Hallyu in Mongolia: Its Meaning and Socio-Political Implications - Psychology and Education Journal

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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

Hallyu in Mongolia: Its Meaning and Socio-Political Implications

Min-Soo Kang, Joung-Jun Lee, Won-Suk Han, Seoung-Mook Rheem, Jong-Ok Seok, Jun-Ki Chung
Presentation Theme: Cultural study
Address of Kwangshin University: 36, Yangsantaekjiso-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju City, South Korea, Zip code 61027
Main Phone: 82-62-605-1004
Fax: 82-62-571-725
Corresponding author: Jun Ki Chung: junkichung@gmail.com
About the Authors:
1). Min-soo Kang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Department of Church History, Kwangshin University, South
    Korea. Email: gilkms@hanmail.net
2). Joung-jun Lee, D.Min. Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, Department of Practical Theology, Kwangshin University,
    Email: jesusjj@hanmail.net
3).Won-suk Han, Th.M. Researcher at Institute for Pietatis Theologia,Kwangshin University,
    Email: solomon0517@hanmail.net
4). Seoung-mook Rheem, Th.M., Researcher at Institute for Pietatis Theologia, Kwangshin University, Email: hijoe1@daum.net
5). Jong-ok Seok, Ph.D., Instructor of Coaching Psychology, Department of Coaching Psychology, Kwangshin University. Email:
6). Jun-ki Chung, D.Min. and Ph.D., former Vice President and Dean of Graduate School at Kwangshin University, studied at
    both University of Chicago (Ph.D. and post-doctorate) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (D.Min. in Missiology).
    Currently he is serving as Head Researcher at Institute for Pietatis Theologia, Kwangshin University. He is also serving as a
    reviewer of SCI journal articles published in the US. Email: junkichung@gmail.com

Contributorship: The original idea of this research was by Min-soo Kang and Jun-ki Chung. All analytical interpretations and
paper writing were done by the six co-authors. The final editorial work in relation to issues of plagiarism, references, and English
structure was completed by Jun-ki Chung.

Details of funding: None of the authors had any external funders and there are no conflicts of interest to declare.


Hallyu, or the Korean Wave, began in the early 20th century in South Korea with a small presence. However, Hallyu gradually
spread rapidly to East Asian nations such as Japan and China. As of 2021, Hallyu has become a distinctive Korean popular culture
that people around the world embrace. Mongolia is no exception to this trend. Although there are various types of Hallyu in
Mongolia, this study will focus on K-drama, K-movie, K-pop, and K-food to highlight their characteristics and influence. This
study will argue that Hallyu has a spirit unique to South Korea that will be accepted by people of all ethnicities beyond simple
entertainment interests. This spirit transcends the language and culture of each country and is the creative fusion force that
everyone can share. In conclusion, this study will show that Hallyu in Mongolia can be used as an important source for social and
political innovation as well as the popularity of Korean culture.

Keywords: Hallyu (Korean wave), K-drama, K-movie, K-food, Mongolia, South Korea

             1. INTRODUCTION                                           returned home from studying or living in South
Since South Korea and Mongolia officially                              Korea. Preferences for South Korean culture are
established diplomatic ties in 1990, exchanges                         surprisingly widespread in Mongolian society. A
between the two countries have grown rapidly                           western journalist writes about Hallyu in
(Kim, 2021, et al). More than 100,000 Mongolians                       Mongolia:

