authority             18, followed by the official launch     cines.

          Weekly COVID-19 positive test rate sees 4.75 percent decrease in the Back Bay
           By John Lynds             eral government.                      con Hill,North End, West End            from 2,823 cases to 2,898 cases         coronavirus increased 1.95 per-
                                        While Walsh said there are         and Downtown had an infec-              as of last Friday.                      cent percent last week and went
   Last week Back Bay’s cumula-      many reasons to be hopeful the        tion rate of 520 cases per 10,000          The statistics released by           from 59,953 cases to 61,126
tive COVID-19 positive test rate     city is still not out of the woods    residents, up 2.65 percent from         the BPHC as part of its weekly          confirmed cases in a week.
remained the same and the week-      yet. “Everyone has to stay            506.6 cases per 10,000 residents        COVID19 report breaks down              Twenty-seven additional Boston
ly positive test rate decreased      focused so that we don’t slip         reported two weeks ago.                 the number of cases and infec-          residents died from the virus last
slightly.                            backward,” said Walsh. “That             An additional 75 residents           tion rates in each neighborhood.        week and there are now 1,313
   According to the latest data      means: wearing a mask with a          became infected with the virus          It also breaks down the number          total deaths in the city from
released by the Boston Public        good fit, washing hands with          last week and the total number          of cases by age, gender and race.       COVID.
Health Commission (BPHC) last        soap and warm water, avoiding         of cases in the area increased             Citywide positive cases of
Friday, overall since the pandem-    gatherings, and getting tested fre-
ic started 46,55 Back Bay, Bea-      quently.”
con Hill, North End, West End
and Downtown residents have
                                        The Mayor said that peo-
                                     ple who have been vaccinated                                          Virtual Public Workshop
                                     should look at the CDC’s guid-
been tested for COVID-19 and
                                     ance on activities they can do
the data shows that 6.2 percent
of those tested were COVID pos-
itive. This was the same percent-
                                     safely, which is posted on CDC.
                                     gov.                                      PLAN: Nubian Square
                                        As far as the St. Patrick’s Day
age reported by the BPHC two                                                   Monday, March 29           Zoom Link:
                                     holiday Walsh thanked the peo-
weeks ago.                                                                     6:00 PM - 7:45 PM          Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864
                                     ple of Boston for respecting pub-
   However, last week 2,689 resi-                                                                         Meeting ID: 160 056 3575
                                     lic health guidance so far during
dents were tested and 2.0 percent    the days leading up to the Irish          Event Description
were positive--this was a 4.75       Holiday and said that the City            Please join members of the PLAN: Nubian Square team on Mar. 29th from 6-7:45pm to discuss Parcel P3.
percentage decrease from the 2.1     didn’t have many reports of big           During this workshop we will continue to review existing site conditions and surrounding development to
percent reported by the BPHC         gatherings.                               guide the future RFP. For more information please visit
two Fridays ago.                        “City departments were out             Únase a los miembros del PLAN: equipo de Nubian Square el 29 de marzo de 2021 de 6 pm a 7:45 pm
   Citywide, ​​​​27,597 residents    enforcing safety protocols at             para discutir el lote P3. Durante este taller,continuaremos revisando las condiciones existentes del sitio y
were tested and 3.6 percent were     restaurants, and for the most             los desarrollos circundantes para guiar la RFP en el futuro. Para obtener más información visite
COVID positive--this was the         part, everyone was in compli-             PlanNubian.
same positive test rate reported     ance,” said Walsh. “No emergen-           Tanpri rantre nan ekip la PLAN: Nubian Square sou Mas 29 6th nan 7:45 pm. Ekip Nubian Square la ap
by the BPHC two weeks ago.           cy Licensing Board hearings were          kontinye revize kondisyon sit ki deja egziste yo ak devlopman ki antoure yo pou gide RFP nan lavni.
   At his daily press briefing       needed this morning (Monday).             Tanpri vizite: pou plis enfòmasyon.
Monday Mayor Martin Walsh            We need everyone to keep it up
said that Boston’s numbers have      this coming week and weekend,
                                                                               Kelly Sherman
stayed below the thresholds for      too. As I said last week, having a        Boston Planning & Development Agency
concern for several weeks. The       party and potentially causing an          One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201
number of people hospitalized        outbreak, isn’t worth it. I thank         617.918.5493|
continues to go down, people are     everyone who continues to do
getting vaccinated every day and     their part.”                                                                                                       @bostonplans
help is on the way from the Fed-        The BPHC data released last
                                                                                                                                                      Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary
                                     Friday showed Back Bay, Bea-
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
PA G E 4                                                                                  THE BOSTON SUN                                                                      March 18, 2021

BFSNA (from pg. 1)
take place inside the building            numbers, since the cost to reno-                                                    fund, which currently has more          To learn more about DeRosa
and its envelope will remain              vate that facility is estimated at             ‘Buy a Bite’ pilot program           than $39,000 in its coffers.         and his campaign, visit www.
