HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio

Page created by Donald Mcdaniel
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
2020       AIRDRIE TO OLDS

Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience

1										                                                  2020 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
WELCOME TO                                                                                     THANK YOU

MS BIKE                                                                                        FOR JOINING MS BIKE
                                                                                               AND SUPPORTING
                                                                                               THE FIGHT AGAINST
                                                                                               MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.
Welcome to MS Bike..........................................................2
Your impact...........................................................................3
Why 350?..............................................................................4
Friends and family...............................................................4
Are you an MS Bike rookie?.............................................5
Cycling with a team............................................................6
Company teams...................................................................6
Team incentive program....................................................7
Team building tips...............................................................7
Custom team jerseys..........................................................8
Get the app...........................................................................8
Fundraising made easy.....................................................9                    We are excited to share with you MS Bike’s
Rewards............................................................................... 10      fresh new look that strongly emphasizes
Mission First Club.............................................................. 10
                                                                                               our vision to create a world free of multiple
Experiences for top fundraisers..................................... 11
                                                                                               sclerosis through the challenge of cycling.
Rules for safe group riding............................................. 12                    Our new identity reflects that riding with us
Training tips......................................................................... 13      is about going the distance and making a
Special events.................................................................... 13          difference to raise essential funds that will
Volunteers........................................................................... 13       move forward our mission of connecting
Event day support............................................................. 14              and empowering the MS community to
Refreshments..................................................................... 15           create positive change.
Your to-do list before the event..................................... 16
Your to-do list upon check-in......................................... 16                      Whether you are a first-time rider or a
Here’s what you’ll need................................................... 16                  long-time participant, a member of a team
Accommodations.............................................................. 17
                                                                                               or an individual who is looking for a fitness
Team photos and finish line activities.......................... 18
Schedule at a glance........................................................ 19                challenge, MS Bike is about pushing
                                                                                               ourselves to end MS.
Day 1....................................................................................20    Together, MS is no match for us.
Day 2.................................................................................... 21
                                                                                               TANIA VRIONIS
POST-TOUR                                                                                      PRESIDENT, MS SOCIETY OF CANADA
Prize pickup....................................................................... 22         ALBERTA & NWT - BC & YUKON DIVISIONS
Early registration............................................................... 22
Event photos..................................................................... 23
Keep cycling...................................................................... 23
JOIN US ONLINE............................................................. 24

2										                                                                                                                          2020 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
                                By joining us in MS Bike, you have become part
                                of the community who are making a difference
                                in the fight to end MS.
                                Every dollar you fundraise supports
                                ground-breaking research and empowers
                                people affected by MS to live their best
                                lives. Because of this, we are able to
                                build momentous progress toward a
                                world free of multiple sclerosis.

                               When Dr. Brenda Banwell and her team
                               launched the Canadian Pediatric Demyelinating
                               Disease study in 2004, most Canadians didn’t
                               even know that multiple sclerosis could affect
                               children. Because of MS research funded by
                               supporters like you, we are able to determine
                               that many Canadian children are diagnosed with
                               MS every year.
                               Dr. Banwell’s team has spent 15 years monitoring
                               585 children and collecting information about
                               their symptoms, family history, physical and
                               cognitive health, and taking blood samples and
                               brain MRIs to support research.
                               They discovered that around 1 in every 100,000
                               Canadian children experiences a first attack
                               of what might be MS each year. Over 90% of
                               children recover well from this first attack, but
                               around 20% of those children will ultimately be
                               diagnosed with MS.
                               Funding vital research like Dr. Banwell’s
                               study is crucial in uncovering information
                               about childhood MS and moving us closer to
                               understanding MS genetics.

               Dr. Brenda Banwell’s research is uncovering critical information about
               childhood MS, and is moving us closer to understanding MS genetics.