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

        Mongolia fell from Hallyu, just as many                              (2020).
        other countries did. While I was walking                    Based on the above testimonies, Hallyu confirms
        down the streets of Ulaanbaatar for the                     that almost all entire Korean culture is spreading
        first time as a foreigner, I expected to see                in Mongolian society. What has made Mongolians
        many mainly Mongolian places. I was                         accept Hallyuenthusiastically? The general
        surprised by what I actually found.                         interest in Korean pop culture, the entertainment
        Korean restaurants, Korean coffee shops,                    to relieve tension, and the benefits of getting the
        Korean grocery stores, Korean cosmetic                      latest information may be the reasons why
        shops, beauty and hair salons and karaoke                   Mongolians like Hallyu. On top of this, the
        bars everywhere, Korean music blaring at                    openness of nomads may be an important factor in
        me from inside stores and cars, and                         easily accepting Hallyu. Sun-A Lee defines this
        Korean products occupying main parts of                     openness of Mongolians: “Considering the
        the aisles in Mongolian supermarkets. It is                 openness of Mongolian nomadic culture to other
        conspicuous that Korean places are                          cultures traditionally held, acceptance of Korean
        outnumbering those of other countries by                    culture that transcends nationality may be a
        a large margin (Bub, 2018).                                 natural phenomenon” (2018). Lee's argument is
Badamjav Munkhbayr, a graduate of Mongolian                         quite persuasive. However, there is a limit to
University of Science and Technology praises the                    being able to explain why Hallyu is highly
Korean Wave to a tremendous extent:                                 accepted beyond any particular culture as a global
        After the Soviet Union collapsed . . .                      phenomenon in such nations as the United States,
        South Korea was Mongolia’s first and                        Europe, India, Thailand, and Malaysia. Dal-yong
        nearest destination to immigrate or seek a                  Jin explains that Korean pop culture is growing
        better life. In the early 2000s there were                  because the vitality of Hallyu is integrated into
        about 30,000 Mongolians in South Korea.                     technical soft power and cultural diplomacy
        These people used to send their families                    (2020). While we accept the scholarly arguments
        Korean goods constantly, which spread                       of Lee and Jin to a large extent, we would like to
        out all over Mongolia instantly . . . Then                  discuss that the spirit of Hallyu, which is both
        TVs used to broadcast Korean Dramas                         spiritual and social, attracts people from around
        such as Dae Janggum, Wives Temptation,                      the world. To support our discussion, it may be
        Pink Lipstick, Jummong etc. almost all                      useful to apply the historical theory of Yale
        day . . . The new generations are very                      University Professor Odd Westad.
        crazy about Korean culture. Literally                             In his recent book, Empire and Righteous
        some kids are growing up while learning                     Nation, Westad claims that Korea has remained an
        Korean before Mongolian . . . Even taxi                     independent nation for thousands of years with
        drivers are speaking Korean in these days.                  China, a powerful neighbor, but has never been
        When we think of going to abroad, South                     incorporated into China (2021). The first reason
        Korea comes to our mind first . . . . UB’s                  for this is Korean nationalism. Koreans already
        image is literally an exact copy of Seoul                   had a concept of nation in the 16th century while
        or South Korean style. Korean stores,                       Europe did not have it until the 19th century. Here,
        restaurants and brand advertisements are                    a nation was not a region divided by simple
        all over the city. . . . Basically Mongolians               borders. Instead, it was a very special community
        have mostly positive views about S/Korea                    with unified national roots and a common memory
        and actually really appreciate them . . .                   of past history.This community pursued good and
        Some elders say “Koreans are feeding us”                    valued righteousness. Although Korea had been
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

somewhat connected to China's Ming and Qing                         discuss the possibility of Hallyu's important
Dynasties, it was still an independent nation                       contribution to Mongolian society.
separated from China. Therefore, Ming or Qing
China was respected as a great nation, but Korea                    K-drama
was also respected as an independent nation,                        Many TV stations in Mongolia air Korean dramas,
eliminating unnecessary interference from China.                    movies, and entertainment programs. As of June
The second reason is the political ideology of                      2017, it was reported that Korean dramas were the
Korean cohesion. For Westad, this ideology as a                     top six out of the ten programs with the highest
powerful spirit came from Korean-styled                             ratings on Mongolian TV channels. Russian
'righteousness.’ Although the word 'righteousness'                  dramas were seventh, Mongolian programs were
originated from China's Confucianism, especially                    at eighth, and Korean movies were at ninth and
Neo-Confucianism, its actual practice has been                      tenth (Kofice, 2017). Korean dramas such as
most thoroughly applied in Korea among East                         'Goblin,' 'The Age of Night,' 'The Stairway to
Asian countries. Since at least the 14th century,                   Heaven,' 'First Love,' 'Rose and Bean Sprouts,'
Korea has accepted the Neo-Confucian world                          'Heo Jun,' and 'Dae Janggum' have been selected
view which emphasizes that “merely abstract                         as the highest-rated dramas in Mongolian
knowledge is useless unless conjoined with ethical                  broadcasts. There are a total of 48 broadcasters in
self reflection and cultivation that eventuate in                   Mongolia. Mongolian state broadcasting stations
proper moral behavior and social praxis”                            exclude the airing of Korean dramas. However, 32
(Berthrong, 2021). According to Westad, the                         other broadcasting stations continue to air Korean
‘righteousness ’of this philosophy has been kept                    dramas. The most preferred genres of Hallyu
as a political ideology by generation after                         dramas among Mongolians are history, family,
generation. This ideology or ‘spirit’ has been                      and romantic dramas. Among viewership
employed in unison whenever national crises have                    satisfaction, the actors' cool behavioral
come. In short, Westad's historical theory has                      expressions rate the highest. Interesting
affirmed that the cohesive identity of Koreans has                  entertainment, the variety of forms, and the
created a powerful political ideology that                          freshness of the drama contents are also
embraces righteous life based on mutual respect                     satisfactory (Enkjaral, 2018).
and harmony between neighbors. If this initiative                         'Sandglass' was the first TV drama to feature
of righteousness is denied or exploited, it must be                 'The 18 May Gwangju Democratic Movement' in
resisted and restored to its original state. The                    Mongolia, directly depicting the suppression of
desire to personally and socially embody social                     martial law forces and the story of Gwangju
justice has become a concrete tradition of Koreans.                 citizens at the time. The drama deals with the two
We will investigate how Westad's theory appears                     main characters: Taesoo and Woosuk. Taesoo
in Hallyu. In addition, certain parts of his theory                 accidentally goes to Gwangju to meet a junior and
may be revised. We will argue that Hallyu in                        becomes a civilian militia member and is swept up
Mongolia should not be understood as a mere                         in the situation. Woosuk is selected for the martial
entertainment attraction. This is because the true                  law army during his military service, and
nature of Hallyu cannot be known without                            regardless of his intentions, he joins the riot
understanding the inner and spiritual elements                      suppression unit. Through the two, this drama
within Hallyu. This study cannot cover the                          accuses the Korean military of unjust cruelty at
entirety Hallyu, so it will highlight its                           the time. Woosuk later becomes a prosecutor who
characteristics and influence only in K-drama, K-                   often contemplates his past activities with guilt.
movie, K-pop, and K-food. Finally, this study will                  This drama criticizes humans who are not
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