unchanged, he said, although the          $200 million, while it’s expected            BFSNA Vice President Jona-                Since its creation in the mid-
façade will be re-clad for “energy        to cost around $400 million to            than Alves and Elizabeth Bue-             2000s by the late Andrew Par-           Dr. Robyn Riseberg was also
savings” in the spring of 2022.           rehabilitate the existing Jamaica         tel of the South End Business             thum, the scholarship fund has       on hand to provide information
   Doyle apologized to neighbors          Plain hospital, or $500 million to        Alliance and AC Hotel Boston              raised more than $180,000 to         on Boston Community Pediat-
that the site has recently been           build a new one on that site.             Downtown discussed the BFSNA              disperse $2,000 scholarships to      rics, the new pediatrics practice
plagued with issues, including               “Jamaica Plain facility is             and SEBA’s new Buy-a-Bite pilot           South End high school seniors        she has opened in the BFSNA
inoperative lighting in an alley;         beyond its life expectancy,”              program.                                  (or, funds permitting, to those      district on Albany Street.
discarded syringes and trash; and         Peters said of the building that             The BFSNA has used chari-              who are significantly involved in       The operation has “grown
snow removal (or lack thereof),           dates back to the 1950s. “We              table funds to purchase $5,000            a South End community orga-          exponentially” since opening on
as well as overgrown bushes               have explored several options             worth of gift cards from five             nization), said Watson, to cover     Nov. 16 with 150 patients, Dr.
abutting a ramp, and promised             and found our optimal solution            South End restaurants for dis-            the costs of books, computers        Riseberg said, and now treats
he would address them with                in the South End.”                        tribution, they said, among 10            and fees not typically covered by    around 550 patients.
DCAMM (Division of Capital                   The 13-acre Jamaica Plain              South End retailers to give to            financial aid.                          “We’re small, and we’re scrap-
Asset Management and Main-                campus, meanwhile, would be               customers as an incentive.                   The committee has also estab-     py,” she said, “and we’re inter-
tenance), the state agency that           redeveloped in accordance with               Alves said the initiative would        lished a $3,000 scholarship in       ested in seeing all kids in the
manages the property.                     a “vision plan,” said Peters,             have a “multiplier effect” by             Parthum’s name, she added, “for      neighborhood.”
   “These issues haven’t been             being developed by a Communi-             simultaneously generating busi-           outstanding community involve-          Risberg offered her practice to
addressed to me satisfactorily,           ty Advisory Board, with several           ness for both participating retail-       ment.”                               use for community vaccination
and especially not to neighbors,”         South End residents serving as            ers and restaurants in the neigh-            Watson said she and Jenks are     clinics “or anything else to sup-
he said.                                  members.                                  borhood.                                  actively looking for new schol-      port the neighborhood.”
   Once the South End facility is            “Maybe it could be a site for             As for how participating               arship committee members and            For more information on Bos-
up and running, a maximum of              recovery services,” she added.            retailers distribute the gift cards,      assured new recruits that the        ton Community Pediatrics, visit
15 van transports carrying a total        “The process is well underway,            that’s entirely up to them, said          commitment would be “not very        www.bostoncommunitypediat-
of about 24 patients from the             and we hope to issue a RFP later          Buetel, but the BFSNA and SEBA            onerous” and “really easy this
Department of Correction, Doyle           this year.”                               are asking them to track how              year.”                                  David Stone, BFSNA presi-
said, would arrive there each day.           A Request for Proposals [RFP]          they use the card to measure the             New members, said Watson,         dent, informed those in atten-
The vans would come along the             for this project is expected to           pilot’s success. “We’ve kind of           would be charged with reach-         dance of Jeffery Street, which
east end of the pavilion, which           be issued for the project in the          put the decision in their hands,”         ing out to local youth organiza-     connects with Dedham and
be renovated into a plaza for             late summer or early fall, Doyle          she said.                                 tions to inform them about the       Canton streets and is the new-
ambulances, shuttles and other            said, and the design is on target            The SEBA website at www.               program; conducting interviews       est street in the South End, and
vehicles picking up and dropping          for completion in 2026, with    , said Buetel said,         s part of a group; and planning      likely in the city. It’s named for
off, he added, to the old ambu-           construction commencing soon              will soon publish information             and executing a small event in
                                                                                                                                                                   Jeffrey Hull, a South End artist
lance entrance. This area would           afterwards.                               on the pilot program, including           June to honor the scholarship
                                             “There will be a transition-           how corporate sponsors can get                                                 and teacher, Stone said, who died
be restricted and gated, Doyle                                                                                                recipients.
