Colorado State Grange 2021 Emergency Relief Grants For Subordinate Granges

Page created by James Morrison
WWW.COLORADOGRANGE.ORG                                                     THE COLORADO GRANGER, MARCH-APRIL 2021   VOLUME 96, NUMBER 6

   Colorado State Grange
2021 Emergency Relief Grants
  For Subordinate Granges
   This past year has been difficult         not reimbursing you; we are wanting
for Granges to meet, rent their halls        to help you pay your upcoming main-
or have fundraisers! The Colorado            tenance bills or operating expenses.
State Grange recognizes that Granges
                                             The following information is needed:
may be struggling to pay ongoing
                                             Name of Grange and number
maintenance of buildings and gener-
                                             Name of Person applying
al operating expenses. The Colorado
                                             Contact information (Mailing address,
State Grange executive committee
                                               phone number, e-mail)
has set aside $20,000 to help Colorado
                                             The requests must be specific.
Granges. This is not intended for capi-
                                             Copies of bills must be submitted.
tal improvement projects. Your Sub-
                                               (Insurance, electric, gas, etc.)
ordinate Grange can apply for a one
                                             Copies of the last two months bank
time grant with a cap of $2,000 unless
                                               account statements must be sub-
there is a just cause. This is not a loan;
this is a grant, which means that the
                                             Copies of Savings account or invest-
State Grange does not expect you to
                                               ed funds if applicable.
pay it back. The CSG Executive com-
mittee will consider each request indi-         Send the above information to
vidually. Granges that have savings          Cindy Greer, Colorado State Grange
accounts or invested funds will not          Master/President at 7629 County
qualify for these funds. Expenses that       Road 100, Hesperus, CO. 81326 or
have already been paid by the Subor-         you may E-mail to: hcrdgreer@fron
dinate Grange do not qualify. We are

   Cultivating Connections
Finding Hidden Opportunities
 And Discovering Treasures
     ZOOM Meeting
    March 29, 7 p.m.
   The following CSG officers and
directors will present information
and answer questions via ZOOM
on March 29 at 7 p.m. Every Grange
member is invited to participate.
• Master/President — Cindy Greer
   – Leadership/Scholarship
                                                To Join this Zoom Meeting log
   – PICK
   – State session
• Secretaries — Renee Caldwell
• Membership — Domonic Breton                   Meeting ID: 881 2175 6618
• Community Service — Lisa Mittan               Passcode: 048291
• Youth and Juniors —                           One tap mobile
   Dan and Jenna Greer                          +13462487799,,88121756618#,,,,*
• Family Activities — Idella Lewis           048291# US (Houston)
   and Karen Baxter                             +16699006833,,88121756618#,,,,*
• Lecturer — Elizabeth Hiner                 048291# US (San Jose)
• Publicity/Information —                       Dial by your location
   Elizabeth Hiner                              +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
• QUESTIONS                                     +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
                                                +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
                                                +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
                                                +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
                                                +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington
                                                Meeting ID: 881 2175 6618
                                                Passcode: 048291
                                                Find your local number:https://

                                                 Please make the following cor-
                                              rections to the 2020-21 State
                                              Grange Handbook – Leadership
                                              Scholarship Foundation.
                                                 Donations should be mailed to
                                              the Treasurer of the Leadership
                                              Scholarship Foundation: Jim
                                              Miller, P.O. Box 521, Akron, CO
                                              80720. Checks should be written
                                              to Colorado State Grange Lead-
                                              ership and Scholarship Founda-
                                              tion. Please make a notation in the
                                              memo line on the check in whose
                                              memory the donation is sent.
                                                 The Leadership Scholarship
                                              Foundation will notify the state
                                              office of donations received so that
                                              members will be added to the
                                              Grange Book of Memories.
Page 2, The Colorado Granger, March-April 2021