involved in real history and demands that they all                  the end, they proclaim the triumph of a just life
check what kind of life they live. If their lives are               that constantly flows in Korean 'righteous' history.
not right, the key message is to change it. A                            As we have seen, the spirit of 'Korean
righteous life is not about saying words or looking                 righteousness' comes from mutual respect and
behind them, but participating in life and living as                harmony. In Korea's long history, there were times
the protagonist of history. This drama is in line                   when mutual respect and harmony were
with the spirit of Professor Westad's 'Korean                       challenged. The invasion of the surrounding
righteousness.'                                                     powers was the main cause. In the 13th century,
      After 'Sandglass,' dramas such as 'Heo Jun'                   Korea was invaded by Mongolia. However, the
and 'Dae Janggum' were broadcast in Mongolia. In                    Koreans resisted for more than 30 years without
the drama 'Heo Jun,' Dr. Heo Jun’s teacher Dr.                      surrendering. Korea ended the war with Mongolia
Eui-tae Yoo teaches the purpose and meaning of                      when Qubilai Khan (1215-94) established the
medical doctor's life. A doctor is not a man who                    Yuan dynasty in China, guaranteeing Korea an
seeks money, honor, or power. The doctor's duty is                  independent nation. In the 16th century, Japan
to take care of the sick. It is the first and second                with the order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-98)
and third duties. Whether the world recognizes the                  invaded Korea (Palais, 1991). The country was in
doctor or not, his duty is to serve life, which is                  jeopardy and was on the verge of collapse. Ming
more noble than any other thing. Also, being a                      China sent troops to help Korea. However, it was
doctor is not the only way to cure diseases. A                      not Ming China's military but Korean 'righteous
doctor becomes truly the doctor when he loves the                   army' changed the war with remarkable dedication
sick with all his heart. Jang Geum, the main                        and struggle. The 'righteous' soldiers were not
character of 'Dae Janggeum,' suffers from all                       armed with professional training; they were
kinds of jealousy and conspiracies against her. She                 farmers, merchants, Confucian scholars, Buddhist
is always dragged around as a 'sinner' because of                   monks, and slaves who rose up and joined the
her friends' betrayals. However, she does not give                  government forces to fight against the Japanese.
up on her life due to this adversity and lives a                    Buddhist Monks Seosan (1520-1604) and
solid life as a disciplined young lady. In the end,                 Samyong (1544-1610) were spiritual masters of
Jang Geum succeeds as an outstanding person                         the greatest learning and character of Korean
who masters culinary and oriental medicine,                         Buddhism (Lee, 1967). There was no way they
enriching many people around her.                                   did not know what Buddhism calls 'mercy' is
      Both dramas show people living at the                         about. Nevertheless, they carried swords and
bottom of society proudly standing with strong                      spears with their disciples. Seosan was a 73-year-
vitality like weeds. The weeds are the most                         old monk at the time, but organized a group of
scorned and mocked grasses, being trampled and                      about 5,000 monks to lead many battles against
burned. However, the weeds that have received                       the Japanese invaders. Once again, Japan ruled
such lowly treatment without any fault do not die                   Korea from 1910 to 1945 by way of aggression.
or disappear, but are constantly revived on the                     During this period, Korean Christians refused to
ground. Their vitality is truly marvelous. Heo Jun                  worship the Japanese emperor as a god. They led
and Jang Geum, like these weeds, also lead a                        a nationwide Korean independence movement by
difficult life under contempt and condemnation.                     peacefully resisting the impersonal Japanese
Yet, they boldly challenge all the forces of evil                   imperial rule (Yu, 2011; Jeong, 2019).
perpetrated in the unchangeable class society.                           Professor Westad believes that the root spirit
Their challenges proceed in two ways:                               of 'Korean righteousness' was formed by influence
perseverance and forgiveness, not retaliation. In                   from Neo-Confucianism. This view is not wrong,
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