                                          al period when we move out in             involved.                                    Interested parties are asked      in 2017.
said, and these patients would be
                                          2024,” he said, “and the time                                                       to contact Watson or Jenks via          Captain Steven Sweeney of
under the supervision of guards
                                          when construction is done in                      BFSNA scholarships                email at bfsna@blackstonefrank-      Boston Police’s District 4, said
throughout the process.
   While the budget for the proj-         Jamaica Plain.”                              Jenni Watson, who co-chairs  , said Watson, while the      some earlier problems in the
ect still hasn’t been finalized,             Boyle also said he would reach         the BFSNA Scholarship Commit-             scholarship’s next meeting is        neighborhood have been cur-
Boyle said the decision to the            out to DCAMM and return to                tee with Lisa Jenks, was also on          scheduled via Zoom for Tuesday,      tailed, including far fewer syring-
South End largely came down to            the group with a project design           hand to discuss the scholarship           Match 23, at 6 p.m.                  es discarded in Franklin Park
                                          for them to review.                                                                                                      and people no longer sleeping in
                                                                                                                                           Other matters           the doorway of the Blackstone
                                                                                                                                  Domingos DeRosa appeared         School.
                                Virtual Community Meeting                                                                     before group to discuss his candi-
                                                                                                                              dacy for one of four City Coun-
                                                                                                                                                                      Regarding Mass Cass, Sweeney
                                                                                                                                                                   said the area around the highway
                                                                                                                              cilor at-Large seats.                connector is “looking better,”
                                                                                                                                  DeRosa, who immigrated to
   Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee                                                                          the U.S. with his parents as a
                                                                                                                                                                   although there’s still been reports
                                                                                                                                                                   of drug dealing on a stoop in the
                              Zoom Link:
                                                                                                                              child from Cape Verde Island,        600 block between Harrison and
   Monday, April 5
   6:00 PM - 7:45 PM          Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864                                                                     grew up in Dorchester and Rox-       Washington streets while much
                              Meeting ID: 161 848 8944                                                                        bury, and after graduating from      of the other nefarious activity has
                                                                                                                              Madison Park High and earn-          “unfortunately” moved from Dis-
   Event Description
                                                                                                                              ing a degree from the Benjamin       trict 4 to the C-6 side.
   The Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee was developed to oversee projects that fall under the
   Roxbury Strategic Master Plan. The committee meets monthly to discuss development and planning in Nubian
                                                                                                                              Franklin Institute of Technology,       Sweeney also said police are
   Square. Vote on Parcel 8 will take place April 5th. All meetings are held on zoom and open to the public.                  he spent 22 years working for
                                                                                                                                                                   working with Villa Victoria and
                                                                                                                              Boston Centers for Youth and
   For more information, on how to Join, Engage, and Take Action, please visit the website.                                                                        hope to get bicycle officers to
                                                                                                                              Families (BCYF). He also served
   Upcoming meetings/Próximas reuniones/Dat pwochen rankont yo se:                                                            as leader of SEIU Local 888 and      patrol that area.
   April/Abril/Avril 5 (Parcel 8 Vote/Parcela 8 voto /Pasèl 8 vote)
                                                                                                                              learned to work with different          Meanwhile, the BPDs Street
   May/Mayo/ Me 3
                                                                                                                              city departments under one con-      Outreach Unit, which engages in
   June/Junio/Jen 7
                                                                                                                              tract, which, he said, broadened     outreach with the homeless just
   For interpretation services, contact the planner listed below one week before each meeting.                                his “understanding of how city       picked up a new sergeant and five
   Para los servicios de interpretación, comuníquese con el planificador que se indica a continuación una semana              budget affects every one of us.”     additional officers, said Sweeney,
   antes de cada reunión.                                                                                                         In his spare time, DeRosa has    who also praised the work of
   Si w bezwen sèvis entèpretasyon, kontakte moun kap planifye a pi ba a, yon semèn anvan chak reyinyon.                      run summer football combines         Lauren Schneider, a member of
                                                                                                                              as president of the Bengals Pop      that unit who “has been driving
   Kelly Sherman
                                                                                                                              Warner League.                       around with officers to see how
   Boston Planning & Development Agency                                                                                           “I’m a family man, a BPS stu-    D-4 works.”
   One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201                                                                           dent, and I’ve never left Boson -       The next regularly scheduled
   617.918.5493 |                                                                                    it’s my home,” he said. “I want      BFSNA meeting will take place
                                                                                                                              to be a voice for voiceless…and      via Zoom on Tuesday, May 18,
                                                                                                                              represent all concerns and mat-      at 7 p.m.