        Master’s Message                                                                  Notes From                                                                      Claudia’s Corner
                   Cindy Greer, State Master
                7629 CR 100, Hesperus, CO 81316
                                                                                         The Secretary
           970-588-3386 • Email:                                      Renee Caldwell, State Secretary
                           April is Grange Month. We may not be able still to                 2009 CR 31, Florissant, CO 80816
                        have the activities we would normally have for Grange                              719-748-5008
                        Month, but that doesn’t mean we should not do some-                   Email:
                        thing. With that said, we need to start thinking about         Here in Florissant, we are still in the    The Executive Committee contin-
                        what we can do to promote the Grange organization.          midst of winter weather, but I know ues to use Zoom for our meetings and
                           All too often people think of the Grange as a build-     spring is in the air and if you are like that works so well. It is also a great
                        ing, but that building referred to as the Grange is noth-   me you are looking forward to it. I way to hold your meetings until this
                        ing without the people who take care of it and manage       love the winter… but spring is full of COVID mess is over.
                        its use. Therefore, the Grange is not the building, it’s    my favorite things like new begin-            So, since there isn’t much to report
                        the People, it’s you and me. More specifically it’s the     nings, fresh air, birds, critters and we will move on to a positive thought
people who have committed to be members of the organization called the              warm sunshine.                             to consider.
Grange. These people share a basic faith in God, want to nurture Hope, and             The office is running smoothly if          An optimist is the human personi-           by Claudia the Skunk from
are willing to give (are charitable) and are faithful or noted for fidelity.        not slowly due to COVID. I appreci- fication of spring.                                   the National Grange Herd
   It’s the people in the organization who make it what it is and oftentimes        ate your promptness with getting your                     —Susan J. Bissonette          Something to consider: Become a
they also can be the ones who break it or give it a bad name. Which side are        quarterly reports and newspaper arti-         And Remember: Some people want         Host for Harvest Hosts. The Colorado
you on? I hope that newcomers are not discouraged when they share ideas             cles to the office. You really help me it to happen, some wish it would hap-         State Grange Youth/Junior Directors
that those who have been in the organization don’t think will work. Sometimes       get this job done. Thank you.              pen, others make it happen.               suggested that Granges become Har-
those ideas work out wonderfully and sometimes they don’t, but you won’t                                                                                                 vest Hosts. Harvest Hosts is a com-
know if you don’t try.
   The word Fidelity always gives me pause to think, what does it really
                                                                                           — In Memoriam —                                                               munity, an enterprising group of
                                                                                                                                                                         winemakers, farmers, museums and
mean? Synonyms for Fidelity are: Loyalty, reliability, trustworthiness, depend-
ability, devotion, commitment, conformity, constancy, integrity, steadfast-
                                                                                       Natalie Zerobnick                                                                 attractions who invite Harvest Hosts
                                                                                                                                                                         RV members to visit and park for 24
ness, true-heartedness……                                                                     Mozer                                                                       hours in exchange for supporting
   The Grange building is a reflection of the people who are a part of the organ-      Natalie Zerobnick Mozer was a                                                     your business! Harvest Hosts con-
ization. If your Grange hall is in disrepair or needs the weeds tended to, that     lifelong Denver resident. She moved                                                  nects thousands of RVers with local
often gives the impression that the people of the organization don’t care. Even     to Golden Gate Canyon in the early                                                   businesses. There is no charge to be
during these difficult times, when we can’t utilize the buildings to their full     2000s and for the next almost 20 years                                               a host. This is a unique and free mar-
potential, we need to make sure that the outward appearance is taken care of        was an integral part of the communi-                                                 keting option. Harvest Hosts is a great
so that we show we do care and are still tending to business and not just tak-      ty. Her twice yearly open house par-                                                 way to share information about our
ing it easy. Even if there are not a lot of activities going on we still need to    ties were legend. Oldtimers and new                                                  organization and potentially receiv-
take care of the appearance of the building and the grounds on which it sits.       residents were invited. New friend-                                                  ing donations from the RVers who
That being said, please take time to look at your building from an outsider’s       ships were born out of these gather-                                                 choose to utilize our parking lots/
point of view.                                                                      ings. Natalie was always open to in-                                                 property for 24 hours.
          2021 LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS                                    cluding new faces, new families. Her                                                    The Grange will need to provide a
House Agriculture, Livestock, and Water Committee                                   party organizing skills also included                                                contact person who would most like-
(Please note this is a name change from last year.)                                 coordinating several reunions for her                                                ly greet the visitors upon their arrival.
• Chair, Rep. Jeni Ardnt, D – Fort Collins                                          Class of 1960 from their alma mater,                                                 Before signing up you may need to
• Vice Chair, Rep.-Elect Karen McCormick, D – Longmont                              East High School in Denver.                            Natalie Mozer
                                                                                                                                                                         check local regulations. I strongly
• Rep. Lisa Cutter, D – Jefferson County                                               Natalie leant her energy to support-    Pancake Breakfasts, always supplying      suggest you contact your neighbors
• Rep. Susan Lontine, D – Denver                                                    ing the two main community organi-         extra goodies like fresh fruits and       when you have guests arriving so that
• Rep. Barbara McLaughlan, D – Durango                                              zations in the canyon, the Golden          berries.                                  they know the camper in the parking
• Rep. Dylan Roberts, D – Avon                                                      Gate Fire Protection District and the         She is survived by daughters, Sheri    lot is there with your knowledge. Just
• Rep. Donald Valdez, D – La Jara                                                   Golden Gate Grange. For several            Mozer, Jill Mozer and Lora Mozer          a common courtesy.
• Rep. Marc Catlin, R – Montrose                                                    years she organized both a fundrais-       (Linette Erickson) and grandsons
• Rep. Rod Pelton, R – Cheyenne Wells                                               ing effort and the food for the annu-      Connor, Hunter and Tyler Powell.
• Rep. Perry Will, R – New Castle                                                   al Fire Department Pig Roast. More            Contributions in Natalie’s memo-
Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources                                            recently, Natalie faithfully manned        ry can be made to The Denver Hos-
• Chair. Sen Kerry Donovan, D – Edwards                                             the kitchen at our monthly Grange          pice or National Jewish Health.
• Vice chair. Sen Jessie Danielson, D – Lakewood
• Senator, Rhonda Fields, D – Aurora                                                          Victory Grange Member
• Senator, Jerry Sonnenberg, R – Sterling
• Senator, Don Coram, R – Montrose                                                               Bill Murray Passed
   Legislation to keep an eye on! There is a bill being introduced (not number-              by David H. McCord                home is near the Base.
ed at this time) concerning increased options for financing forest health proj-        From full page tribute article on          Bill was a champion of neighbor-          Signing up your Grange is relative-
ects, and in connection therewith, financing wildfire mitigation treatments.        Bill by his friend Dave Perry, Editor,     hood issues and well represented that     ly easy. It’s helpful to know how many
   The bill that Colorado is considering will craft mandatory fees to private       Aurora Sentinel Newspaper, Feb. 4,         interest before the Aurora City deci-     campers you can accommodate and
home and land owners for fire mitigation. It would create a government agen-        2021: “PERRY: Aurora loses an ally         sion makers. He recommended that          the size of space. You do not need to
cy to hire or create a special improvement district for forest health. The bill     and a champion of intellectualism          Victory join the Aurora Chamber of        provide electricity or water, but can
is sponsored by house reps, Arndt and Catlin and Senate reps Cooke and              with Bill Murray. Bill is gone now,        Commerce which we did, a valuable         if you want to or have the capability.
Hansen.                                                                             after 93 years, most of it tending to      means to get ourselves known and          You will need to get five pictures of
                                                                                    Aurora, he did his last good deed,         acknowledged.                             the property to share with the Harvest
The Colorado Granger Guidelines                                                     gave his final harrumph, and depart-
                                                                                    ed the world for something different
                                                                                                                                  Bill was a WWII Navy veteran,
                                                                                                                               first a history teacher for Aurora
                                                                                                                                                                         Host organization.
   April 15, 2021, is the deadline       Brief summary of what has been hap-        on Jan. 18, 2021.”                         Schools, then a journalism supporter       The Colorado Granger
 for articles for the May-June 2021         pening at your Grange — DO                 He and his family joined Victory        and director of the Schools’ Library      Vol. 96, No. 6            March-April 2021
 edition of The Colorado Granger.           NOT SEND MINUTES                        Grange following the City of Aurora’s      and Media Services. In this role he be-             The Colorado Granger
 You can send them to the State          Community Service Projects                                                                                                           USPS: 123-040 • ISSN: 1094-0022
                                                                                    Cultural Heritage recognition for Vic-     came friends with our former State                   is printed bi-monthly
 Grange Office, 2009 CR 31, Floris-      In Memoriam (Grangers who have             tory eight years ago. We had invited       Grange Master Jeanne Davies who                      for 6 issues annually
 sant, CO 80816 or email costate-           passed away)                            residents from the neighborhoods and       shared their common library interest.        by the COLORADO STATE GRANGE                       Thinking of You                                                                                                                            Phone: 719-748-5008
                                                                                    businesses in the vicinity of Victory      Bill held her in high respect. Bill at-    Office of Publications & Editorial Office
   We would appreciate your fol-            (Grangers who are sick and shut         to attend the award ceremony and Bill      tended Colorado College in Colorado            2009 CR 31, Florissant, CO 80816
 lowing these guidelines when writ-         in — include address if they would      and June attended and they and their       Springs graduating in 1950 during             Email:
 ing an article.                            enjoy cards)                                                                                                                         Periodicals Postage Paid at
                                                                                    daughter later became members.             the same time period so many return-                 Florissant, Colorado
 Name of Grange                          Hats Off (Grangers to be recognized)          I first met Bill in my City of Aurora   ing veterans attended college.                 and additional mailing locations.
 Contact person (with phone number)      You’re Invited (activities open to non-    Planning Department duties years              For certain, Victory Grange was          50¢ of your annual membership dues
 Upcoming dates                             members and visiting Grangers)          ago, possibly related to his Kirke-        honored that Bill and family joined
                                                                                                                                                                               pays your “Colorado Granger”
                                                                                                                                                                                  subscription for one year.
                                                                                    gaard neighborhood activities or           the Grange and our members were           Views and opinions in articles are not to
                                                                                    maybe related to the City’s planning       glad that they are a part of us.          be taken as official expressions of the
   Please notify the State Grange Office                                            recognition of Buckley ANG Base               In sadness, but with favored mem-      Colorado State Grange’s policy unless so
          of any address change.                                                    aircraft noise considerations as their     ories of Bill.
                                                                                                                                                                         POSTMASTER: Send address change
                                                                                                                                                                         form 3579 to:THE COLORADO GRANGER,
   Because it is 2nd class mail, the Grange is charged
     59¢ per address change the post office sends                                            THE GRANGE BUILDS                                                           2009 CR 31, Florissant, CO 80816.
                                                                                                                                                                                    EDITORIAL STAFF
                                                                                                                                                                         Cindy Greer........................................Editor
                from the Granger mailings.                                             People — by recognizing leadership abilities and                                  2009 CR 31, Florissant, CO 80816
                                                                                                                                                                         Email -
            Email:                                               encouraging individual talents.                                                 Phone - 719-748-5008
                                                                                                                                                                         Renee Caldwell................Managing Editor
        Call 719-748-5008 or mail the form below.                                      The Family — by offering a family oriented                                                  BUSINESS STAFF
                                                                                         environment and emphasizing family values.                                      Cindy Greer ........................Grange Master
                                                                                                                                                                         Renee Caldwell............................Secretary
       FOR THE COLORADO GRANGER MAILING LIST                                           The Community — by working together in a team                                     COLORADO STATE GRANGE OFFICERS
                           ADDRESS CHANGE FORM                                           spirit, providing service and community outreach.                               Master...................................... Cindy Greer
                                                                                                                                                                         Overseer................................. Gary Wardle
 NAME_____________________________________________ GRANGE #___________                 The State — by encouraging “grass-roots action” and                               Lecturer............................. Elizabeth Hiner
                                                                                                                                                                         Steward.................................... Harry Greer
 OLD ADDRESS                                                                             leadership in the State Legislature.                                            Assistant Steward ....................Dean Hiner
 (IF CHANGE OR DROP) __________________________________________________
                                                                                       The Nation — by providing members a voice in the                                  Lady Asst. Steward............. Amy Peterson
                                                                                                                                                                         Chaplain............................ Loeda Westphal
 __________________________________________________ ZIP CODE____________
                                                                                         nation’s capital.                                                               Treasurer................................ Sheryl Ayers
                                                                                                                                                                         Secretary............................ Renee Caldwell
 PRESENT ADDRESS_____________________________________________________                                                                                                    Gatekeeper...................Christopher Cleary
                                                                                                                                                                         Ceres............................... Marlys Halbeisen
 __________________________________________________ ZIP CODE____________
   (GIVE ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER)                                                          Visit the Colorado State Grange                                                  Pomona........................................... J. Kelly
                                                                                                                                                                         Flora................................. Dorothy Dannels
                     Send to: Colorado State Grange
                    2009 CR 31, Florissant, CO 80816                                   website                                                              EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Larry Corman,
                                                                                                                                                                                    John Cruz, Tom Campion
March-April 2021, The Colorado Granger, Page 3