but is not entirely correct. It should be                                 There is one good piece of evidence that adds
remembered that the Koreans have a very old                         persuasion to our argument. A Hallyu fan named
national myth called ‘Hong-ik-in-gan,’ which calls                  Wong, a renowned Malaysian journalist, thought
forth to benefit all people of the world evenly.                    similarly to us. She refers to her motivation to
This myth tells us that since ancient times,                        love Hallyu in "A Love Letter to South Korea"
Koreans have had the concept of a community                         (2020). At first, she was fascinated by Korean
that helps each other and lives in peace. In her                    culture, lifestyle and customs through wonderful
lecture regarding “What are Koreans like?” at                       Korean dramas, movies, and reality shows.
Harvard University, Min Jin Lee, an outstanding                     However, the bigger attraction than this was
Korean-American        novelist,    metaphorically                  realizing the brave history of Koreans. Korea has
explains that the spirit of Koreans appears best                    been under the influence of strong nations such as
when they wave their hands and dance (2020).                        China for centuries. In fact, Korea suffered as a
Even poorly educated Korean grandmothers                            Japanese colony in the first half of the 20th
gracefully wave their arms to express their                         century. In the Korean War (1950-53), the entire
intensions and feelings without saying a word.                      country was turned into ruins. Nevertheless, this
The Koreans with such an excellent sense of                         Korea has shown the vitality of resurrection like
rhythm show what is called ‘Han’ which is related                   the phoenix. It seems that the spirit of the phoenix
to collective suffering. Koreans recognize this                     can be regarded as the Korean Wave. This spirit
'Han' as 'Nunchi' and resolve it with 'Jeong.'                      was sublimated into 'the 1980 Gwangju
‘Nunchi’ is a kind of intuitive Korean intelligence,                Democratization Movement.' The sublimation
which is the ability to recognize the inner                         process was explicitly shown in the Korean movie
intentions underlying Koreans. 'Jeong,' literally                   ‘Taxi Driver.’ This unique, rich and complex
meaning a feeling of awakening, fills Koreans                       spiritual culture has made Koreans one of the
with love and passion for their social attachments                  most advanced IT nations in the world over the
experienced throughout Korea's long history. The                    past 30 years. Among them, Samsung has grown
dancing Korean identity as Min Jin Lee suggests                     into a global company. She also does not say
and the ‘righteousness’ of the Korean people as                     Koreans and Hallyu are perfect. Korea has
Westad argues are ideologically linked. These                       socioeconomic problems including gender
ideas encourage Koreans to pursue higher-level                      discrimination and class privileges. Some Korean
education and give them the power to actively                       politicians are corrupt and unfair. Despite all these
solve problems when they encounter them. In this                    problems she confesses that she loves Korea and
regard, however, Westad should add the diverse                      Hallyu. This is because Koreans and Hallyu do
Korean spiritual elements such as the Korean                        not damage the amazing achievements they have
national myth, the Korean ‘Han’ associated with                     made so far. Hallyu has the dignity and value of
‘Nunchi’ and ‘Jeong,’ Buddhism, Christianity and                    human beings who enjoy peace and prosperity
others, not limited to Neo-Confucianism, when                       according to the spirit of mutual respect among
explaining his theory, the formation of 'Korean                     the international community.
righteousness.' Also, we understand that the
Korean identity and the concept of the Korean                       K-movie
‘town-state’ as a ‘nation’ arose much earlier than                  We will investigate only one 'Parasite,' which is
the times he argued. Already in the Old Joseon era                  currently receiving the most attention in several
(ca. 3,000 BC-108 BC), the Koreans as people of                     K-movies. Baljmaa T. wrote in MONTAME
independent ‘town-state’ experienced militant                       internet edition in Mongolia on 21 October, 2019,
conflicts with the Chinese (Talmage, 1947).                         “'Parasite' wins Ulaanbaatar Film Festival Award
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