                                                                              Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
March 18, 2021                                                                THE BOSTON SUN                                                                                   PA G E 5

Grant AME Church (from pg. 1)
from the beginning and a story       bons in an L-shape on the out-
that unfolded, and one where we      side of the church.
didn’t know where it would take         After he shared the idea with
us. Some people have an idea         the membership, he said he got
and then create a story, but this    some puzzled looks, but soon
has been something that was a        everyone was in on the idea.
journey from the beginning of all    Each member and volunteer
of this, and a journey that con-     got a bag of ribbons and they
tinues on. We still don’t know       were assigned numbers to write
where it will end.”                  on them, such as ‘COVID-19
   On Monday, that was all           #1’ and so on. Those ribbons
recalled by leaders of the church    were brought to the church and
who said it has brought about        stapled onto a clothesline-like
an outreach into the community       structure in 100-foot increments.
showing compassion and heal-         Once they reach 100 feet of
ing.                                 ribbons – about 1,200 ribbons
   Rev. Stephanie Castro said        – they have them hung outside
they are grateful the idea was       with the others.
conceived, and that it came to          “At first there were 1,200 or
fruition.                            1,500 deaths a day,” said Castro.
   “I think we are really glad the   “It was hard to keep up. Every-
pastor came up with the idea and     one was chipping in. We had to
even more than it came to pass,”     buy two power staplers and we
she said. “Not all ideas come        got really good at putting them
to fruition. It was great that we    on. We built a gauge to help
were able to remember people         space them out and all day long
and they weren’t us another per-     people just stapled, stapled and
son that passed away…People          stapled.”
die every day. To take a snapshot       Said     Executive    Minister
and let everyone be part of it, we   Donna George, “I watched TV
were saying we may not know          and just clicked, clicked and
you, but we stand with you to        clicked on the stapler.”
mourn the loss of your loved            Soon, they also added prayer
ones.”                               cards with the names of people
   Pastor Castro got the idea        who had prayer requests turned
from a conference he attended in     into them from the church or
Toronto several years ago, and as    even online and from the com-
the deaths started to be reported    munity. That total number now
in March, the idea resurfaced        of the death memorials and
and he proposed to make a rib-       prayer requests if far above
bon memorial for all those that      18,000 ribbons, they said.          With more than 16,000 COVID memorial ribbons in the background on the façade of the Grant AME
                                                                         Church in the South End, Executive Minister Donna George, Pastor Pedro Castro Jr. and Rev./Elect Lady
died in Massachusetts. He pro-          “It is the power of remem-
                                                                         Stephanie Castro mark one year since the pandemic began. Their project started at nearly the beginning of the
posed to use colorful ribbons        brance on display,” said Pastor     pandemic, and the journey continues to this day.
with a number on each ribbon         Castro. “This COVID-19 ribbon
for those reported to have died.     memorial is an example of what
He wanted to display these rib-      we can do to help the communi-      ty grieve. By this single act of the   worn that are newer. The lives of     started the church to say ‘there’s
                                                                         church we have connected with          the newer ones are forever trans-     more we can do and what else
                                                                         the community and with others          formed too, just like the older       can we do?’ That’s a permanent
                                                                         to find hope. That’s what this rib-    ones.”                                change in our church – raising
                                                                         bon project has brought about.            Pastor Castro said all of the      funds to make a difference in our
                                                                         When we re-open, we will take          work on the ribbons sparked           community.”
                                                                         down the ribbons and unfurl            a movement in his church to              Sometime around Labor Day –
                                                                         them in a ceremony on the street.      re-connect to the community           after major construction is com-
                                                                         Then we’ll lend them to the            as the community reached out          pleted on the inside of the church
                                                                         Museum of African American             to the church for healing. They       and it is safe to return to services
                                                                         History in Boston. They want to        bought 100 meals from Mike’s          – the church leaders said they
                                                                         display them as an example of          City Diner on Thanksgiving            will carefully take the ribbons
                                                                         everything that happened.”             to distribute to those in Grant       down and have members of the
                                                                            Added Stephanie Castro,             Manor, and they gave out 100          church and community stretch it
                                                                         “The thing about it is once it got     bowls of soup in January, dis-        up and down Washington Street.
                                                                         beyond that first ‘L’ on the out-      tributed blankets to the home-        It will be a solemn remembrance
                                                                         side, it was very visible. It caused   less near the church, and had         of so many that did not survive
                                                                         people to stop when they walked        a sneaker/sock drive with the         COVID.
                                                                         by. Everyone was asking what all       Nurses Association of Canton.            “That’s going to be power-
                                                                         the ribbons were for. That was in      That ministry of service, sparked     ful,” said Pastor Castro. “Usual-
                                                                         April or May. What is going to         by the ribbon memorial, is a per-     ly we’re standing in the middle of
                                                                         be so powerful about it being in       manent change to the church.          the street because we’re protest-
                                                                         a museum is some ribbons have             “The church became very vis-       ing. This will be about standing
Memorial ribbons that are ready to be stapled and hung on the church.    been battered and torn…and             ible – the church with all the rib-   in the street for peace and heal-
Each ribbon denotes COVID-19 and the number of the death.
                                                                         there are others that are not as       bons on it,” said Castro. “It jump    ing.”
