Great Reset With Covid 19 To - The New Holocaust, Genocide, And Dictatorship Of Digital Mafiotismus - The New World Order - The New Holocaust ...

SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies                         Volume 7 Issue 12, 135-146, December 2020
ISSN: 2393 – 9125 /doi:10.14445/23939125/IJEMS-V7I12P120                                  © 2020 Seventh Sense Research Group®

    Great Reset With Covid 19 To - The New
 Holocaust, Genocide, And Dictatorship Of Digital
      Mafiotismus - The New World Order
                            Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev, Prof. Mariola Garibova-Dobreva
                               Scientific Research Institute Dobrev & Halachev JSC. Bulgaria

Abstract                                                           causes, preliminary actions and various programs must be
     This Lord prof Ph.D. Ph.D. Momtchil Dobrev-                   made.
Halachev developed 2010 “Financially banking resource-
based technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based           1.2. Revealing the real causes, goals for GREAT RESET
principle materialismus since more than 17 century.08              as a method of imposing a NEW WORLD ORDER - THE
“Theory of generating of crises,” 2010 “Theory and                 NEW         HOLOCAUST,            GENOCIDE       AND
practice of the Mafiotismus ”and 2001“ Theory of the               DICTATORSHIP OF DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS - The
mafia.” Using these theories, conclusions are drawn about          New World Order
the implementation of the GREAT RESET proclaimed and
realized by the elite, plutocracy, the word mafia as a             1.3. The developed by Lord Prof. Dr. Momchil Dobrev
method of imposing a NEW WORLD ORDER - THE NEW                     theory and practice of mafia and financially banking
HOLOCAUST, GENOCIDE, AND DICTATORSHIP OF                           resource-based technological mafia-driven materialism
DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS                                                cover the real process in all countries, in the nation, in
                                                                   states, all over the world and how the representatives of
Keywords : Pandemic, Great Reset, New World Order,                 this materialism actually act only with purpose profit for
Mafiotismus                                                        them, and losses for third parties and companies, nations,
                                                                   peoples. It is a process of governing the world by the elite,
                   I. INTRODUCTION                                 the oligarchy and the plutocracy. The COVID 19 pandemic
   In the year 2010 Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev developed           broke out in 2019, and the subsequent actions and
the ‘Theory of Mafiotismus’ as a new state niveaou based           consequences prove that a plan for the introduction of a
on the prime minister's private and personal interests,            NEW WORLD ORDER is being realized through the so-
ministers, government .. Based on this “Theory of                  called GREAT RESET proclaimed by the oligarchy and
Mafiotismus” Lord Prof. Momtchil Dobrev developed                  the mafia in the world.
2010      the    “Financially   banking      resource-based
technological mafia-driven materialism” as a based                                    II. Research methods
principle materialismus since more than 17 century.                   Research methods of the plan of the elite, oligarchy and
       In the year 2001 Lord Prof. Momtchil DObrev                 plutocracy for the introduction of a New World Order and
developed the Theory of the mafia and Theory of                    its GREAT RESET method for its introduction.
corruption. All the both theories has been developed by               In reality, this is a process of imposing the NEW
analyzing the mafia and the corruption all over the world. .       HOLOCAUST, GENOCIDE AND DICTATORSHIP OF
       In this paper, a full legal, economic, analysis of          DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS.
pandemics is made as a method of GREAT RESET for the
imposition of a NEW WORLD ORDER by the elite,                      Analysis of the essence of GREAT RESET and the
oligarchy and plutocracy and the world mafia in this               programs and plans of the UN and other institutions for the
pandemic.                                                          imposition of a NEW WORLD ORDER from 2001 to the
1.1 Introduce the Problem                                            Analysis of the essence of transhumanism.
In reality, for the correct understanding of GREAT RESET             Analysis of the effects of Corona virus.
as a plan for realization and introduction and imposition of         Analysis of the occurrence, development, consequences,
a NEW WORLD ORDER by the elite, the oligarchy, the                 causes of coronavirus virus
plutocracy and the world mafia, a full and complex study,            Analysis of the impact of the coronavirus on societies
analysis of the situation, analysis of economies and impact        and human rights
must be carried out. of the pandemic on them, analysis of            Analin on the impact of the coronavirus on the economy
the different types of societies and the impact on them of         and companies by countries, countries, industries.
the pandemic on societies, social systems, on health               Analysis of the essence of GREAT RESET and the
systems. An analysis of the pandemic, its occurrence,              programs and plans of the UN and other institutions for the

                This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

imposition of a NEW WORLD ORDER from 2001 to the                     1 /. A pandemic is a “unique window of opportunity” for a
present.                                                            person to be introduced in the future. We will never return
  Analysis of the essence of transhumanism.                         to normal life.
  Analysis of the effects of Corona virus.
  Analysis of the occurrence, development, consequences,            2 /. The “bright future” is a world in which there will be no
causes of coronavirus virus                                         difference between rich and poor, state borders will be
  Analysis of the impact of the coronavirus on societies            erased just in time, borders, states will disappear, private
and human rights                                                    property will disappear.
  Analin on the impact of the coronavirus on the economy               Schwab says that because of the pandemic, which forces
and companies by countries, countries, industries.                  us to isolate ourselves at home, our affection for our loved
                                                                    ones, family members and friends is increasing. The
    III. GREAT RESET of the elite, oligarchy and                    disadvantage here is that growing patriotic and national
  kleptocracy and the representatives of the financial              feelings, and dark religious beliefs, ethnic preferences.
  banking resource technological mafia materialized
                                                                     3 /. The economy in a “wonderful new world” must be
    Klaus Schwab is the president of the National                   governed centrally by giant monopolies, private property
Economic Forum, which is attended by representatives of             will disappear, and its place will be taken by the “economy
the Windsor dynasty, the United Nations, multinational              of use” and the “economy of participation.”
companies such as British Petroleum, Microsoft and others.               There will be no money, only digital currency.
   Schwab is an economist, professor at the University of
Geneva, who participates in the meetings of the Bilderberg          4 /. There will be a transition to “green energy”, which will
Club.                                                               replace hydrocarbons.
                                                                     Will have:
   At the May 2020 online conference of the World                   - - restriction on water consumption
Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles, the                - - limitation of electricity
son of the beautiful Elizabeth 2, introduced the term               - - no ‘environmentally hazardous species in products /
“GREAT RESET”, according to which capitalism must be                meat and others.
reworked. Prince Charles talks about “commercial                    - - there will be no industrial products / and need for cars /
capitalism”                                                         - - this will reduce demographic growth
   The COVID 19 pandemic is considered by them as a                 - - this will cause population decline
unique chance to restart the whole society and planet.              -
                                                                    - Schwab states: “The lower the demographic growth, the
- It cannot but be done quickly, but if such a process is           greater the risk of a new pandemic!”
launched, it must be continued until the actual final
realization of the project is real for a New World Order.           5 /. Workers will be rejected in all spheres of economic
  In June 2020, a title appears on the SIF website - THE            and social life.
GREAT LOCK.                                                            The “big restart” speaks of the abrupt closure of jobs.
- Separately, Klaus Schwab also published such a book                  By 2030 - 82% of jobs in restaurants, 75.5% of jobs in
with such consent - “KOVID 19 - DUGRAY RESET. In                    trade, 59% of the entertainment business will be reduced.
the book, Schwab and his co-author state that the fourth            The vast majority of businesses will be automated.
industrial revolution will “lead to the merging of our                 Up to 75% of restaurants can go bankrupt due to
physical, digital, and biological identities.”                      blockage and subsequent social distance.
- He describes that implant microchips will be able to read            The program includes the introduction of an
even our thoughts.                                                  unconditional basic income for people.
- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Rudo defines the                      Humans will be replaced by robots. They will have
pandemic as an “opportunity for zeroing”.                           occupations and jobs if they themselves are vaccinated.
- Another key part of the “Great Zero” or “Fourth
Industrial Resolution”, according to Schwab, is the                  6 /. Digitization of all spheres of the economy and society
merging of man with machines.                                       - a system of monitoring, control, tracking, controlling
- These declarations are joined by Joe Biden, Boris                 every person and sanctioning every person who violates
Johnson, Justin Trudeau, and companies such as Amazon,              orders, regulations and others.
Apple, Corner, Facebook, Microsoft.                                     This is needed to end the pandemic.
- Herbart Wells’ 1928 book describes the “open                          A global network of digital surveillance needs to be set
conspiracy”.                                                        up, which data will be processed by supercomputers. It is
- In reality, the COVID 19 pandemic is a kind of proven             no coincidence that supercomputers are installed in
conspiracy.                                                         specific countries of the European Union.
 According to Schwab:                                               7 /. The new model of life provides for regular testing,
                                                                    mandatory vaccination, issuance of sanitary passports.