                         Lecturer’s Creative                                                                                           Family
                        And Performing Arts                                                                                           Activities
                                                                                                                  Idella Lewis and Karen Baxter, State Activities Co-Directors
                                  Elizabeth Hiner, Lecturer
                                                                                                                                   Idella Lewis, 303-274-9390
                              and Public Relations Director                                                                      Email:
                                        970-403-4592                                                                     Karen Baxter, 14857 CR 240, Bayfield, CO 81122
                            Email:                                                                             970-259-1595
Hello fellow Grangers.                      ideas, I would like to see your ideas         The new quilt block pattern has          class in the State Grange Baking Con-         Bake @ 350 degrees for 10-12 min-
   With vaccine for COVID-19 now            and/or the fruits of your labors. My       been received from Christine Hamp,          test. You will agree that this recipe is   utes.
being available to more of the popula-      suggestion is that someone from your       National Grange Lecturer. The Quilt         really yummy!
                                                                                                                                                                              Sprinkle over the top;
tion and with restrictions moving           Grange post what you are doing and         Blocks should be sent directly to                        Yummy Bars
                                                                                                                                                                              2 C. chocolate chips
away from everyone staying home,            any suggestions on the Colorado State      Christine Hamp by October 31, 2021.            Mix and press into a greased 9x13”
                                                                                                                                                                              1 C. nuts
we are able to get out and do more for      Grange Facebook Page. I would like         Refer to the following rules and in-        baking pan;
ourselves and our communities. I am         to see us all work together sharing        structions for the pinwheel pattern         1 C. butter                                   Pour 1 can of sweetened condensed
looking forward to hearing what you         ideas and programs for the future.         quilt block.                                1-3/4 C. flour                             milk over mixture.
are going to be doing now that we           Lecturer Program for 2021:                    Karen Baxter sent in a recipe for a      1/2 C. sugar                                  Return to oven and bake 30 min-
can meet again.                                   Christmas Card Signing               bar cookie which you may want to try        1/4 t. salt                                utes @ 350 degrees.
   If you are looking for ideas, I have        Sign your cards with your first         and maybe enter in the bar cookie           1 t. vanilla                                  Cut into bars and enjoy!
a couple. One is having a Christmas         name using the following phrases:
card signing party. See the article in      • God Bless You
the last Granger. I have inserted the
details again at the end of this article.
                                            • God Bless you my friend.
                                            • Thank you for your service.
                                                                                          Junior Grange And Youth
This project has gained traction in         • Thank you for our freedom.                               Dan and Jenna Greer, State Directors
Granges across the nation. Second is           Please DO NOT use cards with                970-749-9449 • 970-588-3844 • Email:
putting in a community garden if you        glitter or upraised attachments.              It’s Spring. The birds are chirping,     touch with us ASAP! Our email is
have the space and the water. Or               Cards need to be sent unsealed (for     the grass is greening up (or in our or you can text
teach/host a class on container garden-     insert to be added) to Marlys Halbie-      yard the weeds are getting greener)         or call Dan @ 970-749-9449!
ing. This is a good way to provide          sen at 10650 West 45th Avenue,             lol. And it’s time to start really think-      Enough about that though.
fresh produce for your members and          Wheatridge, CO 80033. The cards            ing about what we want to do this              Are your Juniors doing some crafts
the community members who might             can be sent anytime during the year        year.                                       and taking lots of pictures to exhibit
not get fresh food otherwise. Third is      before September 1, 2021.                     We have had some pretty awesome          at the State Session this year? We sure
doing fun classes such as making jelly,        Please send me a total of the cards     plans and they all have gotten squish-      hope so. We love seeing what their           That’s all for now.
how to can, or any of the back-to-          you have sent as there are prizes for      ed. So, we have decided that this year      amazing minds come up with.                  We hope that everyone has a bless-
basics as we learn to be more self-suf-     the most cards sent by any Grange.         because of the pandemic, we are not            On to Youth.                            ed day.
ficient with the state of the pande-           Publicity Contest: Remember to          going to be going to San Diego with            National Session is supposed to be
mic.                                        work on your brochure for the state        the Colorado Youth and JG. But hey,         in Kansas this year. If you have any-
   But as I am also running out of          contest. The sky is the limit.             let’s not get too disappointed, because
                                                                                       while we might have postponed it,
                                                                                                                                   one interested in being on the officer
                                                                                                                                   team or being our state ambassador,
                                                                                                                                                                                  People Improving
       Real Estate                                                                     we are not giving up. We are now
                                                                                       shooting for 2022 to have an awe-
                                                                                       some three-day adventure in Califor-
                                                                                                                                   please let us know NOW so can get
                                                                                                                                   everything taken care of.
                                                                                                                                      We would love to have our great
                                                                                                                                                                                Communities And Kids
       Management                                                                      nia with the Grange. So let’s plan
                                                                                       something else, maybe a little closer
                                                                                                                                   state represented this year and for
                                                                                                                                   years to come.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Cindy Greer
            Mike Lackey, State Director                                                to home.                                       What are you doing in your Grange
                                                                                                                                                                                 It’s not too early to be thinking
                    303-521-8773                                                          Let’s go camping.                        to invite the youth into it?
                                                                                                                                                                              about filing your 990N postcard with
          Email:                                                  We made the command decision                Have you ever tried a casino night?
                                                                                                                                                                              the IRS. This is an annual filing that
                                                                                       to have a camping weekend for the           Or game night where you invite the
   Here are the suggested procedures        tool (Additional Guidance). En-                                                                                                   each subordinate Grange is required
                                                                                       Youth and Jr. Grange here in Colora-        community and have a great time.
by the Colorado Department of Health        courage sick members to stay home.                                                                                                to do. The IRS tolerates not filing to
                                                                                       do. By the next Granger, we will have       Make sure that you think about the
for the use of your Grange during this                   GRANGERS                      the dates and location set. If you want     younger generation, because if we
                                                                                                                                                                              some extent, but it’s better to just file
time of COVID-19 pandemic                      Maintain at least 6 feet of distance,                                                                                          the form every year. Most subordi-
                                                                                       to have input on where we go and            don’t start getting them more involved
  IF THERE IS A CONFIRMED                   and wear a face covering during any        when we do it, you need to get in           we may not be around in the future.
                                                                                                                                                                              nate/local Granges take in less than
        CASE OF COVID-19                    interactions with renters, members,                                                                                               $50,000 a year so there’s no need to
      AMONG RENTERS OR                      local community (i.e. check in/out).                                                                                              file the longer form, just the postcard,
   The Grange must notify and coop-
                                               Consider minimizing these interac-
                                            tions by implementing no-contact
                                                                                                    Chaplain’s                                                                which has to be done online and by
                                                                                                                                                                              May 15. Now there are some Granges
erate with their local public health
agency on next steps.
   Provide hand sanitizer and/or soap
                                            check-in procedures.
                                               Avoid scheduling back-to-back
                                            uses (schedule at least 24 hours be-
                                                                                                     Corner                                                                   who have different deadlines and that
                                                                                                                                                                              is usually after the end of August. I
                                                                                                                                                                              still don’t know why some are differ-
                                                                                                Loeda Westphal, State Chaplain
and water that is easily accessible to      tween Renters) to ensure time for                                                                                                 ent than others, but it’s a fact.
renters upon arrival and during their       proper cleaning and disinfecting.                                                                                                    Completing the e-Postcard requires
rental time.                                   Provide generous and flexible can-                                                                                             the eight items listed below:
   Provide cleaning and/or disinfect-       cellation policies so that if renters         At the time of this writing, a large     time to merge from dormancy and re-        1. Employer identification number
ing products for renters to use, along      start experiencing symptoms they can       area of our nation is experiencing ex-      flect on our lives and abilities. In          (EIN), also known as a Taxpayer
with instructions.                          cancel.                                    treme low temperatures and snow             Psalms 86:11 “Teach me, Lord, what            Identification Number (TIN).
   In alignment with the CDC Guide-            Ensure renters are not present at the   with record breaking lows. Late last        you want me to do and I will obey you      2. Tax year.
lines, wait 24 hours before entering the    time of any maintenance or cleaning.       fall we were warned that the winter         faithfully; teach me to serve you with     3. Legal name and mailing address.
property for cleaning. If 24 hours is not      Routinely check data and guidance       would be long and difficult because         complete devotion." We can look for-       4. Any other names the organization
feasible, wait as long as possible.         in the counties and communities            of the virus during the usual complica-     ward to increased activity as we are          uses.
   Remove shared soft objects that          where your Grange is located. Defer        tions of winter. For the most part          comfortable to do so.                      5. Name and address of a principal
are difficult to regularly clean if pos-    to any local guidelines restricting or     many have been more dormant than               Reviewing the Program Hand-                officer.
sible. Post signage for renters on good     prohibiting travel for out-of-commu-       usual during the last few months.           books, there are many activities we        6. Web site address if the organization
hygiene and other sanitation prac-          nity renters, and promptly adjust res-        By the time of this reading, it will     can be doing to prepare for more              has one.
tices.                                      ervations accordingly.                     be the middle of March and looking          Grange activity. Now is the time to        7. Confirmation that the organiza-
   Granges are responsible for ensur-          Clearly communicate with renters        forward to those first signs of spring      prepare for the contests of 2021. Re-         tion’s annual gross receipts are
ing that the property is properly clean-    regarding your cleaning and disinfect-     and also encouragement of the vac-          member the Christmas card signing             $50,000 or less.
ed and sanitized between guests.            ing steps.                                 cine. Most of the dreariness of win-        project for our military. With the hope    8. If applicable, a statement that the
Consider the following:                        Notify renters that it is standard in   ter will have been completed.               for newness, let us join together in the      organization has terminated or is
   Create a thorough cleaning check-        Colorado to wear cloth masks in pub-          With the promise of spring, it is        renewal of energy and involvement.            terminating (going out of business).
list for each property to help ensure       lic — consider providing clean masks
completion and keep records.                for renters.
   If renters clean the property them-         Collect all renters’contact informa-
selves, implement additional disinfec-      tion and be prepared to support local
tion afterward.                             public health contact tracing efforts if
   Follow, or if contracting with a         exposures occur.
cleaning service ensure that they are                     RENTERS
following, CDC Disinfecting Guide-             Renters are encouraged to take their
lines.                                      shoes off when entering the property.
   Wear/provide appropriate person-            Renters should wash their hands
al protective equipment (PPE) for           frequently with soap and water and/or
people who are cleaning.                    use hand sanitizer.
   Prevent cross-contamination by              Renters are required to wear face
using specific equipment in specific        coverings in public throughout Colo-
areas (bathroom, kitchen).                  rado. (Mandatory Statewide Mask
   Ventilate the property during and        Order)
after cleaning.                                Renters should maintain physical
   All shared linens, blankets, cloth       distancing of at least 6 feet from peo-
napkins, and other fabric items must        ple not in their group/household while
be washed between renters.                  in Colorado. Renters must cancel their
   When possible, perform tempera-          use of the facility if they are sick or
ture checks and monitor symptoms            have been in close contact with some-
in members, logging all results.            one who is sick with COVID-19
   Refer symptomatic members to the         symptoms in the 14 days before their
Colorado COVID Symptom Support              use of the Grange.
                 Deadline For The May-June 2021
          Issue Of The Colorado Granger Is April 15, 2021.
Page 4, The Colorado Granger, March-April 2021
                                                                                  the Hoover Dam and other storage          40% — last time it was full was 1983,      This water is to be left in Lake Mead
                               Agriculture                                        reservoirs in 1928.
                                                                                     Arizona remained in opposition but
                                                                                                                            and is now approaching shortage, and
                                                                                                                            Blue Mesa on the tributary Gunnison
                                                                                                                                                                       in perpetuity.
                                                                                                                                                                          Similar kinds of conservation steps