2020 MS BIKE                                                                            3
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
                                                    The minimum fundraising
                                                    requirement for MS Bike is $350.
                                                    This helps provide a fun-filled
                                                    event experience while ensuring
                                                    that we continue to fund:
                                                    •   world-leading Canadian MS
                                                        research into the cause and
                                                        cure of MS
                                                    •   services to support and help
                                                        people affected by MS live their
                                                        best lives
                                                    •   advocacy to achieve the goals
                                                        important to the MS community

Alli, whose mom was diagnosed with MS
when she was only six years old, started
participating in MS Bike five years ago
as part of her friends and family team,
Barbie’s Believers.
“To say the ride creates community is an
understatement - we become family”, says
Leithoff. “We ride together as one, and it truly
brings out the best in everyone.”
Cycling alongside your friends and family at
MS Bike is an exciting and fulfilling experience.
Whether your family and friends team is big
or small, you will be fully supported by the MS
Bike team from start to finish.
                                                               Alli with her mom and Barbie’s Believers
                                                               team members

4										                                                                                2020 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
                                                                               “I was diagnosed
                                                                               with MS in May 2018.

                                                                               This was completely
                                                                               overwhelming and
                                                                               scary to me. I had and
We're thrilled that you're now part of a                                       still have so many
community that that makes a difference                                         questions and concerns
                                                                               because of the
for people living with MS.
                                                    Christy (right) with son   uncertainty of MS,” says
Join our rookie team spokespeople, or form                                     Christy Mielhausen.
your own team with co-workers, family and
friends! Find more information about how to                                   “I know there is a
get your MS Bike experience started:              lot more I need to learn about this disease, so
                                                  getting involved with MS Bike is where I decided
•   Learn the perks of riding with a team on
                                                  to start. I have two small boys that I need to be
    page 6.
                                                  the strongest mom for. I have amazing family,
•   Check out fundraising tips and rewards on     friends and live in a very supportive community.
    pages 9 & 10.                                 The donations to my ride were so generous
•   Find information about safety, training and   and sure made me smile. MS Bike is a great
    what to bring starting on page 14.            experience and I will continue to ride.”

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                          5
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
•    ave more fun: create great memories and
    bond with your friends, family and co-workers.
•   Strengthen your impact: teams raise more         COMPANY TEAMS
    funds and increase awareness because they        If your company has three or more
    work together, leading to a greater impact on
                                                     teams registered for MS Bike
    the cause.
                                                     nationwide, you will receive the
•   Ride in style: order custom team jerseys         following additional benefits:
    from Primal with your own logos and colours,
    and they’ll make a donation to your team’s       •   Dedicated online presence to promote
    fundraising.                                         and track all employee teams across
•   Increase your corporate visibility: increase
    your company’s exposure while enjoying a team    •   Onsite recognition of your company's
    building experience.                                 involvement on event day
•   Stay motivated: having a team beside you         •   Dedicated MS Society staff support to
    keeps you motivated and your fundraising on          help promote and support your teams
    track.                                           •   Dedicated team area on event site
•   Relax in Team MS Village on event day:teams       or more information on becoming a national
    who raise $10,000+ earn a team tent for their    company team, contact Meghan Thompson
    team to hang out in on Saturday afternoon at     at meghan.thompson@mssociety.ca.
    Olds College.

6										                                                                                  2020 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio

If you and your team are looking to expand, boost your          ensure that your team is camping together? We’re
fundraising, or bump up your team experience we                 happy to accommodate!
offer:                                                      •   FUNDRAISING & RECRUITMENT TIPS –We are
•   LUNCH ‘N’ LEARN PRESENTATIONS – Looking to                  armed with resources to help you navigate your
    recruit in your workplace? We offer hour-long lunch         role as team captain and ensure your team
    ‘n’ learns during which we will visit your office and       members meet their fundraising goals!
    present on the benefits of getting involved in the
    MS Bike – Airdrie to Olds. Best of all – we’ll bring    If you are looking to step up your team captain game,
    lunch!                                                  take a look at our new Team Captain Guide located at
•   HOSTING A FUNDRAISER – If you are looking to            msbike.ca. Inside you will find information on building
    host a pub night, garage sale, or anything else you     your team, fundraising, team bonding, and event
    can think of, we have an array of tips and tricks to    experience.
    create a successful fundraiser.                         For more information, contact your Team Captain
•   RIDERS VILLAGE & CAMPING – Looking to host a            Representative, Charlotte Howe at
    team tent in the Riders Village? Or simply want to      charlotte.howe@mssociety.ca

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                                          7
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
   Update your fundraising page, ask for donations, thank your donors and monitor your
   progress by using the MS Bike app from your phone.