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
PA G E 6                                                                       THE BOSTON SUN                                                                               March 18, 2021

City Councilor Kenzie Bok rallies with neighbors, holding signs asking
for the route to return to its summer schedule.
                                                                          A group of residents gather to show their support for the #55 bus route in the Fenway.

#55 Bus (from pg. 1)
and those without access to a car,   viously spoken out about the         part of the federal American Res-       es that cannot physically get to             meaningfully engage with their
who rely on the #55 bus to get       importance of this bus route to      cue Act, and that he and other          the Green Line or Orange Line                community again. Sunday was
to important resources within        the Fenway community, especial-      state lawmakers are hoping to dis-      stops. They rely on the #55 to               the 1st day of the suspension.
and outside of their neighbor-       ly during and following the pan-     cuss these issues further with Gov-     get them everywhere, including               Our intention to be back in the
hood. Treating public transit as     demic as a way to get to essential   ernor Baker and with the MBTA.          to healthcare, basic services, and           Fenway at Queensberry and
a business, rather than a public     places like doctor’s appointments.      “Our community depends               community gatherings. We can’t               Jersey for a brief protest at the
good, is short-sighted and will         At Mayor Walsh’s most recent      on the #55 bus line,” Bok told          have our neighbors continue                  same 5:30 time every Sunday for
have harmful implications on         press conference on March 15,        the Sun in a statement. “There          to be isolated after such a hard             the next several weeks until the
our neighbors, our City, and our     Congressman Stephen Lynch said       are seniors, veterans, folks liv-       and lonely year for so many,                 MBTA puts the #55 back on the
planet,” the release continues.      that there is a “targeted increase   ing with HIV/AIDS, and other            when they’re just now getting                summer schedule, because we
   Bok and residents have pre-       [in funding] for the MBTA” as        people with mobility challeng-          vaccinated and eager to finally              need this bus.”

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Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
March 18, 2021                                                                        THE BOSTON SUN                                                                                               PA G E 7

                  Looking at the News — The Last Meeting
           By Seth Daniel                    Junior Prom and the Catholic         January, looking at shocking and     same church. But this time, there     Library’s upper room. But will
                                             First Communions later in the        quickly-censored videos online       were well-over 16,000 ribbons         there be a computer in the corner
    One year ago on March 10,                spring.                              from China and some early pub-       hanging from that same façade         running Zoom for those at home
2020, I pulled up and parked on                 Then the City put a stop to all   lic health officials signaling an    to denote the number of people        as part of it? Yea, I think that will
Washington Street near Ramsay                in-person public meetings – from     alarm. That said, I had heard the    in Massachusetts who had offi-        happen too.
Park – a little early for a 7 p.m.           the Boston Planning and Devel-       same thing for Swine Flu and it      cially died of COVID-19.                 We often, however, just move
meeting of the Alexandra Ball                opment Agency to all neigh-          was hard to figure it would be          I don’t even think I was able      forward with life and forget what
Neighborhood Association, a                  borhood associations as well.        much different.                      to write a story about the Alex-      we lost or what it used to be like.
meeting that would actually be               Fundraisers and galas, banquets         Still, as I walked into the       andra Ball meeting that night as      I remember going to great lengths
the last traditional public meet-            and pro sporting events – even       church, and down to the church       everything shifted so fast starting   to get money out of the bank on
ing I attended up to this day.               memorial services were now in        basement, I knew things had          the next day. Clearly, it was a       a Friday, but I’ve forgotten all
    That, of course, is quite a              question.                            changed.                             slow descent to a full shutdown       about that routine since ATMs
statement for a reporter that has               Mayor Martin Walsh’s St.             First of all, everyone else was   over a period of many days. Fri-      came on the scene 30 years ago.
made a living of attending public            Patrick’s Day senior luncheon        freaked out as well – most in an     day the 13th stands out, as does      Likewise, I remember pulling up
meetings, and likely has attend-             in Charlestown, Councilor Ed         uneasy laughing way. Everyone        the following Tuesday, March          to the airport 30 minutes before
ed thousands and thousands of                Flynn’s annual St. Patrick’s Day     at the meeting was on edge; there    17.                                   a flight and walking to the gate
those meetings around the region             fundraiser at J.J. Foley’s in the    were questions about hand-shak-         But the moment I know I real-      with little to no security and hop-
in a long career.                            South End, the annual meeting        ing posed to Mayoral Liaison         ized that things would be differ-     ping on the plane. There were no
    There have been no more                  of the Friends of the South End      Faisa Sharif, but the business of    ent, that I’d likely attended my      hassles, no worries and no taking
meetings, though.                            Library and a Women’s History        the day went on. It cannot be        last neighborhood meeting as          off my shoes and belt. But I had
    Of course, Zoom has taken                Month event in Beacon Hill – all     ignored that I, and as I learned     I had always known them, was          to be reminded of that recently
over the civic space, and there              cancelled. All of it had flood-      later – others – were on edge        on March 10 coming out of the         because I forgot I used to do that.