                                 Report                                           6 of the 7 states ratified the compact.
                                                                                  Mexico was later allocated 1.5 maf in
                                                                                  conjunction with agreements on waters
                                                                                                                            River is at half of its capacity.
                                                                                                                               The drought of the recent years
                                                                                                                            has further complicated the water
                                                                                                                                                                       are in motion through demand man-
                                                                                                                                                                       agement where water holders are re-
                                                                                                                                                                       imbursed for their water and they do
                             David H. McCord, State Director
                                       David • 303-388-1259                       of the Rio Grande and Tijuana rivers.     challenge plus longer dry periods,         not use that water for the demand per-
                                Email:                    Of critical importance, the 15 maf of     and higher temperatures that many          iod. More later on how that works
                                                                                  the compact was from a wet period         associate with global warming. Tree        and on other steps of water manage-
                 Water                   New Mexico, and the lower basin          and the river flows now have been         ring data shows that decades long          ment.
   Whether through Demand Man- states, Arizona, California, Utah 7.5              much less and the several reservoirs      droughts are common looking at the            As I write this in mid-February,
agement or another strategy, any maf with 4.4 maf to California plus              on the Colorado and upper basin trib-     available tree research record going       Colorado continues in drought condi-
program must protect the entire state half of any lower basin surplus. Ari-       utaries are at well below capacity:       back 1000 years, the longest being 65      tions and unless major snow falls oc-
— not only in terms of its legal inter- zona and California had been in dis-      Glen Canyon Dam’s Lake Powell at          years.                                     cur, the ability of snow melt runoff to
ests, but also its values.               pute and Congress stepped in with        40%, Hoover Dam’s Lake Mead at               If Lake Mead’s level continues to       fill state reservoirs will be limited.
      — Director Rebecca Mitchell’s                                                                                         drop, cutbacks to users will occur im-        My future Agriculture Reports will
         message regarding the state’s
     strategy for protecting Colorado
               water from drought and
                                                   Health                                                                   pacting lower basin states. At extrem-
                                                                                                                            es, a dead pool condition cold be cre-
                                                                                                                                                                       further detail how our state’s water
                                                                                                                                                                       plan works, basin transfers, state au-
                                                                                                                            ated with no water leaving the reser-      thority and more.
    speculation. Originally published
         in The Denver Post. Rebecca
                                                 Awareness                                                                  voir, no electricity generated, and no
                                                                                                                            water flows to the lower states. A
                                                                                                                                                                       “Citizen’s Guide to Colorado Law,”
Mitchell is Director of the Colorado              Louetta Phelps, State Director
                                                                                                                            Compact call on the upper basin may           2004, online source
           Water Conservation Board.        10676 State Hwy. 151, Ignacio, CO 81137
                                                                                                                            then be initiated to send water down-      USA Today, January 29, 2021, “Cli-
   Colorado does not have enough of                         970-749-1747                                                    stream — something that has never             mate’s Toll on Colorado River”
it and demands for urban use water                  Email:                                            happened before. A conservation step       Water Law 2nd Edition, 1990, David
will increase as our population grows.      Okay ya’ll…… we need to talk. mends the vaccine for adults 50 and               in 2017 to keep more water in the riv-        H. Getches, U of Colorado, West
The following discussion is the first Have you heard of Shingles or had older to prevent this painful, blister-             er took place with purchase of 40,000-        Publishing Co.
of several water discussions on estab- Shingles? If you have had them, you ing illness. It is being used in place of        acre feet from the Gila Indian Com-        The Denver Post, January 3, 2021,
lished regulations, boards, plans, own- already know it is NO fun! Please the previous vaccine, Zostavax.                   munities via funding by state, feder-         “Colorado River in Sights of Wall
ership, water use, available amount, read on and do your own research!             In studies, Shingrix was more than       al, municipal, and private sources.           St.”
and challenges.                          Know the symptoms because an anti- 97% effective at preventing shingles
The Colorado Doctrine, 1860s:            viral medication is important to take in people 50 and older. It works just
   1) All surface and groundwater in within the first 72 hours to help pre- as well in older adults, who are at
Colorado is a public resource for ben- vent long-term damage.                    greater risk for a painful shingles com-
eficial use by public agencies and pri-     Shingles is a viral infection that plication called postherpetic neural-
vate persons; 2) A water right is a causes a painful rash. Although shin- gia (PHN). "When 70- and 80-year-
right to use a portion of the public’s gles can occur anywhere on your olds get shingles, it can be extreme-                                                             Lisa Mittan,
water resources; ... 4) Water rights body, it most often appears as a sin- ly debilitating," Chen says.                                                                 State Director
owners may use streams and aquifers gle stripe of blisters that wraps around       By contrast, Zostavax cuts the risk                                      4956 W. 66th Ave., Arvada, CO 80003
for the transportation and storage of either the left or the right side of your of shingles by only 51% and PHN by                                               Email:
water.                                   torso. Shingles is caused by the vari- 67%. It’s only about 38% effective in          Hello Grangers! Green shoots are someone at your Grange should have
   Under riparian law, those with land cella-zoster virus — the same virus people over age 70.                              starting to poke up from the soil, and received the Combined Reporting
next to the stream have a water right that causes chickenpox. That being           If you develop PHN the pain is hor-      many of us are starting a variety of Form for this year. As I wrote in the
for that stream. However, in Colorado, said, shingles can also occur inter- rific….. greater than child birth, sur-         plants indoors from seed and plan- most recent Granger, I sent them to the
just because you own land next to the nally, in the eye, mouth or ear.           gery, etc.                                 ning our vegetable gardens for this email address I used last year (unless
stream, does not necessarily mean           They say if you had chickenpox as      You may also note that if you did        coming growing season. As of this I have received a correction) or I have
you have the right to use its water. a child, you have a chance of develop- not have chickenpox as a child, you             writing, 11% of Coloradans have got- mailed them to you already printed.
Federal law also made public land ing Shingles sometime in your adult can develop chickenpox from some-                     ten the COVID-19 vaccine, so I PLEASE REACH OUT TO ME if
and water available for private use.     life. The older you get the more pain- one with shingles. If you do not know       expect that by the time you’re read- you are having trouble with using the
 Colorado River Water Compact,           ful it is. And everyone is different so whether or not you have had chicken-       ing it, we’ll be noticeably back on the form or have questions — whether
                  1922                   finding relief from the pain may be pox there is a blood test you can get.         path toward getting the economy you’re using the digital or printed for-
   This is an interstate agreement allo- difficult because what works for one I suggest you do some research, be in         flowing again. Hopefully by summer, mat. Please call me at 720-413-4106,
cating 15 million acre feet (maf) of the may not work for someone else.          the know and talk to your primary          we’ll all be back up to speed with our and be sure to leave a voice mail if I
river’s volume among the upper basin        A new vaccine, Shingrix was ap- physician and decide whether or not             normal events and programs with our do not answer immediately. I truly do
states, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, proved in 2017, and the CDC recom- you should get the vaccine.                             Granges.                                 want to help you. In the last edition
                                                                                                                               There will be plenty of extra oppor- of the Granger, I also invited you to
                                                                                                                            tunities to be of service in our commu- let me know if I need to either email
                                                                                                                            nities for quite some time though. It or mail the materials to someone dif-
                                                                                                                            will take awhile to get the movement ferent than I sent them to last year. I
                                                                                                                            of a healthy economy back to where have not heard from any of you, so I
                                                                                                                            it’s firing on all cylinders again. I’m have assumed the right person got
                                                                                                                            looking forward to reading in your them last year.
                                                                                                                            reports about the creative ways so          I hope you are having a delightful
                                                                                                                            many of you will find to help people Spring, and that you and yours are
                                                                                                                            in your communities. Remember the healthy and strong, in body, mind,
                                                                                                                            animals too! I invite you to visit Colo and spirit. Please remember to take
                                                                                                                                         care of yourselves, so you will have
                                                                                                                               By the time you’re reading this, the energy and ability to help others.