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

  Boundaries of life will be established. There will be                   In reality, this great RESET makes a geopolitical and
punishments for those who avoid correct and modern                    geo-economic reset of the whole world and will cause total
dictates.                                                             changes in:
                                                                      - - “sustainable development” - where there is a market
8 /. In the spirit of transhumanism, one should be                    economy there is not and cannot be sustainable
“improved.”                                                           development
                                                                      - - “Global governance”
 Schwab proposes a program of global dictatorship in the              - - capital markets
interests of transnational companies and transnational                - - human rights
capital.                                                              - - gender equality
                                                                      - - LGBTI, racism systems
   This plan and program was announced in 2016 under the              - - international trade and investment
name - Global Redesign Initiative - Global Recharge                   - - tourism, travel industries
Initiative. The program was developed and presented in                - - blockchain, 5G, robotics
2016 in Davos.
     In his book, Schwab discusses the following goals:                   The Great Resset announced in May 2020 at the World
- The transformation of the world into a digital                      Economic Forum by Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles
concentration camp.                                                   introduced this term.
   Currently, the World Economic Forum and the                             He must make the change, because capital is
Rockefeller Foundation are promoting and promoting the                experiencing a global crisis - and it must be changed.
global digital travel passport - the Common Pass.                     Prince Charles speaks of “responsible capitalism” radically
   They want and aim for a digital passport to become                 different from the old “capitalism.
mandatory.                                                                The pandemic of COVID 19 with its Lockdown
    Rockefeller’s roadmap includes testing, tracking,                 provides a convenient unique opportunity for such
controlling those infected and those who are not infected at          “recharging”.
all times, and warning offenders. they also aim at imposing
an immune passport.                                                      Second thesis: Lockdown must be continued, this is
   A test site for this immune passport and common pass               supported by Joe Biden, Johnson and Trudeau for a “new
can currently take place in the UK.                                   world order” and a recharge of the good old capitalism.
   The advantages of this passport are that those who have               Supporting companies include Amazon, Apple,
a negative test can visit restaurants, public places, hotels,         Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and other multinational
    According to the Daily Mail, two British companies                companies and corporations.
have received an order to create such a platform for                     This confirms that this is a kind of conspiracy similar to
smartphones.                                                          the one described by Herbert Wells, “The Open
  They call this passport the “passport of freedom.”                  Conspiracy - / Open Conspiracies.
  All information will be collected in one computer and                   The Great Reset is one such conspiracy and strategic
will be processed.                                                    intelligence platform “a dynamic contextual intelligence
  Ie the placement of digital collars is proposed.                    system
    The World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller                       This is a platform whose promoter put a crossover and a
Foundation are launching a “Common Network of Trust”                  penetration of Kovid - 19.
in this regard, which will contain this information about               According to them, COVID 19 is a unique “window of
people.                                                               opportunity”.
      It is no coincidence that supercomputers are installed
in specific countries that will manage this data, namely -                Schwab states: “Many ask when will we return to
Italy, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Finland, Portugal, the Czech               normal life?” The answer is short - never. Human history
Republic, and other countries that will actually manage               is divided into two parts: before the coronavirus and after
these processes. …                                                    it.
                                                                          Schwab: “The issue of world government is at the heart
     Harvard University is also developing a “Roadmap for             of all issues.”
Pandemic Sustainability” presented in April 2020.
   This is an operational plan program to imprison people              Third thesis: The paademia must reshape the world and
for “their safety” in temporary detention cells.                      the world must be ruled by centralized giant monopolies,
                                                                         Private property will be replaced by “economic
    Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic                     consumption” and “participatory economy”.
Forum, which includes Windsor, and the United Nations,
British Petroleum, Microsoft and other billionaire                      Fourth thesis - There will be a transition to “green
companies introduced this term in 2020. develop this                  energy” which will replace hydrocarbon.
GREAT RESET with the following these:

  First thesis:

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

   Fifth thesis - In the context of the forthcoming in the 6th          Transhumanism is part of the GREAT                  RESET,
technological wave, the robotization in all spheres of                 microchips will be able to read people’s minds.
economic and social life will be completed.
                                                                        As developed in the second book is the book of Klaus
   Thesis 6 will continue digitalization in all spheres of             Schwab - Shaping the future of the 4th industrial resolution.
economic and social life.
                                                                         Through nanotechnology we will be able to read
   Thesis 7 - the new model of world health care provides              people’s thoughts, to influence people’s behavior, to enter
for continuous testing of the population and mandatory                 our thoughts in the program for the big reset.
vaccination and issuance of a medical passport
                                                                        Is the “reset” unsuccessful and will the global world lose?
   Thesis 8 - Humanity will be perfected in the spirit of                Those committed to this process and the Great Reset
transhumanism.                                                         Project have been dug up.
                                                                         Narcopaths live in their own small world, in which their
    The 4-the Industrial Revolution - conceived back in                desires and fears, dysfunctions are normalized. They think
December 2015, was chosen by the SIF for the new                       and believe that they are superior to all other people, they
futuristic scenarios.                                                  have no conscience and empathy. They think they will
                                                                       deceive the “stupider” and have an obsessive need to
   The pandemic gives a unique chance to restart the planet            control, corrupt and destroy.
and capitalism.                                                          They drain morality from society, destroy freedoms and
- If you can not do quickly, but it must be extended.                  affect freedom of movement.
- In June 2020 a title appears on the WIF website –                       1 /. Globalists are open to disclosing the agenda in
GREAT RESET.                                                           which they are considered “untouchable.”
- - this information is joined by Joe Biden Boris Johnson,                   In 2021, the elite must think that nothing can be done
Justin Trudeau, and companies such as Amazon, Apple,                   to stop the machine
Corner, Facebook, Microsoft.                                                 They are outspoken in their calls for global reset and
- Herbart Wells’s 1928 book describes just such an “open               the creation of a cashless society, totalitarian locking and
conspiracy”.                                                           total surveillance.