'Falcon'.” He continued:                                            this film and is a metaphor with deep meanings. In
         Ulaanbaatar City Mayor’s Office, Arts                      'Parasite,' the existence of the semi-basement can
         and Culture Department of the Capital                      be interpreted as a social structural evil that the
         City and Arts Council of Mongolia jointly                  Korean government neglects. The semi-basement
         organized the 11th edition of Ulaanbaatar                  is not the first floor, nor is it a complete basement.
         International Film Festival . . . . The Film               This is a place that gives a desire for vertical
         Festival screened 15 international award                   movement to go up to the first floor and to hang
         winning films from around the world                        out with people who live well. In addition, it is a
         from October 14 to 20. Among them,                         place that provides anxiety and fear of what
         audience award ‘Falcon’ went to South                      happens if they fall into the basement that exists
         Korean film 'Parasite' directed by film                    further down than the semi-basement. It is a dark
         director and script writer Bong Joon-ho.                   space that symbolizes instability and disharmony.
'Parasite,' which was highly praised in Mongolia,                   It was not originally a residential space where
made a huge wave in the United States the                           people live. This is the place to be used as a
following year. On 9 February, 'Parasite' won the                   warehouse for storing items and tools. In the semi-
Best Picture Award at the 2020 Academy Awards.                      basement, bright sunlight and fresh air cannot
The film also won the awards for Best Director,                     penetrate enough. In short, itis the very place of
Best Original Screenplay and Best International                     despair. Who would want to live in an unsanitary
Feature Film. What is it about the success of this                  and gloomy environment? No one. Those who
film that has caught the attention of Mongolia as                   live in this place are poor and perhaps
well as the world? The answer may come in many                      incompetent lower-class people who cannot find a
forms, but we intend to focus on the message that                   proper home. Living in such a place allows people
director Bong seems to emphasize through this                       to have an inferiority complex compared to those
film. The film is a local one dealing with South                    who live well, and human self-esteem is also low.
Korean issues, but has an international theme that                  However, until recently, there have been people
transcends Korean nationality. The film exposes                     living in semi-basements in the metropolitan area
recent Korean society, highlighting two families.                   centered on Seoul. Seoul is the center of Korea's
One family is upper class living in a large                         politics, economy, society and culture. So the best
mansion in the highlands, and the other is lower                    and most talented people are concentrated in
class living in a lowland subterranean. The upper                   Seoul. Thus, there is a Korean proverb saying, "If
class family is a family of four consisting of a                    you have children, send them to Seoul." This
global IT company CEO named Park, his wife,                         means that if they are in the province, they have
and his daughter and son (Dasong). The lower                        fewer opportunities to succeed in society. It is like
class family is also a family of four, consisting of                saying that life will be solved only by meeting
father (Ki-taek), his wife, his son (Ki-woo), who                   people who have the power of politics and
was aspiring to a prestigious university, and the                   economy. As men and women, young and old,
daughter (Ki-jeong), an aspiring art professional.                  flock to this area for success, there is a lack of
These two families expose the problems that                         residential space, and the government has a duty
Korean society face in the personal, social and                     to create measures to solve this problem. Those
more broadly national level.                                        who can own their own homes in the Seoul
     First is the national aspect. The movie shows                  metropolitan area are only a few privileged people
the low-lying subterranean where Ki-taek lives in                   who have homes given to them by their parents or
a semi-basement. From the beginning. the semi-                      who buy their own homes with the support of their
basement is one of the most important elements of                   parents. Currently, housing prices in the Seoul
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

area are extremely high so that newlyweds can                       mistakes are found quite implicitly. It is seen in
only buy their own homes when they save their                       the fact that Gi-taek's son, Gi-woo, got to be a
entire life. The government is making various                       student at a prestigious university through fake
efforts, including heavy taxation on those who                      documents, and that his daughter, Gi-jeong, is
own several houses, but no clear solution has been                  hired as an art teacher by appearing to be an elite
determined yet. Living in a semi-basement has                       student in the U.S. Should we not let the lower
become a kind of necessary evil for ordinary                        class, who live a difficult and painful life, engage
people without homes or students studying in the                    in this kind of false behavior while struggling to
Seoul area. The South Korean government has                         survive? We can hear the movie's answer to the
allowed such necessary evil. That is the law of                     question: “no,” as this behavior runs counter to
deregulation of the basement floor when building                    the 'righteous' life of Korea's traditional culture. In
a house. Article 119 of the current Building Act                    addition, the issue of urination on the road is
stipulates that the area of the basement floor is                   treated as a social issue. In the evening, Gi-taek's
excluded from the area opened when calculating                      family often sees drunkards who urinate on the
the floor area ratio. Now, building owners can                      street, wandering around their semi-basement. In
make profits by increasing the underground floor                    fact, few people do this in urban areas in Korea.
for construction. The landlord could accumulate                     However, some people can sometimes do this
more wealth by taking advantage of the tenant's                     while walking home drunk. Still, is it not a
health. Since this law is a form of social structural               metaphor or a symbol that 'Parasite' definitely
evil, 'Parasite' secretly charges viewers to abolish                addresses this issue? There is a Korean saying,
it as soon as possible and create a just housing                    "Be faithful to small things so that you can do big
environment.                                                        things." It seems that Korean society is concerned
      The second structural evil of the semi-                       about the reduction of human moral responsibility
basement is the mechanism of the stairs. In order                   in the process of mechanizing more diverse tasks
for the lower-class families living here to get                     with internet-based information communication,
along with the upper-class family, they must                        technology and management innovation. 'Parasite'
escape from the semi-basement. In order to escape,                  opposes the flow of small moral mistakes among
they must go up the stairs. If they want to go up to                those who are having difficulty breathing in the
the first floor from there, they have to look up                    wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This
carefully again and again. In order to meet the                     level of insensitivity and irresponsibility is
rich in the highlands, the common people in the                     implicitly demanding the audience to take
semi-basement of the lowlands have to do a                          'righteous' action, Korea's traditional virtue.
'humble gesture' every moment to get to the                               In summary, 'Parasite' has tacitly revealed
ground. The form of structural evil that separates                  social problems in Korea. Individual's immoral
the lower and upper layers also includes the                        thoughts and actions have sometimes caused
insensitivity of society. When Park's young son                     discord and destruction. Members of a group
(Dasong) complains that his family smells strange,                  called the family unite with each other and make
Ki-jeong protests: "This is the smell of semi-                      many unreasonable and painful mistakes. There
basement." 'Parasite' diagnoses the complaints of                   are no appearance of a social institution to oversee
the child as the expression of social structural evil,              and cleanse these bad behaviors. In a way, the
because the child and his parents set this scent as                 experience of incongruity between individuals and
a fixed boundary where the rich and the poor can                    society flows profoundly through this film.
never get along.                                                    However, this film does not publicly call attention
      Messages pointing out individual 'sins' or                    to individual faults and social structural evils.
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