have been a few outdoor meet-                ed into my phone within a few        there all night.                     basement of the Grant AME.               Time will tell if our civic space
ings last summer, but none of the            hours on March 10, and all due          I was almost afraid to breathe.      That is my moment, just as         will be forever changed too.
traditional, crowded room, con-              to this new threat of COVID-19.         We left not knowing what to       everyone else has their moment.          I’m guessing that early March
tentious battles that have defined              ‘Cancelled’ was the word of       expect, but I do recall everyone        Will there be another neigh-       evening in the church basement
the South End and Boston civic               the day, and it was also a head-     telling people to be safe. That      borhood meeting ever again?           might have not only been the
life for generations.                        line in a small story in the Bos-    was new at the time.                    Yes, I think so. The South End     last meeting like that for a year’s
    Sitting in my car that evening           ton Sun a few days later. I can         As I walked out of the Grant      Forum will fight again one day        time, but maybe also for a long
one year ago, I began getting                recall sitting in my car and ana-    AME Church, I explicitly             in the cramped quarters of the        time.
ping after ping on my phone.                 lyzing all of the changes to the     remember stopping on the side-
E-mails and texts and the like               calendar so suddenly. I phoned a     walk and gazing at the outside of
flooded in cancelling just about             colleague with a bit of despera-     the church. I’m not sure why; I                       Don’t miss our annual
everything for a three-week peri-
od. For our network of papers,
                                             tion asking what it was that we
                                             would put in the paper over the
                                                                                  looked at it a few moments in the
                                                                                  darkness – then went on my way.
                                                                                                                             Summer in the City Guide
there were high school sporting              next few weeks if nothing was           One year later, last week, I         featuring Safe Summer Camps & Great Safe Activities!
events, elementary school plays,             happening. I had been following      stood on that same spot and
then the memory-makers like                  COVID-19 in China since early        looked up at the side of that

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Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
PA G E 8                                                                        THE BOSTON SUN                                                                    March 18, 2021

Outdoor dining to return to Back Bay on March 22
            By John Lynds             begin on March 22. This is an        that allowed them to set up out-      ic while keeping customers and        program.
                                      earlier start than the previous-     door patios on roadways and           staff safe.                              With the success of last year’s
   Numerous Back Bay restau-          ly-announced date of April 1.        sidewalks throughout the neigh-          Last year, Back Bay restau-        program Mayor Martin Walsh
rants are expected to take advan-        Last year the restaurants that    borhood. The program helped           rants along Newbury and Boyl-         said the city will continue many
tage of the City of Boston’s 2021     dot the neighborhood received        restaurants increase capacity         ston Street took part in the city’s
outdoor dining program set to         a special permit from the city       during the COVID-19 pandem-           successful outdoor dining pilot                (Outdoor Dining, Pg. 9)

Community meeting held for proposed cannabis store on Boylston St.
Store to be located                   “Our objective is to have no out-    with the proposal, including that        The presentation stated that       will be many customers who
                                      door queuing of any customers,”      “how do you know when some-           “we are the only locally and          “want to engage” in dialogue
in former Little                      he said. “There will be security     body comes in with a valid ID         minority owned applicant siting       relating to cannabis education
Steve’s Pizzeria site                 personnel outside the building,      that it’s the ID of that person?”     in and around Fenway,” and            and learning about different
                                      and there will be “no impact on          Chiang said that Cypress          that “you will have ownerships’       product types and how to con-
           By Lauren Bennett          sidewalks.”                          Tree’s “objective” is to hire         direct contact information” as a      sume the, safely. He said that
   A community meeting was               Chiang showed two render-         retired officers and other people     resident of the Fenway. Addition-     Cypress Tree will be “encour-
held on March 15 regarding a          ings of proposed first and second    who are familiar with checking        ally, Cypress Tree said that they     aging consultative selling” as
proposed cannabis shop at 1114        floors where customers would         IDs. He said they have the “abil-     are “committed to positively          opposed to “transactional.”
Boylston St., the former site of      gather. He said that all COVID       ity” to “validate your ID as you      impact the community” through             Though the floor plans have
Little Steve’s Pizzeria.              protocols and guidelines will be     from your picture ID.”                “local and minority hiring,” and      not yet been finalized, Chiang
   The Boston Cannabis Board          followed while still allowing peo-       Tim Horn, president of the        “these will be career opportuni-      said that the first floor will like-
provided Cypress Tree with a          ple to queue indoors.                Fenway Civic Association, also        ties and not just a job.” Cypress     ly be used for those who have
Host Community Agreement,                “Should we need additional        brought up several concerns,          Tree has also made a “commit-         placed an order ahead of time
and the Zoning Board of Appeal        space, customers will be placed      including that there is a summer      ment to employees volunteering        and are just picking it up, so they
approved the request for a con-       in a virtual queue to receive a      program for high schoolers at         annually with local charitable        are “anticipating” around four
ditional use permit on February       text when there is availability,”    Berklee College of Music, and         organizations,” and will be a         point of sale systems there. On
23.                                   a slide presented at the meeting     the underage students would be        part of “charitable campaigns.”       the second floor, where the hope
   Victor Chiang, President of        reads. “On dates when the Red        right around the corner from             Cypress Tree will also host        is to have more consultation with
Cypress Tree Management Fen-          Sox play or there are concerts at    the proposed shop. He said this       meetings four times a year “for       customers, there will likely be at
way, LLC, said that the proposal      Fenway Park we will increase our     makes him “disagree” with the         neighbors to come and share           least 10 point of sale systems.