    The fourth industrial revolution - conceived in                      2 /. The globalist push for a “New World Order” is a
December 2015 and chosen by the SIF for the new                        double-edged sword can destroy the entire planet.
futuristic scenarios is part and reason for this plan.
  The big restart covers over 50 areas of science and                    Event 201 is a “war game” hosted by globalists from the
practice. From the recommendations for economic                        World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates
recovery, to sustainable business models, from                         Foundation.
environmental restoration, redesign of social arrangement.               The scenario is an epidemic of a coronavirus pandemic
-” Sustainable Development”                                            that will kill 65 million people.
- “global governance”                                                    The simulation actually took place several months before
- capital markets                                                      the pandemic itself appeared in November 2019.
- climate change                                                         Social models are currently being used to censor or limit
- biodiversity                                                         all new and new arguments and evidence against the
- human rights                                                         pandemic.
- Gender equality                                                      - Klaus Schwab - The World Economic Forum applauds
- LGBT                                                                 the pandemic as the “perfect opportunity” to establish a
- systemic racism                                                      “reset4 for„”
                                                                       - Unfortunately, the mortality of Covid 19 is not so great, it
- According to Klaus Schwab - the “golden opportunity” of              is below 1% - 0.26%.
the subdemia must be used now.                                         - Over 40% “of deaths are from people with other diseases.
- “Covid 19 accelerated our transition to the era of the” 4            - The mass media are on their side, on the side of the
industrial revolution “and is an excellent opportunity for a           oligarchy and plutocracy that organized this pandemic.
restart, more polarization, nationalization, racism, growing              Schwab also goes on to explain his book “Shaping the
social tensions and conflicts.                                         Future in the Fourth Industrial Revolution”, a book that
  The Chinese community with shared interests                          was especially popular in China, South Korea, and Japan.
  This is really a project for digital neo-fascism.                    In particular, the South Korean army has ordered 16,000
   Journal of Virology Journal - Dr. Fauci that chloroquine            books. In this book, Schwab explains how government,
is a potent inhibitor of infection and spread of ARS                   because of emerging technologies, will allow them to
coronavisur”                                                           “enter the current personal space of our thoughts, read our
   According to Schwab, the “Great Reset” will include a               thoughts, and influence our behavior.”
“merger of physical, digital and biological identification.”               Schwab praises the utopian dream of transhumanism,
                                                                       which is shared by all people of the elite and the oligarchy

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

and plutocracy, which ultimately leads to the creation of                  Reorganize the whole world and move to a
human cyborgs.                                                       transhumanist socialist worlds order that will destroy
     Schwab states: “The technologies of the fourth                  private property and currency.
industrial revolution will not just become part of the                    “The Guardians is a historic collaboration between the
physical world around us - they will become part of us.              leaders of huge companies, the global leaders who work
Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have            with the moral leadership of Francis to take advantage of
become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external                   business opportunities forever.”
devices - from laptops to virtual reality helmets - will                   I am responsible for challenging Pope Francis to
almost certainly be implanted in our bodies and brains.              create a more inclusive economy that more equitably
 Schwab openly preaches about the implantation of chips -            distributes the benefits of capitalism and allows people to
“active microchips for implantation that cross the skin              reach their potential. ”
barrier of our bodies.”                                                 Companies supporting this board are Visa, MasterCard,
  He praised the advent of chipping: “implanted devices              Bank of America, BP, Ford Foundation, Rothschild, UNO.
that will probably be able to transmit thoughts, but not
verbally, as is usual now, but through a built-in                        The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a pro-capitalist
smartphone, and probably (will transmit) unexpressed                 organization in order to create a stronger, more just and
thoughts or moods, reading brain waves and other signals ”.          cooperative economic society. “
    Ie it is about “merging our physical, digital and                   “Guardians will take responsibility by taking a list of
biological identities”.                                              planned actions, as, dealing with environmentalists, social
   Ie this is associated with the transhumanist singularity,         is problem management.
and a future in which man will be constantly monitored,                    World Investment Forum, UN, calls for GREAT
his thoughts will be read by the implanted microchip.                RESET Great reset.
                                                                         The crown is a distracting approach to mastering the
  The crisis with the COVID-19 attack creates an                     financial system.
opportunity and conditions to carry out the GREAT                       According to Klaus Schwab, “the golden opportunity is
RESET ”.                                                             to use the COVID pandemic 19.
                                                                     - “Kovid 19 accelerated our transition to the era of the” 4th
 John Rapoport - Gene Therapy and the Plan for                       Industrial Revolution”
Transhumanism                                                        - - Excellent opportunity to restart
                                                                     - More polarization, nationalization, racism, growing
  Kyle Mankitrique published an article in Discover                  social tensions and conflicts.
magazine entitled “When will transhumanism occur?                         In the journal Virology Journal, Dr. Fauci said that
Seven conditions for its realization. “                              chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of infection and the spread
                                                                     of ARS coronavisur.
1 /. dentures are preferred
2 /. improved brain                                                    “The Great Reset will involve a ‘Merger of physical,
3 /. artificial helper                                               digital and biological identification.’
4 /. incredible longevity                                               Transhumanism is part of the GREAT RESET,
5 /. responsible reproduction                                        microchips will be able to read minds.
6. Your body is mine, your choice is mine.
7- personalities, not people                                         - Bill Gates states: “There are 6.8 billion people in the
                                                                     world today. If we now work well on the new vaccines, we
    Microsoft patent system for income against “approved”            will be able to reduce them by 10-15%. ”
thoughts and bodily reactions.                                          David Rockefeller: “The negative impact of the
    Bill Gates and the World Bank create digital                     population of our entire planetary ecosystem is becoming
identification.                                                      terribly obvious.
                                                                         Jacques Cousteau: “In order to stabilize the world’s
    The World Health Organization and the government                 population, we must destroy 35,000 people a day.”
support “their own irresponsibility” and lead to the goal of             Ted Turner, founder of CNN: “The entire population
“temporary detention” - and closure can be permanent.                should be between 250 and 300 million people, a 95%
                                                                     reduction from the current level would be ideal.”
 IV. The Vatican enters into a “Global Alliance” with                    Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh: “If I am reborn, I
the Rockefeller Foundation, with Rothschild, to create               would like to return to Earth as a killer virus to reduce the
          and implement a “Great Reset”.                             human population.”
                                                                          Schwab states: “If globalization expands, then there
     Pope Francisk has announced that he will join the               will be no place for nation states.”
“Global Union” with the world’s largest banks,                            Ie all freedoms will be taken away, all the
international corporations, global funds to create an                achievements of democracy will be erased, all rights and
economic world called the “Guardians” redistribution of              freedoms of citizens will be erased and taken away.
wealth around the world.