   Download the app on your Apple or Android device today!

                                          OFFICIAL APPAREL
                                               PARTNER OF

                                                      GET YOUR CUSTOM
                                                          TEAM JERSEYS
                                                   THROUGH PRIMAL AND
                                                    RECEIVE A DONATION
                                                  TOWARDS YOUR TEAM’S

                                                 As part of our commitment to ending
                                                MS, Primal will donate 15% of a team’s
                                                    total custom team jersey order to
                                                      their team’s fundraising through
                                                       the Primal Gives Back program.


8										                                                                      2020 MS BIKE
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
FUNDRAISING                                      WHAT’S NEXT? Joining MS Bike is the first
                                                 step in the fight to end MS. Here are the other steps

                                                 we suggest you take to make the most out of your
                                                 MS Bike experience and help raise funds to improve
                                                 the lives of those affected by MS.

    MAKE A                UPDATE                      GO DIGITAL                  EMAIL YOUR
   DONATION                YOUR                     Take advantage of              DONORS
 Kick start your         PERSONAL                   the MS Bike app               Reach out to your
 fundraising by            PAGE                     and use the tools             family and friends
 showing your          Post a picture,              to boost your                 and ask them to
 support by being      include a story of           fundraising and               help you reach your
 the first to donate   why you joined MS            track your progress.          fundraising goal by
 towards your          Bike, and set a goal!        Download the app              making a donation.
 fundraising goal.                                  today!

    ASK, ASK,             HOST AN                     GET READY                      SAY
      ASK                  EVENT                     FOR MS BIKE                  THANK YOU!
 Post on social        Get creative! Bake           Print and fill out your       Be sure to recognize
 media, display        sale, board game             donation tracking             everyone who
 posters at work,      night, smoothie bar,         form, and don’t               donated or helped
 send emails and       fitness class – it will      forget to bring               you by saying thank
 ask your workplace    be fun and help you          donations to hand in.         you after the event.
 about making a gift   raise money towards
 or matching your      your goal.

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                             9
HANDBOOK CYCLIST 2020 - Everything you need to make your MS Bike a memorable experience - Convio
Your hard work helps improve the lives of those affected by MS, and
we want to recognize your accomplishments with these rewards*.

Raise $12,500+
Ride in the Tour of Champions OR receive a $900
gift card†, Club 2000 cycling shorts, Club 1000
jersey, event t-shirt, and an invitation to the Dinner
of Champions where you will be honoured for your
fundraising achievement

Raise $5,000+
Receive a $400 gift card, Club 2000 cycling shorts,
Club 1000 jersey, event t-shirt, and an invitation to
the Dinner of Champions

Raise $3,500+
Receive a $250 gift card, Club 2000 cycling shorts,
Club 1000 jersey, and an event t-shirt

Raise $2,000+
Receive the Club 2000 cycling shorts, Club 1000          *The MS Society of Canada reserves the right to substitute
                                                           prizes of equal or greater value. Gift cards are not cumulative.
jersey, and an event t-shirt                               Rewards are based on funds submitted approximately four
                                                           weeks after the event.
Raise $1,000+
                                                         †Choose to receive a gift card from one of the following:
Receive the Club 1000 jersey and an event t-shirt         The Bike Shop, Chapters Indigo or one of our partner bars.

                                                         Please Note: Fundraising for the 2020 event will remain open
Raise $350+                                            until July 31st, 2020. Pledges received before July 31st will be
                                                         applied to 2020 fundraising, and pledges received after July 31st
Receive an event t-shirt                                 will be applied to 2021 fundraising.

                                                               MISSION FIRST CLUB

                                                               When you raise $3,500+ you can
                                                               choose to join the Mission First Club by
                                                               donating your gift card back to the MS
                                                               Society in return for a tax receipt.
                                                               This generous action helps us reduce our
                                                               costs and dedicate additional funds toward
                                                               MS research and services.
                                                               Join the Mission First Club by contacting
                                                               (403) 250-7090 ext. 6113 or

10										                                                                                                  2020 MS BIKE
                                                     Our top fundraising leaders from each event become
                                                     members of our Top 100 and 1000+ Clubs.