This is the difference between this film and past                   Another person said:
ones. The various personal and social absurdities                             Mongolia is close to South Korea. K-pop
that the characters act on are not handled in such a                          is popular in Mongolia . . . K-pop
way that military superiors would scold or instruct                           influence began around 2000. HOT, SES,
their subordinates. Instead, 'Parasite' treats these                          Baby vox was popular. Just like other
issues as symbols or metaphors, and demands                                   countries it is popular among teen and
deeper reflection. Instead of crying out loud and                             young women. BTS and Blackpink is
saying, "Repent, or you will go to hell," this film                           popular. . . But lots of Mongolians
treats the absurdities of current Korean capitalist                           (especially old males) think male K-pop
society with laughter, humor and wit. However,                                stars are too feminine, skinny. It is
the viewers laugh and discover that it cannot be                              because muscular aggressive bad boy type
over. This is because they find the aftertaste of                             men is ideal men in Mongolian nomadic
meditating over the movie’s metaphor that follows                             warrior culture (Narmandakh, 2019).
the laughter. The best thing about this film is the                 Currently, more than 10,000 fan clubs have
belief that director Bong will understand and act                   formed in the K-pop community in Mongolia, and
on the main message of the film by raising the                      they have active gatherings through SNS.
viewers’ awareness. He seems to believe that                        However, as both of the above point out, there is
viewers will not leave this metaphor playfully, but                 also a negative view of K-pop. They complain that
will become as a righteous and honest                               the masculine image of Mongolian tradition does
transforming force in their home, society, and                      not appear passionately in Korean boy-pop-stars.
nation. His message is so sharp that it pierces the                 These complaints are mainly among the older
audience's lungs. The highly prudent and                            Mongolian men, and the negative views will
meticulous 'Parasite' process hides the power that                  change if they are more exposed to such
is transcended and universally transmitted to                       performance, like those of ‘the Bangtan Boys’
everyone living in the 21st century, regardless of                  (BTS) and understand the contents. BTS has
whether they are upper class or lower class, or                     shown infinite affection for their supporters, the
follow any political ideology.                                      Army. BTS' songs and dances are messages of
                                                                    comfort, encouragement, and love. Min-ju Gu
K-pop                                                               analyzed the lyrics of 134 songs by BTS and
The popularity of K-pop in Mongolia is on the rise.                 determined that "the temperature of their language
“Is K-pop popular in Mongolia?” Turuu Do                            varies when they accuse an unreasonable society
answered:                                                           without hesitation and when they comfort [people]
       Yes, it is pretty popular, especially among                  who live in it” (2020). They comfort young people
       young women. . . Some of them literally                      who are stressed from going to school and getting
       waited for months to see new K-pop MVs                       jobs, saying, “It's not enough, but it's beautiful, so
       and fell in love with some singers, not                      don't worry too much.” ‘No More Dream’ is sung
       surprisingly. They liked BTS, EXO more                       to adults who are suffering from stereotyped
       than they do to M-pop bands. Contrary to                     dreams, saying that it is okay not to have a dream.
       the fact that we have those passionate fans,                 BTS’ song, ‘Love Myself’ is for people with low
       some Mongolian men would look down                           self-esteem. The ‘Bapsae,’ a social music,
       on K-pop male singers because of their                       distinguishes between a popular ‘gold spoon’ and
       feminine look and flower boy personality                     a bad ‘dirt spoon.’ BTS members say that they are
       (2019).                                                      artists in principle and not politicians participating
                                                                    in politics, but they will breathe with their fans
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