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

      Everything will be decided by unknown experts                       For example, in 1993. A scientist from the Innsbruck
appointed by the oligarchy and plutocracy who will decide,            Institute for Biometric Research of the Austrian Academy
will manage the processes.                                            of Sciences and scientists and the World Health
      These experts will actually be appointed by globalists,         Organization are developing birth control vaccines.
by global corporations.                                                  2004 Nigeria is boycotting a vaccine produced
     Rothschild patented a method for testing kovid 19 back           accurately for sterilization
in 2015.                                                               The vaccine contains estradiol, a form of the hormone
     The second registration in the United States took place          estrogen.
in 2010.                                                                 This hormone leads to infertility.
     A Memorandum 200 was signed in 1974, also known                    1992 The World Health Organization excludes
as the Global Report 200, prepared by a group led by                  “homosexuality” from the list of diseases and gives real
Henry Kissinger / US Secretary of State 1973-1977. The                reasons and grounds for spreading genderism.
document declares depopulation in the world as a major
strategic task of the United States. An official statement              2009 The World Health Organization is preparing to
from Henry Kissinger:                                                 release 4.9-5 billion flu vaccines.
     “Depopulation should be the first concern of the US                The Catholic organization “Mexican Committee for
State Department regarding the Third World.”                          Life” organized protests.
     According to the Kissinger-led report, the world’s                   The Rockefeller Foundation, working with the World
population should initially be reduced to one and a half              Bank, is working jointly with the United Nations
billion.                                                              Development Program, the Hford Foundation and others to
       An American tinker published a study that the                  develop contraceptive vaccines.
pandemic did not destroy society as much as the                         The World Health Organization has the right not only to
quarantine measures themselves.                                       make recommendations, but also, as usual, to request and
  Schwab insists that these quarantine measures be                    issue orders to states.
continued, in order to effectively dismantle and destroy                  On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization
society and all its systems. This request of Schwab is proof          declared a state of emergency without justification for only
of the real search for a result and the implementation of the         34 infected and 1 deceased.
plan for DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS.                                            The data are as follows:
                                                                           On 31.12.2019 the first 27 infected appear in China -
V. THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION and its                              in Wuhan
 participation in the whole process of the COVID 19                        On 11.01.2020 - 1 died in China
          pandemic and the “Great Reset”                                   On 20.01.2020 - 1 infected in South Korea
                                                                           On 22.01.2020 - 1 infected in Thailand
   The World Health Organization has been involved in                      On 24.01.2020 - 2 infected in France
this process from the very beginning.                                      On 25.01.2020 - 1 infected Austria
   The World Health Organization was formed in 1948.                       On 26.01.2020 - 1 infected Canada
and is a special UN agency. The WHO emblem shows the                       On 28.01.2020 - 1 infected Germany
serpent Moses wrapped around a wheel, a symbol of the                     On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization
“all-seeing eye”, on the image is a flat earth surrounded by          declared a pandemic.
two wheat ears, a symbol of the harvest and 9 people.                     The Global Vaccination Summit event took place on
   There are 13 elements in each wheat class, a symbol of             September 12, 2019 in Brussels.
the 13 “tribes of Israel.” These are 13 Illuminati families.             The main organizers were the World Health
    At the 63rd meeting of the World Health Assembly was              Organization and the European Commission.
prepared by the Secretariat and the World Health
Organization, selectively announced voluntary donations                           VI. CHIPPING and nanoparticles
for 2008-2009.                                                               Each will be connected to the 5G network with
    According to the report, the US government provided               supercomputers that will control and manage it. In this
$ 424.5 million and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation             way there will be constant control over his personality and
$ 338.7 million.                                                      life. The chip will transmit all personal data. Nanoparticles
  Donors in the Global Alliance for Vaccination and                   or nanopots will be able to control any part of the human
Immunization GAVI with $ 85 million is the Gates                      body and change DNA through the 5G network. The chip
Foundation, the Gates Fund donated more than $ 1.14                   will receive frequencies broadcast from the network 24 -
billion from 1999 to 2009. . While the US government has              90 GHz. With the help of the chip and the network,
donated only $ 569 million for the years 2001-2009.                   cryptocurrency will be dug. In the case of disobedience to
 For 30 years, human rights organizations and various                 a person with a chip, nanoparticles can give commands to
other such activists have accused UNICEF and the World                the heart or brain, to cause a heart attack or stroke. Each
Health Organization of a planned campaign to sterilize the            will be marked with the number of the Devil - 666, as
population in various countries using vaccines for various            written in Revelation 13.