                                                     On event day, members of the Top 100 Club are
                                                     identified with easy-to-recognize yellow top fundraiser
                                                     cyclist bibs.

                                                     1000+ Club members can be recognized by their 2020
                                                     edition MS Bike Club 1000 Jerseys!

                                                     Step up your fundraising so that you too can join
                                                     this club!

                                                     TOP 100 AND VIP CLUB PERKS
                                                     Personalized yellow Top 100 fundraiser cyclist bib
                                                     Priority Start-Line area on Saturday morning
                                                     Invite with a guest to our VIP Cocktail Hour on Saturday at
                                                     Olds College

Join top fundraisers from across Canada at the Tour of
Champions and experience the worldwide movement to end
MS. When you raise $12,500+ in 2020, you will be offered a
spot on Team Canada at the 2021 Tour of Champions.

“It’s an amazing experience to be on tour with other top MS
Bike fundraisers from across the country,” says Doug Hansen,
team member of the Happy Fillmores, who has ridden in
the Tour of Champions 12 times. “It’s amazing to be part of a
group of cyclists who are so deeply involved and connected
to the cause. It’s truly an experience that creates lasting
friendships and amazing memories.”

Dinner of Champions brings together elite fundraisers from
our MS Bike, MS Walk, and Golf events to celebrate their
achievements. Let us thank YOU while you connect with all
our exceptional fundraisers. Participants who raise $1000+
are invited to this evening of fun, friends, awards and inspiring
guest speakers. Look for your invitation in the fall!

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                                       11
   1. RULES OF THE ROAD When you registered to participate in MS BIKE
   Airdrie to Olds, you agreed to abide by all of the following rules of the road,
   at all times, during the event weekend. The ride is conducted on open roads.
   We do not close any roads for the ride. Motor vehicle traffic will be present
   throughout the entire course. Be aware of what’s going on around you at all
   times. Police may be present in certain areas as support, however, it’s the
   rider’s responsibility to watch out for traffic and other riders.

   2. MS BIKE AIRDRIE TO OLDS IS NOT A RACE. Obey all traffic signs and
   signals. Ride as far to the right of the road as possible, except to pass. Pass on
   the left side only. Communicate with your fellow riders using proper cycling
   terms such as “on your left,” “car back,” etc. Helmets must always be worn
   while riding. Headphones, iPods, and radios are not permitted while riding.
   Ride defensively in consideration of your fellow riders and ride in control of
   your bike always (i.e. be able to stop within a reasonable distance).

   3. USE PROPER HAND SIGNALS WHEN TURNING. Make left turns from the
   center of road or left turn lane. Cross railroad tracks at right angles to avoid
   dropping wheels into the space between the rails and road. Do not cross the
   yellow center line regardless of passing zone. Obey instructions from the MS
   BIKE Ride Marshal road crew and pay attention to information posted on MS
   BIKE Airdrie to Olds road signs.

   4. WATCH FOR TRAFFIC COMING FROM THE REAR. Cyclists in front cannot
   see traffic approaching from the rear, it is the responsibility of the riders in
   the back to inform the others by saying “car back” when rounding curves
   on narrow roads, or when riding double. It is also helpful to warn of traffic
   approaching from the front with “car up.”

   5. WATCH OUT AT INTERSECTIONS When approaching intersections
   that require vehicles to yield or stop. A lead rider should say “slowing” or
   “stopping” to alert those behind to the change in speed. When passing
   through an intersection, some cyclists say “clear” if there is no cross traffic.
   Note that each cyclist is responsible for verifying that the way is indeed clear.

   6. MOVE OFF THE ROAD WHEN YOU STOP Whether you are stopping
   because of mechanical problems or to regroup with your companions, move
   off the road so you don’t interfere with traffic. When you start up again, each
   cyclist should look for and yield to traffic.