                                                                                                                                           Mandy Project
                                                                                                                                                  Cindy Greer, Coordinator
                                                                                                                                         970-588-3386 • Email:
                                                                                                                               Several years ago the Colorado          aid (BAHA) which was not covered
                                                                                                                            Legislature passed a bill that required    by insurance at the time. BAHA de-
                                                                                                                            Colorado Insurance companies to            vices range in price from $5,000 to
                                                                                                                            cover hearing devices for children.        $12,000 each and need to be upgrad-
                                                                                                                            This was fantastic, but people who         ed or replaced every five years. One
                                                                                                                            lived in Colorado and their employ-        misses a lot when hearing out of only
                                                                                                                            er was located outside of Colorado         one ear.
                                                                                                                            were not required to comply.                  Ally wrote to the congressman about
                                                                                                                               Recently Sunflower Grange shared        her bone conduction hearing aid and
                                                                                                                            information from the PNC Daily New         how her device had been denied cov-
                                                                                                                            Digest which had an article that cover-    erage all her life. He was motivated by
                                                                                                                            ed a story that caught my attention. A     Ally to take a closer look at the situa-
                                                                                                                            9-year old girl who was born in            tion and ultimately try to fix it by intro-
                                                                                                                            Broomfield wrote a letter to her con-      ducing the legislation to require private
                                                                                                                            gressman in 2019. She and her fam-         insurance companies to cover Osseo
                                                                                                                            ily did not expect to get a response but   integrated hearing devices.
                                                                                                                            her letter inspired a congressman to          Ally’s mother is also the founder of
                                                                                                                            introduce a bill that would require        the Ear Community Organization, a
                                                                                                                            insurance companies to cover hearing       non-profit that has helped thousands
                                                                                                                            devices for Children all over the coun-    of children and adults around the
                                                                                                                            try. The bill was called “Ally’s Act”      world born with Microtia and Atresia.
                                                                                                                            and was first introduced in the 117th         It looks like the bill has yet to pass,
                                                                                                                            Congress.                                  but was still under consideration as of
                                                                                                                               Ally Tumblin was born without her       September 2020. I found more infor-
                                                                                                                            right ear. They later learned that Ally    mation by googling Ally’s Act. More
                                                                                                                            has both Microtia and Atresia, the ab-     information about the Ear Community
                                                                                                                            sence of her right ear and ear canal,      Organization can be found at https://
                                                                                                                            and needed a bone-anchored hearing
                                                                                                                                         Colorado State Grange Website
                                                                                                                              Larry Corman takes care of the web page for the State Grange. He is re-
                                                                                                                            questing that Officers and Directors contact him with updates for their de-
                                                                                                                            partments. He would like to link the web page of each Grange to the State
                                                                                                                            Grange site. Please contact him to have this done so Grange members and
                                                                                                                            others can easily access your page for information.
                                                                                                                              Larry Corman: larry_corman@hot or 970-884-4762.
March-April 2021, The Colorado Granger, Page 5