includes the Little Steve’s portion   security staff to ensure patrons     fact that it is compliant with buf-   concerns to work together on              When asked about a timeta-
of the building, “as well as the      do not block the side walk.”         fer zone regulations.                 potential solutions.”                 ble moving forward, Chang said
entirety of the second floor.” He        Chiang also said that as a            Chiang said that according to        A resident asked about the         that in a perfect world, the store
said the space totals 6,000 square    result of previous concerns from     zoning rules, it is compliant, but    ratio of staff to customers in the    would open about a year from
feet, and there is 1800 square feet   the community about public con-      “we understand that concern.”         store, and Chiang said that while     now, but the “reality” is that
of basement space for “back of        sumption, Cypress Tree has com-      He reiterated that IDs will be ver-   there is “no set ratio” at this       both construction and the final
the house” employee use only.         mitted to not selling individual     ified both at the door and again      point, there is a total occupancy     inspection process by the Can-
   He said that the location com-     pre-rolls, and signage that states   before a purchase is made. He         of about 108 people in the store,     nabis Control Commission “can
plies with requirements for buffer    the illegality of consuming mar-     said that Cypress Tree will have      including employees. He said          be slow,” so it might take longer
zones for schools, and explained      ijuana in public will be placed      a “zero tolerance policy” for dis-    that the team is “envisioning”        than that to open.
how the process would work            within sight as customers leave      tributing product to underage         20 to 25 employees per shift, but         Chiang told those in atten-
with customers.                       the store.                           individuals, and that employees       they plan on hiring more than         dance that once the store opens,
   Chiang said that IDs will             “The location couldn’t be any     would be terminated right away        that to handle shift changes and      he hopes to have meetings like
be checked and verified upon          worse,” said John Bookston of        if they were found “diverting         increases and decreases for busy      this “on a quarterly basis, and
entrance using IDScan, and peo-       the Fenway Civic Association.        product” to those under the age       and slow periods.                     continue our dialogue with the
ple would then queue indoors.         He expressed several concerns        of 21.                                   He said that he hopes there        community.”

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                        Mayor Martin J. Walsh                                       #BOSCanHelp                                                   BOS:311
Grant AME Church continues journey of compassion a year later
March 18, 2021                                                                  THE BOSTON SUN                                                                                                      PA G E 9

Garden Clubs in the city find new ways to make ends meet
           By Dan Murphy               So Sherden said she reached          each year to prune and care for           Despite the Twilight Gala             it was cancelled, many of spon-
                                       out to Jennifer Craig, the muse-     city-owned sidewalk trees.             Garden Party’s cancellation last         sors and guests converted their
   As gardens and greenspace           um’s development director and           “This year, we knew we              year, it was still lucrative for the     sponsorships and ticket purchas-
have become more essential than        “quizzed her about how they          couldn’t have an in-person             Garden Club of the Back Bay,             es into donations, which we very
ever before during the pandem-         pulled it together and did what      event,” said Catherine Borden,         thanks to the generosity of some         much appreciated.”
ic, it’s also made fundraising for     they did.”                           co-president of the Garden Club        supporters.                                 To donate to the Garden Club
groups like the Beacon Hill Gar-          Filming for this year’s virtual   of the Back Bay, “so we decided           “We were well into planning           of the Back Bay’s annual appeal
den Club and the Garden Club of        Hidden Gardens Tour will take        to do an annual appeal, although       for our annual fundraiser last           to support its tree care efforts,
the Back Bay, which were both          place in May, Sherden said, so       we want to go back to in-person        year when the whole world shut           click on gardenclubbackbay.
forced to cancel in-person events      “the gardens are in a state of       fundraising again at some point.”      down,” Borden said, “and when  
last year, more challenging and        bloom,” and so that the videog-
subsequently compelled them to         rapher can then be allotted a full
find new and creative ways to          month to edit the video before its
make ends meet.
   The Beacon Hill Garden Club
                                          While Sherden looks forward                                      Virtual Public Meeting
had to cancel the longstanding         to the Hidden Gardens Tour
Hidden Gardens of Beacon Hill          returning as in-person event, she
Tour, which typically draws
around 2,000 visitors to the
                                       said, “We hope this will be the
                                       one year where people can see it
                                                                               Amend Article 32 Groundwater Zoning
neighborhood, last year due to         from anywhere in the world.”