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

  Vaccines will be imposed by terror. Vaccines will contain                As early as March 12, 2020, the working name of the
nanoparticles. With settings the nanoparticles will be able            vaccine, which has already been produced, is known -
to attach to molecules from other coronaviruses.                       INO-4800, which vaccine is planned to move to phase 1
   The nanoparticles are 25 nanometers in size and so                  for clinical trials in the United States in April 2020 with
small that once injected, they pass through the skin’s                 additional funding of $ 9 million.
intercellular lattice and repair their way to the lymph nodes.            Ie Bill Gates funded a device to inject the vaccine. He
Within minutes, they reach a concentration thousands of                also pays for the vaccine itself. CEPI = - through another
times greater than those in the skin. The nanoparticles in             of his organizations -
these vaccines can be directed so that they move quickly in              Separately, the European Commission has already
the desired direction and force the human biological cells             contracted with Bill Gates and has raised € 8 billion. .е.
to move and grow in certain directions. directions. As early           Bill Gates and the Pentagon will make huge profits with
as 2009 Researchers at the University of London have                   funding.
developed “micro shuttles” that can be injected during                    The initial development of CELLECTRA 3PSP began in
vaccination and deliver drugs to living cells. A                       2019 with a grant of $ 8.1 million from the medical branch
microscopic chip should be built into these nanoparticles,             of the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium U.S. Defense
which will automatically control the dose of drugs. The                Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).
release of substances can also be separated by an external               The coronavirus was created in 2015 in the US National
command - from a doctor or another, ie. individual micro-              Laboratory + Galveston at the University of Texas.
therapy is created. The biggest advantage of using such
micro capsules is that they are designed to be very stable in               VII. UNО DOCUMENT ON A NEW WORLD
the human body, which protects their contents. These                    ORDER of 2001 - The complete plan for the GREAT
capsules can be used as repositories of drugs in the body                                        RESET
for later use. Whoever manages the technology will                         In fact, plans have been made many times to impose a
actually manage human health. Ie different drugs for                   New World Order. Here, however, we will not mention
specific cells can be released. Ie nanoparticles in vaccines           dates and persons involved in the imposition of a New
can repeatedly increase their action, or improve or                    World Order.
devastate human immunity. Chipping and vaccination are                    Here we quote the opinion of Henry Kissinger:
linked in one process. The justification was that chipping                “Once the herd receives the mandatory vaccination, the
was necessary for vaccination. vaccination becomes a                   game is over! They will accept everything! Control the
means of chipping.                                                     thinking of the sheep and you will control the flock.
  The digital identification of the person has been                      Vaccine manufacturers make billions, and many of you
considered since September 11, 2001. digital identification            in this room today are investors. This is a big profit! We
of the person by embedding an electronic microchip in the              dilute the herd and the herd pays for the services provided
human body.                                                            for their destruction. Now, what is there for lunch !! “
    In this way man can be governed.                                      They must all be vaccinated and chipped first! Then
  If signals are sent about the microchip, the chip can cause          they can go outside! - Bill Gates
pain, blurring of the mind, blindness, deafness and others.
Ie this can allow a human to become a biorobot or a                       The beginning of the Cold War in 1947 - Alan Foster
cyborg.                                                                Dulles - the first head of the CIA - said:
   Nanoparticles that are vaccinated into the human                      “We will throw all the gold of the United States, all the
circulatory system will travel and move throughout the                 power of the United States to deceive and fool the people
human body.                                                            of the socialist world. Unnoticed, we will replace human
   Each vaccine for Covid 19 will be equipped with                     values with false ones. HOW? We will find like-minded
Pentagon nanotechnology.                                               people in these countries and Russia. We will carry out
   DNA nanotechnology developed by the US Department                   grandiose decomposition work, we will extract the social
of Defense and the scientific institution DARPA.                       essence of literature, we will encourage authors who instill
                                                                       in man a cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - that is,
    On March 12, 2020, INOVIO Pharmacenticals                          immorality. We need writings that ridicule naturalness and
announced that it had received a new $ 5 million grant                 integrity, such as archaic obsolescence, simplicity,
from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to accelerate                 impudence, lies and deception, drunkenness and drug
testing and manufacture its own CELLECTRA 3PSP smart                   addiction, animal fear among people, shamelessness,
device for intradermal / subcutaneous / delivery of the                slander, and many other vices in man. In this way we will
INO-4800 - DDDNNNA vaccine for COVID -19.                              shake generation after generation, we will cause erosion
    Ie this proves that the vaccine is ready before the                and corruption of the youth. We will create a person with a
pandemic. Ie Even before the “state of emergency” in                   consumptive psyche of an elementary user. We will do all
connection with the pandemic was declared in Western                   this under the motto PROTECTION OF HUMAN
countries, the co-financing of the special device needed to            RIGHTS and CIVIL RIGHTS.
deliver this vaccine to the human body was announced.                   The new world system according to Rockefeller March
The question is why a special device is needed.                        20, 1969

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

   The realities are different - replacing the system of wars            The plan is from September 21, 2001.
with the creation of terrorism, another kind of enemy -
Islamism, -                                                             1. World Government - SP
   Planned Parenthood                                                   2. Cashless world currency
  “Population reduction, permission to have children, new               3. World Central Bank
guidelines on the meaning of sex, sex without reproduction,             4. Global military force
the possibility of universal protection, sexual education               5. End of national sovereignty
among young people as a tool for world government,                      6. End of private property
support for abortions with state funds to reduce the                    7. End of the family unit - family
population , support for homosexuality, sexless                         8. Decimation of the population - a penalty for every 10th
reproduction technologies, family breakdown, euthanasia                 for discipline
and the “death pill”, restriction of access to paid health              9. .Control of growth and population density
care to get rid of the elderly, strict control of access to             10. Mandatory vaccination - for the purpose of biological
medical services, elimination of private doctors,                       control and genocide
difficulties in diagnosis of new incurable diseases,                    11. Universal basic income, salaries are canceled
difficulty of onco-treatment in order to reduce the                     12. Microchip implantation for payment and monitoring
population, causing a heart attack to eliminate people,                 13. Social rating system
early school education to accelerate puberty and evolution,             14. Device for monitoring and biological control Article
merging of all religions, elimination of old religions,                 5D
change of the bible, through revision keywords, school o                15. Raising the children of the SP schools and universities
education as a tool for indoctrination, prolonging school               are the property of the SP
time without children learning something, controlling                   16. Termination of private transport - without owning
access to information, schools as municipal centers,                    private cars
seizing certain books from libraries, legal changes that                17. All companies become the property of the JV
unleash social and moral chaos, supporting the                          18. Restriction of air traffic
consumption of drugs to create an atmosphere gip “urban                 19. Concentration camps - creation of agglomeration
jungle”, promoting alcohol consumption, restricting free                centers
travel, the need for more prisons, using hospitals as places            20. Elimination of irrigation systems
of isolation, creating psycho-hospital and physical                     21. Elimination of private agricultural holdings
insecurity, using crime to manage society, limiting                     22. Closure of private agricultural pastures
American industrial dominance, relocating nations and                   23. Removal of single-family houses
economies, uprooting social roots, socializing sports, sex              24. Limited use of agricultural land
and entertainment violence, implanting ID cards /                       25. Prohibition of natural medicines
microchips / food control, weather control, exploring more              26. Prohibition of natural treatments
people in order to suggest what is required, falsify                    27. Prohibition of fossil fuels
scientific discoveries, use terrorism as a basis for control. “         To be held from 2021 to 2030.
 Television, which watches the individual, property                       For the beginning of this plan is specified -Special
ownership goes into oblivion, the advent of a new notarial              operation Corona virus
                                                                         In reality, this program plan coincides completely with
   Here we will quote a speech from the speech of                       what is happening in 2020 with the declared pandemic
Muammar Gaddafi, the head of the Libyan Jamahiriya at                   COVID 19. The actions of the managers are proved by the
the 64th session of the UN in 2009. who said the following:             fact that they implement this plan on each of the points.