Redlands Mesa Grange “Take and Bake” Lasagna Dinner fundraiser was
a big success thanks to the hard work of the kitchen volunteers and crew.
     Redlands Mesa                      We’ll definitely plan another dinner
                                        in the spring.
   Contact Gini McNair, 970-589-           Due to COVID we have not been
3331,, for having our regular monthly meetings,
further information.                    but hope to be able to set up some
   We are happy to report that our Zoom meetings starting in March. We
February “Take and Bake” Lasagna remind everyone who hasn’t already
Dinner fundraiser was a resounding paid their yearly membership dues to
success! We sold 84 dinners and had please send them to Secretary Chris
enough leftovers to send home meals Cazer.
with our kitchen volunteers. We pro-       We are looking forward to a time
vided safe, curbside pickup and every- when we can once again gather in
one was pleased that they didn’t even person in our Grange hall and eat,
have to get out of their cars. The menu dance and be merry. Until then, stay
was lasagna, with or without meat, safe and healthy, wear your masks
green salad with homemade vinai- and get vaccinated if you can.
grette, garlic bread and a brownie.                 Gini McNair

Redlands Mesa Grangers provided safe, curbside pickup for their “Take
and Bake” Lasagna Dinner fundraiser.

    Pikes Peak
                                            At one gathering, one of our Grang-
                                         ers suggested we look into becoming
      El Paso and Teller Counties        a host for Harvest Host, a membership
                                         organization for RV’rs. We investigat-
         Florissant                      ed the organization and the ordinances
                                         for our County and decided to do it.
   Contact Renee Caldwell, 719-          Shortly after we became hosts, we re-
748-5004, florissantgrange@gmail         ceived notice of new hosts and saw
.com, for further information.           that Marvel Grange had also joined as
   Be Sure To Join Us For These          a host. Master Cindy put information
Upcoming Events:                         in this Granger about the Organiza-
   March 13, 9 a.m. to Noon: Pine        tion. We have our first camper com-
Needle Basket/Glass Painting class.      ing May 7. We are excited to show off
   April 3, 12-1 p.m.: Drive through     our Historic Building and School
Easter Event.                            House Museum and promote our
   During January and February con-      community that is rich in the History
tinued to hold our craft classes suc-    of our area.
cessfully. We limit our attendees, but      We are still holding our weekly
it keeps the Grange active.              potluck/music night with limited ad-
   Saturday, Feb. 13, we planned to      mission due to COVID, but it has
have a Drive Through Valentine           been great to be able to continue some
Brunch, but we had to cancel the week    events. Our County has opened up to
before for various reasons.              50 percent occupancy, so we may try
   We have not had normal meetings       a concert soon.
because of COVID, but we have had           Spring is around the corner…. So,
numerous gatherings of Grangers for      we are hoping for nice weather so we
breakfast or dinner and have been        can start up our OUTDOOR craft
able to hold small meetings to make      shows and flea markets.
plans for events, etc.                               Renee Caldwell

     The Grange is America’s great
     family fraternity active in your
      community, state and nation
        promoting activities and
     legislation for the betterment
           and enrichment of                                                                 More Information and
                                                                                             Registration Form on Page 8
        our society and families.
Ute Mountain
Page 6, The Colorado Granger, March-April 2021
                                            California, whose grandfather had
                                            been the Lutheran pastor in 1914 and
   Dolores and Montezuma Counties           1915 in the original church building.
                                            She asked to visit our Grange, and
                                            she brought her mother and some oth-
     Mount Lookout                          er relatives. She gave us a copy of a
   Contact Katheryn Fulton, kes             letter that was written by her mother, for further             about some of her father’s experienc-
information.                                es during his time in this area. He had
   Every other fourth Wednesday             been a “circuit” pastor, serving Man-
MLG Board meets via Zoom.                   cos, Thompson Park, and Durango.
   Every Monday Mancos Food-                Those were challenging conditions
share distribution.                         for mountain travel in those days. The
   Due to the ongoing pandemic,             visiting family was very excited to
MLG has not yet resumed program-            learn about the building’s history and
ming, rentals, or fundraising events.       to learn about the National Grange
Many in our community were sad that         organization, and local Granges, Pat-
we were not able to hold our annual         rons of Husbandry. They shared a
MLK pancake breakfast to honor Dr.          photo album with a picture of our
King and pay tribute to social justice.     building when it had been a church in
We have maintained communication            Thompson Park. It was a pleasant
with our membership, and we look            exchange for all.
forward to getting back to normal.              Mancos Foodshare continues to
   One unique event occurred last           utilize the building for the storage
month. Our building has experienced         and weekly distribution of food for
a rich history. It had originally been      anyone in our community who needs
constructed about 6 miles from the          it.
current location, in Thompson Park,             Our board intends to have a “re-
as Zion Lutheran Church. The build-         treat” type of meeting this month to
ing was moved west over the pass to         focus in on moving forward post-pan-
Mancos, to its current location on          demic. We have been offered bless-
Grand Avenue in 1946, where it serv-        ings over the past several years and
ed as a Grange. There is more to the        we intend to continue to contribute to
story of MLG after that, however, I         our community in meaningful ways.
am reporting about a recent event.              Best of health to all.
   I was contacted by a woman from                      Katheryn Fulton                   Photos of the Mount Lookout Grange building when it was Zion Lutheran Church and the parsonage.

                                           Spencer Peck and his volunteer crew building new compost bins at Crescent Grange for his Eagle Scout project.