                                                                               Monday, March 29                Zoom Link:
the pandemic, but it’s returning          Advance tickets for the Hid-
this year, albeit as a virtual event                                           5:30 PM - 7:00 PM               Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864
                                       den Gardens of Beacon Hill Tour
this time.                             will be available at the Beacon                                         Meeting ID: 161 812 6907
   Molly Sherden, president of         Hill Garden Club’s website at           Project Proponent:
the Beacon Hill Garden Club,        for      Boston Planning and Development Agency
said the Hidden Gardens Tour           $25 each, or you can buy a tick-
would take place as a virtual          et and one of the Garden Club’s         Project Description:
event debuting June 30 and fea-        books for $45, which, Sherden           This public meeting is to present proposed amendments to Article 32 Groundwater
ture seven gardens, at least two       said, is quite a bargain since a        Conservation Overlay District of the zoning code and receive comments in order to extend
of which have never been seen          book alone retails for $35.             protection to groundwater levels in areas of the city with older buildings on wooden piles built
before on a previous tour, and            The Garden Club of the Back          on filled land. This includes parts of East Boston, downtown waterfront, Roxbury/South End,
they’re both located in Louisburg                                              South Boston and Audubon Circle.
                                       Bay’s biggest annual event, the
Square.                                Twilight Gala Garden Party,
   The idea was inspired by            has been cancelled both this and        mail to: Bryan Glascock
the virtual tour that the Con-         last year due to the pandemic,                   Boston Planning & Development Agency                       Close of Comment Period:
                                                                                        One City Hall Square, 9th Floor
cord Museum hosted last year,          so the group has launched an                                                                                4/9/2021
                                                                                        Boston, MA 02201
which, Sherden said, proved to         annual appeal to help it raise the      phone: 617.722.4300
be a successful outing for them.       approximately $20,000 it spends         email:

Outdoor Dining (from pg. 8)                                                                                                                                      Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary

of the successful initiatives from     Boston Black Hospitality Coa-
last year’s program, such as           lition to ensure added techni-
streamlined permitting. Applica-       cal assistance is available for
tions for outdoor dining licenses
on both public and private prop-
                                       businesses to apply. Weekly
                                       “Help Sessions” were held from
                                                                                                           Virtual Public Meeting
erty are now open, and business-       December through January to
es can apply online at the city’s      help businesses navigate the pilot
    “Outdoor dining was one of
                                       process. The City of Boston is
                                       also planning to host additional
                                                                               Amend Accessory Parking Zoning
the bright spots last summer and       office hours and workshops to           Wednesday, March 31              Zoom Link:
fall, and we’ve seen the benefits      help businesses with their appli-       5:30 PM - 7:00 PM                Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864
it has had on our neighborhoods:       cations as needed.                                                       Meeting ID: 161 611 0558
supporting local businesses, a             The 2021 Outdoor Din-               Project Proponent:
safe and enjoyable experience for      ing Pilot Program season for            Boston Planning and Development Agency
restaurant patrons, and an added       approved restaurants will begin
resource for Boston’s small busi-      on March 22, 2021, and will end         Project Description:
nesses during this challenging         on December 1, 2021, weath-             This is a public meeting to present proposed zoning changes that would make Accessory Parking a
time,” said Mayor Walsh. “I’m          er permitting. Restaurants that         Conditional Use in neighborhood business subdistricts. Currently it is an Allowed Use in basements and
thrilled we are able to start this     took part in the 2020 temporary         first floors where there is an Allowed Use on the upper floors, such as residential. This condition creates a
program even earlier, and I look       outdoor dining program and              blank street wall with no active first floor use and runs counter to planning goals for neighborhood
                                                                               subdistricts. By making Accessory Parking Conditional, requiring a Conditional use permit, it provides and
forward to businesses and resi-        who wish to do so in 2021 must
                                                                               opportunity for community input and design review. See 3/31/21 on the BPDA Calendar for more info.
dents taking advantage of it.”         re-apply, and the City will also
    The Mayor said the city            be accepting applications from          mail to: Bryan Glascock
has also focused on providing          restaurants that did not take part               Boston Planning & Development Agency
                                                                                        One City Hall Square, 9th Floor               Close of Comment Period:
resources to businesses of color,      in the 2020 temporary outdoor                                                                  4.9.2021
                                                                                        Boston, MA 02201
and has made more than 200             dining program.                         phone: 617.722.4300
personalized outreach calls to             Additional information on           email:
every business that applied for        outdoor dining, and applications
outdoor dining last year. The          for businesses, is available on                                                                                             @BostonPlans
Mayor’s Office of Economic   
                                                                                                                                                                 Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary
Development has met with the
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