   7. SIGNAGE All riders need to follow all traffic lights and signs while on course.
   Please pay careful attention to MS BIKE Airdrie to Olds signage along the
   route. In addition to directing riders, signs will identify specific areas where
   riders should be particularly cautious of oncoming traffic or hazardous road
   conditions. Please also pay attention to any signage at the rest stops, which
   will warn of dangerous weather conditions.

12										                                                                            2020 MS BIKE
TRAINING TIPS                                   UPCOMING EVENTS
 MS Bike is a recreational event and fit for              TEAM CHALLENGE WEEK
 cyclists of all levels, but it’s always a good           Stay tuned!
 idea to train and get ready. Here are some
 tips:                                                    TRAINING RIDES
                                                          Visit msbike.ca and see our ‘Upcoming Events’
 •      isit The Bike Shop for an inspection and
       V                                                  calendar for a list of training rides put on by
       they will inform you if a tune up or adjustment    other teams or have us add one of your rides so
       is necessary (fees may apply).                     other cyclists can join!

 •     Join a cycling club. For a small fee, be part of   PUB NIGHT – MAY 7
       a cycling community that will help keep you        Enjoy free appetizers and connect with fellow
       motivated!                                         participants at our pub night at Hudsons
                                                          Canada’s Pub. Speak to MS Society staff and
 •     Go ride. Start your training rides with shorter    have all your questions answered before the
       distances like 15 to 20 kilometres and             event.
       gradually increase to 60 kilometres. We will
       let participants know about their local training   SHOP NIGHTS – APRIL 28 &
       rides by email and on our social media             MAY 26
                                                          Enjoy a VIP shopping experience, with the whole
 •     Join the MS Bike – Airdrie to Olds Training        store exclusive to only our MS Bike participants!
       Club on Strava to see how other MS Bike            Everything in store is a minimum 10% off, with
                                                          one-of-a-kind promotions and snacks to fuel
       participants are training for their ride, share    your evening of shopping! Prepare for the ride in
       your progress and set up some local training       the best way possible: with some great deals!
                                                          Attend one (or both) exclusive shopping events
                                                          for your chance to win a Trek Checkpoint AL 3
                                                          valued at $1,499.99! Attend one shop night and
                                                          receive one entry, attend both and receive two.
                                                          The prize will be drawn at 7:45 on May 26th at

                                                          The Bike Shop Central.

                                                          Meet with cycling experts at our info session
     Volunteering is another great way you can            at The Bike Shop who will cover topics such as
     support MS Bike and make an impact on the            training, what to expect at the event, and basic
     lives of people affected by MS. There are            bike maintenance tips. So, stop by and stock up
     many ways you can volunteer, from helping            on items you need for the tour!
     plan the event to assisting on event day. Email
                                                          For more information and updates, visit our
     alyssa.faubert@mssociety.ca for volunteer            online event calendar, follow @MSBikeYYC
     opportunities at MS Bike.                            on Facebook for periodic updates, or contact

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                                  13
When you participate in MS Bike, we’ve got you covered! The following services are provided on
event day to registered cyclists wearing the event cyclist bibs:

REST STOPS                                                    To signal a SAG vehicle driver, follow these steps:
Riders have access to four rest stops throughout the
route both for day one and day two. Lunch Stop is             1.    Move safely off the road and out of the path
located at Carstairs Memorial Park on both days of the              of other cyclists.
tour (Day one at 55.8km / Day two at 32.3km). Each
                                                              2. Dismount and stand near your bike.
rest stop has a bike mechanic, portable toilets, first aid,
snacks and refreshments.                                      3. R
                                                                  emove your helmet and wave it at the
                                                                 SAG vehicle.
                                                              BIKE MECHANICS
Route marshals are MS Bike participants who
have volunteered to help cyclists along the route. They       The start line and rest stops will have a bike mechanics
can change a flat, provide basic first aid or contact a       from The Bike Shop available for basic repairs.
SAG vehicle.                                                  However, we recommend you visit The Bike Shop
                                                              before the ride to ensure your bike is in top condition.