 Boulder County
                                            expenses where possible, and are rely-     by about 40 people, including perform-     will be holding a Native Species and This
                                            ing on savings to meet monthly ex-         ers. We were treated to a wide variety     Noxious Weeds class at Crescent          effort attracted substantial local inter-
            Boulder County                  penses. To help out with monthly ex-       of music, including folk, country, light   on April 24.                             est and by October there were over 65
                                            penses we have had generous contri-        rock, classical guitar, and cowboy            Broomfield Crescent Grange has        participants dumping buckets of scraps
          Left Hand                         butions from the Boy Scout Troop 161,      music/poetry. Kathy Koehler, Grange        been making improvements to our          into our compost bins. We actually had
   Contact Bruce Johnson, 720-301-          the Niwot Business Association, and        member and Executive Committee             website. We’re very excited that mem-    to stop accepting new members due to
6367 or             the Niwot Community Association.           member, prepared a photo collage of        bership dues and donations can now       the lack of space in our bin system.
for further information.                       Music from the Grange (Virtual)         the January 10 performers, left to         be made digitally. Come see our chang-      Then, we had a welcome surprise
   Business Meetings (Virtual) at           — Our virtual monthly “Music from          right, Top: Bruce & Marcia John-           es at https://www.crescentgrange .org.   in November, when a young man
5:30 p.m. — March 10, April 14,             the Grange” continues to be a success      son, Tom Schaeffer, Dick Larson;           You can also follow us on our social     named Spencer Peck contacted us
May 12.                                     using ZOOM. We will continue               Middle: Susan Rose, Tom Morris,            media platforms, Crescent Grange         asking if we might be interested in
   Left Hand Grange Building —              through April before taking a break        Peter Levine, Mark Flett; Bottom:          Broomfield on Facebook, @broom-          having more compost bins built for his
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our           until starting up in October 2021, hope-   Rob Chirico (Zoom co-host), Geor-          fieldgrange on Instagram, and @cres      Eagle Scout project. We jumped at
building is essentially closed to meet-     fully in person. Our future dates are      ge Russell, Lise Blumenthal, Bruce         centgrange on Twitter.                   the opportunity and quickly met and
ings and events. Some small groups          March 14 and April 11 from 1:30-3:30       & Marcia Johnson, hosts.                      Over the last year, Crescent has      got Spencer set up with all the infor-
could be accommodated but our dilem-        p.m. These events are hosted by Bruce                  Bruce Johnson                  formed a valuable alliance with the      mation he would need for such a proj-
ma is how to keep the Grange clean          and Marcia Johnson. If you would like                                                 nonprofit, Sustainable Broomfield        ect. Having more compost bins built
after usage. We will revisit our rental     to listen in please contact Bruce                     Crescent                        ( In   would allow us to accept more mem-
policy later in the Spring. We held Vir-    Johnson at johnson.blj71@          Contact Butter Petty, butterpow          May 2020, Sustainable Broomfield         bers into our Compost Club and
tual Board meetings on January 13,          so we can send out a ZOOM link   , for further            began nurturing our compost with the     would produce more compost to use
and February 10. Without building           before the meeting. Our February 14th      information.                               aid of their newly formed community      in our community garden!
rental income, we continue to reduce        event (Valentine’s Day) was attended         In honor of Earth Day, Crescent          Compost Club (http://sustainable            To complete this project Spencer
                                                                                                                                                                           first had to measure our bins and pro-
                                                                                                                                                                           duce a scale drawing of what he was
                                                                                                                                                                           going to build. Then he itemized the
                                                                                                                                                                           materials which were needed, calculat-
                                                                                                                                                                           ed the overall cost of the project and
                                                                                                                                                                           submitted this proposal to his Scout
                                                                                                                                                                           leaders for approval. Once the project
                                                                                                                                                                           was approved, Spencer had to do some
                                                                                                                                                                           fundraising to pay for everything and
                                                                                                                                             10 January 2021               also recruited a number of volunteers
                                                                                                                                                Niwot, CO                  to come out (in January) and help on
                                                                                                                                                                           the day of the compost bin construc-
                                                                                                                                                                           tion. Spencer even mentioned that he
                                                                                                                                                                           had extra volunteers and asked if we
                                                                                                                                                                           had anything else they could help with
                                                                                                                                                                           while they were at the Grange. What
                                                                                                                                                                           a blessing this young man was.
                                                                                                                                                                              And boy did he deliver. Those boys
                                                                                                                                                                           built us three new sturdy compost
                                                                                                                                                                           bins, dug up an old tree stump, decon-
                                                                                                                                                                           structed a large crate, raked out a path-
                                                                                                                                                                           way to our garden, and picked up lit-
                                                                                                                                                                           ter, all in one afternoon. Luckily there
                                                                                                                                                                           was no snow that day, just some cold
                                                                                                                                                                           air and sunshine. We are so grateful
                                                                                                                                                                           for all the work they did and our prop-
                                                                                                                                                                           erty is starting to really look great. We
                                                                                                                                                                           have recently cut down some old dead
                                                                                                                                                                           trees and even have another Scout
                                                                                                                                                                           writing up a proposal to lay a brick
                                                                                                                                                                           pathway around our community gar-
                                                                                                                                                                           den. Things are really going to look
                                                                                                                                                                           beautiful this summer at the Broom-
                                                                                                                                                                           field Crescent Grange!
                                                                                                                                                                                          Butter Petty
                                                                                                                                                              March-April 2021, The Colorado Granger, Page 7

 Arapahoe, Denver, Douglas & Elbert Counties

  Sunflower Grange
   Contact Cherry Ellis, sunflower for further
   Several Sunflower Grangers in the
70+ group have either had their vacci-
nations or will be having them soon,
which gives us hope for socializing
and potlucks in the not-too-distant fu-
ture. In January, we met outside again
at FarmBox in Sedalia for a presenta-
tion by Trevor Garofolo about their
semi-trailer growing space. The first
trailer grows Lion’s Mane, King and
Blue Oyster mushrooms, and the sec-
ond will grow greens hydroponical-
ly. An amazing amount of food can be                                 Carrie Dunn-Thompson and friend at                                     Carrie and Billy Moore with pumpkin scale.
grown in a small, well-designed
space. Some of their trailers have been        adapted seeds, collecting a communi- teacher Katie Wilson and Meghan Brian Martinez and William Johnson possibly with another Sedalia group
purchased by restaurants and one by            ty of growers, distributing the plant- Watts’ 4-H group will be at the sale — for hosting the sale again this year. of quilters.
a hospital. We are looking forward to          ing materials to community volun- this year selling plants (many sun-              Margaret Ellis (Colorado Outstand-         In March, we look forward to
FarmBox’s participation in our Spring          teers who will grow more than 1,000 flowers, we hope).                          ing Granger 2020), our Publicity Chair, O’Brien’s Café’s annual St. Patrick’s
Heirloom and Plant Sale. They have             plants, and all culminating in the          In September, there will be a Toma- has asked us to participate in the Grange Day Parade and Corned Beef and
introduced new ways of “farming” to            Memorial Day weekend 9th Heirloom to Tasting to see how well our plants Christmas Card project this year.                  Cabbage Dinner and nominating our
Sedalia.                                       Tomato and Plant Sale.                   produced. We are grateful to our          Judy Smith and quilters (National 2021 Teacher, EMS and Community
                                                  We like to think the project has cre- friends and Sunflower Grange mem- 3rd place youth winner Arianna Hero.
   Lea Marshall and the book club
                                               ated many Sedalia gardeners over the bers at BMan’s BBQ — Roxann and Watts) will make quilt blocks again,                             Cherry Ellis
(Judy Smith, Margaret Ellis, Mari-
                                               years, though our area isn’t known
anne Edward, Ghislaine Griswold,
                                               for growing food crops. We have cul-
Diana Richards, Joyce Satachell,
                                               tivated some successful varieties and
Cherry Ellis) continue reading Sedalia
                                               find that customers who once asked
Museum’s Remarkable Ladies of Se-
                                               for the big box store hybrid tomato
dalia about local women, like Essie
                                               varieties, now ask for “Brandywine”
Alexander (1904-90) who belonged to
                                               or a local favorite “BS” developed
the Sunflower Grange. Her children
                                               by Bob Snyder in Louviers.
wrote they “learned to dance on the
                                                  Nena has provided soil and pots to
large wooden floor standing on our
                                               as many as 20 community growers in
daddy’s boots and later held close by
                                               the past and hopes for as many volun-
our dear uncle when our heads reach-
                                               teers this year. Contact Nena at Sun
ed only as far as his underarm —
                                      to vol-
whew, a great dancer but that wasn’t
                                               unteer. Growing begins in earnest in
the Saturday he took his bath. We had
                                               March. Experienced growers educate
wonderful potluck dinners we looked
                                               and commiserate; Grangers and com-
forward to every month even though
                                               munity volunteers provide the labor
Aunt Susie put her finger in each and
                                               and benefit from growing as a group. Trevor Garofolo explains FarmBox semi-trailer grow- Socially distanced Grange meeting on January 16,
every dish just to “taste” them. The
                                               Sedalia Elementary Sustainability ing space to Sunflower Grangers at January meeting. 2021.                                                 Photo by Linda Straw
Grange Hall was where we voted for