   “They will create viruses themselves and sell you
vaccines after that, they will pretend that they need time to              COVID-19 program of the World Bank “Program for
look for a solution, even though they already have it.”                 strategic preparation and response of Covid-19”.
      Rudolf Steiner - “In the past, the Spirit was removed             o - it presents a strategy for responding to the “pandemic”
by decree of the church council, and the soul will be                   o - it is neither a political nor a medical strategy
removed with pharmacotherapy. It will be easy to get a                  o - make a clear plan for mass testing,
vaccine that will treat the body from the earliest childhood,           o - make a vaccination plan
even from birth, so that it becomes completely impossible               o - plan for mandatory measures
for the human body to ever come to the thought: “I know                 o - plan for preparation of insulation premises
that the soul and the Spirit exist!” GA 177/5                           o - proposal for the need to activate military support /
                                                                        NATO /
    Here we quote the plan which is located and prepared                  This program concerns the pandemic. Phase one will last
at the UN and for which the plan concerns the period from               until 2025.
2021 to 2030. and is from 21.09. 2001 This plan was                     Phase 2 takes place depending on the outcome of phase 1,
quoted by Rabbi Amon Yitzhak                                            it creates a “narrow window of opportunity”, which will
                                                                        oblige all countries to adhere to the measures is the plan.

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

 Ie second, third, fourth waves by 2025 are planned and                 - - polarization of society
expected from this plan.                                                - - destruction of national values
   By 2025 to build full digitalization of all areas and                - - destruction of the national culture
industries, building a total society, and the inclusion of              - - destruction of the sense of rights and freedoms
supercomputers. Such supercomputers are introduced on                   - - destruction of the middle class
the territory of Euro a in Finland, Italy, Luxembourg,                  - - increasing poverty
Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria.                - - increase in begging
In this way the whole territory of the whole of Europe is               - - disappearance of the ability to think critically
covered.                                                                - - increasing the closedness, depression, dependence,
   This really leads to digital feudalism, but in this article,         feelings of slavery and dependence on the decisions and
in our opinion, it leads to DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS.                        actions of the government
                                                                        - - turning one’s back on the real facts and evidence
     People should be imprisoned in global digital                      - - dependence on propaganda
concentration camps. They will be deprived of all rights                - - dependence on the promoted fear and stress
and freedoms.                                                           - - increase in mental illness
     The following will be developed:                                   - - increase in drug abuse
- the digital economy,                                                  - - increase in the number of homeless people
- digital money,                                                        - - increase in the unemployed
- digital medicine,                                                     - - increase in malnourished people
- digital education system,                                             - - increase in malignant incurable diseases
- digital court system.                                                 - - increase in theft
- digital social system                                                 - - increase in crime
- digital credit system for 24 control                                  - - increase in homicides
- digital biometric surveillance, controlling, sanctioning              - - increasing the bankruptcies of companies
this                                                                    - - reduction of life expectancy
    The plan must be completed by March 31, 2025. these
are actually 25 projects that need to be implemented and                    193 UN member states have been ordered to close their
implemented in the first phase of the program.                          countries since January 2020. This order comes from the
                                                                        United States, from the World Health Organization, and
  VIII. RESULTS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE                                 from the World Economic Forum, from the Bill Gates
     COVID 19 PANDEMIC - a brief description                            Foundation.
                                                                           In fact, millions of people lost their jobs.
THE FIRST WORLD BIOLOGICAL WAR 2019 -                                      Millions of people have lost their savings for life.
   With the introduction of bio-, psycho-, socio-diversion,               Millions of people were left without the means to pay
with the name COVID-19,.                                                their monthly expenses.
       The scheme aims to:                                                Millions of people were left without means of
          - Consciously economic                                        subsistence, to pay for themselves and their families.
          - Psychological                                                 Millions of people have lost sight of the future.
          -“Military.”                                                    Millions of people have fallen into the ranking of the
          - Scheme for reducing the world’s population                  poor.
          - Business destruction scheme                                   Millions of people have already joined the unemployed,
          - Business bankruptcy scheme                                    Millions of companies have gone bankrupt.
          - Scheme for buying for nothing of certain                      Where there was a middle class, it actually moved to the
businesses.                                                             group of the poor.
          - Scheme for conquering businesses                              Millions of people isolated themselves.
                                                                          Millions of people fell into fear, hysteria.
   As a result of the pandemic, the following social and                  Millions of people were deprived of their livelihood.
societal effects are achieved:                                            Millions of people have been deprived of the security
- - causing loneliness                                                  they have created.
- - Change of communication                                               Millions of people were deprived of their liberties.
- - Confusion of good borders, of borders to partners,                    Millions of people were deprived of their businesses.
relatives                                                                 Millions of people distanced themselves socially.
- - a change in the meaning of life and how, if and what                  Millions of people distanced themselves as a family.
kind of trace a person should leave a trace of himself                    Millions of people have fallen into the realm of family
- - collapse of the education system                                    conflict.
- - killing the national achievements of democracy                        Millions of businesses have closed their doors.
- - ruin of the social system                                             Millions of people have isolated themselves from their
- - disappearance of tolerance towards others                           families, from their work, from society.
- - loss of respect for others                                             George Orwell’s Prophetic Manifesto in the 1984 Book.
- - loss of attention to others