Trained first aiders by St. John Ambulance are                     RIDER HELP LINE
available throughout the route to help all participants. If
you need assistance, do not hesitate to ask. In case of            If you have a mechanical or medical incident
an emergency, please call 911.                                     on course, please contact the Rider Help
                                                                   Line 1-403-473-5055 and a vehicle will be
                                                                   deployed to your location to pick you up. You
SAG VEHICLES (Sponsored by Valentine Volvo)                        will be transferred to the nearest rest stop for
Support and gear (SAG) vehicles drive the route                    assistance. For safety reasons, mechanical
between rest stops to help cyclists with flat tires, basic
                                                                   repairs will not be done along the roadside.
first aid, or to drive them to the closest rest stop or
finish line for more help.

14										                                                                                                 2020 MS BIKE
We offer food for the whole weekend with help from our generous sponsors! There is a continental
breakfast Day 1 (muffins, bagels, fruit), snacks at each checkpoint (trail mix, oranges, bananas,
watermelon, Gatorade, water), a lunch stop sponsored by Visionary Catering (soup, salad,
sandwiches, and cookies), buffet dinner Day 1, hot breakfast Day 2, and finish line BBQ. Vegetarian
and gluten-free options provided throughout.

Chicken parmesan (DF option available) • Chickpea and coconut milk curry (VG-GF-DF)
• Steamed seasonal vegetables (VG-GF-DF) • Rice (VG-GF-DF) • Artisan dinner rolls with
butter (VG-DF) • Potato salad (VG-GF) • Spinach salad (VG-GF-DF) • Assorted cupcakes •
Iced tea, coffee, tea, water • Cash bar (regular cash bar $5.50 per drink – Olds College   Bring your own
beer, wine and spirits)                                                                    water bottle
                                                                                           and have it
WHAT IS THE HOT BREAKFAST AT THE OLDS COLLEGE?                                             refilled at the
Eggs – DF/GF • French Toast • Sausage – DF • Hashbrown – GF/DF • Oatmeal – GF/DF •         water stations.
Yogurt – GF • Fruits – GF/DF • Cold Cereal –GF options
If there are severe allergies or other concerns, we suggest bringing your own meals to
ensure you are well-fed and safe. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Taylor
at taylor.masters@mssociety.ca.

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                                 15
YOUR TO-DO                         YOUR TO-DO                          READY
LIST BEFORE                        LIST UPON                           TO RIDE?
THE EVENT                          CHECK-IN                            HERE’S WHAT
ü Register a minimum of one
  month before an MS Bike
                                   ü Y
                                      ou must raise the minimum
                                     $350 in order to receive your
                                                                       YOU’LL NEED
  event and you will receive a       cyclists package and attend       ü Helmet (required)
  personalized cyclist bib on        the ride.
                                                                       ü ID (including your Health
  event day.                       ü Check in upon arrival on event      Card)
                                     day or stop by our office for
ü S
   ubmit (online or deliver)                                          ü Reusable water bottles
                                     early check-in:
  any funds that you raise
                                   • Monday June 22-9am-4pm            ü Rain gear (we ride rain or
  throughout the year to the
  MS Society of Canada. Mail       • Tuesday June 23- 9am-8pm
  cheques with completed                                               ü Sunglasses and sunscreen
                                   • Wednesday June 24- 9am-6pm
  donation tracking forms to:                                          ü Necessary medications
                                   • Thursday June 25 9am-8pm
  150-110 Quarry Park Blvd., SE                                        ü Pocket money
  Calgary AB T2C 3G3.              • Friday June 26 9am-4pm
  Do not send cash by mail.        ü B
                                      ring your completed             ü Change of clothes for
                                     participant information bib.        evening ceremonies
                                     Cyclists under 18 must have       ü Daytime Lights
                                     a parent/guardian sign their
                                     form. The form will be sent       ü Knee/Leg Warmers
                                     by post or email, and it’s also   ü Gloves
                                     available online to download.
  Free parking is available at                                         ü Saddlebag & Repair Kit’
  all start/finish locations. We    ü Submit any outstanding cash
                                      or cheque donations along        ü For ideas and description of
  recommend that you do not leave
                                      with a completed donation          these items, check out The
  valuables in your vehicle. The MS
                                      tracking form, including a         Bike Shop’s Gear List on in
  Society cannot be responsible for
                                      valid postal address and email     the resource section of your
  lost or stolen articles.
                                      address (if you have it), for      Participant Centre!
                                      their tax receipt.
16										                                                                                 2020 MS BIKE
DORMS                                                  CAMPING
Cyclists who selected “dorms” will be staying          Cyclists who selected “camping” will be staying in
at the Olds College Dorms. Each dorm room is           either Lot DD (gravel) for RV parking, or another
equipped with one double bed and one bathroom,         area (TBD) for tenting at Olds College. You are
as well as towels and soap. If you select shared       only permitted to set up a tent in a designated
bed accommodation, you will be sharing a bed with      tenting area. Camping cyclists may bring motor
a person of your choice. We will not assign you a      homes, trailers or tents. NOTE: This is a no-hook
roommate.                                              up campground. Please bring your own generator
                                                       and water supply. However, complimentary shower
HOTELS                                                 facilities are available on site. Fires are NOT
Cyclists who selected “own accommodations” are         permitted at
responsible for booking their own accommodations       Olds College.
for the tour weekend. It is recommended that cyclist   RV Drop Off: June 26 or 27 - 12pm to 8pm
book their hotel rooms early, as rooms book up
quickly. There are no shuttle buses available.         RV Pick Up: Sunday, June 28 - 10am to 8pm &
Pomeroy Inn & Suites • Ramada Olds • Best Western      Monday, June 29th - 7am to 5pm
of Olds • Siesta Motel