our President and [was] used by the                                                       voted to postpone the High Tea until      formed by sending out newsletters.            March 25, Thursday — Chili
community whenever a large hall was                                                       February 2022. We also decided not           A big THANK YOU to Jim Day             Cookoff Benefiting Feed the Future
needed. Our beloved Grange Hall was                                                       to attempt a drive-by Tea because of      who sent in a generous donation to        back pack program.
                                                          Jefferson County
swept away along with the Presbyter-                                                      the short timeline for adequate adver-    the State Grange Scholarship fund in          April 8, Thursday — Business
ian Church and many fond memories                 Contact Idella Lewis, idellam           tising. Pam Campbell brought a cake       memory of his parents, Maurie and         Meeting 6:30 p.m.
in the Plum Creek flood of 1965.”    , 303-233-3393,             and we celebrated Leonard Dannels         Dottie Day, who were members for              April 10, Saturday — Second
   Vera Johnson (1922-86) “made                for further information.                   birthday. Dorothy was out of town so      many years. Maurie served as Master       Saturday Sale at the Grange — ven-
sure her kids participated in town ac-            Granges in Darden Pomona were           he enjoyed the attention. Many of the     of Maple Grove Grange. Jim contin-        dor event, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
tivities — the 4-H club…square danc-           not able to host the annual Christmas      Grangers were not available to attend     ues a membership although he lives in         April 22, Thursday — Commu-
ing (at the old Grange Hall, down the          dinner and party held at Enterprise        so we cut the meeting short and tabled    Hawaii. Thank you, Jim, for your gen-     nity Night — Award 2020 and 2021
hill from the post office).”                   Grange this year. Instead of the Christ-   other discussions until February.         erosity!                                  Community Hero Award.
   (Vol 1, p. 3, 25) When Sunflower            mas festivities, Granges in Darden            Our Valentine Party and Potluck           In addition to the Christmas cards         The Wheat Ridge Grange is gear-
washed away in the flood of ’65, it            Pomona donated $50 per Grange to           started at 6:30 p.m. Everyone brought     sent to service persons overseas, head-   ing up to be the host of the Wheat
took a lot of Sedalia’s social life with       The Carin’ Clinic in Arvada. This          Valentine cards and candy for each        ed up by Marlys Halbeisen, a new          Ridge Garden Tour July 2021. We
it. Dedicated members rebuilt a                group provides medical care for those      other. The Enterprise Grange has been     card project is being undertaken at       ask any who would be interested in
Grange hall a few years later using an         who cannot afford it. They usually         working with the city of Arvada on the    Maple Grove Grange. Greeting card         volunteering to make this Grange
Army barracks on a foundation. As              are guests at our Christmas party. We      72nd Avenue extension that plans to       fronts of any kind are being taken to     hosted event a success. Any one who
membership declined, the Grange hall           hope to be able to host the Christmas      make 72nd and Simms a major inter-        the Methodist Church in Colorado          is interested in gardening and helping
was sold, and in 2014 Sunflower                party next year!                           section, at the corner where our build-   Springs and the used cards are remade     to put on a community event in Wheat
Grange closed. Now that we have re-                         Idella Lewis                  ing is located. An update of what the     into new cards and sold. Each year a      Ridge please contact Vivian, 720-217-
organized, we look forward to one                                                         plans are at this time was given by       different group is the recipient of the   1340.
day having a home again.                                Enterprise                        Mike Lackey. So far, it appears that      funds generated by the sale of the            All are invited to participate in
   Carrie Dunn-Thompson — one of                  Contact Carol Lackey, thelackey         the city is taking our needs into ac-     cards. Maple Grove member, Mary           March’s Chili Cookoff with a chili
Sedalia’s current Remarkable Ladies  , 303-521-4477,              count and we may end up with even         Ann Forman, is heading this project.      submitted for prize or just come to
— was chosen the 2020 National                 for further information.                   more parking, maybe as much as 16         Reduce, reuse, recycle!                   taste the chilis being presented in the
Grange EMS. Carrie said she was sur-              March 10, 2021, Wednesday —             to 18 spaces. Access to the parking lot      Maple Grove Grange received a          evening on March 25.
prised and felt very humbled by the            St. Patrick’s Day Irish Potluck at         will be from the east and when leav-      check for $40 from the National               Also join us as we honor exception-
honor. Carrie grew up in Sedalia and           6:30 p.m. Dorothy Dannels and Pam          ing we will need to go west. We have      Grange for the Christmas card project.    al heroes from the 2020 pandemic as
during her school years raised live-           Campbell have been our go-to for           been working on a compromise for             The square dance group of Bear         we honor their service. We will also
stock as her 4-H project. When she             main dishes and it is time to give them    over a year and are happy with the        Miller, and the Round Dance group         award a hero for 2021.
graduated from Douglas County                  a reprieve. Lisa Mittan has offered to     outcome. When this process started,       have been having socially distanced                      Vivian Vos
High, she started working with                 bring the main dish of corned beef         the city had an initial plan of only 4    dances and their groups and the Col-
Sedalia’s Volunteer Fire Department            and cabbage. We’re sure she will do        parking spaces so things have worked      orado Carvers groups have supported             Pleasant Park
and became a paramedic. For years              an excellent job. Everyone else will       out much better since. We also dis-       our Grange by contributing funds dur-        Contact Yvonne Ludwig, Master,
Carrie was Paramedic Coordinator               bring something green or something         cussed having a community garden          ing the virus lockdown.                   303-838-4805, for information.
for a Health Outreach Program pro-             Irish! Irish music will be provided.       again this year. Ashley Lackey will be       A Girl Scout Group has been sell-         March 13 — Regular Meeting 10
viding mobile medical services for             Determining our plans for a Commu-         spearheading that project.                ing cookies from our parking lot.         a.m.
Denver’s homeless population Her               nity Service Award program and our            Carol Lackey purchased Christmas          We hope to be able to meet again          April 10 — Regular Meeting 10
long-standing second job has been at           Community Garden follows potluck.          cards for the new military Christmas      soon!                                     a.m.
Bud’s Bar, a Sedalia institution. Car-            April 14, 2021, Wednesday —             card project. We handed out several                     Idella Lewis                   May 8 — Regular Meeting 10
rie’s mother Cathy Stone, and her              Easter-themed Potluck will begin at        boxes to each member to write and re-                                               a.m.
EMT mentor Cherie Stephens (who                6:30 p.m. Ham with scalloped pota-         turn in March. We also had planned               Wheat Ridge                           Meetings have been canceled to
nominated her for EMS 2020) work               toes will be provided by Ashley and        to have a game night but plans chang-        Contact Vivian Vos, vlvos@ya           keep members safe. The Executive
alongside Carrie at Bud’s. Word is, if         Carol Lackey. This is our usual Com-       ed. Most of the members showed up, 720-217-1340, for further        Committee has stepped up to make
you get sick in Sedalia, the best place        munity Service night and any plans         to the meeting. We hadn’t seen each       information.                              necessary decisions until we can meet
to go is Bud’s Bar for the EMTs. The           will be discussed at our March meet-       other for awhile so catch-up conversa-          UPCOMING EVENTS                     again.
burgers (No french fries!) are great,          ing.                                       tions took us until closing time. May-       Every Tuesday, 10 a.m., the Love-         We are very thankful that none of
too. Carrie continues helping others              May 12, 2021, Wednesday —               be game night in March.                   ly Ladies Hula class is offered.          our members have contracted the
and recently found a way to combine            Cinco de Mayo-themed Potluck.                           Carol Lackey                    Every Saturday, 10 a.m., the           Virus. Several members have been
her medical training and horseman-             Main dish provider TBD. Everyone                                                     Ukulele classes are offered.              able to get the COVID vaccination.
ship (Douglas County Rodeo Queen               else will bring a Mexican side, salad             Maple Grove                           Contact for           Some have health issues not related
1995) doing equine therapy, using              or dessert. A business meeting will          Contact Idella Lewis, idellam           hula.                                     to COVID and are kept in our prayers.
horses to help anyone who has neu-             follow potluck where we will discuss, 303-233-3393,               Contact               There are no scheduled events to be
rological or mental health problems.           the possibility of a summer picnic.        for further information.                  for ukulele.                              on the safe side and abide by all the
Learn more about this unique form of           We will also vote on 2021-2022 offi-         Maple Grove Grange is looking for-         March 11, Thursday — Business          rules in place.
therapy at              cers and choose delegates for the 2021     ward to the day when we can meet          Meeting 6:30 p.m.                            The bicycle rest stop will open in
   At our next meeting, Sunflower’s            State Grange Convention.                   again. Soon it will be a year since we       March 13, Saturday — Second            the spring when weather permits. The
Lecturer Nena Robbins starts the an-              In January we started out the meet-     have had a meeting, although Marlys       Saturday Sale at the Grange — ven-        porta potty is still available as a com-
nual plant cycle — swapping locally-           ing with our potluck at 6:30 p.m. We       Halbeisen has been keeping us in-         dor event, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.                      (Continued on Page 8)
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