who throw social and political messages. A BTS                      local small and medium-sized cities, but also
member, RM, stated: “We are not political                           throughout Mongolia. The traditional Mongolian
figures . . . but everything is political eventually.               diet is usually a simple meal consisting of lamb,
Even a pebble can be political” (Rosseinsky,                        sheep milk, salt and flour. These diets have been
2020). This implies that BTS will not stand as a                    the cause of various vascular diseases, stomach
bystander in the political society. On 7 October,                   cancer, and short lifespan. Mongolians, who have
2020, RM gave his impressions at the Van Fleet                      learned that the Korean diet is beneficial to their
Award Ceremony: “Korea Society’s 2020 Gala is                       health, now quite often visit Korean restaurants. In
especially meaningful as this year marks the                        fact, a French research team reported that kimchi,
Korean War’s 70th anniversary. We will always                       a fermented Korean food, has an antiviral function,
remember the history of pain that our two nations                   reducing the number of deaths from COVID-19 in
shared together and the sacrifices of the countless                 Korea (Bousquet, 2020). Among the dozens of
men and women” (BTS, 2020). It is thought to                        Korean foods offered by Korean restaurants in
have shown an aspect of the ‘righteousness’ of                      Mongolia and the world, eleven food items are
Koreans who have established themselves in the                      most famous: “Bibimbab, Kimchijjigae (spicy
inner world of RM. For him, the Korean War in                       Kimchi stew), Seolleongtang (Korean ox bone
1950-53 was not the South Korean invasion of                        soup), Bulgogi (Korean beef barbecue), Galbitang
North Korea, but rather the North Korean invasion                   (short rib soup), Mandu (Korean dumplings),
of South Korea. In order to prevent this war, the                   Jabchae (Stir-fried Korean noodles), Bossam
United States, the main unit of the UN military                     (Korean pork belly), Samgaetang (Korean stuffed
forces at the time, fought the war with South                       chicken soup with ginseng), Baechu kimchi
Korea and made noble sacrifices. Currently, BTS                     (Korean spicy pickled cabbage), and Dongchimi
has donated $1 million to the “Black Livers                         (Korean white radish)” (Childress, 2020).
Matter” movement in the US. They said: “We                                Bibimbab and Kimchijjigae are relatively
stand against racial discrimination. We condemn                     cheap and healthy meals. Take Bibimbab for
violence. You, I and we all stand together” (IMBC,                  example. Bibimbab must go through a very
2020). In such a mature appearance of BTS,                          important process to be made. First, some rice is
Hong-guk Kim has expressed that the BTS                             put in a large round bowl. Then the rice is mixed
members are not weak entertainers, but leaders                      well with kimchi, onion, carrot, zucchini, red
with excellent leadership that all politicians may                  pepper paste, soy sauce, salt, sesame oil, and
learn (2021). Obviously, BTS members are artists                    vinegar. After that, the mixed materials are added
with great dance and musicality that many people                    to properly cooked pork, beef, and half-cooked
like. However, we must not forget that the world                    egg fries. There is a lesson from Bibimbab. It is an
is so excited about them because their lives and                    exquisite combination of fermented and non-
ideas are fused with their art and appear with great                fermented materials. Of course, each material has
power. This power is basically derived from                         its own characteristics. The nutrients are different,
Korean spiritual culture, which also has a positive                 and the size, color, and smell of the shape are
space to embrace other cultures, making their art                   different. If these various ingredients are left to
activities universal.                                               their own characteristics and are not mixed, one
                                                                    Bibimbab is not born. Bibimbab pursues unity
                                                                    within diversity. Various elements of each
There are about 100 Korean restaurants in                           ingredient voluntarily renounce their own unique
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Chung, 2016). Korean                         characters for a single identical purpose: a stylish
food is enthusiastically welcomed not only in                       and tasteful Bibimbab. The unique characteristics
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

of each material are broken down to make a bowl                          The fun of eating at a Korean restaurant does
of rice made by the whole. Bibimbab is a                            not end with simply eating healthy food. Of
reminder of the importance of community.                            course, we can relax and enjoy food in our own
Interestingly, BTS said at a meeting that their art                 way without being aware of the people around us.
world is the same as the principle of Korean                        However, when we go to a restaurant, we usually
traditional Bibimbab (Cha, 2020). The seven                         go with several people. At this time, we focus on
members of BTS have different tastes, colors, and                   the people we are with rather than the food itself.
personalities. Like the various ingredients of                      The meal is just a medium, and during that time,
Bibimbab, they sometimes look in different                          conversations and intimacy build up. With one
directions. However, in order to create a new art                   meal we get closer. When Koreans meet someone
culture, all of them are to take the same boat and                  they know, the first greeting is “Did you eat?” and
go on a single path. They are ready to deal with                    when they break up, the greeting is “When will I
conflicts between cultures and eventually open the                  buy rice once for you?” For Koreans, food is
horizon of convergence in the space of Korean                       eating and communicating with others. The
tradition. The reason why they are successful is                    meaning of these two is both personal and social.
that they value the unity of the whole rather than                  Meals play a key role in the restoration of homes
their special individuality.                                        and peaceful harmony of social communities.
      In Korean food, not only Bibimbab, but all
meals include individual specificity and                                     IMPLICATIONS OF HALLYU
communal generality. Kimchi is a good example.                      Socio-political implications
Kimchi is the food that Koreans love three meals a                  The core spirit of Hallyu is the realization of
day throughout the year. Traditional kimchi is                      peaceful coexistence and ‘righteous’ social justice.
usually born through kimjang, an essential process                  Dreaming of such a society will be the same for a
to make kimchi. The process of kimjang begins by                    Mongolian. However, factors that hinder this
selecting good cabbage and cutting it into two to                   society have occurred in recent years. China's
four equal parts, depending on the size. Next, the                  exclusive nationalism is hurting Korea and
cabbages are to be pickled. A handful of good salt                  Mongolia. China has undermined the historical
for each cabbage is used for sprinkling.The                         identity of Koreans by claiming that the old
pickling process takes about twelve hours and will                  Goguryeo area, which Koreans regard as one of
soften the hard cabbage leaves. The person                          the their ancestors' founding places, is the original
preparing the kimjang will wash the pickled                         Chinese territory. China is attempting a policy of
cabbage while changing water for about three                        annihilating the Mongolian language and culture
hours, and drain the salt. After that, the person                   in Inner Mongolia. Korea and Mongolia need to
place the prepared seasoning on the cabbage and                     be in solidarity and wisely cope with these
rub it evenly. Ingredients for seasoning are red                    Chinese policies. If Korea along with democratic
pepper powder, salted shrimp, salted anchovies,                     countries around world help Mongolia,
minced garlic, ginger, plum liquid, onion, kelp,                    Mongolia's political position will rise. Mongolia
radish, fresh green onions, pears, glutinous rice                   has diplomatic relations with North Korea,
grass, yellowtail head, anchovy, and pork meat. If                  therefore, it is a healthy partner who can mediate
one keeps this finished cabbage kimchi in the                       between South Korea and North Korea and
freezer, one can enjoy it all year round. Kimchi is                 contribute to the unification of the South-North
one of the best health foods recognized by                          Korea. The fundamental spirit of Hallyu is a
nutritionists around the world because it ferments                  peaceful and righteous life. As BTS's healthy
well.                                                               political view clearly shows, the 'righteous' spirit
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