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                            17
The Carter group is always expressing our passion by going the
extra mile to help our community however we can. We have
been supporting local companies and worthwhile causes across
Calgary that are close to our hearts since the day we opened our
doors. Every member of the Carter Cadillac team is encouraged
to take part in local fundraising events and our charity initiatives
for Calgary based charities that we feel are making a difference
in our city.
In 2016 we established the Carter Cares program to more
formalize our efforts around those initiatives. It is an employee-
led program that identifies need in our community as well as
ways that we can help address that need. The MS Society’s
Airdrie to Olds ride came directly from a Carter Cares suggestion
in 2016 and we have since increased our commitment, and number of riders to our
largest engagement yet for this 2020 ride. We are very proud to be able to help,
and even more so as some of our own team members will directly benefit from the
advances being made in MS research. Our team is “geared up” to help end MS.

CARTER CADILLAC TEAM                                         by taking advantage of this complimentary photo-op
                                                             before you embark on the wonderful journey of MS
PHOTO AREA                                                   Bike – Airdrie to Olds!
Be sure to gather your whole group for a team photo          Missed out on photos on Saturday morning? No
with our Official Team Sponsor, Carter Cadillac.             worries! The Carter Cadillac Team Photo Area will be
We encourage you to sport your team’s matching               up and running again when you arrive at the Finish
gear, costumes, or jerseys but it isn’t a requirement.       Line on Sunday!
Celebrate your hard work and show off team spirit

ALL BEEF CATERING WRAP-UP –                                  slowly simmered in premium Bull’s-eye BBQ Sauce,
                                                             and generously served on a freshly baked Kaiser roll
SUNDAY PARTY INVITATION                                      served with creamy coleslaw.
You’re invited to the All Beef Catering Wrap-up Party        The Wrap-up Party will include an MS Information
to celebrate your success after crossing the finish          Tent with activities, face painting for the kids, and a
line (Food Service from 12:30pm – 3:30pm, Party              Fan Zone where friends and family can make signs to
from 11am – 4pm)!                                            cheer you across the Finish Line!
You will be served thinly-sliced “AAA” Alberta beef,

18										                                                                                           2020 MS BIKE
 SATURDAY JUNE 27, 2020                                       SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2020