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

   There are facts about a real world dictatorship of the                euros and dollars between close companies, is constantly
global Oligarchy.                                                        intensifying.
   There are social, moral, ethical, civil and legal                        In Europe, Erdogan’s words about demographic
repressions.                                                             Islamization are happening and are being realized. This
   Thoughts and statements about imposing concentration                  also happens in countries such as France, Belgium, the
camps in case of refusal of vaccination actually appear.                 Netherlands, England and other countries.
    This situation is legitimized as a social system of the                  The erasure, replacement, replacement, erasure of
future.                                                                  history, which Fukuyama was talking about - the end of
    In reality, everything is built on the basis of exploitation         history - is actually being realized.
and real fraud.                                                               Fear is becoming a fundamental method of managing
    There are real voices that Covid is a punishment for                 people’s behavior.
people’s sins.                                                               People are deprived of normal communication and
     As early as 2011, Pentagon scientists made successful               exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings, relationships.
attempts to combine viruses and create a superspecies that                   People lose their moral and social senses to observe
is fast, lightning-fast, aggressive, stubborn, elusive.                  and understand the environment.
     This bio-engineering became available in 2014. .                        Humans become controllable mice in the hands of the
Because of these protests, Dr. Anthony Fauchi relocated to               olgarchy.
the Chinese city of Wuhan.                                                   The oligarchy begins a satanic and sadistic trade with
     Of course, not for free, but by paying and transferring             the most valuable thing in people’s lives. This turns people
3.7 million USD together with the full documentation.                    into biomass without norms, ideals, goals, an objective
   In 2011, then-President Barack Obama publicly                         view of life, without thinking, without moral and other
announced his estimate of 60 million victims of a total and              values. People have really lost their personal identities.
global pandemic that did not occur at the time. Apparently,                   The opposition is deprived of the opportunity to react,
however, this has been prepared for a long time.                         to act, to be an active opponent. In reality, the opposition is
  Millions of people are under stress.                                   depersonalized and destroyed and bloodless.
  Millions of people are in fear                                               Civil society is crowded. Civil society has been
  Millions of people are in a panic.                                     liquidated and does not exist.
  Millions of people are subject to obedience.                                 The printing of money is in progress and at high
  There is actually a conspiracy against all of humanity.                speed.
  2010 try the version with the chicken flu.                                   “Robbing budgets through so-called ‘stabilization
  In 2014 in Los Angeles, 64 patients die vaccinated                     programs’, business support programs, workers’ programs.
against an obscure virus about which there is no                              The hospitals are empty, the patients are treated
information and everything is classified.                                according to incorrect diagnoses, and the deceased, based
   Since 2010, Bill Gates’ doctrine of global vaccination                on various reasons, are entered in the statistics in the
has been imposed and disseminated.                                       column “Kovid -19”.
   There are elements of a biodictatorship.                                   Citizens are methodically taught that they must be
                                                                         vaccinated, otherwise they will not be able to travel, they
   And with certain frequencies, control over human                      will not be able to work, they will not be able to study.
consciousness can be exercised, and man can be placed                         In reality, people are killed in hospitals who simply
under constant constant remote control.                                  suffer from the flu.
  The state imposes a paranormal subordination to the                         INFLUENZA disappears as a disease in the countries
people.                                                                  for the respective season - October - December. No one is
  Social and moral deformations occur among people.                      talking about the flu and the flu epidemic anymore.
   There is a process of zombies by the media, which is                      In reality, there are circumstances for informational,
close to the government.                                                 social, medical neo-fascism.
   People swallow all possible and impossible totalitarian                   Many scientists, doctors, specialists, try to explain the
orders of the oligarchic dictatorship.                                   real disease and spread their experience with the treatment
   At the same time, public finances are drained through                 of patients, but all this is not allowed either in the media or
and under so-called “emergency measures”.                                on social networks, it is silenced, removed, deleted.
   The middle class of every country is really being ruined.                 It is constantly proclaimed in the media that people
   It is through the state and the government redistribution             will die like chickens.
of taxes and budgets in favor of companies close to the                      However, everything revolves around money and the
government.                                                              profits of companies.
   In reality, prices are rising dramatically.
    The state is realizing the liquidation of social programs                Profits are calculated for pharmaceutical companies in
for the people.                                                          the billions, prices are constantly rising, drugs are
   The necessary and necessary for the treatment medicines               deliberately disappearing from pharmacies, and are
disappear from the pharmacies.                                           beginning to be offered on the black market.
   Ecosystem talk is present and recovering in countries.                    Even the oligarchy is obsessed with companies that
This hysteria, which aims again to distribute billions of                produce either masks, or disinfectants, or other

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

     Interest rates do not fall. The loans run without                         The goal is money. Profits are mostly for
freezing the payments of interest, principal, loans, credits.            pharmaceutical companies, for social media companies,
     At the expense of social benefits, if any, in the country           and companies, social networks, and online commerce
concerned, the prices of all goods and services increase                 mostly for food, drugs.
every day.                                                                     There is the Holocaust and the Genocide,
      Everyone has difficulty paying for basic family                    DICTATORSHIP, BIO-eco-psycho-social demographic
expenses.                                                                cleansing and destruction of redundant people.
      Everyone has difficulty paying the basic costs of                        The goal is to clear the planet of unnecessary 4-6
electricity, water, gas, energy.                                         billion people.
      The prices of the AKP tests are rising and reaching                      The goal is SINGLE CONTROL of the PLANET'S
prices up to 10 times the price of delivery in the                       RESOURCES - WATER, AIR, LAND, NATURAL,
laboratories, reaching 190 euros.                                        ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES.
      The oligarchy eastern public funds from the money of                     The climate hysteria that we have published and
all citizens of the country.                                             proved to be a fraud, with the ultimate goal of stealing
       There is an escalation in the prices of basic necessities         billions of money for the oligarchy in another of our
- food, medicine.                                                        articles, is part of the plan.
     Man is witnessing a psycho-bio-social-medical                             This is a breakthrough in genetic engineering to be
experiment of the oligarchy.                                             used against humanity.
     The oligarchy aims at subordination and control of all                    There is a digital BIODICTATURE.
humanity, of companies, of nations, of states.                                 Social and moral repression in a real digital
      The virus is presented as “God's punishment" for the               concentration camp.
sins of mortal citizens.                                                       The Holocaust is actually taking place for
      And all this without war, without revolution, without a            "disinfection", "sanitation", "cleansing" of our civilization.
planetary disaster, or even an economic crisis.                                This Holocaust is being realized and promoted under
      The theft of people, of companies, is legitimate and               the motto of climate change.
legal.                                                                         The current process is a kind of gentle dictatorship
      People are separated from the real social environment.             compared to the state totalitarianism of the last century
      Death is imposed as something normal and                           through the daily brainwashing of citizens.
institutionalized by the government and as a regulator of                      As the COVID 19 pandemic REALLY REPLACES
social relations.                                                        AND REPLACES WAR OF A NEW THORD WORLD
      Preaching "suffering and death" is as normal as                    WAR, this is a new hybrid military strategy.
behavior and social and social environment.                                     This strategy is from the last 30 years in which the
     Stress and fear become a normal internal organic state              oligarchy of the United States and the WEST after the end
of citizens.                                                             of the Cold War, threw huge efforts and resources to
      There is a WORLD DICTATORSHIP OF THE                               zombie, regulate, reformat, re-educate, retrain the
GLOBAL OLIGARCHY.                                                        population to get an amorphous mass that is easy to
      There is STATE AND CORPORATE FASCISM.                              manage and without problems.
      The pandemic is seen as a key element of the "FINAL                      The American DOCTRINE OF THE "AMERICAN
DECISION", the goals of oligarchy and plicration to                      CONSENSUS" actually set the goals for the realization of
reduce the planet's population and digital slavery.                      the geopolitical and world goals of the oligarchy.
      In reality, the virus is a bio-psycho-social weapon of                    The capital of the WEST - the United States and
mass destruction.                                                        Europe - has cleansed and eliminated its opponents by
. The oligarchy really uses all kinds of propaganda tools to             destroying education, health care, pension systems, social
implement its plan - causing stress, instilling fear,                    systems, civil society, the intelligentsia,
falsification, manipulation, provocation, silencing the                         The oligarchy of the WEST - USA and EUROPE
alternative and different opinion and decision, not giving               poured instead of money as they poured into the Marshall
air time to people and professionals with alternative and                Plan after the Second World War, after the collapse of the
different opinions and opinions , not giving airtime to                  Eastern bloc, instead of economic recovery they poured
people who have succeeded in treating the virus to share                 huge money for "non-governmental" organizations for
the way and type of treatment, hiding information about                  culture, science, sociology, "decommissioning" ”,
which drugs are useful to fight the virus, deliberately                  Sterilization, ubiquitous brutal Americanization.
denying alternative methods and treatments, not allowing                        The oligarchy erased the achievements of state
airtime in the media of experienced professionals.                       socialism, education, health care, social system. ….
Silencing, belittling, eliminating the alternative opinion                      Huge funds from Soros and state funds are directed
and decision.                                                            to     non-governmental        organizations,    foundations,
       Misinformation and spitting and denial of alternative             associations, academic formations, government projects of
medicines is an old method of kleptocracy and oligarchy                  the State Department, projects of the Pentagon, CIA
       In reality, this is a crime against humanism, humanity,           formed by his order. Real recruitment of agents and
morality, democratic values, democracy, the rule of law.                 collaborators to influence the managers and leaders of the