of Hallyu can serve as a supporting force in                        Korea comes from the Mongolian wilderness.
Mongolia.                                                           Fortunately, the Mongolian government planned
                                                                    to create a 3,700km green belt linking the east and
Economic Implications                                               west of Mongolia to prevent desertification in
Economically, Hallyu is mutually beneficial to the                  1995. In order to help Mongolia, the Korea-
Korea-Mongolia relationship. South Korea is                         Mongolia Green Belt Project was launched in
among the world's top ten economic powers, and                      March 2007 with the support of the Korea Forest
is at the forefront of bringing about the Fourth                    Service (Kim, 2016). In the future, Mongolia and
Industrial Revolution. In the past, China, Rome                     Korea should cooperate with each other to
and Persia dominated the Eurasian Silk Road                         drastically reduce the traditional Mongolian
cultural economy. However, in the future, a new                     nomadic industry, which is a direct cause of the
trade route leading to Korea-Mongolia-Russia-                       devastation of the wilderness, and replace it with
Europe-Canada-U.S. attracts attention. Russia is                    agriculture or something else.
also active in this initiative. Korea and Mongolia
could make good use of this precious opportunity                    Negative implications
through mutual cooperation. Korea can develop                       Hallyu in Mongolia has issues to be wary of. For
into a marine powerhouse on three sides of the sea.                 example, there is the possibility of becoming an
In fact, the best shipyard that makes the world's                   organized mob by imitating soldiers who
most important ships is in Geoje Island, a marine                   mercilessly suppresses citizens who resist the
park in South Korea. Therefore, Mongolia's Great                    government in some of the K-dramas. This result
Plains and South Korea's Marine Parks provide                       is something that the K-dramas do not intend at all,
resources to become a tourism powerhouse under                      but it is a conclusion that viewers can make
the cooperation of the two nations. Korea has a                     through mistaken judgment. K-food also pose
population of over 50 million in a small chunk of                   these risks. The advantage of K-food is to make
land. On the contrary, Mongolia has seven times                     Bibimbab or other foods through fusion of all
the amount of land on the Korean peninsula, but                     food ingredients, or to make various side dishes to
its population exceeds only three million.                          share healthy food with each other. In this food
Furthermore, while South Korea lacks resources,                     sharing community, deep fellowship between
Mongolia is the world's eighth largest resource                     family members or loving friendship among
powerhouse. South Korea is full of economic                         friends are formed. Nevertheless, there is a
power and skilled talent, but Mongolia is                           possibility that fast food such as ramen will be
vulnerable in this field. Under such circumstances,                 recognized as everyday K-food.
it is very clear that the two nations will benefit
from each other if they establish and implement                                      CONCLUSION
complementary economic policies.                                    We have looked at the types and characteristics of
                                                                    Hallyu in Mongolia. We have also explained the
Environmental Implications                                          general reasons why Hallyu is welcomed in
Due to climate warming and low rainfall,                            Mongolia: the openness of Mongolian tradition,
Mongolian grasslands are devastated, and 80                         the development of social networks, and the
percent of Mongolia's land is undergoing                            overall entertainment of Korean popular culture.
desertification. This problem has a great influence                 However, we have argued that these reasons are
on the survival problem of Mongolia, but it is also                 not the only sources of Hallyu as Professor
a serious environmental problem for Korea. About                    Westad's historical theory has proven. Like him,
50 percent of the yellow sand that blows into                       we affirm that Hallyu is based on the spirit of
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(3): 789-801
ISSN: 0033-3077
Article Received: 13th September, 2020; Article Revised: 25th January, 2021; Article Accepted: 12th February, 2021

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