 Start Line - TransCanada Turbines                            7:00 am –8:30 am	Breakfast
 7:00 am              Start Line & Grounds Open                                 Olds College Cafeteria
                      (Check-in, additional pledge            8:30 am	Bike Pick-Up Opens
                      drop off, luggage drop off,             8:30 am –9:30 am    Check-out
                      T-shirt/jersey pick-up, coffee                              Return Dorm Key Cards
                      and light breakfast)
                                                              9:00 am             Tour Starts
 7:00 am –7:45 am     Team Photos
                                                              9:30 am             Shuttle Bus to TransCanada
 7:50 am              Warm-up Stretches                                           Turbines in Airdrie
 8:00 am              Tour Starts                                                 (for participants unable
                                                                                  to ride on day 2)
 Overnight - Olds College
 10:00 am – 9:00 pm	Rider’s Village                          Finish Line - TransCanada Turbines

 11:00 am – 5:30 pm Bike Storage at Olds College              11:00 am –4:00 pm	Family Fun & MS Info Tents
                    Machine Shop                              12:00 pm –3:00 pm Team Photos
 11:00 am – 5:30 pm Luggage Retrieval in FGH Gym              12:00 pm –3:00 pm Roll in & Relax (stretching)
 11:00 am – 8:00 pm Dorm Check-In Centennial Village          12:30 pm            All Beef Catering
 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm    Roll in & Relax (yoga and stretching)                       Wrap-up BBQ

 11:30 am –5:30 pm    Troubled Monk Outdoor
                      Beer Gardens
                      (Bring ID and Cash)
 3:30 pm –5:30 pm     VIP Cocktail Hour
 6:00 pm –7:30 pm     Dinner for all cyclists at
                      AG Mech Bays
                      (Cash Bar Available)
 7:45 pm –11:00 pm    After Party (with Live Band)
                      (Bring ID and Cash)

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                                   19
20										   2020 MS BIKE
2020 MS BIKE   21
                                                         before July 31st will be applied to 2020 fundraising,
PRIZE PICK-UP                                            and pledges received after July 31st will be applied
Remember, if you reach $3500+ you are eligible           to 2021 fundraising.
to receive a gift card reward. If you qualify, be sure
to submit your prize selection during package pick       2021 EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION
up week or by emailing Taylor at taylor.masters@         Registration for the 2021 MS Bike – Airdrie to Olds
mssociety.ca. Prizes will be distributed during prize    (taking place June 26 & 27, 2021) will be open in
pick up week in September 2020.                          2020. For a limited time, you will be able to register
Stay tuned for details on where and when you can         at an all-time low, event-weekend-only price for the
collect your 2020 rewards!                               2020 MS Bike. Keep a lookout at the finish line to
                                                         take advantage of this incredible opportunity and
Please Note: Fundraising for the 2020 event will         secure your spot for next year!
remain open until July 31st, 2020. Pledges received

22										                                                                                       2020 MS BIKE
Thanks to the incredible volunteers who lend their time and talents to the tour, we are able to bring you some
amazing shots from the weekend’s events. Stay tuned to our Facebook page and MS Bike emails for our Flickr
link in the weeks following the tour.
Please note: Our volunteers graciously provide their photography services and photographs free of charge. Be
patient as they edit and upload the hundreds of photos captured during MS Bike.

The MS Mountain Bike is a unique, adrenaline packed weekend unlike any other.  
The longest standing mountain MS Bike event of its kind, this tour has something for all riders. Whether you are
a seasoned veteran, or new on the trails, join us. Go the distance. Make a difference
What to expect? With over 300 cyclists in attendance this two-day, 90km mountain ride offers panoramic
mountain views, double and single-track trails with rest stops as well as additional challenge loops for those
experienced riders. Enjoy weekend celebrations that include beer gardens, entertainment, great food and a
profound sense of accomplishment.

           HINTON SEPTEMBER 12 & 13, 2020                 REGISTER TODAY! MSBIKE.CA

           Amber Tkachuk, MS Mountain Bike Coordinator
           780-409-8743 • amber.tkachuk@mssociety.ca

2020 MS BIKE                                                                                                     23
•     Log into your Participant Centre to access
      fundraising resources and track your progress.
•     Get fundraising tips and learn about rewards.
•     Visit your MS BIke event page for up-to-date
      event information.

News updates are sent out regularly to keep you
informed. If you haven’t received information,
contact Taylor at taylor.masters@mssociety.ca.




          Find us on Flickr at MS Alberta Division

                 THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS

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