Momtchil Dobrev & Mariola Garibova-Dobreva / IJEMS, 7(12), 135-146, 2020

society in the country, special media and marketing                   procedures + possibility of taking an alternative decision -
projects, active events, disinformation and others.                   obligation - responsibilities - morality / ethics + Personal
      For three decades, an irradiation has been carried out,         management and personal control of Distribution of public
zombies of citizens on oligarchy-related media, denying               state monetary and another resource.
the achievements of communism, erasing history,
rewriting history, erasing part of history, erasing important             The mafia is also available for the public and private
events characterizing the respective country, replacing               sector. The power of the mafia and the corruption practices
history most Already on the Second World War,                         in Greece in the public sector are very stark.
replacement of the whole history and the important events
that characterize the respective state, amnesty of fascism,.                                 X. Conclusion
     All information is presented under the censorship of                In this article we have proved beyond doubt that the
American political and economic and geopolitical interests.           COVID 19 pandemic was carried out, organized, managed
In the same way, substitutes such as homophobia,                      for the sole purpose of imposing a New World Order in the
homosexuality, and genderism are proclaimed and                       form of DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS with elements of a
promoted.                                                             new Holocaust, genocide and dictatorship. We have
    This led to the replacement of normal human values                proven that the Great Reset is part of this process.
with the population with tablets, mobile phones,
smartphones, and complete control through its                                  References LITERATURE REVIEW
digitalization and control and subordination.
     In reality, the oligarchy has turned the majority of              [1]    Dobrev, M. (2015) Theory of generating crises, Bulukrain-MM,
                                                                              Sofia, BG
humanity into an amorphous mass of only meaningless,
                                                                       [2]    Dobrev, M. (2016). Is there a mafia in the European Commission
unprincipled, immoral users, dependent on social networks                     and Union?!? 1, Bulukrain-MM Sofia.BG
- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. This was for the citizens              [3]    Dobrev, M. (2014). Theory of the corruption and Theory of the
the sacred consumption - the digital world, from which                        mafia, Bulukrain-MM, Sofia., BG
                                                                       [4]    Dobrev, M. (2013). Theory if degree of trust, Bulukrain-MM,
they become more and more dependent, limited, enslaved.
                                                                              Sofia, BG.
                                                                       [5]    Dobrev, M. (2010). Theory and praxuse of the Mafiotismus.
     Citizens have become mass digital users who are                          Bulukrain-MM. Sofia
reconciled to everything that happens around them and                  [6]    Dobrev, M. (2019) “The mafiotism in the EU, ECommission, E
                                                                              Parliament!?!?! And its protection with Gemany, France, Englans -
who are not interested in the problems outside them, in
                                                                              the mafia in court, prosecutors, government in Bulgaria over ten
society, in the state. Citizens have become absolutely                        years !!! The dept of EC and EU of houndret billions
selfish, closed in their digital world, without any feeling                   USD !!! ”Bulukrain-MM. Sofia
and attention and respect for their fellow citizens.                   [7]    Dobrev. M. (2018) “Theory and practice of Mafiotismus. Finance-
                                                                              banking resource technological mafia-driven Materialism ”-
   Young people have actually been reformatted and
                                                                              Bulukrain-MM, Sofia
nullified, because without the possession of values, morals,           [8]    Dobrev, M., Garibova-Dobreva, Mariola (2020) The new old
experience, they are directed to the easiest option of their                  world order.- Bulukrain-MM, Sofia
existence.                                                             [9]    Dobrev, M, Garibova-Dobreva (2020)M, The Mafia, Mafia and
                                                                              Financial Bank Resource Technological Mafia Materialism - THE
                                                                              NEW OLD WORLD ORDER Bulukrain-MM
 IX. The goal of the New World Order is to create and                  [10]   Dobrev M. Goribova-Dobreva.(2020) THE PLAN FOR COVID
impose DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS with elements of a                                 19 THE PANDEMIC - THE THIRD WORLD WAR - the attempt
      new Holocaust, genocide and dictatorship                                to impose a NEW WORLD ORDER by the representatives of
                                                                              Promf Momchil Dobrev financial banking resource technological
                                                                              mafia Materialism for control of the whole planet, nations, people,
   The theory of Mafia was created by Prof. Momchil                           Euro, children, USA and companies. Bulukrain-MM
Dobrev. Here we quote only the Formula of Mafia, which                 [11]   Dobrev. M. Garibova-Dobreva M.(2020) RESTART OF
is the basis of the new Holocaust, genocide and                               CIVILIZATION - without mafia and financial banking resource
                                                                              technology in mafia Materialism - THE ONLY SOLUTION! Our
dictatorship Digital Mafiotismus of oligarchy and
                                                                              suggestion. Bulukrain-MM
kleptocracy.                                                           [12]   Dobrev, M. Garibova-Dobreva, M.(2020) RESIDENT DONALD
                                                                              TRUMP and TRUCK'S DOCTRINE against mafiaism, financial
   FORMULA OF THE MAFIOTISMUS                                                 banking resource technological mafia materialism, Wars, the new
                                                                              Old World Order1 Our proposal for RESTART OF CIVIL.
    The most simple model of the mafia which describes                 [13]   Dobrev. M., Garibova-Dobreva.M.(2020) THE GREAT RESET
the factors which influence about the amount, type, and etc,                  with the COVID-19 the real "the Third World War" - to impose a
of the mafia is the following:                                                NEW WORLD ORDER on the new Holocaust, genocide,
                                                                              dictatorship of DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS. Bulukrain-MM.
                                                                       [14]   Dobrev. M, Garibova-Dobreva.M.(2020) The COVID-19
      MAFIOTISMUS = PERSONAL Power / on the top                               pandemy - the real "the Third World War" - to impose a NEW
of the state institutions / state and etc./ + Influence +                     WORLD ORDER on the new Holocaust, genocide, dictatorship of
Connections / to personal, private companies + Interests /                    DIGITAL MAFIOTISMUS. Bulukrain-MM .
personal, private, corporative / + ORDER / ORDERS +
Personal Management of all state neveaus + Personal
Control of all state niveaus Mafia structure / inside of or
outside / + Monopolity Riegths + laws / rules / practices /

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